, Abby m.1801 -
, Abigail -
, Adaline -
, Adaline b.1845 - West Virginia, USA
, Alice -
, Alice -
, Alice R b.1869 - Ohio, USA
, Alma G b.1889 - Iowa
, Alta b.1856 - Michigan, USA
, Amanda b.1839 - Ohio, USA
, Amelia b.1888 - Ohio
, Amelia A b.1808 - Virginia
, Angeline m.1923 - St. Charles, Kane, Illinois
, Ann Margaret -
, Anna b.1660 -
, Anna b.1875 - Iowa, USA
, Anna b.1812 -
, Anna b.1611 - W Riding, Yorkshire, England
, Anna d.1696 - Germany
, Anna b.1845 - Wurttemberg
, Anna b.1889 - Lithuania
, Anna -
, Anna Elizabeth b.1825 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Anna Margarethe b.1618 -
, Anne b.1395 - England
, Anne b.1760 - Pilton, Somerset, , England
, Anne -
, Annie b.1868 - Ohio
, Annie -
, Annie H b.1872 - Illinois, USA
, Annie Laurie b.1883 - Vermont, USA
, Antonnette -
, Arianna b.1828 - West Virginia, United States
, Barbary A b.1818 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, USA
, Bell b.1858 - Iowa, USA
, Bernice b.1914 - Belleville, St Clair, Illinois, USA
, Bertha b.1847 - Ponunel, Germany
, Bertha Augustine b.1864 - Germany
, Bess b.1892 - Wisconsin
, Bessie b.1871 - Sweden
, Bessie b.1888 - Illinois, USA
, Bessie b.1882 - Iowa
, Bessie Mae -
, Betsy -
, Betsy b.1799 - New York, USA
, Blanch b.1862 - Pennsylvania
, Blanche DuBois -
, Bridget J b.1881 - England
, Caprice -
, Caroline -
, Carolyn -
, Catharine b.1844 - England
, Catherine b.1849 - Germany
, Catherine b.1843 - Ohio, USA
, Catherine b.1843 - Ohio, USA
, Catherine Gurnee b.1816 -
, Cathleen b.1866 - France
, Charlotte b.1860 - Ohio
, Cheryl -
, Chloe b.1812 - Vermont, USA
, Christene W b.1857 - Pennsylvania
, Clara b.1891 - Mississippi, USA
, Clara b.1867 - Illinois, USA
, Clara G. b.1903 - Iowa, USA
, Corna L b.1863 - New York, USA
, Cynthia b.1814 - Kentucky, USA
, Daisy b.1888 - Iowa
, Deborah -
, Della -
, Della M b.1885 - Missouri
, Deloris D. b.1920 -
, Dollie b.1880 - Iowa, USA
, Dora L. b.1861 - New York, USA
, Dorothy -
, Dorothy -
, E Faye b.1882 -
, Ebbie E b.1869 - Ohio
, Edgar b.1878 - Illinois, USA
, Edieth J b.1871 - Illinois, USA
, Edith m.1945 - Wathena, Doniphan, Kansas, USA
, Edith J b.1876 - Illinois, USA
, Effie A b.1871 - Michigan
, Eilene -
, Elen b.1799 -
, Elisabeth b.1826 - Massachusetts, USA
, Eliza b.1835 - Ireland
, Eliza b.1858 - Illinois, USA
, Eliza d.1843 - Maine
, Elizabeth b.1820 - Missouri, USA
, Elizabeth m.1687 -
, Elizabeth b.1804 - Virginia
, Elizabeth b.1848 - Wisconsin
, Elizabeth b.1886 - Pennsylvania
, Elizabeth m.1854 - Indiana, USA
, Elizabeth b.1816 - Virginia, USA
, Elizabeth m.1669 -
, Elizabeth b.1860 - Germany
, Elizabeth b.1770 -
, Elizabeth b.1819 - Pennsylvania
, Elizabeth b.1588 - England
, Elizabeth b.1834 - Pennsylvania
, Elizabeth b.1879 - Kansas
, Elizabeth b.1750 - Randolph, North Carolina, United States
, Elizabeth -
, Elizabeth b.1803 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Elizabeth A b.1879 - Ohio, USA
, Elizabeth Ann b.1811 - Virgina, USA
, Elizabeth C. b.1897 - Minnesota, USA
, Elizabeth F. m.1865 - Indiana, USA
, Elizebeth b.1892 - Germany
, Ella b.1862 - Ohio
, Ella J b.1862 - Pennsylvania
, Ellen b.1835 - Pennsylvania
, Ellen b.1828 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Elmira b.1871 - Illinois, USA
, Emma b.1860 - Ohio
, Emma b.1845 - Ohio
, Emma Belle b.1871 - Indiana
, Emma J b.1860 - Illinois, USA
, Emma May m.1932 - Missouri, USA
, Enrstina b.1857 - Rurssia
, Esther b.1888 - Missouri
, Esther -
, Esther A b.1846 - Michigan
, Esther E b.1850 - Iowa
, Esther E b.1846 - New York, USA
, Ethel b.1890 - Ohio
, Ethel b.1889 - Oklahoma, USA
, Ethel C b.1886 - Ohio
, Ethel Poe -
, Etta M b.1872 - Illinois
, Eunice b.1865 - Illinois, USA
, Eva b.1874 - Montana, USA
, Eva b.1890 - Missouri
, Evitt C. b.1890 - Missouri, USA
, Fannie b.1830 - Pennsylvania
, Fanny b.1863 - Ohio
, Flora -
, Flora A b.1858 - Kansas, USA
, Florabet -
, Frances -
, Francis b.1870 - , , Tennessee, USA
, Francis b.1871 - Germany;Poland
, Francis b.1839 - Ohio, USA
, Francis b.1889 - Ohio
, Francis A b.1862 - Wisconsin
, Frederica b.1857 - Germany
, Gena m.1971 -
, Gertrude P b.1890 - Ohio
, Gertrude S b.1871 - Pennsylvania
, Glenda -
, H Mary b.1851 - Ohio
, Hannah b.1845 - Illinois, USA
, Hannah b.1850 - Germany
, Hannah E b.1834 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
, Hannah or Eleanor b.1765 - Virgina, USA
, Harriet b.1898 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
, Harriet -
, Harriet B. b.1842 - New York, USA
, Hattie b.1865 - Pennsylvania
, Hazel b.1884 - Minnesota, USA
, Hazel -
, Hazel M b.1909 - Geneva, Nebraska
, Helen Avondet -
, Hellen b.1843 - New York, USA
, Henrietta b.1854 - Indiana
, Henrietta L. b.1856 - Illinois, USA
, Hepsaba b.1811 - Maine, USA
, Hester -
, Hester -
, Hester A b.1858 - Pennsylvania
, Ida b.1877 - Missouri, USA
, Ida b.1859 - Indiana
, Ida Esa b.1888 - Washington, USA
, Ii b.1777 -
, Ila R b.1889 - Illinois, USA
, Indian Girl -
, Ionia M b.1889 - Missouri
, Isabel b.1820 - Ohio, USA
, Isabell m.1944 -
, Jean -
, Jeanet -
, Jeannette b.1856 - New York, USA
, Jennie b.1854 - USA
, Jennie b.1840 - Virginia, USA
, Jennie b.1857 - Indiana
, Jennie b.1861 - Indiana, USA
, Jessie B. b.1882 - Iowa, USA
, Joan -
, Joan -
, Joanna b.1806 - New York, USA
, Josephine -
, Julia A b.1861 - Missouri
, June -
, Kate b.1852 - Ireland
, Kate b.1873 - Missouri
, Katharine -
, Katherine -
, Kathy -
, Kathy -
, Kay -
, Kristen -
, Laura b.1869 - Pennsylvania
, Laura M b.1876 - Ohio
, Leannah b.1827 - Ohio, USA
, Lena -
, Levesia Jane -
, Lila -
, Lillian M b.1880 - Michigan
, Lillie M b.1879 - Indiana, USA
, Lillie M. b.1878 - California
, Liva C. b.1866 - NY
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living m.1894 -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Living -
, Louisa b.1852 - Missouri
, Louise -
, Lousia A b.1842 - Pennsylvania
, Lovina b.1831 - Pennsylvania
, Lucille -
, Lucinda b.1823 - New York, USA
, Lucy b.1882 - Iowa
, Lucy L b.1871 - Iowa
, Luma b.1859 - Germany
, Lydia b.1860 - Kansas
, Lydia b.1832 - Ohio
, Lydia Gertrude b.1927 -
, M. E. b.1830 - Mississippi
, Mabel -
, Magdalena d.1854 -
, Maggie b.1847 - Ohio
, Malia -
, Mamie Clis b.1878 - Missouri
, Maranda b.1841 - Ohio
, Maren -
, Margaret b.1757 -
, Margaret b.1831 - Pennsylvania, United States
, Margaret b.1806 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Margaret -
, Margaret J b.1803 - Maryland, USA
, Margaretha -
, Margerie -
, Marguerite W b.1889 - New York, USA
, Maria b.1846 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Marie b.1898 -
, Marie Cecilia b.1900 - Nebraska, USA
, Marie E. -
, Martha b.1853 - Wisconsin
, Martha b.1833 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Martha b.1866 - Missouri
, Martha W b.1829 - Massachusetts, USA
, Mary b.1850 - Switzerland
, Mary b.1850 - Ohio
, Mary b.1811 - Pennsylvania
, Mary b.1861 - Ireland
, Mary b.1836 - Ohio
, Mary b.1789 - Massachusetts
, Mary b.1881 - Germany
, Mary b.1847 - Michigan, USA
, Mary b.1875 - Texas, USA
, Mary b.1886 - Iowa, USA
, Mary -
, Mary b.1846 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Mary -
, Mary -
, Mary A b.1830 - Ohio
, Mary A b.1842 - New York, USA
, Mary A. b.1848 - Pennsylvania
, Mary A. b.1822 - England
, Mary A. "Mamie" b.1875 - Kansas, USA
, Mary Ann b.1819 - New York, USA
, Mary Ann b.1827 - Pennsylvania
, Mary Ann b.1860 - England
, Mary Blanch b.1878 - Ohio
, Mary E b.1867 - Minnesota, USA
, Mary E b.1859 - Michigan, USA
, Mary E b.1853 - Illinois, USA
, Mary E b.1865 - Pennsylvania
, Mary E b.1849 - Indiana, USA
, Mary E. b.1830 - Missouri, USA
, Mary E. b.1824 - New York, USA
, Mary E. b.1850 - Arkansas, USA
, Mary E. -
, Mary E. -
, Mary Elizabeth -
, Mary Ellen b.1849 - Ontario, Canada
, Mary Emerelda b.1847 - Michigan
, Mary F b.1863 - Iowa
, Mary J b.1858 - Iowa
, Mary J. b.1839 - North Carolina, USA
, Mary Jane b.1855 - Pennsylvania
, Mary L b.1858 - Pennsylvania
, Mary M. b.1923 -
, Mary N. b.1835 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Mary O b.1862 - Pennsylvania
, Mary S b.1875 - Missouri
, Marytjen b.1690 - Hg, Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Bayern, Germany
, Matie E. b.1881 - New York, USA
, Matilda H. b.1882 - Missouri
, Matilda L b.1895 - Morrow, Ohio, United States
, Mattie b.1877 - Indiana, USA
, Mattie K b.1889 - Missouri
, Maud b.1854 - New York, USA
, Mayme H b.1899 - Oregon
, Melinda b.1822 - New York, USA
, Melissa b.1850 - Indiana, USA
, Mercy Simmons b.1675 - Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
, Meredith -
, Michelle -
, Mildred b.1874 - Denmark
, Mildred E b.1879 - Michigan
, Mildred F b.1876 - Pennsylvania
, Minnie b.1864 - Yorkshire, England
, Minnie E b.1869 - Illinois, USA
, Mollie b.1862 - West Virginia
, Nancy b.1815 - Ireland
, Nancy b.1793 - New York, USA
, Nellie b.1874 - Michigan, USA
, Nellie L b.1881 - Missouri
, Nellie M b.1875 - Iowa
, Nettie b.1880 - Nebraska
, Nora m.1985 -
, Olive B. b.1881 - Illinois, USA
, Opal Florence b.1901 - Howard, Elk, Kansas
, Pat -
, Pearl b.1891 - Kentucky, USA
, Percie E. b.1882 - Iowa
, Phoebe J. b.1829 - Ohio, USA
, Phyl m.1934 - Boise, Ada, Idaho, USA
, Rachael -
, Rachael A b.1853 - Tennessee
, Rachel b.1866 - Pennsylvania
, Rachel -
, Rachel A b.1827 - Maine, USA
, Rachel Jane b.1810 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Rebecca b.1833 - Clermont Co, Ohio
, Rebecca b.1839 -
, Rebecca b.1824 - Ireland
, Rosalie b.1829 - Germany
, Rose b.1865 - Missouri, USA
, Roselina J b.1870 - Ohio, USA
, S Kattie b.1890 - Nebraska
, Sadie -
, Sara M b.1847 - Pennsylvania, United States
, Sarah b.1857 - New York, USA
, Sarah d.1843 -
, Sarah b.1834 - Michigan, USA
, Sarah -
, Sarah b.1836 - Mary Ann Twp., Licking County, Ohio
, Sarah b.1750 -
, Sarah b.1826 - Pennsylvania, United States
, Sarah b.1827 - Kentucky, USA
, Sarah b.1834 - Ohio, USA
, Sarah b.1861 -
, Sarah b.1812 - Pennsylvania, USA
, Sarah C b.1858 - Missouri, USA
, Sarah D b.1800 - New Jersey, USA
, Sarah E b.1848 - Ohio
, Sarah E. -
, Sarah J b.1869 - Illinois, USA
, Sarah M b.1853 - New York, USA
, Sarasan b.1847 - Indiana, USA
, Sibble b.1734 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
, Sophia b.1834 - Ohio, USA
, Sophie D b.1881 - Germany
, Sophronia E b.1871 - Iowa
, Stella May b.1879 - Illinois, USA
, Susan b.1838 - Germany
, Susan b.1822 - Pennsyvania, USA
, Susan b.1860 - Pennsylvania
, Susan O b.1860 - Illinois, USA
, Trilla b.1854 - Ohio, USA
, unknown m.1853 -
, unknown -
, Unknown -
, Velma Taylor b.1905 - Fairland, Shelby, Indiana, United States
, Verna L b.1885 - Illinois, USA
, Viola b.1879 - Ohio, USA
, Winslow -
Aasen, Marie m.1901 - Myrtle Point, Coos, Oregon, USA
Abbott, Abigail b.1694 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Abbott, Anna b.1860 - Pennsylvania, USA
Abbott, Bertha Helen b.1897 - Ohio
Abbott, Daniel b.1856 - Pennsylvania, USA
Abbott, Fred -
Abbott, John G. b.1811 - Pennsylvania, USA
Abbott, Lydia -
Abbott, Ruth b.1737 - Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Abbott, Sarah C. b.1853 - Pennsylvania
Abbott, Susan b.1819 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Abbott, William D. b.1861 - Pennsylvania
Abel, Alfred George b.1902 - Iowa, USA
Abel, John -
Abel, Living -
Abel, Robert Allen b.1927 - Hooper, Dodge, Nebraska, USA
Abele, Bertha b.1904 - Seward, Seward, Nebraska, United States
Abrahams, Marritje b.1675 - , Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Ackerman, Chester -
Ackerman, Chester -
Ackerman, Clara -
Ackerman, Living -
Ackerman, Living -
Ackerman, Living -
Adam, b.1585 -
Adams, -
Adams, Alice M b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Adams, Grace Caroline b.1909 - Arcadia, Los Angeles, California, USA
Adams, Living -
Adams, Lulu Frances -
Adams, Mary S b.1869 - Indiana
Adams, Pearl Elizabeth -
Adams, Rhoda -
Adams, Sarah b.1704 - Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States
Adams, Sarah m.1855 -
Adams, Susan b.1841 - Kentucky, USA
Adams, Tannatje m.1658 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Addy, Mabel m.1917 -
Adriaans, Petronella b.1510 -
Adriaens, Adriana Jan b.1425 - Tilburg, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Aertsen, Gerret c.1651 - New York, New York, USA
Aertsen, Grietje -
Aertsen, Jacob d.1716 - Creeklocks, Ulster, New York, USA
Aertsen, Lysbeth -
Aertsen, Margetjen -
Aertsen, Neeltje -
Africa, Andrew Jackson b.1824 - Pennsylvania, United States
Africa, Catharine Anne b.1834 -
Africa, Henry Snare b.1888 - Pennsylvania
Africa, John b.1790 -
Africa, Thomas b.1858 - Pennsylvania
Africa, Vinson b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Africa, Walter Thomas b.1891 - Pennsylvania
Agnes, b.1422 -
Aguirre, Carmen b.1873 - New Mexico, USA
Aguirre, Frank b.1888 - New Mexico, USA
Aguirre, Maria Ortensia b.1893 - New Mexico, USA
Aguirre, Steven Junear b.1891 - New Mexico, USA
Ahlborn, Sarah Hollenback b.1908 - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA
Akers, Genever Rene -
Akers, Lucy Jane b.1845 - Parke, Indiana, United States
Akes, Armida b.1832 - Macoupin, Illinois, USA
Akes, Grandville Smith b.1819 - Macoupin, Illinois, USA
Akes, Harmon Jackson b.1816 -
Akes, Henry Harrison b.1814 -
Akes, Julia Ann b.1827 - Macoupin, Illinois, USA
Akes, Lucrecy B. b.1830 - Macoupin, Illinois, USA
Akes, Peter b.1771 - Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
Akes, Priscilla b.1823 - Daviess, Kentucky, USA
Akes, Stephen Rutherford b.1827 -
Akes, Susana b.1812 -
Akins, Martha L b.1841 - Missouri, USA
Albert, Dorothy Ellen Louise b.1911 - Bellefontaine, Webster, Mississippi, United States
Albert, Walter Cleveland -
Alberts, Eva Hazel b.1903 - Green City, Hickory, Missouri, USA
Albertsen, Living -
Albertsen, Rudolph Julius b.1897 - Cooper, Greene, Iowa, USA
Albertsz, Jennetjie m.1642 - Beverwyck, New York, USA
Alcorn, Adella Adell Anna b.1860 - Oil Creek, Crawford Co., PA
Alcorn, Ambrose b.1867 - Titusville, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States
Alcorn, Andrew b.1796 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Alcorn, Charles Irvin b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Alcorn, Elizabeth "Betsy" b.1837 - Pennsylvania, USA
Alcorn, Elliot C b.1858 - Oil Creek, Crawford, PA
Alcorn, Emily J b.1834 - Pennsylvania, USA
Alcorn, Ivy Desalee b.1881 - Rome, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Alcorn, John W b.1827 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Alcorn, Mary b.1862 - Pennsylvania
Alcorn, Mary B b.1824 - Pennsylvania, USA
alcorn, Myrtle May b.1872 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Alcorn, Nancy b.1829 - Pennsylvania
Alcorn, Robert b.1756 - Northern, Ireland
Alcorn, Robert H b.1829 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Alcorn, Rosanna b.1864 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Alcorn, Roy Dale b.1885 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Alcorn, Willis Deleslie b.1867 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Alderman, Elizabeth b.1615 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Aldridge, Elizabeth Betsey b.1791 - Fayette, Fayette, Kentucky, United States
Aldridge, John b.1792 - Rowen Co, North Carolina, United States
Aldridge, Katherine Eleanor "Ally" b.1810 - Clark, Kentucky, United States
Aldridge, Lucy b.1795 - Fayette, Fayette, Kentucky, United States
Aldridge, Mary b.1785 - Fayette, Bourbon, Kentucky, United States
Aldridge, Mary b.1795 - North Carolina, USA
Aldridge, Nancy b.1793 - Fayette, Fayette, Kentucky, United States
Aldridge, Noah b.1808 - Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Aldridge, Rachel b.1792 - Fytt, Kentucky, United States
Aldridge, Sara b.1782 - Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, United States
Aldridge, Squire b.1805 - Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Aldridge, Susan b.1798 - Clark County, Kentucky, USA
Aldridge, William b.1767 - , Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Aldridge, William b.1787 - Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Ales, Albert Roy b.1913 - Illinois, USA
Ales, Baby b.1924 -
Ales, Dorthy Rose b.1920 -
Ales, Frank b.1918 - Illinois, USA
Ales, Inez Ruth b.1911 - Illinois, USA
Ales, Jessie b.1922 - Keensburg, Illinois, USA
Ales, Oliver Thomas b.1884 - Illinois, USA
Ales, Paul Emile b.1910 -
Ales, Pinkie Evelyn b.1916 - Illinois, USA
Alexander, Anna C. b.1879 - Indiana, USA
Alexander, Living -
Alexander, William -
Alice, -
Allbin, Anna Marie b.1886 - Iowa, USA
Allbin, William Curtis b.1852 - Iowa, USA
Allen, -
Allen, -
Allen, Benjamin B. -
Allen, Clementine Bedford b.1826 - Mills River, Buncombe, North Carolina, United States
Allen, Dudley b.1850 - Michigan, USA
Allen, Elizabeth Catherine b.1843 - Rochester, New York, USA
Allen, Fannie Ella Daisy b.1857 - NEW YORK
Allen, Fred b.1887 - Fedville, , Arkansas, USA
Allen, Grace Clinton b.1860 - Canada
Allen, Henry Fremont b.1887 - Strong, Franklin, Maine, USA
Allen, Henry Wellcome b.1855 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
Allen, James Hart b.1818 -
Allen, Joshua S. b.1868 - Iowa, USA
Allen, Lila Rose b.1883 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
Allen, Lionel True b.1879 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Living -
Allen, Margaret Mary b.1801 -
Allen, Nellie Blanch b.1881 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
Allen, Nellie Grace -
Allen, Rosie Greene b.1866 - , Larue, Kentucky, USA
Allen, Susannah m.1878 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Allen, Vida Mae b.1915 - Bon Homme, Bon Homme, South Dakota, USA
Allen, William -
Allin, Ann m.1727 -
Allison, Matthewina b.1889 -
Allman, Keith Edwin m.1960 - Anthon, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Allman, Living -
Allman, Living -
Allman, Living -
Allman, Living -
Allman, Living -
Allman, Living -
Allman, Living -
Allman, Millard -
Althiser, Joseph Marion b.1839 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Althiser, Lorana b.1849 - , Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Althiser, Peter b.1814 - New York, USA
Altiser, Carl b.1906 - Twin City, Emanuel, Georgia, USA
Altiser, Caroline b.1842 - , Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Altiser, Clannie L b.1881 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Elmer Joseph b.1892 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Ernest Ban b.1895 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Ethel Leota b.1899 - Pollock, Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Gillian b.1901 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Goodwin b.1866 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Harl Marion b.1906 - Twin City, Emanuel, Georgia, USA
Altiser, Hulda b.1850 - , Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Altiser, James L b.1903 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Jennie b.1890 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Joseph Marion b.1854 - , Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Altiser, Lavina b.1846 - , Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Altiser, Louisa b.1844 - , Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Altiser, Louisa b.1847 - Indiana
Altiser, Mae Coral b.1888 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Margaret b.1857 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Mary Jane b.1865 - Missouri, USA
Altiser, Matilda Emaline b.1852 - , Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Altiser, Nora F b.1885 - Pollock, Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Odessa A b.1883 - , Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Altiser, Olan Lee b.1909 - Pollock, Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Alverson, Ellen b.1855 -
Alvis, Eliza Susan 'Suey' b.1832 - Appomattox, Virginia, United States
Alvor, -
Alward, Jonathan Pennington REV. b.1812 -
Ambrose, George Carl b.1914 -
Ambrose, Margaret Lovena Maggie b.1865 - Blackstone, Livingston, Illinois, USA
Amsberry, Frances I b.1912 - Iowa
Amsberry, James Arlin b.1914 - Palmer Junction, Union, Oregon
Amsberry, Melvin H b.1918 - Oregon
Amsberry, Norma D b.1920 - Oregon
Amsberry, Roy Frances b.1891 - Mason City, Custer, Nebraska, USA
Amy, Mary E. m.1860 - Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Andersen, Living -
Andersen, Living -
Andersen, Living -
Andersen, Living -
Andersen, Ragnhild -
Anderson, Aaron -
Anderson, Amanda -
Anderson, Amos M. b.1852 - Missouri, USA
Anderson, Amos M. b.1852 -
Anderson, Antonnette -
Anderson, Darrell b.1912 - Iowa
Anderson, Dorothy b.1905 - Nebraska
Anderson, Edmond b.1901 - Monmouth, Wabash, Illinois, USA
Anderson, Genevieve E b.1899 - Iowa, USA
Anderson, Living -
Anderson, Living -
Anderson, Living -
Anderson, Living -
Anderson, Living -
Anderson, Living -
Anderson, Living -
Anderson, Living -
Anderson, Maude b.1908 - Malad City, Oneida, Idaho, USA
Anderson, Nancy -
Anderson, Nellie Agnes b.1869 - Blairstown, Benton, Iowa, USA
Anderson, Richard B. b.1876 - Iowa, USA
Anderson, Ruth Viola b.1904 - Oakland, Boone, Nebraska, USA
Anderson, Sarah b.1787 - Clinch River, Washington County, Virginia
Anderson, Sarah Caroline b.1900 - Indiana
Anderson, Vivian b.1904 - Nebraska
Anderson, William R b.1865 -
Andersson, Anna Sophia b.1867 - –vregÆrd, Torup Parish, Sweden
Andre, Amanda b.1849 - Ohio, USA
Andrews, Earl G -
Andrews, John -
Andrews, Living -
Andrews, Margaret Francis "Fannie" b.1833 - Giles Co., Tennessee
Angel, Mary b.1616 - England
Angell, Adelia Jane b.1848 - Point Peninsula, Jefferson, New York, USA
Angell, Almira b.1841 - Lyme, Jefferson, New York, USA
Angell, Bruce Clare b.1911 - Cedarville, Iowa, USA
Angell, Byron A b.1845 - Lyme, Jefferson, New York, USA
Angell, Clarence M b.1897 - Iowa, USA
Angell, Claude Henry b.1895 - Rockwell, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, USA
Angell, Clyde Emmettt b.1894 -
Angell, David Harrison b.1870 - Rockwell City, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, USA
Angell, Electa -
Angell, Everett b.1910 - Iowa, USA
Angell, Fred Newell b.1868 - Rockwell City, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, USA
Angell, George b.1774 - North Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Angell, Gertie Mae b.1880 - Phillipsburg, Phillips, Kansas, USA
Angell, Grace Pearl b.1892 - Mason City, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, USA
Angell, Guy Henry b.1890 - Hackberry, Iowa, USA
Angell, Hattie Adelia b.1866 -
Angell, Henry Newell b.1833 - Lyme, Jefferson, New York, USA
Angell, Ila Lorena b.1905 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Angell, Jesse b.1832 - Point Peninsula, Jefferson, New York, USA
Angell, Justice Franklin b.1877 - Phillipsburg, Phillips, Kansas, USA
Angell, Leonard b.1896 -
Angell, Lillie Leona b.1878 - Phillipsburg, Phillips, Kansas, USA
Angell, Living -
Angell, Living -
Angell, Living -
Angell, Living -
Angell, Loomis b.1833 -
Angell, Mary Eliza b.1836 - Point Peninsula, Jefferson, New York, USA
Angell, Mary Lou b.1882 - Rockwell City, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, USA
Angell, Mary Lucinda b.1864 - , , Wisconsin, USA
Angell, Samuel Byron b.1862 - Wisconsin
Angell, Samuel Byron b.1809 - , Otsego, New York, USA
Angell, Voleny Lyle b.1901 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Angell, William Leslie b.1897 - Cartersville, Iowa, USA
Anita, -
Anna, d.1820 -
Anne, b.1394 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Anstett, Mary Ellen m.1954 -
Anthony, Alice Elizabeth b.1863 - Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Anthony, Living -
Anthony, Living -
Anthony, Ruth B b.1899 - California, USA
Anthony, Walter B b.1873 - New York, USA
Antoniuk, Steven Roman -
Antoniuk, William Michael b.1930 -
Antoniuk, William Michael -
Appel, Living -
Appel, Living -
Appel, Living -
Appel, Living -
Applegate, Elizabeth b.1750 - New Jersey, USA
Arbogast, Rosie m.1954 -
Archer, Living -
Archer, Thomas Milo b.1966 - Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA
Archer, Thomas Milo b.1937 - Red Oak, Montgomery, Iowa, USA
Arlint, Marvin Edwin b.1909 - Frankfort, Marshall, Kansas, USA
Armentrout, -
Armentrout, Anna Barbara b.1828 - Ohio
Armentrout, Nancy b.1832 - Ohio
Armstrong, Agnes b.1793 -
Armstrong, Edward b.1839 - Indiana
Armstrong, Franklin b.1843 - Indiana
Armstrong, James m.1837 - Vigo, Indiana, USA
Armstrong, Margaret A. b.1835 - Indiana, USA
Arnold, Corinne A b.1891 - Thompson, Jo Daviess, Illinois, USA
Arnold, Living -
Arnold, Living -
Arnold, Living -
Arnold, Living -
Arnold, Living -
Arnold, Living -
Arnoldia, Mary b.1863 - Massachusetts
Arthur, -
Arthur, John R. b.1885 - Iowa, USA
Arthur, Living -
Arthur, Living -
Arthur, Living -
Arthur, Living -
Arthur, Living -
Artman, Elizabeth b.1856 - Missouri
Asbury, Catherine b.1672 - , Westmoreland, Virginia, USA
Ash, Margery b.1500 -
Ashton, Elizabeth b.1427 - Mercey Bank, England
Asper, Lucy Emily -
Asper, Lucy Emily b.1810 -
Athens, Hatty m.1872 - Indiana, USA
Atherton, Margaret Ann b.1812 - Shippensburg, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, USA,
Atkins, Living -
Atkins, Virginia A. b.1906 - Illinois, USA
Atkins, Willard H. b.1867 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Attebury, Living -
Attebury, Living -
Attebury, Living -
Attebury, Living -
Aubrey, Martha Clarissa b.1882 - Iowa, USA
Augston, Margriet m.1645 - Utrecht, Netherlands
Aurand, Francis Clayton b.1900 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Aurund, Kenneth Francis b.1928 - Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Austin, Geraldine Faith b.1921 -
Austin, Jared R b.1861 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Austin, Living -
Austin, Living -
Austin, Living -
Austin, Living -
Austin, Mabel b.1890 - Kansas
Austin, Marcella G b.1890 - Nebraska, USA
Austin, Olive C b.1892 - Nebraska
Austin, William Judge Park b.1897 - South Cayuga, Ontario, Canada
Avery, Amanda b.1850 - Iowa
Avery, Eva Viola -
Avery, Harriette b.1886 - Peoria, Peoria, Illinois, United States
Ayars, Caleb b.1793 - Shiloh, Cumberland, New Jersey, USA
Ayars, Caleb Maxson b.1842 - Ohio
Ayars, Joshua Maxson b.1840 - Pike, Clark, Ohio, USA
Ayars, Mariah b.1857 - Illinois, USA
Aye, James A. m.1925 -
Aye, Sally Ann b.1926 - California, USA
Ayer, Ruth b.1728 -
Ayers, Rachel b.1866 - Iowa
Ayres, Albert Dennis Sheppard b.1826 - Clark, Ohio, United States
Babb, Clara Jane b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Babb, Samuel R. b.1834 - Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, United States
Babbitt, Deane Francis b.1907 -
Babbitt, Erasmus d.1711 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babbitt, Hugh b.1817 - Scott, Indiana, United States
Babbitt, Job b.1783 - Pequannock, Morris, New Jersey, United States
Babbitt, Living -
Babbitt, Living -
Babbitt, Living -
Babbitt, Sarah b.1804 - Washington County, Pennsylvania
Babbitt, Sarah Ellen b.1841 - St Augustine, Knox, Illinois, USA
Babcock, Abel S b.1800 - Leyden, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States
Babcock, Abigail b.1707 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Abigail b.1796 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Abijah b.1741 - South Kingstown, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Abner L. b.1833 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Achsah b.1841 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Adam b.1860 -
Babcock, Adassa Florilla b.1854 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Albert Henry b.1923 - Beatrice, Gage, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Albert Henry b.1897 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Albert M b.1881 - Nebraska
Babcock, Albert Nelson b.1835 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Albert Newton b.1881 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
Babcock, Alden P. b.1895 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Alexander Campbell b.1848 -
Babcock, Alice b.1860 - Geneva, Midland, Michigan, USA
Babcock, Alma A. b.1863 - Ohio
Babcock, Alma Ethel b.1863 - Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Babcock, Alvin A. b.1866 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Amey -
Babcock, Amos b.1779 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Amy b.1712 -
Babcock, Ann b.1665 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Ann b.1721 -
Babcock, Anne Tredwell b.1878 - Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States
Babcock, Archie Bristol b.1900 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Areno Isabel b.1864 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Arthur b.1888 - Michigan, USA
Babcock, Arthur H. b.1865 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Arthur Sidney b.1903 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Asa b.1749 - Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Asa b.1786 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Asher Miner b.1798 - Leyden, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States
Babcock, Avilda b.1833 - North East, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Babcock, Baby Girl b.1858 - Shelby County, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Beatrice Eunice b.1907 - Oregon
Babcock, Belva Beryl b.1929 - Avoca, Cass, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Benedict b.1737 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Benjamin Thomas b.1848 - Clark, Ohio, United States
Babcock, Beriah L b.1804 - Leyden, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States
Babcock, Bert b.1884 -
Babcock, Bertha Prudence b.1864 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Babcock, Bessie Livermore b.1878 - Geneva, Midland, Michigan, USA
Babcock, Bonnie -
Babcock, Calista Ellen b.1845 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Callie Bell -
Babcock, Carrie Elnora b.1870 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Babcock, Carrie L. b.1863 - Oregon, Dane, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Carrie Louise b.1908 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Carroll Jack b.1924 - Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Cassius Clay b.1860 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Celia Annette b.1838 - Scott, Cortland, New York, United States
Babcock, Charles J. b.1847 - Milan, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA
Babcock, Charlotte b.1848 - Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Chester M b.1911 - Kansas, USA
Babcock, Clara m.1902 -
Babcock, Clara b.1819 - Truxton, New York
Babcock, Clara Emily b.1856 - Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States
Babcock, Clarence Reynolds b.1880 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Clarke b.1762 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Clementina b.1857 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Colfax Smalley b.1868 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Cornelius Sutton b.1833 - North Hampton, Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Cornelius Sutton b.1833 - North Hampton, Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Corrington b.1802 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Curtis L b.1870 - Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Cyrus b.1837 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Damarius b.1830 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Daniel b.1802 - Colerain, Massachusetts, United States
Babcock, Daniel b.1777 -
Babcock, David b.1700 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, David b.1734 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, David Royal b.1876 - Farina, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Babcock, Deborah b.1752 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Delia b.1838 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Dellos Owen b.1873 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Denisa b.1833 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Dewey A b.1897 - Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Donald Hollis b.1927 - Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Dora Euphemia b.1887 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Dorcas b.1745 - South Kingstown Kings, Rhode Island
Babcock, Earnest F b.1858 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Eddie b.1889 - Michigan
Babcock, Edgar Henry b.1830 - Unadilla Forks, New York, United States
Babcock, Edward b.1784 -
Babcock, Edward H b.1822 - Truxton, New York
Babcock, Edwin b.1878 - Nebraska
Babcock, Edwin Jeffrey "Eddie" b.1860 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Edwin Jesse b.1897 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Elihu b.1675 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Elihu b.1786 -
Babcock, Elinor L b.1876 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Babcock, Elisha b.1718 - South Kingstown, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Elisha b.1793 - Massachusetts, USA
Babcock, Eliza -
Babcock, Eliza L b.1851 - Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Elizabeth b.1705 - Kingstowne, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Elizabeth b.1790 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Elizabeth b.1899 -
Babcock, Elizabeth b.1844 -
Babcock, Elizabeth -
Babcock, Elizabeth H b.1814 - Truxton, New York
Babcock, Elizabeth Metta b.1904 - Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Babcock, Ella b.1862 - Rutland, Dane, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Ella Rosemond b.1871 - Wisconsin
Babcock, Elnora Edna b.1878 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Enyettie W. b.1875 - Nebraska
Babcock, Ephraim Stillman b.1794 - Scott, Cortland, New York, United States
Babcock, Erlow Ted b.1904 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Esther b.1830 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Ethel Angline b.1872 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Babcock, Eunice b.1877 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Eunice b.1712 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Everett Cicero b.1863 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Experience -
Babcock, Ezra b.1769 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Ezra b.1792 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Frances b.1794 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Frances Gertrude b.1835 - Homer, Cortland, New York, United States
Babcock, Frances Julia b.1834 - Truxton, New York
Babcock, Frank -
Babcock, Frank C. b.1860 - Illinois, USA
Babcock, Franklin W. b.1851 - Grant, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Fred b.1882 -
Babcock, Frederic L. b.1892 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, George b.1699 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, George b.1673 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, George b.1787 -
Babcock, George Chase b.1848 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, George Clark b.1810 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Babcock, George Everett b.1901 - Columbus, Platte, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, George Herman b.1832 - Unadilla Forks, New York, United States
Babcock, George Ira b.1871 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, George Lauson b.1885 - Plainfield, Union, New Jersey, United States
Babcock, Georgie E. b.1877 - Iowa
Babcock, Gideon b.1744 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Gideon Chesebrough b.1777 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Hannah b.1798 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA
Babcock, Hannah b.1822 - Northampton, Summit, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Hannah b.1767 -
Babcock, Harriet Eugenia b.1840 - Homer, Cortland, New York, United States
Babcock, Harry Leland b.1894 - Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Hattie Payne b.1880 - Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Heman Allen b.1842 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Heman Ernest b.1888 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Henry b.1784 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Henry b.1832 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Henry b.1831 - Truxton, New York
Babcock, Henry Ernest "Earnie" b.1862 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Henry Jones b.1829 - New York, USA
Babcock, Henry R b.1848 - New York, USA
Babcock, Henry Townsend b.1872 - Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States
Babcock, Herbert Alberti b.1848 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Herbert Alberti b.1848 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Herman C b.1886 - Nebraska
Babcock, Herman Edgar b.1886 - Plainfield, Somerset, New Jersey, United States
Babcock, Hezekiah b.1715 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Hiram b.1810 - Colerain, Massachusetts, United States
Babcock, Horace Greeley b.1854 - Ohio, USA
Babcock, Howard Noyes b.1860 - Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States
Babcock, Icabod b.1789 -
Babcock, Ichabod b.1703 -
Babcock, Ichabod b.1731 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Ida May b.1859 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Ilmiria "Myra" Henrietta b.1869 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Ira -
Babcock, Irma L b.1902 -
Babcock, Iven A b.1894 - Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Jacob b.1835 - Northampton, Summit, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Jacob b.1797 - Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Babcock, James b.1663 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, James b.1662 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, James b.1780 -
Babcock, James Owen b.1838 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Jane -
Babcock, Jean b.1911 - Plainfield, New Jersey
Babcock, Jemima m.1731 -
Babcock, Jennie M b.1891 - Nebraska
Babcock, Jeptha b.1820 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Jerome Ripley b.1807 - Leyden, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States
Babcock, Jesse b.1843 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Jesse Arthur b.1893 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
Babcock, Job b.1671 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Joel b.1799 - Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Babcock, Joel B b.1851 - Shelby, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Joel J b.1841 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, John b.1669 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, John b.1773 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, John b.1720 -
Babcock, John b.1802 - Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Babcock, John b.1701 -
Babcock, John b.1739 -
Babcock, John A b.1854 - New York, USA
Babcock, John C. b.1796 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, John Hill b.1848 - Montra, Shelby, Ohio, USA
Babcock, John Hunter b.1830 - North Hampton, Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, John J b.1832 - Lockport, Niagara, New York, USA
Babcock, John J b.1892 - Michigan
Babcock, John Noyes b.1828 - Truxton, New York
Babcock, John Powell Jr. b.1923 - Paris, Edgar, Illinois, USA
Babcock, John Powell Sr. b.1890 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, John Smalley b.1828 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Jonathan b.1702 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Jonathan b.1735 -
Babcock, Joseph b.1726 -
Babcock, Joseph b.1681 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Joseph b.1736 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Joseph b.1772 -
Babcock, Joseph M. b.1866 - Maple Grove, Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Babcock, Joseph Miles b.1900 - Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Babcock, Joshua Greene b.1825 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Judith b.1792 - Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Babcock, Julia b.1843 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Julia Ann b.1828 - Northhampton, , Ohio, USA
Babcock, Julius Todd b.1853 - , Shelby, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Katharine Myra b.1891 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Laura R b.1863 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Lauren Hotchkiss b.1812 - Scott, Cortland, New York, United States
Babcock, Leah C. A. b.1871 - Nebraska
Babcock, Lemond H. b.1857 -
Babcock, Leslie Foster b.1855 - Grant, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Levantia C b.1858 - Iowa, USA
Babcock, Lewis Hurley b.1850 - Defiance, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Lewis VanHorn b.1889 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
Babcock, Lillian J b.1919 - Kansas, USA
Babcock, Lillian Jane b.1877 - Nebraska
Babcock, Living -
Babcock, Living -
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Babcock, Living -
Babcock, Living -
Babcock, Living -
Babcock, Lucy b.1754 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Luke b.1772 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Lydia b.1805 - Leyden, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States
Babcock, Lysander b.1855 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Madie Jane b.1899 - Kansas
Babcock, Maltbie Davenport Rev b.1858 - Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States
Babcock, Margaret b.1829 -
Babcock, Marguerite Irene b.1917 - Nortonville, Jefferson, Kansas, USA
Babcock, Maria b.1855 - Wisconsin
Babcock, Marion Francis b.1828 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Martha b.1836 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Martha b.1825 - Northampton, Summit, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Martha Lillian b.1862 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Martin Van Buren b.1867 - Wisconsin
Babcock, Mary b.1695 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Mary b.1747 - South Kingstown, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Mary b.1758 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Mary b.1712 -
Babcock, Mary b.1667 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Mary m.1902 -
Babcock, Mary b.1783 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Mary -
Babcock, Mary b.1733 -
Babcock, Mary -
Babcock, Mary b.1716 -
Babcock, Mary Eliza b.1869 - Wisconsin
Babcock, Mary Elizabeth b.1834 - Scott, Cortland, New York, United States
Babcock, Mary Elizabeth S b.1874 - Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States
Babcock, Mary Henrietta b.1901 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Mary Josephine -
Babcock, Mary Louisa b.1851 - Ohio, USA
Babcock, Mary Madelia b.1924 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Mary S b.1854 - New York, USA
Babcock, Maud A. b.1871 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Melvin b.1844 - Homer, Cortland, New York, United States
Babcock, Merwin D b.1915 - Kansas, USA
Babcock, Metta b.1895 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska
Babcock, Miles Garfield b.1897 - Kansas
Babcock, Miriam b.1751 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Molly b.1778 -
Babcock, Moses b.1788 - Rhode Island
Babcock, Nancy b.1788 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Nancy Ann b.1782 - New Jersey, USA
Babcock, Nancy Anna b.1818 - Northampton, Summit, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Nathan b.1715 -
Babcock, Nellie -
Babcock, Nellie Bessie b.1885 - Nebraska
Babcock, Nicander Wilson b.1844 - Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Noyes b.1834 - Lockport, Niagara, New York, USA
Babcock, Olive b.1746 - Westerly, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Olive Lucinda "Lucy' b.1868 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
Babcock, Oliver b.1722 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Oliver b.1683 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Oliver b.1782 -
Babcock, Oliver C. b.1854 -
Babcock, Oliver Chase b.1807 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Babcock, Oliver J b.1861 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Orville b.1909 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Oscar b.1835 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Oscar Scott b.1853 - Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Oscar True b.1895 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Otis W b.1863 - Iowa, USA
Babcock, Patricia Jane b.1925 - Crete, Saline, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Paul b.1766 - Grandpa, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Peleg b.1748 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Persis b.1837 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Babcock, Peter Hardman b.1841 -
Babcock, Peter Owen b.1854 -
Babcock, Phebe A b.1816 - Scott, Cortland, New York, United States
Babcock, Philip J b.1885 - Nebraska
Babcock, Ray b.1886 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Rebecca b.1678 - Westerly, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Rettie May b.1889 - Oregon, USA
Babcock, Richard b.1781 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Richard b.1815 - Truxton, New York
Babcock, Richard Chaffee b.1908 - Mexico City, Mexico
Babcock, Rickard b.1916 - Nebraska
Babcock, Robert b.1678 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Robert Luther b.1883 - Nebraska
Babcock, Roena Maxson b.1865 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Rolla Orville b.1875 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Roslie G. b.1873 - Nebraska
Babcock, Royal O. b.1874 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Ruby Estella b.1911 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Ruel Ula b.1874 - Farina, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Babcock, Rufus Welles b.1822 - New York, USA
Babcock, Ruhannah b.1764 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Ruth b.1760 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Ruth b.1906 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Ruth b.1709 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Ruth b.1739 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Ruth E b.1891 - Nebraska
Babcock, Saberah b.1796 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Samuel Davis b.1839 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Samuel Martin b.1875 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
Babcock, Sarah b.1673 - Westerly, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Sarah b.1831 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Sarah Ann b.1856 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Babcock, Simeon b.1717 -
Babcock, Simeon b.1784 -
Babcock, Simeon -
Babcock, Solon W. b.1861 - Ohio, USA
Babcock, Stanley C. b.1867 -
Babcock, Stephen b.1706 -
Babcock, Susanna b.1706 -
Babcock, Susannah b.1677 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Susannah b.1750 - Hopkinton, Kings, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Teddy b.1901 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Thankful b.1775 -
Babcock, Thomas b.1823 - Defiance, Defiance, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Thomas b.1710 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Babcock, Thomas b.1759 - Shrewsbury, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Babcock, Thomas b.1794 -
Babcock, Unknown b.1886 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Uri Martin b.1837 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Babcock, Uriah Curtis b.1867 - Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Vale Oressa b.1892 - Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Viola M b.1860 - Ohio, USA
Babcock, Walter B b.1858 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Walter Ural b.1872 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Babcock, Walter Vernon b.1860 - Wisconsin
Babcock, Wardner Nathen b.1889 - Nebraska
Babcock, Wilhelmina b.1856 - Ohio, Iowa, Arkansas, USA
Babcock, William b.1789 -
Babcock, William b.1708 -
Babcock, William A. b.1818 - New York, USA
Babcock, William Alamando b.1849 - Milan, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA
Babcock, William B b.1859 - Illinois, USA
Babcock, William Earl b.1898 - Columbus, Platte, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, William P. b.1825 - Maple Grove, Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Babcock, William S. b.1860 -
Babcock, William Thomas b.1879 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
Babcock, Willomine "Mina" b.1856 - Shelby County, Ohio
Babcock, Wilson E b.1905 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Babcock, Winnie Ethel b.1867 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Babin, -
Babin, Janice Marie -
Babin, Jerry Wayne b.1948 -
Babin, Leon -
Babin, Michael Leon -
Babin, Patricia Ann -
Backlund, Jens Eric b.1907 - Oakland, Boone, Nebraska, USA
Backlund, Patricia Josephine b.1938 - , Los Angeles, California, USA
Bacot, Emily Harramond b.1829 - Charlestown, SC
Bacot, Peter b.1788 - Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Bacus, Cynthia A b.1882 - Putnam, Missouri, USA
Bacus, Noah b.1853 - , Putnam, Missouri, USA
Badcock, David -
Badcock, Elizabeth -
Badcock, James b.1612 - Essex, England
Badcock, James b.1641 -
Badcock, Job b.1646 -
Badcock, John b.1644 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Badcock, Joseph b.1670 -
Badcock, Mary b.1648 -
Badcock, Nathaniel d.1719 -
Baeth, Hans -
Baeth, Louis R b.1905 - Iowa, USA
Bagley, b.1884 -
Bagley, b.1883 -
Bagley, Albert Sidney b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Bagley, Charles M b.1871 -
Bagley, Clarissa b.1806 - Ohio, USA
Bagley, David b.1818 - , Decatur, Indiana, USA
Bagley, Eli m.1850 - Indiana, USA
Bagley, Fred W b.1879 - Illinois, USA
Bagley, Jessie b.1897 - Illinois, USA
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Living -
Bagley, Lora b.1818 - Indiana, USA
Bagley, Mary Jane b.1867 - Indiana, USA
Bagley, Meda M b.1884 -
Bagley, Minnie Etta b.1878 - Sefton, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Bagley, Ollie Matury b.1868 - Sefton, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Bagley, Opal b.1882 - Brownstown, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Bagley, Ransom b.1888 - Brownstown, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Bagley, Richard Thomas b.1873 - Illinois, USA
Bagley, Sidney b.1845 - Indiana, USA
Bagley, Willis b.1914 - Illinois, USA
Bailey, Abigail b.1736 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island
Bailey, Benjamin b.1738 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island
Bailey, Bernice b.1900 - Iowa, USA
Bailey, Cornelius b.1740 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island
Bailey, Danny -
Bailey, Dirk -
Bailey, Living -
Bailey, Living -
Bailey, Living -
Bailey, Living -
Bailey, Living -
Bailey, Melvin Jack -
BAILEY, Rebecca M. b.1826 - Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Bailey, Sarah b.1734 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island
Bailey, William -
Bails, Carl Evert b.1886 - Ohio
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Living -
Bails, Raymond Lester b.1913 - Ohio
Bain, David b.1730 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Baird, -
Baird, Living -
Baker, -
Baker, Abigail b.1800 -
Baker, Alexander Mantz b.1850 - , , Virginia, USA
Baker, Ally b.1805 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Baker, Alma Evelyn b.1897 - Duncansville, Pennsylvania, USA
Baker, Asa b.1804 -
Baker, Benjamin -
Baker, Benjamin 2 m.1736 -
Baker, Charles b.1802 -
Baker, Charlotta Amanda b.1845 - Hollidaysburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Baker, Daniel b.1753 - Westfield, Union, New Jersey, United States
Baker, David b.1764 - Westfield, Essex, New Jersey, United States
Baker, Esther b.1793 - Pennsylvania, USA
Baker, Galen Leroy b.1920 - Hollidaysburg, PA.
Baker, Hedges b.1773 - Westfield, Essex, New Jersey, United States
Baker, Henry b.1727 - East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States
Baker, Henry b.1755 - Westfield, Essex, New Jersey, United States
Baker, Jedediah Mosher b.1809 -
Baker, Jeremiah b.1770 - Westfield, Essex, New Jersey, United States
Baker, Jeremy b.1805 -
Baker, John b.1792 - Pennsylvania, United States
Baker, Jonathan I b.1764 - Westfield, Essex, New Jersey, United States
Baker, Joseph -
Baker, Joseph -
Baker, Lemuel Hathaway b.1820 -
Baker, Living -
Baker, Living -
Baker, Lulu M. b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Baker, Lydia Ann b.1821 - Port Jefferson, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Baker, Margaret b.1826 - Pennsylvania, USA
Baker, Martha French b.1811 - Wilton, Franklin, Maine, USA
Baker, Mary b.1824 - Pennsylvania
Baker, Mary Sweet b.1812 -
Baker, Mehitable White b.1807 -
Baker, Minnie Mariah b.1831 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Baker, Moses b.1778 -
BAKER, Phebe b.1761 - Westfield, Essex, New Jersey, United States
Baker, Phebe b.1751 -
Baker, Rhoda Mott b.1816 -
Baker, Roxana Billings b.1818 -
Baker, Sarah Woodward b.1814 -
Baker, Silas C b.1834 - Pennsylvania
Baker, Susan Cordelia b.1864 - Independence, Appanoose, Iowa, USA
Baker, Temperance b.1766 - Westfield, Essex, New Jersey, United States
Baker, Virginia Cabell b.1885 -
Baker, William b.1759 - Westfield, Union, New Jersey, United States
Baldwin, Arlene -
Baldwin, Charles m.1848 - Indiana, USA
Baldwin, Charles Orville b.1911 -
Baldwin, Lester W b.1917 -
Baldwin, Living -
Baldwin, Lola b.1914 - Kansas, United States
Baldwin, Mae Harrison b.1919 - Friend, Finney, Kansas, USA
Baldwin, Mildred -
Baldwin, Nancy Jane m.1869 -
Baldwin, Wesley B. b.1886 - Kansas, United States
Baldwin, William A b.1861 - New Hampshire
Baldwin, Winifred Alberta b.1912 - Perry, Buchanan, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Andrew b.1815 - Sunderland Hall, Selkirkshire, Scotland
Ballantyne, George A. b.1866 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Gideon b.1870 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Guy b.1877 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Henry Alexander b.1871 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Janet A. b.1859 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, John W. b.1854 - Bandera, Texas, USA
Ballantyne, Joseph M. b.1860 -
Ballantyne, Margaret M. b.1861 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Mark A. b.1874 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Mary Helen b.1863 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Nancy Margaret b.1864 - Dow City, Crawford, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, Sarah J. b.1856 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballantyne, William R. b.1869 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ballard, Della Philena b.1903 - Montana
Bangs, Mercy b.1651 -
Banker, Eleanor b.1776 - Rhineback, Dutchess, New York, United States
Banker, Henry J b.1770 - Rhinebeck, Duchess, New York, United States
Banker, John b.1730 - Rhineback, Dutchess, New York, United States
Banker, Lucretia b.1762 - Rhinbeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Banker, Maria Polly b.1766 - Rhineback, Dutchess, New York, United States
Banker, Rebecca b.1768 - Rhineback, Dutchess, New York, United States
Banker, Thomas b.1760 - Rhinbeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Banker, William b.1756 - Rhinbeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Banks, Living -
Banks, Melissa Elizabeth b.1856 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Banks, Susannah -
Banning, Living -
Banning, Living -
Banning, Living -
Banning, Living m.1946 - Ada, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Banning, Living -
Banning, Living -
Barber, -
Barber, Betty -
Barber, Candace Jane Ann b.1811 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Barber, Charles Kenneth "Kelly" b.1910 - Nebraska
Barber, Charles W. b.1864 - Scott, New York, USA
Barber, Darrell Dean b.1922 - Nebraska, USA
Barber, Dell Claude b.1912 - Nebraska, USA
Barber, Dell Floyd b.1894 - North Loup, Nebraska
Barber, Elbert E b.1855 - New York, USA
Barber, Elias Frank b.1827 - Scott, Cortland, New York
Barber, Ellis Rogers b.1908 - Nebraska
Barber, Everett E. b.1877 -
Barber, Fern b.1889 - North Loup, Nebraska, USA
Barber, Glenn Douglass b.1887 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Barber, Glenn Paul b.1927 -
Barber, James Merton "Mert" b.1916 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska
Barber, Janet Gail b.1949 - Ventura, California
Barber, Jo Anne b.1926 - Nebraska, USA
Barber, John Clarke b.1903 - Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Living -
Barber, Lois Marjorie b.1919 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, United States
Barber, Paul -
Barber, Rick -
Barber, Russel b.1783 - Windsor Park, . Connecticut
Barber, Russell D b.1952 - Solano, California
Barber, Samuel F b.1784 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Barbour, Janet -
Barbour, Karen -
Barbour, Living -
Barbour, Living -
Barbour, Living -
Barbour, Living -
Barbour, Ralph -
Barclay, Bertina Leslie b.1906 - Tidewater, Lincoln, Oregon, USA
Barclay, Burton Elmer b.1879 - Tidewater, Lincoln, Oregon, USA
Barclay, Chancy G b.1877 - , Benton, Oregon, USA
Barclay, Living -
Barclay, Living -
Barclay, Living -
Barclay, Living -
Barclay, Living -
Barclay, Paul Homer b.1911 -
Bardwell, Anna b.1744 - Montague City, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Barger, Catherine Anna b.1759 -
Barheit, Jeronimus Hans m.1684 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Barker, Elizabeth b.1618 - , Cornwall, , England
Barker, Elizabeth b.1813 - England
Barker, Virginia Marie m.1931 -
Barley, Mary b.1822 -
Barlow, Alexander b.1556 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Alexander b.1413 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Alexander Sir b.1590 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Alexander b.1520 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Alexander b.1457 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Alonzo b.1810 - Vermont, USA
Barlow, Ann b.1626 - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Barlow, Anne b.1550 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Deborah b.1628 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Barlow, Edmond b.1588 - Manchester, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Edmund b.1493 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Edward b.1607 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Edward b.1585 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Elizabeth b.1620 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Barlow, Elizabeth b.1495 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Elizabeth b.1552 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Elizabeth b.1597 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Ellis b.1491 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Fraunces b.1592 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, George -
Barlow, Isabella b.1632 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Barlow, Jane b.1554 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Jane b.1601 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, John b.1630 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Barlow, John b.1594 - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Barlow, John (Jenkin) b.1374 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Katteren b.1594 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Living -
Barlow, Margaret b.1548 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Margaret b.1581 - Manchester, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Margaret b.1514 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Martha b.1632 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Barlow, Mary b.1546 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Mary b.1596 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Miss b.1464 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Nicholas b.1394 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Robert b.1591 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Robert b.1602 - Manchester, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Roger b.1460 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Rudesiand b.1583 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Barlow, Ruth b.1638 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Barlow, William b.1584 - Manchester, Lancashire, England
Barnard, Hannah b.1649 -
Barnds, Katherine M b.1859 - New York, USA
Barnes, Arthur b.1875 - Ohio, USA
Barnes, Daisy C b.1882 - Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Barnes, Elijah -
Barnes, Ethel P b.1886 - Kansas, USA
Barnes, Hettie Edith b.1883 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Barnes, Ida B b.1880 - Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Barnes, Jacob b.1845 - Ohio, USA
Barnes, James O b.1812 - Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Barnes, John H b.1854 - Meigs, Ohio, USA
Barnes, Living -
Barnes, Luke b.1857 -
Barnes, Roxie b.1856 - Trumbull, Ohio, USA
Barnes, Sarah b.1835 -
Barnes, Stella M b.1889 - Kansas, USA
Barnes, Wesley b.1836 - , Miegs, Ohio, USA
Barnett, Susan b.1793 - , Washington, Maryland, USA
Barnhard, Lucy m.1921 - Idaho, USA
Barnhill, Elizabeth b.1784 -
Barnhill, John Redman b.1793 -
Barnhill, Margaret b.1799 - New York, New York, USA
Barnhill, Robert b.1754 - New York, New York, USA
Barnhill, Robert Craig b.1796 -
Barnhill, Robert Craig b.1787 -
Barnhill, Sarah b.1781 -
Barnhill, Thomas Potts b.1789 -
Barnum, Eunice -
Barnum, Lowell Hall b.1831 - Yates, Orleans, New York, USA
Barr, Charles L. m.1896 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
Barr, Living -
Barr, Living -
Barr, Living -
Barree, Susannah b.1854 - Pennsylvania
Barrett, Charles m.1910 -
Barrett, Living -
Barrett, Living -
Barrett, Lucy Isabel -
Barrett, Mary b.1784 -
Barrett, Phoebe -
Barrier, Living -
Barrier, Living -
Barrier, Living -
Barrier, Living -
Barrow, Michael m.1969 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa
Barry, Andrew J. -
Barry, Living -
Barry, Louisa Stribling b.1856 - Newport, Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Barry, Michael -
Bartlett, Jane b.1778 - Ireland
Bartlett, Thankful m.1735 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Bartley, Earl Franklin b.1896 - Kansas, USA
Bartley, Garrett Wilson b.1921 - Kansas
Bartley, Living -
Bartley, Living -
Bartley, Living -
Bartley, Living -
Bartley, Living -
Bartley, Living -
Bartley, Living -
Bartley, Living -
Bartlit, Wilah May b.1869 - Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois
Barto, Cynthia b.1785 - , , Vermont, USA
Barton, Larry Lewis b.1924 -
Barton, Lewis m.1920 - Keyes, Cimarron, Oklahoma, United States
Bartz, Bertha Hannah b.1863 - Germany
Baset, Elizabeth b.1636 - , Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Bass, Living -
Bass, Living -
Bass, Martha Margaret b.1844 - Fair Grove, Greene, Missouri, USA
Bass, Martin V b.1882 - Missouri, USA
Bass, McCord b.1845 - , Greene, Missouri, USA
Basset, Dorcas b.1798 - New York, USA
Bassett, Rebecca b.1817 - Kentucky, USA
Basye, b.1773 - Culpepper, , Virginia, USA
Basye, Catherine b.1775 - Culpepper, , Virginia, USA
BATEMAN, MARY b.1618 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bates, b.1883 -
Bates, Albert Bigelow b.1891 - Chelsea, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Bates, Albert Nicholas b.1852 -
Bates, Alfred Reed b.1852 -
Bates, Arthur Burgess b.1867 - Gardiner, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Bates, Barbara b.1917 - Ohio
Bates, Charlotte Marshall b.1901 -
Bates, Clinton Thurber b.1888 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Bates, Dorothy Mabel b.1896 - Chelsea, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Bates, Edith Gertrude b.1870 - Walpole, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Bates, Edward Flint b.1809 - Strong, Franklin, Maine, USA
Bates, Edward Thurber b.1863 - Walpole, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Bates, Edward True b.1833 - Strong, Franklin, Maine, USA
Bates, Eliza Ann b.1839 -
Bates, Ethel Gertrude b.1886 -
Bates, Eva Roxana b.1877 -
Bates, Flora Isabella b.1862 - Walpole, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Bates, Lewis Wilton b.1879 - Brighton, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Bates, Living -
Bates, Mabel Agnes b.1872 - Walpole, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Bates, Martha True b.1845 -
Bates, Nicholas -
Bates, Nicholas b.1835 -
Bates, Olive Roxana b.1842 -
Bates, Robert William b.1903 - Chelsea, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Bauer, Anna b.1884 - Missouri
Bauer, Emma b.1857 - Pennsylvania
Bauer, Living -
Bauer, Merry b.1889 - Missouri
Bauer, Sam C b.1856 - Pennsylvania
Bauer, Theodore b.1881 - Missouri
Baughman, Henry Burd b.1835 - Cooper County, Missouri
Baughman, Minnie b.1871 - Missouri
Baughn, Roy Stanley b.1884 - Indiana
Baugus, Max William m.1973 - Reno, Nevada
Baumgardner, John Wesley b.1854 - Calvin, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Bauter, Amos b.1830 - Stark, Herkimer, New York, USA
Bauter, Arthur C. b.1895 - California, USA
Bauter, Charles H. b.1858 - New York, USA
Bauter, Eda b.1856 -
Bauter, Edward C. b.1934 - Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, USA
Bauter, Kate M. b.1871 - New York, USA
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Living -
Bauter, Mary Adell b.1863 - New York, USA
Bauter, Mattie b.1869 - New York, USA
Bauter, Nettie E b.1857 - New York, USA
Bauter, Paul Henry b.1901 - Los Angeles, California, USA
Bautor, George A b.1806 - Starke, Herkimer, New York, USA
Bayse, Malinda b.1821 - Kentucky, USA
Bazleton, Martina b.1831 - Vermillion, , Illinois, USA
Beach, Delia -
Beach, Isaac N -
Beach, Mary Anne d.1849 - Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Beals, b.1886 -
Beals, Fred Nathaniel b.1860 - Phillips, Franklin, Maine, USA
Beals, Hermia Harvey b.1889 -
Beals, Living -
Beals, Mary b.1692 - Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA
Beals, Nathaniel b.1828 - Maine
Bean, Edwin W. b.1865 - New Hampshire
Bean, John C b.1829 - New Hampshire
Bean, Martha Belle b.1853 - Illinois, USA
Beard, Mary b.1824 - Pennsylvania
Beard, Ruth -
Beard, Susie J b.1890 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bearer, Lillian M b.1864 - Pennsylvania
Beaver, Annie -
Beaver, Catherine b.1792 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Beaver, Mary Jane b.1849 - Lincoln, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Beaver, Samuel b.1811 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Beck, De Witt b.1888 - Iowa
Beck, Earl b.1891 - Iowa
Beck, George W b.1857 - Canada
Beck, Living -
Beck, Living -
Beck, Living -
Beck, Ollie -
Beckman, Living -
Beckman, Living -
Beckman, Welson Jack b.1917 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, United States
Bedient, Albertus Ranson b.1845 - Elberta, Niagara Co., New York, USA OR
Bedient, Burton D "Burt" b.1881 - Edgewood, Clayton, Iowa, USA
Bedient, Ira Henry b.1884 - Edgewood, Clayton, Iowa, USA
Bedient, Living -
Bedient, Living -
Bedinger, Henrietta b.1810 - Bedford, Jefferson, West Virginia, United States
Bedwell, Thomas m.1815 - Jefferson, Kentucky, USA
Bee, Jennie Lucinda b.1873 - Alden, Freeborn, Minnesota, USA
Bee, Nehemiah b.1837 - , Ritchie, West Virginia, USA
Beebe, Erastus b.1805 - New York, USA
Beebe, Martha Eleanor b.1859 - Indiana, USA
Beebe, Pruella b.1836 - Michigan
Beekman, Aefje -
Beekman, Benjamin -
Beekman, Cornelia -
Beekman, Elizabeth b.1813 - Raritan, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Beem, Elizabeth b.1718 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Beem, Hugh b.1691 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Beem, James William b.1728 -
Beem, John b.1726 - New York, USA
Beem, Lidia b.1761 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Beem, Meseri b.1719 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Beem, Pieter b.1724 - New York, USA
Beeman, Living -
Beeman, Living -
Beeman, Living -
Beeman, Living -
Beeman, Living -
Beeman, Living -
Beeman, Living -
Beeman, William -
Beere, Cora Mae b.1885 - Nebraska
Beerhans, Lisbeth m.1739 -
Beers, -
Beers, Clair -
Beers, Cordelia Emily b.1882 - Park City, Summit, Utah, United States
Beers, George -
Beers, James m.1650 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Beers, John -
Beeson, Charity b.1746 - Winchester, Frederick, Virginia, USA
Begnell, Dorothy b.1716 - Greene, New York, United States
Behm, Maria b.1786 -
Beins, Living -
Beins, Living -
Beins, Rodney Rae b.1956 - Aurora, Hamilton, Nebraska, USA
Beins, Ronald Rae b.1935 - NW of Aurora, Nebraska
Bell, -
Bell, Annie I b.1868 - Utah, USA
Bell, Charles -
Bell, Edwin F b.1871 - , Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
Bell, Fred -
Bell, George -
Bell, George Clement b.1939 - Ord, Antelope, Nebraska, USA
Bell, George Petty b.1910 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Bell, Jessie Viola b.1902 - Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, USA
Bell, Living -
Bell, Living -
Bell, Living -
Bell, Living -
Bell, Living -
Bell, Living -
Bell, Living -
Bell, Living -
Bell, Phebe b.1732 - , Dutchess, New York, USA
Belzer, Channing Ellsworth b.1887 - Given, Mahaska, Iowa, USA
Belzer, Living -
Belzer, Living -
Belzer, Living -
Belzer, Living -
Belzer, Living -
Belzer, Robert Ronald b.1927 - Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa, USA
Bemer, Cordelia b.1886 -
Bemis, Rose L. d.1885 -
Bench, Christopher b.1782 - Surry, North Carolina, USA
Bench, Mary b.1815 - Washington, Virginia, United States
Bender, Johannes b.1717 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, United States
Bender, Michael Edward -
Bender, Noel Travis -
Bender, Paul Terrence -
Bender, Robert -
Bender, Robert Edwin -
Benedetto, Anthony -
Benedetto, Anthony -
Benedetto, Linda Susan -
Benedetto, Micheal -
Benedict, Catherine -
Benedict, Clarissa b.1796 - North Salem, Westchester, New York, USA
Benedict, Katherine "Kate" m.1868 - Peekskill, Westchester, New York, USA
Benedict, Living -
Benjamin, Living -
Benjamin, Living -
Benjamin, Living -
Benjamin, Living -
Benn, Elizabeth b.1749 -
Benn, Ellinar b.1722 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Benn, Hugh I b.1772 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, United States
Benn, James W b.1755 -
Benn, John b.1751 - New York, USA
Bennet, Marritje Willemse b.1644 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, United States
Bennet, Robert m.1831 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Bennett, Aaron b.1848 - Indiana, USA
Bennett, Calvin m.1844 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Bennett, Charles Dallas b.1898 - Deercreek, Oklahoma, USA
Bennett, Clarence b.1871 - Michigan, USA
Bennett, Cory -
Bennett, Curtis -
Bennett, Diana m.1825 - Attica, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Bennett, Edgar Maurice b.1874 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bennett, Elton R b.1889 - Illinois, USA
Bennett, Eunice b.1804 - Bainbridge, Chenango, New York, USA
Bennett, George D. b.1845 - New Jersey
Bennett, Hannah m.1677 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bennett, Harry J b.1865 - Illinois, USA
Bennett, Jacob m.1877 -
Bennett, Jacob b.1853 - Indiana, USA
Bennett, Janet E. b.1871 - Illinois, USA
Bennett, John C -
Bennett, Juanita Lorayne b.1909 - Williamsfield, Knox, Illinois, USA
Bennett, LeRoy Glenn b.1888 - Mancelona, Michigan, Antrim Co.
Bennett, Linton b.1922 -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Living -
Bennett, Mary b.1849 - Indiana, USA
Bennett, Mary Eunice b.1775 - Dummerston, Windham, Vermont, USA
Bennett, Michael -
Bennett, Orrin m.1881 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Bennett, Thomas -
Bennett, Thomas b.1857 - Indiana, USA
Bennett, Vernie May b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Bennitt, Adaline b.1828 - New York, USA
Bennitt, Cynthia b.1835 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Benson, Betsy b.1821 - New York, USA
Benson, Ellie C b.1843 - Pennsylvania
Benson, Living -
Benson, Living -
Benson, Living -
Benson, Living -
Benson, Living -
Benson, William b.1790 - , , Vermont, USA
Berg, Leonard m.1967 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Berg, Living -
Berg, Living -
Berg, Living -
Berg, Living -
Berg, Living -
Bergen, Brechtje Hanse b.1642 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Bergen, Living -
Bergen, Living -
Bergen, Living -
Berk, Elmore Rahmes b.1889 - Sever Mile, Ohio
Berk, Living -
Berk, Living -
Berk, Living -
Bernhart, Cathrina b.1775 - Schoharie, New York, USA
Bernson, Charles Franklin b.1887 - Oacoma, Lyman, South Dakota, USA
Bernson, Charles Magnus b.1859 - Sweden
Bernson, Jennie May b.1885 - Laport, , Indiana, USA
Bernson, Living -
Bernson, Living -
Bernson, Living -
Bernson, Marvin Elsworth b.1883 - Fort Benton, Chouteau, Montana, USA
Berry, Benjamin Downing b.1838 - Salina, , Missouri, USA
Berry, Carl L. b.1905 - Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Berry, Elizabeth S b.1830 - Kentucky, USA
Berry, George Elton b.1936 - Capron, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Berry, Henry Albert b.1906 - Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Berry, James Milton b.1870 - Near Sedallia, Pettis, Missouri, USA
Berry, Living -
Berry, Living -
Berry, Living -
Berry, Living -
Berry, Mabel b.1896 - Hardtner, Barber, Kansas, USA
Berry, Milton Edward b.1899 - Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Berry, Opal Leona b.1918 - Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Berry, Vernon b.1927 - Capron, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Bertholf, Anna b.1698 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Bertram, Robert A b.1875 - Missouri, USA
Bessire, Clara Josephine b.1901 - Missouri Valley, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Best, Alfred George b.1919 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Best, Alfred Lewis b.1890 - London, Middlesex, England
Best, Benjamin c.1785 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Best, Cornelia b.1813 - Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York, USA
Best, Cornelia c.1777 - Albany, New York, USA
Best, Eva b.1780 - Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, USA
Best, George A. -
Best, Harold b.1889 - Colon, Saunders, Nebraska, USA
Best, Hendrick b.1791 - Schenectady, New York, USA
Best, Isaac c.1782 - Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, USA
Best, Jacob c.1742 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Best, Jacob c.1786 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Best, Johannes b.1720 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Best, John b.1800 - Schoharie, New York, USA
Best, John b.1772 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Best, Lelia b.1891 - Nebraska
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Living -
Best, Miriam Florence b.1892 - Farmington, Dakota, Minnesota, USA
Best, Nelson b.1852 - Fultonham, Schoharie, New York, USA
Best, Petrus c.1774 - New York, USA
Best, William O b.1864 - Michigan
Betsey, -
Betsy, -
Bevans, Agnes Lydia b.1836 - Ohio, USA
Bevier, Jane Newkirk b.1810 - Ulster, New York, USA
Bevier, Magdalena b.1794 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA
Bez, Maria Magdalena m.1806 - Buxtehude, Niedersachsen, Germany
Bez, Philipp Andres -
Bickell, Henrietta b.1867 -
Bickford, Melvin b.1910 - South Dakota
Bickler, Bert J. m.1931 -
Bicknell, Agnes Louisa b.1890 - Minnesota, USA
Bicknell, Carlos Benjamin b.1825 - Norwich, Windsor, Vermont, USA
Bicknell, Clarence b.1890 - Minnesota, USA
Bicknell, Ezra S b.1894 - Morris, Minnesota, USA
Bicknell, Horace D b.1903 -
Bicknell, Ira E b.1893 -
Bicknell, Living -
Bicknell, Living -
Bicknell, Living -
Bicknell, Vera E. b.1896 - New Mexico, USA
Bicknell, William Clarence b.1855 - Parishville, St Lawrence, New York, USA
Bieler, Living -
Bieler, Living -
Bieler, Living -
Bieler, Thomas b.1914 - Bonanza, Klamath, Oregon, USA
Bieler, Thomas McDonald b.1878 - Berlin, Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA
Biggerstaff, Cora Elizabeth b.1880 - Texas, USA
Bigler, John d.1883 - California, USA
Bill, Curtis Stearns b.1890 - Illinois, USA
Bill, Living -
Bill, Living -
Bill, Living -
Bill, Living -
Bill, Living -
Bill, Living -
Bill, Living -
Bill, Louise Stearns b.1916 - Wyoming, Lee, Illinois, United States
Bill, Stuart Malcom b.1924 - Bloomington, McLean, Illinois, United States
Billings, Abigail b.1714 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Billings, Comfort b.1716 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Billings, Elizabeth b.1709 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Billings, Hannah b.1708 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Billings, Mary b.1712 - Little Compton, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA
Billings, Richard b.1706 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Billings, Richard b.1675 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Billings, Sarah b.1704 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Bills, James m.1823 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Bingaman, A Elizabeth b.1872 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Aaron A. b.1864 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Abraham b.1823 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Abraham -
Bingaman, Ada b.1882 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Ada b.1844 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Ada Alvena b.1904 - Dornsife, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Adam b.1805 - Bayern
Bingaman, Adam b.1791 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Adam E. b.1851 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Addie b.1875 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Alexander b.1838 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Alven J. b.1859 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Alveretta b.1864 - Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Anna Catharine b.1779 - Rebuck, Washington Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Anna Merl b.1892 - Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Annie b.1868 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Annie d.1911 -
Bingaman, Beatrice Fern b.1898 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Benjamin F. b.1868 - Lower, Cape May, New Jersey, USA
Bingaman, Bessie Belle b.1893 - Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Beulah b.1919 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Beulah G. b.1890 - Hickory Corners PA
Bingaman, Blanche b.1885 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Blanche b.1890 - Illinois
Bingaman, Bryant Barber b.1883 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, C. Alice b.1864 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Caroline b.1841 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Catharine b.1828 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Catharine b.1828 - Uniontown, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Catharine d.1911 -
Bingaman, Charles b.1879 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Charles b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Charles C b.1863 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Charles E. b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Charles Edwin b.1886 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Charles O. b.1884 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Charles Oscar b.1865 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Clara E. b.1882 - Hickory Corners PA
Bingaman, Clarence Hurl b.1884 - Dalmatia, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Claude Robert b.1878 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Claude Robert b.1906 - Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Clinton Cleaver b.1888 - Dalmatia, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Cora Elizabeth b.1874 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Daniel Frederick b.1895 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Dorothy Chloe b.1916 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Eleanor Tabitha b.1913 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Elias b.1831 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Elias b.1838 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Elias W b.1856 - Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Eliza b.1834 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Eliza Jane b.1858 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Elizabeth b.1847 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Elizabeth b.1782 - Rebuck, Mahanoy Township, now Washington Township, Northumberland County, PA.
Bingaman, Elizabeth Ellen b.1908 - Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Emma J. b.1857 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Emma Jennie R b.1874 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Etta A. b.1878 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Eva P. b.1885 - Nebraska, USA
Bingaman, Eve b.1797 -
Bingaman, Fanny b.1865 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Florence Melissa "Flora" b.1864 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Frank b.1867 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Frank L. b.1883 - Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Frederick W b.1868 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Galen J b.1851 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, George b.1849 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, George b.1830 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, George -
Bingaman, George b.1849 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, George Earl b.1903 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, George Henry b.1881 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, George Henry b.1868 - Thomson, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, George W. b.1868 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Gertie Lynore b.1901 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Guy Elmer b.1879 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Hannah d.1911 -
Bingaman, Harriet b.1832 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Harry W b.1866 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Helen -
Bingaman, Henry b.1851 - Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Henry A. b.1836 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Henry M. b.1843 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Howard M. b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Ida Jane b.1866 - Brookville, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Iola b.1891 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Isabella b.1860 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Israel b.1877 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Jacob b.1824 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Jacob b.1815 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Jacob b.1869 - Brookville, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Jacob E. b.1857 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Jacob S b.1866 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Jay Alvin b.1884 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Jennie b.1844 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Jeremiah Adam b.1867 - Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Jeremiah J. b.1860 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Johannes b.1785 - Rebuck, Mahanoy Township, now Washington Township, Northumberland County, PA.
Bingaman, John b.1801 - Lower Mahanoy Twp, Northumberland, Pennsylvania
Bingaman, John b.1826 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, John d.1911 -
Bingaman, John b.1853 - Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, John b.1846 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, John b.1909 -
Bingaman, John B. b.1817 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, John D b.1843 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, John G b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, John G. b.1874 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, John George b.1803 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, John J b.1873 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, John R b.1888 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Joseph b.1864 - Brookville, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Joseph b.1859 - Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Joseph b.1840 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Joseph b.1862 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Joseph Abraham b.1883 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Josephine C. b.1884 - Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Katie Pearl b.1892 -
Bingaman, Laura Ann b.1862 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Leota d.1938 -
Bingaman, Lilly b.1869 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Lindon M b.1879 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Living -
Bingaman, Lovina b.1834 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, M Alice b.1871 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Malinda H b.1875 - Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Margaret b.1840 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Margaret Ellen b.1880 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Margaret Marie b.1914 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Martina b.1884 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Marvin Howard b.1921 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Mary b.1833 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Mary b.1862 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Mary b.1838 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Mary b.1861 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Mary b.1833 - lower, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Mary -
Bingaman, Mary A b.1870 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Mary A. -
Bingaman, Mary Ann b.1859 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Mary Celesta b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Melvin H. b.1889 - Hickory Corners PA
Bingaman, Mildred Doris b.1921 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Milton W. b.1872 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Nelta Mae b.1897 - Lanark, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Nicholas Michael b.1798 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Oscar b.1877 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Pearl b.1884 - Nebraska, USA
Bingaman, Ray William b.1893 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Rebecca b.1840 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Robert Spencer b.1909 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Roland Dean b.1918 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Rosalie b.1870 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Roy b.1890 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, Samuel b.1844 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Sarah b.1829 -
Bingaman, Solomon b.1834 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Sophia b.1858 - Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Spurgeon Hara b.1892 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Susannah b.1846 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, Thelma May b.1916 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, Victor C. b.1864 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Walter b.1867 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, William b.1834 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, William b.1839 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, William E. b.1854 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, William H. b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Bingaman, William K b.1873 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, William L b.1891 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, William O. b.1856 - Pennsylvania
Bingaman, William Raymond b.1847 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Bingaman, William Richard b.1911 - Yuma, Yuma, Colorado, USA
Bingaman, William W. b.1836 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingaman, Willis b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Bingeman, Charles Clinton b.1863 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Bingeman, Living -
Bingemann, Johan Hermann b.1726 - Niederbeisheim, Knllwald, Hessen, Germany
Bingemann, Johannes b.1752 - Niederbeisheim, Hessen, Germany
Bingham, Ethel Mae b.1887 - Lanark, Illinois
Bingham, Joseph Alexander -
Bingham, Marry Elizabeth b.1854 - Arkansas, USA
Bingham, Veda Audry b.1895 - Knoxville, Marion, Iowa, USA
Bingleman, Mary Ann b.1835 - Ontario, Canada
Bingley, Joan b.1581 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Bingley, Thomas b.1555 -
Bingman, Helen Katherine b.1900 - Osceola County, Iowa, United States
Birch, Mary Dorothy b.1884 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Bird, Dorothy b.1589 -
Bird, Rose B b.1920 - Winchester, Jefferson, Kansas, USA
Bird, Willard E -
Birks, Living -
Birks, Living -
Birks, Living -
Birks, Manley J. b.1929 - Iowa, USA
Bishop, Dorothy b.1570 -
Bishop, Flossie b.1883 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Bishop, Harry C b.1877 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Bishop, Hattie b.1878 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Bishop, Henry b.1839 - , Shropshire, , England
Bishop, Henry -
Bishop, Jane b.1813 - New York, USA
Bishop, Joan -
Bishop, Joseph b.1870 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Bishop, Lewis b.1863 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Bishop, Living -
Bishop, Living -
Bishop, Living -
Bishop, Living -
Bishop, Maggie S. b.1872 - Atlantic, Cass, Iowa, USA
Bishop, Martha b.1867 - Iowa
Bishop, Mary b.1853 - Illinois
Bishop, Mary Jane b.1841 - MT. Liberty, Ohio
Bishop, Matilda E. b.1864 - Marne, Cass, Iowa, USA
Bishop, May b.1868 - Iowa
Bishop, Rufus J b.1889 - Iowa
Bissell, Alva b.1876 - Cass, Iowa, USA
Bissell, Elizabeth Nettie b.1850 -
Bissell, Frank b.1878 - Cass, Iowa, USA
Bissell, Henry Kimball b.1880 - Iowa, USA
Bissell, Henry Kimball b.1851 - Illinois, USA
Bissell, Living -
Bissell, Living -
Bissell, Living -
Bissell, Living -
Bissell, Living -
Bissell, Living -
Bissell, Living -
Bissell, Living -
Bissell, Lois Euphemia b.1844 -
Bissell, Lula b.1874 -
Bissell, Mary A. b.1842 - Illinois, USA
Bissell, Nicholas O. b.1870 - Michigan, USA
Bissell, Pierce B b.1816 - Michigan, USA
Bissell, Richard Pierce b.1846 - East Moline, Rock Island, Illinois, USA
Bissell, Sarah b.1883 - Iowa, USA
Bissell, Sarah b.1848 - Illinois, USA
Bixler, Charles b.1876 - Iowa
Black, Evans W. b.1853 - Pennsylvania, USA
Black, Georgia L. b.1887 - Nebraska, USA
Black, Living -
Black, Lora Adele b.1890 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Blacker, May Joyce b.1927 - Missouri, USA
Blacker, Samuel Christopher b.1885 - Danville, Illinois, USA
Blackmun, Edward C b.1910 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Blackmun, Living -
Blair, Elizabeth b.1709 - Williamsburg, James City, Virginia, USA
Blake, Bessie C b.1927 -
Blake, Bloomy Francis b.1886 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Blake, Doyle Bloomy b.1915 -
Blake, Glenn Bright b.1913 - Tennessee
Blake, Kline Coolege b.1924 -
Blake, Living -
Blake, Living -
Blake, Living -
Blanchard, Jeanne b.1695 - , New York, New York, USA
Blanchard, Jeanne b.1695 - , New York, New York, USA
Blanck, Susanna b.1736 - New York, New York, USA
Blecker, Mae Evelyn b.1898 - Ponca, Dixon Co., Nebraska
Blevins, Living -
Blevins, Living -
Blevins, Living -
Blevins, Living -
Bliss, Harry H. -
Bliss, Mehitable b.1727 -
Block, Jeannette m.1899 -
Block, Living -
Block, Living -
Block, Living -
Block, Living -
Block, Living -
Block, Living -
Bloem, Frederick Arents d.1700 - City, Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
Blom, Annatje b.1710 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Annatje b.1736 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Annetje b.1710 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Elizabeth b.1715 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Frederik b.1731 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Fredrik b.1698 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Jacob b.1671 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Jacob b.1727 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Jan b.1700 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Jenneke b.1705 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Johannes b.1725 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Margrietje b.1702 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Marytje b.1712 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Marytje b.1723 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Mayke b.1733 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Mayke b.1729 - New York, New York, USA
Blom, Petrus b.1707 - New York, New York, USA
Bloom, Elizabeth m.1701 -
Blow, Mary b.1800 - East Windfield, Herkimer, New York, USA
Blum, John b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Blum, Living -
Blunt, Darlene M b.1935 -
Blunt, Donald Robert b.1930 -
Blunt, Elmer R. b.1883 -
Blunt, Harlan L b.1935 - Iowa, USA
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Living -
Blunt, Lucy E b.1846 - Canada
Blunt, Marvin Duwayne b.1932 -
Blust, Living -
Blust, Minnie O b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Blyth, Alison b.1836 - Scotland
Bobbitt, John Thomas b.1906 - Florida, USA
Bobbitt, Living -
Bobbitt, Wilber Duane b.1865 - , , Tennessee, USA
Bock, Ella b.1894 -
Bock, Gerda m.1954 - Flensburg, Germany
Bodle, Jane b.1828 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Bodley, Elias b.1858 - England
Bodley, Phyllis Jean b.1929 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Bodley, Rupert Hobbs b.1882 - Nebraska, USA
Boeck, Eric b.1891 - Germany
Boeck, Living -
Bogaert, Racheal b.1701 - Boemper, Ulster, New York, USA
Bogart, Gysbert b.1758 -
Bogart, Johannes b.1759 -
Bogart, Johannes b.1764 -
Bogart, Marytje -
Bogert, Annetje b.1728 - New York, USA
Bogert, John b.1697 - New York, New York, USA
Boggs, Keziah Jane b.1815 - St. Clairsville, Ohio
Bohner, Elias b.1862 -
Bohner, Elizabeth b.1854 -
Bohner, Emma b.1850 -
Bohner, George b.1826 -
Bohner, George E. b.1868 -
Bohner, Lillian b.1866 -
Bohner, Michael B. b.1852 -
Bohner, Molly b.1864 -
Bohner, Phoebe A. b.1858 -
Bohner, Samuel b.1860 -
Bohner, William Henry b.1855 -
Bolden, Elsie Mary b.1881 - Wisconsin, USA
Boldon, William Thomas b.1861 - Vernon, Wisconsin, USA
Bolling, Archibald b.1750 - Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
Bolling, Col John b.1676 - Kippax, Charles City, Virginia, USA
Bolling, Major John b.1700 - Cobbs, Henrico, Virginia, USA
Bolling, Robert Thomas b.1645 - Barkin Perish, London, England
Bolling, Sarah b.1773 - Virginia
Bond, Anna b.1799 - Cecil, Maryland, USA
Bond, Clifford Gerald b.1882 - Garwin, Tama, Iowa, United States
Bond, Donna m.1963 -
Bond, Frank -
Bond, Frank D b.1870 - Indiana
Bond, Gerald Clarke b.1914 - Nortonville, Jefferson, Kansas, USA
Bond, Ira Elwin b.1853 - Peru. Miami County, Indiana
Bond, Jannetje Hendrickse b.1678 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Bond, Jessie Cecelia b.1902 - Moline, Kansas, USA
Bond, Living -
Bond, Sandra A m.1958 - Cook County, IL
Bond, William b.1819 - Harrison, Charles, Virginia, United States
Bonine, John Earl b.1913 - Missouri, USA
Bonine, Living -
Bonine, Living -
Bonine, Living -
Bonine, Living -
Bonnell, Minnie b.1872 - Louisiana, USA
Booher, Martha Frances b.1851 - Illinois, United States
Boone, Barbara b.1767 -
Boone, Living -
Booton, America b.1827 - Cabell, , Virginia, USA
Bordine, Mary m.1795 -
Borgert, Elisabeth Katharina Sophie b.1912 - Bruegge
Bortle, Peter b.1742 -
Bosch, Mayke b.1675 - Church, Wetzel, West Virginia, USA
Bosch, Mayke -
Bosch, Pieternella b.1718 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA
Bosworth, Rachel b.1784 -
Bothwant, Charles b.1873 - Virginia
Botts, Elizabeth b.1673 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Botts, Isaac b.1640 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Boughton, Theodocia b.1806 - Victor, Ontario, New York, USA
Boulicault, Cheryl m.1980 - St Louis, Missouri, USA
Boulicault, Ernest Charles -
Bousman, Barbara Van b.1742 - Botetort Co, Virginia, United States
Bouton, Richard m.1665 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bowen, Clarence Ezra b.1896 - Ohio, USA
Bowen, Clyde b.1887 - Kansas, United States
Bowen, Elmer E b.1861 - Perry, Ohio, USA
Bowen, Floyd b.1885 - Ohio, USA
Bowen, Jessie b.1893 - Ohio, USA
Bowen, Susan b.1889 - Ohio, USA
Bower, Fred Anthony b.1881 - Pennsylvania, USA
Bower, Frederick Lavern b.1909 - Nebraska, USA
Bower, Living -
Bower, Mary -
Bowerman, Patience b.1846 - Hallowell, Prince Edward, Ontario, Canada
Bowers, Mary b.1798 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Bowersox, Faye b.1894 - Ohio
Bowles, Beryl Loraine b.1910 - Wapato, Yakima, Washington, USA
Bowley, Olive H. m.1870 -
Bowman, -
Bowman, Barbara Ann b.1927 - Pearl City, Stephenson, Illinois
Bowman, Beth Isabelle b.1913 - Pearl City, Stephenson, Illinois
Bowman, Bonnie Jane b.1922 - Lanark, Carroll, Illinois
Bowman, Catherine b.1805 -
Bowman, Cyrus b.1842 - Illinois or Maryland
Bowman, Fern M b.1917 - Illinois
Bowman, Frank Elmer b.1890 - LaPorte City, Blackhawk, Iowa
Bowman, Helen Irene b.1915 - Elgin, Kane, Illinois, USA
Bowman, Joe b.1919 - Pearl City, Stephenson, Illinois
Bowman, Living -
Bowman, Melvin C. -
Boyce, Issac b.1730 -
Boyce, Joseph b.1766 - , Chowan, North Carolina, USA
Boyce, Penninah b.1794 - , Chowan, North Carolina, USA
Boyd, Elizabeth Darkatie b.1869 - Wheatland, Hickory, Missouri, USA
Boyd, Harriet Ellen b.1840 - Windham, Vermont, United States
Boyd, Jane b.1790 - Kentucky
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyd, Living -
Boyer, Anna b.1870 - Morley, Mecosta, Michigan, United States
Boyer, Annie b.1871 - Michigan
Boyer, Annie Magdalene b.1876 - Missouri, USA
Boyer, Claude Charles b.1887 - Missouri, USA
Boyer, Edith Izora b.1876 - Missouri, USA
Boyer, Elenor Elizabeth b.1884 - Missouri, USA
Boyer, Etta May b.1873 - Scotland, Missouri, USA
Boyer, George G. b.1849 - , Rush, Indiana, USA
Boyer, Harmon b.1821 - Denmark
Boyer, Helena b.1862 - New York, USA
Boyer, James Corbett b.1892 - Missouri, USA
Boyer, Leroy George b.1881 - Missouri, USA
Boyer, Living -
Boyer, Sarah Barbara b.1890 - Missouri, USA
Boyer, Thomas B b.1831 - New York, USA
Boyes, Molly m.1888 -
Boys, James b.1706 - New York, USA
Brace, Cora May b.1877 - Brookfield, Lynn, Missouri, USA
Brace, Elisha b.1800 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Brace, Ezra b.1835 - Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Brace, Fred L b.1863 - Green Lake, Wisconsin, Iowa, USA
Brace, Kate Francis b.1868 - Brookfield, Linn, Missouri, USA
Brace, Nora Matilda b.1877 - Brookfield, Lynn, Missouri, USA
Brace, William E b.1866 - Linn, Missouri, Iowa, USA
Bracha, John b.1872 - Bohemia, Suffolk, New York, USA
Bracha, Lucille Alice b.1909 - Ethan, Davison, South Dakota, USA
Brack, Phillip m.1869 - Linn, Oregon, USA
Brackenbury, Katherine "Kate" b.1879 - Brigham City, Box Elder Co., UT
Brackett, Anthony b.1613 - Sudbury, Suffolk, , England
Brackett, Bathsheba b.1744 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
BRACKETT, Bethsheba b.1741 - York, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Elizabeth b.1733 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Brackett, Isaac b.1722 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
BRACKETT, Jacob b.1737 - York, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, James b.1726 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, John b.1720 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Joseph b.1746 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Joseph b.1739 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Joshua b.1728 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Mary b.1782 - Shapleigh, York, Maine, USA
Brackett, Mary b.1730 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Nathan b.1754 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Brackett, Olive b.1750 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Peter b.1560 - Sudbury, Suffolk, , England
Brackett, Samuel b.1672 - Falmouth, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Brackett, Samuel b.1695 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Brackett, Samuel b.1724 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Sarah b.1736 - York, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Sarah b.1742 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Brackett, Thomas b.1635 - Rye, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Bradbury, Anna b.1702 -
Bradbury, Benjamin m.1749 -
Bradbury, Captain Thomas -
Bradbury, Jacob b.1677 -
Bradbury, Jane b.1645 -
Bradbury, Thomas m.1700 -
Bradbury, William d.1678 -
Braden, Jane b.1871 - Iowa
Bradford, David b.1778 - Kershaw, Lancaster, South Carolina, United States
Bradford, Elisha S. b.1831 -
Bradford, Mary A b.1811 -
Bradford, Rebecca -
Bradford, Samuel F. b.1808 - Tennessee, USA
Bradford, Sarah W. b.1816 - Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA
Bradford, Susannah b.1804 - Kershaw, Lancaster, South Carolina, United States
Bradford, William H. b.1837 - Illinois, USA
Bradley, Francis m.1660 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bradley, Rebecca b.1773 - Delaware
Bradley, Thomas -
Bradley, Thomas -
Bradstreet, Dorothy b.1635 -
Bradstreet, Simon Gov. b.1603 - Horbling, Lincolnshire, England
Brady, Eleanor b.1801 - South Carolina, USA
Brady, Mary Ann b.1841 - at sea enroute to America
Brailes, Cicely b.1520 -
Brailes, Richard b.1490 -
Brainard, Edward Henry b.1927 - Canadian, Hemphill, Texas, USA
Brainard, Edward Henry b.1860 - Massachusetts
Brainard, Edward Swasey Fullerton b.1904 - Sparrow Bush, Orange, New York, USA
Brainard, Kathryn Benji b.1906 - Canadian, Hemphill, Texas, USA
Brainard, Mary b.1804 - Rutland, Jefferson, New York, USA
Brainard, Mary K -
Brainard, Peter Henry b.1816 - Ireland
Brainerd, Clifford Carl b.1906 - Iowa
Brainerd, Living -
Brainerd, Living -
Brainerd, Living -
Brame, Sarah Elizabeth b.1905 - Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, United States
Brand, Daniel -
Brand, Living -
Brand, Living -
Brand, Living -
Brand, Living -
Brandhoff, Mildred E. b.1901 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio
Brandt, Henry Gustave -
Brandt, Meta Amelia b.1889 - Beatrice, Cage County Nebraska, USA
Brannon, Dennis J -
Brannon, Kenneth D -
Brannon, Larry G -
Brannon, Nancy R -
Brannon, Warren F -
Brantlinger, Margaret Ellen b.1912 -
Brasher, Ida Elinora b.1888 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Brauer, Therasa "Trace" b.1883 - Missouri
Brazelton, Ellen m.1865 - Bowens Prairie, Jones, Iowa, USA
Brazie, Fred Peter b.1890 - Harlan, Fayette, Iowa, United States,
Brazie, Living -
Brazie, Living -
Brazle, Alice -
Brazle, Anna -
Brazle, Bridget -
Brazle, Edward -
Brazle, Ellen b.1862 - La Salle, Illinois, USA
Brazle, James -
Brazle, Mary -
Brazle, Michael -
Brazle, Thomas b.1834 - Ireland
Brazys, Living -
Brazys, Living -
Brazys, Living -
Brazys, Living -
Breeden, Living -
Breeden, Ted Neal b.1907 -
Breene, Marle m.1893 - New York, New York, USA
Breidert, George b.1863 - Illinois, USA
Breidert, George Henry b.1894 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
Breidert, Pebble Ruth b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Breidert, Willie b.1892 - Iowa, USA
Brenamon, Charles b.1878 - Ohio
Brenham, Margaret m.1637 -
Brennamon, Eliza A b.1882 - Kansas
Brennamon, Living -
Brennamon, Living -
Brennamon, Living -
Brennan, Harry m.1909 -
Brennick, Charles b.1868 - Iowa, USA
Brennick, Charles Harlan b.1903 - Nebraska
Brennick, Living -
Brennick, Robert Lewis b.1932 - North Loup, , Nebraska, USA
Brereton, Manteaux -
Brereton, Mary b.1577 - Honford, Chester, Cheshire, England
Brereton, Urian b.1532 -
Bressie, Elsje c.1754 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Bressie, Jan -
Bressie, Winshan b.1750 - Linlithgo, Columbia, New York, USA
Brewer, Bertha Pearl b.1899 - Indiana, USA
Brewer, Harriet Ann b.1821 - New York, USA
Brewer, John Jacob b.1875 - , Parke, Indiana, USA
Brewer, Living -
Brewer, Maude b.1889 - Iowa, USA
Brewer, Will b.1866 - Iowa, USA
Brickey, Darcus b.1722 - , Richmond, Virginia, USA
Bridgers, Sarah M. b.1803 - North Carolina, USA
Bridwell, Margaret Rebecca b.1907 - Steele City, Jefferson, Nebraska, USA
Briggs, Arthur b.1860 - New York, USA
Briggs, Carroll Carlton b.1901 - Minnesota, USA
Briggs, Chandler Channing b.1830 - Concord, Erie, New York, United States
Briggs, Harold V b.1895 - Fairbault, Minnesota
Briggs, Mildred Frances b.1893 - Blue Earth, Minnesota, United States
Briggs, Nellie W b.1877 - Illinois, USA
Briggs, Suel Christopher b.1865 - Faribault, Minnesota, United States
Brigham, Harvey D b.1815 - New Hampshire
Brigham, Mary -
Brigham, Mary A b.1841 - Illinois, USA
Bright, Charles b.1857 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Bright, Jacob -
Bright, Mary Charles b.1889 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Brimner, Jennie m.1893 -
Brindle, Jacob -
Brindle, Mary Ann b.1839 - Hopewell, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Brink, Arie -
Brink, Catrina -
Brink, Daniel -
Brink, Jenneke -
Brink, Lambert b.1706 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Brinker, Heinrich Christian Friedrich -
Brinker, Wilhelm Heinrich Albert b.1840 - Altenbuecken, Germany
Brinkerhoff, -
Brinkerhoff, Abraham b.1768 -
Brinkerhoff, Eleanor Remsen b.1815 - New York, New York, USA
Brinson, Lloyd A m.1945 -
Bristol, Abigail b.1731 - Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Abraham b.1727 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Adah b.1771 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Adeline Amelia b.1840 - , Kings, New York, USA
Bristol, Ann b.1746 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Ann b.1750 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Anson Hall b.1779 - Sandgate, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Bristol, Anthony Ira b.1830 - , Kings, New York, USA
Bristol, Betsey -
Bristol, Candace -
Bristol, Catherine Eliza b.1829 - , Kings, New York, USA
Bristol, Catherine Maria b.1832 - Auburn, Cayuga, New York, USA
Bristol, Chester -
Bristol, Cicero Lathrop b.1837 - Harmony, Chautauqua, New York, USA
Bristol, David b.1723 - Connecticut, United States
Bristol, David b.1747 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, David b.1759 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Donald C b.1908 - Seattle, Washington
Bristol, Drusilla b.1769 -
Bristol, Ebenezer b.1715 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Elijah b.1784 - Sandgate, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Bristol, Enos b.1720 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Enos d.1786 - Sandgate, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Bristol, Gideon b.1725 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Hannah b.1744 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Harriet Maria b.1810 - Auburn, Cayuga, New York, USA
Bristol, Henry Orland b.1844 - Bristol, Wisconsin, USA
Bristol, Ira Sherman b.1809 - Auburn, Cayuga, New York, USA
Bristol, James b.1780 -
Bristol, James b.1759 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Jerusha b.1762 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
BRISTOL, Joannah b.1745 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Job b.1744 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, John b.1717 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, John b.1659 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, John Sherman b.1784 - Auburn, Cayuga, New York, USA
Bristol, Joseph b.1689 - , New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Joseph b.1713 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Juliette -
Bristol, Lathrop S b.1804 - Auburn, Cayuga, New York, USA
Bristol, Lawrence Millard Theodore b.1839 - Bristol, Wisconsin, USA
Bristol, Lee -
Bristol, Leland Emerson b.1875 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska
Bristol, Lester Sheppard b.1801 - New York, USA
Bristol, Levi b.1765 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Lora Vale b.1868 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Bristol, Lucy b.1760 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Mabel d.1751 - Sandgate, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Bristol, Marietta "Metta" Amanda b.1835 - Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, USA
Bristol, Mary b.1752 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Medora E. b.1840 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Bristol, Mehitable b.1712 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Mercy b.1729 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Milla -
Bristol, Nathan b.1757 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Peter b.1764 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Samuel b.1767 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Samuel b.1756 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Sarah b.1711 - New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Sarah Ann b.1822 - Auburn, Cayuga, New York, USA
Bristol, Sherman b.1767 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Thankful b.1735 - Connecticut, United States
Bristol, Theodore Moran b.1832 - , Kings, New York, USA
Bristol, Theressa Oressa "Retta" b.1841 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Bristol, William Merriam b.1824 - , Kings, New York, USA
Bristow, Alfred b.1847 - Indiana, USA
Bristow, James b.1805 - Adair Co, KY
Brittain, Anna -
Brittain, Elizabeth -
Brittain, Harmon b.1799 - Lee, Virginia, USA
Brittain, Isabel b.1849 - Danville, Hendricks, Indiana, USA
Brittain, Katherine b.1843 - Indiana, USA
Brittain, Martha -
Brittain, Mary b.1834 - , Hendricks, Indiana, USA
Brittain, Parks b.1825 - Hendricks, New Winchester, Iowa, USA
Brittain, Parks b.1771 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Brittain, Sarah H. b.1840 - Indiana, USA
Brittain, Zerilda b.1829 - Indiana, USA
Brittle, Sarah b.1749 - North Carolina, USA
Britton, Sarah E. b.1845 - OH
Bro, Carl Edwin b.1884 - Skaraborg, Dalarnas, Sweden
Bro, Ivo Don b.1929 - Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USA
Bro, Living -
Bro, Living -
Bro, Living -
Bro, Roy b.1909 - Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, USA
Broadhead, Magdelena b.1706 - , Ulster, New York, USA
Brode, Ella C. b.1875 - Pennsylvania
Brode, Elmer S. b.1878 - Pennsylvania
Brode, Ruben Ulysses b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Brode, Samuel E. b.1834 - Pennsylvania
Bronwer, Maria Willemse m.1670 -
Brooks, Dorothy -
Brooks, Ella Rebecca b.1866 - Fremont, Dodge, Nebraska, USA
Brooks, Fred Eugene -
Brooks, Henry -
Brooks, Martha Jane b.1852 -
Brooks, Mary Ann b.1837 - Canada
Brooks, Philip b.1806 - Canada
Brouwer, Abraham b.1658 - New York, New York, USA
Brouwer, Adam b.1662 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Brouwer, Adam Berkhoven b.1620 - Cologne, Kln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Brouwer, Adolph b.1693 - New York, USA
Brouwer, Aelje -
Brouwer, Ann -
Brouwer, Cornelis c.1705 - New York, New York, USA
Brouwer, Daniel b.1678 -
Brouwer, Frans Sijmonsen b.1596 - Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Brouwer, Fytje "Sophia" b.1663 - Gowanus, Orange, New York, United States
Brouwer, Jacobus b.1647 - Gowanus, ( Long Island) (Queens)(Brooklyn) New York, United States
Brouwer, Jurge c.1701 - New York, USA
Brouwer, Lysbeth c.1699 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Brouwer, Magdalena b.1698 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Brouwer, Magdalena "Helena" b.1660 - Brooklin, Kings, New York, United States
Brouwer, Marretje "Maria" b.1653 - Nieuw Amsterdam, Nieuw Nederland
Brouwer, Matthys Adamsz b.1649 - New Amsterdam, New York, United States
Brouwer, Nicholaes -
Brouwer, Nicholas Adams b.1672 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Brouwer, Pieter b.1646 - New York, New York, USA
Brouwer, Rachel -
Brouwer, Sarah -
Brouwer, William b.1651 -
Brower, Living -
Brower, Living -
Brower, Living -
Brower, Living -
Brower, Living -
Brower, Living -
Brower, Living -
Brown, -
Brown, Alexander b.1895 - Roseland, Adams, Nebraska, USA
Brown, Almira Ruth b.1812 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Brown, Amanda Jane b.1849 - Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA
Brown, Amos b.1758 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA
Brown, Amos b.1730 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA
Brown, Amy b.1759 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Anna Josephine -
Brown, Asher b.1769 - Preston City, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Barrodell b.1777 - Preston City, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Bertha Estella b.1888 -
Brown, Breed b.1784 - Preston City, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Catherine Lee b.1930 - Saint Louis, Missouri
Brown, Charles M. DR. -
Brown, Cora Matilda b.1866 -
Brown, Daniel -
Brown, Denison b.1763 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Desire b.1763 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Dorcas b.1713 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Brown, Edmund Matthew b.1898 - Roseland, Adams, Nebraska, USA
Brown, Eliza W. b.1836 -
Brown, Ellen N b.1864 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Brown, Elmer Franklin m.1919 -
Brown, Esther b.1761 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Esther b.1829 -
Brown, Eunice b.1765 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Eunice b.1767 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Francis John b.1839 - Wilton, Franklin, Maine, USA
Brown, Frank E b.1876 - Grand River, Decatur, Iowa, United States
Brown, Frank Orastes b.1864 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Brown, Frank Orestes b.1886 - Maine
Brown, Franklin b.1827 -
Brown, George A. b.1831 -
Brown, George W. b.1866 -
Brown, Gilbert b.1781 - Preston City, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Grace b.1771 - Preston City, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Harlow b.1821 - Pennsylvania, United States
Brown, Henrietta b.1790 - Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont, USA
Brown, Henry b.1779 - Preston City, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Henry Harrison b.1839 - , Jackson, Indiana, USA
Brown, Hosea b.1798 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Brown, Hosea J. b.1841 -
Brown, Isabella b.1896 - Roseland, Adams, Nebraska
Brown, Iva b.1823 -
Brown, Iva Irene b.1890 - Quinter, Grove, Kansas, USA
Brown, Iva Irene -
Brown, James Eugene b.1903 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Brown, Jane -
Brown, Joel -
Brown, John b.1836 - Missouri, USA
Brown, John -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Living -
Brown, Louisa M. b.1851 - Linn County, Oregon
Brown, Mabel Estella b.1873 -
Brown, Maragaret -
Brown, Margaret "Maggie" b.1831 - Pennsylvania
Brown, Margurite Mace b.1891 -
Brown, Martin S. b.1858 - Maine
Brown, Mary m.1730 -
Brown, Mary b.1821 - Circleville, Pickaway, Ohio, USA
Brown, Mary A. m.1878 -
Brown, Mary Jane b.1870 - Missouri, USA
Brown, Matthew b.1847 - Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland
Brown, Merton b.1839 -
Brown, Milo b.1839 -
Brown, Nathan b.1773 - Preston City, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Nellie J b.1851 - Illinois, USA
Brown, Odelesa -
Brown, Peleg b.1775 - Preston City, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Ralph Irwin b.1896 - Grand River, Decatur, Iowa, USA
Brown, Ralph Irwin b.1920 - Decatur, Macon County, Illinois.
Brown, Rebecca b.1831 -
Brown, Ruth b.1763 -
Brown, Sabra b.1767 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Brown, Samuel T. b.1811 -
Brown, Sarah b.1788 - Rhode Island
Brown, Stanley Vincent b.1906 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Brown, Theresa m.1983 -
Brownell, Emily Carpenter b.1842 - Massachusetts, USA
Browning, Amy b.1791 - Connecticut, United States
Browning, Joseph -
Brownson, Elwyn J -
Brownson, Julius Edwin b.1923 - Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Brownson, Living -
Brownson, Living -
Brownson, Living -
Brownson, Paula -
Brumbaugh, Daniel b.1877 - Pennsylvania
Brumbaugh, Daniel M. b.1887 - Mifflin Co., PA
Brumbaugh, Eli Plummer b.1835 - Lincoln Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA
Brumbaugh, Glenn b.1914 - Woodbury, Blair Co., PA
Brumbaugh, Living -
Brumbaugh, Living -
Brumbaugh, Living -
Brumbaugh, Living -
Brumbaugh, Living -
Brumbaugh, Living -
Bruner, Andrew Frank b.1875 - Kansas
Bruner, Andrew J b.1859 - Probably, Hancock, Kentucky, USA
Bruner, Beryl Kenneth b.1908 - Kansas
Bruner, Bessie L. b.1894 - Indiana, USA
Bruner, Fledah J b.1904 - Kansas, USA
Bruner, George Lewis b.1892 - Holland, Cass Indiana, USA
Bruner, George S b.1848 - Kentucky, USA
Bruner, Jessie Bassey b.1855 - , Hancock, Kentucky, USA
Bruner, John F L b.1861 - Kentucky, USA
Bruner, Joseph W b.1851 - Kentucky, USA
Bruner, Lauretta b.1889 - Indiana, USA
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Living -
Bruner, Manervia b.1844 - Kentucky, USA
Bruner, Melitta B. b.1887 - Indiana, USA
Bruner, Samuel b.1843 - Kentucky, USA
Bruner, Samuel b.1795 - , Breckinridge, Kentucky, USA
Bruner, Sarah b.1846 - Kentucky, USA
Bruner, Sarah V. b.1879 - Kansas
Bruner, Sophronia b.1864 - Kentucky, USA
Bruner, William C. b.1886 - Indiana, USA
Bruner, William L b.1822 - Kentucky, USA
Bruner, William S b.1871 - Indiana
Bruyn, Rebecca m.1718 - New York, New York, USA
Bryant, Olive b.1867 - Ellicottville, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Buchaker, Elizabeth b.1884 - Iowa, USA
Buchwalter, Mary Maria b.1800 - Lancaster Co., PA
Buck, Ann Rebecca b.1858 -
Buck, Elizabeth b.1801 -
Buck, Living -
Buck, Living -
Buck, Polly m.1823 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Buck, Thankful m.1741 -
Buckberger, Marian V. b.1925 -
Buckwalter, Benjamin Franklin b.1822 - Walker Township, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Buckwalter, Rebecca Ann b.1852 - Huntingdon Co. Pa.
Buis, Mariah m.1753 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Bulkan, Johanne Maria Hannah b.1792 - Mackensen, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Bull, Lydia Jane b.1860 - St Charles, St Charles, Missouri, United States
Bulloch, Martha b.1834 - Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Bullock, Ernest Milton b.1888 - Ohio, United States
Bullock, Herbert Lester b.1891 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States
Bullock, John R b.1856 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Bumgardner, Susan Elizabeth b.1877 - Trough Creek Valley, Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania
Bunce, Jerusha b.1790 - Conneticut
Bunce, Living -
Bunce, Living -
Bunce, Living -
Bunce, Living -
Bunce, Living -
Bunce, Zenas D b.1882 - Missouri
Bunnell, Ada Blanche b.1891 - Independence, Missouri
Bunnell, Hattie H. -
Bunnell, Hattie Helen b.1894 - Corning, Adams, Iowa, USA
Bupp, Elmer J b.1883 -
Bupp, Jacob b.1856 - Pennsylvania
Burbridge, John Earl b.1900 - Iowa, USA
Burbridge, Living -
Burbridge, Robert Dean b.1927 - Beebeetown, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Burcham, Betty -
Burcham, George Avery b.1903 - California
Burcham, John b.1838 - Windsor, Lawrence, Ohio, USA
Burcham, John -
Burcham, Kerry -
Burcham, Living -
Burcham, Ruth Ellen b.1869 - Iowa, USA
Burcham, Wilda -
Burchek, Clarissa b.1813 -
Burchek, Olive d.1899 -
Burdick, Deborah b.1662 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Burdick, Emma b.1831 - Scott, Cortland, New York
Burdick, Louisa Sutlief b.1811 - Ridge, Suffolk, New York, United States
Burdick, Lydia b.1768 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Burdick, Robert b.1630 - England
Burdick, Uriah b.1787 - Rhode Island, United States
Burgess, John -
Burgess, Mary Ann b.1839 - Manchester, Lancashire, England
Burgie, John E. m.1912 -
Burgoyne, Mary d.1918 -
Burhoop, Anna Margarethe Marie b.1823 -
Burhoop, Heinrich -
Burket, Elsie May b.1874 - Holton Jackson Co. Kansas
Burkhart, Louisa F b.1873 - Ohio
Burlingame, Clarence Derby b.1881 -
Burlingame, Edith Marion b.1875 -
Burlingame, Edward Stutley b.1871 -
Burlingame, Edwin Bates b.1871 -
Burlingame, John b.1826 -
Burlingame, Olive Elizabeth b.1870 -
Burlingame, Stutley -
Burlingame, Walter Flint b.1880 -
Burnes, Emma Bigelow b.1868 - Bloomfield, Kings, New Brunswick, Canada
Burnes, Richard Dixon -
Burnett, Charles J. -
Burnett, Charles John b.1774 - London, England
Burnett, John b.1749 - London, England
Burnham, Lizzie -
Burnham, Marion M. b.1869 - Holly, Oakland, Michigan, USA
Burnham, Milton M. b.1839 - Dayton, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Burnham, Olive Lucy b.1871 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Burnham, Vosco Smith b.1877 - Richmond, Cache, Utah, USA
Burnham, Wilson Smith b.1916 - Mancos, Montezuma, Colorado, USA
Burns, Alvin b.1883 - Missouri, USA
Burns, Catherine b.1806 - New Holland, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Burns, Matilda b.1835 - New York, USA
Burns, Samuel Riley b.1904 - Oklahoma, USA
Burns, Verna Mandana b.1883 - Rensselaer, Jasper, Indiana, USA
Burnstedt, John b.1868 - Sweden
Burnstedt, Rena M b.1892 - Iowa, USA
Burr, Elizabeth m.1674 - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Burrack, Robert m.1968 - Marion, Linn, Iowa, USA
Burrell, Living -
Burrell, Living -
Burrell, Living -
Burrell, Mary A. b.1834 - Perry, Pennsylvania, USA
Burroughs, Carrie B b.1874 - Geneseo, Henry, Illinois, United States
Burroughs, David Sebastian b.1843 - Napoli, Cattaraugus Co., New York
Burrows, Clark Andrew b.1843 - Pennsylvania
Burrows, Gates b.1816 - New York, USA
Burrows, Gates Wilson b.1899 - California
Burrows, Hubert Gates b.1866 - Pennsylvania
Burrows, Kathryn B b.1902 - California
Burrows, Living -
Burrows, Living -
Burrows, Sarah b.1763 - Thompson, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Burt, Letha -
Burt, Lillian Mae b.1888 -
Burton, Living -
Burton, Mary b.1866 - Wisconsin
Burtzlaff, Edith b.1893 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, United States
Burtzloff, Alviney b.1885 -
Burtzloff, Bernhard Edward b.1887 - Pormar, Germany
Burtzloff, Bert b.1891 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, United States
Burtzloff, Emil b.1889 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, United States
Burtzloff, Herman b.1885 -
Burtzloff, John H b.1854 - Pommern, Cochem-Zell, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Burtzloff, John Henry b.1897 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, United States
Burtzloff, Julius b.1903 - Nebraska, USA
Burtzloff, Matilda b.1885 - Germany
Burwell, Living -
Burwell, Living -
Burwell, Living -
Burwell, Living -
Burwell, Living -
Burwell, Living -
Buser, Sara Margreta b.1680 - Sand, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Busey, David b.1830 -
Busey, Elizabeth Ann b.1837 - , Shelby, Kentucky, USA
Busey, Living -
Busey, Living -
Busey, Living -
Busey, Living -
Busey, William b.1860 - , Frederick, Virginia, USA
Busey, William N b.1900 - Minnesota, USA
Bush, Fred b.1887 - Illinois, USA
Bush, John W. m.1962 -
Bush, Living -
Bush, Mary Louisa b.1807 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Bush, Raymond Robert b.1909 - Portstown, Pennsylvania
Bush, Stephen C -
Busse, Clara Maggie b.1879 - Minnesota, USA
Busse, Frances Julia b.1886 - Minnesota, USA
Busse, George M b.1883 - Minnesota, USA
Busse, Lillian Margaret b.1888 - Minnesota, USA
Busse, Rosina T b.1884 - Minnesota, USA
Bussing, Susannah d.1736 -
Bussy, Agnes b.1585 -
Butter, Lydia m.1647 -
Butterfield, Isaac -
Butterfield, James b.1818 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Butts, Berry -
Butts, Ernest Sr. b.1880 - Missouri
Butts, Living -
Butts, Mary E b.1888 - Missouri
Butts, Tryphina Malinda b.1840 - Vermont, USA
Byerly, Elijah -
Byerly, Margaret Elizabeth b.1854 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Byram, Phoebe -
Byram, Sarah b.1831 - Indiana, USA
Byrum, Issac b.1765 - , Chowan, North Carolina, USA
Cahoon, Lerona Eliza b.1838 - Adam-Ondi-Ahman, Daviess, Missouri, USA
Cain, Daniel S b.1844 - Alabama, USA
Cain, Elizabeth "Nettie" Jeannette b.1870 - Crockett, Houston County, Texas
Cain, Evelyn -
Cain, Florence O. b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Cain, Josephine Bruce b.1875 - Fulton, Illinois, USA
Caker, Richard b.1709 -
Caldwell, Esther -
Caldwell, James Rev. b.1734 - Charlotte, Virginia, USA
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living m.1963 -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Living -
Caldwell, Sarah b.1778 - Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA
Cale, Delilah b.1788 - North Carolina, USA
Calef, Albert E b.1862 - New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Alice P b.1877 - Massachusetts, USA
Calef, Arthur A b.1882 - New Hampshire
Calef, Bessie L b.1889 - New Hampshire
Calef, Blanche F. b.1876 - Massachusetts
Calef, Daniel b.1777 - Salisbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Daniel b.1720 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Calef, Daniel R b.1835 - Salisbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, David b.1774 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire
Calef, Dorothy b.1762 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Fitts R. b.1846 - New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Frederick A b.1856 -
Calef, Freeman W. b.1837 - Salisbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Garland b.1802 - Salisbury, Vermont, USA
Calef, Hannah b.1733 -
Calef, Hannah b.1754 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, James b.1708 -
Calef, John b.1731 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Calef, John b.1703 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Calef, John b.1675 - Baberg Hundred, Suffolk, , England
Calef, Jonathan b.1766 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire
Calef, Joseph b.1742 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Joseph b.1718 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Calef, King b.1711 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Calef, Living -
Calef, Living -
Calef, Lois b.1739 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Lydia b.1745 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Mary b.1706 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Calef, Mary b.1758 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Mary b.1752 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Mary B b.1842 - New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Mattie J b.1854 -
Calef, Moses b.1764 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire
Calef, Moses G b.1848 - Bosacwen, , New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Nancy R b.1809 - Boscawen, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Pauline C b.1886 - New Hampshire
Calef, Robert b.1717 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Calef, Robert b.1648 - Baberg Hundred, Suffolk, , England
Calef, Samuel b.1741 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Sarah b.1749 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, Sarah b.1729 -
Calef, William b.1706 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Calef, William b.1761 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Calef, William b.1737 - Kingston, New Hampshire, USA
Calhoun, Delores b.1932 -
Caljer, Anneken -
Caljer, Annetje -
Caljer, Cornelia -
Caljer, Cornelis -
Caljer, Dorethea b.1689 - , Albany, New York, USA
Caljer, Dorothea c.1650 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Caljer, Jacobus -
Caljer, Jacobus -
Caljer, Jannetje -
Caljer, Jochem d.1659 -
Caljer, Jochem -
Caljer, Jurian b.1644 - New Amsterdam, Montgomery, New York, USA
Caljer, Michiel c.1650 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Calkins, Eunice b.1804 - Richland, Oswego, New York, USA
Callahan, Living -
Callahan, Living -
Callahan, Living -
Callahan, Living -
Callahan, Living m.1938 - Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, USA
Callahan, Living -
Callahan, Living -
Callahan, Living -
Callahan, Living -
Callahan, Living -
Calstock, Catherine b.1795 - Pennsylvania
Cameron, Florence Elizabeth b.1857 - Salem, Meigs, Ohio, USA
Cameron, Francina b.1861 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
Cameron, Harrison b.1863 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
Cameron, Henry b.1835 - Ohio, USA
Cameron, James F b.1869 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
Cameron, Living -
Cameron, Living -
Cameron, Living -
Cameron, Living -
Cameron, Living -
Cameron, Mary b.1856 - Ohio, USA
Cameron, Nancy Ellen b.1855 - Ohio, USA
Camp, Adaline Clarissa b.1841 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Albert G b.1814 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
Camp, Burt W b.1873 - Newton, Jasper, Iowa, USA
Camp, Burton b.1820 -
Camp, Burton W b.1835 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Clarence Dewitt b.1851 - Towanda, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
Camp, Clarissa b.1820 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Clark C b.1804 - New York, USA
Camp, Dorothy Marie b.1912 - Salida, Chafee, Colorado, USA
Camp, Elizabeth b.1836 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Ethelyn Lorene b.1909 - Geneva, Fillmore, Nebraska, USA
Camp, Florence Ella b.1922 - Salida, Chaffee, Colorado, USA
Camp, Fred Henry b.1874 - Geneva, Fillmore, Nebraska, USA
Camp, George S b.1819 - Camptown, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Irene b.1912 -
Camp, Isaac b.1782 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States
Camp, Isaac b.1805 - New York, USA
Camp, Isabell Parmelia b.1907 - Salida, Chaffee, Colorado, USA
Camp, James Harold b.1839 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Joseph b.1806 - Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Lacey b.1829 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Lena b.1877 - Geneva, Fillmore, Nebraska, USA
Camp, Lillian Irene b.1890 - Geneva, Fillmore, Nebraska, USA
Camp, Lydia b.1809 - New York, USA
Camp, Marietta b.1811 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Otis Harry b.1925 - Colorado, USA
Camp, Otis Harry b.1881 - Geneva, Fillmore, Nebraska, USA
Camp, Silas B b.1845 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Camp, Thaddeus S b.1826 - Herrick, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Campbell, b.1899 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Campbell, d.1910 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Campbell, b.1904 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Campbell, b.1902 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Campbell, Alexander b.1810 - North Carolina, USA
Campbell, Ann b.1830 -
Campbell, David K b.1878 - New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, USA
Campbell, Eliza A b.1836 - Monroe, Missouri, USA
Campbell, Elmer Lewis b.1896 - Custer City, Custer, Oklahoma, USA
Campbell, James b.1836 - Indiana, USA
Campbell, John b.1846 - Pennsylvania, USA
Campbell, Living -
Campbell, Living -
Campbell, Living -
Campbell, Living -
Campbell, Living -
Campbell, Living -
Campbell, Living -
Campbell, Living -
Campbell, Marion b.1849 - Indiana, USA
Campbell, Mary b.1831 - Pennsylvania, United States
Campbell, Mary b.1820 -
Campbell, Mary b.1831 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Campbell, Rebecca Ann b.1823 -
Campbell, Robert Ervin b.1865 - Pond Springs, Walker, Georgia, USA
Campbell, Robert Lynn b.1924 - Durant, Bryan, Oklahoma, USA
Campbell, Verna Marie b.1900 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Campbell, William b.1811 - Kentucky, USA
Canfield, Eliza DeHart b.1791 - Morris Plains, Morris, New Jersey, United States
Canfield, Josiah T. -
Canfield, Living -
Canfield, Mary A. b.1846 - Mount Horeb, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Cannon, Living -
Cannon, Living -
Cannon, Living -
Cannon, Living -
Cantrall, Eli -
Cantrall, George -
Cantrall, Katie -
Cantrall, Mary Elizabeth b.1888 - Riverton, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Capp, Emily Meily b.1892 - Lebanon, Pennsylvania, United States
Capps, Audrey b.1921 - , Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Bessie b.1926 - Camdenton, Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Clint b.1927 - , Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Fernando Monroe b.1884 - Camdenton, Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Howad Glen Tom b.1913 - Camdenton, Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Ila b.1924 - Linn Creek, Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Lester b.1919 -
Capps, Living -
Capps, Living -
Capps, Lonnie L b.1915 -
Capps, Maudra b.1921 -
Capps, Orilla Ann b.1886 - Camden County, Missouri
Capps, Ross b.1923 - Camdenton, Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Shirley b.1911 - , Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Tilman Howard b.1860 - , Camden, Missouri, USA
Capps, Wayne b.1909 - , Camden, Missouri, USA
Carelszen, Joost b.1645 - New York, New York, USA
CARELSZEN, Maritze Maria b.1660 -
Carey, Ellen L b.1864 - Illinois, USA
Carey, Living -
Carey, Living -
Carey, Living -
Carey, Living -
Carey, Living -
Carey, Living -
Carlson, John b.1865 -
Carlson, Living -
Carlson, Living -
Carlson, Living -
Carlson, Roberta -
Carlson, Roger -
Carlton, Emma J b.1863 - Minnesota, USA
Carman, Ira b.1847 - , Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Carman, Ira b.1847 - Kalamazoo Co. MI
Carman, Maude Mabel b.1874 - Missouri, USA
Carman, Maude Mabel b.1874 - Missouri, United States
Carn, Carrie M b.1876 - Ft, Scott, Bourbon, Kansas, USA
Carnrys, Gertrude -
Carnrys, Peter -
Carnrys, Zacharia m.1757 -
Carpenter, Floy b.1892 -
Carpenter, Linus E b.1865 - New York, USA
Carpenter, Living -
Carpenter, Living -
Carpenter, Louisa A b.1831 - Potsdam, St Lawrence, New York, USA
Carpenter, Mary b.1896 -
Carpenter, Mary Jane -
Carr, Elizabeth m.1733 -
Carr, Martha Elizabeth b.1833 - Montgomery Ohio
Carr, Mary m.1761 -
Carrier, Elizabeth b.1780 - Sharon, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Carrier, Living -
Carringer, Lovica b.1843 - Pennsylvania, USA
Carter, Jesse B. -
Carter, Living -
Carter, Living -
Carter, Living -
Carter, Living -
Carter, Living -
Carter, Living -
Carter, Living -
Carter, Living -
Carter, Samuel Perkins b.1867 - Illinois, USA
Carter, Susan Veta m.1910 - Glenwood Springs, Garfield, Colorado, USA
Cartmill, Rebecca b.1794 - , , Virginia, USA
Cary, Sarah b.1753 - Chesterfield, VA, USA
Case, Gordon Golding b.1905 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Case, Hiram b.1879 - , , Utah, USA
Case, Living -
Case, Mary m.1796 - Montague, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Casey, Keziah b.1775 - , , South Carolina, USA
Casey, Living -
Casey, Living -
Casey, Living -
Caskey, Robert Shannon b.1852 - Pickaway, Pickaway, Ohio, United States
Casky, Della b.1885 - Ohio
Casteel, Charles b.1869 - Iowa, USA
Casteel, Grace b.1885 -
Casteel, Issac b.1839 - Missouri
Casteel, John b.1807 - Ohio, USA
Casteel, Minnie Etta b.1866 - Knoxville, Marion, Iowa, United States
Castile, Allie b.1876 - Iowa
Castile, Erric b.1880 - Iowa
Castle, Lewis b.1864 - Massachusetts
Castle, Martha b.1544 -
Caswell, Henry Haggett m.1875 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Cates, Charles Franklin b.1850 - Orange, North Carolina, USA
Cates, Clarence Lee b.1884 - Lauderdale, Tennessee, USA
Cates, Clydie Lewis b.1910 - Halls, Lauderdale, Tennessee, USA
Cates, Ira Franklin b.1914 - Halls, Lauderdale, Tennessee, USA
Cates, Living -
Cates, Living -
Cates, Living -
Cates, Living -
Cates, Living -
Chad, John m.1626 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Chadbourne, Jacob H b.1843 - Maine
Chadbourne, Lincoln J b.1877 - Maine
Chadbourne, Stanley G b.1875 - Maine
Chaffee, Albert b.1810 - Brokenstraw Valley, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
CHAFFEE, ALICE EMILY b.1839 - Standing Stone, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
CHAFFEE, ANDREW b.1832 - Orwell, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Chaffee, Anna May b.1863 - Pittsfield, Warren County, Pennsylvania
Chaffee, C Nell b.1861 - Pittsfield, Warren County, Pennsylvania
Chaffee, Clarence Llewellyn b.1852 - Pittsfield, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
Chaffee, Clarence William b.1905 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Chaffee, Cora F b.1876 - Pittsfield, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
Chaffee, Cora Lynn b.1924 - Paris, France
Chaffee, Dorothy b.1615 - England
Chaffee, Ebenezer b.1704 - Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States
CHAFFEE, EDWARD BERZILIA b.1837 - Orwell, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
Chaffee, Ezra b.1827 - Pittsfield, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
CHAFFEE, FANNY b.1821 - Pennsylvania, United States
Chaffee, Herbert Watson b.1886 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Chaffee, John b.1673 - Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States
Chaffee, Joseph b.1642 - Hull, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
CHAFFEE, LEANDER ALMA b.1833 - Pennsylvania, United States
CHAFFEE, LOIS b.1817 - Standing Stone, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Chaffee, Lois Elizabeth b.1899 - Nebraska, USA
Chaffee, Lucy Evelyn b.1902 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Chaffee, Luther b.1787 - Woodstock, Windham, Connecticut, United States
Chaffee, Lynn Ezra b.1873 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Chaffee, Mary Elizabeth b.1910 - Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia, United States
Chaffee, Maxwell Bradley b.1887 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Chaffee, Olive Cordelia b.1825 - Brokenstraw, Warren, Pennsylvania, United States
CHAFFEE, SAMUEL b.1812 - LeRaysville, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Chaffee, Samuel b.1760 - Woodstock, Windham, Connecticut, United States
Chaffee, Thomas b.1616 - Hingham, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Chaffee, William Galbraith b.1908 - Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Chaffin, -
Chain, Leo Williams b.1893 - Utica, Seward, Nebraska, United States
Chain, William Hamilton b.1923 - Dedham, Carroll, Iowa, United States
Chalmers, Louis S b.1903 - Kansas
Chamberlain, Elizabeth b.1722 - Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Chambers, Alice A. m.1894 - Indiana, USA
Chambers, David m.1851 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Chambers, Viola Catherine b.1859 - Hocking, Hocking, Ohio, United States
Chamblee, Living -
Chamblee, Living -
Chamblee, Living -
Chamblee, Living -
Champlin, Capt. William -
Champlin, Elizabeth Ann b.1839 - Sangerfield, Oneida, New York, USA
Champlin, Geoffrey -
Champlin, Hannah b.1747 - South Kingstown, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Champlin, Mary m.1700 -
Chandler, Abigail b.1791 - Pomfret, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Chandler, Living -
Chaney, John Willis Clark b.1834 - Harrison, Ohio, USA
Chaney, Nancy Charlotte b.1869 - Hamburg, Fremont, Iowa
Chapin, Raymond E b.1889 - Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USA
Chapin, Virginia b.1923 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Chapman, Allen J b.1860 - England
Chapman, Bessy b.1880 - Iowa
Chapman, Effa b.1873 - Iowa
Chapman, Elmer E. m.1892 - Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri, USA
Chapman, Estella G "Stella" b.1871 - Missouri
Chapman, Ira b.1843 - South Carolina
Chapman, Lee Jackson b.1875 - Iowa
Chapman, Living -
Chapman, Merian b.1845 - Virginia
Chapman, Tecoa b.1867 - Iowa
Chapman, Truman b.1869 - Iowa
Chapple, James b.1870 - Canada Eng
Chapple, Living -
Chapple, Living -
Chapple, Living -
Charlson, Fredrick C b.1849 - Sweden
Charlson, Matilda b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Chase, Abner b.1784 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Chase, Abner b.1813 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA
Chase, Abner Scott b.1842 -
Chase, Amos Milton b.1862 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Chase, Amos Scott b.1820 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA
Chase, Amy Anjean b.1850 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Chase, Amy Lorette b.1822 -
Chase, Aquila b.1580 - England
Chase, Asaph Eugene b.1852 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Chase, Benjamin b.1682 - Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
Chase, Benjamin b.1639 - Massachusetts, USA
Chase, Carroll m.1904 -
CHASE, Charolette b.1790 - Little Compton, Newport, Ri
Chase, Cylinda (Amy) b.1818 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA
Chase, Earl Otis b.1879 - Iowa
Chase, Elizabeth b.1736 -
Chase, Elsie Maud b.1877 - Iowa
CHASE, Ezra b.1796 - Colrain (or Cold Rain), Franklin (or Norfolk), Massachusetts
Chase, Franklin Roy b.1886 - Iowa
Chase, Henry A. b.1837 - Le Roy, Genesee, New York, USA
Chase, Isaac b.1791 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island
Chase, Jacob -
Chase, Jaime -
CHASE, James b.1729 - Swansea, Bristol, Ma
CHASE, James b.1794 - Cold Rain Or Franklin, Norfolk, Ma
Chase, Jane -
Chase, John -
Chase, John Darwin b.1815 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA
Chase, Judy -
Chase, Mary Olive b.1860 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Chase, Melissa b.1811 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA
Chase, Minnie M b.1881 - Iowa
Chase, Nellie Eugenia b.1864 - Dakota, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Chase, Oliver Capt. b.1709 - Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
Chase, Richard -
Chase, Ruth Chilson b.1824 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA
Chase, Salinda -
CHASE, Sarah b.1798 - Cold Rain Or Franklin, Norfolk, Ma
Chase, Sarah A. b.1815 - New York, USA
Chase, Sarah Ann b.1843 - Ohio, USA
Chase, Scott C b.1883 - Iowa
CHASE, Sisson b.1786 - Little Compton, Npt, Ri
Chase, Sisson Almadorus b.1809 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA
Chase, Solomon Drake b.1818 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA
CHASE, Sylvia b.1801 - Bristol, Addsn, Vt
CHASE, Thurston b.1788 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island
Chase, Timothy b.1760 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island
Chase, William b.1607 - England
Chasey, Charles b.1872 - Iowa
Chasey, Dorothy Jean b.1911 - Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
Chasey, Emma J b.1877 - Missouri
Chasey, Living -
Chasey, Living -
Chatburn, Mary Jane b.1844 - Sabden, Lancashire, , England
Chavet, Albert Hugo b.1919 -
Chavet, Living -
Cheney, Sarah b.1708 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Cherry, Agnes b.1873 - Pennsylvania
Cherry, Henry -
Chesebrough, Mary b.1757 - New London, New London, Connecticut, United States
Cheshire, Constance Mercedes b.1902 - Oregon, USA
Cheshire, Ed b.1858 -
Cheshire, James Derwin b.1904 - Oregon, USA
Chester, Ada b.1883 - Colorado
Chestnut, Living m.1947 -
Chestnut, Living -
Child, Albert M. m.1876 -
Child, Hannah b.1710 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Child, Joseph -
Child, Lydia b.1706 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Child, Mary Ann b.1822 - Sullivan, New York, USA
Child, Name Unknown -
Child, Name Unknown -
Child, Name Unknown -
Child, Name Unknown -
Child, Name Unknown -
Child, Name Unknown -
Child, Name Unknown -
Child, Name Unknown -
Child, Name Unknown True -
Child, Obadiah -
Child, Ruth b.1714 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Child, Unknown -
Children, Five -
Children, Names Unknown Four -
Children, Names Unknown Six -
Children, Names Unknown Three -
Children, Names Unknown Three -
Children, Names Unknown Two -
Children, No -
Children, No -
Children, No -
Children, No -
Children, No -
Children, Several Other -
Children, Three Other -
Chilton, Emma b.1850 - Potton End, Hertfordshire, England
Chilton, George b.1851 - Potton End, Hertfordshire, England
Chilton, James b.1563 - Canterbury, Kent, England
Chilton, Lyonell b.1530 - Canterbury, Kent, England
Chilton, Mary b.1605 - London, England
Chipman, Sarah d.1796 -
Chism, -
Chism, Elsie b.1682 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Chism, Henry -
Chism, John -
Chmelir, Margaretha R "Maggie" b.1884 - Missouri, USA
Christensen, Edward George b.1899 - North Loup, Nebraska, USA
Christensen, Inger Marie b.1824 - Lnstrup, Nordjylland, Denmark
Christensen, Jo Ann b.1933 - Arcadia, Nebraska
Christensen, Minna Henriette Elise b.1909 - Wedel
Christy, Nancy b.1813 - Ohio, USA
Church, Living -
Church, Sarah b.1679 - Salisbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Churchyard, Frederick b.1869 - Ripon, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
Churchyard, Harry Fred b.1921 -
Churchyard, Harry Ludwig b.1893 - Fairmont, Martin, Minnesota, USA
Churchyard, Living -
Churchyard, Living -
Churchyard, Living -
Churchyard, Living -
Churchyard, Ralph Fred b.1920 -
Claesz, Hugh b.1475 -
Clair, Elizabeth Mc m.1839 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Clapper, Bertha M b.1887 - Liberty Township, Hancock, Ohio
Clapper, Catharine b.1839 - Ohio
Clapper, Charles Sheldon b.1888 - Hancock County, Ohio
Clapper, Christan P. b.1865 - Ohio
Clapper, Clara B. b.1873 - Ohio
Clapper, Daniel W. b.1877 - Ohio
Clapper, Ellen M b.1869 - Ohio, USA
Clapper, Elmer Clinton b.1860 - Ohio
Clapper, Elmer Sylvester b.1882 - Salt Creek, Muskingum, Ohio, United States
Clapper, Frances J. b.1867 - Ohio
Clapper, George b.1809 - Pennslyvania, USA
Clapper, George S b.1854 - Ohio, USA
Clapper, George Washington b.1898 - Iowa
Clapper, Harriet L. b.1869 - Ohio
Clapper, Ida F b.1856 - Ohio
Clapper, James S. b.1835 - Salt Creek, Muskingum, Ohio, United States
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Living -
Clapper, Maggie M b.1882 - Ohio
Clapper, Marie S b.1892 - Ohio
Clapper, Mary Helen b.1924 - Iowa, USA
Clapper, Mazel J b.1894 - Hancock, Ohio, United States
Clapper, Mearl A b.1890 - Findley, Ohio
Clapper, Minnie B. b.1878 - Ohio
Clapper, Myrtle J b.1891 - Ohio
Clapper, Pearly b.1879 - Ohio
Clapper, Rebecca Jane b.1833 - Ohio
Clapper, Rosa E. b.1875 - Ohio
Clapper, Samuel C b.1862 - Ohio
Clapper, Sarah E. b.1860 - Ohio
Clapper, Sherman D b.1864 - Ohio
Clapper, Silas Cummins b.1871 - Muskingum, Ohio
Clapper, Susan b.1833 - Ohio
Clapper, Sylvester b.1846 - Ohio
Clapper, William b.1848 - Ohio
Clapper, William F. b.1861 - Ohio
Clapper, William H. b.1875 - Ohio
Clark, -
Clark, Agness Cassandra "Cassie" b.1856 - Iowa
Clark, Alice J b.1842 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Alvira b.1844 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Clark, Amos b.1845 - Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Amos b.1793 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Amy Mae b.1908 - Dudley, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Anna Elizabeth b.1793 - Virginia, United States
Clark, Archie Burton b.1902 - Kansas
Clark, Arlette B. b.1865 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Brooks E b.1900 - Pennsylvania, USA
Clark, Cecil Aire b.1899 - Jackson, Harrison, Iowa, United States
Clark, Charles b.1870 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Clark, Charles C b.1877 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Charles Eugene b.1928 -
Clark, Charlotte A b.1829 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Cynthia b.1803 - , Herkimer, New York, USA
Clark, Cyrina b.1866 - Pennsylvania, USA
Clark, Dorothy -
Clark, Elizabeth L b.1849 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Ellen b.1642 - , Yorkshire, , England
Clark, Emerson Bruce b.1863 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Erma Violet b.1892 -
Clark, Eva b.1891 - Illinois, USA
Clark, Farrell N. b.1888 - Iowa, USA
Clark, Faye M b.1906 - Kansas
Clark, Flora A. b.1862 - Pennsylvania
Clark, George b.1868 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Clark, Guy b.1865 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Clark, James W. b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Clark, James Walter b.1856 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Jane b.1803 - Scotland
Clark, Janie -
Clark, Jeremiah -
Clark, John b.1840 - Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, John H. b.1840 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Joshua P b.1850 - , Madison, Iowa, USA
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Living -
Clark, Lorinda b.1788 -
Clark, Lucien d.1893 -
Clark, Mariah b.1748 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Clark, Mary F. m.1869 - East Prairieville, Rice, Minnesota, USA
Clark, Mary M b.1847 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Mattie b.1848 - Ohio
Clark, Mercy b.1666 -
Clark, Minerva Jane b.1853 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Nancy b.1823 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Nancy LeFlora b.1844 - Rollin, Lenawee, Michigan, USA
Clark, Nicholas b.1855 - Hardy, West Virginia
Clark, Orville Larue b.1889 -
Clark, Rachel b.1833 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Rebecca b.1827 - Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Russell b.1835 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Ruth E. b.1883 - Iowa
Clark, Ruth E. b.1875 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Samuel b.1837 - Busti, Chautauqua, New York, USA
Clark, Sarah b.1780 - Maryland, USA
Clark, Sarah b.1719 -
Clark, Seward M. b.1866 - Pennsylvania
Clark, Sherman Alexander b.1865 - Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Clark, Sybel b.1750 - Dover, Dutchess, New York
Clark, Sylvester -
Clark, Sylvester b.1831 - Vermont
Clark, Thomas b.1764 - Maryland, USA
Clark, Thomas H b.1825 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Clark, Vida Pearl b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Clark, Walter William b.1880 - Winterset, Madison Co, Iowa, USA
Clark, Wiley Frederick "Fred" b.1879 - Kansas
Clark, William b.1868 - Pennsylvania
Clark, William b.1825 -
Clark, William Allison b.1869 - Shirley, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Clark, William Findley b.1821 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Clarke, Albert L b.1848 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Clarke, Caroline E b.1863 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Clarke, Eliza Lua b.1844 - Scott, Cortland, New York, United States
Clarke, Harriet M b.1834 -
Clarke, Lulu Isabelle b.1880 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Clarke, Paul Elbert b.1871 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Clarke, Richard Ray b.1877 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Clarke, Susannah b.1683 - WESTERLEY, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Clavenad, Helene b.1883 - Albi, Tern, France
Clayton, Commodore b.1814 - Tennessee, USA
Clayton, Debay E. b.1857 - Utah, USA
Clayton, Elijah b.1847 - Iowa, USA
Clayton, George Washington b.1844 - Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Clayton, Martha Jane b.1838 - Iowa, USA
Clayton, Mary b.1853 - Utah, USA
Clayton, Mira b.1835 - Tennessee, USA
Clayton, Nancy b.1857 - Weber, Utah, USA
Clayton, Rebecca b.1850 - Iowa, USA
Cleeve, Elizabeth m.1637 -
Cleeve, George -
Clegg, Jonathan Hadley b.1876 - Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Clegg, Living -
Clemants, Louis S b.1865 - Ohio, USA
Clemants, Reillea V. b.1874 - Ohio
Clement, Ada b.1883 - Ord, Antelope, Nebraska, USA
Clement, Benjamin b.1817 - Hungerford, Berkshire, , England
Clement, Benjamin Franklin b.1856 - Port Jefferson, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Clement, Carl Colfax b.1866 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Clement, Charles Sumner b.1858 - Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Clement, Clara Eva b.1879 - Ord, Antelope, Nebraska, USA
Clement, Eva Belle b.1903 - Ord, Antelope, Nebraska, USA
Clement, Florence Lenore b.1880 - Davis Creek, Valley, Nebraska, United States
Clement, George B. b.1900 - Ord, Antelope, Nebraska, USA
Clement, Grace Greenwood b.1872 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA,
Clement, Guy Gilbert b.1874 - Ord, Antelope, Nebraska, USA
Clement, Hannah b.1868 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, Hugh Hurley b.1890 - Ord, Antelope, Nebraska, USA
Clement, Jairus Lincoln b.1860 - Dewitt, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, James Bailey b.1866 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, Jesse Fremont b.1863 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, John b.1783 - Hungerford Parish, Berkshire, England
Clement, John Wesley b.1842 - Port Jefferson, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Clement, Julia Ann b.1861 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Living -
Clement, Margaret Jane b.1845 - Port Jefferson, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Clement, Mary Celina b.1906 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Clement, Mary Matilda b.1847 - Port Jefferson, Shelby, Ohio, USA
Clement, Maud M b.1888 - Nebraska
Clement, Minnie Eileen b.1876 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, Nathaniel George b.1839 - Port Jefferson, Shelby, Ohio, USA
Clement, Nellie b.1869 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, Paul b.1868 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Clement, Peter Ernest b.1873 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, Raymond Clare b.1897 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Clement, Rilla Victoria b.1874 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, Sherman Lewis b.1864 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Clement, Sushannah F b.1851 - Port Jefferson, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Clement, Theodora b.1879 - Nebraska
Clement, William Henry b.1853 - Port Jefferson, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Clemmensen, Margreta b.1863 -
Cleveland, Adden m.1810 - Stafford, Virginia, USA
Cleveland, Elizabeth b.1714 - Bristol, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA
Cleveland, John -
Cleveland, Prudence Corey Covey b.1811 - Adams, Jefferson, New York, United States
Clifford, Susan m.1767 -
Clifton, Perry C. b.1877 - Ohio, USA
Clinton, George W -
Clinton, George Washington b.1771 - New York, New York, USA
Clinton, George William b.1809 - Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, USA
Clinton, Spencer b.1808 -
Clopton, Mary Elizabeth b.1737 - New Kent, New Kent, VA, USA
Clore, Eva A b.1864 - Chester, Randolph, Illinois, USA
Close, Thomas m.1886 -
Clough, Jonathan -
Clough, Melissa C b.1836 - New York, USA
Clough, Miriam m.1763 -
Clough, Sarah m.1753 -
Clowe, Living -
Clowe, Living -
Clowe, Living -
Clowe, Living -
Clowe, Living -
Clowe, Living -
Clugston, Amy -
Clugston, James W. b.1875 - Kansas
Clugston, Jesse Lee b.1879 - Cherokee, Crawford, Kansas, USA
Clugston, Jesse Lee b.1941 - Girard, Crawford, Kansas, United States
Clugston, Living -
Clugston, Living -
Clugston, Living -
Clugston, Shannon b.1848 - Ohio
Clugston, Sidney b.1876 - Kansas
Clum, Anna Maria b.1816 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Clum, Elisa Amanda b.1821 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Clum, Elmina Belle b.1867 - Tremont, Tazewell, Illinois, United States
Clum, Lena Louisa b.1819 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Clum, Living -
Clum, Philip Henrich b.1824 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Clum, Phillip P. b.1793 -
Clybourne, Nettie A. m.1879 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Clyde, Nettie Ellan b.1876 - Ladora, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Cobb, Catherine Louisa b.1821 - Cobbs Ford, Hawkins, Tennessee, United States
Coberly, Caroline Kaye -
Coberly, Cleve -
Coberly, George b.1899 - Salina, Saline, Kansas, USA
Coberly, John Franklin -
Coberly, Living -
Coberly, Living -
Coberly, Mary Alice -
Coberly, Mildred Leona -
Coble, Charles Edward b.1891 - Ferguson, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Coble, Living -
Coble, Samuel W b.1888 - Patton, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Coble, Samuel Wesley b.1855 - Harris, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Cochran, Mary Eugenia b.1791 - Charlestown, Charlestown, SC
Codner, Catherine b.1819 - Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, United States
Coe, Hannah b.1775 -
Coe, Robert D. b.1861 - Pennsylvania, USA
Coffee, Alexander B. d.1865 -
Coffey, Albert b.1873 - Missouri
Coffey, Alford b.1876 - Missouri
Coffey, Amanda E b.1862 - , Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Bessie May -
Coffey, Chas. T. H. b.1870 - Stanberry, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Columbus Lum b.1851 - Indiana, USA
Coffey, Cora Alice b.1866 - Alanthus Grove, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Cornella N. b.1878 - Stanberry, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Dora M b.1868 - , Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Earl b.1894 - Cashion, Kingfisher, Oklahoma, USA
Coffey, George L b.1865 - Missouri
Coffey, James Marion b.1861 - , Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Jesse H Buchanan b.1817 - , Burke, North Carolina, USA
Coffey, Joel Benjamin b.1790 - Globe, Caldwell, North Carolina, USA
Coffey, John b.1700 - , Essex, Virginia, USA
Coffey, Lawson Howard b.1820 - Owen County, Indiana, USA
Coffey, Lawson S. b.1874 - Stanberry, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Lorenzo Dow b.1852 - Indiana, USA
Coffey, Louis K b.1872 -
Coffey, Mary F. b.1867 - Alanthus Grove, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Matilda Catherine b.1837 - , Monroe, Indiana, USA
Coffey, Milton Hiatt b.1831 - Monroe, Indiana, USA
Coffey, Nancy J b.1823 - , Burke, North Carolina, USA
Coffey, Noah H b.1852 - Indiana, USA
Coffey, Nora Irene Rene b.1871 - , Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Ora Bell b.1876 - , Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Otto Marion b.1910 - Alanthus Grove, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Reuben b.1744 - Essex, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA
Coffey, Richard Bill b.1860 - Alanthus Grove, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, Saphronia E b.1859 -
Coffey, Sarah Sally Ann b.1830 - , Monroe, Indiana, USA
Coffey, Ulysses Egbert Bert b.1864 - , Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, William Lawson b.1908 - Alanthus Grove, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffey, William Wiley b.1830 - , Monroe, Indiana, USA
Coffey, Zora A b.1875 - Gentry, Missouri, USA
Coffin, Albert Llewellyn b.1848 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Coffin, Coburn Bartholomew b.1831 - Greene, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Coffin, James -
Coffin, John Nelson b.1850 - Norway, Oxford, Maine, USA
Coffin, Julia True b.1857 - Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Coffin, Living -
Coffin, Susan Hale -
Coffman, Andrew Pleasant Burgess b.1834 - Jackson Co., AL
Coffman, Clement b.1863 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Coffman, Dorthula Jane b.1862 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Coffman, George Thomas b.1873 - Newark, Licking, Ohio, USA
Coffman, Hannah b.1852 - Licking, Ohio, United States
Coffman, Jennie E. b.1866 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Coffman, Mannie Minnie b.1868 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Coffman, Margaret Sally b.1834 - Jefferson Co., TN
Coffman, Mary C. b.1861 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Coffman, Nellie B. b.1871 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Coffman, Peter b.1848 - Washington Twp, Licking, United States
Coffman, Peter b.1799 - Massanutten, Page Co., Virginia
Coffman, Rebecca b.1854 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Coffman, Richard b.1857 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Coffman, Wesley b.1822 - Virginia, USA
Coffman, Zoe Neva b.1874 - Newton, Licking, Ohio, United States
Cohl, Andreas b.1724 - New York, USA
Cohl, Catrina b.1758 -
Cohl, Gessje b.1773 - Columbia, New York, United States
Cole, -
Cole, Andrew -
Cole, Anna Briscoe b.1847 - Missouri
Cole, Benjamin b.1808 - Sandy Creek, Oswego, New York, USA
Cole, James Gowen -
Cole, John b.1736 - Wells, York, Maine, USA
Cole, Julia Etta b.1840 - Miami County, Indiana, USA
Cole, Lenna m.1919 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
Cole, Living -
Cole, Living -
Cole, Living -
Cole, Living -
Cole, Living -
Cole, Living -
Cole, Martha J. b.1849 - Ohio, USA
Cole, Sarah b.1772 - Wells, York, Maine, USA
Cole, Valentine Wightman b.1784 - Warren, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA
Coles, Samuel b.1820 - Buckingham, , , England
Coles, Stella S. b.1852 -
Collamer, Franklin Benjamin b.1889 - Larimer Co, CO
Collamer, Living -
Collamer, Living -
Collett, -
Colley, Living -
Colley, Living -
Colley, Living -
Colley, Living -
Collins, Abigail d.1793 -
Collins, Bert Floyd m.1913 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Collins, Susan m.1868 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Colyer, Jannetje b.1676 - Kinderhook, Albany, New York, USA
Colyer, Jurian -
Combs, Clara b.1870 - Indiana
Commack, Nella Alzada b.1884 - , Williamson, Illinois, USA
Compton, John Francis m.1888 - Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Condin, Rachel Sloan b.1855 -
Connely, Martha b.1827 - Ohio, USA
Conner, -
Conner, Eleanor Ellender b.1722 - Albermarle Co, , Virginia, USA
Conner, Sarah Cathern b.1830 - Buckingham County, Virginia, USA
Conner, Thomas b.1819 - Halifax, Virginia, United States
Connor, Thomas m.1765 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutchess, New York, USA
Conrad, Amelia b.1871 - Iowa
Conrad, Margaret b.1864 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Conrad, Martha b.1867 - Iowa
Conrad, Sarah b.1780 - Hampshire, Virginia, United States
Conrad, William M. b.1872 - Iowa
Convers, m.1660 -
Convers, m.1630 - England
Convers, Abigail d.1689 -
Convers, Bathsheba b.1741 -
Convers, Edward m.1630 - England
Convers, Edward b.1696 - Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Convers, James b.1620 - England
Convers, Josiah b.1618 - England
Convers, Josiah b.1714 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Convers, Mary b.1734 -
Convers, Pain b.1739 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Convers, Pain b.1706 - Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Convers, Samuel m.1660 -
Convers, Samuel b.1662 - Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Convers, Samuel b.1694 - Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Convers, Stephen b.1745 -
Convers, Thomas b.1699 - Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Converse, Albert J. b.1834 - New York, USA
Converse, Alfred b.1772 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Alice M b.1879 - Michigan
Converse, Alma B. b.1902 - Mich.
Converse, Angeline Rachael b.1824 - Seneca Falls, Seneca, New York, USA
Converse, Benjamin b.1871 - Michigan, United States
Converse, Bernard b.1764 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Cecil b.1899 - Mich.
Converse, Charles b.1847 - Michigan, USA
Converse, Clyde Elias b.1882 - Michigan
Converse, Elias b.1767 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Elias B. b.1801 - Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA
Converse, Elizabeth M. b.1861 - Bald Mountain, Oakland County, Michigan
Converse, Emma J b.1856 - Michigan, USA
Converse, Erastus b.1780 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Erastus b.1823 - Michigan, USA
Converse, Frances L b.1885 - Michigan
Converse, Frank b.1864 - Livingston Co., MI
Converse, Fred H b.1876 - Michigan
Converse, Frederick E. B. b.1857 - Michigan
Converse, Friderick b.1876 - Maine, USA
Converse, Gardner b.1782 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Gay L. b.1900 - Mich.
Converse, George b.1799 - Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA
Converse, George D. b.1845 - Michigan, USA
Converse, George F b.1859 - Michigan
Converse, Hamblin b.1767 - Thompson, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Harriet b.1875 - Michigan
Converse, Herbert b.1853 - White Lake, Oakland, Michigan, USA
Converse, Horace E b.1851 - Michigan, USA
Converse, Ilah G b.1892 - Michigan
Converse, James b.1838 - Conquest, Cayuga, New York, USA
Converse, Jay L. b.1876 - Michigan
Converse, Jeremiah REV. b.1761 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Jerusha b.1805 -
Converse, Lavina b.1769 -
Converse, Levina b.1769 - Thompson, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Lewis b.1836 - New York, USA
Converse, Lewis G. b.1876 -
Converse, Lillian L b.1871 - Michigan
Converse, Living -
Converse, Living -
Converse, Living -
Converse, Living -
Converse, Living -
Converse, Living -
Converse, Living -
Converse, Lucy b.1788 - Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA
Converse, Marion E b.1879 - Michigan
Converse, Mary Edna b.1871 - Livingston Co., MI
Converse, Mary H. b.1870 - Michigan
Converse, Orinda b.1774 - Thompson, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Pain b.1777 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Converse, Pearl -
Converse, Perry E b.1912 - Michigan
Converse, Ransome b.1831 - , Emmet, Michigan, USA
Converse, Roswell b.1796 - Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA
Converse, Royal b.1797 - Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA
Converse, Royal J. b.1827 - New York, USA
Converse, Sally b.1802 - Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA
Converse, Sally b.1829 - New York, USA
Converse, Sarah S b.1848 - Michigan, USA
Converse, Simon b.1793 - Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA
Converse, William b.1819 - New York, USA
Converse, William b.1789 - Bridport, Addison, Vermont, USA
Conyers, Alexander b.1869 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Alfred B. b.1870 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Alice W b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Conyers, Alsina M b.1905 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Ann b.1762 - Virginia, USA
Conyers, Arantha Oma b.1853 - Burnet, Burnet, Texas, USA
Conyers, Arthur Rogers b.1876 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Benjamin b.1759 - Fauquier, Virginia, USA
Conyers, Benjamin d.1864 - Virginia, USA
Conyers, Benjamin L. b.1812 - Tennessee, USA
Conyers, Bernice b.1895 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Bertha b.1883 - Illinois, USA
Conyers, Blanch W b.1887 - Iowa
Conyers, Carole Ann -
Conyers, Carole Mildred b.1915 - Cascade Valley, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Carrie Agnes b.1886 -
Conyers, Cassie Ann b.1850 - Clarke, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Catherine Claire b.1918 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Charles H. b.1873 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Charles W. -
Conyers, Charles Walter b.1865 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Clarence LeRoy b.1904 - Raglan Twp, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Clarence R. b.1879 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Clell Irvin b.1892 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Commodore Roger b.1844 - , Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Commodore Roger b.1844 - Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Commodore Roger b.1884 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Cyrena b.1824 - Tennessee, USA
Conyers, Daniel -
Conyers, David b.1780 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, David Hiram b.1865 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, David Washington b.1866 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Dean b.1904 - Utah
Conyers, Dennis b.1690 - Wakerly, North Hampton, , England
Conyers, Dennis b.1771 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, Dewey Walter b.1897 - Idaho, USA
Conyers, Don Dewey b.1921 - Idaho, USA
Conyers, Donald David b.1936 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, United States
Conyers, Donald G b.1927 - , Dodge, Nebraska, USA
Conyers, Dorman b.1876 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Doyle Edward b.1918 - River Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Doyle Eugene b.1942 -
Conyers, Earl b.1905 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Edith Erma b.1903 - Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Edna A. b.1882 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Effie F. b.1882 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Conyers, Elizabeth (Betsy) b.1802 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, Elizabeth Beatrice b.1902 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Elizabeth J. b.1873 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Ella M b.1869 - Little Sioux Town, Harrison, Iowa
Conyers, Elma Dorothea b.1905 - Crawford Valley, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Elsa M. b.1870 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Elsie May b.1881 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Emaline P. b.1859 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Emily Laura Ethel b.1880 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Emma Jane b.1885 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Enoch b.1845 - Massac, Illinois, USA
Conyers, Enoch b.1775 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, Etta May b.1893 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Eunice b.1910 - , Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Everett Edward b.1911 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Fannie b.1891 - Illinois, USA
Conyers, Florence b.1902 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Forest George b.1889 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Forrest Allyn b.1912 - Fruitland, Payette, Idaho, United States
Conyers, Frank Elvin b.1884 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Fred Edward b.1888 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Fred N b.1934 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, United States
Conyers, Frederick Leroy b.1898 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, George b.1850 - Massac, Illinois, USA
Conyers, George Alfred b.1887 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, George L b.1888 - Iowa
Conyers, George Rufus b.1876 - Little Sioux Town, Harrison, Iowa
Conyers, George Washington b.1891 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, George Washington b.1858 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, George Washington b.1840 - Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Conyers, George Washington b.1807 - Hickman, Maury, Tennessee, USA
Conyers, George Washington b.1867 - Murray, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Conyers, Gertrude Pearl b.1883 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Gilbert Cyril b.1905 - River Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Gladys b.1891 - Crawford Valley Co., Idaho, USA
Conyers, Gladys Minera b.1902 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Glen b.1905 -
Conyers, Granville Smith b.1840 - Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Guy Albert b.1877 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Guy N. b.1901 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Guy Norton b.1896 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Guy Russell b.1898 - Oregon, USA
Conyers, Hannah b.1865 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Harland Marion b.1909 - Emmett, Canyon, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Harmon Jackson b.1842 - Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Harriet A. b.1842 - Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Harry b.1895 -
Conyers, Henry b.1660 - Wakerly, , North Hampton, England
Conyers, Hyrum E. b.1874 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Ira E. b.1872 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Isaac Newton b.1765 - Virginia, USA
Conyers, Isabelle b.1889 - Crawford Valley Co., Idaho, USA
Conyers, Ishmael b.1767 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, Iva Agnes b.1889 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, James b.1913 - Vale, Malheur, Oregon, USA
Conyers, James A. b.1875 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Conyers, James Benjamin b.1874 - , Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, James Burl b.1852 - Massac, Illinois, USA
Conyers, James Leroy b.1886 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Jane -
Conyers, Jemina b.1815 -
Conyers, Jessie b.1889 - Illinois, USA
Conyers, Jessie -
Conyers, John b.1795 -
Conyers, John b.1923 - Idaho, USA
Conyers, John b.1725 - Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States
Conyers, John b.1757 -
Conyers, John B. b.1838 - Massac, Illinois, USA
Conyers, John Benjamin b.1838 - , Massac, Illinois, USA
Conyers, John Cleveland b.1884 - Payette County, Idaho, USA
Conyers, John E. b.1888 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, John Hiram b.1850 - Osceola, Clarke, Iowa, USA
Conyers, John Hiram b.1814 - Hickman, Tennessee, USA
Conyers, John Hiram b.1880 -
Conyers, John Jefferson b.1845 - Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Conyers, John Jefferson b.1876 - 1876
Conyers, John M b.1884 - Idaho, USA
Conyers, John N. b.1916 - Nebraska, USA
Conyers, John Willis b.1871 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Joseph b.1876 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Joseph Edward b.1874 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Josephine Olive b.1916 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Julia Ann b.1854 - Massac, Illinois, USA
Conyers, Kenneth M b.1926 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, United States
Conyers, Lawrence Edward b.1900 - , Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Leala Mae b.1890 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Leon Roy b.1891 - Albion, Cassia, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Leonard b.1904 - Nebraska, USA
Conyers, Lewis R b.1890 - Iowa
Conyers, Lillie Jane b.1882 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Living -
Conyers, Lois Maude b.1884 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Lucinda Jane b.1855 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Lula b.1893 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Lum F. b.1891 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Mable Marie b.1900 - River Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Malinda Ann b.1869 - River Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Malinda Anne b.1881 - , Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Margaret b.1755 - Bourbon, Kentucky, United States
Conyers, Margaret b.1838 - Tennessee, USA
Conyers, Margaret b.1808 -
Conyers, Margaret b.1755 - Virginia, USA
Conyers, Marilyn M b.1938 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, United States
Conyers, Marion b.1871 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Martha b.1773 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, Martin A b.1874 - Little Sioux Town, Harrison, Iowa
Conyers, Mary b.1787 - Stafford, Virginia, USA
Conyers, Mary b.1881 - Illinois, USA
Conyers, Mary b.1898 - Blencoe, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Mary d.1891 -
Conyers, Mary Anne b.1834 - Perry, Tennessee, USA
Conyers, Mary M. b.1812 - Perry, Tennessee, USA
Conyers, Mary Malona b.1853 - Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Mathew M. -
Conyers, Matthew Mark b.1877 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Matthew Mark b.1838 - Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Conyers, McCaslin b.1843 - Hancock, Illinois, USA
Conyers, Millie A. b.1875 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Millie Fay b.1901 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Minerva E. b.1855 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Minnie M. b.1878 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Myrtle b.1888 - Idaho, USA
Conyers, Nancy b.1777 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, Nancy J. b.1842 - Massac, Illinois, USA
Conyers, Nellie Victoria b.1877 - near Pisgah, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Nettie Mae b.1879 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Nora b.1869 - Illinois, USA
Conyers, Oscar b.1880 - Illinois, USA
Conyers, Otis Earl b.1911 - Magnolia, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Pamilia b.1886 - Illinois, USA
Conyers, Pauline b.1903 - Minnesota, USA
Conyers, Pearl -
Conyers, Pearly A. b.1884 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Polly -
Conyers, Rachel b.1870 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Ralph Clinton b.1900 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, United States
Conyers, Ralph Elroy b.1906 - Oregon, USA
Conyers, Raymond Leroy b.1903 - Crawford Valley, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Raymond Rex b.1921 - Hooper, Dodge, Nebraska, USA
Conyers, Raymond Rex -
Conyers, Rebecca Elizabeth b.1817 - Maury, Tennessee, USA
Conyers, Rebecca Jane b.1836 - Perry, Tennessee, USA
Conyers, Robert L b.1940 -
Conyers, Rolph Chester b.1901 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Sabra b.1905 - Iowa
Conyers, Sadie Priscilla b.1886 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Samuel b.1719 - Stafford, Virginia, USA
Conyers, Sarah b.1840 - Tennessee, USA
Conyers, Sarah Ann Lethicia b.1909 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Sarah Elba b.1867 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Sarah Elba b.1882 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Sarah Elvira b.1868 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Sarah M. b.1847 - Clarke, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Sarah Margaret b.1869 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Seth b.1769 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, Shirley M b.1913 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, Sinah m.1809 - Kentucky, USA
Conyers, Stark Obe b.1908 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Susannah b.1861 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Tina Marie b.1969 - Iowa City, Hardin, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Tina Priscilla b.1886 - Almo, Cassia, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Trisha Rae -
Conyers, Vera b.1882 - Little Sioux Town, Harrison, Iowa
Conyers, Vernon Lloyd b.1902 - Crawford Valley, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Vet Marion b.1880 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Voris L. b.1926 - Idaho, USA
Conyers, Wallace S b.1887 - Payette County, Idaho, USA
Conyers, Walter b.1893 - Crawford Valley Co., Idaho, USA
Conyers, Walter Foy b.1899 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Walter Foy b.1925 - Nebraska, USA
Conyers, Warwick b.1894 - Iowa, USA
Conyers, William b.1836 - Tennessee, USA
Conyers, William b.1780 - Virginia, USA
Conyers, William b.1730 - Prince William, Virginia, United States
Conyers, William b.1783 - Bear Wallow, Hart, Kentucky, United States
Conyers, William David b.1849 - Clarke, Iowa, USA
Conyers, William David b.1869 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, William Marion b.1863 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, William Merritt b.1875 - Preparation, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Conyers, William X. b.1847 - Polk, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Willie Bell b.1865 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Conyers, Zora Valentine b.1893 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Cook, Flora -
Cook, Harold Milton b.1915 - Lynchburg, Lynchburg Co., VA
Cook, Harry Edward -
Cook, Jack W b.1916 - Elmore City, Garvin, Oklahoma, USA
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living m.1949 -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Living -
Cook, Mary b.1799 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Cook, Nancy b.1834 - New York, USA
Cookson, Imogene J b.1822 - New York, USA
Cool, Elizabeth b.1711 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Cool, Helena b.1693 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Cool, Johannes b.1677 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Cool, Margaret b.1725 -
Cool, Petrus b.1720 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Cool, Simon b.1718 -
Cooley, Cassandra b.1812 - , Howard, Missouri, USA
Cooley, Charles M. b.1871 - Iowa
Cooley, Ernest Orrin b.1876 - Manchester, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Cooley, Ithamar b.1817 - Lisbon, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA
Cooley, John Adams b.1844 - Landaff, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA
Cooley, Joseph T b.1767 - Oakfield Creek, Stokes, North Carolina, USA
Cooley, Living -
Cooley, Living -
Coon, Elisabeth b.1775 - Basking Ridge, Somerset County, New Jersey
Coon, George M m.1848 - Yates, Orleans, New York, USA
Coonrad, Carrie -
Coonrad, Christian b.1780 - , Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Coonrad, Jacob -
Coonrad, Lydia b.1869 - Colony, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrad, Lydia b.1869 - Colony, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, Amelia b.1871 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, Betsy E. b.1860 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, Charlotte b.1839 - Pennsylvania, USA
Coonrod, Christian Cappy b.1780 - , Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Coonrod, Christian Cappy b.1780 - , Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Coonrod, Elizabeth b.1859 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, George b.1827 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Coonrod, George b.1836 - Pennsylvania, USA
Coonrod, Living -
Coonrod, Margaret b.1864 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, Martha Ann b.1867 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, Rosanna b.1854 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, Rosanna N. b.1856 - Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, William A b.1872 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Coonrod, William A b.1872 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Cooper, Catherine m.1791 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Cooper, Catherine m.1791 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Cooper, Donnie Ray b.1956 - Wichita, Texas, USA
Cooper, Earl Rite b.1891 - Williamson County, Texas
Cooper, Faye Osie b.1896 - Kansas
Cooper, John b.1854 - Indiana
Cooper, Josiah -
Cooper, Living -
Cooper, Living -
Cooper, Living -
Cooper, Living -
Cooper, Living -
Cooper, Living -
Cooper, Living -
Cooper, Luther T. m.1902 - Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri, USA
Cooper, Samuel b.1799 - Loudoun, Virginia, United States
Cooper, Tacy b.1608 - England
Cooper, Tacy b.1608 - England
Cooper, Vera Estelle b.1891 - Kansas, USA
Cooper, William Floyd Jim b.1919 - Harrold, Wilbarger, Texas USA
Cope, Aris Murrell b.1887 - Mullinville, Kiowa, Kansas, United States
Corbin, Delia b.1795 - Shirleysburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Corken, Eliza C 'Lida' b.1870 - Burlington Junction, Nodaway, Missouri, USA, ,
Corlett, Carrie Abigail "Gory" b.1878 - Humboldt, Nebraska
Corlett, John Wesley b.1854 - Michigan, United States
Corlett, Julia b.1876 - Nebraska, United States
Corlett, Winnie Mae b.1883 - Franklin, Richardson, Nebraska
Cornelise, Mayke b.1640 - Barrevelt, Holland
Corney, Thomas m.1529 -
Corselius, William m.1735 - New York, New York, USA
Cortes, Clara G b.1892 - Ohio
Cortright, Belytie Baostianse m.1678 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Corum, Richard Lee b.1936 -
Cosgrave, Wallace B b.1922 - New York, USA
Cosgrave, Wallace B. b.1874 - Pennsylvania
Cosgrove, Julia b.1779 - Enniscorthy, , Wexford, Ireland
Cosgrove, Living -
Costanza, Mary A. m.1906 -
Cotten, Alma Mater b.1887 - Lake City, Scott, Mississippi, United States
Cotton, Charles m.1875 -
Cotton, John Rev. b.1658 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Cotton, John Rev. b.1584 - Derby, Derbyshire, England
Cotton, Persis b.1786 - Hartland, Windsor, Vermont, USA
Cotton, Seaborn Rev. b.1633 - Aboard the "Griffen"
Cotton, Thomas b.1695 - Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Cotton, Thomas b.1730 - Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Cotton, Willard b.1757 - Pomfret, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Couch, Living -
Couch, Living -
Couch, Living -
Couch, Simon -
Couts, -
Cowan, Elbert G. b.1827 - Maine
Cowan, Elbridge J. b.1872 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Cowan, Florence A b.1906 - Jackson, Harrison, Iowa, United States
Cowan, George b.1874 - Iowa
Cowan, Living -
Cowan, Living -
Cowan, Lucinda L. C. b.1843 -
Cowan, Margaret Valetta Violetta b.1869 - Iowa
Cowan, William H. b.1866 - Iowa
Coward, Andrew K. b.1841 - Hawkins, Tennessee, USA
Coward, Bertha Ruby b.1904 - Rogerville, Webster, Missouri
Coward, Bessie Irene Elizabeth b.1907 - Webster County, Missouri
Coward, Beulah Ruth b.1909 - Rogerville, Webster, Missouri
Coward, Charles Delbert b.1902 - Rogerville, Webster, Missouri
Coward, Daniel b.1878 - Webster County, Missouri
Coward, Elizabeth b.1842 - Tennessee, USA
Coward, Frances b.1840 - Hawkins, Tennessee, USA
Coward, Francis Marion b.1836 - Tennessee
Coward, Harry Richard b.1912 - Rogerville, Webster, Missouri
Coward, James J. b.1844 - Tennessee, USA
Coward, John b.1790 - North Carolina, USA
Coward, Nancy Ann b.1838 - Hawkins, Tennessee, USA
Coward, Ralph Edger b.1920 - Tulare, California, USA
Coward, Richard H. b.1833 - Hawkins, Tennessee, USA
Coward, Sarah J b.1834 - Hawkins, Tennessee, USA
Cowin, Margaret Eleanor b.1791 - Washington Co, Maryland
Cox, Deborah b.1789 - Newark, Canada
Cox, Harriet Ann b.1863 - London, England
Cox, Henrietta Mariah "Retta" b.1850 - Black Oak Grove, Tennessee
Cox, Isabel b.1616 -
Cox, Living -
Cox, Margaret June m.1956 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Cox, Melinda D. b.1819 - Tennessee
Cox, Sarah Moriah Louisa b.1820 - Mill Spring, Jefferson County, Tennessee
Cox, Thomas John b.1878 -
Cox, William N. b.1819 - Tennessee
Coy, Newton b.1876 - Indiana, USA
COY, Thomas Jefferson b.1843 - Decatur Co, IN
Crabb, Blanche E b.1889 - Iowa
Crabb, Charlene Faye b.1917 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Crabb, Charles b.1865 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Crabb, Clifford Fay b.1893 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Crabb, Dona Rose b.1920 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Crabb, Eldred Brooks b.1918 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Crabb, Floyd R b.1887 - Iowa
Crabb, Living -
Crabb, Living -
Crabb, Marie C b.1890 - Iowa
Craft, Lewis L. b.1824 - New York, USA
Craft, Lionne C b.1877 - Iowa
Craft, Louise Deborah b.1881 - Perry, Dallas, Iowa
Craft, Voimey R b.1879 - Iowa
Craft, William L b.1852 - New York, USA
Craig, Lillie Mae b.1892 - Missouri, USA
Craig, Living -
Craig, Living -
Craik, Betty b.1790 - Scotland
Cram, Mehitable m.1787 -
Cramer, Bernhard m.1795 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Cramer, Henry m.1861 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Cramer, Living -
Cramers, Anna b.1890 - Ohio
Crandall, Damarius b.1776 - Charlestown, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Crandall, Florence Adel b.1856 - Albion, Dane County, Wisconsin
Crandall, George Jay b.1839 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Crandall, George W b.1860 - Minnesota, USA
Crandall, Gifford b.1852 -
Crandall, Harriet E b.1854 -
Crandall, Isaiah b.1791 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA
Crandall, James b.1719 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Crandall, John b.1609 - England
Crandall, John -
Crandall, Joseph b.1684 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Crandall, Joseph b.1661 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Crandall, Mary -
Crandall, Maxson b.1827 - Almond, Allegany, New York, USA
Crandall, Myra Alzina b.1867 - New York, USA
Crandall, Silas T M b.1849 - New York, USA
Crawford, Christina b.1801 - Adams, Ohio
Crawford, Elizabeth b.1780 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Crawford, Joseph -
Crawford, Living -
Crawford, Robert Thompson -
Crawford, Sarah Jane b.1831 -
Creary, Maud M. Mc b.1882 -
Creasey, Ennice Jeanette b.1910 - Washington, USA
Creasey, Ennice Jeanette b.1910 - Washington, USA
Creasey, Living -
Creasey, Lois Mary b.1906 - Whatcom, Washington
Creasey, Walter b.1862 - England, United Kingdom
Cregar, Idell M. m.1892 - California, USA
Creswell, Claude D. b.1882 - Fort Pierce, Iowa, USA
Creswell, Living -
Cribbins, Margaret m.1878 -
Crilly, Living -
Crilly, Living -
Crilly, Living -
Crilly, Warren L b.1916 -
Crim, Eleanor Louise b.1953 - Tracy, San Joaquin, California, USA
Crim, Living -
Crim, Living -
Crim, Living -
Crim, Living -
Crim, Living -
Crim, Living -
Crim, Living -
Crim, Virgil b.1922 - Miller, Lyon Co., KS
Crist, Mary A b.1846 - Pennsylvania
Criswell, Vera Mattie b.1881 -
Croasdale, Alice b.1673 - New Key, , Yorkshire, England
Crocker, Myra m.1937 -
Croghan, Cecelia b.1860 - Middletown, Cape May, New Jersey, USA
Croghan, Charles Leo b.1905 - Hartington, Cedar County, Nebraska
Croghan, Charlie T b.1901 - Iowa
Croghan, Delia V b.1884 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Croghan, Frank C b.1886 - Iowa
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Living -
Croghan, Marry A b.1889 - Iowa
Croghan, Peter b.1855 - Ireland
Croghan, William Peter b.1888 - Woodbine, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Cromwell, Jane b.1645 - Malmesbury, Wiltshire, , England
Cromwell, Jane -
Crooks, Elizabeth -
Crooks, Mary b.1818 - Pennsylvania, United States
Crorey, Oliver Major b.1892 - Mishawaka, Indiana, USA
Crosley, Mary b.1786 - , Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Croslin, Anna b.1823 - Missouri, USA
Crotsley, Margaret b.1824 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Croughan, John b.1862 - Mississippi, USA
Croughan, Living -
Croughan, Luke b.1864 - Illinois, USA
Croughan, Maggie b.1858 - Ireland
Croughan, Mary b.1866 - Iowa, USA
Croughan, Owen b.1830 - Ireland
Croughan, Owen b.1869 - Clinton, Iowa, USA
Croughan, Thomas b.1870 - Clinton, Iowa, USA
Crowe, Living -
Crowe, Living -
Crowe, Living -
Crowe, Living -
Crowell, James b.1835 - Iowa, USA
Crowell, John -
Crowell, Lodema b.1859 - Illinois, USA
Crowell, Mary Ann b.1806 - Penn, Highland, Ohio, USA
Crowell, Mary Ann b.1848 - Illinois, USA
Crowell, William H b.1860 -
Crownover, Samuel Irvin b.1876 - Yeagertown, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, USA
Crum, Ardella b.1864 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Armintha b.1868 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Atalie Jean b.1889 - Wyoming, Stark, Illinois, United States
Crum, Attie b.1889 - Illinois, USA
Crum, Bernice b.1898 -
Crum, Brooks Winfield b.1850 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Catharine J b.1858 - Pennsylvania
Crum, Daniel b.1828 - Pennsylvania, USA
Crum, David Dean b.1891 - Wyoming, Stark, Illinois, United States
Crum, Eleanor b.1830 - Pennsylvania, USA
Crum, Elizabeth Ann b.1843 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Elmer b.1874 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Emerson R b.1865 - Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Emma b.1890 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Frederick b.1790 - Tod, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Gaius Glen b.1894 - Stark, Illinois, United States
Crum, George Washington b.1838 - Pennsylvania, USA
Crum, Ida b.1866 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, James S b.1856 - Pennsylvania, USA
Crum, John Wintrode b.1852 - Stark, Illinois, United States
Crum, Leona b.1872 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Margaret Ann b.1849 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, USA
Crum, Margaret H b.1841 - Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Maude Gertrude b.1882 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Millie M b.1869 - Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Morris Lynn b.1920 - Kewanee, Henry, Illinois, United States
Crum, Nancy b.1829 - Pennsylvania, USA
Crum, Nicholas -
Crum, Pearle b.1885 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Reuben H b.1835 - Tod, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Samuel b.1825 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Crum, Scott Swayne b.1897 -
Crum, Thomas Scott b.1876 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Vera Elaine b.1932 - Wyoming, Stark, Illinois, United States
Crum, Warren Bruce b.1879 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Crum, Willie b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Crum, Willis E b.1863 - Pennsylvania, United States
Crutchlow, Clara Eldora b.1872 - Iowa, USA
Cseh, Mary Yur b.1863 - Hungary
Cseh, Stephan Yur b.1838 - Hungary
Cullaton, John m.1862 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Cullen, Albert A b.1891 - Illinois, USA
Cullom, Nancy b.1853 - Tennessee
Cullom, Nancy b.1853 - Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA
Cullumber, Living -
Cullumber, Living -
Cullumber, Living -
Cullumber, Living -
Cullumber, Living -
Cullumber, Living -
Cullumber, Living -
Cullumber, Living -
Cullumber, Living -
Culp, Dinah Ann m.1852 - Ohio, Indiana, USA
Culp, Elizabeth Ann b.1818 - Indiana, USA
Culp, Frances b.1819 - Canada
Culp, Lewis F. m.1860 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Culver, Asenath b.1790 -
Culver, Harry Eugene b.1875 - Panora, Guthrie, Iowa, United States
Cunningham, Elizabeth b.1757 - Ireland
Cupernel, Frances A. m.1862 - Dixon, Lee, Illinois, USA
Curfman, Albert b.1850 - Pennsylvania
Curfman, Catherine b.1793 - Washington, Maryland, United States
Curfman, Catherine b.1776 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Curfman, Daniel b.1785 - , Washington, Maryland, USA
Curfman, Dianna b.1845 -
Curfman, Elizabeth J b.1849 - Cass, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Curfman, Johann Philip b.1754 - Sprendlingen, Bockenheim, Rheinhessen, Germany
Curfman, John b.1789 - Washington, Maryland, United States
Curfman, Joseph P b.1817 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Curfman, Lizie Jane b.1852 - Pennsylvania
Curfman, Louisa b.1847 -
Curfman, Mary Beth b.1854 - Pennsylvania
Curfman, Peter b.1784 - Washington, Maryland, United States
Curfman, Webster B b.1860 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Curle, Samuel m.1809 - Kentucky, USA
Curler, Albert b.1859 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Anthony b.1811 - New York, USA
Curler, Carrie -
Curler, Christopher b.1871 - Colesburg, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Cynthia b.1832 - , , Vermont, USA
Curler, Cynthia b.1835 - , , Vermont, USA
Curler, Cynthia b.1835 - Vermont, USA
Curler, Eunice b.1836 - , , Vermont, USA
Curler, Frances b.1866 - Delaware Co, , Iowa, USA
Curler, Francis b.1870 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Francis b.1820 - Bennington, Vermont, USA
Curler, Frank b.1865 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Gretchen b.1901 - Elk, Clayton, Iowa, USA
Curler, Harriet b.1864 - Iowa, USA
Curler, Harriet b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Curler, Ida b.1862 - Colesburg, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Ida May b.1873 - Colesberg, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Isabelle Belle b.1878 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Jacob -
Curler, Jacob b.1781 - New York, USA
Curler, Living -
Curler, Living -
Curler, Lydia b.1826 - VT, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Curler, Maria -
Curler, Mary Ann b.1861 - Coffins Grove, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Phebe b.1807 - , Washington, New York, USA
Curler, Sarah Ellen b.1857 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Susan b.1867 - Colesburg, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Curler, Susan b.1824 - Manchester, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Currier, Abigail m.1771 -
Currier, Ann m.1736 -
Currier, Dorothy m.1732 -
Currier, Living -
Currier, Living -
Currier, Living -
Currott, Frank b.1889 - Michigan, USA
Currott, Living -
Currott, Living -
Currott, Living -
Currott, Living -
Currott, Living -
Currott, Living -
Currott, William F b.1863 - Canada Eng
Curtis, David M b.1845 - , Clinton, Ohio, USA
Curtis, Elda b.1861 -
Curtis, Living -
Curtis, Mary Melvina b.1884 - Stone, Missouri, USA
Curtis, Melissa Belle b.1829 - Indiana, United States
Curtis, Orlando -
Cushman, Betty Jean b.1922 -
Cutler, Kathleen Ruth b.1920 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Cypher, Elizabeth b.1784 - Pennsylvania, USA
Czach, Living -
Czach, Living -
Czach, Mary b.1906 - Swilcza, Rzeszow, Poland
Czach, Thomas b.1878 - Poland
Daggett, Ida May b.1856 - Pacific, Columbia, Wisconsin, USA
Dague, Living -
Dague, Living -
Dague, Living -
Dague, Living -
Dague, Living -
Dague, Living -
Dague, Richard m.1952 - Iowa, USA
Dailey, Lawrence Samuel b.1901 - Baltimore, Barry, Michigan, USA
Dailey, Mardias DeCygnes b.1917 - Medford, Grant, Oklahoma
Dailey, Patricia Ann d.1993 -
Daily, Betty Louise m.1971 - Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
Dake, Jessie m.1891 -
Dale, Andra b.1917 - Iowa, USA
Dale, Cecil b.1914 - Iowa, USA
Dale, Cecil Floyd b.1913 - Barney, , Oklahoma, USA
Dale, Ella Jane b.1846 -
Dale, Elmer Phillip b.1906 -
Dale, Florence -
Dale, James H. Dale b.1843 -
Dale, Joel Issac b.1891 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Dale, John b.1871 -
Dale, John A b.1808 - Center County, Tionesta, PA
Dale, John W. m.1904 -
Dale, Joseph b.1780 - PA
Dale, Joseph H. b.1838 -
Dale, Leander b.1881 - Brtlett, Fremont, Iowa, USA
Dale, Living -
Dale, Living -
Dale, Living -
Dale, Living -
Dale, Living -
Dale, Living -
Dale, Living -
Dale, Living -
Dale, Mary Elizabeth b.1840 - Tionesta, PA
Dale, Nancy d.1852 -
Dale, Sarah Gertrude -
Dallas, Nancy Keith b.1825 - Cooper County, Missouri
Daly, Albert George b.1882 - Oregon, USA
Daly, Fred Albert b.1912 - Black Lake, Thurston, Washington, USA
Daly, Living -
Daly, Living -
Daly, Living -
Daly, Living -
Daniel, Anna Clara b.1712 -
Daniels, Abigail b.1800 - Richmond, Ray, Missouri
Daniels, Esli Hayes b.1901 - Madison City. Lake, South Dakota
Daniels, Jenny b.1770 - Virginia, United States
Daniels, Living -
Daniels, Living -
Daniels, Mabel Azelia b.1894 - Lake, South Dakota
Daniels, Richard b.1819 - Montgomery, New York, United States
Daniels, William Esli b.1859 - Parkersburg, Butler, Iowa, United States
Darnall, LeRoy William b.1925 - Ontario, Oregon
Darnell, D Jared b.1880 - Pennsylvania, United States
Darnell, James -
Darnell, Jared -
Darnell, Living -
Darnell, Olive b.1909 - Nebraska, USA
Darrall, Wilhelmena E b.1869 - Iowa
Dartt, Betsey Elizabeth b.1816 - Rutland, Vermont, United States
Dascomb, Narcissa I. b.1802 - Massachusetts
Datter, Greta Safia Fricks b.1828 - Hofs, Forsemhling, Sweden
Daugherty, Mary b.1876 - Kent, Michigan, USA
Daugherty, Susan Ellen b.1862 - Wisconsin, USA
Davenport, -
Davenport, Oomphrey m.1684 -
David, -
David, Alvaretta Jane b.1852 - Todd, Fulton, Pennsylvania, United States
Davids, Arriantje b.1638 -
Davidson, Chaldron b.1799 - Connecticut
Davidson, Floy D. b.1873 - Illinois, USA
Davidson, John b.1844 - Canada
Davidson, Lydia A. b.1827 - Luzerne, Pensylvania, USA
Davidson, Mary -
Davidson, Robert Max Meade b.1888 - Illinois, USA
Davis, Ada Bernice b.1887 - Saunders, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Adelaide b.1898 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Adeline Sophia b.1842 - Watson, Lewis County, New York
Davis, Adoniram Judson b.1851 -
Davis, Adoniram Judson b.1829 - Harrison, Charles, Virginia, USA
Davis, Albert Hathaway b.1844 - Shelby, Ohio, USA
Davis, Alfred b.1846 - Vermillion, Illinois, USA
Davis, Alice Gertrude b.1871 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Davis, Amanda b.1855 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Andrew -
Davis, Andrew Jackson b.1845 - Vermilion, Illinois, USA
Davis, Anglelina b.1817 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Davis, Arden -
Davis, Benjamin b.1806 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Davis, Benjamin b.1776 - Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Davis, Benjamin b.1812 - Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USA
Davis, Benjamin Franklin "Frank" b.1852 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Benjamin Russel b.1838 - Henderson, Minnesota
Davis, Bertha Eve b.1876 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States,
Davis, Carrie b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Catharine m.1870 - Indiana, USA
Davis, Charles L. b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Charles M b.1879 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Davis, Cora Mae b.1879 - Minnesota
Davis, Cordelia b.1821 - Chapman, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Davis, Courtney b.1881 - Delaware, Polk, Iowa, USA
Davis, Daniel -
Davis, Dennis H. -
Davis, Dorcas A -
Davis, Duke Wellington b.1873 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Davis, Earl Spencer b.1909 - Ponca, Dixon, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Edmund Elmer b.1867 - Alden, Freeborn, Minnesota, USA
Davis, Edwin Francis b.1833 - Verona, Oneida, New York
Davis, Elisha Randall b.1810 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Davis, Eliza Jane b.1839 - Illinois, USA
Davis, Elizabeth Jane b.1804 - Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, United States
Davis, Elmer Eugene b.1840 - Watson, Lewis, New York, USA
Davis, Elmo R b.1912 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Emily Helen b.1846 - Watson, Lewis, New York, United States
Davis, Erlo Terry b.1874 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Davis, Ester b.1883 -
Davis, Esther Enola b.1872 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Davis, Eva b.1878 - Kansas
Davis, Ezekiel P b.1807 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Davis, Ezekiel P -
Davis, Florence b.1868 - Kansas
Davis, Floretta Jane b.1845 - New, Lewis, New York, USA
Davis, Francis Marion b.1843 - New Breman, Lewis, New York
Davis, Frank E. b.1892 - Saunders, Nebraska, USA
Davis, George b.1867 - Illinois
Davis, George W b.1849 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Harriett b.1870 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Harry Edward b.1871 - Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Davis, Harvey G -
Davis, Hattie -
Davis, Henry A. b.1843 - Vermilion, Illinois, USA
Davis, Henry Saunders b.1844 - Watson, Lewis County, New York
Davis, Hezekiah b.1850 -
Davis, Ida May b.1865 - Alden, Freeborn, Minnesota, USA
Davis, Irene b.1901 - Washington, USA
Davis, Isabelle b.1837 - West Hallock, Ill.
Davis, James Douglas b.1869 - Kansas, USA
Davis, John b.1754 - Shrewsbury, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Davis, John b.1841 - Vermilion, Illinois, USA
Davis, John B. b.1878 - Delaware, Polk, Iowa, USA
Davis, John Fanklin b.1844 - , Delaware, New York, USA
Davis, John Wilbur b.1911 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Joseph A. b.1857 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Juda Ann b.1833 - Kelly, Cooper, Missouri, USA
Davis, Judith b.1731 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Davis, Julia Ann b.1840 -
Davis, Laura H -
Davis, Laura Rebecca b.1876 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Lavina -
Davis, Lewis Alexander b.1801 - Harrison, Charles, Virginia, USA
Davis, Lewis Almond b.1867 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Davis, Lillian Augusta b.1883 - Williamson, Tennessee, USA
Davis, Lillie B b.1881 - Marcus, Cherokee, Iowa, USA
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Living -
Davis, Lizzie b.1872 - Delaware, Polk, Iowa, USA
Davis, Lois Lucetta b.1835 - Brookfield, New York, USA
Davis, Louisa b.1788 -
Davis, Louisa Jane b.1847 - Sullivan, Sullivan, Indiana, USA
Davis, Louisa Lois b.1869 - Alden, Freeborn, Minnesota, USA
Davis, Lucy Nell b.1893 - Independent, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Lucy Nell b.1872 -
Davis, Lydia Ann b.1827 - , Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, USA
Davis, Lydia Emily b.1836 - Watson, Lewis, New York
Davis, Margaret E -
Davis, Marilyn -
Davis, Martha b.1882 - Saunders, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Martha b.1760 - Squam, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Davis, Martha A b.1855 - Indiana, USA
Davis, Martha Louise -
Davis, Mary Caroline b.1833 - Oneido, New York
Davis, Mary Ellen -
Davis, Mary F. b.1869 - Delaware, Polk, Iowa, USA
Davis, Mary L b.1826 -
Davis, Mary Myrtle b.1877 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Davis, Maud I. b.1882 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Davis, Merle b.1896 - Independent, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Orpha Delphine b.1879 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Davis, Orville Elverton b.1849 - New Breman, Lewis, New York
Davis, Orville O. b.1883 - Delaware, Polk, Iowa, USA
Davis, Oscar W b.1839 - New York, USA
Davis, Ralph E -
Davis, Ralph E. m.1972 - Yakima, Washington
Davis, Randall Florian b.1831 - Verona, Oneida, New York
Davis, Rebecca -
Davis, Reed Ellsworth b.1893 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska
Davis, Reuben Maxson b.1830 - Verona, Oneida, New York, United States
Davis, Robert Edward b.1913 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Robert Gordon b.1934 - Panora, Iowa, USA
Davis, Robin Walter b.1895 - Nebraska
Davis, Rocelia C. b.1852 - Sullivan, Indiana, USA
Davis, Roland F b.1907 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Ruth Mae b.1903 - Iowa, USA
Davis, Silvia -
Davis, Spencer b.1843 - Ohio, United States
Davis, Spurgeon b.1871 - Kansas
Davis, Stella b.1874 - Kansas
Davis, Uriah b.1800 - Cherry Creek Camp Run, Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Davis, Valoura Mae b.1922 - Saunders, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Vernon C. b.1927 - Saunders, Nebraska, USA
Davis, Vienna b.1806 - Greenbrier Run, Doddridge, West Virginia, USA
Davis, Walter L b.1869 - Iowa
Davis, Wiley E b.1875 - Delaware, Polk, Iowa, USA
Davis, William B -
Davis, William C. b.1869 - Iowa, USA
Davis, William Clayton b.1809 - , Warren, Ohio, USA
Davis, William D. b.1876 - Iowa, USA
Davis, William Leroy -
Davis, William M. b.1856 - Massachusetts, USA
Davis Mead, Martha b.1604 - Harbledown, Kent, England
Dawson, Charles W. m.1925 -
Dawson, Mary b.1798 - Kentucky
Day, B. G. b.1875 - Missouri
Day, Elizabeth -
Day, Martha Poe b.1778 - , Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Dayton, Mattie b.1856 - Page, Iowa, USA
Dayton, William -
De Ashton, Richard b.1401 -
De Barlow, John b.1349 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
de Bie, C. J. G. b.1911 - Amsterdam, Holland
De Brabandes, Jan b.1602 -
De Duitscher, Johannes -
De Duitscher, Lydia c.1728 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
De Duyster, Cornelia Jansen b.1670 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
De Duyster, Dirck b.1673 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
De Duytscher, David b.1709 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
De Duytser, Gideon b.1736 -
De Forest, Isaac m.1641 - Amsterdam, Montgomery, New York, USA
De Forest, Rachael Monjour -
De Graff, Catharina b.1722 - , , Utrecht, Netherlands
De Groot, Dirck Janse m.1677 -
De Grouw, Leendert Arentzed b.1600 - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
De Holland, Joan b.1378 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
De Holland, Richard b.1352 -
De Hooges, Anneken b.1650 - Albany, Albany, New York, America
De Hooges, Antje -
De Hooges, Eva -
De Hooges, Johanna m.1713 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
De Hut, Raymond b.1905 - Little River, Oconto, Wisconsin, USA
De Jonge, Wyntie Ariens b.1623 - Netherlands
De Jongh, Adrian b.1529 -
De Jongh, Adrian Meertensen b.1600 - Herwinjnen, Gelderland, Netherlands
De La Grange, Christina m.1711 -
De La Montagne, Abraham b.1688 -
De La Montagne, Abraham b.1799 - New York, New York, USA
De La Montagne, Abraham b.1664 -
De La Montagne, Ann b.1788 -
De La Montagne, Ann Maria b.1803 - New York, New York, USA
De La Montagne, Annetie b.1703 -
De La Montagne, Annetie b.1679 -
De La Montagne, Apollonia b.1694 -
De La Montagne, Catharine b.1790 - New York, New York, USA
De La Montagne, Catharine b.1768 -
De La Montagne, Harman -
De La Montagne, Harmanus b.1769 -
De La Montagne, Hester b.1733 -
De La Montagne, Isaac b.1763 -
De La Montagne, Isaac b.1729 -
De La Montagne, Isaac b.1793 - New York, New York, USA
De La Montagne, Issac Monier b.1669 -
De La Montagne, Jacobus b.1693 -
De La Montagne, Jan b.1632 -
De La Montagne, Jelante b.1667 -
De La Montagne, Jesse b.1696 -
De La Montagne, Jesse b.1687 -
De La Montagne, Jesse b.1699 -
De La Montagne, Johanna Monfour b.1673 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
De La Montagne, Johannes b.1681 - New York, New York, USA
De La Montagne, Johannes b.1698 -
De La Montagne, Johannes M. b.1592 -
De La Montagne, John b.1765 - New York, New York, USA
De La Montagne, John b.1730 -
De La Montagne, John b.1655 - Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands
De La Montagne, John b.1766 -
De La Montagne, John b.1689 -
De La Montagne, John b.1786 -
De La Montagne, Joseph b.1684 -
De La Montagne, Marritie b.1695 -
De La Montagne, Nicasius b.1659 -
De La Montagne, Peternella b.1701 -
De La Montagne, Peternella b.1683 -
De La Montagne, Peternella b.1671 -
De La Montagne, Petrus b.1698 -
De La Montagne, Rachel b.1707 -
De La Montagne, Rachel "Ragel" b.1691 -
De La Montagne, Samuel -
De La Montagne, Sarah b.1726 -
De La Montagne, Susannah b.1763 -
De La Montagne, Thomas b.1691 -
De La Montagne, Vincent b.1657 -
De La Montagne, Vincent b.1705 -
De La Montagne, William b.1796 - New York, New York, USA
De Martini, Living -
De Martini, Living -
De Martini, Living -
de Moulin, Ella J. m.1951 - Los Angeles City, California
De Riemer, Antje c.1721 -
De Riemer, Catherine b.1716 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
de Witt, Kornelis b.1485 - Dordrecht, South Holland, Netherlands
De Witt, Maria A b.1821 - New Jersey, USA
Dealing, Benjamin b.1719 -
Decker, Antigen b.1731 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Decker, Ariantje c.1698 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Arie b.1779 - Walpack, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Decker, Broer Janse b.1660 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Catrina b.1781 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, USA
Decker, Cornelia b.1775 - Churchtown, Columbia, New York, USA
Decker, Cornelia b.1766 - Columbia, New York, USA
Decker, Cornelius Jansen b.1670 - Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Daniel b.1737 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Decker, Fietje Janse b.1671 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Gaerleff Jansen b.1662 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Geertjen -
Decker, Geesje b.1772 - Columbia, New York, USA
Decker, Grietje -
Decker, Grietje Janse b.1664 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Hannah b.1772 - Port Jervis, Orange, New York, USA
Decker, Heltje b.1687 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, United States
Decker, Hendrick b.1761 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Decker, Hendrick b.1779 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, USA
Decker, Hendrick b.1745 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Decker, Hendrick Janse b.1667 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Henrick b.1777 - Churchtown, Columbia, New York, USA
Decker, Hermanus b.1673 - New York, New York, USA
Decker, Isaac b.1767 - Columbia, New York, USA
Decker, Jacob b.1671 -
Decker, Jacob -
Decker, Jacob -
Decker, Jacob Janse b.1656 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Jan Broersen b.1704 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Jeneke b.1767 - , Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Decker, Jennetje b.1685 -
Decker, Johannes b.1675 - New York, New York, USA
Decker, John b.1780 - Walpack, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Decker, Jurien Jan b.1662 - Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Living -
Decker, Maddelen b.1666 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Margaret c.1668 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, Martin b.1760 - New Jersey, USA
Decker, Neeltie -
Decker, Petrus b.1789 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Decker, Sarah b.1758 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Decker, Simeon b.1760 - New Jersey, USA
Decker, Thomas b.1775 - Walpack, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Decker, Thomas b.1704 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Decker, William -
Deering, Andrew Jackson b.1876 - , Williamson, Illinois, USA
Deering, Living -
Deering, Living -
Deering, Living -
Deering, Living -
Deering, Living -
Deering, Living -
Deering, Living -
Deering, Living -
Deering, William Andrew b.1911 - Marion, Williamson, Illinois, USA
Defoe, Grietje b.1681 - Bloomingdale, Essex, New York, USA
Degrauw, Marritje Leenderts b.1620 - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Dehaven, Ralph William b.1897 - Illinois, USA
Dehn, Lillian E b.1895 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Dejesus, Margaret Maria m.1976 - Carson City, Carson, Nevada, USA
Dekker, Broer Jansen b.1655 - Ulster, New York, USA
Dekker, Heyltjen b.1687 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Dekker, Jan Broersen Lieutenant b.1630 - Husum, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dekker, Living -
Dekker, Living -
Dekker, Living -
Dekker-Roch, Margriete m.1713 -
DeMoss, Leona P b.1915 -
Dengley, Mildred b.1911 - Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, California
Denlinger, Abraham b.1852 - Pennsylvania
Dennis, Sarah b.1801 - Pennsylvania, USA
Dennison, Borrodel b.1711 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Dennison, Living -
Dennison, Ray Dean -
Denny, Chester Milton b.1881 - Seneca, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Denton, Dorothy J. m.1950 -
Depew, Living -
Depew, Living -
Depew, Living -
Depew, Living -
Depew, Living -
Deputy, Erby Chester b.1895 - Paris, Jennings, Indiana, USA
Deputy, Living -
Depuy, Maria b.1708 -
Depuy, Marritjen m.1713 -
Depuy, Nicholas b.1682 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Derringer, Sarah Jane b.1860 -
Detweiler, Verna b.1909 -
Detzer, Linda m.1968 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
Deunke, Ruth b.1919 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Devenich, Gertrude b.1831 - Germany
Devoor, Adriana m.1717 - New York, New York, USA
Dewey, Evangeline b.1860 - Illinois, USA
Dewey, Hannah b.1788 - Warren, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA
DeWitt, Amy Elizabeth b.1817 -
DeWitt, Catrina b.1742 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Dewitt, E.c. -
Dewitt, Fransz b.1515 -
DeWitt, Jan b.1700 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Dewitt, June -
Dewitt, Lucas b.1674 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
DeWitt, Petronella Pieters b.1534 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
DeWitt, Pieter b.1500 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Dewitt, Tjerck b.1698 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Dey, Jane b.1727 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Dibble, Daniel b.1870 - New York, USA
Dibble, Edmond b.1866 - New York, USA
Dibble, George Lewis b.1840 - New York, USA
Dickey, Laura M b.1865 - Missouri, USA
Dickhaut, Louisa Ann b.1859 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Dickinson, Amy K b.1910 - Minnesota, USA
Dickinson, Eliza Josephine b.1865 - Pleasant Plain, Jefferson, Iowa
Dickinson, Frank d.1910 - Minnesota, USA
Dickinson, Grace Irene b.1866 -
Dickinson, Living -
Dickinson, Mabel Esther b.1869 -
Dickinson, Margaret Prentiss b.1873 -
Dickinson, Martha m.1777 - Stamford, CT
Dickinson, Thomas -
Dickinson, Thomas Adams b.1830 - Holliston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Diercks, Bernhard b.1901 - Wedel, Stade, Niedersachsen, Germany
Diercks, Living -
Diercks, Living -
Diercks, Living -
Diffendaffer, Ida Mae b.1866 - Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Dillen, Esther b.1826 - Centre, Pennsylvania, USA
Dillon, Elvina b.1843 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, USA
Dinges, Cora E b.1891 - Oregon, USA
Dinges, Franklin Pierce b.1861 - Plainfield, Will, Illinois, USA
Dinges, Mabel Carrie b.1897 - Corvallis, Benton, Oregon, USA
Dinges, Mildred b.1905 - Corvallis, Benton, Oregon, USA
Dinges, William Elmer b.1901 - , Benton, Oregon, USA
Dinges, William J b.1834 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Dingman, Jannetje m.1688 -
Dircks, Magdalena d.1726 -
Dircks, Maritje b.1720 - New York, USA
Dirckse, Aeltje b.1584 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Dircksen, Evert b.1630 - Vianen, Holland
Ditzler, Hannah Catherine b.1839 - Turbot, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, United States
Doan, -
Doan, Ida Nancy b.1865 - Benton, Benton, Iowa, United States
Doan, Mary Elizabeth b.1831 - London City, Lobo County, Canada
Doane, Rebecca m.1700 - Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
Dobbert, Lillian Irene b.1893 - Wisconsin
Dobbert, Living -
Dobbert, Living -
Dobbert, William F b.1864 - Wisconsin, USA
Doby, Martha Ann m.1895 - Parachute, Garfield, Colorado, USA
Dochstader, Sarah b.1800 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Dochter, Andries Lucasse b.1604 -
Dochter, Geertruy Andriese b.1630 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Dockum, M. E. m.1894 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Dodd, Alletta Vredenburgh b.1882 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Dodd, Collard b.1801 - Bloomfield, Essex, New Jersey, USA
Dodd, Elizabeth Harrison b.1883 -
Dodd, James b.1842 - New Jersey, USA
Dodd, Julia Lindsley b.1888 - New Jersey, USA
Dodd, Philip Lindsley b.1885 -
Dodge, Henry Henly b.1835 - Georgetown, District of Columbia, United States
Dodge, Jemima m.1817 -
Dodge, Living -
Dodge, Sarah Esther b.1882 -
Dodge, Sarah Esther m.1905 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Dodson, Dorothy m.1942 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Doerfler, David M. b.1955 -
Doerfler, Eugene F b.1927 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, United States
Doerfler, Fred W b.1903 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, United States
Doerfler, George -
Doerfler, Gregory L. -
Doerfler, Living -
Doerfler, Living -
Doerfler, Mae -
Doerfler, Pamela K b.1957 -
Doerfler, Robert Edward b.1926 - Springfield
Dohner, Elizabeth b.1765 - Lampeter, Lancaster Co., PA
Dollinger, Franklin Sylvanis -
Dollinger, Velda May b.1925 - Roosevelt, Duchesne, Utah, USA
Dolton, Norinne E b.1905 - Idaho, USA
Donahue, -
Donaldson, Catharine -
Donaldson, Living -
Donaldson, Living -
Donaldson, Mary (Marion) b.1855 - Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Donaldson, Sylvester b.1867 - Pennsylvania
Donaldson, William b.1823 - Scotland
Donnelly, Mae C b.1871 - Illinois, USA
Donnelson, Bessie Rosetta b.1879 - Magnolia, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Donovan, Harriet C b.1806 - Augusta, Bracken, Kentucky, USA
Doremus, Ann Eliza b.1810 - New York, New York, USA
Doremus, Bettie Caldwell b.1867 - New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Doremus, Caroline Elizabeth b.1820 - New York, USA
Doremus, Charles Estes b.1884 - Augusta, Columbia, Georgia, USA
Doremus, Cornelia b.1857 - Mississippi, USA
Doremus, Frances "Frank" b.1850 - Louisiana, USA
Doremus, Frances Maria b.1822 - New Jersey, USA
Doremus, Francis b.1787 - Montville, Morris, New Jersey, United States
Doremus, Francis b.1813 -
Doremus, Frank b.1887 - Augusta, Columbia, Georgia, USA
Doremus, Henrietta Von Reisenkampff b.1840 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Doremus, John Edward Caldwell b.1816 - New York, USA
Doremus, Katharine Louisa b.1841 -
Doremus, Margaret Caldwell b.1845 - Louisiana, United States
Doremus, Margaret Canfield b.1818 - New York, USA
Doremus, Mary Augusta b.1852 - Louisiana, USA
Doremus, Matilda b.1848 -
Doremus, Sarah Vredenburgh b.1830 - New York, USA
Doremus, Thomas Cornelius b.1740 - Wechauw, Morris, New Jersey
Doremus, William A b.1859 - Texas, USA
Dorgan, Mary Rose b.1879 - Wisconsin
Dorr, Gertrude b.1868 - Missouri, USA
Doud, Wyman Robert m.1900 - Cadillac, Wexford, Michigan, USA
Dougherty, Catherine Elsie b.1913 - Newcastle, Nebraska
Doughty, Elizabeth m.1869 - Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Douglas, Daniel b.1830 -
Douglas, Julia Ann b.1833 -
Douw, Catherine b.1751 -
Douw, Volkert P. -
Dow, Lydia m.1773 -
Downes, Anna b.1716 - Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire
Downes, John -
Downham, Albert b.1865 - Perkinsville, Jackson Township, Madison County, Indiana
Downham, Almeda M b.1879 - Madison County, Indiana
Downham, Andrew J b.1853 - Perkinsville, Madison County, Jackson Township
Downham, Angeline b.1824 - Delaware
Downham, Anna Laura b.1874 -
Downham, Charles b.1903 - Madison County, Indiana
Downham, Charles J. b.1842 - Murderkill Hun, Kent, Delaware, USA
Downham, Enoch Vanlandingham b.1862 - Perkinsville, Jackson Township, Madison County, Indiana
Downham, Helen Gould b.1900 - Madison County, Indiana
Downham, Ida H b.1876 -
Downham, Jearlda Altha b.1866 - Jackson Township, Indiana
Downham, Jonathan b.1776 - Kent County, Delaware
Downham, Joseph b.1800 - Kent County, Delaware
Downham, Joseph W b.1829 - Kent County Delaware
Downham, Lily b.1870 - Madison County, Indiana, Jackson Township
Downham, Lucy B b.1883 - Jackson, Madison, Indiana, USA
Downham, Luther b.1860 - Perkinsville Indiana, Jackson Township, MadisonCounty
Downham, Mary Ann b.1839 - Kent County, Delaware
Downham, Regina b.1843 - Kent County, Delaware
Downham, Seth b.1869 - Madison County, Indiana, Jackson Township
Downham, William Henry b.1841 - Kent County, Delaware
Downham, William Henry Harrison b.1857 - Perkinsville, Madison County, Jackson Township
Downs, Deborah b.1718 - Dover, Norfolk, New Hampshire, United States
Drake, Anne R. -
Drake, Diantha -
Drake, Elizabeth -
Drake, Samuel m.1650 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Draper, Hannah Laura b.1785 - Granville, Washington, New York, USA
Dreskey, Eunice Myrtilla Wilson b.1906 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Dresser, Katharine L. b.1866 - Illinois, USA
Dresser, Thomas Withers b.1837 - Halifax, Halifax, Virginia, USA
Drover, Ellen m.1875 -
Drury, Joseph b.1876 - Kansas
Druyvestein, Living -
Druyvestein, Living -
Druyvestein, Living -
Druyvestein, Living -
Dryden, Cora May b.1879 -
Dryden, Leslie b.1881 - Illinois, USA
Dryden, Maud b.1879 - Illinois, USA
Dryden, Thomas b.1853 - Illinois, USA
Dryden, Victor b.1888 - Illinois, USA
Drysdale, Betsy b.1800 -
Du Chesne, Susanna b.1606 - Sedan, Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France
du Pont, Alice Eugenie b.1876 - Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, United States
Du Pont, Henry b.1812 -
Du Pont, Henry Algenon b.1838 -
du Pont Ortiz, Marie Alexia b.1912 - Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, United States
Du Trieux, Abraham b.1632 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Du Trieux, Jacob m.1674 - New York, New York, USA
Du Trieux, Rebecca b.1635 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Du Trieux, Sara b.1623 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Du Trieux, Susanna b.1626 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Du Truax, Rachel b.1629 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Du Truy, Abraham b.1647 -
Du Truy, Isaac b.1642 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Du Truy, Jacob b.1645 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Du Truy, Phillip b.1585 - Robey, Netherlands
Dubois, Anna c.1703 -
Dubois, Carrie b.1876 - Michigan, USA
Dubois, Catherine c.1692 -
Dubois, David -
Dubois, Elizabeth b.1838 - New Paltz, Ulster, New York, USA
Dubois, Elizabeth c.1708 -
Dubois, Hanna c.1696 -
Dubois, Josaphat c.1706 -
Ducheney, Lucy Agnes b.1852 - Washington
Dudley, Anne b.1612 - England
Dudley, Roger Capt. d.1586 -
Dudley, Thomas Gov. b.1576 - England
Duke, Clara B b.1892 - Madison, Lake, Ohio, United States
Duke, Floyd Kathryn b.1896 - Dalton, Whitfield, Georgia, USA
Duke, Green R b.1865 - , Floyd, Georgia, USA
Duke, Harry C b.1902 - Madison, Lake, Ohio, United States
Duke, Living -
Duke, Living -
Duke, Living -
Duke, Living -
Duke, Living -
Duke, Mary E b.1889 - Madison, Lake, Ohio, United States
Duke, Mona A b.1895 - Madison, Lake, Ohio, United States
Duke, Walter T b.1901 - North Madison, Lake, Ohio, USA
Duke, William H b.1857 - Leroy, Lake, Ohio, United States
Dukes, James P. b.1823 -
Dulles, Edith Rutledge b.1897 - Englewood, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Dulles, Living -
Dulles, Living -
Dulles, William b.1857 - Pennsylvania
Duncan, Hannah Elizabeth b.1811 - Bath, Sagadahoc, Maine, USA
Duncan, Living -
Duncan, Living -
Duncan, Living -
Duncan, Living -
Duncan, Samuel -
Duncanson, Alvirta B b.1897 - Kansas, USA
Duncanson, Mortimer Allen b.1874 - Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Dunkelberger, Lucinda b.1838 - Pennsylvania
Dunlap, Evelyn m.1849 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Dunn, Betty b.1924 -
Dunn, Sarah b.1816 - KY
Dupauw, Charles Washington b.1859 - Salem, Washington, Indiana
DuPree, Clemmer b.1899 - Iowa
Durfee, Albert Anson b.1873 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Durfee, Baby b.1886 -
Durfee, Byron b.1864 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Durfee, David b.1884 - Almo, Cassia, Idaho, United States
Durfee, Ebenezer b.1761 - Canterbury, Windham, Connecticut, United States
Durfee, Emma b.1845 - Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States
Durfee, Francillo b.1812 - Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, United States
Durfee, Francillo b.1850 - Mound Fort, Weber, Utah, United States
Durfee, Henry Carl b.1865 - Jordon, Monona, Iowa, United States
Durfee, Henry Dennison b.1833 - Westport, Essex, New York, United States
Durfee, Irene b.1918 -
Durfee, James Madison b.1880 - Almo, Cassia Co., ID
Durfee, James Madison b.1837 - Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, USA
Durfee, James Watson b.1871 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, United States
Durfee, Marian "Mae" b.1862 - Iowa, USA
Durfee, Marion Miriam Braidfoot b.1839 - Bristol, Addison, Vermont, United States
Durfee, Mary Ann b.1881 - Almo, Cassia, Idaho, United States
Durfee, Mina b.1904 - Idaho, USA
Durfee, Minnie Luretta b.1869 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Durfee, Myron Bushnell b.1832 - Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, United States
Durfee, Myron Jay b.1860 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, United States
Durfee, Orin Francillo b.1878 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, United States
Durfee, Rebecka Pearl b.1887 - Almo, Cassia, Idaho, United States
Durfee, Richard James b.1835 - Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, United States
Durham, Millard m.1961 -
Durrell, Bessie Justina m.1897 -
Dutton, -
Duyzer, -
Dyer, -
Dyer, Frances b.1904 - Amity, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Dyer, George -
Dyer, Mary Mercy b.1830 - Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
Dykeman, Judith c.1724 - Livingston, New York, USA
Dyrbye, Alexander Thomas -
Dyrbye, Annemie -
Dyrbye, Carla -
Dyrbye, Living -
Dyrbye, Living -
Dyrbye, Living -
Dyrbye, Living -
Dyrbye, Living -
Dyrbye, Living -
Dyrbye, Paul Peter b.1930 - Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia
Dyrbye, Thomas Alexander -
Dysinger, Dorthy Lucille b.1909 - Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA
Eakins, Teressa E b.1843 - Oxford, Ontario, Canada
Earp, -
Earp, Alda Pearl b.1887 - Greene County, Missouri
Easterwood, Finis Martin b.1906 - Chilhowee, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Easterwood, Hazel Marie b.1929 -
Eastman, Miriam b.1758 - Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA
Easton, Robert Fish b.1911 - New York, USA
Eaton, Abraham m.1742 -
Eaton, Ephriam b.1663 -
Eaton, Hannah m.1783 -
Eaton, Harold Lester b.1901 - Warrensville, Macon, Illinois, United States
Eaton, John -
Eaton, Joseph m.1737 -
Eaton, Living -
Eaton, Mary m.1715 -
Eaton, Mercy -
Eaton, Sarah m.1741 -
Eckel, Emma Caroline b.1875 - Wisconsin
Eckel, Henry b.1848 - Michigan or Wisc.
Eckerson, Annatje b.1787 - Schoharie, New York, USA
Edgell, Caryle Wood b.1905 -
Edmonds, Living -
Edmonds, Mabel b.1882 - Raritan, Henderson, Illinois, United States
Edwards, Catherine b.1783 - Virginia
Edwards, Edythe m.1897 -
Edwards, Esther b.1917 -
Edwards, Hazel b.1913 -
Edwards, Ira -
Edwards, Living -
Edwards, Living -
Edwards, Living -
Edwards, Phoebe b.1822 - New Jersey, USA
Edwards, William Franklin -
Edwards, William Harry b.1888 - Six Mile Run, Bedford, Pennsylvania
Edwards, William V b.1922 -
Ehlers, Hans Juergen d.1999 -
Eitzen, Living -
Eitzen, Living -
Eitzen, Living -
Eitzen, Maria -
Eldred, Caroline Westcott b.1836 - Pennsylvania, USA
Eleanor, b.1772 - Berkley, , Virginia, USA
Elizabeth, b.1808 - Tioga, Tioga, New York, United States
Elizabeth, b.1765 -
Elizabeth, b.1803 - , , Virginia, USA
Elizabeth, -
Elizabeth, John -
Ellen, -
Ellen, Barbara -
Ellenberger, Susannah E. b.1844 - Pennsylvania
Ellender, b.1724 - Albermarle, , Virginia, USA
Eller, Cora b.1878 - Missouri
Eller, Jacob F. b.1843 - Tennessee, USA
Eller, James T b.1877 - Missouri
Eller, Mary Ellen b.1865 -
Eller, Sarah T. b.1871 - Kentucky, USA
Ellinwood, Mary Alice Estella b.1880 - Sedalia, Pettis, Missouri, United States
Elliot, -
Elliot, Ruth b.1833 - Ohio, USA
Elliott, Albert Wesley b.1856 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Alexander Brazelton b.1861 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Alfred Boyce b.1836 - , Vermilion, Illinois, USA
Elliott, Almarinda R b.1847 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Charles b.1873 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Clara Grace b.1870 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Demcy b.1755 - , Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Demcy b.1833 - , Vermilion, Illinois, USA
Elliott, Enos A. b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Elliott, Etta May b.1877 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Foster b.1787 - North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Francis Marion b.1854 - Polk Co, , Iowa, USA
Elliott, Frederick E. b.1825 - Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Elliott, George Washington b.1868 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Gosberry b.1815 - , Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Henry b.1809 - North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Ida Mae b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Elliott, John B b.1827 - , Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Elliott, John Franklin b.1851 - , Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, John Grant b.1888 - Elliott Point, Wahkiakum, Washington, United States
Elliott, John Green b.1832 - Scotland, United Kingdom
Elliott, John Kent b.1919 - Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon, United States
Elliott, Joseph b.1725 - , Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Joseph C b.1810 - , Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Joseph Clark b.1858 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Laura M b.1863 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Levinia b.1829 - , Preble, Ohio, USA
Elliott, Living -
Elliott, Living -
Elliott, Living -
Elliott, Living -
Elliott, Living -
Elliott, Living -
Elliott, Living -
Elliott, Living -
Elliott, Lydia Jane b.1859 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, Margaret b.1853 - Polk Co, , Iowa, USA
Elliott, Mary Ann b.1819 - Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Mary Elizabeth b.1865 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Elliott, May Sue b.1909 - Dahlia, Wahkiakum, Washington, United States
Elliott, May Sue b.1909 - Dahlia, Wahkiakum, Washington, USA
Elliott, Minnie b.1873 - Iowa, USA
Elliott, Myrtle D. b.1875 -
Elliott, Nancy b.1823 - North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Natalie Louise b.1914 - Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon, United States
Elliott, Rachel b.1820 - , Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Stephen Goodwin b.1831 - , Vermilion, Illinois, USA
Elliott, William Henry b.1849 - Berwick, Polk Co., Iowa
Ellis, -
Ellis, Angeline b.1851 - , Pettis, Missouri, USA
Ellis, Boggs M. b.1833 - Ohio, USA
Ellis, Deloss C. b.1842 - New York, USA
Ellis, Everett b.1880 - Nebraska, USA
Ellis, G. Corson III m.1986 -
Ellis, Lewis b.1885 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Ellis, Living -
Ellis, Living -
Ellis, Mary E. m.1865 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Ellis, Rebecca b.1753 - Bley Valley, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Ellis, Rebekah -
Elmendorf, Blandia Bruyn b.1820 - Griggstown, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Elmendorf, William C. -
Elrod, Tabitha b.1848 - Indiana
Elsie, -
Elsie, Living -
Elswaert, Brechtje m.1670 - New York, New York, USA
Elting, Aaltje m.1695 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Elting, Ada Margaret b.1920 - Iowa, USA
ELTING, Catryntje (Catherine) b.1769 - Kingston, Ulster NY
Elting, Grace H. b.1877 - Iowa
Elting, James b.1842 - New York, USA
Elting, James Henry b.1884 - Iowa
Elting, Jessie b.1869 - Iowa
Elting, Katherine Dezo b.1874 - Iowa
Elting, Living -
Elting, Living -
Elting, Living -
Elting, Living -
Elting, Living -
Elting, Living -
Elting, Living -
Elting, Living -
Elting, Moses b.1798 - Ulster, New York
Elting, Philip b.1872 - Iowa
Elting, Philip b.1834 - , Ulster, New York
Elting, Phillipus Philip b.1765 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Eltinge, Catherine b.1837 - , Ulster, New York, USA
Eltinge, Mary b.1832 - , Ulster, New York, USA
Elva, I b.1870 - Illinois
Elvira, b.1814 - New York, USA
Elviratrue, Martha b.1833 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Emery, Job b.1670 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Emery, Sarah b.1700 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Emlan, Rachel b.1828 - Seymour, , Ontario, Canada
Emmett, Howard b.1880 -
Emory, Mariah m.1866 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Engel, Harry E. d.1911 -
Engelmann, Dorothy Louise b.1911 - Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
English, -
English, David b.1824 - Pennsylvania, USA
English, Nettie b.1859 - Scott, Iowa, USA
Ennis, Daniel -
Ennis, Lena b.1771 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Enterline, Rebecca b.1833 - Pennsylvania
Enterman, Carl F. b.1899 - Nebraska
Entrekin, Amy G b.1888 - Pennsylvania
Entrekin, Horatio T b.1858 - Pennsylvania, United States
Entrekin, James Franklin b.1894 - Lincoln, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Entrekin, Living -
Enyeart, John William b.1819 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Enyeart, Mary Amanda b.1838 - Pennsylvania
Epley, -
Erb, John Wendell b.1834 - Hesse, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Ernst, Anton b.1881 -
Ernst, Gertrude C b.1887 - Missouri
Ernst, Henry b.1859 - Missouri
Ernst, Mamie A b.1885 - Missouri, USA
Ernst, Sophie B b.1905 - Iowa, USA
Esell, Johann Wilhelm b.1659 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Esell, Maria Magdalena b.1693 - Oberbrechen, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Eskelsen, Ethel Marie b.1898 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Esmiol, Living -
Esmiol, Living -
Esmiol, Living -
Esmiol, Living -
Esmiol, Living -
Esmiol, Living -
Esmiol, Living -
Esmiol, Living -
Espelin, Lionel Wood b.1902 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Espelin, Living -
Esselstyne, Richard B. b.1731 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Essselstyne, Maria B. b.1783 -
Estep, Elizabeth b.1762 - Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, United States
Estes, Ellen Jean b.1845 - Georgia
Eubanks, Juel Dale b.1923 - Holcomb, Dunklin, Missouri, USA
Eubanks, Living -
Evans, Ann -
Evans, Catherine b.1789 - Pennsylvania
Evans, David m.1760 -
Evans, Isabella m.1896 - Parachute, Garfield, Colorado, USA
Evans, Living -
Evans, Matie Fraulene m.1936 - Nodaway
Evans, Matilda b.1823 - KY
Evans, Sarah m.1763 -
Everett, Sally Susan b.1871 - Lafayette, Clinton, Missouri, USA
Everline, Living -
Everline, Living -
Everline, Living -
Everline, Living -
Everline, Living -
Everline, Living -
Ewing, Alexander W b.1852 - Ohio
Ewing, Annie T b.1862 - Ohio
Ewing, Living -
Ewing, Virginia m.1894 - South Gorin, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Ewing, Willard Ray b.1883 - Ohio
Exum, Sallie Lee b.1906 - Shamrock, Wheeler, Texas, USA
Eyman, Jacob H b.1874 - Kansas
Eyman, Living -
Eyman, Maggie O b.1879 - Kansas
Fackler, Grace Maude b.1878 - Astoria, Fulton Co., IL
Fager, Maggie E b.1861 - Brookville, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Fairbank, Living -
Fairbank, Maynard Dehn b.1911 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Fairbanks, Living -
Fairbanks, Living -
Fairbanks, Living -
Fairbanks, Living -
Fairbanks, Living -
Fairbanks, Perley Guy b.1886 - Sandwich, De Kalb, Illinois, USA
Fairbanks, William Cooper b.1852 - England
Fairchild, Fred m.1896 -
Fairly, Giles m.1902 -
Fannie, b.1770 -
Farmer, -
Farnam, George Washington b.1801 - Scipio, Cayuga, New York, USA
Farnham, -
Farr, Alice Isora b.1851 - Geneva, Ontario, New York, United States
Farrant, Mary Nelly b.1916 - Victoria, British Columbia
Farrar, Catherine b.1725 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Farrell, Anna b.1837 - Ireland
Farrington, Living -
Farrington, Louisa -
Farrington, Ralph b.1905 - Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama, USA
Farris, Henry -
Farris, Melinda Lemila b.1873 -
Faulkener, Elizabeth b.1792 -
Faust, Anna Maria m.1849 - Luthersbrunn-Vinningen, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz
Faust, Edna b.1878 - Iowa, USA
Fay, Alma L. -
Fay, Bathsheba -
Fay, Benjamin b.1712 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, Dinah b.1705 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, Eunice b.1696 - Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, James b.1707 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, John b.1700 - Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, John Jr. b.1669 - Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, John -
Fay, Lydia b.1702 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, Mary b.1698 - Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, Mehitabel b.1710 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Fay, Stephen b.1715 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Featherhoff, Guy Warren "Chick" b.1892 - Inman, Mcpherson, Kansas
Featherhoff, Nancy Lee b.1921 - Kansas
Featherhoff, Warren b.1854 - Indiana
Feathers, Lydia b.1842 -
Fegley, Mary F b.1891 - Pennsylvania, USA
Felten, John Peter b.1886 - Iowa
Felten, Living -
Felten, Living -
Felten, Living -
Felton, Annie b.1879 - Iowa
Felton, Annie b.1879 - Iowa
Felton, Josephine b.1881 - Iowa
Felton, Josephine b.1881 - Iowa
Felton, Nicholas b.1825 - Germany
Felton, Thomas -
Fender, Malissa Marselle b.1858 - Polk Co., Missouri USA
Fenley, Margaret Elizabeth b.1901 - Summit City, Bates, Missouri, United States
Ferguson, Carrie b.1887 - Kansas
Ferguson, Charles R b.1889 - Kansas
Ferguson, Elizabeth b.1814 - England
Ferguson, Gracie S b.1892 - Kansas
Ferguson, Gracie Susan b.1892 - Cowley, Kittatas, Washington, USA
Ferguson, Hannah Emaline b.1884 - Atlanta, Cowley, Kansas, USA
Ferguson, Jerry b.1847 - Indiana
Ferguson, Nora Edna b.1891 - Kansas
Ferry, Chauncey b.1800 - Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA
Ferry, Hannah Alwida b.1840 -
Ferry, Sally b.1830 -
Fetterolf, John b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Fetterolf, Living -
Fetty, James Cecil b.1902 - Cripple Creek, Teller, Colorado, USA
Fetty, James Cecil b.1921 - Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA
Fetty, Living -
Fetty, Living -
Fetty, Living -
Fichter, Barbara b.1830 - Bavaria, Germany
Field, Artimessia Jane b.1844 - Richland, Ohio, USA
Field, Harriet b.1814 - New York, USA
Field, Thomas m.1593 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Field, Thomas b.1785 - New York, USA
Fielder, -
Fielding, Myrtle b.1891 -
Fields, Elisha b.1717 - Sunderland, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Fields, Emma L. b.1839 -
Fields, Irene m.1937 - Angola, Steuben, Indiana, USA
Filius Scoti, Uchtredus b.1090 - 1090 in Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland
Fink, Charles E b.1880 - Castle Shannon, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Fink, Frank b.1864 - Pennsylvania
Fink, Harry Clair b.1892 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fink, Joy Beth -
Fink, Leonard H b.1907 - Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Fink, Living -
Fink, Living -
Fink, Living -
Fink, Living -
Fink, Living -
Fink, Living -
Fink, Living -
Finney, Helen M b.1865 - Ohio, USA
Finney, Jonathan b.1829 - Ohio, USA
Firey, Anna Margaret b.1888 - Brown, South Dakota
Firey, Carl R b.1884 - South Dakota
Firey, John H b.1859 - Illinois, USA
Firischkom, b.1869 - Germany
Firischkom, Living -
Fischer, Jack -
Fischer, James -
Fischer, Karl Wilhelm b.1908 - Erfurt, Thringen, Germany
Fischer, Living -
Fischer, Living -
Fischer, Living -
Fischer, Michael -
Fischer, Russell -
Fischer, Sandra -
Fish, Alfred b.1840 - England, United Kingdom
Fish, Grace b.1874 - Illinois, USA
Fisher, b.1918 - North Loup, Valley Co., Nebraska
Fisher, b.1919 - North Loup, Valley Co., Nebraska
Fisher, Addaline m.1841 -
Fisher, Albert Joseph b.1878 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Fisher, Alfred Glenn b.1889 - Holyoke, Phillips, Colorado, USA
Fisher, Alvaretta b.1868 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Alverda Catherine b.1862 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, Andrew Jackson b.1835 - Eagle Foundary, Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Ann b.1865 -
Fisher, Anna Maria b.1852 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Annie M b.1883 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Anthony b.1890 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Anthony b.1865 -
Fisher, Arnata H b.1890 - Nebraska, USA
Fisher, Benjamin Franklin b.1853 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Bermanda C b.1860 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, Calvin C b.1883 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Catherine b.1824 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Fisher, Catherine Alice b.1870 - Hopewell Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA
Fisher, Charles b.1865 -
Fisher, Charles M b.1895 - Nebraska
Fisher, Christian b.1831 - East Providence, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, Clarissa b.1868 -
Fisher, Daniel b.1861 - Trough Creek Valley, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, David Henry b.1831 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, David Henry b.1855 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Earl Lester b.1904 - Greene, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Fisher, Edward Stanton b.1872 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Elizabeth d.1897 -
Fisher, Elizabeth -
Fisher, Elizabeth Agnes b.1864 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Ellen Elizabeth b.1888 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Fisher, Elsa G b.1864 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Elsie M b.1892 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Francis Alan b.1915 - North Loup, Valley Co., Nebraska
Fisher, George W. b.1858 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Gertrude b.1888 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Harold Clayton b.1860 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, Harrison G b.1878 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Horatio Cooper b.1876 - Hopewell Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA
Fisher, Howard Christian b.1877 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Huber C b.1898 - Nebraska
Fisher, Isaac Newton b.1872 - Oneida, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Fisher, Jacob b.1833 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Jacob H b.1856 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Jacob S b.1880 - Greene, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Fisher, Jane b.1865 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Jeannette C b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Fisher, Jemima Jasmine b.1829 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Joanna M. b.1867 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, John Adam b.1822 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, John C b.1800 - McConnells Cove, Fulton, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, John G b.1884 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Fisher, John W b.1869 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, John Wesley b.1854 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Joseph Benjamin b.1893 - Curtis, Frontier, Nebraska, USA
Fisher, Joseph Snare b.1827 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, Julia A b.1866 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Lettie b.1875 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Living -
Fisher, Ludwig b.1777 - Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, United States
Fisher, Margaret b.1865 -
Fisher, Margaret E. b.1865 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Martha b.1862 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Martha E b.1872 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Mary b.1863 -
Fisher, Mary b.1862 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Mary A b.1838 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Mary C. b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Mary Catherine b.1851 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Melinda b.1865 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Minerva b.1872 - Pennsyvania, USA
Fisher, Nancy Jane b.1853 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, Nathan Sylvester b.1860 - Madison Twp., Polk Co., Iowa
Fisher, Nellie M b.1902 - Nebraska
Fisher, Philip b.1792 - Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, Reuben Crum b.1859 - Lincoln, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Robert Henry b.1886 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Fisher, Rodney Galen b.1921 - Edinburg, Hidalgo Co., Texas
Fisher, Rose Ann b.1859 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Ruben Scott b.1855 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Samuel b.1841 - , Johnson, Iowa, USA
Fisher, Samuel Huston b.1861 - Lincoln Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA
Fisher, Sarah A b.1850 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Sarah Jane b.1858 - Pennsylvania, USA
Fisher, Sidney Galen b.1916 - North Loup, Valley Co., Nebraska
Fisher, Silas Monroe b.1851 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fisher, Susannah b.1785 - Ohio, USA
Fisher, Tony -
Fisher, Ulysses S. G. b.1875 - Pennsylvania
Fisher, Wayne Otis b.1907 - Greene, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Fisher, William Casey b.1880 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Fisher, William Howard b.1870 - Pennsylvania
Fitts, Maria T b.1819 - New Hampshire, USA
Fitz Randolph, Sarah b.1826 - Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Fitzgerald, -
Fitzgerald, Kathryn E b.1890 - NY
Fitzwater, Atta b.1878 - Virginia, USA
Flanders, Ella May b.1859 - Amesbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Flanders, Joseph James b.1834 - Kensington, New Hampshire, USA
Flenner, Gloria m.1980 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USA
Flimming, Living -
Flimming, Living -
Flimming, Patrick L. -
Flitsch, Jacob Henry b.1894 - Otter Creek, Linn, Iowa, USA
Flitsch, Merrill Jacob b.1917 - Maine, Linn, Iowa, USA
Floberg, Sophie b.1882 - North Dakota, USA
Florry, Catharine b.1712 - Canton, Switzerland
Flory, Edward b.1880 - Missouri
Flory, Living -
Flory, Living -
Flory, Ruth E. b.1918 - Missouri
Flower, Edith Irene DR. b.1870 - Richmond, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA
Flower, Edith Irene -
Flower, Lucius Leonard b.1842 -
Flowers, -
Floyd, Anna b.1786 - Mastic, Lewis, New York, USA
Floyd, William -
Foerg, Victoria b.1859 - Germany
Fogerty, Katy F b.1868 - Iowa, USA
Fogle, Adella P b.1878 - Pennsylvania
Fogle, Peter MacDonald b.1840 - Antis, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Foley, Benjamin Berry Green b.1837 - Virginia, USA
Foley, Berma L b.1891 - Russell Springs, Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Betty b.1865 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Betty Helen b.1888 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Bonnie Lois b.1897 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Clara Ellen b.1897 - Green, Kentucky, USA
Foley, David Belmont b.1886 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Dock Levi b.1902 - Campbellsville, Taylor, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Durward Lester b.1889 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Effie Florence b.1903 - , Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Elizabeth Elaine b.1893 - , Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Gaither L b.1869 - Jamestown, Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Garrett b.1880 - Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Henry Lawerence -
Foley, James Franklin b.1863 - Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, James Milton b.1895 -
Foley, John T b.1876 - Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, John Welby b.1891 -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Living -
Foley, Lona Green b.1887 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Martha Anne b.1935 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Foley, Martha J b.1858 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Mary E b.1866 - Russell Springs, Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Mary Ellen b.1866 - , Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Michael G B b.1874 - , Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Milly Susan b.1856 - Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Nancy E. b.1860 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Pearl b.1887 -
Foley, Richard b.1881 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Sarah M b.1874 - Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, Susan b.1888 - Kentucky, USA
Foley, Theodore P b.1878 - Russell, Kentucky, USA
Foley, William Anderson b.1864 - Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA
Foley, William Charles -
Folks, Gerald -
Folks, John -
Folks, John G. m.1929 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Folks, Living -
Folks, Robert -
Follmer, George Crawford b.1902 - Nelson, Nuckolls, Nebraska, USA
Follmer, Hugh Crawford b.1927 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Follmer, Living -
Forbes, Maria Bredenbuy b.1728 - New York, USA
Forbes, William b.1678 - Scotland
Ford, Anna Gertrude b.1856 - Greenfield, Wayne, Michigan
Ford, Living m.1945 - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Ford, Living -
Ford, Living -
Ford, Living -
Ford, Living -
Ford, Living -
Ford, Living -
Ford, Living -
Ford, Living -
Ford, Living -
Ford, William d.1955 - Pennsylvania
Forde, Stanley Hamilton b.1878 - Buffalo, New York
Fording, Alexander b.1854 - Dover, Athens, Ohio, United States
Fording, David b.1816 - Alliance, Mahoning, Ohio, United States
Fording, Hemperly Augustus b.1852 - Dover, Athens, Ohio, United States
Forgan, David b.1891 - Minnesota, USA
Forgan, David Robertson b.1862 - Scotland
Forgan, Ethel b.1889 - Canada (Eng)
Forgan, Living -
Forgan, Marion K b.1887 - Canada (Eng)
Forgan, Robert R b.1886 - Canada (Eng)
Forshaw, Henrietta U. b.1923 - Los Angeles, California, USA
Forshaw, James b.1889 - England
Forshaw, Living -
Forshaw, Living -
Forshee, Abel F b.1815 - Shelby, Ohio, United States
Forward, Living -
Forward, Living -
Forward, Living -
Forward, Living -
Forward, Living -
Forward, Living -
Forward, Living -
Fossey, Daniel Alexander b.1844 - Noyan, Rouville, Quebec, Canada
Fossey, Ella Julia b.1880 - Alliance, Box Butte Co., Nebraska, U.S.A.
Fossey, Leslie Ansel b.1873 - Berlin, Green Lake, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Fossey, Mabel A. b.1872 - Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Fossey, Mabel E. b.1874 - Wisconsin
Fossey, Melva J. b.1872 - Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Foster, Arthur Harry -
Foster, Charles Sherbrook -
Foster, Chryscinda H. b.1846 -
Foster, Eliab James b.1844 -
Foster, Emma Frances m.1852 -
Foster, Emma Frances d.1852 -
Foster, Freland -
Foster, Freland S. -
Foster, Grace Eliza -
Foster, H. Hiram -
Foster, Hiram b.1810 - Weld, Franklin, Maine, USA
Foster, Hiram Orlando b.1850 -
Foster, James -
Foster, James Greenwood b.1848 -
Foster, Lillian -
Foster, Lillian Mary -
Foster, Living -
Foster, Living -
Foster, Living -
Foster, Living -
Foster, Living -
Foster, Living -
Foster, Lizzie Smith -
Foster, Nancy J b.1852 - Monmouth, Illinois
Foster, Phillip -
Foster, Rosina b.1839 - Weld, Franklin, Maine, USA
Foster, Solomon b.1837 - Weld, Franklin, Maine, USA
Foster, Solomon G. b.1841 - Weld, Franklin, Maine, USA
Foster, William O. -
Foth, Bertha Matilda b.1899 - Ord, Antelope, Nebraska, USA
Foth, Emil Reinhold b.1870 - Rehden, Diepholz, Niedersachsen, Germany
Foth, Living -
Fouse, Anna Grace b.1901 - Entriken, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fouse, Bette Ilene b.1944 - James Creek, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fouse, Calvin b.1851 - Pennsylvania
Fouse, Clyde W b.1912 - James Creek, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fouse, Jacob Rupley b.1882 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fouse, Lena Ellen b.1908 - James Creek, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Fouse, Living -
Fouse, Living -
Fouse, Living -
Fouse, Living -
Fouse, Living -
Fouse, Lulu May b.1888 - Pennsylvania
Fouse, Marcus M. P. b.1878 -
Fouse, Mary Elizabeth b.1881 - Pennsylvania
Fouts, Floyd Walter b.1937 - Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA
Fouts, Living -
Fouts, Living -
Fouts, Living -
Fouts, Living -
Fouts, Living -
Fouts, Living -
Fouts, Walter Raymond b.1914 - Sterling, Logan, Colorado, USA
Fowler, Anson b.1776 -
Fowler, Donald Lee b.1923 - Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, USA
Fowler, Eldridge Merick -
Fowler, Florence -
Fowler, Living -
Fowler, Living -
Fowler, Living -
Fowler, Living -
Fowler, Living -
Fowler, Living -
Fowler, Living -
Fowler, Melzar b.1803 -
Fowler, Nancy Maria b.1835 - Brownsville, Jefferson, New York, USA
Fowler, Rebecca b.1732 - , Westchester, New York, USA
Fowler, Teddy Dewey b.1899 -
Fowler, William E. m.1879 - Sewickley, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA
Fox, George W b.1883 - Illinois, USA
Fox, Gwendolyn Ann b.1948 - Riverside, California, USA
Fox, Hannah b.1814 - New York, USA
Fox, Jacol m.1860 -
Fox, Kate b.1871 - Illinois, USA
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Living -
Fox, Margaret A b.1861 - Greeneville, Greene, Tennessee, USA
Fox, Mary b.1854 - Illinois, USA
Fox, Nellie M b.1886 - Illinois, USA
Fox, Ray Stewart b.1891 - Peoria, Peoria, Illinois, United States
Fox, Salli b.1863 - Tennessee
Fox, Sarah Rachel b.1862 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Fox, Saxielby b.1859 - Radnor, Peoria, Illinois, USA
Fox, Stewart Carlton b.1921 - Northfield, Dakota, Minnesota, USA
Fox, Walter b.1857 - Illinois, USA
Fox, Walter S b.1888 - Illinois, USA
Fox, William b.1818 - Burton Overy, Leicestershire, England
Fox, William b.1793 - Illston on the Hill, Leicestershire, England
Fradenburg, -
Fradenburg, -
Fradenburg, -
Fradenburg, -
Fradenburg, Barbara Ann b.1935 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburg, Chalmer J. b.1910 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburg, Eldon b.1888 - South Bend, St. Joseph, Indiana, USA
Fradenburg, Ellen b.1866 - Michigan, USA
Fradenburg, Ernest C. b.1874 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Fradenburg, Ford b.1908 - Scott City, Steuben, Indiana, USA
Fradenburg, Frank Mesta -
Fradenburg, Grace b.1900 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburg, Harold Leon b.1922 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburg, Henry Arthur b.1883 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburg, Jean -
Fradenburg, Leo Glenn b.1917 - Angola, Steuben, Indiana, USA
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Living -
Fradenburg, Margaret Glendina b.1933 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburg, Martelle b.1919 - Angola, Steuben, Indiana, USA
Fradenburg, Mary -
Fradenburg, Mickey -
Fradenburg, Norman b.1837 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburg, Vicky -
Fradenburg, Ward Walter b.1914 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburg, Wendell Wayne b.1915 -
Fradenburg, Wendell Wayne m.1981 - Manatee, Florida
Fradenburgh, Alfred b.1848 - Canada
Fradenburgh, Almana b.1820 - Kentucky, USA
Fradenburgh, Alphonso b.1878 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburgh, Anna b.1814 - Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Fradenburgh, Araminta b.1861 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Benjamin b.1852 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Charles b.1863 - New Carlisle, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Charles Bloomfield b.1834 - Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Chester Rivers b.1873 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Content b.1809 - New York, USA
Fradenburgh, Daniel A b.1837 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Edgar Ardene b.1862 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Etta b.1879 - Ontario
Fradenburgh, Evan Bloomfield b.1872 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Floyd Hendee b.1896 - Otsego, Allegan, MI
Fradenburgh, George R. b.1852 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Grace Ardene b.1898 - Minnesota, USA
Fradenburgh, Isodean Edna b.1886 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburgh, Jacob b.1827 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, James b.1858 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, James Bauannan b.1858 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Jennie Pearl b.1866 - New Carlisle, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, John Victor b.1864 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Living -
Fradenburgh, Lottie E. b.1882 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburgh, Lucy May b.1890 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburgh, Lula F. b.1892 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburgh, Mable b.1877 - Ontario
Fradenburgh, Martelle b.1919 - Angola, Steuben, Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Martha Ann b.1859 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Martha Ann b.1859 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Mary b.1806 - New York, USA
Fradenburgh, Mary Elizabeth b.1850 - Hanover, Jefferson, Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Ralph b.1876 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburgh, Robison Spencer b.1848 - Hanover, Jefferson, Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Ruth E b.1905 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Sarah b.1866 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Sarah b.1842 -
Fradenburgh, Sarah C b.1856 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Seaward b.1864 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Seymour b.1890 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburgh, Stanley J. b.1892 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Fradenburgh, Stephen A. b.1861 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Thomas b.1854 - Indiana, USA
Fradenburgh, Vernon b.1871 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, Violet Marguerite b.1903 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fradenburgh, William b.1823 - Indiana, USA
Frampton, Alice Beulah b.1881 - Pennsylvania, USA
Frampton, Eugene S b.1894 - Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA
Frampton, Gertrude b.1891 - Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA
Frampton, Helen b.1895 - Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA
Frampton, John b.1817 - Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA
Frampton, John Rochester b.1871 - Marion Center, Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA
Frampton, John Wesley b.1851 - Pennsylvania, USA
Frances, b.1882 -
Francis, Frederick Henry b.1879 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Francis, Living -
Francis, Living -
Francis, Marjorie b.1905 - Joliet, Will, Illinois, USA
Franklin, Benjamin b.1864 - Idaho, USA
Franklin, Living -
Franklin, Living -
Franklin, Living -
Franklin, Living -
Franklin, Living -
Fravel, Sarah Catherine b.1857 - Knox County, Ohio
Freas, Andrew b.1843 - Pennsylvania, USA
Freas, George B b.1864 - Ohio
Freas, Living -
Freas, Living -
Freas, Living -
Freas, Living -
Freas, Thomas Ray b.1890 - McKean Township, Licking, Ohio
Fredenberg, Ada b.1872 - Jacksonville, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenberg, Elmer b.1874 - Minnesota, USA
Fredenberg, Henry b.1878 - Minnesota, USA
Fredenberg, Isaac Lee b.1873 - Jacksonville, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenberg, John E. b.1875 - Jacksonville, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenberg, Lilly U. b.1869 - Jacksonville, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenberg, Pearl Electa b.1896 - Big Rapids, Mecosta, Michigan, United States
Fredenberg, Samuel Jesse b.1878 - Jacksonville, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenberg, Sarah F. b.1863 - Illinois, USA
Fredenberg, Thomas H. b.1867 - Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, A. Ann B. b.1856 - Iowa, USA
Fredenburg, Aaron b.1807 - Shepekunk, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Fredenburg, Abram b.1842 -
Fredenburg, Ada O. b.1869 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Fredenburg, Adeline Ellen b.1881 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Albert b.1844 - Eastwood, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Albert F. b.1859 - Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Fredenburg, Alonzo b.1849 -
Fredenburg, Alves b.1914 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Andrew O b.1865 - Illinois, USA
Fredenburg, Austin -
Fredenburg, Benton H b.1895 - Algoma, Kent, Michigan, USA
Fredenburg, Bessie b.1891 - Newcastle, Durham, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Boy b.1830 -
Fredenburg, Bryan b.1899 - Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Cady b.1851 -
Fredenburg, Capra b.1863 - Michigan
Fredenburg, Carrie May b.1899 - Big Rapids, Mecosta, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Charles b.1906 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Charles b.1852 - New York, USA
Fredenburg, Charles Ackerman b.1905 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Charles Elliot b.1835 -
Fredenburg, Charles H b.1869 - New York, USA
Fredenburg, Charles Henry b.1866 - Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Washington, USA
Fredenburg, Charlotte b.1840 - New York, USA
Fredenburg, Clarence Raymond b.1897 - Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Cora Irene b.1890 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Daniel b.1857 -
Fredenburg, Daniel b.1812 - New York, USA
Fredenburg, David E. b.1876 - Brownsville, Linn, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Donna Lee b.1940 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Duryea b.1868 - Minnesota, USA
Fredenburg, Edgar Dwight b.1904 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Edgar H b.1869 - Oxford, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Effie Annie b.1900 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Elfleda b.1895 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Eli Francis b.1862 - Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Fredenburg, Eliza b.1840 - New York, USA
Fredenburg, Elizabeth b.1852 - Burford, Brant South, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Elizabeth m.1862 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Fredenburg, Ellenor b.1825 - New York, USA
Fredenburg, Elmer Franklin b.1886 - Brownsville, Linn, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Emily b.1838 - New York, USA
Fredenburg, Emily A b.1862 - Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Flora Evelyn b.1854 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburg, Franklin b.1845 -
Fredenburg, Franklin b.1909 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, George b.1845 - New York, USA
Fredenburg, George Albert b.1870 - Blandford, Oxford, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, George Cady b.1853 -
Fredenburg, George O b.1895 - Big Rapids, Mecosta, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, George Orlo b.1873 - Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, George W b.1842 - New Jersey, USA
Fredenburg, George Washington b.1852 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburg, Gladys Opal b.1894 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Goldie Nina b.1893 - Brownsville, Linn, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Grace Viola b.1909 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Harmon Andrew b.1874 - Brownsville, Linn, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Harriet b.1870 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Hattie D b.1865 - Monroe, Monroe, MI
Fredenburg, Henry Kalfus b.1868 - Linn, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Herbert Otis b.1898 - Jacksonville, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Isabell b.1859 -
Fredenburg, James b.1906 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, James Anson b.1904 - Newcastle, Durham County, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, James Isaac b.1858 - Pollock, Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Fredenburg, James Loren b.1895 - Brownsville, Linn, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Jane -
Fredenburg, Jennifer -
Fredenburg, John Alva b.1891 - Myrtle Point, Coos, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, John Darwin b.1911 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, John William b.1830 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Joseph Barnett -
Fredenburg, Julia b.1910 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Katherine b.1872 - Minnesota, USA
Fredenburg, Lawrence b.1898 - Riverton, Fremont, Iowa
Fredenburg, Lester Joseph b.1914 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Levi Boyd b.1861 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Living -
Fredenburg, Lorenda b.1854 -
Fredenburg, Lucinda Ellen b.1863 - Davis, Iowa, USA
Fredenburg, Lucy b.1864 - Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Maria b.1839 -
Fredenburg, Martha b.1821 - Upper Canada
Fredenburg, Mary Agnes b.1864 - Montana, USA
Fredenburg, Mary Ann b.1939 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Mary Caroline b.1861 - Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Fredenburg, Mary Ellen b.1852 - Missouri, USA
Fredenburg, Melbourne b.1875 - Oxford, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Minnie b.1897 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Minnie Mariah b.1868 - Marion, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Minnie May b.1896 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Moses Duryea b.1840 - New Jersey, USA
Fredenburg, Myron P b.1842 - Chemung, New York, United States
Fredenburg, Myron Samuel b.1873 - Oxford, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Nancy Jane b.1859 - Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Fredenburg, Nora Bell b.1907 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Norman A b.1878 - Oxford, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Orrin b.1834 - Benton, Yates, New York, United States
Fredenburg, Percy Leroy b.1889 - Woodstock, Oxford, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Rachel b.1847 -
Fredenburg, Ralph Gordon b.1902 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Rena May b.1888 - Myrtle Point, Coos, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Robert b.1904 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Roy V b.1901 - Grant, Montgomery, Iowa
Fredenburg, Ruth Alvira b.1905 - Iowa
Fredenburg, Sylvester b.1843 - Benton, Yates, New York, United States
Fredenburg, Sylvester Milton b.1913 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Fredenburg, Victor Aemilious b.1880 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Volna Boyd b.1883 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Walter Harman b.1885 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburg, Wilhelmus b.1805 - Orange, New York, United States
Fredenburg, William b.1856 -
Fredenburg, William Henry b.1830 -
Fredenburg, William Jackson b.1908 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, William Jackson b.1871 - Silverton, Marion, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, William Lee b.1949 - Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Fredenburg, Willis b.1844 - New York, USA
Fredenburgh, -
Fredenburgh, b.1825 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Abigail b.1842 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Albert b.1852 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Alexander b.1854 - Iowa, USA
Fredenburgh, Alford b.1829 - Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Fredenburgh, Alfred b.1826 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Amanda Malvina b.1850 - Cotton, Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Andrew Jackson b.1830 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Anson b.1840 - Ontario, Canada
Fredenburgh, Anthony b.1816 - Columbia, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, Avery b.1828 - Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Fredenburgh, Benjamin E. b.1853 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Bernice b.1902 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Calvin b.1823 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Caroline Cordelia b.1858 - Iowa, USA
Fredenburgh, Caroline P. b.1825 - Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Fredenburgh, Catharina b.1787 -
Fredenburgh, Charlotte b.1867 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Eli M. b.1838 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Eliza Ann b.1813 -
Fredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1857 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Elsie b.1859 - Burford, Brant South, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburgh, Elvina b.1837 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Emeline (Emma) b.1848 - Cotton, Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Emma b.1887 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Emma Jane b.1868 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburgh, Esther b.1810 - Pennsylvania, United States
Fredenburgh, Francis Marion b.1835 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Franklin b.1852 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Freeman b.1863 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburgh, George D. b.1846 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Hannah M b.1820 - Yates, New York, United States
Fredenburgh, Havilah b.1807 - Pennsylvania, United States
Fredenburgh, Henry b.1845 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Hiram b.1830 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Hugh b.1849 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Irvin b.1875 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Isaac b.1794 - Columbia, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, Isaac b.1840 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Jacob b.1781 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, Jacob b.1812 - Tackannae, Columbia, New York, United States
Fredenburgh, Jacob H. b.1851 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, James L. b.1850 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Jesse M. b.1832 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Joannah C b.1856 - Michigan
Fredenburgh, John b.1805 - Columbia, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, John b.1789 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, John b.1862 - Burford, Brant South, Ontarioa
Fredenburgh, John b.1800 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, John b.1863 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, John Henry b.1872 - Vevay, Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Joseph Robert b.1849 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Joshua b.1869 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Joshua A. b.1841 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Judson b.1865 - South Cayuga, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburgh, Katherine b.1822 - Benton, Yates, New York, United States
Fredenburgh, Laurence b.1801 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, Living -
Fredenburgh, Living -
Fredenburgh, Lorinda b.1815 - Tackannae, Columbia, New York, United States
Fredenburgh, Louisa b.1852 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Lucretia b.1836 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Maria m.1859 - Dixon, Lee, Illinois, USA
Fredenburgh, Martha b.1850 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Martha Ann b.1830 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Mary b.1812 - Penn Yan, Yates, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, Mary Ann b.1834 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Mary F. b.1872 - Arkansas, USA
Fredenburgh, Mary Jane b.1857 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Matilda b.1820 - Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Fredenburgh, Nehemiah B. b.1822 - Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Fredenburgh, Nellie b.1871 - South Cayuga Twp, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Fredenburgh, Oliver b.1828 - New York, USA
Fredenburgh, Oliver b.1833 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Pearl Prisilla b.1854 - Bath, Steuben, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Pearly Edward b.1877 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Permillia b.1810 - Tackannae, Columbia, New York, United States
Fredenburgh, Rachael b.1826 - Milo, Yates, New York, United States
Fredenburgh, Ramson b.1845 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Rebecca b.1860 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Rosa b.1862 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Rose b.1866 - Ontario, Canada
Fredenburgh, Samuel b.1838 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Sanford b.1859 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Sarah Alice b.1890 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Sarah J. b.1836 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Smith b.1832 - Canada-West
Fredenburgh, Stephen b.1836 - Indiana, USA
Fredenburgh, Stephen M. b.1804 - Columbia, New York, USA
Fredenburgh, Susan Caroline b.1832 - Milo, Yates, New York, United States
Fredenburgh, Susanna b.1866 - Missouri, USA
Fredenburgh, Sylvester b.1828 - Kentucky, USA
Frederickson, Fred Albert b.1884 - Whiting, Jackson, Kansas
Frederickson, Helen Mildred b.1920 - Whiting, Jackson, Kansas
Fredinburg, Charles E b.1866 - Monroe Township, Indiana
Fredinburg, Charles William b.1927 - Nebraska, USA
Fredinburg, Clay b.1895 - Dunbar, Otoe, Nebraska
Fredinburg, Guy C b.1894 - Dunbar, Otoe, Nebraska
Fredinburg, Harry b.1870 - Pierce Township, Indiana
Fredinburg, Henry Clark b.1910 - Nebraska
Fredinburg, Leota F b.1918 - Nebraska
Fredinburg, Living -
Fredinburg, Myron T b.1899 - Shenandoah, Page, Iowa
Fredinburg, Pearl b.1892 - Riverton, Fremont, Iow
Fredrick, Martha m.1899 -
Fredrickson, Anna Katrinka Matilda b.1870 -
Fredrickson, Antonette b.1859 -
Fredrickson, Armand Magnus b.1899 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Fredrickson, Arthur Julius b.1899 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Fredrickson, Clarence Whiting b.1903 - Blencoe, Monona, Iowa, USA
Fredrickson, Elmer Bennet -
Fredrickson, Esther Marie b.1911 - Iowa, USA
Fredrickson, Helen Agnetta b.1896 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Fredrickson, Henry -
Fredrickson, Herald Marion b.1906 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Fredrickson, Johanne b.1879 -
Fredrickson, Leone Marie b.1922 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Fredrickson, Living -
Fredrickson, Living -
Fredrickson, Living -
Fredrickson, Living -
Fredrickson, Living -
Fredrickson, Maren b.1858 -
Fredrickson, Morten b.1866 -
Fredrickson, Morton Carl b.1870 - Denmark
Fredrickson, Niels b.1864 -
Fredrickson, Niels Anton b.1868 - Klakring, Vejle, Denmark
Fredrickson, Peder b.1873 -
Fredrickson, Raymond Sofa b.1894 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Fredrickson, Richard -
Fredrickson, Shirley -
Fredrickson, Soren b.1875 -
Fredrickson, Tonne Peter b.1862 -
Fredrickson, Vern Frithop b.1899 - Iowa
Free, Elnore E. m.1862 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Freeman, Alice -
Freeman, Amos b.1784 - South Orange, Essex, New Jersey
Freeman, Barbara Ann b.1946 - Oakland, Alameda, California, USA
Freeman, Beth Imogene b.1888 - Fort Robinson, Dawes, Nebraska, USA
Freeman, Charles Yoe b.1877 - Lockport, Niagara, New York, USA
Freeman, Clifton L b.1872 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Freeman, David -
Freeman, David Forgan b.1918 - Illinois, USA
Freeman, Edmund b.1654 -
Freeman, Ethel Louise b.1875 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Freeman, Fanny Lucetta b.1844 - Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Freeman, Francis -
Freeman, Halstead Gurnee b.1881 - New York, USA
Freeman, Hannah m.1735 - Henrico, Virginia, USA
Freeman, John -
Freeman, John -
Freeman, John -
Freeman, John Edgar b.1809 - New York, USA
Freeman, John Newton b.1844 - India
Freeman, Katherine Benedict "Kate" b.1871 - New York, USA
Freeman, Lewis Newell b.1848 - Richford, Tioga, New York, USA
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Living -
Freeman, Lulu Marguerite b.1885 - Pitkin, Pitkin, Colorado, USA
Freeman, Marion m.1986 -
Freeman, Mary b.1787 - Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois, United States
Freeman, Sarah -
Freeman, Sims -
Freer, Abraham -
Freer, Elisabeth b.1702 - Ulster, New York, United States
Freer, Geertruy b.1713 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Freethy, Elizabeth b.1643 - York, York, Maine, United States
Freethy, William b.1612 - Landrake, Cornwall, , England
French, Abigail m.1699 -
French, Daniel -
French, Edward b.1672 -
French, Hannah -
French, Henrietta Susan b.1847 - England
French, Joseph m.1749 -
French, Sarah b.1726 -
Fried, Emma E b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Frisk, Andrew b.1865 - Sweden
Frisk, Jennie b.1891 - Sweden
Fritsch, Andrew b.1872 - Germany
Fritsch, John -
Fritsch, Living -
Fritsch, Living -
Fritz, Andrew b.1840 - Lorraine, Alsace, France
Fritz, Catherine M. b.1859 - Indiana, USA
Fritz, David -
Fritz, Edmund M b.1895 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Fritz, Francis Joseph b.1878 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Fritz, Frank Benedict b.1890 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Fritz, Jean -
Fritz, Joseph -
Fritz, Julia Kristine b.1919 - Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, USA
Fritz, Leo Nicholas b.1897 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Fritz, Living -
Fritz, Living m.1992 -
Fritz, Louisa Lena b.1888 - Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, USA
Fritz, Mamie b.1892 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Fritz, Mary Catherine b.1880 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Fritz, Mary Ellen -
Fritz, Mary Ida b.1879 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Fritz, Mary Julia b.1882 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Fritz, Mary Olivia b.1886 - Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, USA
Fritz, Mary Rose b.1883 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Fritz, Philip -
Fritz, Richard A b.1947 -
Fritz, Rosia b.1886 - Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, USA
Fritz, Stephen -
Fritz, Teri m.1943 -
Fritz, Thomas -
Fritz, Velton Frances "Frank" b.1914 - Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, USA
Fritz, Virginia -
Fritz, Wanda Lee b.1930 - Maud, Seminole, Oklahoma, USA
Fritz, William -
Frost, Daniel m.1639 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Frost, Daniel -
Frost, Elizabeth b.1640 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Frost, Eva Estella b.1873 - Portland, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, USA
Frost, Frank -
Frost, Sara Jenison b.1850 - Massachusetts, USA
Frost, William Francis b.1846 -
Fry, Adalaide b.1855 - , Scott, Iowa, USA
Fry, Living -
Fry, Living -
Fry, Mary d.1819 -
Fry, William b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Fuches, Louise A b.1908 - Iowa, USA
Fuehring, Edgar F. b.1891 - Seward, Nebraska, USA
Fuehring, Edna b.1887 - Illinois
Fuehring, Fred b.1860 - Germany
Fuehring, Living -
Fuehring, Living -
Fuehring, Living -
Fuehring, Living -
Fuehring, Living -
Fuehring, Living -
Fuehring, Victor b.1885 - Nebraska, USA
Fuller, Almanda d.1883 -
Fuller, Caloah Alitizer b.1787 - Columbia, New York, USA
Fuller, Charles b.1871 - West Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Fuller, Chester -
Fuller, Jennie A b.1861 - Illinois, USA
Fuller, Joseph Charles m.1990 - St Maries, Benewah, Idaho, USA
Fuller, Living -
Fuller, Roxanna b.1810 -
Fuller, Sophia b.1802 -
Fullerton, Henry Benjamin b.1868 - Sparrowbush, Orange, New York, USA
Fullerton, Kittie B b.1870 - Sparrow Bush, Orange, New York, USA
Fullerton, Peter Mills b.1837 - New York, USA
Furner, Susanna b.1830 - Frithsden, Hertfordshire, England
Furrer, Mary A b.1866 - Switzerland
Furrow, Lucinda Luanna b.1873 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska
Furrow, Lydia b.1822 - Ohio, USA
Furrow, Susan Rebecca b.1841 - Stokes, Logan, Ohio, USA
Fynhout, Jacomyutje b.1700 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, United States
Gaffey, Living -
Gaffey, Living -
Gaffey, Thomas E b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Gahm, Clarence Elon b.1906 - Neck City, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Gahm, James Allen b.1878 - Ransom, Illinois
Gahm, Joseph Elwood b.1932 - Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, USA
Galbraith, Albert Alonzo b.1902 - Everett, Snohomish County, Washington
Galbraith, Andrew b.1776 - Washington, Virginia, United States
Galbraith, Ann Elizabeth b.1919 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Audley A b.1881 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Audley Anderson b.1850 - Jefferson County, Tennessee
Galbraith, Carrie Leannah b.1897 - Fair Haven, Whatcom County, Washington
Galbraith, Carrie Louisa b.1883 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Carrie Y. Moore b.1863 - Tennessee, United States
Galbraith, Charles Edward b.1880 - Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, United States
Galbraith, Charles Edward "Charlie Boy" b.1910 - Knoxville, Tennessee
Galbraith, Elizabeth Harris b.1908 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Galbraith, Elsie Arden b.1885 - Grainger County, Tennessee, USA
Galbraith, Emma Louisa b.1886 - Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USA
Galbraith, Frank W b.1878 - prob Brownsville, Linn, Oregon
Galbraith, Frank Winton b.1862 - New Market, Jefferson County, Tennessee, United States
Galbraith, Hattie E b.1870 - prob New Market, Jefferson, Tennessee
Galbraith, Henry Harris "Harry" b.1876 - Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee.
Galbraith, Howard Jones b.1889 - Acme, Whatcom, Washington, USA
Galbraith, Hugh Lawson White b.1843 - Tennessee, USA
Galbraith, Isaac McFarland b.1853 - Jefferson, Tennessee, United States
Galbraith, Jennie b.1876 - prob Brownsville, Linn, Oregon
Galbraith, Jesse Arthur Cobb b.1868 - Dandridge, Jefferson County, Tennessee
Galbraith, Jessie b.1868 - Tennessee, United States
Galbraith, Joe F b.1884 - Tennessee
Galbraith, John Alexander b.1857 - Tennessee
Galbraith, John Carl b.1893 - Jefferson County, Tennessee
Galbraith, Joseph Cobb b.1879 - Brownsville, Linn, Oregon
Galbraith, Joseph F b.1884 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Joseph John b.1914 -
Galbraith, Joseph John "Joe" b.1882 - Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee
Galbraith, Joseph Pharoah b.1840 - Tennessee, United States
Galbraith, Lena b.1864 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Living -
Galbraith, Louis b.1866 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Mabel b.1890 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Mary b.1873 - Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee.
Galbraith, Minnie D b.1880 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Naomi L b.1883 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Nina b.1874 - Tennessee
Galbraith, Sarah Eliza b.1872 - prob New Market, Jefferson, Tennessee
Galbraith, Sarah Leanah b.1844 - Hawkins, Tennessee, United States
Galbraith, Victor Hugo b.1881 - Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
Galbraith, Victor Irwin b.1911 - Seattle, King County, Washington
Galbraith, Walter DeWolfe b.1892 - Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington
Galbraith, William b.1815 - Dandridge, Hawkins, Tennessee, USA
Galbraith, William A b.1886 - Washington
Galbraith, William Andrew b.1848 - Mill Spring, Jefferson County, Tennessee, United States
Galbraith, William Franklin b.1868 - Tennessee
Galbraith, William Jackson "Jack" b.1906 - Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USA
Galbraith, William Winton "BillBish" b.1878 - Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USA
Gallagher, Ellen b.1848 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gallagher, Ellen A. b.1878 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gallagher, Joseph Charles b.1877 - Japan, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Gallagher, Julia -
Gallagher, Living -
Gallagher, Living -
Gallagher, Living -
Gallagher, Living -
Gallagher, Living -
Gallagher, Living -
Gallagher, Living -
Gallagher, Living -
Gallagher, Margaret -
Gallagher, Margaret Ellen b.1907 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Gallagher, Robert E. b.1866 -
Gallagher, William Hugh b.1838 - Butler, Pennsylvania, USA
Gallatin, Catherine b.1900 -
Gallatin, George William b.1874 - Michigan
Gallatin, Hattie b.1877 -
Gallup, Caleb Hathaway b.1834 - Ohio, USA
Gallup, Elisha -
Gallup, Hallett b.1756 - Kingston, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Gallup, Herbert Alpheus b.1872 - Port Austin, Huron, Michigan, USA
Gallup, Lucy -
Gallup, Mabel Parker b.1870 - Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA
Gallup, Marcy b.1753 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA
Gallup, Richard Carrol b.1861 - Peru, Huron, Ohio, USA
Game, Patricia m.1930 -
Gandy, -
Gandy, Harriet Ann b.1847 -
Gandy, Living -
Ganit, Mary Louise b.1922 - Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USA
Gardenier, Lysbeth b.1661 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Gardner, b.1885 - Washington, Clark, Missouri, USA
Gardner, Antigen b.1739 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, USA
Gardner, Cleo M. b.1892 - Parachute, Garfield, Colorado, USA
Gardner, Emma Blanche b.1883 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Gardner, Ethel May b.1891 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Gardner, Francis Boggs -
Gardner, Fred -
Gardner, Harry Glenn b.1887 - Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri, USA
Gardner, James Henry b.1852 - Rock Island, Rock Island, Illinois, USA
Gardner, James Samson b.1883 - Revere, Clark, Missouri, USA
Gardner, Jane Orra b.1853 - Iowa, USA
Gardner, John F. b.1880 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Gardner, Mary -
Gardner, Olive b.1842 - Wilton, Franklin, Maine, USA
Gardner, Rolland Oscar b.1876 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Garland, Asenath b.1782 - Salisbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Garlock, Artilda b.1859 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Garner, Living -
Garner, Living -
Garner, Margaret b.1853 - Pennsylvania
Garr, Ella Belle b.1867 - Indiana
Garrett, Martha Jane b.1865 - Brownsville, Linn, Oregon, USA
Garrison, Elizabeth b.1807 - , Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
Garton, James b.1837 - , Dickson, Tennessee, USA
Garton, Minnie Matilda b.1878 - Minnesota, USA
Gary, John b.1655 - Plymouth, Mass.
Gaston, Charles b.1854 - Montezuma, Cayuga, New York, USA
Gaston, Charles D. b.1856 - Montezuma, Cayuga, New York, USA
Gaston, Charles David b.1899 - Iowa, USA
Gaston, Clarence G b.1857 - Montezuma, Cayuga, New York, USA
Gaston, Daniel b.1856 - New York, USA
Gaston, David b.1815 - New York, USA
Gaston, David b.1757 -
Gaston, David b.1785 -
Gaston, Ebenezer b.1782 -
Gaston, Edna B. b.1892 - Iowa, USA
Gaston, Edson B b.1892 - Iowa, USA
Gaston, Ellenor Jane Jenny b.1888 - Iowa, USA
Gaston, Eugene G. b.1886 - Iowa, USA
Gaston, Eunice b.1850 - Montezuma, Cayuga, New York, USA
Gaston, Gertrude E b.1884 - Iowa, USA
Gaston, Hazel M. b.1888 - Iowa, USA
Gaston, Ira b.1796 -
Gaston, James b.1787 -
Gaston, Julia b.1852 - Montezuma, Cayuga, New York, USA
Gaston, Living -
Gaston, Living -
Gaston, Living -
Gaston, Living -
Gaston, Living -
Gaston, Living -
Gaston, Living -
Gaston, Lula E b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Gaston, Lydia b.1802 -
Gaston, Margarett b.1783 -
Gaston, Nancy b.1792 -
Gaston, William b.1794 -
Gaston, William Rufus d.1904 -
Gatchalian, Gertrudis m.1903 -
Gates, -
Gates, Alfred Mulberry b.1863 - Berkhamstead, Hersfordshire, England
Gates, Alta Arcula b.1901 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, United States
Gates, Arthur Norman "Normy" b.1892 - Nebraska, USA
Gates, Beulah Maud b.1901 - Auburn, Nemaha, Nebraska, USA
Gates, Charlie Leroy b.1899 - Enid, Garfield, Oklahoma, USA
Gates, Chloie Alfreda b.1893 - Colorado, USA
Gates, Earl F. b.1905 - Enid, Garfield, Oklahoma, USA
Gates, Edward b.1843 - H Hempsted, Hertfordshire, England
Gates, Elizabeth b.1843 - H Hempsted, Hertfordshire, England
Gates, Esther Pearl b.1897 - Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA
Gates, Geneva Belle b.1896 - Trinidad, Las Animas, Colorado, USA
Gates, James William b.1860 - Ashton, Lee, Illinois, USA
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Living -
Gates, Mary b.1791 - Center County, PA
Gates, Mary Alice -
Gates, Minnie May b.1871 - Martinsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Gates, Olive Florenda b.1903 - Enid, Garfield, Oklahoma, USA
Geant, b.1883 - Mississippi, USA
Geary, Alice m.1878 - Midland, Michigan, USA
Geary, Joseph Vincent b.1826 - Northchurch, Hertfordshire, England
Geimer, Maria Margaretha b.1711 - Dietschweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Geis, Florence Matilda b.1911 - Pennsylvania
Geist, Edith Myrtle b.1883 - Pennsylvania
Geist, Edward J b.1889 - Lincoln, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Geist, Living -
Geist, Samuel -
Geist, Samuel M b.1853 - Lincoln, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Gelijns, Annetje b.1629 - Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Gentry, -
George, Living -
George, Lola May b.1891 - Franklin County, Indiana
Gerhard, Conrad b.1740 -
Gerhard, Louisa b.1816 -
Gerhard, William b.1774 -
Gerheim, Brian -
Gerheim, Clarence E b.1923 -
Gerheim, Earl Alonzo b.1894 - Rathmel, , Pennsylvania, USA
Gerheim, Earl Blair b.1917 - Leechburg, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Gerheim, Earl Clarence -
Gerheim, Edward b.1926 - Leechburg, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Gerheim, Harry b.1920 - Leechburg, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Gerheim, Kathleen -
Germain, -
Germain, Barbara Jeanette b.1921 - Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, USA
Gerritsen, Jan m.1661 -
Gharrett, Benjamin Franklin b.1832 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Gharrett, Henrietta C b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Gharrett, Henry b.1784 -
Gharrett, John Enos -
Gharrett, Nancy Jennie b.1862 - Stark, Illinois, United States
Gharrett, Olive Henrietta b.1859 - Illinois, USA
Gharrett, Olive M b.1859 - Illinois, USA
Gharrett, Washington -
Gibbins, Caroline B b.1891 - Nebraska
Gibbins, Douglas b.1863 - Indiana, USA
Gibbins, Harriet b.1850 - Indiana, USA
Gibbins, James b.1838 - Michigan, USA
Gibbins, Joseph S. b.1810 - New Jersey, USA
Gibbins, Julia b.1850 - Indiana, USA
Gibbins, Mary Ann b.1843 - Michigan, USA
Gibbins, William H. b.1852 - Indiana, USA
Gibbons, Clarissa b.1836 - Michigan, USA
Gibbons, Stephen b.1863 - Indiana, USA
Gibbons, Theodore b.1845 - Michigan
Gibbs, Dewey Paul b.1898 - Lanark, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Gibbs, Elizabeth -
Gibbs, Eva M b.1890 - Illinois
Gibbs, Everett Joseph b.1894 - Plankinton, Aurora, South Dakota, United States
Gibbs, Georgia -
Gibbs, Helen M. b.1918 - Illinois, USA
Gibbs, John E b.1863 - Illinois
Gibbs, Living -
Gibbs, Living -
Gibbs, Living -
Gibbs, Living -
Gibbs, Living -
Gibbs, Living -
Gibbs, Living -
Gibbs, Lowell Hollingsworth b.1917 -
Gibbs, Norene b.1931 - Nucla, Montrose, Colorado, United States
Gibbs, Virginia Ruth b.1919 - Illinois, USA
Gibney, Albert Z b.1885 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gibney, Harry M. b.1888 - Ohio, USA
Gibney, Harry Zwingle b.1912 - Newton, Harvey, Kansas, USA
Gibney, Joseph Carson b.1849 - Ohio, USA
Gibney, Living -
Gibney, Living -
Gibney, Living -
Gibney, Living -
Gibney, Living -
Gibson, Betsy Current b.1802 -
Gibson, James b.1802 - Scotland
Gibson, John b.1827 - Scotland
Gibson, Living -
Gibson, Living -
Gibson, Living -
Gibson, Living -
Gibson, Mary Ann b.1853 - Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Gibson, Nora Belle b.1945 -
Giesler, Sigmund b.1856 - Switzerland
Gilam, Elizabeth b.1838 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gilam, James b.1800 - Pennsylvania
Gilam, James b.1840 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gilam, Louisa b.1831 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gilam, Mary b.1833 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gilam, William b.1835 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gilbert, Calvin Powers -
Gilbert, Matilda Ellen b.1843 - Kingfield, Franklin, Maine, USA
Gilbert, Patsy -
Gilbert, Sarah b.1705 - Pennsylvania, USA
Gilbreath, Lucy Anne b.1885 - Kansas
Giles, Dr. Samuel m.1734 -
Giles, Hannah b.1810 - England
Giles, John CAPT. m.1703 -
Giles, Robert -
Gilkerson, Virginia b.1862 -
Gilkey, Joan Storer b.1823 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
Gilkey, John Bacon CAPT. -
Gilkey, Sarah Elizabeth b.1825 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
Gill, Elizabeth m.1663 -
Gill, John -
Gill, Martha b.1809 - Bean Station, Grainger Coutny, Tennessee
Gillespie, Albert b.1876 - Missouri
Gillespie, James Harvey b.1838 - Jeffersonville, Tazewell, Virginia, USA
Gillespie, Living -
Gillespie, Living -
Gillespie, Living -
Gillespie, Mary R. m.1902 -
Gillespie, Otis b.1908 - Missouri
Gillum, Ella Loree Cotton b.1922 - Atlanta, Cowley, Kansas, USA
Gillum, William Henry b.1880 - Arkansas, USA
Gilman, -
Gilman, Benjamin Joes -
Gilman, Bertha Mabel b.1870 - Maine, USA
Gilman, Elizabeth Hale b.1845 - Godfrey, Madison, Illinois, USA
Gilman, Ella Evelyn b.1887 - , Elk, Kansas, USA
Gilman, Francis Marion b.1841 - , Lake, Indiana, USA
Gilman, Nathaniel m.1791 -
Gilmore, Jane b.1836 - Ireland, United Kingdom
Gilpatric, Mary G b.1866 - Maine
Gilstrap, Billie -
Gilstrap, Ethel Janette b.1906 - Racine, Newton, Missouri, USA
Gilstrap, John Wiley b.1871 - Missouri, Clark, Arkansas, USA
Gilstrap, Living -
Gilstrap, Living -
Gilstrap, Living -
Gilstrap, Living -
Gilstrap, Mary Virginia b.1922 - Petrolia, Clay, Texas, USA
Gilstrap, Odie Loys b.1926 - Missouri, USA
Gilstrap, Ray b.1898 - , , Texas, USA
Gilstrap, William Asa b.1893 - Wild Cherry, Fulton, Arkansas, USA
Gilstrap, William Fleet b.1900 - , Newton, Missouri, USA
Gilstrap, William Jackson b.1845 - , , South Carolina, USA
Gilzean, Dr. William d.1798 -
Gilzean, Mary Rozier m.1799 -
Gipper, Mary b.1874 - Iowa
Girard, -
Gisler, Leslie Clarence F. b.1888 - California
Gisler, Living -
Gisler, Mary A b.1919 - California
Givens, Marie Ernestine b.1906 - Iowa, USA
Glasser, Daryl b.1915 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Glazier, b.1796 -
Gleason, Mary J. b.1838 - Connecticut, USA
Gleason, Susannah b.1634 -
Gleason, Thomas b.1607 -
Glen, Ann b.1825 - Scotland
Glen, James b.1800 - Scotland
Gloria, -
Glover, Helen A b.1849 - Trenton, Burlington, New Jersey, USA
Gohring, Edward Simon b.1896 - , Douglas, South Dakota, USA
Gohring, Elinor M b.1930 -
Gohring, Margaret -
Gold, Edmond b.1803 -
Golden, Pearl b.1882 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Golding, Altha b.1884 - , , Utah, USA
Goldsborough, Catherine Duckett b.1870 - Melville, Jefferson, West Virginia, United States
Goldsborough, Charles Henry b.1866 - Sunnyside, Frederick, Maryland, United States
Goldsborough, Charles Worthington b.1842 - Maryland
Goldsborough, Edmond Lee b.1868 - Melville, Jefferson, West Virginia, United States
Goldsborough, Edwin Gray Lee b.1872 - Gerrardstown, Berkeley, West Virginia, United States
Goldsborough, Henrietta b.1877 - Gerrardstown, Berkeley, West Virginia, United States
Goldsborough, Henry Bedinger Jr b.1923 - Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia, USA
Goldsborough, Henry Bedinger Sr. b.1880 - Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia, United States
Goldsborough, Living -
Goldsborough, Living -
Goldsborough, Neilson Poe b.1873 - Gerrardstown, Berkeley, West Virginia, United States
Goldsby, Maud b.1883 - Springfield, Lane, Oregon, USA
Goldsmith, Clarence M b.1912 -
Goldsmith, Clayton -
Goldsmith, Clint -
Goldsmith, Clinton -
Goldsmith, J Erwin b.1884 - Kansas, USA
Goldsmith, Living -
Goldsmith, Raymond -
Goldsmith, Raymond -
Goldsmith, Sylvia b.1844 - Maine, USA
Golink, Living -
Golink, Living -
Golink, Living -
Golink, Living -
Golink, Living -
Golink, Living -
Gomcsak, Edward E. b.1937 - Lorain, Lorain County, Ohio
Gomcsak, John b.1859 - Hungary
Gomcsak, Joseph b.1901 - Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Living -
Gomcsak, Norman b.1924 - Lorain, Lorain County, Ohio
Gomcsak, Paul b.1897 - Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA
Gomcsak, Rose b.1898 - Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA
Gomolycsak, Janos b.1834 - Hungary
Goode, Billy -
Goode, Debbie -
Goode, Floyd William b.1913 - Kansas
Goode, Jeanette -
Goode, Mike b.1953 - Winfield, Kansas
Goode, Nancy -
Goode, Sherrie -
Goodenow, David m.1722 - Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Goodman, Barbara Ann -
Goodman, Diane R -
Goodman, Living -
Goodman, Stephen W -
Goodman, Virgil m.1965 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
Goodner, Evelyn M. m.1950 - Jefferson, Alabama
Goodwin, Hannah b.1732 - , Chowan, North Carolina, USA
Goodwin, William Henry m.1852 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Gordan, Emma b.1873 - Ontario, Canada
Gordon, Florence M b.1889 - Ashland, Nebraska
Gordon, James -
Gordon, Mary Jane b.1848 - Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Goresline, Blanche Pearl b.1905 -
Gorham, Edward Doremus b.1890 - Illinois, USA
Gorham, Hannah b.1824 - England
Gorham, Henry 'McHenry' b.1849 - Morgan County, Illinois, USA
Gorham, Josiah b.1881 - Illinois, USA
Gorham, Margaret Dresser b.1885 - Illinois, USA
Gorham, Maud Ulrich b.1879 - Illinois, USA
Gorham, Nancy b.1783 - Probably, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Gorseline, Dennis Robert b.1839 - Gardner, Johnson, Kansas, USA
Gorseline, John b.1763 - Columbia, New York, USA
Gorseline, Living -
Gorsline, Gabriel b.1799 - Oswego, New York, USA
Gorsline, Living -
Gorsline, Living -
Gorsline, Truman Dennis b.1874 - Kansas, USA
Gorsline, Truman Theodore b.1907 - Kansas, USA
Goss, Erma Rosa b.1918 -
Gott, Evalena b.1889 - Coalfield, , Iowa, USA
Goudeau, Joseph Cecil b.1930 -
Gould, Anna b.1878 -
Gould, Bethuel Perry m.1870 -
Gould, Carrie b.1866 -
Gould, Charles W. b.1863 - Missouri, USA
Gould, David b.1861 - Missouri, USA
Gould, George b.1878 - Santa Ana, Orange, California, USA
Gould, William B. b.1835 -
Gould, William B. b.1872 -
Gove, Marion m.1832 - Addison, Vermont, USA
Gow, Amy b.1885 - Pennsylvania
Gow, John L b.1843 - Pennsylvania
Gowan, William b.1605 - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Gowen, Abigail b.1741 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Abigail b.1695 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Abigail b.1749 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Abigail b.1781 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Anna b.1750 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Anne b.1709 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Asa -
Gowen, Asa Barzillai b.1891 - Edgar, Clay, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, Aseneth b.1843 - Maine
Gowen, Benjamin b.1795 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Benjamin b.1801 - Parsonsfield, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Benjamin b.1747 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Betsey Woodsum b.1838 - Albion, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Gowen, Betty G b.1928 - Nebraska
Gowen, Brackett b.1815 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Charles F b.1863 - ME
Gowen, Clem W. b.1905 - Nebraska
Gowen, Clyde b.1871 - Richland, Rice, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, Daphne Eileen b.1896 - Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, David d.1825 - Shapleigh, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Dollie b.1887 - Nebraska
Gowen, Draxey b.1791 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Edith b.1881 - Nebraska
Gowen, Edith A b.1849 - ME
Gowen, Edmund Shorey b.1843 - Albion, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Gowen, Elizabeth b.1673 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Elizabeth b.1743 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Elizabeth b.1752 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Elizabeth b.1697 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Elmer G b.1877 - Ong, Burlington, New Jersey, United States
Gowen, Elva b.1884 - Nebraska
Gowen, Elwin Taylor b.1859 - Coloma, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Gowen, Erastus L b.1854 - Maine, USA
Gowen, Forrest Edward b.1920 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, Francis Marion b.1869 - Richland, Rice, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, Gaylord b.1930 -
Gowen, George A b.1850 - ME
Gowen, George Guy b.1899 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, George Hollis b.1841 - Albion, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Gowen, George Orie b.1887 - Nebraska
Gowen, George Riley b.1849 - Maine, USA
Gowen, Geraldine Geanette b.1924 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, Hester b.1701 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Hollis b.1867 - Richland, Rice, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, Hollis b.1834 - Albion, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Gowen, Iva Bernice b.1874 - Richmond, Stearns, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, Iva Pearl b.1886 -
Gowen, James b.1715 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, James b.1675 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, James b.1774 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, James b.1784 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Jessie Eva b.1893 - Clay, Nebraska, United States
Gowen, Jessie G. b.1875 - Richland, Rice, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, Johanna b.1789 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, John b.1668 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, John b.1787 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, John b.1848 - Palermo, Waldo, Maine, USA
Gowen, John B. b.1807 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, John Brace b.1891 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, John Brackett b.1836 - Albion, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Gowen, Justin Byron b.1866 - Richland, Rice, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, Justin Byron b.1898 - Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, Laura b.1872 - Richland, Rice, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, Laura Eliza b.1884 - Nebraska
Gowen, Lemuel b.1680 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Living -
Gowen, Lloyd Byron b.1894 - Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, Lois b.1771 - Eliot, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Lovina b.1810 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Lucy Ella b.1886 - Edgar, Clay, Nebraska, United States
Gowen, Margaret b.1678 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Margaret d.1775 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Maria -
Gowen, Mary b.1756 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Mary b.1771 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Millie b.1878 - Fieldon, Watonwan, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, Miriam b.1739 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Miriam b.1793 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Moses b.1744 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Nehemiah b.1812 - Montville, Lincoln, Maine, USA
Gowen, Nicholas b.1667 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Nicholas b.1670 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Nicholas b.1703 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Nola b.1902 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, O'Shea W b.1840 - Maine, USA
Gowen, Octavia Louise Marie b.1900 - Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, Olive b.1804 - Lebanon, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Oliver Whitten b.1854 - Palermo, Waldo, Maine, United States
Gowen, Patrick b.1745 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Patrick b.1707 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Patrick d.1745 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Paul b.1751 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Paul R. b.1909 - Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho, USA
Gowen, Phebe b.1746 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Ralph Bonner b.1902 - Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho, USA
Gowen, Ralph Byron -
Gowen, Richard b.1742 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Richard George b.1929 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, Ronald Ward b.1953 - Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California, USA
Gowen, Samuel b.1777 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Samuel b.1738 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Sarah b.1684 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Sarah b.1739 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Sarah b.1756 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Sarah b.1779 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Stephen b.1754 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, Wardner Earl b.1893 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, William b.1672 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, William b.1705 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Gowen, William Alexander b.1634 - Scotland
Gowen, William Edmund b.1923 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Gowen, William Elroy b.1861 - Steele, Minnesota, USA
Gowen, William Wasmer b.1891 - Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA
Grace, Mary Elizabeth b.1903 - New Hampton, Harrison, Missouri, USA
Grace, William Riley -
Grafton, -
Grafton, Elizabeth b.1846 - Ohio, USA
Grafton, Elmer b.1881 - Iowa, USA
Grafton, Harmon b.1875 - Iowa, USA
Grafton, Jane b.1839 - Ohio, USA
Grafton, John b.1851 - Ohio, USA
Grafton, Living -
Grafton, Sarah B. b.1871 - Iowa, USA
Graham, Albert Wilson m.1895 -
Graham, Frances m.1857 - Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Graham, Howard Earl b.1935 - Richwood, Ohio, USA
Graham, Living -
Graham, Living -
Graham, Living -
Graham, Living -
Graham, Margaret b.1846 -
Graham, Raymond b.1913 -
Graham, Rochel G b.1864 - Illinois
Grainger, Mary Jane b.1822 - , Fermanagh, , Ireland
Granger, Living -
Granger, Living -
Granger, Living -
Granger, Living -
Granger, Living -
Granger, Living -
Granger, Living -
Granger, Living -
Granger, Living -
Graninger, Clara b.1866 - Manchester Township, Boon, Illinois, United States
Graves, Clara Melissa b.1890 - Creek, Ida, Iowa, USA
Graves, Clyde Howard -
Graves, George Franklin b.1864 - Mendota, La Salle, Illinois, USA
Graves, Jane b.1710 - , Essex, Virginia, USA
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Graves, Living -
Gray, Abiatha b.1800 - New York, USA
Gray, Anna b.1653 - Plymouth, Mass.
Gray, Anna A. b.1865 - Ohio, USA
Gray, Desire b.1651 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Gray, Edward b.1628 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Gray, Elizabeth b.1649 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Gray, George W b.1839 - New York, USA
Gray, Hannah b.1673 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Gray, Harison b.1875 - Missouri
Gray, James G b.1871 - Missouri
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Living -
Gray, Lydia b.1678 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Gray, Margaret b.1819 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Gray, Morris Wiley b.1911 - Missouri
Gray, Olen P b.1918 - Nebraska, USA
Gray, Samuel b.1682 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Gray, Sarah b.1659 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Gray, Susanna b.1668 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Gray, Thomas b.1669 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Gray, William Albert b.1868 - Missouri, USA
Grayson, Eliza b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Grayson, Emanuel -
Grayson, George L. b.1863 - Illinois, USA
Grayson, John b.1856 - Illinois, USA
Grayson, Sarah B. b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Grayson, Susan M. b.1860 - Illinois, USA
Grayson, William b.1854 - Canada
Greasley, Elizabeth b.1793 - Houghton On The Hill, Leicestershire, , England
Greber, Frank V b.1869 - Germany
Greber, Living -
Greber, Living -
Greber, Living -
Green, Alta Louise b.1893 - Wakefield, Dixon, Nebraska, United States
Green, Anna b.1807 - New York, USA
Green, Anna May b.1905 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Green, Charles L. b.1879 - Auburn, Nemaha, Nebraska, USA
Green, Daniel b.1811 -
Green, Ester b.1708 - Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Green, Frank -
Green, George b.1836 - Cass Twp, Hunt, Colorado, USA
Green, Hannah b.1775 - Killingly, Woodstock, Connecticut, USA
Green, Hattie Estella b.1882 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Green, James B b.1847 -
Green, John b.1885 - Kent, Warren, Indiana, United States
Green, Joshua b.1782 - Canaan, Columbia, New York, United States
Green, Lemuel b.1802 - Springfield, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Living -
Green, Mac Douglas -
Green, Martha m.1849 - Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Green, Philena b.1833 - New York, USA
Green, Rachel E b.1830 - Cassville, Huntingdon, PA
Green, Susannah b.1828 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Green, Zaven D b.1895 - Illinois, USA
Greene, Donald E Sr b.1923 - Nebraska
Greene, Harold B b.1917 - Illinois, USA
Greene, Herbert Henry b.1920 - Cowles, Webster, Nebraska
Greene, Katherine M b.1915 - Illinois, USA
Greene, Lester Ellsworth b.1861 - Walworth, Walworth, Wisconsin, USA
Greene, Marjorie L b.1912 - Independence, New York
Greene, Rev Leslie Oscar b.1886 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska
Greene, Wilbur Maxson b.1845 - Allegany County, NY
Greenhouse, Living -
Greenhouse, Living -
Greenhouse, Living -
Greenhouse, Living -
Greenhouse, Living -
Greenhouse, Robert B b.1875 - Pennsylvania
Greenland, Margaret b.1796 -
Greenway, Gerald Jack -
Greenway, Living -
Greenway, Living -
Greer, Anna F. m.1907 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Greer, Herbert Wells b.1880 - Wells, Madison, Iowa, USA
Greer, Living -
Greiff, Fredrick -
Greiff, Fredrick William "Bill" b.1888 - Jever, Oldenburg Germany
Greiff, Living -
Greiff, Living -
Greiff, Living -
Greiff, Living -
Grenard, Elizabeth b.1825 - Indiana
Gresley, Dorothy m.1610 - Drakelow, England
Grieff, Eldora May b.1928 - Greenwood, South Dakota, USA
Grieff, Esther Josephine b.1930 - Greenwood, South Dakota, USA
Grieff, Mabel Lucy b.1925 - South Dakota, USA
Grier, -
Grier, Ethel Getha b.1895 - Oregon, USA
Griffin, Abbie E. -
Griffin, Clara L. b.1875 - Laport, Laport, Indiana, USA
Griffin, Elizabeth b.1835 - Pennsylvania, United States
Griffin, Lester b.1841 -
Griffin, Peter -
Griffith, Amos b.1817 - Pennsylvania, USA
Griffith, Amos James b.1882 - Harrison Co., IA
Griffith, Amos Lyle b.1922 - Moorhead, Iowa, USA
Griffith, Delilah m.1892 -
Griffith, Jacob Burgess b.1887 - Harrison Co., IA
Griffith, Leila E b.1893 - Harrison Co., Iowa, USA
Griffith, Living -
Griffith, Living -
Griffith, Living -
Griffith, Marie L b.1909 - Iowa
Griffith, Marion Reuben b.1884 - Harrison Co., IA
Griffith, Nora M b.1890 - Harrison Co., IA
Griffith, William b.1852 - Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA
Grim, Dale b.1905 - Oklahoma, USA
Grim, Don E. b.1903 - Oklahoma, USA
Grim, George H. -
Grim, Georgie Eleanor b.1907 - Oklahoma, USA
Grim, Living -
Grimm, Clarence b.1887 - Nebraska
Grimm, Ezelia Mae b.1879 - Nebraska
Grimm, Florence Hazel b.1890 - Nebraska
Grimm, Ida Ann b.1860 - Iowa
Grimm, James b.1815 - Virginia
Grimm, James J. b.1877 - Nebraska
Grimm, Joseph H b.1847 - Ohio
Grimm, Mabel b.1874 - Iowa
Grimm, Mabel M. b.1875 - Iowa
Grimm, May b.1878 - Nebraska
Grimm, Zee b.1884 - Nebraska
Grinnell, Alice b.1742 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Bailey b.1759 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Benjamin b.1761 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Billings b.1749 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Comfort b.1744 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Elizabeth b.1802 - New York, USA
Grinnell, Hannah b.1745 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Mary b.1747 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Patience b.1757 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Richard b.1751 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Richard b.1717 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Royal b.1756 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Grinnell, Ruth b.1753 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Griswald, Julia Eliza d.1954 - Hawthorne, CA., U.S.
Griswold, Ellen M. b.1900 - Colorado, USA
Griswold, James Elwin b.1928 - Sacramento, California, USA
Griswold, Lawrence Eugene b.1930 - Sacramento, California, USA
Griswold, Lawrence Mitchell b.1901 - Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Griswold, Living -
Groff, Cloyce Carroll b.1908 - Wellman, Washington, Iowa, USA
Groff, Eathyle b.1910 - Iowa, Iowa, USA
Groff, Edward Frank b.1885 - Green, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Groff, Eva b.1783 - New York, USA
Groff, John b.1848 - Wurtemburg, , , Germany
Groff, Living -
Groot, Symon (Symonse) b.1602 - Netherlands
Grotzinger, Mary Cecilia b.1914 - Clifton CIty, Cooper, Missouri, USA
Grout, Mary b.1720 -
Grove, Elizabeth b.1877 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Grove, Franklin Snare b.1930 -
Grove, James Harvey b.1890 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Grove, Mary Florence b.1914 -
Grove, Ralph Leroy b.1916 -
Grove, Rebecca b.1842 - Pennsylvania
Grover, Delephine b.1853 - New York, USA
Grover, Living -
Grover, Mortimer Currey b.1886 - Illinois, USA
Grover, Robert C b.1830 - New York, USA
Groves, Fern May b.1875 - , Shelby, Missouri, USA
Groves, Mary b.1821 - Ohio, USA
Groves, Mary Ann b.1833 - Indiana, USA
Grunden, Arthur b.1884 - Kansas
Grunden, Living -
Grunden, Myrtle b.1884 - Missouri
Grush, Blanche b.1887 - Illinois, USA
Grush, Della Irene b.1868 - Lanark, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Grush, Isaac b.1850 - Pine Creek, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Grush, Isaac b.1802 - Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Grush, James Edward b.1862 - Lanark, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Grush, John Henry b.1856 - Grove City, Jasper, Illinois, USA
Grush, Lena b.1892 - Washington, Iowa, USA
Grush, Living -
Grush, Mary Alice b.1853 - Pine Creek, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Grush, Nellie b.1876 - , Washington, Iowa, USA
Grush, Nellie Belle b.1864 - Lanark, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Grush, Philip b.1826 - Shirleysburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Grush, Sarah Ann b.1860 - Pine Creek, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Grush, Willie b.1882 - Page, Iowa, USA
Guest, Ross Ambrose b.1898 - Illinois, USA
Guest, Thomas Albert b.1869 - Joliet, Will, Illinois, USA
Gunning, Alfred James b.1916 - Enid, Garfield, Oklahoma, USA
Gunning, Cherie -
Gunning, James Edwin b.1886 - Livingston, Madison, Illinois, USA
Gunning, Kathy -
Gunning, Leroy Hinson b.1919 - Enid, Garfield, Oklahoma, USA
Gunning, Living -
Gurnee, Denton b.1810 -
Gurnee, Halstead b.1776 -
Gurnee, John Robert b.1805 -
Gurnee, Lucien b.1807 -
Gurnee, Mary Jeanette b.1819 -
Gurnee, Sarah b.1802 -
Gurnee, Stephen b.1731 -
Gurnee, Walter S. b.1813 - Haverstraw, NY
Gustafson, Paul m.1944 -
Guthery, Bernard James b.1882 - Ohio
Guthery, George Erwin b.1915 - Ohio
Guthrie, David b.1935 - Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, USA
Guthrie, Gary Alan -
Guthrie, James David b.1912 - Braman, Kay, Oklahoma, USA
Guthrie, James Neal b.1937 - Dexter, Cowley, Kansas, USA
Guthrie, Janice Louise -
Guthrie, Jimmie Dean -
Guthrie, Keith Loran -
Guthrie, LaNora Mae -
Guthrie, Larry Duane -
Guthrie, Michael Wayne -
Guthrie, Mike -
Gwynn, Rhoda W. m.1828 - Montgomery, Illinois, USA
Haack, Alice L. b.1857 - Dallas, Clinton, Michigan, USA
Haber, -
Hackett, Living -
Hackett, Nellie Rose b.1876 - Minnesota, USA
Hadrich, Emma b.1870 - Iowa
Hadrich, Frank W b.1849 - Germany
Hadrich, Hanna b.1868 - Iowa
Hadrich, John b.1874 - Iowa
Hadrich, Lena b.1876 - Iowa
Hadrich, Rose C b.1878 - Iowa
Hagel, Anna Helen b.1885 - Iowa
Hagel, Carl Otto "Charles" b.1866 - Rummelsburg, Germany
Hagel, Charles Dean b.1923 -
Hagel, Charles Leo b.1894 - Pine Ridge, Shannon, South Dakota, USA
Hagel, Doris Charline b.1914 - Nebraska, USA
Hagel, Edward b.1889 - Nebraska
Hagel, Emma E. b.1895 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Hagel, Frederick b.1838 - Pomerania, Germany
Hagel, George Erling b.1886 - Iowa, USA
Hagel, Harold L. b.1909 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Hagel, Haroldine -
Hagel, Herman Chris b.1872 - Pomerania, Germany
Hagel, James J b.1952 -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Living -
Hagel, Loyd W. b.1916 - Nebraska, USA
Hagel, Mabel M. b.1899 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Hagel, Martha E b.1899 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska
Hagel, Matilda Amelia b.1852 - Pommern, Cochem-Zell, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Hagel, Paul Walter b.1891 - Nebraska
Hagel, Ralph H b.1903 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Hagel, Roy Wellington b.1897 - Nebraska
Hagel, Torel b.1891 - Nebraska
Hagel, Viola Bertha b.1903 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Hagel, William b.1897 - Nebraska
Hager, BESSIE CATHERINE b.1880 - LeMasters, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Hager, Calvin b.1844 - Middleburg, Snyder, Pennsylvania, USA
Hager, CHRISTINA MARIA b.1872 - LeMasters, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Hager, CORA B. b.1870 - Pennsylvania
Hager, GEORGE CALVIN b.1883 - LeMasters, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Hager, JESSIE MAY b.1881 - LeMasters, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Hager, LOTTIE REBECCA b.1877 - LeMasters, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Hager, LUCY BELLE b.1874 - Pennsylvania
Hager, SADIE VIOLA b.1889 - LeMasters, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Haggard, Edmund -
Haggard, John d.1793 -
Haggard, John -
Haggard, Samuel -
Hagood, Eugenia m.1933 -
Hague, James b.1805 - England
Hague, Mary b.1844 - Cheshire, England
Haight, Anna b.1787 - New York, USA
Haines, William A. m.1866 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Hale, Elizabeth b.1833 - Ohio, USA
Hale, Joyce R. -
Halford, Mary d.1790 -
Hall, -
Hall, d.1925 -
Hall, Armstead b.1832 - , Patrick, Virginia, USA
Hall, Beatrice Adeline b.1914 - Kansas, United States
Hall, Billy Keith "Skeet" b.1923 - Chautauqua, Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Hall, Carlos George b.1872 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, Cecil Ezra b.1898 - Leeds, Chautauqua Co, KS
Hall, Charles b.1873 - Kansas
Hall, Clara Celestia b.1870 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, Dale L b.1929 - Iowa, USA
Hall, Dexter Alvah b.1841 - Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA
Hall, Donald D b.1914 - Leadhill, , Arkansas, USA
Hall, Doris Lear b.1912 - Kansas
Hall, Edna Mae b.1910 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, Elizabeth b.1793 - Virginia, USA
Hall, Elizabeth b.1671 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Hall, Elizabeth Ann -
Hall, Elmer Leroy b.1902 - Iowa, USA
Hall, Eugene Orlando b.1902 - Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Hall, Ezra Winslow b.1829 - New York, USA
Hall, Francis Markus b.1868 - Iowa
Hall, Henry b.1658 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Hall, Ira E b.1878 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, Irene b.1875 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, Irene b.1899 - Mississippi, USA
Hall, Irma Agnes b.1911 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, Ivan b.1922 - Kansas
Hall, Jacob R b.1801 - Independence, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Hall, James b.1802 - Waterford, Caledonia, Vermont, USA
Hall, Jane Edna b.1886 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, John Q b.1889 - Iowa
Hall, John Winslow b.1917 - Kansas, United States
Hall, Julia -
Hall, Laura Ernestine b.1881 - Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Hall, Lena Juliet b.1897 - Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Living -
Hall, Lorena b.1837 - , Trumbull, Ohio, USA
Hall, Louis M b.1892 - Iowa
Hall, Maggie Lillian b.1861 - Iowa City, Iowa
Hall, Margaret Marie b.1922 - Mapelton, , Iowa, USA
Hall, Martha Price b.1908 -
Hall, Mildred Sabrina b.1903 - Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Hall, Nancy b.1843 - Indiana, USA
Hall, Naomi Jean b.1935 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, USA
Hall, Nora Clemetine b.1883 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, Oliver Wendell b.1910 - Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Hall, Ora Frederick b.1880 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hall, Ruth Orpha b.1912 - Lodgepole, Cheyenne, Nebraska, USA
Hall, Stella May b.1881 - Bennington Township, Licking, Ohio
Hall, Virginia Maxine b.1919 - Sedan, Chautauqua, Kansas, United States
Hall, W Columbus d.1908 - , Forrest, Mississippi, USA
Hall, William T b.1907 - Mapelton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Halpin, Ben m.1937 -
HALSEY, ANN b.1591 - , Bedfordshire, , England
Halstead, Sarah b.1736 -
Hamel, John H. -
Hamel, Kenneth B -
Hamel, Kenneth L b.1911 -
Hamel, Tanya -
Hamilton, Living -
Hamilton, Living -
Hamilton, Living -
Hamilton, Living -
Hamilton, Living -
Hamilton, W. Howard -
Hamilton, Wesley -
Hamlin, -
Hammaker, Carrie Jane b.1922 - Duncansville, Pennsylvania, USA
Hammaker, Chester Edward b.1895 - Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
Hammond, Augustus Gideon b.1834 - Westport, Essex, New York, United States
Hammond, George -
Hammond, Hannah b.1790 -
Hammond, Joseph Frank b.1856 - New Gloucester, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Hammond, Sarah -
Hand, Shirley Mae m.1930 -
Handley, Archibald b.1847 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Archibald b.1842 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Archibald b.1820 - Kentucky, USA
Handley, Arthur Lawrence b.1874 - Otoe, Nebraska
Handley, Carrie b.1869 - Nebraska, USA
Handley, Casandra b.1879 -
Handley, Cassander b.1879 - Nebraska
Handley, Cassandra b.1840 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Charles Henry b.1883 -
Handley, Frank S. b.1866 - Nebraska
Handley, Harvey b.1831 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Hattie b.1867 - Nebraska, USA
Handley, James b.1882 - Nebraska, USA
Handley, James b.1740 - , , Virginia, USA
Handley, James b.1814 - Kentucky, USA
Handley, James R b.1855 -
Handley, Jane b.1858 - Indiana, USA
Handley, John b.1844 - Missouri, USA
Handley, John b.1777 - Kentucky, USA
Handley, John Mason b.1825 - Kentucky
Handley, Julia Ann b.1828 -
Handley, Leroy b.1870 - Nebraska
Handley, Lilla J b.1860 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Living -
Handley, Living -
Handley, Living -
Handley, Living -
Handley, Living -
Handley, Living -
Handley, Living -
Handley, Living -
Handley, Living -
Handley, Luella b.1884 - Nebraska, USA
Handley, Margaret b.1833 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Mary b.1820 -
Handley, Mary F. b.1872 - Nebraska
Handley, Matthew Alexander b.1822 -
Handley, Minnie Maud b.1885 -
Handley, Nancy A b.1857 - Nebraska, USA
Handley, Nathan b.1837 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Nellie F b.1872 - Nebraska, USA
Handley, Orphal b.1861 - Missouri, USA
Handley, S b.1863 -
Handley, Sara Ann b.1844 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Sarah b.1816 - Kentucky, USA
Handley, Sterling b.1863 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Thomas C b.1854 - Missouri, USA
Handley, Vans E. b.1892 - Nebraska, USA
Handley, W.J. b.1868 - Nebraska
Handley, Wade H. b.1877 - Nebraska
Handley, White F b.1856 - Missouri, USA
Handley, William b.1850 - Missouri, USA
Handley, William b.1830 - Missouri, USA
Handley, William Joseph b.1838 - Missouri, USA
Handley, William Joseph b.1867 -
Hankinson, Hannah b.1784 -
Hanks, Emma A b.1890 - San Dimas, Los Angeles, California, USA
Hann, Evaline b.1870 -
Hanna, Nettie b.1881 -
Hannigan, Mary Bernadette "Mammie" b.1868 -
Hannon, Laurel M b.1879 - Woodstock, Oxford, Ontario, Canada
Hannum, Ruth Anna b.1880 - Ohio, USA
Hanscom, Esther Margaret b.1878 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hansen, Catherine -
Hansen, Curtis -
Hansen, Fern Christian b.1915 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, United States
Hansen, Julius b.1892 - Barrit, Vejle, Denmark
Hansen, Living -
Hansen, Living -
Hansen, Living -
Hansen, Margaret Christine b.1916 - , Payette, Idaho, USA
Hansen, Maritje b.1631 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Hansen, Voyla -
Hanson, -
Hanson, Adolph W. Peter b.1845 - Bornholm, Denmark
Hanson, Bessie Mildred b.1907 - Turin, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hanson, Charles Alvin b.1878 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
Hanson, Eleana -
Hanson, Ida Louise b.1882 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
Hanson, John Edward b.1880 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
Hardesty, Mary b.1811 - Iowa, USA
Harding, Carey Cordelia b.1894 - Homer, Licking, Ohio, United States
Harding, Frances -
Harding, George W -
Hardman, Elizabeth b.1806 - Harrison, Charles, Virginia, USA
Hardman, Hazel Lucetta -
Hare, Emma Matilda m.1875 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Harewell, Bessie M. m.1916 -
Harman, Ann -
Harman, James -
Harman, John Adam b.1873 - Indiana, USA
Harman, Lawrence b.1900 -
Harman, Living -
Harman, Thomas -
Harmon, Carl b.1887 - Rochester, Strafford, New Hampshire, USA
Harmon, Daniel -
Harmon, Living -
Harmon, Living -
Harmon, Willis m.1881 - Norway, Oxford, Maine, USA
Harnack, Donna b.1930 -
Harner, Sarah b.1640 - Essex, Virginia, United States
Harom, Cloyd m.1914 -
Harp, -
Harp, Living -
Harp, Vynone V. b.1920 - Oklahoma, USA
Harpell, Jacob b.1818 - Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada
Harper, Daniel H. b.1831 - Ohio
Harper, Francis A. b.1864 - Illinois, USA
Harper, George b.1866 - Minnesota, USA
Harper, George T b.1888 - Iowa
Harper, Jacob W b.1884 - Iowa
Harper, John A b.1846 - Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada
Harper, John Bernard b.1891 - , Crawford, Iowa, USA
Harper, Katherine Maud b.1878 - Iowa
Harper, Lois m.1909 -
Harper, Maranda b.1860 - Minnesota, USA
Harper, Margaret b.1869 - Minnesota, USA
Harper, Margaret Emmiline b.1843 - Randolf, , West Virginia, USA
Harper, Mary J b.1877 - Iowa
Harper, William A b.1857 - Illinois, USA
Harrington, Cinderella -
Harrington, Living -
Harrington, Living -
Harris, b.1886 - Corning, Adams, Iowa, USA
Harris, Almeda M. b.1895 - Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Harris, Aneita b.1882 - Corning, Adams, Iowa, USA
Harris, Aseneth b.1813 - Ohio, USA
Harris, Boy Baby b.1945 - Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, USA
Harris, Carissa Vittoria b.1892 - Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, USA
Harris, Charles R b.1886 - Missouri
Harris, David b.1825 - Kentucky, USA
Harris, Dolly Ilene b.1925 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Harris, Donald Parke b.1910 -
Harris, Elijah b.1787 - , , Virginia, USA
Harris, Elijah W. b.1847 - Warren, Kentucky, USA
Harris, Emily b.1851 - Kentucky, USA
Harris, Fietta b.1859 - Pennsylvania
Harris, Henry b.1826 - Belle Font, Jackson County, Alabama
Harris, Henry Lester b.1909 - Missouri
Harris, Holly Parke b.1888 - Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, USA
Harris, Hugh b.1904 - Colorado, United States
Harris, Ira b.1868 - Missouri, USA
Harris, Isaac b.1826 - Pennsylvania
Harris, Isaac W. b.1870 - Pennsylvania
Harris, James Grover b.1884 - Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USA
Harris, Jessie May b.1878 - Missouri
Harris, John Benson b.1850 - Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Harris, John Bernard b.1881 - Corning, Adams, Iowa, USA
Harris, John J. b.1871 - Missouri
Harris, John William b.1844 - Floyd, Virginia, USA
Harris, Judith b.1563 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Harris, Julia A b.1888 - Missouri
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living m.1941 - Galena, Stone, Missouri, USA
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Living -
Harris, Lottie M b.1883 - Missouri
Harris, Lynette Ann b.1885 - Corning, Adams, Iowa, USA
Harris, Martha G b.1881 - Missouri
Harris, Martha Malinda Elizabeth "Lizzie" b.1849 - Fair Garden, Grainger, Tennessee, USA
Harris, Mary C b.1881 - Missouri
Harris, Mary Emma Ella b.1856 - Tampico, Grainger County, Tennessee
Harris, Nole b.1880 - Missouri
Harris, Orson R b.1887 - Missouri
Harris, Paul David b.1906 - Fairgrove, Greene, Missouri, USA
Harris, Pauline Gail b.1938 - Ponca City, Kay, Oklahoma, USA
Harris, Robert T. b.1855 - Missouri, USA
Harris, Samuel Eugene b.1868 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Harris, Susana b.1793 - Virginia, USA
Harris, Theodore b.1900 - Galena, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Harris, Vickie -
Harris, Vida E b.1875 - Missouri
Harris, Vina A. b.1872 - Missouri
Harris, Violet b.1864 - Bolivar, Polk, Missouri, USA
Harris, Virginia L b.1878 - Missouri
Harris, Virginia T b.1869 - Missouri
Harris, William "Billy" Brownlow b.1851 - Fair Garden, Grainger County, Tennessee
Harris, William A. b.1856 - Pennsylvania
Harrison, Carter H m.1937 - Oakland, Alameda, California, USA
Harrison, Charles Samuel b.1898 - Whiting, Monona, Iowa, USA
Harrison, Eliza b.1801 - Bloomfield, Essex, New Jersey, USA
Harrison, Living -
Harrison, Living -
Harrison, Living -
Harrison, Rowenna C b.1853 - Nankin, Wayne, Michigan, USA
Harrison, William Henry b.1821 - Nankin, Wayne, Michigan, USA
Harriss, John b.1765 - Virgina
Harrold, Elizabeth b.1785 - , Frederick, Virginia, USA
Harrold, Jonathan b.1748 - Frederick County, Virginia, USA
Harrold, Jonathan b.1717 - Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA
Harrold, Richard b.1680 - England
Harrold, Richard b.1664 - Huddersfield, Hampshire, England
Harry, Anna V b.1880 - Pennsylvania, USA
Harry, Samuel D. -
Hart, Mary Etta b.1899 - Fayette co., Pennsylvania (?)
Hart, Oliver J. b.1857 - Pennsylvania (?)
Hartman, Betty -
Hartman, Harriet b.1846 - Iowa
Hartsell, John Moore b.1880 - Hartselle, Morgan Co, AL
Hartshorne, Elizabeth b.1771 - Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Hartzell, Emma J. b.1879 - Kansas
Harvey, -
Harvey, -
Harvey, Bertha b.1873 - Illinois, USA
Harvey, Bezer Brainbridge b.1837 - Industry, Franklin, Maine, USA
Harvey, Columbus -
Harvey, Cynthia A b.1845 - Vance County, Ohio, USA
Harvey, Ella Esther b.1863 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Harvey, Living -
Harvey, Rebecca D. b.1828 - Kentucky, USA
Harvey, William Walter m.1892 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
Haskell, Asia -
Haskell, Elizabeth Plummer b.1799 - Gorham, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Haskell, Sophronia b.1799 - Minot, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Hass, Eileen Ann b.1928 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Hatch, Ida b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Hatch, Yale Timothy b.1829 - Sherburne, NY
Hatfield, Anna b.1865 - La Porte, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Hatfield, Huldah H. b.1837 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, United States
Hatfield, Living -
Hatfield, Moses b.1804 - Virginia, United States
Hathorne, Priscilla b.1649 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Hausam, Adam d.1851 - Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, United States
Hausam, Adam b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Adam b.1867 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Adam b.1852 - Bavaria
Hausam, Ana b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Andrew b.1877 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Andrew b.1832 - Bayern, Germany
Hausam, Anna b.1884 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Anna Marie b.1837 - Bavaria
Hausam, Casia b.1879 - Missouri
Hausam, Catharine b.1879 - Missouri
Hausam, Chas b.1886 - Missouri
Hausam, Elbert W. b.1909 - OK
Hausam, Elizabeth "Ida" b.1841 - Bavaria
Hausam, Elizabeth Ann b.1902 - Oklahoma
Hausam, Frederick b.1872 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Geo b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, George b.1887 - Missouri
Hausam, Hannah b.1867 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Howard H b.1906 - Oklahoma
Hausam, Ida -
Hausam, Jack b.1906 - Oklahoma
Hausam, Jacob -
Hausam, Jacques "Jacob" b.1839 - Germany
Hausam, Jay P b.1892 - Oklahoma
Hausam, Jean "John" b.1835 - Bavaria
Hausam, Johann Adam b.1805 - Bayern, Germany
Hausam, John b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, John b.1883 - Missouri
Hausam, Katharine Jacobine b.1833 - Bavaria, Germany
Hausam, Katherine -
Hausam, Katie b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Laura b.1889 - Missouri
Hausam, Lawrence Hartzell b.1904 - Oklahoma
Hausam, Living -
Hausam, Living -
Hausam, Living -
Hausam, Living -
Hausam, Living -
Hausam, Living -
Hausam, Lizzie b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Louis b.1898 - Oklahoma
Hausam, Louis b.1866 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Mary b.1882 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Mary A. b.1873 - Pennsylvania
Hausam, Michael b.1844 - Bavaria
Hausam, Mike -
Hausam, Minnie b.1890 - Missouri
Hausam, William b.1873 - Pennsylvania
Havick, Living -
Havick, Living -
Havick, Living -
Havick, Living -
Havick, Living -
Haviland, Arzelia Angerose b.1873 -
Haviland, Charles Leon b.1880 -
Haviland, Donald Eugene b.1922 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Haviland, Ella Gertrude b.1852 -
Haviland, Florence Marie b.1911 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Haviland, George Albert b.1908 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Haviland, George Maltby b.1847 - Yates, New York, USA
Haviland, Geraldine Ann b.1912 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Haviland, Harold Ward b.1893 -
Haviland, Harriet Amelia b.1844 -
Haviland, Hattie Josephine b.1889 -
Haviland, Hazel Lilla b.1905 - Canandaigua, Ontario, New York, USA
Haviland, Helen Fern b.1904 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Haviland, Helen Fern b.1904 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Haviland, Holmes Birge b.1872 - Italy Hill, Yates, New York, USA
Haviland, Ida Josephine b.1840 - Yates, New York, USA
Haviland, Ina Maude b.1869 -
Haviland, James E. b.1838 -
Haviland, Joseph Birge b.1795 - New York, USA
Haviland, Joseph William b.1882 -
Haviland, Living -
Haviland, Mary Allene b.1876 -
Haviland, Mary E. b.1808 -
Haviland, Mary E. b.1834 -
Haviland, Zilpha Ann b.1833 -
Hawkins, Flora b.1875 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Hawkins, James Franklin -
Hawkins, Living -
Hawkins, Mabel Frances b.1887 - Kansas
Hawkins, Margaret b.1821 - , Burlington, New Jersey, USA
Hawkins, Sarah Ellenor m.1870 - Indiana, USA
Hawkridge, Sarah b.1601 - England
Hawley, Archie J b.1902 - Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Hawley, James F b.1875 - Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Hawley, Living -
Hawley, Ray R b.1899 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Hawn, Elizabeth E b.1861 - Ontario, Canada
Hawn, Henry William b.1829 - Dundas, , Ontario, Canada
Hay, Alexander b.1845 - Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Hayes, Mary Ann b.1827 - Connecticut, United States
Hayes, Nancy b.1808 - New York, USA
Haynes, Celia b.1850 - Missouri
Hazard, -
Hazard, Clovis Frank b.1873 - Hamburg, Fremont, Iowa, USA
Hazard, Delia Effie b.1869 - Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Hazard, Elizabeth -
Hazard, James F. b.1875 - Iowa
Hazard, James True b.1875 - Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Hazard, Thomas -
Hazard, William Silliman b.1871 - Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Hazard, William Silliman b.1840 - Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Hazard, Zenas Augustus b.1880 - Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Hazeltine, Hannah (Kimball) b.1729 -
Hazzard, Clarinda J b.1858 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Hazzard, Elizabeth Ann b.1854 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Hazzard, Mary Belle b.1878 - Missouri, USA
Hazzard, Silas H. -
Hazzard, Willam P b.1826 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Head, Norris Baker b.1893 - Hepburn, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Heard, b.1560 -
Heard, Benjamin b.1715 - Dover, Strafford Co. New Hampshire
Heard, Benjamin b.1644 - Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States
Heard, Edmund b.1580 - Clinton, Norfolk, England
Heard, James b.1680 - Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire
Heard, John b.1610 - Chichester, Sussex, , England
Heard, Luke b.1618 - Sudbury, Suffolk, , England
Heaton, Emmor P b.1862 - Illinois, USA
Heaton, Grace b.1667 - Yorkshire, , England
Hedges, David b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Hedges, Living -
Hedges, Mina B b.1895 - Nebraska, USA
Hedges, Phebe b.1730 - Long Island City, Queens, New York, United States
Heeftle, Albert John b.1892 - Gordon, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Heeftle, Alice Elizabeth b.1925 -
Heeftle, Carl T. b.1855 - Germany
Heeftle, Eugene Miller b.1922 -
Heeftle, Living -
Heeftle, Living -
Heeftle, Living -
Heeftle, Living -
Heise, Elizabeth b.1845 - Germany
Heistand, Bessie Pearl b.1901 - Orson, Harrison, Iowa, United States
Heistand, Elias Samuel b.1863 - Indiana, United States
Heistand, Francis b.1905 - Iowa
Heistand, Gidean T b.1861 - , Indiana, USA
Heistand, Guy b.1900 - Harrison County, Iowa, USA
Heistand, Ida Mae b.1893 - Iowa
Heistand, Jessie Ellen b.1891 - Iowa
Heistand, Leanna b.1944 - Harrison County, Iowa, USA
Heistand, Leo C b.1926 - Harrison County, Iowa, USA
Heistand, Marva b.1930 - Harrison County, Iowa, USA
Heistand, Nellie b.1894 - Kansas
Heistand, Robert G b.1931 - Harrison County, Iowa, USA
Heistand, Roy Bryon b.1897 - Iowa
Heistand, Velma R. b.1889 - Madison, Iowa, USA
Heley, Lottie A. b.1866 - Polo, Ogle, Illinois, USA
Heller, Grace Eloise b.1918 - Preston, White Pine, Nevada, USA
Helm, Nellie m.1891 - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA
Helmundt, Susanna Maria b.1740 -
Helton, Forrest J. b.1930 -
Henchey, James E. m.1899 -
Hendee, Mary Eldora b.1874 - New York, USA
Henderson, David b.1794 - Mifflin Co., PA
Henderson, David James b.1916 - Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, United States
Henderson, David W. b.1827 -
Henderson, Dorcus Adelia b.1835 -
Henderson, Elias b.1842 -
Henderson, Elizabeth b.1819 -
Henderson, Esther Jane b.1824 -
Henderson, George b.1888 - Dundee, Forfar, Angus, Scotland
Henderson, Georgina b.1922 - Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, United States
Henderson, Grace b.1877 - Missouri
Henderson, James b.1758 - Pennsylvania
Henderson, James Watson b.1820 -
Henderson, John W. b.1822 -
Henderson, Julia Pauline b.1840 -
Henderson, Living -
Henderson, Louisa Melissa b.1836 -
Henderson, Lucy Ann b.1830 - Pleasantville, Pennsylvania
Henderson, Marcus P b.1828 - Pennsylvania
Henderson, Margaret Marie b.1832 -
Henderson, Martha Minerva b.1833 -
Henderson, Rebecca b.1823 -
Henderson, Robert A. b.1821 -
Henderson, Sarah b.1816 -
Henderson, Susanna b.1818 - Indiana
Henderson, Susanna Ellen b.1840 - Jefferson, Pennsylvania (USA)
Hendricks, Annajen m.1853 -
Hendricks, Bruyn m.1682 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Hendrickson, Adolphus b.1855 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, United States
Hendrickson, Child b.1898 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hendrickson, Emory Arthur b.1886 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, United States
Hendrickson, George Washington b.1894 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hendrickson, Harrison b.1888 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hendrickson, Ida Amelia b.1881 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hendrickson, James Thomas b.1822 - Fulton, Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Hendrickson, John Jefferson b.1895 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hendrickson, Joseph b.1884 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Living -
Hendrickson, Susannah A b.1880 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hendrickson, William b.1891 - Moorehead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hendrijcx, Magdaleentjen m.1636 - Utrecht, Netherlands
Hendrix, Charles Wesley b.1843 - Centerville, Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hendrix, Eli b.1825 - Centerville, Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hendrix, Elizabeth b.1839 - Centerville, Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hendrix, Henry b.1841 - Centerville, Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hendrix, Henry b.1767 - , Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Hendrix, John b.1798 - Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Hendrix, John J. b.1828 - Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hendrix, Lydia b.1823 - Centerville, Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hendrix, Martha b.1833 - Centerville, Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hendrix, Mary b.1835 - Centerville, Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hendrix, William W b.1821 - Centerville, Wayne, Indiana, USA
Hengstler, Rosa May b.1878 - , , Wisconsin, USA
Henkins, Clancy b.1916 -
Henkins, Living -
Hennick, D. Frank b.1881 - Burwell, Garfield, Nebraska, USA
Henning, Anna K b.1854 - Ohio
Henry, Mary Jean b.1915 - Iowa
Herberger, Matilda E b.1855 - New York, USA
Heritage, Charles W m.1891 -
Herman, Dolores b.1926 - Lorain, Lorain County, Ohio
Herman, Joann Margret b.1923 -
Herman, Living -
Herman, Living -
Herman, Living -
Herman, Living -
Herman, Living -
Herman, Living -
Herman, Living -
Hermann, John b.1886 - Alesd, Bihor, Romania
Hermann, Living -
Hermsen, Harry Gilbert b.1913 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Hermsen, James William b.1918 - Iowa, USA
Hermsen, John A b.1854 - Lohne, Altmarkkreis Salzwedel, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Hermsen, Living -
Hermsen, Living -
Hermsen, Living -
Hermsen, William Garrett b.1882 - Breda, Carroll, Iowa, USA
Hernandez, Ann Maria b.1896 -
Herrin, Beverly m.1860 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Herring, Frank M. m.1891 - Jackson, Oregon, USA
Hersh, Alice Love b.1907 - Kansas
Heskit, Nancy b.1793 - , , Virginia, USA
Hess, Adam b.1850 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Adeline b.1877 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Annie E. b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Anthony b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Benjamin b.1872 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Catharine b.1857 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Clarence Mc Kinley b.1899 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Daniel b.1855 -
Hess, Daniel b.1855 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Edward Everett b.1884 - Illinois, USA
Hess, Elizabeth b.1831 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Ella G. b.1889 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Emma b.1870 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Esther b.1859 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Eva M. b.1891 - Pennsylvania
Hess, George b.1853 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Grant b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Hannah A. b.1866 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Henry b.1838 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Henry b.1758 -
Hess, Henry b.1810 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Hess, Jacob b.1834 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Jacob b.1782 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Jacob "Jay" b.1886 - Illinois, USA
Hess, James b.1860 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, James b.1860 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, John b.1842 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Joseph b.1848 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Living -
Hess, Living -
Hess, Living -
Hess, Living -
Hess, Living -
Hess, Maggie b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Mary L b.1866 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Hess, Millard David b.1868 - West Branch, Cedar, Iowa
Hess, Miriam Beatrice b.1918 -
Hess, Nancy -
Hess, Nancy Jane b.1870 -
Hess, Richard Bradley b.1918 - Springfield, Illinois
Hess, Samuel b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Samuel b.1846 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Samuel J b.1824 - Aaronsburg, Centre, Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, Sarah -
Hess, Susan b.1837 - Pennsylvania
Hess, Sydney Jasper b.1894 - Iowa City, Johnson Co, Iowa, USA
Hess, William b.1845 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hess, William B. b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Hetrick, Charles Dean b.1928 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Hetrick, H. Frank b.1914 - Williamsburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania, USA
Hetrick, Harry L b.1900 - Pennsylvania, United States
Hetrick, Living -
Hetrick, Living -
Hetrick, Living -
Hetrick, Living -
Hetrick, Living -
Hetrick, Miles David b.1883 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hetrick, Trudy Kay b.1952 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Hewitt, Erma L b.1909 - Iowa, USA
Hewitt, Jeanette L b.1849 - Rustic Co, Maine, United States
Hiatt, Harry Lloyd b.1897 -
Hiatt, Lela Gladys b.1900 -
Hiatt, Lena Marie b.1903 -
Hiatt, Living -
Hiatt, Living -
Hiatt, Living -
Hiatt, Living -
Hiatt, Living -
Hiatt, Silvanus O b.1875 - Sefton, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Hick, Elsie b.1878 - Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China
Hickman, Living -
Hickman, Marion b.1888 - Birmingham, West Midlands, England
Hicks, Alice M b.1870 - Pennsylvania
Hicks, Cloyd S b.1891 - Pennsylvania
Hicks, Ellworth b.1861 - Pennsylvania
Hicks, Elton W b.1890 - Pennsylvania
Hicks, Emery b.1877 - Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China
Hicks, George -
Hicks, Howard b.1873 - Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China
Hicks, Living -
Hicks, Living -
Hicks, Nellie B b.1880 - Lincoln, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Hicks, Samuel K b.1845 - Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China
Hicks, Sarah b.1775 - New York, New York, USA
Hickson, Jennie b.1867 - Ireland
Hiehl, John -
Hiehl, Mary b.1857 - Pennsylvania
Hiestand, Elias Samuel b.1825 - Harrison, Harrison, Indiana, United States
Hiett, Catherine b.1725 -
Hiett, Ellen b.1833 - Kentucky, USA
Higgins, Cora Mabel b.1885 - Nelson, Nuckolls, Nebraska, USA
Higgins, Living -
Highes, Harvey m.1896 -
Highland, Evelyn Christina b.1853 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Hight, Melinda Ann b.1860 - Illinois, USA
Higinbotham, Samuel m.1888 - Coos, Oregon, USA
Hilbert, Isabella b.1865 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Hildreth, Rosie Lee b.1866 - Neola, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Hileman, Rebie Stover m.1946 -
Hilibrants, Jeannetje b.1662 - New Amsterdam, New York, USA
Hill, Eliza b.1832 - Cayuta, Chemung, New York, United States
Hill, Jane b.1823 - Harrison, Charles, Virginia, USA
Hill, Living -
Hill, Living -
Hill, Living -
Hill, Living -
Hill, Living -
Hill, Living -
Hill, Living -
HILL, Louisa Catherine b.1842 - Kentucky
Hill, Mary C b.1880 - Virginia
Hill, Olive Vinetta b.1863 - Milan, Sullivan, Missouri, USA
Hilliard, Living -
Hilliard, Virginia Doris b.1919 - Halls, Lauderdale, Tennessee, USA
Hillman, Elizabeth b.1848 - Bruce County, Ontario, Canada
Hills, Arthur C. b.1855 - West Henrietta, Monroe, New York, USA
Hills, Living -
Hills, Sarah b.1670 - Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Hilton, Albert Brown b.1865 - New York, New York
Hilton, Helen b.1891 - NEW YORK
Hilts, Matilda Katherine b.1848 - Wellington, , Ontario, Canada
Hinder, Living -
Hinder, Orville b.1875 - Iowa, USA
Hines, Donna Lee -
Hines, Living -
Hines, Martin J b.1893 - Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky
Hines, Mary J b.1840 - , Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Hislop, J T b.1880 - Washington
Hislop, Living -
Hissong, Emma E. b.1861 - Butler, Richland, Ohio, USA
Hissong, Henry -
Hitchcock, Andrew Frederick b.1879 - Decatur, Iowa
Hitchcock, Deborah m.1735 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Hitchcock, Jennie b.1877 - Iowa
Hitchcock, John Franklin b.1842 -
Hitchcock, Living -
Hitchcock, Ralph Milton b.1911 - Berwick, Polk, Iowa, USA
Hizer, Charles William b.1842 - Greenbriar, Virginia, USA
Hizer, Edith A. b.1861 - Iowa, USA
Hizer, George Washington b.1859 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Hladik, Living -
Hladik, Living -
Hladik, Living -
Hladik, Living -
Hladik, Living -
Hoar, Samuel b.1789 - Pomfret, Windham, Vermont, USA
Hobbs, Barbara J. b.1914 - Ohio, USA
Hobbs, George R. b.1888 - Ohio, USA
Hobbs, Living -
Hobbs, Living -
Hodge, Elizabeth b.1879 - Norborne, Carroll, Missouri, USA
Hodge, Living -
Hodge, Troy D b.1975 -
Hodson, Abigail b.1664 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Hoefler, John Vincent -
Hoefler, Living -
Hoefler, Living -
Hoefler, Living -
Hoefler, Paul A. b.1916 - Xenia, Greene, Ohio, USA
Hoehman, Clarence b.1891 - Kansas
Hoehman, Living -
Hoehman, Living -
Hoehman, Living -
Hoehman, Otto b.1886 - Kansas
Hoenshell, Emory D b.1881 - Nebraska, USA
Hoenshell, Living -
Hoenshell, Living -
Hoffman, Anna b.1774 - New York, USA
Hoffman, Beekman Verplank b.1789 -
Hoffman, Benjamin F b.1856 - Maryland
Hoffman, Catherine Douw b.1779 - Red Hook, New York, USA
Hoffman, Cornelia b.1734 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Hoffman, David Beekman b.1793 -
Hoffman, Harman Laidlie b.1791 -
Hoffman, Harmanus b.1745 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Hoffman, Jean -
Hoffman, John Frederick -
Hoffman, John Frederick b.1900 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Hoffman, Living -
Hoffman, Margaret Euphemia b.1804 -
Hoffman, Maria Gertrude b.1798 -
Hoffman, Martha B b.1891 - Pennsylvania
Hoffman, Martin H. b.1772 -
Hoffman, Minnie b.1866 - Illinois, USA
Hoffman, Minnie P b.1886 - Pennsylvania
Hoffman, Mollie V b.1886 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Hoffman, Peter Douw b.1775 -
Hoffman, Philip Verplank b.1791 -
Hoffman, Sally Virginia b.1916 - Bedford, Bedford, Pennsylvania, USA
Hoffman, Samuel Verplank -
Hoffman, William b.1781 -
Hoffman, William G b.1884 - Pennsylvania
Hoffman, Woodrow b.1923 -
Hofman, Jannetje b.1700 -
Hofmann, Georg Nikolaus b.1796 - Rodalberhof, Pirmasens-Rheinlandpfalz, Deutschland
Hogan, Effie J. b.1882 - Illinois, USA
Hogensen, Adolph Edward b.1889 - Wisconsin
Hogensen, Charles Stanley b.1927 - Dallas County, Texas
Hoisington, Almena b.1856 - Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Andrew I. b.1844 -
Hoisington, Anson b.1821 -
Hoisington, Benjamin b.1824 -
Hoisington, Charles Amos b.1897 - Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Charles Henry b.1850 - Illinois, USA
Hoisington, Charlotte b.1885 -
Hoisington, Clara Annabelle b.1916 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Earl Frederick b.1889 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Effie -
Hoisington, Elizabeth L b.1878 - Colony, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Emerald Louise b.1921 -
Hoisington, Ephraim b.1795 - Montplier, , Vermont, USA
Hoisington, George Augustus b.1858 - Butler Center, Butler, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Hannah b.1833 -
Hoisington, Hattie b.1888 - Colony, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Henry S. b.1887 -
Hoisington, Hiram b.1839 - Michigan, USA
Hoisington, Howard b.1910 - Colesburg, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Isaac b.1822 - Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, United States
Hoisington, John b.1908 - Iowa, USA
Hoisington, John b.1843 -
Hoisington, Leonard b.1892 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Living -
Hoisington, Loisa b.1830 -
Hoisington, Lucinda b.1872 -
Hoisington, Lucinda Ann b.1845 -
Hoisington, Mary Jane b.1829 -
Hoisington, Mary Lucinda b.1879 - Delaware, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Nelson b.1823 -
Hoisington, Phoebe b.1902 - Iowa
Hoisington, Sarah b.1836 -
Hoisington, Sarah Mariah b.1841 -
Hoisington, Seymore b.1855 - Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Hoisington, Seymore H b.1906 - , Delaware, Iowa, USA
Hoisington, Verlina b.1765 - Windsor, Windsor, Vermont, USA
Hoisington, William Henry b.1827 - Pennsylvania, USA
Hoisington, William Henry b.1874 - Wisconsin, USA
Holbrook, -
Holbrook, Ebenezer -
Holbrook, Minnie Laura b.1876 - Indiana, USA
Holbrook, Sarah m.1733 - Pomfret, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Holcomb, Eli Asa b.1823 - Sparta, Cortland, New York, USA
Holcomb, Eli B. b.1860 - Sparta, Dearborn, Indiana, USA
Holcomb, Gladys N. b.1896 - Oklahoma, USA
Holcomb, Living -
Holcomb, Living -
Holden, Mary b.1843 - New York, USA
Holgate, James b.1804 - Philadelphia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, United States
Holgate, Maria Trux b.1829 - Lucerne, Pennsylvania, United States
Holland, Lany b.1888 - Alpine, , Mississippi, USA
Hollander, Living -
Hollander, Louisa b.1828 - Iowa, USA
Hollowell, Ida Blanche b.1900 - Missouri, USA
Hollowell, Nadine m.1936 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri
Holm, Ernstina b.1835 - Pomerania, Germany
Holman, Margaret b.1881 - Southport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Holmes, Charles -
Holmes, Mary Emaline b.1844 - Bruceville, Knox, Indiana, USA
Holmes, Mildred m.1910 -
Holmes, Rena May b.1874 - Minnesota, USA
Holmes, Walter S b.1875 - Milton, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USA
Holton, Alex -
Holton, Doris Edna b.1914 - Bellaire, Antrim, Michigan, USA
Holton, Mae -
Holverson, Ida Helen b.1880 - Argyle, Lafayette, Wisconsin, USA
Holwaye, Julian b.1621 - East Coker, Somerset, , England
Honaker, Rosa Lois b.1870 - West Virginia, United States
Honeycutt, Living -
Honeycutt, Living -
Honeycutt, Living -
Honeycutt, Living -
Hook, Mary Margaret "Polly" b.1765 - Kentucky, USA
Hooker, Alfred H b.1873 - Kansas, USA
Hooker, Bertha b.1887 - Benkelman, Dundy, Nebraska, USA
Hooker, Emily Otis -
Hooker, Eva May m.1899 - Jackson, Oregon, USA
Hooker, Fairy Bell b.1895 - Nebraska, USA
Hooker, Jessie Madeline b.1883 - Thayer, Neosho, Kansas, USA
Hooker, Living -
Hooker, Living -
Hooker, Mamie b.1890 - Nebraska
Hooker, Mary Alice b.1887 - Benkelman, Dundy, Nebraska, USA
Hooker, Minnie b.1899 - Nebraska, USA
Hooker, Richard Henderson b.1881 - Thayer, Neosho, Kansas, USA
Hooker, Wallen Clinton b.1891 -
Hooker, Walton b.1892 - Nebraska
Hooker, William b.1849 - Green River, Henry City, Illinois, USA
Hooker, William Bryan b.1894 -
Hooks, Mary"Polly" b.1736 - Ann Arundel, Maryland, United States
Hooper, Benjamin b.1721 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, Charity b.1706 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, James b.1708 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Hooper, John b.1670 - Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Hooper, John b.1701 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, John b.1581 - East Coker, Somerset, , England
Hooper, Joseph b.1712 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, Love b.1717 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, Martha b.1715 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, Mary b.1711 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, Noah b.1715 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, Samuel b.1709 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, Samuel b.1704 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Hooper, William b.1701 - New England, Hettinger, North Dakota, United States
Hooper, William b.1617 - Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Hooper, William b.1719 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Hoorenbeck, Cornelis b.1697 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Hoorenbeck, Johanna m.1728 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Hoornbeck, Annetjen b.1690 - Wawarsing, Ulster Co., NY
Hoornbeck, Ariaantje b.1720 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Hoornbeck, Maria b.1718 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
Hoornbeek, Lodewyck b.1722 - Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States
Hooton, Agnes b.1805 -
Hooton, John G. b.1820 -
Hooton, Mary Ann b.1856 -
Hooton, Orender Mahala b.1825 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Hooton, Oscar -
Hoover, Elizabeth "Betsy" b.1796 - Bald Eagle Valley, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Hoover, Mary Jane b.1851 - Pennsylvania
Hopfinger, Allen -
Hopfinger, Arthur George b.1885 - Mascoutah, St Clair, Illinois, USA
Hopfinger, Elmer b.1913 - Mascoutah, St Clair, Illinois, USA
Hopfinger, James -
Hopfinger, Jane -
Hopfinger, Living -
Hopfinger, Mary Ellen -
Hopfinger, Michael -
Hopfinger, Robert -
Hopkins, Abigail b.1644 -
Hopkins, Amelia Weed b.1843 - Auburn NY
Hopkins, Annilly b.1810 -
Hopkins, Clara Nina b.1866 - Kansas
Hopkins, Cora Vredenburgh b.1840 - Auburn NY
Hopkins, Ernest Henry b.1889 - Haliburton, Ontario, Canada
Hopkins, Eva Josephine b.1845 - Auburn NY
Hopkins, Giles -
Hopkins, John Richards b.1813 - Amity NY
Hopkins, Lena -
Hopkins, Living -
Hopkins, Living -
Hopkins, Living -
Hopkins, Living -
Hopkins, Louise Stuart b.1851 - Auburn NY
Hopkins, Mary Catherine Van Vredenburgh b.1848 - Sommerville NJ
Hopkins, Rev. Daniel Campbell -
Hopkins, Stephen -
Hopkins, Thomas Lawrence b.1855 - Auburn NY
Hopkins, Walter Weed b.1852 - Auburn NY
Hopkins, William Brown b.1857 - Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey, USA
Horn, Albert Benton b.1885 -
Horn, Albert Claire b.1907 -
Horn, Beula May b.1888 - Kansas
Horn, Clara Bell b.1886 - Kansas
Horn, Ernest Frank b.1878 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, US
Horn, George Raymond b.1891 - Kansas
Horn, Harry Clyde b.1881 -
Horn, Joseph Francis b.1914 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, USA
Horn, Joseph Marion b.1849 - Virginia
Horn, Living -
Horn, Living -
Horn, Living -
Horn, Living -
Horn, Living -
Horn, Living -
Horn, Living -
Horn, Living -
Horn, Living -
Horn, Lizzie b.1876 - Kansas
Horn, William Frank b.1927 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, USA
Hornbeck, Hendricus b.1728 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
Hornbeck, Jacob b.1726 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
Hornbeck, Jan b.1726 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
Hornbeck, Lodewyck b.1676 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, United States
Hornbeck, Magdalena -
Hornbeck, Warnaar b.1645 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, America
Hornbuckle, Living -
Hornbuckle, Living -
Hornbuckle, Living -
Hornbuckle, Living -
Hornbuckle, Living -
Hornbuckle, Living -
Horning, Abelena "Abby" M b.1891 - Union, Bulter, Ohio
Horning, Anna M. b.1879 - Ohio
Horning, Balthasar Walter b.1850 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Horning, Bertha b.1880 - Ohio
Horning, Carl Fredrick Edward b.1889 - Kansas
Horning, Earl William b.1895 - Brookville, Indiana
Horning, Edwin James b.1908 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, USA
Horning, Emma K b.1872 - Butler, Ohio, USA
Horning, Emma P b.1893 - Ohio
Horning, George b.1856 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA
Horning, George Arnold b.1936 -
Horning, Henry b.1857 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA
Horning, Hubert b.1897 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Horning, Jessie Lenora b.1895 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Horning, John b.1889 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Horning, John Walter b.1885 - Labette, Kansas
Horning, K Lenora "Nora" b.1881 - Union, Butler, Ohio, USA
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Living -
Horning, Luther J b.1902 - Morgan, Butler, Ohio
Horning, Mary Anne b.1902 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, USA
Horning, Michael b.1852 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Horning, Minnie Carolyn b.1918 - Missouri, USA
Horning, Otto George b.1895 - Ohio
Horning, Paul Herbert b.1895 - Ohio
Horning, Paulina "Pollie" b.1866 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA
Horning, Philip Urban b.1891 - Colfax Co, Dekalb, Missouri
Horning, Thomas Edwin b.1944 -
Horning, Victor Arnold b.1917 - Missouri, USA
Horning, Walter Jacob b.1906 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, USA
Horning, Wilhelmina "Minnie" b.1891 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Horning, William Henry "Will" b.1887 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Hornung, b.1793 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, b.1776 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Anna b.1864 - Jacksonburg, Ohio, USA
Hornung, Anton b.1757 - Fehrbach, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Anton b.1782 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Cara -
Hornung, Elizabeth b.1861 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA
Hornung, Freda L V b.1915 - Indiana
Hornung, Georg Wilhelm b.1824 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, George Edmond b.1882 - Reily, Butler, Ohio, United States
Hornung, George William b.1879 - Oberlin, Lorain, Ohio
Hornung, Jacob A "Jake" b.1869 - Fairfield Township, Butler, Ohio
Hornung, Johann Christian b.1777 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Johann Conrad b.1792 -
Hornung, Johann Friedrich b.1779 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Johann Friedrich Christoph b.1788 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Johann Karl b.1790 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Johann Konrad b.1750 -
Hornung, Johann Wendel b.1717 -
Hornung, Juliana b.1798 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Katherine b.1854 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Hornung, Katy -
Hornung, Living -
Hornung, Living -
Hornung, Living -
Hornung, Living -
Hornung, Louis b.1867 - Ohio, USA
Hornung, Ludwig Louis b.1828 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Hornung, Magdalena b.1862 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA
Hornung, Maria Magdalena b.1785 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Maria Margaretha b.1795 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Hornung, Mary Mildred b.1907 - Indiana
Hornung, Walter J b.1909 - Indiana
Horr, Dora Mable b.1875 - Nebraska, USA
Horr, Oscar Lawrence b.1865 - Wisconsin, USA
Horr, Samuel Plummer b.1837 - Pennsylvania, USA
Horter, Charles m.1894 -
Horter, Frank m.1894 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
Horton, Ada J. b.1866 - New York, USA
Hosington, George Justice b.1880 - Delaware, Iowa, USA
Hoskins, Ann m.1897 -
Houck, Amanda A. b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Houck, Bryson b.1813 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Houck, Catherine LoEmma b.1854 -
Houck, Clarissa b.1849 -
Houck, Diana b.1823 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Houck, Elijah b.1796 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Houck, Elmer b.1868 - Pennsylvania
Houck, Frederich b.1856 - Pennsylvania
Houck, Isadora b.1864 - Pennsylvania
Houck, Jane b.1866 - Pennsylvania
Houck, Living -
Houck, Michael b.1774 - Maryland, USA
Houck, Nancy b.1858 -
Houck, Selvy b.1862 - Pennsylvania
Houk, Sarah b.1803 - North Carolina, USA
House, Donna m.1980 -
House, Living -
Hovenden, Adam b.1841 - Ireland
Hovenden, Adam b.1815 -
Hovenden, Beatrice Marie b.1880 - Iowa
Hovenden, Charles L b.1878 - Wall Lake, Sac, Iowa, USA
Hovenden, Darlow Reed b.1892 - Iowa
Hovenden, Delbert B b.1872 - Iowa
Hovenden, Flora Belle b.1882 - Iowa
Hovenden, John b.1874 - Wall Lake, Sac, Iowa, USA
Hovenden, Leila Zora b.1886 - Iowa
Hovenden, Leland Claud b.1890 -
Hovenden, Lulu I b.1886 - Iowa
Hovenden, Margaret b.1870 - Wall Lake, Sac, Iowa, USA
Hovenden, Mary Lucille b.1876 -
Hovenden, Myra b.1868 -
Hovenden, Willis Edward b.1880 - Wall Lake, Sac, Iowa, USA
Howard, Abigail m.1745 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Howard, Alfonso -
Howard, Alice b.1861 - Utica, Clark, Indiana, USA
Howard, Betsey True b.1833 -
Howard, Bradbury True b.1821 -
Howard, Chryscinda Rice b.1819 -
Howard, Cora -
Howard, Darius b.1829 -
Howard, David b.1829 -
Howard, David Danforth b.1790 -
Howard, Edwin b.1862 -
Howard, Eliza Elvira b.1817 -
Howard, Ernest -
Howard, Frank -
Howard, Frank -
Howard, Gladys Higgins -
Howard, Harriet Emeline b.1827 -
Howard, Harry -
Howard, John m.1797 -
Howard, John Asa b.1855 - Missouri, USA
Howard, Lesha B b.1902 - Missouri, USA
Howard, Living -
Howard, Living -
Howard, Living -
Howard, Living -
Howard, Living -
Howard, Living -
Howard, Living -
Howard, Martha Ernestine b.1914 - Colorado, USA
Howard, Mary Pernal b.1813 - Missouri
Howard, Mary Will b.1837 -
Howard, Melissa -
Howard, Name Unknown -
Howard, Susan d.1868 -
Howard, Waterman Stanley b.1832 - Vermont, USA
Howard, William b.1866 -
Howck, Effie Ninetta b.1870 - Pennsylvania
Howe, -
Howe, Thomas b.1889 - Bakersfield, Kern, California, USA
Howell, Mary J. m.1864 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Howell Tanner, Sue b.1927 - Mississippi
Howenstine, Julia A b.1828 - Ohio, USA
Howes, Elizabeth m.1684 - Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
Howey, Audra b.1883 - Galena, Kansas, USA
Hoyt, Alfred m.1925 -
Hoyt, Living -
Hoyt, Living -
Hoyt, Living -
Hoyt, Mary -
Hubbard, Ann b.1761 -
Hubbard, Asa C b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Hubbard, Carrie E b.1871 - Illinois, USA
Hubbard, Dr. Nathaniel b.1702 -
Hubbard, Elizabeth b.1743 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Hubbard, Ethel I b.1888 - Nebraska
Hubbard, Isaac b.1747 -
Hubbard, James -
Hubbard, Kesiah -
Hubbard, Living -
Hubbard, Margaret b.1754 -
Hubbard, Mary m.1767 -
Hubbard, Mary -
Hubbard, Nathaniel b.1745 -
Hubbard, Nellie Josephine b.1890 - Chambers, Holt, Nebraska, USA
Hubbard, Rachael b.1642 - Hampden County, Massachusetts, USA
Hubbard, Rachael b.1642 - Hampden County, Massachusetts, USA
Hubbard, Ruth b.1640 - Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA
Hubbard, Ruth b.1640 - Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA
Hubbard, Samuel b.1610 - Suffolk, England
Hubbard, Samuel b.1610 - Suffolk, England
Hubbard, William b.1749 -
Hudec, Living -
Hudec, Living -
Hudec, Living -
Hudec, Living -
Hudec, Robert -
Hues, Cora Anne b.1867 - Freehold, Greene, New York, United States
Huff, -
Huff, Helen L. m.1891 -
Huff, Living -
Hugenz, Gerrit b.1495 - Netherlands
Hughes, Ada b.1874 - Bates, Missouri, United States
Hughes, Elizabeth b.1776 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Hughes, Emily b.1863 - Ohio
Hughes, Living -
Hughes, Living -
Hukill, Martha Helen b.1844 - , Logan, Ohio, USA
Hull, Elizabeth b.1628 - , Devon, , England
Hull, Mary m.1642 - Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England
Hull, Robert m.1764 -
Hulvey, Harry E. m.1902 - Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri, USA
Humbard, Helen K. m.1963 - Nevada, USA
Humbert, Living -
Humbert, Living -
Humbert, Living -
Humbert, Living -
Humbert, Living -
Humbert, Living -
Humphey, Maria Dirske b.1700 - New York, USA
Hungerford, Hannah m.1752 - New Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Hunt, Alice Violet b.1899 - Martinton, Iroquois, Illinois, USA
Hunt, Charles Wishart b.1899 - Cairo, Egypt
Hunt, Della Amanda b.1912 - Coleridge, Cedar, Nebraska, USA
Hunt, Fred W b.1889 - Iowa
Hunt, Irving E b.1892 - Nebraska
Hunt, John C b.1890 - Iowa
Hunt, Lenore L. b.1843 - Lincoln, Ohio, USA
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Living -
Hunt, Mary b.1782 - Highland, Ulster, New York, USA
Hunt, Oscar b.1863 - Illinois, USA
Huntington, Emily b.1829 - ME
Hupper, Soloman b.1723 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Hurd, Mary b.1757 - Dover, New Hampshire
Hurd, Susannah Susan b.1811 - New York, USA
Hurley, Alonzo A b.1876 - Nebraska
Hurley, Charles Freemont b.1860 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Hurley, Cora E. b.1872 - Nebraska
Hurley, Deniza Calista b.1860 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Hurley, Elizabeth Anne b.1810 - Ohio, USA
Hurley, Elizabeth Jane b.1864 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
Hurley, Elno Clare b.1891 - Kansas, United States
Hurley, Francis E. b.1871 - Nebraska
Hurley, Francis Edgar b.1870 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Hurley, Frank b.1884 - Iowa
Hurley, George I. b.1877 - Nebraska
Hurley, George Washington b.1840 - Lima, Allen, Ohio, United States
Hurley, Gilbert b.1784 - , Auglaize, Ohio, USA
Hurley, Gilbert b.1817 - , Madison, Ohio, USA
Hurley, Gilbert H. b.1866 - Nebraska
Hurley, James Hardman b.1856 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Hurley, John Calhoun b.1807 - , Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Hurley, John Gilbert b.1854 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Hurley, Leven b.1755 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Hurley, Leven b.1824 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Hurley, Lewis Alexander b.1851 - Ohio, USA
Hurley, Lewis S. b.1879 - Nebraska
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Living -
Hurley, Maleta Alice b.1868 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Hurley, Mary Elizabeth b.1852 - Defiance, Defiance, Ohio, USA
Hurley, Newton b.1812 - Ohio, USA
Hurley, Sarah b.1815 - Ohio, USA
Hurley, Susan Madelia b.1872 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
Hurley, Theodore L b.1819 - , Madison, Ohio, USA
Hurley, Theodore Siphas b.1858 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Hurley, Ulysses Grant b.1865 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Hurley, William Blackford b.1806 - , Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Hurley, William Henry b.1849 - Old, Defiance, Ohio, USA
Hurst, Betty Jean -
Hurst, Bobbie Ray -
Hurst, Charles b.1845 - Folkstone, Kent, England
Hurst, Clyde Jiles b.1883 - Iowa, USA
Hurst, Elizabeth b.1848 - Whistable, Kent, England
Hurst, Elsie b.1890 -
Hurst, Guy b.1887 - Iowa, USA
Hurst, Hardy Ray b.1924 - Mississippi, USA
Hurst, James b.1852 - Whistable, Kent, England
Hurst, James Quinton b.1919 - Mississippi, USA
Hurst, John b.1847 - Whistable, Kent, England
Hurst, Joseph b.1850 - Whistable, Kent, , England
Hurst, Living -
Hurst, Living -
Hurst, Living -
Hurst, Living -
Hurst, Living -
Hurst, Living -
Hurst, Marcus L. b.1886 - Iowa, USA
Hurst, Maria b.1854 - Sholing, Hampshire, , England
Hurst, Mildred -
Hurst, Richard b.1794 - Leckhampstead Buckinghamshire England
Hurst, Robert Giles -
Hurst, Ruth -
Hurst, Sadie b.1919 - Mississippi, USA
Hurst, Thomas b.1815 - Buckinghamshire, England
Hurst, Thomas D. b.1843 - Folkstone, Kent, England
Hurst, Thomas Ross b.1879 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Hurst, William b.1837 - England
Hurst, William Glenn b.1881 - Iowa, USA
Husen, Barney -
Husen, Henrietta m.1920 -
Husen, Mary -
Hussein, Jonathan -
Hussein, Michael m.1971 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
Hussey, Antje b.1670 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Hutchings, Willard d.1882 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Hutchins, Abigail b.1855 - Clinton, Linn, Iowa, United States
Hutchins, Alice b.1865 - Freeborn, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States,
Hutchins, Alonzo B. b.1825 - New York, USA
Hutchins, Arthur Crandall b.1902 - Nebraska
Hutchins, Bradley Stewart b.1798 - Rutland, Vermont, USA
Hutchins, Dale Willis b.1933 - Nebraska
Hutchins, Edward Arthur b.1928 - Nebraska
Hutchins, Elma Belle b.1879 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Hutchins, Eugene Alonzo b.1862 - Minnesota, USA
Hutchins, George Wilton b.1900 - Nebraska
Hutchins, George Wilton b.1930 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Hutchins, Gladys C b.1898 - Nebraska
Hutchins, Guilford Lily b.1863 - Trenton, Freeborn County, Minnesota
Hutchins, Helen Louise b.1904 - North Loup, Valley County, Nebraska
Hutchins, Inez Grace b.1907 - North Loup, Valley County, Nebraska
Hutchins, Jesse Erwin b.1877 - Clinton, Linn, Iowa, United States,
Hutchins, Lawrence W b.1872 - Clinton, Linn, Iowa, United States
Hutchins, Living -
Hutchins, Living -
Hutchins, Living -
Hutchins, Living -
Hutchins, Living -
Hutchins, Otis -
Hutchins, Ruth b.1894 -
Hutchins, Sydney Carroll b.1904 -
Hutchins, Wesley Torrance b.1872 - Freeborn, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States,
Hutchins, Willis b.1857 - Wisconsin
Hutchins, Wilton L b.1857 - Dane, Dane, Wisconsin, United States
Hutchinson, Betsey b.1804 - Pomfret, Windsor, Vermont, USA
Hutchinson, Sarah -
Hyde, Edward Clarendon b.1861 -
Hyde, Ephriam Augustus -
Hyland, Mary Ann b.1840 - Plainfield, Will, Illinois, USA
Ida, V b.1868 - Ohio
Iler, Sarah Emily Elizabeth b.1839 - Platte, Missouri, USA
Ilger, Jim b.1898 -
Ilger, Patricia Ann -
Iliff, John Ulysses b.1864 - Indiana
Iliff, Living -
Imhoff, Casper F b.1891 - Ohio
Imhoff, Living -
Ingerson, Hazel May b.1896 - Nebraska
Ingerson, James Eber b.1872 - Carmon, Illinois, United States
Ingram, Elizabeth b.1820 - Wales, United Kingdom
Inman, Hellen Marie b.1900 - Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States
Inman, Pauline Ellen b.1849 - Missouri, USA
Inman, Persia b.1788 - Hanover, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Inman, Richard b.1751 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Irby, -
Irene, b.1895 - Chickasha, Grady, Oklahoma, USA
Irish, Chester -
Irish, Dora -
Irish, Lorena -
Irish, Lydia -
Irish, Maud -
Irwin, George Samuel -
Irwin, Margaret -
Irwin, Margaret Louise b.1921 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Irwin, Mary Ann b.1804 - Pennsylvania, USA
Isabell, Edith b.1533 - Canterbury, Kent, England
Isenberg, Charles Frederick b.1882 - Pennsylvania
Isenberg, Francis Sylvester b.1918 - Pennsylvania
Isenberg, Living -
Isenberg, Living -
Isenberg, Living -
Isenberg, Living -
Isenberg, Living -
Isenberg, Living -
Isenberg, Thomas A -
Isett, Gladys M b.1912 - James Creek, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Israel, Almira J. m.1876 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Ittel, Charles David b.1918 - Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Ittel, David Henry b.1886 - Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Ittel, Mary Jane b.1918 - Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Ittel, William Lee b.1928 - Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Iva, -
Jackle, Nellie m.1911 -
Jackson, -
Jackson, Living -
Jackson, Living -
Jackson, Living -
Jackson, Mary Goodwin -
Jackson, Mildred -
Jackson, Miraim b.1785 - Kent County, Delaware
Jackson, Ray -
Jacky, Martha Katherine b.1888 - Calumetville, Fon du Lac, Wisconsin
Jacobs, Grietji b.1648 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Jacobs, Heinrich m.1905 - Thesdorf
Jacobs, Heyltie b.1635 - Joteborg, Sweden
Jacobs, Living -
Jacobs, Living -
Jacobs, Living -
Jacobs, Living -
Jacobs, Living -
Jacobs, Max -
Jacobs, Mildred m.1915 -
Jacobs, Wiiemitje m.1678 -
Jacobsen, Aert b.1610 - Wageninge, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jacobsen, Jacobyntie b.1641 - Fort Orange, New York
Jacobson, Erma m.1948 - Aberdeen, Grays Harbor, Washington, USA
Jacobson, Living -
Jacobson, Living -
Jacobson, Living -
Jacobson, Living -
Jacquemin, Paul Stephen b.1917 - Ohio
Jacquemin, Stephen b.1865 - Ohio
Jacquemin, Walter D. "Wally" b.1921 - Ohio
Jaggers, Chloe May b.1883 - Mowequea, Shelby, Illinois, USA
James, Baxter m.1894 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
James, Living -
James, Rachel b.1695 - Pennsylvania, United States
James, Wilbur -
Jamieson, Clara Ann b.1913 - Missouri, USA
Janas, Henrica m.1680 -
Jane, b.1790 -
Jans, Aechie -
Jans, Cornelia b.1610 - Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Jans, Greitje b.1630 - Long Island City, Queens, New York, United States
Jans, Marijchie b.1568 - Utrecht, Netherlands
Jans, Styntie b.1645 - New York, New York, USA
Jansen, Jan b.1635 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Jansen, Laurens Jansen m.1679 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
Jansen, Sara b.1673 - Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Janszoon, Adriaen b.1400 -
Jarnagin, Chesley b.1804 - Spring House, Grainger County, Tennessee
Jarnagin, Mary Elizabeth b.1827 - Spring House, Grainger County, Tennessee
Jarred, Amanda b.1866 - Indiana
Jarvis, Annis b.1812 - , , Virginia, USA
Jarvis, Rebecca J. b.1835 - Highland, Ohio, USA
Jarvis, William b.1802 - , , Virginia, USA
Jay, Mary Lee b.1915 -
Jedele, Louisa b.1851 - Lodi Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA
Jeffers, Carrie A b.1864 - Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China
Jeffery, George b.1874 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffery, Ily Irene b.1905 - Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, USA
Jeffery, John b.1831 - Congress, Morrow, Ohio, USA
Jeffery, Living -
Jeffery, Living -
Jeffery, Living -
Jeffery, Mary Electa b.1869 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffery, William b.1822 - England
Jeffrey, Bernice Nora b.1894 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Charles b.1876 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Clara Mae b.1891 - Waverly (Lancaster) Nebraska
Jeffrey, Clarence b.1893 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Dudley Martin b.1864 - , Grant, Wisconsin, USA
Jeffrey, Ida b.1881 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Ivo Vonley b.1907 - Idaho Falls, Bonnieville, Idaho, USA
Jeffrey, John b.1870 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Living -
Jeffrey, Maggie b.1878 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Minnie Lorena b.1871 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Nelson b.1872 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Ruth Luriee b.1903 - Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID
Jeffrey, Sarah Jane b.1868 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, Volney Willmont b.1863 - (Grant) Wisconsin
Jeffrey, Walter Amos b.1865 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jeffrey, William b.1867 - Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Jehner, Gertrude Dorothy b.1914 - Ionia, Ionia, Michigan, USA
Jehner, Max Gustav -
Jelliman, John -
Jelliman, Martha b.1582 - Cheshire, England
Jellis, b.1615 -
Jellis, Annetje b.1641 - Bommel, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jenison, Francis W b.1817 -
Jenison, Laura A. b.1844 - East Toledo, Ohio
Jenkins, Anna m.1861 -
Jenkins, Grace M. b.1885 - Oberlin, Lorain, Ohio
Jenkins, Jessie -
Jenkins, Lester E. b.1849 - Rockland, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Jenkins, Lester E. b.1883 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Jenkins, Nancy b.1831 - Viriginia
Jenkins, Sarah b.1650 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Jennings, Joseph Elbert b.1877 - Iowa, USA
Jennings, Kennedy b.1861 - Tennessee
Jennings, Kenneth -
Jennings, Living -
Jennings, Living -
Jensen, Ana Thomine b.1871 -
Jensen, Carl b.1859 -
Jensen, Dusine b.1862 - Denmark
Jensen, Ellen b.1861 -
Jensen, George Holger b.1918 - Minneapolis, Anoka, Minnesota, USA
Jensen, Harry b.1889 - Nebraska
Jensen, Henry L. -
Jensen, Herman b.1864 - Denmark
Jensen, Holger Henry b.1894 - Minneapolis, Anoka, Minnesota, USA
Jensen, J. Carl b.1855 -
Jensen, Kristina b.1874 - Denmark
Jensen, Living -
Jensen, Living -
Jensen, Living -
Jensen, Living -
Jensen, Living -
Jensen, Living -
Jensen, Living -
Jensen, Maren b.1878 -
Jensen, Maren Christine b.1854 - Lonstrup, Jutland, Denmark
Jensen, Margrethe b.1865 - Lnstrup, Nordjylland, Denmark
Jensen, Mark b.1864 -
Jensen, Ralph Anders -
Jensen, Soren b.1860 -
Jessie, -
Jessup, Abigail b.1838 -
Jestice, James H. b.1858 - Georgia
Jestice, Luther Otus "Frisco" b.1884 - Havana, Yell, Arkansas, USA
Jestice, Vashti Louise b.1922 - Enid, Oklahoma
Jewett, Eleazer b.1769 - Pownal, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Jillson, Janice Lee -
Jillson, Linda Rae -
Jillson, Living -
Jillson, Melvin Dale b.1924 - Dalton, Cheyenne, Nebraska, USA
Jillson, Norman Dane -
Jillson, Robin Dale -
Jividen, Fannie Irene b.1884 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Joan, -
Johansen, Daisy Marie b.1895 - Minneapolis, Anoka, Minnesota, USA
Johansen, Marius L b.1855 - Denmark
John, Aramanth b.1858 - Ohio
John, Edwin b.1861 - Illinois, USA
John, Elisha b.1832 - Washington, Clinton, Ohio, USA
John, Mary Elizabeth b.1855 - Ohio, USA
John, Sammie b.1870 - Illinois, USA
Johnson, Adaline Asenath "Addie" b.1840 - Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, USA
Johnson, Amanda F b.1845 - Natick, , Rhode Island
Johnson, Andrew C. b.1866 - Denmark
Johnson, Andrew Jorgen b.1891 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Johnson, Anna Marie b.1892 - Mondamin, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Johnson, Ardelia b.1851 - Wisconsin
Johnson, Arzelia b.1851 - Berlin, Green Lake, Wisconsin, USA
Johnson, Augusta Melissa b.1837 - Natick, Kent, Rhode Island, USA,
Johnson, Bethliah Leach b.1755 -
Johnson, Byron H. b.1848 - Rhode Island
Johnson, Carl Agusta b.1856 -
Johnson, Dora b.1883 -
Johnson, Elcey M. b.1876 - Iowa, USA
Johnson, Elizabeth b.1812 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Johnson, Emma Charlotte b.1895 - Iowa
Johnson, Epaphras m.1856 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Johnson, Erdine -
Johnson, Ernest b.1899 -
Johnson, Esra b.1905 -
Johnson, Fanny O b.1842 - Rhode Island, USA
Johnson, Francina Willemina b.1836 - Netherlands
Johnson, Franklin H b.1880 -
Johnson, Gilbert H b.1849 - Wisconsin, USA
Johnson, Goldie A b.1888 -
Johnson, Harriet -
Johnson, Henry b.1842 - Cheshire, England
Johnson, Ida Amelia b.1863 -
Johnson, James C. b.1857 -
Johnson, Jens George b.1886 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Johnson, John b.1869 - Iowa, USA
Johnson, John H. m.1883 - Iowa, USA
Johnson, Joseph J b.1866 - Denmark
Johnson, Joyce -
Johnson, Julius b.1885 -
Johnson, Lars Peter b.1856 -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Living -
Johnson, Marcus b.1897 -
Johnson, Marian E b.1907 - Michigan
Johnson, Mary b.1893 -
Johnson, Mary Elizabeth b.1812 - Indiana
Johnson, Maxine I b.1915 -
Johnson, Niels b.1852 - Lonstrup, Jutland, Denmark
Johnson, Orson E. -
Johnson, Oscar Edward b.1859 -
Johnson, Richard -
Johnson, Ruth -
Johnson, Sarah Ann b.1864 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Johnson, Selina Elema b.1865 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Johnson, Sharon -
Johnson, Susannah b.1785 - Campbell, Virginia, United States
Johnson, Theodore b.1903 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Johnson, Theron Archie b.1878 - Michigan, USA
Johnson, Thomas Olin b.1812 - Rhode Island, USA
Johnson, William True b.1861 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Johnson, Wilma Frances b.1911 - Harrison, Harrison, Iowa, United States
Johnson, Yugine Marie b.1888 -
Johnston, Emma b.1862 - Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China
Johnston, James H. b.1869 -
Johnston, Living -
Johnston, Mary Ann b.1809 - Buckingham, Buckingham, Virginia, United States
Johnston, Mary Ester b.1895 - Blencoe, Monona, Iowa, United States
Johnston, William J. m.1928 -
Jokumsen, Barbara Jean b.1927 - Kent, WA
Jolley, Arthur Eugene b.1936 -
Jolley, George Ellis b.1930 - Morral, Marion, Ohio, United States
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Living -
Jolley, Ralph Lewis b.1907 - LaRue, Marion, Ohio, United States
Jolley, Robert Norris b.1938 - Marion, Ohio, United States
Jolly, Annabel Lee b.1854 - Logan, Dearborn, Indiana, USA
Jolly, Charles -
Jolly, David b.1806 - New York, USA
Jolly, Deborah Ann b.1847 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Jolly, Edith Violet b.1883 - Keeler, Van Buren, Michigan, USA
Jolly, Elizabeth b.1801 - New York, USA
Jolly, James Wilson b.1852 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Jolly, John b.1775 - Amboy, , New Jersey, USA
Jolly, John J b.1777 - Amboy, , New Jersey, USA
Jolly, John James b.1811 - Cayuga, New York, USA
Jolly, John James b.1811 - , Cayuga, New York, USA
Jolly, Lodaska Evaline b.1843 - New York, USA
Jolly, Margaret b.1797 - Stillwater, Saratoga, New York, USA
Jolly, Oliver b.1804 - New York, USA
Jolly, Phebe b.1799 - Stillwater, Saratoga, New York, USA
Jolly, Philinda b.1809 - New York, USA
Jolly, William Eugene b.1879 - Keeler, Van Buren, Michigan, USA
Jones, -
Jones, Barbara m.1990 - Washoe, Nevada, USA
Jones, Ina Grace b.1929 - Oklahoma, USA
Jones, Iona -
Jones, Janette b.1872 - Ball, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Jones, Lincoln b.1863 - Ohio, USA
Jones, Living -
Jones, Living -
Jones, Living -
Jones, Living -
Jones, Living -
Jones, Living -
Jones, Living -
Jones, Living -
Jones, Living -
Jones, Margaret b.1816 - Jackson, Jackson, Ohio, United States
Jones, Mary b.1787 - , Frederick, Virginia, USA
Jones, Miriam b.1809 - Pittsfield, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States
Jones, Robert Wesley -
Jones, Vincent -
Jones, William Clinton -
JOOSTEN, Catalyn b.1669 -
JOOSTEN, Cornelis b.1666 -
Joosten, Janneken b.1664 - New Amsterdam, New York, USA
JOOSTEN, Johannes b.1670 -
JOOSTEN, Marritje b.1658 - New York, New York, USA
JOOSTEN, Saertje b.1663 -
Joplin, Alma Clata b.1907 - Missouri
Joplin, Ann b.1825 - Mount Vernon, Rockcastle, Kentucky, United States
Joplin, Annabell b.1913 - Missouri, USA
Joplin, Arthur b.1865 -
Joplin, Bennett b.1858 - Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Betty -
Joplin, Catherine b.1765 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Joplin, Debbie -
Joplin, Eldridge Bennett b.1884 - Greene County, Missouri
Joplin, Elizabeth b.1834 - Rockcastle, Kentucky, United States
Joplin, Ellen L. b.1865 - Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Ellis Loren b.1917 - Springfield Missouri
Joplin, Evelyn Marie b.1927 - Bolivar Missouri
Joplin, George A Rev. b.1861 - Barbourville, Knox, Kentucky, USA
Joplin, George Thomas b.1925 - Greene, Missouri, USA
Joplin, Gola Irene b.1902 - Missouri, USA
Joplin, Helen M. b.1856 - Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Herschel b.1905 - Missouri, USA
Joplin, Hugh S b.1867 - Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Idabell Froe b.1912 - Greene, Missouri, USA
Joplin, Infant b.1923 -
Joplin, Jack Wayne b.1939 -
Joplin, James Bailey b.1919 - Greene, Missouri, USA
Joplin, James Bailey b.1863 - Mount Vernon, Rockcastle, Kentucky, USA
Joplin, James Love b.1830 - Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Jane Vaughn A. b.1892 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Joplin, Jennie b.1840 -
Joplin, Joe S b.1867 -
Joplin, Joelia Celia b.1892 - Texas, USA
Joplin, Joseph b.1839 - Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Joseph Dr. b.1800 - Virginia, USA
Joplin, Josiah b.1853 - Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Living -
Joplin, Living -
Joplin, Living -
Joplin, Living -
Joplin, Living -
Joplin, Living -
Joplin, Living -
Joplin, Living -
Joplin, Louella Gertrude b.1881 - Ash Grove, Greene, Missouri, USA
Joplin, Lucille b.1873 - Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Margaret Louise b.1930 - Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USA
Joplin, Mark -
Joplin, Mary Love d.1899 - Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky, United States
Joplin, Mary Love b.1863 - Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA
Joplin, Mickey -
Joplin, Mitchel Bennett b.1915 - Missouri
Joplin, Peggy -
Joplin, Robert Elee b.1904 - Missouri
Joplin, Robert Elee b.1904 - Missouri
Joplin, Stella Helen b.1886 - Missouri, USA
Joplin, Tony -
Joplin, Ural Love b.1898 - Missouri, USA
Joplin, Valley Reyborn b.1910 - Greene County, Missouri
Joplin, Willis Austin b.1892 - Missouri, USA
Joplin, Willis Love b.1917 - Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USA
Jopling, Benjamin b.1760 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Jopling, Daniel b.1765 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Jopling, James b.1769 - Amherst, Virginia, USA
Jopling, James b.1757 -
Jopling, Jane b.1759 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Jopling, John b.1750 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Jopling, Josiah b.1747 - Amherst, Amherst, Virginia, USA
Jopling, Martha b.1773 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Jopling, Mary b.1775 -
Jopling, Mrs Ralph b.1674 - Landieu, Wolsingham, Durham, England
Jopling, Nancy Ann b.1764 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Jopling, Ralph b.1700 - Henrico, Virginia, USA
Jopling, Ralph b.1674 - Landieu, Wolsingham, Durham, England
Jopling, Sarah b.1760 -
Jopling, Thomas b.1708 - Henrico, Virginia, USA
Jopling, Thomas b.1755 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Jopling, William b.1768 - Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Jordan, -
Jordan, Abraham b.1797 - Shendoah Valley, Greene, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, Adam b.1785 - Valley, Botetourt, Virginia, USA
Jordan, Adam b.1840 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Bernice b.1890 - Ohio
Jordan, Clara F b.1875 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Clement L. V. b.1865 - Ohio, USA
Jordan, David b.1808 - Olive Green, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, David S b.1829 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Elijah b.1805 - Franklin, Greene, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, Elizabeth b.1838 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Elizabeth b.1791 - , Greene, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, Ellen b.1842 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Emily b.1848 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Florence b.1886 - Ohio
Jordan, Francis Marion b.1853 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Frank Elmer b.1862 - De Witt, Illinois, United States
Jordan, Garrett b.1793 - Shendoah Valley, Washington, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, George b.1880 - Ohio, USA
Jordan, George E b.1879 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, George Washington b.1862 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Grover I. b.1886 - Illinois, USA
Jordan, Harrison b.1834 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Isaac b.1800 - Waynesburg, Greene, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, Jacob b.1764 - Loudoun, Virginia, USA
Jordan, Jacob b.1800 - Waynesburg, Greene, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, Jacob L b.1825 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, James Lafayette b.1855 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, James W. b.1878 - Ohio, USA
Jordan, Jefferson P b.1836 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, John b.1804 - Waynesburg, Greene, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, John b.1860 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, John b.1832 - Ohio, USA
Jordan, John Being b.1866 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, John L. V. b.1877 - Meigs, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Laura Melinda b.1861 - Valley City, Stark, Illinois, United States
Jordan, Living -
Jordan, Living -
Jordan, Living -
Jordan, Living -
Jordan, Living -
Jordan, Living -
Jordan, Mary b.1892 - Illinois, USA
Jordan, Nellie b.1889 - Ohio
Jordan, Patrick b.1725 - County, , Mayo, Ireland
Jordan, Peter b.1787 - , Washington, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, Philmia b.1852 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Phyllis M. b.1911 - Iowa, USA
Jordan, Robert Jasper b.1867 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Roscoe E b.1890 -
Jordan, Saddie E b.1865 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Sadie E b.1863 - Ohio
Jordan, Sally Catherine -
Jordan, Sarah b.1832 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jordan, Sarah Sally b.1790 - Shenandoah Valley, Washington, Pennsylvania, USA
Jordan, Thorston b.1883 - Ohio
Jordan, Trillia B b.1878 - Center, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Jorden, Roberta Fern b.1894 - Kansas
Jorden, William b.1857 - Illinois
Jorgensen, Hans Jorgen -
Jorgensen, Johanne -
Jorgensen, Jorgen -
Jorgensen, Margarette -
Jorgensen, Mette Marie b.1873 - Horsens, Nordjylland, Denmark
Jorgensen, Petrea b.1881 - Denmark
Jorgensen, Rasmus -
Joseph, Seelye b.1714 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Joslin, Alexander D. b.1877 - Illinois, USA
Joslin, Alexander Davis b.1848 - Ohio, USA
Joslin, Kate b.1850 - Ohio, USA
Joslin, Richard Davis b.1823 - New York, USA
Joslin, Ruth Dorothy b.1890 - Illinois, USA
Joy, Eleanor Margaret b.1866 - Minnesota, USA
Joy, Geraldine Rowena b.1908 - Iowa, USA
Joy, Living -
Joy, Living -
Joy, Living -
Joy, Living -
Joy, Living -
Joy, Living -
Joy, Lois W. b.1914 - Iowa, USA
Joy, Norman C. b.1881 - Iowa, USA
Jssel, Elisabethe b.1769 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Julian, Alice Myrtle b.1905 - Hancock County, Ohio, USA
Julian, Arthur Alexander b.1880 - Greencastle, Fairfield, Ohio, USA
Julian, Glenn Dale b.1904 - Ohio
Julian, Lawrence D. b.1917 - Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USA
Julian, Living -
Julian, Living -
Julian, Nelson Gerard b.1906 - Findlay, Hancock, Ohio
Kaase, Carl Friedrich b.1865 - Black Jack, Fayette, Texas, USA
Kaase, Living -
Kaase, Living -
Kaase, Paul Gustave b.1894 - Swiss Alp, Fayette, Texas, USA
Kadereit, Gustav b.1878 - Germany
Kadereit, Living -
Kadereit, Living -
Kadereit, Living -
Kadereit, Living -
Kadereit, Living -
Kadereit, Living -
Kadereit, Living -
Kaefer, Ruth M. b.1917 -
Kamp, Edwina M b.1918 - Kampsville, Calhoun, Illinois, USA
Kamp, Joseph A b.1872 - Illinois, USA
Kamp, Living -
Kamp, Living -
Kamp, Living -
Kamp, Living -
Kamp, Living -
Kamp, Living -
Kamp, Living -
Kamp, Living -
Kamp, Wilhemina E b.1875 - Indiana
Kane, Catharine b.1850 - Ireland
Kane, John Merl b.1907 - Idaho
Kane, Living -
Kane, Patrick H b.1871 - Rhode Island, USA
Karnes, Mary Ann b.1823 - Russell County, Kentucky
Kasselder, Jennie b.1878 - Fillmore, Minnesota, USA
Kasselder, William Garrett b.1838 - , Dinxperlo, Gelderland, Netherlands
Kauffman, David b.1731 -
Kaye, Lucia b.1491 - West Riding, Yorkshire, , England
Keagle, Allen Wesley b.1918 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, United States
Keagle, George Robert b.1916 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, United States
Keagle, Henry Harrison b.1889 - Fair Haven, Carroll, Illinois, United States
Keagle, Joseph H. b.1859 - Illinois, United States
Keagle, Joseph Henry b.1918 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, United States
Keagle, Stanley William b.1922 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, United States
Keane, Helen J b.1895 - Panama, Shelby, Iowa, USA
Keane, Living -
Keane, Living -
Keane, Living -
Keane, Living -
Keane, Thomas b.1863 - Loughrea, County, Galway, Ireland
Kearney, Abigail b.1846 - Ireland
Kedzia, Magdalena b.1880 - Poland
Keeler, Mary Rebecca m.1671 - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Keen, Daniel J. b.1845 - Pennsylvania
Keen, John E. b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Keeter, Ariaantjen b.1733 - Ulster Co, NY
Keeter, Hendericus b.1732 - Rochester, Ulster Co, NY
Keeter, Henderikus b.1735 - Ulster Co, NY
Keeter, Maria b.1740 - Ulster Co, NY
Keeter, Nicholas b.1707 - Marbletown, Ulster Co, NY
Keeter, Nicolaes b.1676 - Prob Ulster Co, NY
Keeter, Susanna b.1748 - Ulster Co, NY
Keever, Mary Elizabeth b.1858 - Kohms, Indiana, United States
Keffer, Elizabeth "Betty" b.1914 -
Keller, Anna -
Keller, Anna b.1871 - Ohio
Keller, Eda b.1877 - Ohio
Keller, Eddy b.1873 - Ohio
Keller, Emma b.1868 - Ohio
Keller, Frank b.1875 - Ohio
Keller, Joseph b.1869 - Ohio
Keller, Joseph b.1839 - Baden, Bavaria, Germany
Keller, Living -
Keller, Lizzie b.1879 - Ohio
Keller, Mary b.1831 - Pennsylvania
Keller, Thomas -
Kelley, Hannah b.1765 -
Kelley, Living -
Kelley, Living -
Kelley, Living -
Kelley, Mary Ann b.1821 - West Virginia, United States
Kelley, Matthew m.1850 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Kellogg, George Turner m.1971 - Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
Kellogg, Living -
Kellogg, Living -
Kellogg, Living -
Kellum, Annie b.1889 - Ontario, Canada
Kelly, Clara Justina b.1905 -
Kelly, Inda m.1895 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
Kelly, Living -
Kelly, Mathilda b.1812 - , , Tennessee, USA
Kelly, Sarah Melissa -
Kelly, Steven Frances b.1864 - Sag Bridge, Cook, Illinois, United States
Kelp, Alva Everett b.1907 - Sidney, Fremont, Iowa, USA
Kelp, Living -
Kelp, Living -
Kelp, Living -
Kelp, Lois Naomi b.1928 - Mondamin, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Kelsey, Elizabeth m.1820 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Kelsey, Henry Cooper b.1786 - Newton, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Kemmish, Charles William b.1865 - Neola, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
Kemmish, Nina Gertrude b.1890 - Persia, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Kemp, Mary b.1828 - Pennsylvania
Kemper, Jessie Marjorie b.1914 - Clinton, Henry, Missouri, United States
Kempf, George b.1892 - Arizona, USA
Kempf, Jack b.1918 - , Los Angeles, California, USA
Kempf, Lois -
Kendall, Arthur Cox b.1886 - Kansas City, Clay, Missouri, USA
Kendall, Living -
Kendall, Living -
Kendall, Living -
Kendall, Living -
Kendall, Living -
Kendall, Living -
Kendall, Peter Holman -
Kendall, Richard Raymond b.1950 - Inglewood, Los Angeles, California, USA
Kendall, William Raymond b.1910 - Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, USA
Kendall, William Wirt b.1838 - West Granby, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Kennedy, -
Kennedy, Ethel Mae b.1890 -
Kennedy, Juanita -
Kennedy, Living -
Kennedy, Lorinda Josephine b.1846 - Pennsylvania, USA
Kennedy, Mabel -
Kennedy, Martha b.1770 - Northern Ireland or Scotland
Kennedy, Sarah E b.1832 - Pennsylvania, USA
Kennett, Lucy Frances b.1893 - Stoutsville, Monroe, Missouri, USA
Kennison, R C m.1967 -
Kennon, Mary b.1679 - Conjurers Neck, Henrico, Virginia, USA
Kenyon, Living -
Kenyon, William Arthur b.1872 - Missouri, USA
Kepler, Catherine b.1812 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Conrad b.1814 - Huntindon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Elizabeth b.1814 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Jacob b.1764 - Ferguson, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Jacob b.1791 - Pine Grove Mills, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Jacob Musser b.1833 - Ferguson, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, John b.1821 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Magdilena b.1820 -
Kepler, Margaret b.1817 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Mary Ann b.1829 - Licking, Clarion, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Sarah b.1818 - Huntindon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kepler, Sophia b.1824 - Ohio, USA
Kepler, Susan b.1823 - Huntindon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kerns, Harrison Floyd b.1900 - Kinsley, Edwards, Kansas, USA
Kerns, Ira Boone b.1855 - Warsaw, Kosciusko, Indiana, USA
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerns, Living -
Kerr, Agnes b.1862 - Canada
Kerr, Josie W b.1884 - , Harrison, Iowa, USA
Kerr, Mae Louella b.1880 -
Kerwin, Elizabeth W -
Kerwin, Living -
Kerwin, Living -
Kerwin, Living -
Kerwin, Living -
Ketcham, Edith b.1875 - Salem, Marion, Oregon, United States
Ketner, Maria Magdalena b.1761 - Tulpehocken, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA
Ketterman, Albert B. b.1844 - York, Pennsylvania, USA
Ketterman, Ann b.1846 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, Catherine b.1848 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, Charlotte b.1850 - North Codorus, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, Daniel b.1866 - Illinois, USA
Ketterman, Elizabeth b.1883 - Lanark, IL
Ketterman, Elizabeth b.1830 - OfStovertown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, George b.1804 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, George Floyd b.1893 - Carroll County, Illinois
Ketterman, George Robert b.1835 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, Harry Augustus b.1891 - Lanark, Illinois
Ketterman, Jacob b.1839 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, Jennie -
Ketterman, John E. b.1828 - Pennsylvania
Ketterman, John Hatch b.1889 - Danbury, Io
Ketterman, John S. b.1853 - Lima, Carroll, Illinois, USA
Ketterman, Living -
Ketterman, Living -
Ketterman, Lois b.1887 - Foreston, IL
Ketterman, Lottie A. b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Ketterman, Louise b.1852 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, Margaret b.1844 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, Mary Jane b.1864 - Illinois, USA
Ketterman, Patti -
Ketterman, Peter b.1764 - Pennsylvania, USA
Ketterman, Rebecca b.1833 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, Rudolph Bush b.1831 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Ketterman, William Henry b.1842 - Stoverstown, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Kettle, Cynthia A b.1835 - Ohio
Key, Charity b.1674 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Key, John b.1649 - Scotland
Key, Margaret Savannah b.1853 - Cooper, Missouri, United States
Kierstede, Roeloff m.1673 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Kierstede, Wientie b.1673 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Kiester, Lydia b.1808 - Hartley, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Kilgore, -
Kilgore, Andrew b.1836 - Waterford, Oxford, Maine, USA
Kilgore, Andrew Oliver b.1891 - Lisbon Falls, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Kilgore, Elizabeth -
Kilgore, Everett Lansing b.1902 - Lisbon Falls, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Kilgore, Grace Eveline b.1892 - Lisbon Falls, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Kilgore, Ida Livonia b.1889 - Maine, USA
Kilgore, Living -
Kilgore, Living -
Kilgore, Living -
Kilgore, Living -
Kilgore, Living -
Kilgore, Living -
Kilgore, Melville b.1864 -
Kilgore, Wilbert Jefferson b.1862 - Poland, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Killingsworth, Nancy Sue m.1957 - Clever, Christian, Missouri, USA
Kimberlin, Juliette b.1851 - Pope, Illinois, United States
Kincaid, Archie b.1871 - Maine, USA
Kincaid, Elizabeth -
Kinch, Elizabeth b.1756 -
King, m.1946 -
King, Addison b.1848 - Ohio
King, Albert Lynn "Bert" b.1884 - Iowa, USA
King, Americus C b.1881 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
King, Annie -
King, Carrie B b.1885 - Taylor, Iowa, United States
King, Christina R b.1861 - Chicago, Illinois
King, Daniel O b.1843 - Illinois, USA
King, Deborah b.1679 - Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
King, Ebenezer W b.1872 - Illinois, USA
King, Elizabeth b.1780 - , , Virginia, USA
King, Ellen A b.1876 - Illinois, USA
King, Hattie b.1865 - New York, New York
King, Jerry -
King, Lenora b.1874 - Illinois, USA
King, Lincoln Francis b.1865 - Fort Scott, Kansas, USA
King, Living -
King, Living -
King, Living -
King, Living -
King, Living -
King, Lois m.1953 -
King, Lynn -
King, Maria Duffield Peebles b.1827 - Pennsylvania, United States
King, Marie M b.1905 - Missouri
King, Mark d.1961 - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
King, Maud E b.1879 - Illinois, USA
King, May -
King, Merlin -
King, Nellie Lyda b.1907 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
King, Sarah Ann b.1848 - Bucannan County, Missouri
King, Zerita M b.1910 - Iowa, USA
Kingsbury, Marjorie m.1909 -
Kininmonth, Alison b.1855 - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Kininmonth, James b.1836 - Scotland
Kininmonth, Jane b.1854 -
Kinnear, Grace J. b.1866 - Iowa, Wisconsin, United States
Kinnett, John Thomas b.1873 - , Shelby, Missouri, USA
Kinney, Elzada Lienetta b.1868 - Avon, Franklin, Maine, USA
Kinney, Emaline Roxana b.1871 - Avon, Franklin, Maine, USA
Kinney, Florence True b.1877 - Brighton, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Kinney, George Edward b.1869 - Avon, Franklin, Maine, USA
Kinney, George Washington -
Kinney, Jesse Savage b.1842 - Madrid, Franklin, Maine, USA
Kinney, Ronello Fassett b.1872 - Brighton, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Kinsman, Aubrey b.1887 - California
Kinsman, Frederick B. b.1857 - Canada English
Kinsman, Henrietta R b.1871 - Illinois, USA
Kinsman, Herbert b.1890 - California
Kinsman, Howard b.1884 - Canada Eng
Kinsman, Louis L b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Kip, Annetje b.1740 - Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, United States
Kip, Catalyntje b.1705 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Kip, Hendrick b.1704 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Kip, Jacob b.1666 - New Amsterdam, New York, USA
Kip, Jan b.1678 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Kip, Jannetie b.1727 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Kip, Johannes b.1739 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutchess, New York, USA
Kip, Johannis b.1746 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutchess, New York, USA
Kip, Petrus b.1744 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutchess, New York, USA
Kip, Willem b.1736 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutchess, New York, USA
Kipe, George H b.1891 - Pennsylvania, United States
Kipe, Mildred Irene b.1902 - Pennsylvania
Kipe, Phyllis Julia b.1919 - Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Kiracofe, Iris b.1884 -
Kirby, J A -
Kirby, Living -
Kirby, Living m.1950 - Cook County, IL
Kirby, Living -
Kirk, Elizabeth m.1805 - Shelby, Kentucky, USA
Kirkum, Hester Mariah b.1830 - New York, USA
Kirschenman, Living -
Kirschenman, Living -
Kirschenman, Living -
Kirton, Margaret b.1580 -
Kirton, Thomas b.1550 -
Kissinger, Albert D b.1867 - Castleton, Stark, Illinois, USA
Kissinger, Alexander b.1821 - Martinsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, USA
Kissinger, Anna Elizabeth b.1843 -
Kissinger, Arthur S b.1852 - Illinois, USA
Kissinger, Charlotte Alice b.1847 - Newburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Kissinger, David b.1799 - Reading, Adams, Pennsylvania, United States
Kissinger, Delilah Jane b.1845 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kissinger, Eleana Lenore b.1870 - Castleton, Stark, Illinois, USA
Kissinger, Ella V b.1856 - Castleton, Stark, Illinois, USA
Kissinger, George b.1846 -
Kissinger, George d.1828 -
Kissinger, Ida B b.1862 - Castleton, Stark, Illinois, USA
Kissinger, James Edgar b.1857 - Illinois, USA
Kissinger, Jennie b.1864 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Kissinger, John Frank b.1853 - Henry, Marshall, Illinois, USA
Kissinger, Josephine A b.1851 - Illinois, USA
Kissinger, Katherine b.1850 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kissinger, Lucinda b.1853 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kissinger, Luema b.1846 - Newburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Kissinger, Margaret b.1848 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kissinger, Samuel b.1819 - Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland, United States
Kissinger, William Alexander b.1860 - Castleton, Stark, Illinois, USA
Kitterman, Elizabeth b.1846 - Perry, Indiana, United States
Kitterman, Harriett B b.1837 - Pennsylvania, United States
Klein, Charlotte M. -
Klein, Christina b.1762 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Klein, Maria Katharina b.1760 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Klepper, Ida G b.1860 - Clinton, Pennsylvania, USA
Klepper, John G b.1818 - Centre, Pennsylvania, USA
Kleppin, Beryl F. b.1897 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Kleppin, John F b.1861 - Illinois, USA
Kliewer, Elizabeth b.1889 -
Kline, Living -
Kline, Living -
Kline, Living -
Kline, Living -
Kline, Living -
Kline, Sadie May b.1881 - Newark, Licking, Ohio, USA
Kloos, Anna May b.1866 - Iowa
Kloos, Henry b.1836 - Prussia
Kloss, Carr H. b.1868 - Iowa
Kloss, Frank M. b.1874 - Iowa
Kloss, Fredric O. b.1877 - Iowa
Kloss, Jessie M. b.1872 - Iowa
Kloss, Maggie Y. b.1870 - Iowa
Kluzek, -
Knadle, Ada b.1890 - Nebraska
Knadle, Albert b.1892 - Nebraska
Knadle, Frank b.1866 - Iowa
Knadle, Hathe b.1868 - Germany
Knadle, Living -
Knapp, Betsy -
Knapp, Clayton DeForest b.1892 - Ohio, USA
Knapp, Clayton Ernest b.1866 - Florence, Erie, Ohio, USA
Knapp, Eda Irene b.1868 - Minnesota, USA
Knapp, Elda M b.1899 - Ohio
Knapp, Elwin H. S. b.1882 - Minnesota, USA
Knapp, Francis Ellen -
Knapp, Hannah m.1716 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Knapp, Henry Elisha m.1863 - Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA
Knapp, Hiram Abiathar b.1841 - Vermont, USA
Knapp, Ida Lovica b.1863 - Wisconsin, USA
Knapp, Irma Natalie b.1888 - Ohio, USA
Knapp, Living -
Knapp, Living -
Knapp, Living -
Knapp, Milton Hyram b.1832 - New York, USA
Knapp, Nathaniel b.1809 - Vermont, United States
Knapp, Orrin H. -
Knapp, William M. b.1875 - Minnesota, USA
Kneeland, Mary E m.1876 -
Knell, Living -
Knell, Living -
Knell, Living -
Knell, Living -
Knell, Living -
Knell, Living -
Knickerbocker, Clarence -
Knickerbocker, Cornelius -
Knickerbocker, Elsa b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Knickerbocker, Flossie -
Knickerbocker, Harold b.1914 - Iowa, USA
Knickerbocker, Hiram b.1880 - Iowa
Knickerbocker, Leo J b.1927 - Iowa, USA
Knickerbocker, Lester b.1909 - Elk, Clayton, Iowa, USA
Knickerbocker, Living -
Knickerbocker, Living -
Knickerbocker, Living -
Knickerbocker, Living -
Knickerbocker, Living -
Knickerbocker, Living -
Knickerbocker, Margaret -
Knickerbocker, Peter m.1742 -
Knight, Augusta Henrietta b.1872 - Illinois, USA
Knight, David Mack b.1879 - Missouri
Knight, Ella Bartlett b.1877 - Missouri
Knight, George b.1810 - Cadiz, Harrison County, Ohio
Knight, George Miller b.1875 -
Knight, Living -
Knight, Living -
Knight, Mary S. b.1887 - Camden, New Jersey
Knight, Samuel Robinson DR. d.1958 -
Knight, Samuel Robinson -
Knight, William Sims b.1839 - New Castle, Ohio, USA
Knightly, Elizabeth b.1498 -
Knightly, Richard b.1456 -
Knightly, Richard b.1414 -
Knocke, Carol m.1950 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Knoff, Mine Marie Caroline b.1859 -
Knowles, Deborah b.1683 -
Knox, Jane A -
Knox, Living -
Knox, Living -
Knox, Living -
Knox, William Edward b.1893 - Sebetha, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Knoy, Ester Belle b.1887 - Pocahontas, Randolph, Arkansas, USA
Knudsen, Jens -
Knudsen, Rasmus L. b.1877 - Horesen, Denmark
Knudsen, Versel J b.1918 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Koch, -
Koch, Dorothea Margarethe b.1770 - Wolfsberg, Ilm-Kreis, Thuringia, Germany
Koch, George M. -
Koch, Johann -
Koch, Living -
Koch, Living -
Koch, Living -
Koch, Living -
Kocher, Cleveland Ward Cleve b.1884 - Briar Creek Township, Colombia, Pennsylvania, United States
Kocher, Doyle E b.1926 - Berwick, Colombia, Pennsylvania, United States
Kocher, Eleanor J b.1918 - Berwick, Colombia, Pennsylvania, United States
Kocher, Elva M b.1916 - Berwick, Colombia, Pennsylvania, United States
Kocher, Glen Leon b.1922 - Berwick, Colombia, Pennsylvania, United States
Kocher, Hazel Isabel b.1922 - Berwick, Colombia, Pennsylvania, United States
Kocher, Polly b.1834 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Koerper, Arthur R b.1924 - Arkansas, USA
Koerper, Frederick b.1883 - Ohio
Koerper, Frederick b.1857 - France
Koerper, Harry b.1895 - St Louis, Missouri, USA
Koerper, John Albert b.1881 - Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USA
Koerper, Leo b.1889 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Koerper, Leona b.1908 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Koerper, Marguerite C b.1916 - Missouri, USA
Koerper, Mary -
Koerper, Minnie b.1887 - Missouri
Koerper, Otto William b.1891 - St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Koerper, Richard -
Koerper, Richard -
Kohn, Marie Auguste Wilhelmen b.1867 - Modusce, Germany
Kompus, Katherine Mary b.1902 - Taap, Austro-Hungary
Kompus, Markus b.1870 -
Kool, Abraham -
Kool, Adriaen Jacobsz b.1556 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Kool, Aeltje c.1640 - Netherlands
Kool, Apollonia Barents b.1644 - Esopus, Ulster, New York, USA
Kool, Arent c.1650 -
Kool, Barend c.1684 -
Kool, Barent b.1608 - Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Kool, Barent Jacobson b.1610 - Holland, Netherlands
Kool, Beeletjen b.1722 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Kool, Benjamin c.1721 -
Kool, Benjamin c.1771 -
Kool, Catharina c.1776 -
Kool, Catrina c.1724 - New York, USA
Kool, Corneliaatje c.1737 -
Kool, David -
Kool, Dierikien b.1604 - Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Kool, Dievertze -
Kool, Elizabeth c.1716 - New York, USA
Kool, Elmira c.1827 -
Kool, Harmanus c.1678 -
Kool, Harmanus c.1681 -
Kool, Jacob Adriaensz b.1532 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Kool, Jacob Arendsen b.1580 - Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Kool, Jacob Barents b.1639 -
Kool, Jacobus c.1784 -
Kool, Jeremiah c.1815 -
Kool, Johannes c.1743 -
Kool, Johannes -
Kool, Johannes c.1766 -
Kool, Josiah -
Kool, Leendert c.1647 - Netherlands
Kool, Leendert c.1677 -
Kool, Lydia c.1812 -
Kool, Maria b.1709 -
Kool, Maria c.1781 -
Kool, Maria c.1686 -
Kool, Maria c.1734 -
Kool, Martinus c.1769 -
Kool, Pieter c.1657 -
Kool, Pieter Jacobsen b.1606 - Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Kool, Sara c.1789 -
Kool, Simon b.1697 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Kool, Theunis c.1653 -
Kool, Willem m.1711 -
Kool, Willem c.1883 -
Kool, Willem c.1726 -
Kool, Zara -
Koon, David b.1770 - Lancaster Co, PA
Koonce, James Thomas b.1880 - , , Tennessee, USA
Koonce, Katherine -
Kortreght, Geertie Hendricks b.1682 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Kortregt, Geerthen b.1679 -
Kortregt, Willem b.1701 - Kingstown, Ulster, New York, USA
Kortright, Benjamin -
Kortright, Catrina b.1743 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Kortright, Catrina -
Kortright, Cornelius -
Kortright, Elizabeth b.1740 - Machackemack, Orange, New York, USA
Kortright, Hendrick -
Kortright, Johannes b.1734 - Napanock, Ulster, New York, USA
Kortright, Johannis -
Kortright, Lydia b.1748 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Kortright, Lydia b.1738 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Kortright, Magdelena -
Kortright, Samuel b.1749 - Sandyston, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Kortright, Samuel b.1745 - Machackemack, Orange, New York, USA
Koutsky, Louise b.1877 - Iowa
Kramer, Elizabeth b.1772 - Berks, Pennsylvania, United States
Kramer, Living -
Kramer, Living -
Kramer, Living -
Kramer, Living -
Kratina, Living -
Kratina, Living -
Kratina, Living -
Kratina, Living -
Kratowicz, Living -
Kratowicz, Living -
Kratowicz, Living -
Kratowicz, Living -
Kratz, Ruth Christine b.1907 - Iowa, USA
Kreider, Living -
Kreider, Living -
Kreider, Living -
Kreider, Living -
Kreis, Living -
Kreis, Living -
Kreis, Living -
Kreis, Living -
Kreis, Living -
Kremer, Anna Catherina b.1733 - Niederbrechen, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Kress, Edward -
Kress, Mary E. b.1881 - Iowa, USA
Kroeker, Living -
Kroeker, Living -
Kroeker, Peter b.1921 - Jansen, Jefferson, Nebraska, United States of America,
Krogh, Clifford Nelson b.1896 - Sergeant Bluff, Woodbury Co., Iowa
Krogh, Eleanor Jane b.1923 - Sergeant Bluff, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Kropp, Carl E. b.1899 -
Krosch, Ardice R b.1924 - Shields, Grant, North Dakota, USA
Krosch, Cecelia C b.1901 - Minnesota, USA
Krosch, Fredrick J b.1873 - Elmore, Faribault, Minnesota, USA
Krosch, Katie Negley b.1912 - Faribault, Rice, Minnesota, USA
Krosch, Living -
Krosch, Living -
Krosch, Living -
Krosch, Living -
Krosch, Oscar A b.1917 - South Dakota
Krosch, Victor F b.1904 - Minnesota, USA
Kruger, Lillian E. b.1897 -
Kuenn, Living -
Kuenn, Living -
Kuenn, Living -
Kuenn, Living -
Kuhl, Dorothea Sophie Marie b.1834 - Germany or Denmark
Kuhlman, Nettie m.1910 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Kuhn, Agnes b.1830 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, Andrew Gregg b.1853 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, Anna Mary b.1866 - Ross, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, Calvin b.1867 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Catharine b.1828 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, Clara Mabel b.1873 - Ross, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, Clement T b.1890 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, David b.1825 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, David E b.1890 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Edwin Thomas b.1863 - Ross, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, Eleanor Maude b.1881 - Ross, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, Elizabeth b.1835 - Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, Elizabeth Sophia b.1865 - Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, Ella Belle b.1886 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Flora b.1877 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, George b.1886 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Harry Alexander b.1871 - Ross, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, Hellen b.1892 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Jacob S. b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, John b.1799 - Antrim, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Kuhn, John b.1827 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, John Calvin b.1850 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, John Henry b.1869 - Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, Joseph b.1824 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, Joseph C. b.1874 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Joseph L b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Living -
Kuhn, Living -
Kuhn, Living -
Kuhn, Living -
Kuhn, Living -
Kuhn, Living -
Kuhn, Living -
Kuhn, Maggie M b.1884 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Mary b.1833 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, Peter b.1838 - Pleasant Gap, Centre, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, Rachel Ellen b.1856 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuhn, Robert D b.1888 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Samuel b.1841 - Harris, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, Sidney W b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Susan Z. b.1864 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, Susanna b.1843 -
Kuhn, William b.1884 - Pennsylvania
Kuhn, William Ervin b.1861 - Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Kuhn, William P. b.1848 - Harris, Center County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kuklenski, Joseph b.1869 - Germany
Kuklenski, Living -
Kuklenski, Living -
Kuklenski, Living -
Kuklenski, Living -
Kuklenski, Living -
Kuklenski, Rose Frances b.1906 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Kummell, Arthur Guy b.1894 -
Kummell, Charles m.1888 - Arkansas, USA
Kummell, Charles Melvin b.1889 - Arkansas, USA
Kummell, Clinton Edward b.1892 -
Kummell, Dorothy Belle b.1896 -
Kummell, Glenn b.1907 -
Kummell, Leroy b.1902 -
Kummell, Samuel Ross b.1898 -
Kunce, Franklin b.1860 - Indiana
Kunce, John b.1853 - Indiana
Kunce, John b.1827 - Perry, Ohio, United States
Kunce, Mary Ann b.1855 - Indiana, United States
Kunce, Taswell b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Kunde, b.1845 - Ponunel, Ger
Kunde, Charles H b.1877 - Indiana
Kunde, Elizabeth B b.1885 - Illinois, USA
Kunde, Emma Wilhelmina b.1872 - Lawrenceburg, Indiana, USA
Kunde, John b.1884 - Kansas
Kunde, Martha b.1875 - Indiana
Kunde, Mary b.1871 - Lawrenceburg, Indiana, USA
Kunde, Wanner b.1882 - Nebraska
Kunkel, Bruno b.1871 - Germany
Kunkel, Living -
Kunkel, Living -
Kunkel, Living -
Kunkel, Living -
Kunkel, Living -
Kunkel, Living -
Kunst, Heyltje Jans b.1664 - New York, USA
Kunst, Jan Barentsen b.1640 - Alkmaar, Alkmaar, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Kuntz, Living -
Kuntz, Living -
Kuntz, Living -
Kuntz, Living -
Kuntz, Living -
Kuntz, Living -
Kuntz, Living -
Kurfman, b.1813 - Union City, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, b.1808 - Union City, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Anna b.1812 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Catherine b.1800 - Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Christina b.1819 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Daniel b.1799 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Elizabeth b.1812 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Elizabeth b.1810 - Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Jacob b.1804 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Jacob b.1776 - Washington, Maryland, United States
Kurfman, John b.1807 - Union City, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Mary b.1796 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Nancy b.1812 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Kurfman, Philip b.1779 - Washington, Maryland, United States
Kurfman, Philip b.1805 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kurfman, Simeon b.1814 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Kwik, Antje m.1696 - Wantagh, Nassau, New York, USA
L.Joplin, Robert b.1870 - Kentucky, USA
La Parlin, Emily Angus m.1861 -
La Rue, Aaron b.1800 - Ohio, USA
La Rue, Albert Edgar b.1855 -
La Rue, Bertia b.1878 - Iowa, USA
La Rue, Chambers C b.1835 - , Knox, Ohio, USA
La Rue, Clyde C. b.1874 - Iowa, USA
La Rue, Gertude G. b.1879 - Iowa, USA
La Rue, Harriet b.1834 -
La Rue, Isaac b.1840 -
La Rue, Jesse L b.1847 -
La Rue, Jessie M. b.1868 - Iowa, USA
La Rue, John J b.1852 - Ohio
La Rue, Living -
La Rue, Living -
La Rue, Louis N B b.1850 -
La Rue, Mary b.1844 -
La Rue, Paul Aaron b.1898 - Missouri, USA
La Rue, Sarah Elizabeth b.1832 - Mount Gilliad, OH
La Rue, Thomas P b.1842 -
La Rue, Willie Irene b.1867 - Iowa, USA
Lacey, Mary Polly b.1784 - Laceyville, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, United States
Lackey, Living -
Lackey, Living -
Lackey, Living -
Lackey, Living m.1946 - Saint Charles, Saint Charles, Missouri, USA
Lackey, Living -
Lafferty, Living -
Lafferty, Rose b.1888 - Dotyville, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
Laird, Brad -
Laird, Living -
Laird, Living -
Laird, Living -
Laird, Tom -
Laird, Traci -
Lake, Anne b.1663 - Boston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Lake, Calvin Vincent b.1866 - Johnstown, , Ohio, USA
Lake, Clarrissa b.1841 -
Lake, Elijah b.1835 - Ohio
Lake, Elijah b.1798 - , Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Lake, Emma b.1859 - , Licking, Ohio, USA
Lake, Frank J. b.1860 - Licking Co., Oh
Lake, George L b.1820 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Lake, George Livingston b.1849 - Bennington Twp, Licking, Ohio, USA
Lake, Harrison b.1842 - Bennington Twp, Licking County, Ohio
Lake, Jane b.1854 - Bennington Twp, Licking County, Ohio
Lake, John R. b.1852 - Ohio
Lake, Margaret b.1824 - Ohio, USA
Lake, Marion b.1854 - Ohio
Lake, Mary b.1852 - Appleton, Licking, Ohio, USA
Lake, Rebecca Ann b.1846 - Ohio
Lake, Susannah b.1834 - Ohio, USA
Lake, Vincent b.1828 - , Licking, Ohio, USA
Lake, Vincent Gershom b.1766 - Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Lake, William S. b.1857 - Ohio
Lamb, Almira b.1814 - New York, USA
Lamb, Jonas Carlisle -
Lamb, Living -
Lamb, Living -
Lambert, Calvin P. b.1844 - Pennsylvania, USA
Lambert, Living -
Lambert, Living -
Lammers, Mary b.1859 -
Lamp, Elizabeth b.1870 -
Lamp, Flora b.1875 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Lamp, Isaac b.1842 -
Lamp, S Fred b.1881 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Lamphier, Elmer S b.1860 - Iowa
Lamphier, Harlo Gipper b.1912 - Volga Twp, Clayton, Iowa
Lamphier, Living -
Lamphier, Living -
Lamphier, Living -
Lamphier, Living -
Lamphier, Living -
Lamphier, Living -
Lancett, Eva Louise b.1908 - Oakwood, Oklahoma, US
Landry, Dolly Davis m.1886 -
Landry, Living -
Landry, Living -
Landry, Living -
Lane, Charles C b.1868 - Michigan, USA
Lane, Dona J b.1928 - Nebraska
Lane, Erlo Benton b.1903 - Oklahoma, USA
Lane, Francis E b.1849 - Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
Lane, Fred C b.1917 - Nebraska, USA
Lane, Harriet Rae b.1926 - North Loup, Nebraska, USA
Lane, James Morris b.1928 -
Lane, Johnson b.1824 - Kentucky, USA
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Living -
Lane, Rua Alice b.1906 - Oklahoma, USA
Lane, Ruth Lovina b.1908 - Oklahoma, USA
Lane, Samuel b.1830 - Hannsville, Alleghany, Pennsylvania, USA
Lane, William Hascal b.1875 - Snicarte, Mason, Illinois, USA
Langen, Willemze m.1696 -
Langford, Mary Leila b.1891 - Gainesville, Hall, Georgia, United States
Langley, Ellender C. b.1843 - Iowa, USA
Langley, George A. b.1845 - Iowa, USA
Langley, James b.1849 - Warren, Iowa, USA
Langley, James C. b.1811 - Perry, Tennessee, USA
Langley, Lorenzo -
Langley, Martha Jane b.1835 - city, Perry, Tennessee, United States
Langley, Martha Jane b.1835 - Perry, Tennessee, USA
Langley, Thomas -
Langworthy, Andrew b.1610 - Devonshire, England
Langworthy, Ann b.1690 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Langworthy, Emma b.1806 - Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA
Langworthy, Joseph b.1748 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Langworthy, Joseph L. b.1780 - Rhode Island
Langworthy, Samuel b.1660 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Langworthy, Samuel -
Lanham, Rebecca b.1803 - of Shenandoah Co, Virginia
Larew, Isaac b.1773 - , Frederick, Virginia, USA
Larkin, Ann Matilda b.1838 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Larson, Alfred -
Larson, Elizabeth Lizzie M. b.1849 - Lysen Farm, Gran, Hadeland, Norway
Larson, Ellen b.1899 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Larsson, Sven Peter b.1861 - Kjershult, Torup Parish, Sweden
Larue, -
Larue, Charles Earl b.1871 -
Larue, Delbert Aaron b.1877 -
LaRue, Dwight Moody b.1914 - Fairfax, Atchison, Missouri, USA
LaRue, Edward A. -
Larue, Infant b.1887 -
Larue, Jesse MacGratte b.1860 - Iowa
Larue, Lowell b.1872 -
Larue, Maud b.1877 -
LaRue, Steve -
LaRue, Suzanne Elizabeth b.1955 - Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, USA
LaRue, William D. "Van" b.1895 - Missouri, USA
LaRue, William Daniel b.1928 - Salem, Oregon, USA
LaRue, William Harris b.1836 - Knox, Ohio, USA
Lascells, Margaret b.1522 - Escrick, Yorkshire, , England
Laskey, Katie b.1863 -
Lassiter, Elizabeth b.1792 - North Carolina, USA
Laubengayer, Christian Friedrich b.1844 - Wilhelmsdorf, Wuerttemberg, Germany
Laubengayer, Mathilde Elisabetha b.1875 - Lima Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA
Laufer, Living -
Laufer, Living -
Laufer, Living -
Laufer, Living -
Laughlin, Alonzo Theodore b.1878 - Camden, Missouri, USA
Laughlin, Elizabeth b.1772 - Hawkins, Tennessee, United States
Laughlin, James W b.1842 - , Camden, Missouri, USA
Laughlin, Living -
Laughlin, Living -
Laughlin, Living -
Laughlin, Living -
Laughlin, Living -
Laurence, Mary Rose b.1855 - Plainfield, Hendricks, Illinois, USA
Lauritsen, Margretha m.1907 - Iowa, USA
Lauritsen, Maria -
Laverty, Carroll b.1906 - Nebraska, USA
Laverty, Guy b.1903 - Nebraska, USA
Laverty, Jesse Dee b.1871 - Nebraska, USA
Laverty, Living -
Laverty, Living -
Laverty, Living -
Laverty, Living -
Laverty, Living -
Laverty, Living -
Laverty, Nettie -
Laverty, Roswell Horr b.1900 - Nebraska, USA
Lawrence, Ebenezer b.1708 - Rochester, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Lawrence, George C. m.1896 - Anamosa, Jones, Iowa, USA
Lawrence, Helen F. b.1856 -
Lawrence, John S. b.1821 -
Lawrence, Living -
Lawrence, Susannah b.1735 - Rochester, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Lawrence, William b.1856 -
Lawson, m.1893 -
Lawson, Laura m.1878 -
Lawson, Living -
Lawton, Genora Dette b.1870 - Utica, Wisconsin
Lawton, George d.1693 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Lawton, Loyal -
Lawton, Mary b.1644 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Layton, Sarah Ann m.1844 -
Lazalle, Mary Frances b.1892 - Pennsylvania
Lazenby, Mary Charlotte b.1854 - Ontario, Canada
Lazenby, William b.1829 - Yorkshire, England
LE Roux, Rachel m.1711 - New York, USA
le Scott, Richard b.1131 - Murdockstone
le Scott, Richard b.1109 - Scotland
Leach, Patience b.1791 -
Leaf, Living -
Leaf, Living m.1952 -
Leaf, William Frank -
Leamer, Brooke b.1893 - Lebo, Coffey, Kansas, USA
Leamer, Catherine K. b.1856 - Missouri
Leamer, Edward B. b.1862 - Kansas
Leamer, Ella b.1873 - Kansas
Leamer, Harry G. b.1870 - Kansas
Leamer, Irene b.1888 - Kansas, USA
Leamer, Living -
Leamer, Living -
Leamer, Living -
Leamer, Living -
Leamer, Living -
Leamer, Mary M. b.1867 - Kansas
Leamer, William A b.1826 - Pennsylvania, USA
Leamer, William Alexander b.1860 - Kansas, USA
Lear, Hannah b.1830 - Pennsylvania, United States
Leattor, Sarah Jane b.1820 -
Lee, -
Lee, Alfred C b.1918 - Leavenworth, Kansas, USA
Lee, Asbury W. b.1892 - Clearfield, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA
Lee, Audrey -
Lee, Delbert Willis b.1921 - , Leavenworth, Kansas, USA
Lee, Dorthy -
Lee, Earl Leon b.1892 - Greenlaw, Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Lee, Edmund Jennings b.1797 - Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia, United States
Lee, Henrietta Bedinger b.1844 - Leeland, Shepherdstown, Jefferson County, West Virginia
Lee, Isaac b.1709 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Lee, Joseph m.1857 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Living -
Lee, Mary b.1739 - Killingly, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Lee, Mary Elizabeth b.1873 - Hattiesburg, Perry, Mississippi, USA
Lee, Mary Jane b.1918 - Clearfield, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA
Lee, Opal A b.1911 - Missouri, USA
Lee, Tryphosa -
Leeper, Melba J b.1932 - Marion, Marion Co., OH
Lees, David Masterton b.1916 - San Francisco, California, USA
Leeson, Robert b.1508 -
Leeson, Robert b.1538 -
Leeson, Thomas b.1566 -
Leeson, Thomas b.1566 -
Leeson, Thomas b.1577 -
Leeson, Thomas b.1577 -
Leffingwell, Michael -
Leffingwell, Naomi b.1638 -
Leffingwell, Thomas b.1530 -
Leffingwell, Thomas d.1605 -
Leffingwell, William b.1550 -
Leffler, Alice Pearl b.1910 - LaGrange, Cook, Illinois, United States
Leffler, Dorothy Mae b.1911 - LaGrange, Cook, Illinois, United States
Leffler, Living -
Leffler, Paul E b.1892 - Minnesota, USA
Leffler, Paul William b.1912 - Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
Leffler, Paul William -
Leffler, Robert Paul -
Leffler, Vince b.1951 - Sanford FL
Leggett, George R. m.1923 -
Leggett, Mary Bell b.1861 - Iowa, USA
Lehman, Ernest Joseph b.1918 - Roscoe, South Dakota
Leigh, Elizabeth b.1524 - Highleah, Cheshire, England
Leigh, George -
Leigh, George b.1498 -
Leincieum, Winnie F b.1867 - Wisconsin
Leisinger, Darline M b.1927 - Castana, Monona, Iowa, USA
Leisinger, Emma J b.1870 - Missouri
Leisinger, Gustav b.1867 - Germany
Leisinger, Lewis Fredrick b.1891 - Chamois, Missouri, USA
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Living -
Leisinger, Norma b.1931 -
Leiss, Barbara b.1755 - , , , Germany
Lemen, Esther Lilly m.1894 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Lemming, Elizabeth Clara b.1898 - DeMossville, Pendelton Kentucky
Lenfest, Daniel b.1816 - Washington, Knox, Maine, United States
Lenker, Cornelius b.1848 - Pennsylvania, USA
Lenker, Jennie R. b.1885 -
Leslie, Andrew Jackson b.1856 - Missouri, USA
Leslie, Dora Ellen b.1887 - Fossil, Wheeler, Oregon, USA
Leslie, Marie Catherine b.1907 - Enon, Moniteau, Missouri, United States
Leslie, Samuel Marion b.1874 - Enon, Moniteau, Missouri, United States
Lethabury, Malinda b.1815 - New Jersey, USA
Leuker, Hannah b.1831 - Pennsylvania
Levi, Bertha b.1833 - Landau, Dingolfing-Landau, Bayern, Germany
Lewallen, Olive m.1888 -
Lewis, Abram Herbert b.1836 - Scott, Cortland, New York, USA
Lewis, Albert b.1861 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Lewis, Alexander b.1840 - Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, USA
Lewis, Alva Anannias b.1877 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Lewis, Beryl -
Lewis, Bessie b.1879 -
Lewis, Branson Laughlin b.1835 - Cincinatti, Hamilton County, Ohio
Lewis, Charles Albert b.1920 - Beaver Falls, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA
Lewis, Daniel b.1702 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Lewis, David b.1841 -
Lewis, David -
Lewis, Dorman b.1841 - Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois
Lewis, Dorthy b.1723 -
Lewis, Elias b.1730 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Lewis, Elizabeth m.1854 - Ohio, Indiana, USA
Lewis, Ella b.1861 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Lewis, Emma b.1866 - Iowa, USA
Lewis, Eugenia Louisa b.1847 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Lewis, Frank Burley b.1880 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Lewis, Hezekiah C. b.1835 - South Carolina, USA
Lewis, John b.1812 -
Lewis, Jonathan b.1773 - Basking Ridge, Somerset County, New Jersey
Lewis, Living -
Lewis, Living -
Lewis, Living -
Lewis, Living -
Lewis, Living -
Lewis, Lois b.1755 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Lewis, Lucretia b.1837 -
Lewis, Mary b.1847 - Atchison Co, Missouri
Lewis, Mary Jane b.1877 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Lewis, Maud b.1869 - Missouri, USA
Lewis, Nancy Boal b.1872 - Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri, USA
Lewis, Noel -
Lewis, Rachel Ann b.1831 - Danville, Vermilion, Illinois, USA
Lewis, Rosannah b.1752 - Rowan, , North Carolina, USA
Lewis, Sarah W. m.1859 - Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Lewis, Serena P. b.1867 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Lewis, Squire Thomas b.1839 - Morgan County, Illinois
Lewis, Sylvania b.1843 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lewis, Thomas Jefferson b.1810 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA
Lewis, William Henry b.1862 - Iowa, USA
Lewis, Zephaniah b.1845 -
Leydecker, Leuntje Alberts b.1604 - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Light, Henry L b.1860 - Indiana, USA
Light, Laura Addie b.1892 - Angola, Steuben, Indiana, USA
Lightwine, Arla O b.1896 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, USA
Lightwine, Harvey b.1893 - Iowa, USA
Lightwine, John b.1821 - Germany
Lightwine, Living -
Lightwine, Living -
Lightwine, Mary E b.1894 - Dunlap, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lightwine, William E b.1862 - Illinois, United States
Ligo, Agnes m.1614 -
Ligon, Rebecca b.1705 - New Kent, Virginia, USA
Lihme, Mary b.1887 -
Lilly, -
Lilly, Bernadina May b.1906 - Indiana, USA
Lilly, Living -
Lily, Elizabeth b.1828 - New York, USA
Lindauer, Ida Ellen Margraff b.1883 - Missouri
Linderman, Jacob -
Linderman, Jessie Mabel b.1888 - Rugby, Pierce, North Dakota, USA
Lindsay, Isabel -
Lindsay, Janet -
Lindsay, John -
Lindsay, Patrick b.1439 - Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland
Lindsley, Ebenezer C. -
Lindsley, Ellen Brinkerhoff b.1860 -
Lindsley, Issac Philip b.1817 -
Lindsley, Joanna Condict b.1858 -
Lindsley, Julia Byram b.1850 -
Lindsley, Margaret Vredenburgh b.1856 -
Lindsley, Maria b.1854 -
Lindsley, Peter Vredenburgh b.1852 -
Lindsley, Peter Vredenburgh b.1847 -
Lindsley, Philip b.1862 -
Line, Living -
Line, Susanna b.1790 - Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Lininger, Effie L b.1877 - Pennsylvania
Lininger, Eliza b.1836 - Pennsylvania
Lininger, George W b.1841 - Pennsylvania
Lininger, Isaac b.1808 - Germany
Lininger, Wells b.1873 - Minnesota, USA
Lininger, William b.1845 - Pennsylvania
Lininger, Willie b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Linney, Margery or Joyce b.1354 - Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England
Linton, Catherine b.1815 - Maryland, USA
Lippencott, Eliza b.1830 - Clay, Auglaize, Ohio, USA
Lippencott, Samuel b.1803 - Pike, Clark, Ohio, USA
Lippencott, Sarah b.1824 - Harrison, Charles, Virginia, USA
Lippincott, Amanda b.1828 - , , West Virginia, USA
Lippincott, Amelia Lines b.1814 - New York, USA
Lippincott, Catherine b.1834 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Lippincott, Charlotte Temple b.1827 - Harrison, Charles, Virginia, USA
Lippincott, Charlotte Temple b.1827 - Harrison, Charles, Virginia, USA
Lippincott, Curtis b.1838 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Lippincott, Drusilla b.1840 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Lippincott, Eliza Jane b.1839 - Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Lippincott, Jacob b.1838 - Ohio, USA
Lippincott, Jemima b.1832 - Pike, Clark, Ohio, USA
Lippincott, John A b.1816 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Lippincott, John C b.1807 - Ohio, Clark, Arkansas, USA
Lippincott, Lucinda b.1836 - Clark, Tama, Iowa, USA
Lippincott, Lydia b.1837 - Of, Clark, Ohio, USA
Lippincott, Mary Ann b.1825 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Lippincott, Sarah b.1843 - , Clark, Ohio, USA
Lippincott, Susan Madelia b.1851 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Lippincott, William b.1797 - Shrewsbury, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Litten, Joel b.1798 - Lincoln, North Carolina
Litten, Malinda Emaline b.1827 - North Carolina, USA
Litten, Matilda Adeline b.1827 - , Monroe, Indiana, USA
Little, Edward b.1698 - Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Little, Living -
Little, Marjorie E. b.1896 - Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Little, Samuel b.1656 - Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Little, Samuel b.1691 - Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Little, Samuel -
Little, Sarah b.1685 - Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Little, Thomas b.1683 - Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Litton, Elijah b.1768 - Lincoln County, NC
Liveringhouse, Clemma May b.1909 - Pennsylvania, United States
Liveringhouse, Earl Dewey b.1898 -
Liveringhouse, George A b.1874 - Pennsylvania
Liveringhouse, Mable Irene b.1921 - Entriken, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Liveringhouse, Myrtle Pearl b.1900 - Pennsylvania
Livingston, -
Livingston, John -
Livingston, Margaret -
Livingston, Susannah b.1795 - Dunkard, , Virginia, USA
Lloyd, Living -
Lloyd, Louise R b.1911 -
Locke, Ann M b.1835 - Massachusetts
Lockwood, Abigail m.1661 -
Lockwood, Mary -
Lommus, Catrina c.1782 - Gallatin, Columbia, New York, USA
Lommus, Geesje c.1778 - Gallatin, Columbia, New York, USA
Lommus, Hannah c.1785 - Gallatin, Columbia, New York, USA
Lommus, Isaac c.1772 - Gallatin, Columbia, New York, USA
Lommus, John c.1780 - Gallatin, Columbia, New York, USA
Lommus, Sara c.1770 - Gallatin, Columbia, New York, USA
Lommus, Thomas c.1775 - Gallatin, Columbia, New York, USA
Long, -
Long, -
Long, -
Long, Abraham Stemen b.1865 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Long, Albert b.1858 - Pennsylvania
Long, Alvah Burnside b.1861 -
Long, Caroline M b.1837 - Cove Forge, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Long, Darius -
Long, Earl L b.1887 - Kansas
Long, Elizabeth b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Long, Frances "Fannie" b.1811 - Pennsylvania, USA
Long, Gideon b.1754 - Queen Anne, Maryland
Long, Harry Lee b.1889 - Elk Falls, Elk, Kansas, USA
Long, Hattie Ellen b.1858 - Norway, Oxford, Maine, USA
Long, Helen b.1900 - Delhart, Texas, United States
Long, Henry b.1862 - Pennsylvania
Long, Joseph b.1864 - Pennsylvania
Long, Joseph E. b.1833 - Bridgton, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Long, Joseph Postlewaite b.1838 - Homer, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Long, Joseph Waite b.1874 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Long, Joseph Ward b.1907 - Dalhart, Dallam, Texas, USA
Long, Julia Elizabeth b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Living -
Long, Loel Abraham b.1891 - Grenola, Kansas
Long, Loretta J m.1943 - Altoona, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Long, Lucy b.1834 - Ohio
Long, Mahala b.1844 -
Long, Mary b.1894 - Kansas
Long, Mary "Poly" b.1814 - Pennsylvania, USA
Long, Mary Catherine b.1833 - Pennsylvania, USA
Long, Marylyn Jean m.1963 -
Long, Maurice Lorenz b.1921 - Kansas
Long, Mildred F b.1897 - Kansas
Long, Phebe b.1827 - Ohio
Long, Philo b.1827 - Ohio
Long, Rancilor b.1842 -
Long, Rollins b.1820 - Greene, Greene, Pennsylvania, USA
Long, Sarah"Sadie" Lillian b.1891 - Elk Falls, Elk, Kansas
Long, Sidney Albert b.1869 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Long, Sidney Alberta b.1898 - Chanute, Neosho, Kansas
Long, Solomon b.1797 - Bennington, Licking, Ohio, USA
Long, Solomon Levi b.1864 - Jersey, Licking, Ohio, USA
Long, Thurman Grover b.1883 - Cass, Hancock, Ohio, USA
Longcor, Jocob m.1847 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Longren, Mathilda Lovisa Isaksdotter b.1845 - Frderyd, Sweden
Loomis, Eunice b.1761 -
Loper, Nellie Marr m.1904 - Santa Ana, Orange, California, USA
Lord, Ann b.1621 - Towcester, Northamptonshire, England
Lord, Matilda P b.1821 - New York, USA
Lord, Richard -
Lord, Thomas b.1585 - Towcester, Northamptonshire, England
Lorton, Julia Ann b.1816 - Mason, Kentucky, USA
Lound, Charlotte b.1849 - England
Lounhart, Eva b.1720 - Germantown, Columbia, New York, USA
Louw, Sara c.1734 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Love, Mary b.1804 - Kentucky, USA
Loveless, Cyrena b.1808 - Onondaga, Onondaga, New York, United States
Lovell, Beatrice m.1918 -
Loves, Bernice J. m.1967 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Loves, Joseph b.1888 - Austria-Hungary
Lovewell, Living -
Lovewell, Living -
Lovewell, Living -
Lovewell, Living -
Lovewell, Living -
Lovewell, Living -
Lovewell, Living -
Lovitt, Claud b.1880 - Honey Creek, Henderson, Illinois, USA
Lovitt, Daniel Joseph b.1907 - Johnstown, Brown, Nebraska, USA
Lovitt, Living -
Lovitt, Living -
Lovitt, Living -
Lovitt, Patrica Ann b.1940 - Riverton, Fremont, Wyoming, USA
Low, Marytje b.1685 - New York, USA
Lowe, Joan b.1550 -
Lowe, Living -
Lowe, Living -
Lowell, Annie S b.1890 - Maine
Lowell, Charles H. b.1879 - Missouri, USA
Lowell, Enoch b.1845 - Maine
Lowell, Frank H b.1870 - Maine
Lowell, Lewis Leon b.1905 - Illinois, USA
Lowell, Living -
Lowell, Living -
Lowell, Living -
Lowell, Living -
Lowther, Celina b.1840 - , Ritchie, West Virginia, USA
Lucas, Kenneth -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Living -
Lucas, Martin V -
Lucas, Mary C b.1843 - Pennsylvania, USA
Lucas, Robert -
Lucas, Samuel R b.1866 - Iowa, USA
Lucas, William b.1842 - Pennsylvania, USA
Luethi, Albert b.1860 - Ohio
Luethi, Charles C. b.1867 - Ohio
Luethi, Francis Samuel b.1866 - Ohio, USA
Luethi, Henry W. b.1872 - Ohio
Luethi, John L. b.1862 - Ohio
Luethi, Living -
Luethi, Living -
Luethi, Living -
Luethi, Mary A. b.1857 - Ohio
Luethi, Oliver J. b.1869 - Ohio
Luethi, Samuel b.1823 - Switzerland
Luethi, Willard F. b.1875 -
Lukens, Elizabeth b.1730 - Horsham, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Lummis, Timothy b.1751 -
Lundeen, Gary -
Lundeen, Living -
Lundeen, Living -
Lundeen, Living -
Lundeen, Living -
Lundeen, Living m.1944 -
Lundeen, Living -
Lundeen, Regina -
Lundy, Janet b.1445 - Fifeshire, , , Scotland
Lundy, Thomas -
Luther, Charles M. b.1861 - Indiana, USA
Luther, Clara F. b.1864 - Indiana, USA
Luther, Delphene b.1859 - Oklahoma, USA
Luther, Fay b.1890 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Luther, La Rue -
Luther, Maryetta b.1862 - Indiana, USA
Luther, Rheuby b.1880 -
Luther, Susiebell A. b.1871 -
Luther, Wayne b.1896 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Lutz, Elizabeth b.1796 - Pennsylvania, United States
Luys, Catharina c.1772 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Luys, Jacobis m.1756 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Luys, Jacobus b.1757 -
Luys, Lea c.1768 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Luys, Leonhard b.1765 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Lyma, b.1793 -
Lynn, Gladys Irene b.1922 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Lynn, Hazel Marie b.1913 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Lynn, John Shultz b.1880 - Entriken, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Lynn, Ralph Eugene b.1927 - Hesston, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Lynn, William Harold b.1908 - Pennsylvania
Lyon, Frank Emory -
Lyon, Lera Fawn b.1899 - Alburnett, Linn, Iowa, USA
Lyons, Viola A. b.1902 - Clark, South Dakota, USA
Lysbeth, b.1645 - Netherlands
Lytle, b.1740 - Ireland
Lytle, Almena Christena b.1879 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Andrew b.1774 - Ireland
Lytle, Andrew J b.1801 - Chilicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States
Lytle, Anetta M b.1860 - Belvedere, Monona, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Bartley C. b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Lytle, Bertha Olive b.1880 - Mondamin, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Blanchard C b.1869 - Broad Top City, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Lytle, Charlotte Anna b.1844 - Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Lytle, Christina b.1834 - Ohio, USA
Lytle, David b.1865 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Delos R. b.1869 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Ethen b.1871 - Iowa, USA
Lytle, Eva Christina b.1864 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Francis Vernon b.1897 - Iowa, USA
Lytle, George b.1812 - Ross, Ohio, United States
Lytle, George M b.1875 - Pennsylvania, United States
Lytle, Hattie E b.1874 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Herbert Spencer b.1869 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Horace G b.1865 - Pennsylvania
Lytle, Hugh b.1810 - Ross, Ohio, USA
Lytle, Hugh b.1788 - Ireland
Lytle, Hugh b.1862 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Ira Alfred b.1872 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Ivan b.1836 - Ohio, USA
Lytle, James b.1841 - Indiana, USA
Lytle, James b.1803 - Springfield, Ross Oh
Lytle, James b.1775 - Clincorr, , , Ireland
Lytle, Jennie May b.1875 - Iowa, USA
Lytle, John b.1790 - Ireland
Lytle, John b.1802 - Ross, Ohio, United States
Lytle, John B. b.1837 - Coshocton, Ohio, USA
Lytle, John W b.1832 - Loysburg, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Lytle, Laura Grace b.1882 - Pennsylvania, United States
Lytle, Leon Lester b.1904 - Iowa, USA
Lytle, Living -
Lytle, Living -
Lytle, Living -
Lytle, Living -
Lytle, Lydia K b.1868 - Pennsylvania
Lytle, Mary Jane b.1831 - , Sandusky, Ohio, USA
Lytle, Nellie Ann b.1867 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Omar G b.1839 - Indiana, USA
Lytle, Russell Leon b.1904 - Iowa, USA
Lytle, Samuel b.1769 - Ireland
Lytle, Stewart b.1764 - Ireland
Lytle, Thomas b.1805 - Ross, Ohio, United States
Lytle, Thomas b.1770 - Ireland
Lytle, Wilbert Earl b.1875 - Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
Lytle, William Eugene b.1857 - Belvedere, Monona, Iowa, USA
Lytle, William R b.1867 - , Mills, Iowa, USA
Lytle, Willis Ward b.1902 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Mabee, Francis m.1753 -
MacClyment, David b.1906 - Illinois, USA
MacClyment, Harriette A b.1915 - Peoria, Peoria, Illinois, United States
MacClyment, William H b.1813 - Delaware, United States
Mace, Ella Eliza b.1865 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Mace, Everett -
Mach, Geniveve Teresa b.1908 -
Mack, Alexander b.1783 - Pennsylvania, United States
Mack, Anna Margaretta b.1854 - Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois
Mack, David b.1817 - Pennsylvania
Mack, David Edward b.1860 - Carthage, Hancock, Illinois
Mack, Edward C b.1889 - Illinois, USA
Mack, Esther b.1898 - Illinois, USA
Mack, Henriette Von Reisenkampff b.1856 - Carthage, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Mack, Louis b.1852 -
Mack, Susan A. b.1863 - Illinois, USA
Mackintosh, James m.1717 -
Mackintosh, Tabitha m.1854 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Magda, John Anthony b.1940 - Clarendon Hills, Du Page, Illinois, USA
Magda, Living -
Magda, Living -
Magda, Living -
Magda, Living -
Magda, Living -
Magda, Living -
Magdelana, b.1766 -
Magee, George Wilson b.1891 - Los Angeles Co, CA
Magnet, Charles b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Magnet, Elsie Mae b.1893 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Magnus, Charles E b.1897 - California, USA
Magnus, Earnest b.1860 - New York, USA
Magnus, Living -
Mahar, Harold b.1901 - Williamsfield, Knox, Illinois, USA
Mahar, James b.1867 - Illinois, USA
Mahar, Living -
Mahr, Anna Elizabeth b.1665 - Altheim, Starkenberg, Hessen Darmstadt, Germany
Major, Clarence b.1883 - Indiana
Major, Clyde b.1883 - Indiana
Major, Frank b.1877 - Mishawaka, Saint Joseph, Indiana, United States
Major, Harry b.1873 - Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Major, Herbert b.1888 - Mishawauka, St Joseph, Indiana
Major, John B b.1834 - Lower Mt Bethal North Hampton Pennsylvania
Major, Lemuel b.1876 - Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Makin, Joan b.1575 - Dedham, Essex, , England
Maklein, Margareta b.1711 - Shawangunk, Ulster, NY
Mallett, -
Mallory, Edward Harrison b.1888 - Canada
Mallory, Henry Judd b.1894 - Mallorytown, California, United States
Mallory, Living -
Mallory, William Henry b.1886 - Ontario, Canada
Mallory, Wilson B b.1858 - Ontario, Canada
Malone, Martha Hester m.1882 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Maltbie, Emily Maria b.1836 - Clinton, Oneida, New York, United States
Manbeck, Henrietta b.1864 - Iowa, USA
Mandernacht, Emil b.1912 - Mishonia, Russia
Mandernacht, Living -
Mandernacht, Living -
Mandernacht, Living -
Mandernacht, Living -
Mandernacht, Living -
Mandernacht, Living -
Mandernacht, Living -
Mandernacht, Living -
Mandernacht, Living -
Manges, Jessie Gore b.1906 -
Mangold, Arthur Ulysses b.1886 - Bennington, Douglas, Nebraska, United States
Mangold, Edwin Arthur b.1919 - Gretna, Sarpy, Nebraska
Mangold, Living -
Mangold, Living -
Manley, Jessie b.1891 - Beaver City, Boone, Nebraska, USA
Mann, Arlo Dan b.1916 - Lamoni, Decatur, Iowa, USA
Mann, Arlo Don -
Mann, Carlis Orrin "Carl" b.1885 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Charles Bert b.1880 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Charles Dean b.1900 - Mann Hollow, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Charlotte b.1846 - Venice, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Mann, Charlotte b.1846 - Ohio, USA
Mann, Cloyd Hoffman b.1908 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Cyral Opal b.1904 - Iowa
Mann, Delana b.1857 - Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Mann, Delana b.1857 - Provo, Wasatch, UT
Mann, Dennis b.1831 - Independence, Allegheny, New York, USA
Mann, Earl Jefferson b.1886 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Edwin b.1910 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Effie M. b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Elizabeth b.1848 - Ohio, USA
Mann, Emma Martha "Babe" b.1912 - Iowa, USA
Mann, George Franklin b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Mann, George William b.1874 - Missouri, USA
Mann, Geraldean L. b.1906 - South Dakota, USA
Mann, Gordon b.1905 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Harold Earl b.1903 - Morrhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Harriett b.1883 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Harry Lee b.1877 - Camden, Missouri, USA
Mann, Henry C b.1844 - Ohio
Mann, Henry Lee b.1876 - Camden, Missouri, USA
Mann, Howard Gerald b.1917 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Hubert Burr b.1893 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Ira M. b.1887 - Iowa, USA
Mann, James H b.1880 - Missouri
Mann, James Nathaniel b.1859 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Jane b.1838 - Ohio, USA
Mann, Jerald Allen "Jerry" b.1943 -
Mann, John b.1801 - Dummerston, Windham, Vermont, USA
Mann, John b.1658 -
Mann, John b.1835 - Ohio, USA
Mann, John Randall b.1918 - , Decatur, Iowa, USA
Mann, John Richard b.1885 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, John Taylor b.1854 - Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Mann, John Taylor b.1865 -
Mann, John Wallace b.1878 - Iowa
Mann, John William b.1885 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Mann, Joseph B b.1840 - Ohio, USA
Mann, Joseph Claude b.1886 - Missouri, USA
Mann, Julia Cintha b.1866 - Mann Hollow, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Laura Eva b.1892 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Lavina b.1825 - New York, USA
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Living -
Mann, Lloyd Irvin b.1913 - Moorhead, Monona Co., IA
Mann, Lorena Betsy b.1884 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Lynn Clayton b.1907 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Malvin Warren b.1887 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Margaret Rosetta b.1863 - Mann Valley, Pierce, Wisconsin, USA
Mann, Martha A b.1842 - Ohio, USA
Mann, Mary Eliza b.1833 - Attica, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Mann, Maude b.1880 - Camden, Missouri, USA
Mann, Nathan b.1837 - Seneca, Ohio, USA
Mann, Nathaniel b.1770 - Montgomery, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA
Mann, Nathaniel b.1823 - Independence, Allegheny, New York, USA
Mann, Nola Irene b.1921 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Mann, Octavia Elizabeth b.1893 - Camden, Missouri, USA
Mann, Oma Ailene b.1911 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Mann, Orson Pratt b.1858 - Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Mann, Oscar b.1877 - Missouri, USA
Mann, Richard b.1835 - Attica, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Mann, Richard Montgomery b.1803 - Windham, Vermont, USA
Mann, Richard Orrin b.1853 - Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA
Mann, Ruby S. b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Ruth M. b.1883 - Iowa, USA
Mann, Samantha b.1838 - Ohio, USA
Mann, Stephen b.1827 - New York, USA
Mann, Stephen P. b.1827 - New York, USA
Mann, Timothy b.1823 - Pennsylvania, USA
Mann, Uriah b.1791 - Dummerston, Windham, Vermont, USA
Mann, Verla Lou b.1913 - Missouri
Mann, Wanda Margaret b.1916 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Mann, Wellington D b.1882 -
Mann, Willard Zenan b.1914 - Iowa, USA
Mann, William b.1810 - Pennsylvania
Mann, William Gerald b.1909 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Mann, William H. b.1888 - Iowa, USA
Mann, William Wallace b.1829 - Independence, Allegheny, New York, USA
Mann, Zona Cora b.1908 - Cherokee, Cherokee, Iowa, USA
Manney, Clara Jane b.1876 - Kalkaska, Kalkaska, Michigan, USA
Manney, Frank -
Manney, John m.1869 - Elk Rapids, Antrim, Michigan, USA
Manney, John -
Manney, Mae b.1875 - Kalkaska, Kalkaska, Michigan, USA
Manning, Mary m.1666 - New York, New York, USA
Manor, Lamont E. b.1882 - Genoa City, Vernon, Wisconsin, USA
Manor, Living -
Manor, Living -
Manor, Living -
Mansfield, Mercy b.1662 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Marble, Anna -
Marble, Ephraim -
Marble, Fannie b.1801 -
March, Captain John m.1679 -
March, Enoch m.1742 -
March, Hugh -
Marcum, Living -
Marcum, Living -
Marcum, Living -
Marcum, Living -
Marderosian, John -
Marderosian, Living -
Marderosian, Living -
Margaret, m.1855 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Margaret, -
Margaret, d.1825 -
Marie, -
Markert, Jessie b.1880 - Ohio
Markle, Christena b.1812 - Coshocton, Ohio, USA
Markley, John B b.1787 - , Frederick, Maryland, USA
Marks, Clara Bell Augusta b.1850 - Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, USA
Marks, Clifton Clarence b.1853 -
Marks, Elbridge Lionel b.1857 -
Marks, Elenor Chloe b.1859 - Carroll, Illinois, USA
Marks, John b.1823 -
Marks, John Fremont b.1851 - Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, USA
Marks, Mary b.1781 -
Marks, Nelson Albion b.1861 -
Marks, Otis Johnson b.1859 - Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, USA
Marks, Sephora Elizabeth b.1855 -
Marlin, Alice P b.1887 - Iowa
Marlin, Carrie E b.1885 - Iowa
Marlin, John M b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Marlin, Living -
Marlin, Living -
Marlowe, Lillie b.1880 - , Pope, Arkansas, USA
Marqardt, Marie b.1864 - Thesdorf
Marquis, Everett b.1904 -
Marquis, Kay D -
Marrs, Jean Miriam b.1927 - Fairview, Missouri, United States
Marrs, John McKinley b.1898 - Christofor, Newton, Missouri, United States
Marrs, Living -
Marsh, Dora E b.1885 - Iowa, USA
Marsh, Lenny C b.1886 - Iowa
Marsh, Living -
Marsh, Living -
Marsh, Living -
Marsh, Living -
Marsh, Living -
Marsh, Oran P b.1882 - Iowa
Marsh, William Clark b.1814 - , Preble, Ohio, USA
Marsh, William Clark b.1849 - Wards Grove, Jo Daviess, Illinois, USA
Marshall, Elizabeth b.1635 - Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Marshall, Elizabeth -
Marshall, Living -
Marshall, Living -
Marshall, Living -
Martin, Almeda m.1892 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Martin, Anna m.1894 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Martin, Annis b.1649 - Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States
Martin, Beryl m.1915 -
Martin, John Dickey m.1844 - Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Living -
Martin, Mary b.1766 -
Martin, Mildred m.1915 - Des Moines, Iowa
Martin, Montgomery E. b.1875 - Niles, Berrien, Michigan, USA
Martin, Nancy b.1749 - Amherst, Virginia, USA
Martin, Richard Robert b.1859 - Iowa
Martin, Russel b.1830 - Indiana
Martin, Ruth E. m.1919 - Des Moines, Iowa
Martin, William R. m.1924 -
Martz, Herman b.1880 - Iowa, USA
Maruit, Violet b.1865 - Iowa
Marvin, Living -
Marvin, Living -
Marvin, Living -
Marvin, Living -
Mash, Sarah b.1792 - Surry, North Carolina, USA
Mason, Charles Windsor b.1882 - Camp Carling, Wyoming
Mason, Ethel -
Mason, Kathryn Ellen b.1949 -
Mason, Linda Sue -
Mason, Mary b.1601 - England
Mason, Mary Ellen -
Mason, Minerva -
Mason, Walter -
Mason, Zania M. b.1899 - Kansas
Masterman, Sylvanna b.1873 - Maine, USA
Masters, Elizabeth b.1789 -
Mastin, Mildred Louise b.1914 -
Matheis, Rose b.1880 - Spring Garden, Miller, Missouri, United States
Mather, Sophia b.1797 - Whately, Franklin Co., Massachusetts
Mather, William b.1766 - Colchester, New London Co., Connecticut
Matheson, -
Matheson, Beatrix b.1875 - Canada
Matheson, Edith b.1872 - Canada Eng
Matheson, John D b.1846 - Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Matheson, John Roy Douglas -
Matheson, Katharine C b.1888 - Montana
Matheson, Margery b.1908 -
Matheson, William Panton b.1879 -
Mathis, Josefa b.1809 -
Mathison, Mabel L. b.1908 - Iowa, USA
Matmiller, Florence Mildred b.1895 - Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, United States
Matmiller, George Charles b.1869 - Ogle County, Illinois
Matthews, Living -
Matthews, Margaret Peggy b.1802 - Tennessee
Mattis, Aaron b.1843 - Mifflin Township, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, United States
Mattis, Clara Estelle b.1882 - Hickory Corners, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States
Mattis, Mary Catherine b.1868 - Mifflin Township, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, United States
Mattison, Clara Ophelia b.1872 - Hallock, Peoria, Illinois, USA
Mattysen, Catheryn b.1641 - Fort Orange, Albany, New York, United States
Maul, Appolinia b.1805 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Maul, Hanna b.1809 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Maul, Jacob b.1803 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Maxon, Content m.1731 -
Maxon, Jonathan -
Maxson, Charity b.1797 -
Maxson, Charles b.1856 - Wisconsin, USA
Maxson, Constant b.1651 - Into Sabbatarian Church, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Maxson, Dorothy Geraldine b.1899 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Maxson, Elizabeth b.1803 - Doddridge, West Virginia, USA
Maxson, Ephraim b.1802 - Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Maxson, Eslie L b.1890 -
Maxson, George b.1881 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska
Maxson, George S. b.1921 - North Loup, Valley Co., Nebraska
Maxson, Hannah b.1806 - Pike, Clark, Ohio, USA
Maxson, Jacob D. b.1802 - New Jersey, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States
Maxson, Jane b.1813 - Ohio, USA
Maxson, Jeptha b.1798 - Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Maxson, Jesse b.1772 - Shrewsbury, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Maxson, John Russell b.1820 - New York, USA
Maxson, Jonathan b.1810 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Maxson, Lamont b.1880 - Minnesota, USA
Maxson, Lucian L. b.1850 - Lynn, Walworth County, Wisconsin
Maxson, Lydia b.1799 - Clarksburg, Virginia, United States
Maxson, Lydia b.1833 - Ohio, USA
Maxson, Marion Ruth b.1925 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Maxson, Marvel D b.1768 - Shrewsbury, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Maxson, Mary Arminda b.1854 - Walworth, Wisconsin, USA
Maxson, Naomi b.1821 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Maxson, Prudence b.1817 - Greene, Ohio, USA
Maxson, Rachel -
Maxson, Rebecca I b.1807 - Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Maxson, Rosell S b.1848 - Wisconsin, USA
Maxson, Sarah b.1808 - Salem, Harrison, West Virginia, USA
Maxson, Sarah b.1845 - New York, USA
Maxson, Sutton b.1836 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Maxson, William H b.1846 - Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Maxwell, Jane b.1798 -
Mayfield, Daughter b.1743 -
Mayfield, Daughter -
Mayfield, Dorcas m.1810 - Shelby, Kentucky, USA
Mayfield, Elijah b.1762 - Amherst, Virginia, USA
Mayfield, Elisha b.1760 -
Mayfield, George -
Mayfield, Isaac b.1745 - Albermarle, Amherst, Virginia, USA
Mayfield, Isaac b.1685 - , Essex, Virginia, USA
Mayfield, James b.1722 - Amherst, Virginia, USA
MAYFIELD, James b.1750 -
Mayfield, John -
Mayfield, Keziah m.1806 - Shelby, Kentucky, USA
Mayfield, Micajah b.1748 - Sullivan, Indiana, USA
Mayfield, Nancy m.1815 - Jefferson, Kentucky, USA
Mayfield, Rebecca b.1787 - Pendleton, Anderson, South Carolina, USA
Mayfield, Robert b.1635 - Gloucester, Gloucester, Virginia, United States
MAYFIELD, Samuel b.1743 -
Mayfield, Sarah b.1768 - , Amherst, Virginia, USA
Mayfield, Southerlin b.1750 - Albemarle, Amherst, Virginia, USA
Mayfield, William m.1805 - Shelby, Kentucky, USA
Mazer, Anna b.1907 - Ohio, USA
Mazer, Mike b.1870 -
Mazzochio, Lena m.1946 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Mazzochio, Peter -
Mc Clintick, Dennis b.1886 - Ohio
Mc Clintick, Henry b.1891 - Kansas
Mc Clintick, Jessie b.1869 - Ohio
Mc Clintick, John P. b.1861 - Ohio
Mc Clintick, Winnie b.1867 - Ohio
Mc Coy, b.1837 - New York, USA
Mc Coy, Charles B b.1877 - Wisconsin, USA
Mc Kinley, Lee b.1865 - Iowa
Mc Kinley, Thomas b.1868 - Iowa
McAdory, Mary G b.1886 -
McAllister, -
McAllister, Anna Jane b.1888 - Union, Ohio
McAllister, Enid M b.1904 -
McAllister, Janie b.1867 - Texas
McAllister, Living -
McAllister, Mary -
McCaffery, Florence b.1873 - Pennsylvania
McCain, Charity b.1798 - New York, USA
McCain, Living -
McCall, Elizabeth b.1814 - Armstrong, Pennsylvania, United States
McCarty, Eleanor b.1750 - , , Virginia, USA
McCarty, Enoch b.1753 - , Frederick, Virginia, USA
McClellan, Myrtle b.1901 - Goodwell, Newaygo, Michigan, United States
Mcclelland, Elizabeth Holman b.1915 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Mcclelland, Robert Smiley b.1880 - Decatur, Macon, Illinois, USA
McClintick, Elizabeth b.1820 - Pennsylvania, USA
McClintick, Hallie L b.1875 - Licking, Ohio
McClintick, John b.1796 - Pennsylvania
McClintick, John P b.1829 - Ohio
McClintick, Kittie b.1865 - Ohio, USA
Mcclintick, Living -
Mcclintick, Lucy b.1840 - Ohio
McClintick, Nancy b.1822 - Ohio
McClintick, Oliver Perry b.1835 - Ohio, USA
McClintick, William W b.1833 - Ohio
McClintock, Robert "Bert" b.1868 - Ohio
McClure, James Focht -
McClure, Living -
McClure, Living -
McClure, Living -
McClure, Living -
McClure, Living -
McClure, Living -
McClure, Living -
McClure, Maude b.1884 - Missouri
McClurken, Emma Amanda b.1858 - Ohio, USA
McCluskey, Carrie I. b.1866 - Cottage Grove, Washington, Minnesota, USA
McClyment, George R b.1845 - Illinois, USA
McClyment, George Richard b.1877 - Illinois, USA
McClyment, Harry Alexander b.1874 - Illinois, USA
McClyment, Marjorie Celeste b.1917 - Peoria, Peoria, Illinois, United States
McConnaughey, Elmer William b.1914 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
McConnaughey, Laura Ellen b.1943 - Seneca, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
McConnell, James C. b.1823 - Ohio, USA
McConnell, Living -
McConnell, Mary Elizabeth b.1858 - Iowa, USA
McCormick, Alice b.1870 -
McCormick, Anita -
Mccormick, Anna Marie b.1832 - Pennsylvania, USA
McCormick, Cyrus Hall b.1809 - Rockbridge, Virginia, USA
McCormick, Cyrus Hall b.1859 - Morristown, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
McCormick, Harold Fowler b.1872 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
McCormick, Harry b.1889 - Illinois, USA
McCormick, Henry David b.1887 - Detroit, Texas, USA
McCormick, Joseph Addison b.1818 - Dillon, Dillon, South Carolina, United States
McCormick, Leslie Ames b.1898 -
McCormick, Living -
McCormick, Living -
McCormick, Living -
McCormick, Living -
McCormick, Living -
McCormick, Living -
McCormick, Living -
McCormick, Living -
McCormick, Lucy Elena b.1913 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
McCormick, Margaret Kate b.1900 - McKinney, Collin, Texas, United States
McCormick, Martha b.1899 - Illinois, USA
McCormick, Martha D b.1885 - Texas
McCormick, Mary Virginia b.1861 -
McCormick, Robert b.1863 -
McCormick, Robert Jasper b.1889 - Fullbright, Red River, Texas, USA
McCormick, Ruth Elizabeth b.1912 - Emdan, Logan, Illinois, United States
McCormick, Samuel Neil b.1859 - Denton, Denton, Texas, USA,
McCormick, Stanley b.1874 -
McCornell, Charles b.1855 - Iowa, USA
Mccoy, E. Leeroy b.1873 - Wisconsin
McCrory, Charles H. b.1891 - Denison, Kansas
McCrory, Charles Melvin b.1919 - Kansas
McCrory, Kathryn Louise b.1929 - Kansas
McCrory, Living -
McCrory, Living -
McCrory, Living -
McCrory, Thelma Faye b.1918 - Kansas
McCrory, William Wylie b.1882 - Kansas
McCullough, Mary Nell m.1960 - Clovis, New Mexico, USA
McDaniel, Kate -
McDaniel, Lena Louise b.1900 - Fairfax, Atchison, Missouri, USA
Mcdonald, Albert b.1875 - New York, USA
McDonald, Anna b.1882 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Mcdonald, Donald b.1869 - New York, USA
McDonald, Donald b.1808 - Scotland
Mcdonald, Frances b.1879 - New York, USA
Mcdonald, Frederick b.1877 - New York, USA
McDonald, Herb b.1882 - Minnesota, USA
McDonald, Living -
Mcdonald, William b.1871 - , Albany, New York, USA
McDonald, William b.1843 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
McElheney, Living -
McElheney, William Ralph b.1908 -
McElrea, Charles Elmer b.1867 -
McElrea, Emma b.1869 - , Knox, Illinois, USA
McElrea, Ida b.1867 - Hermon, Knox, Illinois, USA
McElrea, Thomas b.1804 - Ireland
McElroy, Dorothy Rebecca b.1916 - Baldwyn, Lee, Mississippi, USA
McElroy, Will Lee b.1883 - Baldwyn, Lee, Mississippi, USA
McElroy, William b.1839 - , Warren, Illinois, USA
McElwain, Ben m.1900 -
McEvers, Grace b.1880 -
McFarland, Benjamin F. b.1815 - Mill Spring, Jefferson County, Tennessee
McFarland, Charlotte -
McFarland, John -
McFarland, Mary Catharine b.1845 - Jones, Iowa, USA
McFarland, Nancy Juliet b.1843 - Mill Spring, Jefferson, Tennessee, USA
McFarland, Robert Henry b.1848 - Mill Spring, Jefferson County, Tennessee
McFarland, Virginia Jennie b.1855 - Mill Spring, Jefferson County, Tennessee
McFarland, William b.1805 - White Castle, Lake Champlain, NY
McGee, Alta May b.1906 - Mills, Iowa, USA
McGee, Charles Sherman b.1865 - Mills, Iowa, USA
McGee, Dora Evadell b.1890 - Iowa
McGee, Infant Girl b.1898 - Mills, Iowa, USA
McGee, James b.1825 - , Monroe, West Virginia, USA
McGee, Living -
McGee, Living -
McGee, Living -
McGee, Living -
McGee, Living -
McGee, Living -
McGee, Living -
McGee, Living -
McGee, Mary Ellen b.1853 - Anderson, Iowa, USA
McGee, Mary Ellen -
McGee, Meryl Melvin b.1899 - Henderson, Mills, Iowa, USA
McGee, Nora Bell b.1901 - Mills, Iowa, USA
McGee, Stella M. b.1878 - Lyons, Kansas, USA
McGeehee, Mary b.1888 -
McGonigle, Clayton Leon -
McGonigle, Faye Louise b.1932 - Commerce, Ottawa, Oklahoma, USA
McGonigle, Gladys Alburta -
Mcgonigle, Juanita Pearl b.1933 - North Miami, Ottawa, Oklahoma, USA
McGonigle, Kenneth Dale b.1940 - Cardin, Ottawa, Oklahoma, USA
Mcgonigle, Mary Ellen b.1930 - Commerce, Ottawa, Oklahoma, USA
McGonigle, Oscar Franklin b.1942 - Picher, Ottawa, Oklahoma, USA
McGonigle, Shirley Mae b.1936 - Commerce, Ottawa, Oklahoma, USA
McGovern, Edward b.1863 - New Castle, Delaware, USA
McGovern, Edward b.1883 -
McGovern, Elizabeth b.1881 -
McGovern, Eugene b.1887 - New Castle, Delaware, USA
McGovern, Frances b.1891 -
McGovern, Henry b.1890 - Illinois, USA
McGovern, Jack b.1775 - Cavan, Ireland
McGovern, John James b.1855 - New Castle, Delaware, USA
McGovern, Living -
McGovern, Living -
McGovern, Living -
McGovern, Mary L b.1885 -
McGovern, Owen b.1868 - Illinois, USA
McGovern, Patrick b.1818 - Ireland
McGovern, Stella Marguerite b.1900 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
McGovern, Thomas P b.1887 -
McGowan, Living -
McGowan, Louis b.1896 - Fairview, Jones, Iowa, USA
McGowan, Marjorie Louise b.1922 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
McGowan, Mildred L b.1921 - , Linn, Iowa, USA
McGraw, Anna b.1849 - Lee, Illinois, USA
McGraw, Edward b.1813 - Ireland
McGraw, Mary b.1846 - Lee, Illinois, USA
McGraw, William H. b.1857 - New York, USA
McGuire, Emma Jane b.1838 - Jefferson County, Tennessee
McHenry, Patricia Ann m.1840 -
McIntyre, Mary d.1820 -
McIntyre, Mrs Hugh -
McKean, Voda E. b.1884 - Nebraska, USA
McKee, Ethel b.1888 -
McKee, Ethel Mae b.1909 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
McKee, Eula -
McKee, Frieda -
McKee, George Washington b.1881 -
McKee, George Washington -
McKee, James L m.1847 -
McKee, Jimmy -
McKee, John J b.1871 - Ohio
McKee, Living -
McKee, Ruth -
McKenna, Mae Catherine b.1899 - California, USA
McKenzie, Alex m.1907 -
McKenzie, Florence -
McKenzie, James b.1820 - Delaware USA
McKenzie, Mathew Thomas b.1844 - Vigo County, Indiana, USA
McKenzie, Thomas b.1784 - Delaware, USA
McKeown, Jennie b.1871 - Ontario, Canada
McKibben, Sarah b.1780 - Washington, Pennsylvania, United States
McKinley, Abner Onesimus b.1836 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, United States
McKinley, Adaline b.1839 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, United States
McKinley, Amos b.1801 - Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
McKinley, Carrie U b.1875 - Iowa
McKinley, Clifford b.1842 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, United States
McKinley, Daniel b.1811 -
McKinley, Dewitt Clinton b.1835 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, United States
McKinley, Elizabeth b.1820 - Ohio, USA
McKinley, Emaline b.1833 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, United States
McKinley, Frank b.1876 - Iowa
McKinley, George G. b.1849 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, USA
McKinley, Hartley B b.1883 - Iowa
McKinley, Hugh b.1760 - Orange Co.Virginia
McKinley, James H b.1888 - Iowa
McKinley, James W. b.1844 - Licking, Ohio, USA
McKinley, John b.1842 - Licking, Ohio, USA
McKinley, John m.1815 - Licking County, Ohio, USA
McKinley, John H b.1831 - Ohio
McKinley, LeRoy Levi b.1845 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, United States
McKinley, Mamie b.1881 - Iowa
McKinley, Mary Jane b.1853 - , Licking, Ohio, USA
McKinley, Melissa M b.1846 - Iowa
McKinley, Nellie b.1877 - Iowa
McKinley, Peter b.1847 - Ohio, USA
McKinley, Polly b.1815 - Ohio, USA
McKinley, Thomas b.1817 - Ohio
McKinley, Thomas H. b.1847 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, United States
McKinley, William M. b.1852 - Utica, Knox, Ohio, USA
McKinley, Zoe A b.1884 - Wellman, Washington, Iowa, USA
McKinzie, Elenora Elizabeth b.1934 -
McKinzie, George Francis b.1891 - Crooked Creek, Cumberland, Illinois
McKinzie, James Samuel b.1868 - Indiana
McKinzie, Living -
McKinzie, Living -
McKinzie, Living -
McKinzie, Living -
McKinzie, Richard Lee b.1938 - Casey, Clark, Illinois, USA
McKinzie, Ruth Irene b.1929 - Illinois, USA
McKirahan, Samuel Anderson b.1882 - Smith Center, Smith, Kansas, USA
McKoon, Merritt G. m.1878 -
McLaughlin, John -
McLaughlin, Rosanna b.1808 - Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
McLeod, Living -
McLeod, Living -
McLeod, Living -
McLeod, Living -
McLeod, Living -
McLeod, Living -
McLeod, Living -
McLeod, Living -
McMillan, Coon b.1878 - Tennessee
McMillan, Cordelia Adaline b.1872 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
McMillan, Ethel May b.1878 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
McMillan, Jennie b.1869 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
McMillan, John Davis b.1821 - Tennessee, USA
McMillan, Joseph Samuel b.1867 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
McMillan, Lula Lena b.1875 - Tennessee
McMillan, Mary Alice b.1868 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
McMillan, Maud Gertrude b.1876 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
McMillan, Michael m.1943 -
McMorrow, Charles Denton b.1877 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
McMorrow, Dale Olen b.1888 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
Mcmorrow, Elizabeth M b.1881 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
McMorrow, Jennie E b.1886 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
McMorrow, Otto Vaughn b.1879 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
McMorrow, Sarah Garnet b.1894 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
McMorrow, Walter Rex b.1899 - Salem, Meigs, Ohio, USA
McMorrow, William Henry b.1884 - Dexter, Meigs, Ohio, USA
McMorrow, William Joseph b.1857 - Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa, USA
McNarny, Mary b.1833 -
McNew, Bertha b.1874 - Indiana
McNew, Charley b.1870 - Indiana
McNew, Dora L. b.1863 - Indiana
McNew, Evermont b.1872 - Indiana
McNew, Scott b.1838 - Indiana
McNew, Willard G. b.1878 - Indiana
McQuinn, Hattie Mabel b.1887 - Fossil, Wheeler, Oregon, USA
McQuitty, James Caldwell b.1911 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
McQuitty, John Vredenburgh b.1907 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
McQuitty, Living -
McQuitty, Living -
McQuitty, Living -
McQuitty, Living -
McQuitty, Louis Laforce b.1910 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
McQuitty, Mary Elizabeth b.1908 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
McQuitty, Phelix b.1873 - Missouri, USA
McVeagh, Elizabeth b.1699 - Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States
McVey, -
McVey, Lucy b.1863 - Missouri
McWilliams, Belle Blanche b.1877 - Soldier Valley, Harrison, Iowa, USA
McWilliams, David b.1785 - Ireland
McWilliams, David -
McWilliams, David N b.1866 - Missouri
McWilliams, Debra -
McWilliams, Effie Davis b.1861 - Missouri
McWilliams, Egbert C b.1859 - Missouri, USA
McWilliams, Elizabeth Jane b.1885 - Clinton County, Missouri
McWilliams, Frances Elizabeth b.1873 - Clinton, Missouri, United States
Mcwilliams, George Thomas b.1832 - , Shelby, Kentucky, USA
McWilliams, George Thomas II b.1868 - Missouri
McWilliams, Howard -
Mcwilliams, John Simpson b.1876 - Clinton, Missouri, USA
McWilliams, John Simpson b.1913 - Stewartsville City, De Kalb, Missouri
McWilliams, Katharine b.1911 - Stewartsville City, De Kalb, Missouri
McWilliams, Kerri -
McWilliams, Living -
McWilliams, Living -
McWilliams, Living -
McWilliams, Living -
McWilliams, Marjorie Elizabeth b.1922 - Clinton City, Henry, Missouri, USA
McWilliams, Mary Maude b.1882 - Stewartsville, Clinton, Missouri, United States
McWilliams, Nicholas Edward b.1910 - Missouri, USA
McWilliams, Nicholas Ford b.1878 - Missouri, USA
McWilliams, Samuel J b.1864 - Missouri
McWilliams, Susan b.1871 - Missouri
McWilliams, Thomas -
McWilliams, Thomas B b.1840 - Point Pleasant, Clermont, Ohio, United States
Meacham, Annie b.1864 -
Mead, Edward Michael b.1878 - Wisconsin
Mead, Eliza Jane b.1851 - Maquoketa, Jackson, Iowa, USA
Mead, Grace Ann b.1907 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Mead, Hannah b.1648 - Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Mead, John "Jack" David b.1917 - Wisconsin
Mead, Lois b.1802 - Vermont, USA
Mead, Marlet Gertrude b.1903 - Wisconsin
Mead, Mary Jane "Jane" b.1914 - Wisconsin
Mead, Sabrina Evelyn b.1845 - Youngsville, Warren, PA
Mead, William b.1610 - Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Meade, Charles Edward b.1905 - Wisconsin
Meade, Elizabeth -
Meade, Hanna Ann b.1839 - Birmingham, Erie, Ohio, USA
Meadows, Alfred Charles b.1852 - England
Meadows, Elmer Clyde b.1895 - South Cayuga, Ontario
Meadows, George b.1874 - Missouri
Meadows, Jesse Clifford b.1908 - Neosho, Newton, Missouri, USA
Meadows, Living -
Meadows, Living -
Meagher, Ann b.1770 -
Mefford, Ellen E b.1855 - Iowa
Megginson, Joseph Cabell b.1771 - Clover Plains, Buckingham, Virginia, USA
Megginson, Joseph Cabell b.1829 - Appomattox, Appomattox, Virginia, United States
Megginson, Mariah E. b.1859 - Virginia
Megginson, Samuel Bolling b.1802 - Buckingham County, Virginia, USA
Melba, -
Melius, Christina b.1735 - Columbia, New York, United States
Melville, Sir John d.1463 -
Melville, 1st of Raith, John d.1427 -
Menaugh, Nancy b.1784 - Tyrone, Tyrone, Ireland
Mentern, Sarah m.1702 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Merken, Jannetje Van der b.1678 - Marbletown, Ulster Co, NY
Mero, Elizabeth b.1865 - Michigan, USA
Merrick, Benjamin m.1700 - Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
Merrick, Benjamin b.1674 -
Merrick, Clifford S. m.1899 -
Merrick, Constant -
Merrick, Elizabeth b.1756 - Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Merrick, Hannah -
Merrick, Isaac -
Merrick, James -
Merrick, John b.1680 -
Merrick, John -
Merrick, John -
Merrick, Joseph b.1662 -
Merrick, Mary b.1650 -
Merrick, Nathaniel m.1730 - Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
Merrick, Nathaniel b.1675 -
Merrick, Rebecca b.1668 - Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
Merrick, Rebecca b.1648 -
Merrick, Ruth b.1652 -
Merrick, Ruth b.1684 -
Merrick, Samuel d.1714 -
Merrick, Sarah -
Merrick, Sarah b.1654 -
Merrick, Stephen b.1646 -
Merrick, Stephen b.1673 -
Merrick, Thomas -
Merrick, William b.1643 -
Merrick, William b.1602 - Wales
Merrick, William b.1670 -
Merrifield, Abraham b.1749 - Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Merrifield, Adeline b.1804 - Hull, Quebec, Canada
Merrifield, Alexander b.1818 - Eardly Twp, Pontiac, Quebec, Canada
Merrifield, Alice b.1901 - Wyoming, USA
Merrifield, Barnabus b.1816 - Canada
Merrifield, Clarissa E. b.1845 - Illinois, USA
Merrifield, Elizabeth b.1813 - Eardly Twp, Pontiac, Quebec, Canada
Merrifield, Eva M b.1875 - Iowa, USA
Merrifield, Florence b.1895 - Exira, Audubon, Iowa, United States
Merrifield, Henry b.1806 - Eardly Twp, Pontiac, Quebec, Canada
Merrifield, Hyrum H. C. b.1851 - Iowa, USA
Merrifield, Irene Malissa b.1858 - Utah, USA
Merrifield, John R. b.1858 - Utah, USA
Merrifield, Justus Philomen b.1819 - Eardly Twp, Pontiac, Quebec, Canada
Merrifield, Luella May b.1864 -
Merrifield, Mary Ann b.1856 - Utah, USA
Merrifield, Melinda b.1840 - Beardley, Canada
Merrifield, Nathan b.1775 - Franklin, New London, Connecticut, United States
Merrifield, Nathan b.1807 - Eardly Twp, Pontiac, Quebec, Canada
Merrifield, Nathan Wilks b.1842 - Canada
Merrifield, Rebecca Jane b.1847 - Iowa, USA
Merrifield, Rosanna b.1809 - Eardly Twp. Pontiac, Quebec, Canada
Merrifield, Stafford b.1822 - Eardly Twp, Pontiac, Quebec, Canada
Merrifield, Thomas b.1879 - Iowa, USA
Merrifield, Verner b.1893 - Exir, Audubon, Iowa, USA
Merrifield, Viola M b.1877 - Iowa, USA
Merrill, Joseph m.1766 -
Merrill, Judith m.1717 -
Merrill, Martha m.1702 -
Merrill, Martha E b.1848 - Ohio
Merrill, Moses m.1729 -
Merrill, Rhoda -
Merryman, Mary Ann b.1841 - Indiana, USA
Merz, Cecelia b.1870 - Germany
Messelhaeuser, Christina W b.1872 - Madison, WI, USA
Messelhaeuser, Eddi b.1867 - Wisconsin
Messelhaeuser, Emma b.1874 - Wisconsin
Messelhaeuser, George b.1878 - Wisconsin
Messelhaeuser, J. M. b.1838 - Bavaria
Messelhaeuser, Luette b.1869 - Wisconsin
Messelhaeuser, Wilhelm b.1866 - Wisconsin
Messenger, Sarah P 'Sadie' b.1860 - West Virginia, USA
Messman, Jesse W. -
Messman, Jesse William b.1888 - Mason City, Effingham, Illinois, USA
Messman, Living -
Metcalf, Daniel G. -
Metcalf, John b.1847 - Lexington, Somerset, Maine, USA
Metcalf, John Clinton b.1872 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Mettlach, Gertrude b.1881 -
Mey, Helena b.1581 - France
Meyer, Christine Christina d.1890 -
Meyer, Herman Dietrich -
Meyer, Jacqueline Sue b.1948 - Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States
Meyer, Julia Sophie Marie Margarethe b.1857 - Dorverden, Germany
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Living -
Meyer, Louis Otto b.1914 - Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States
Meyer, Marie Hulda b.1916 - Moundridge, McPherson, Kansas
Meyer, Martin b.1856 - Tipton, Moniteau, Missouri, USA
Meyer, Ralph William b.1926 - Bahner, Pettis County, Missouri
Meyer, William b.1883 - Missouri
Meyers, Addie May b.1874 - Winneshiek, Iowa, United States
Meyers, Magie V b.1885 - Pennsylvania
Meyers, Rena M. b.1891 - Iowa, USA
Meyers, Russell P. b.1914 -
Mials, Sarah m.1772 -
Micelli, Paul m.1926 -
Michell, Elizabeth c.1539 - Great Gransden, Huntingdonshire, England
Mick, Susanne b.1848 - Indiana, USA
Mickel, George E. b.1867 - Ironton, Lawrence, Ohio, USA
Mickel, Gladys Sylvana b.1901 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Mickel, Living -
Mickel, Living -
Mickel, Living -
Mickel, Living -
Mickel, Living -
Mickel, Living -
Mickel, Living -
Middagh, Aert Theunissen b.1641 - Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Middagh, Joris Aartze b.1676 - Hycoop, Netherlands
Middlebrook, Joseph b.1610 - , Bedfordshire, , England
MIDDLEBROOK, JOSEPH b.1588 - England
Middlebrook, Joseph b.1650 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
MIDDLEBROOK, Phebe b.1652 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Middlebrook, Phoebe b.1656 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Mikoliasen, Carrie H. b.1904 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Miles, m.1925 -
Miles, Charles Eugene b.1926 - Bucyrus, Texas Co., MO
Miles, Living -
Miles, Living -
Miles, Martha m.1739 - Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Miles, Mary b.1650 - , Westmoreland, Virginia, USA
Miles, Mary Grace b.1923 - Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon, United States
Miles, Myrtle M. b.1882 - Shelby, Missouri, USA
Miles, Richard E b.1830 - Saline, , Kentucky, USA
Miles, Richard Edward b.1849 -
Miles, Richard Raymond b.1885 -
Milks, Sarah b.1749 - Amenia, Dutchess, New York, United States
Mill, Ella b.1872 - Wisconsin
Millar, Alexander b.1797 - Scotland
Millar, Elizabeth b.1817 - Scotland
Millard, Gladys m.1909 -
Millard, Ida Beryl m.1908 -
Miller, Absalom B b.1814 - Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Miller, Albert Cobb b.1853 - Lucas, Ohio, USA
Miller, Angeline b.1831 - Pennsylvania, USA
Miller, Anton Henry b.1840 - Germany
Miller, Barbara A b.1830 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Bertha E b.1882 - Meltendorf, , , Germany
Miller, Caroline b.1836 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Catherine b.1819 - Mt Zion, Butler, Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Charles Judson b.1882 - Iowa, USA
Miller, Chelsea Hawley b.1950 - Denver, Adams, Colorado, United States
Miller, Clara Bell b.1855 - Anthon, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Miller, David b.1835 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Delilah b.1818 - Pennsylvania, USA
Miller, Earl Dalton b.1922 - Texas, USA
Miller, Edwin Burton b.1911 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
Miller, Elizabeth b.1852 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Miller, Elizabeth b.1818 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Elizabeth b.1870 - Ohio, USA
Miller, Elizabeth Ann b.1932 - Wichita Falls, Texas
Miller, Emily b.1843 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Emma b.1850 - Ohio, USA
Miller, Emma m.1868 -
Miller, Ernest W b.1872 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Eunice Jane b.1912 - Iowa
Miller, Frances Fannie b.1822 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Frank -
Miller, George b.1846 -
Miller, George b.1824 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Gerty "Charity" b.1792 - New York, USA
Miller, Gladys Ferne b.1903 - Iowa
Miller, Grace b.1890 - South Dakota, USA
Miller, Hannah b.1847 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Henry b.1836 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Henry b.1779 - Maryland
Miller, Herman -
Miller, Isaac Alfred b.1845 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Israel b.1827 - Ohio, USA
Miller, James A. b.1843 - Pennsylvania
Miller, James Albert b.1924 - Wichita, Texas
Miller, James L b.1863 -
Miller, James Mark b.1886 - Hay Springs, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Miller, Jane L b.1863 -
Miller, John b.1845 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Miller, John b.1803 - Maryland, USA
Miller, John J b.1915 - Missouri, USA
Miller, John M. b.1840 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Joseph b.1808 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Miller, Joseph b.1824 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Joseph C b.1838 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Miller, Judson A b.1842 - Ohio, USA
Miller, Katherine b.1836 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Living -
Miller, Lucille b.1907 - Louisiana, USA
Miller, Lucinda b.1848 -
Miller, Lucy b.1876 - Clarence, Cedar, Iowa
Miller, Lucy b.1845 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Mabel Jane b.1892 - Nebraska, USA
Miller, Margaret b.1830 - Pennsylvania, USA
Miller, Margaret b.1834 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Margaret A b.1837 -
Miller, Margaret Jane b.1824 - Kentucky, USA
Miller, Marguerite b.1840 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Miller, Marianne -
Miller, Marie Elizabeth b.1929 - Newell, Butte, South Dakota, USA
Miller, Marjorie M. b.1908 - Defiance, Ohio, USA
Miller, Martha E. b.1868 - Kentucky, USA
Miller, Mary b.1832 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Mary J b.1869 -
Miller, Mary Melba Fay b.1927 - Wichita Falls, Wichita, Texas, USA
Miller, Michelle -
Miller, Paul b.1919 - South Dakota
Miller, Perry b.1884 - Iowa, USA
Miller, Perry L b.1865 - Anthon, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Miller, Ralph -
Miller, Reuben T. b.1838 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Samantha J b.1861 - Anthon, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Miller, Samuel b.1845 - PA
Miller, Sarah b.1828 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Sarah "Sadie" b.1876 - Iowa, USA
Miller, Sarah Melissa b.1861 -
Miller, Sidney Earl b.1888 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Miller, Simon b.1830 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Simon b.1826 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Susan b.1840 - Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Tobias Frederick b.1796 - Union City, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, Truman Albert b.1910 - South Dakota
Miller, Truman Benjiman b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Miller, William b.1786 - Virginia, USA
Miller, William H b.1825 - Union City, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Miller, William L b.1909 - South Dakota
Miller, William M b.1858 - Anthon, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Miller, Wilma -
Milligan, Edward b.1885 - Missouri
Mills, Fred L b.1884 - Georgia
Mills, Hannan b.1878 - Kentucky
Mills, James H b.1878 - Kentucky, USA
Mills, James H b.1848 - Ohio
Mills, Living -
Mills, Mrs. Sarah -
Miner, Betrand Max b.1902 - Dent, Iron, Missouri, USA
Miner, Cleo Rex b.1900 - Doss, Dent, Missouri, USA
Miner, Emily b.1838 - Michigan
Miner, Laborn E b.1827 - Missouri, USA
Miner, Living -
Miner, Living -
Miner, Living -
Miner, Living -
Miner, Living -
Miner, Living -
Miner, Living -
Miner, Living -
Miner, Marvin Dale b.1927 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Miner, Niegel Carmon b.1904 - Missouri, USA
Miner, Stephen b.1910 - , Dent, Missouri, USA
Miner, Stephen Rutledge b.1870 - Doss, Dent, Missouri, USA
Miner, Wyottha Dorman b.1907 - , Dent, Missouri, USA
Minot, George Richards b.1758 -
Minot, Grace Woodworth b.1911 - Boston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Minot, John b.1626 -
Minot, Katharine b.1883 - West Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Minot, Living -
Minot, Lucy Woodworth b.1909 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Minot, Sedgwick -
Minot, Stephen d.1787 -
Minot, Stephen b.1662 -
Minot, Stephen b.1688 -
Minot, Vredenburgh b.1887 - Wareham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Minot, William b.1849 - West Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Minot, William b.1914 - Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Minot, William b.1885 - Wareham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Minot, William b.1783 -
Minot, William b.1817 -
Minshall, Arthur J b.1835 - Indiana, USA
Minshall, Bessie b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Minshall, Constance b.1873 - Illinois, USA
Minshall, Elizabeth b.1840 - Indiana, USA
Minshall, Frank Solon b.1897 - Havana, Mason, Illinois, USA
Minshall, John A b.1810 - Ohio, USA
Minshall, Living -
Minshall, Living -
Minshall, Martha Annetta b.1845 - Indiana, USA
Minshall, Olive b.1888 - Indiana, USA
Minshall, Solon T b.1850 - Perrysville, Vermillion, Indiana, USA
Minshall, Sue D b.1853 - Indiana, USA
Minshall, Vernon L b.1921 -
Minshall, William Ellis b.1848 - Indiana, USA
Minsker, Clarice -
Minsker, Cora Bernice b.1883 - Shannon, Atchison, Kansas, USA
Minsker, Desmond b.1891 - Shannon, Atchison, Kansas, USA
Minsker, Eugene Claude b.1915 - Wheeler, Tillamook, Oregon, United States
Minsker, Frances Pearl b.1888 - Independence, Macon, Missouri, United States
Minsker, Godfrey Claude b.1890 - Independence, Jackson, Missouri, United States
Minsker, John Elliott -
Minsker, John Laurence -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Living -
Minsker, Manley Frank b.1922 - McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon, United States
Minsker, Moses Lafayette b.1825 -
Minsker, Moses Lafayette b.1825 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Minsker, Nellie b.1884 -
Minsker, Samuel Watson b.1927 - Tillamook, Tillamook, Oregon, United States
Minsker, Vincent Elliott b.1857 - Pennsylvania, USA
Minsker, Walter Paul b.1894 - Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Minsker, Watson Samuel b.1861 - Pennsylvania, United States
Minsker, Wilna Winnifred b.1886 - Independence, Jackson, Missouri, United States
Minton, James -
Minton, Living -
Minton, Living -
Minton, Living -
Mires, Margaret b.1839 - Ohio
Mires, Peter b.1791 - Pennsylvania, USA
Mitchell, Agnes M. b.1908 - Iowa, USA
Mitchell, Alice b.1865 - Elmira, Chemung, New York, United States
Mitchell, Allen T b.1889 - Illinois
Mitchell, Alonzo C b.1842 - Illinois
Mitchell, Amanda Jane b.1840 - Mason, Kentucky, USA
Mitchell, Charles Hoyt b.1863 -
Mitchell, Delbert b.1879 - Iowa
Mitchell, Earl Edward b.1932 - Mandan, Morton, North Dakota, USA
Mitchell, Earl Edward b.1901 - Iowa, USA
Mitchell, Floyd b.1877 - Iowa
Mitchell, Frances E b.1846 - Pittston, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Mitchell, Francis Cherivoy b.1839 - Connecticut, United States
Mitchell, Fredrick William b.1935 - North Dakota, USA
Mitchell, Henry Sawtelle b.1868 - Strong, Franklin, Maine, USA
Mitchell, James b.1808 - Maine, USA
Mitchell, Jennie Mae b.1870 - Maine
Mitchell, John E b.1850 - Pittston, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Mitchell, John Putnam b.1880 -
Mitchell, Lester Leroy b.1877 - Maine, USA
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Living -
Mitchell, Loretta Mae b.1933 - Mandan, Morton, North Dakota, USA
Mitchell, Mark Anthony -
Mitchell, Mary Elvira b.1847 - Pittston, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Mitchell, Matthew m.1827 - Montgomery, Illinois, USA
Mitchell, Modie Lionel b.1871 -
Mitchell, Moses b.1834 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Mitchell, Opal b.1906 - Iowa, USA
Mitchell, Rufus -
Mitchell, Russell J. b.1918 - South Dakota
Mitchell, Ruth Emma b.1892 - Illinois
Mitchell, Ruth Joy b.1941 - North Dakota, USA
Mitchell, Sarah b.1621 - Halifax, Yorkshire, , England
Mitchell, Seth b.1868 - Breesport, Chemung, New York, United States
Mitchell, William b.1874 - Blackhawk, Iowa, USA
Mitton, Ann b.1608 - Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States
Mitton, Mary b.1646 - Falmouth, Cumberland, Maine, United States
Mitton, Michael m.1637 -
Mller, Anna Maria b.1761 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Anna Marie b.1804 - Nanzweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Mller, Eva b.1655 - Dietschweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Mller, Georg b.1697 - Oberbrechen, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Georg M b.1768 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Jakob M b.1843 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Jakob M b.1834 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Mller, Johann b.1759 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Johann Adam b.1741 - Dietschweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Mller, Johann Georg b.1757 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Johann Jacob -
Mller, Johann Jakob b.1704 - Dietschweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Mller, Johann Nikolaus b.1674 - Dietschweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Mller, Johann Wilhelm b.1730 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Josef b.1764 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Maria Anna b.1754 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Maria Catharina b.1771 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Mller, Maria M b.1847 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Mller, Michael b.1769 - Nanzweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Mller, Nikolaus b.1650 - Germany
Moe, Greg -
Moe, Living -
Moellenbrock, Ohnua m.1924 - Jackson, Missouri
Mohrlock, Esther Louise b.1903 - Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan
Mohrlock, John b.1870 - Sylvan, Washtenaw, Michigan
Moll, Jennie O. b.1880 - Kansas, USA
Moncrief, Isabel b.1490 -
Moncrief, Sir John d.1496 - of that ilk, 8th of Moncreiffe
Moncure, Alice Gascoigne b.1830 - Glencairn, Stafford, Virginia, USA
Moncure, Richard C. L. -
Monroe, Elizabeth b.1862 - Earltown, Colchester, Nova Scotia, Canada
Monroe, Living -
Monroe, Living -
Monroe, Living -
Monroe, Living -
Monson, Elmer Victor b.1938 -
Monson, Elmer Victor b.1913 -
Montagu, Sidney b.1581 - , Hampshire, , England
Montague, Alice b.1870 - Iowa
Montague, Eldridge b.1863 - Iowa
Montague, Elizabeth b.1590 - , Herefordshire, , England
Montague, Francis Grace b.1867 - Dow City, Crawford, Iowa, USA
Montague, George b.1829 - Utica, Oneida Co., New York
Montague, Mary b.1865 - Iowa
Montanye, Adriana b.1724 -
Montanye, Appollonia b.1741 -
Montanye, Benjamin b.1745 -
Montanye, Hannah b.1737 -
Montanye, Jane b.1739 -
Montanye, John T. b.1743 -
Montanye, Martha b.1726 -
Montanye, Peter b.1723 -
Montanye, Peternella b.1747 - New York, New York, USA
Montanye, Rebecca b.1735 -
Montanye, Thomas b.1731 -
Montanye, Vincent b.1721 -
Montanye, William H. -
Montgomery, Adelaide b.1839 - Ohio, USA
Montgomery, America b.1857 - Iowa, USA
Montgomery, Arminda b.1840 - Illinois, USA
Montgomery, Aseph b.1845 - Indiana, United States
Montgomery, Daniel b.1800 - Cassville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Montgomery, Daniel -
Montgomery, Edward b.1851 - Illinois, USA
Montgomery, Edwin b.1851 - Illinois, USA
Montgomery, Ethel M b.1878 - Nebraska, USA
Montgomery, Francis b.1841 - Illinois, USA
Montgomery, Francis b.1845 -
Montgomery, Frank b.1880 - Nebraska, USA
Montgomery, Hazel b.1890 - Illinois, USA
Montgomery, Henry b.1849 - Illinois, USA
Montgomery, Henry H b.1812 - New York, USA
Montgomery, Jacob C b.1833 -
Montgomery, Jennie Malinda b.1847 - Oxford, Butler, Ohio
Montgomery, John b.1847 - Illinois, USA
Montgomery, Litha Marie b.1884 - Grafton, Fillmore, Nebraska, USA
Montgomery, Living -
Montgomery, Living -
Montgomery, Margaret Strawbridge b.1836 -
Montgomery, Mary b.1855 - Iowa, USA
Montgomery, Nancy b.1836 -
Montgomery, Sarah b.1835 - Wisconsin, USA
Montogomery, Daniel Strawbridge b.1811 -
Montrose, Arthur David b.1880 - Smithfield, Cache, Utah, USA
Montrose, Coila Leona b.1907 - Hagerman, Gooding, Idaho, USA
Montrose, Marian Maxine b.1922 - Mountain Home, Gooding, Idaho, USA
Montrose, Norman George b.1914 - Hagerman, Gooding, Idaho, USA
Montrose, Pearl b.1886 - Smithfield, Cache, Utah, USA
Montrose, Price David b.1909 - Idaho, USA
Montrose, Robert Leon b.1918 - Bliss, Gooding, Idaho, USA
Montrose, Theadore A b.1905 - Hagerman, Gooding, Idaho, USA
Moody, -
Moon, Iva Adella b.1885 - Lawrence, Douglas, Kansas, USA
Moon, Jonas b.1671 - England
Moon, Sarah b.1709 - Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States
Moon, Sarah b.1667 - Bristol, , Gloucestershire parish, England
Moon, Velma b.1917 -
Moor, Phriene b.1754 -
Moore, Abigail b.1795 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Moore, Abraham -
Moore, Albertus A Dr. b.1874 - South Carolina
Moore, Alex James b.1883 - Clintonville, Columbia, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, Benjamin b.1790 - New York, New York, USA
Moore, Benjamin b.1774 - Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, United States
Moore, Benjamin b.1878 - Indiana, USA
Moore, Buford Will b.1904 - Ladysmith, Rusk, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, Clarissa b.1807 - Vermont, United States
Moore, Clifford James b.1910 - Bruce, Rusk, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, David b.1783 - Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, United States
Moore, David b.1819 - Eardley, Hull, Ottawa, Canada
Moore, David b.1817 - Hull, Quebec, Canada
Moore, Dudley b.1773 - Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, USA
Moore, Dudley b.1747 - Nine Partners, Dutchess, New York, United States
Moore, Earl C. b.1878 -
MOORE, Eli b.1796 - Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USA
Moore, Elias b.1804 - Eardley, Hull, Que.(East Canada)
Moore, Elizabeth b.1795 - Rutland, Vermont, United States
Moore, Elizabeth b.1809 - Ohio, United States
Moore, Elizabeth b.1808 - Carleton, Ontario, Canada
Moore, Flora b.1873 - Indiana, USA
Moore, Grace b.1869 - Indiana, USA
Moore, Grace Ethyl b.1899 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Moore, Hannah b.1809 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Moore, Harry -
Moore, Hazel Irene b.1919 -
Moore, Ida Marion b.1902 - Flambeau, Rusk, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, J. Vinton b.1898 - Warrens, Chippewa, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, James b.1819 - Banbridge, County Down, Ireland
Moore, James Edward b.1913 - Ontario, Vernon, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, Jedediah b.1716 - Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Moore, Jedediah Dyer b.1771 - Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, United States
Moore, Job b.1791 - Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, United States
Moore, John b.1852 - Spring Prairie, Walworth, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, John b.1866 - Indiana, USA
Moore, Joseph b.1805 - Carleton, Ontario, Canada
Moore, L V b.1879 - Kingston, Green Lake, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, Laura b.1824 - Nepean, Ontario, Canada
Moore, Laura b.1796 - Nepean, Ontario, Canada
Moore, Leonard b.1807 - Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USA
Moore, Levi b.1802 - Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USA
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Living -
Moore, Louisa b.1828 - Hull, Quebec, Canada
Moore, Marie Louise b.1916 -
Moore, Martin b.1786 - Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, United States
Moore, Maude Muriel -
Moore, Maurice J. b.1897 - Monroe, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, Maurice Thankful (Teddy) b.1906 - Ladysmith, Rusk, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, Mehitable b.1815 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
MOORE, Mildred b.1905 - , Rusk, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, Minnie Bell b.1908 - , Rusk, Wisconsin, USA
Moore, Minnie W. -
Moore, Myra Crystal m.1907 -
Moore, Nettie b.1868 - Indiana, USA
Moore, Olive b.1809 - Nepean, Carleton, Ontario, Canada
MOORE, Olive b.1813 - Eardley, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Moore, Platt b.1868 - Harrison Co, , Iowa, USA
Moore, Platt b.1868 - Harrison Co., IA
Moore, Raymond b.1901 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Moore, Rebecca b.1785 - Saratoga, Saratoga, New York, United States
Moore, Roger b.1774 - Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, United States
Moore, Roger b.1775 - Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, United States
Moore, Roy Alva b.1893 - Neola, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa
Moore, Sarah b.1808 - Nepean, Ontario, Canada
Moore, Sarah b.1799 - Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USA
Moore, Sarah b.1769 - Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, United States
Moore, Sophia b.1833 - Nepean, Ontario, Canada
Moore, Sophia b.1796 - Nepean, Quebec, Canada
Moore, Thomas Benjamin b.1817 - Nepean, Ontario, Canada
Moore, Vera Iola b.1914 - Pattonburg, Missouri
Moore, Vernon -
Moore, Wallace b.1840 - Indiana, USA
Moore, Warren b.1875 - Ladysmith, Rusk, Wisconsin, USA
Moorehead, Ysidora Beatrice b.1848 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Moores, Andrew J -
Moores, Carolyn Matilda b.1872 - Mills, Iowa, USA
Morarity, Alice -
Morarity, Anna b.1886 - Missouri
Morarity, Eva M b.1912 - Mora, Pettis, Missouri, USA
Morarity, Francis William b.1909 - Missouri, USA
Morarity, Genevie M b.1919 - Missouri, USA
Morarity, James Joseph b.1934 - Missouri, USA
Morarity, James Joseph b.1911 - Missouri, USA
Morarity, Jerri M -
Morarity, John b.1834 - Longford, Ireland
Morarity, John -
Morarity, John J b.1926 - Missouri, USA
Morarity, Julia M b.1884 - Missouri
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Living -
Morarity, Marguerite Arlene b.1937 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Morarity, Mary b.1889 - Missouri
Morarity, Raymond V b.1917 - Missouri, USA
Morarity, Rufus R b.1924 - Missouri, USA
Morarity, Steve E b.1915 - Missouri, USA
Morarity, William F -
Morarity, William Thomas b.1881 - Missouri, USA
Morehead, James b.1881 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Morehouse, Harriet b.1840 - Michigan
Morelock, Margaret Edna b.1912 - Michigan
Morgan, Agnes b.1852 - NEW YORK
Morgan, Doris Jane b.1926 - Pennsylvania
Morgan, Eleanor b.1747 - , , Virginia, USA
Morgan, Elizabeth b.1813 - Guilford, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Morgan, Ida Belle b.1850 - Kittaning Point, Blair, Pennsylvania, USA
Morgan, James K. b.1874 - Iowa
Morgan, Living -
Morgan, Living -
Morgan, Living -
Morgan, Living -
Morgan, Rebecca Bell b.1858 - Ohio, USA
Morgan, Reginald Heber Towler b.1875 - Buck Church, New Jersey
Morgan, William G. b.1848 - New Jersey
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Living -
Moriarty, Louis -
Moriarty, Thomas M. b.1905 -
Morningstar, Claude Dewey b.1898 - Pennsylvania, United States
Morningstar, Irvin b.1874 - Pennsylvania
Morningstar, Living -
Morningstar, Samuel Strickler b.1901 - Pennsylvania, United States
Morningstar, Shirley May b.1937 - Dudley, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Morningstar, William Oscar b.1894 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Morrill, Mary m.1744 -
Morrill, Mary d.1801 -
Morris, Aaron W b.1852 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, Annatje d.1784 - Columbia, New York, USA
Morris, Benjamin L Ben b.1866 - Tiptop, , Missouri, USA
Morris, Bessie M. b.1883 - Missouri, USA
Morris, Carroll C b.1890 - Ohio
Morris, Edgar Allen b.1915 - Missouri
Morris, Elijah O. b.1865 - Ohio, USA
Morris, George S b.1855 - Ohio, USA
Morris, George W b.1863 - Kelly, Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, Helen Ermina b.1881 -
Morris, Henry b.1801 - Ohio
Morris, Henry Koomler b.1830 - Brown, Ohio, USA
Morris, Hugh Baxter b.1825 - Howard, Missouri, USA
Morris, Isaac Snoden b.1865 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, Jael K. b.1851 - Missouri
Morris, James H b.1857 - Ohio, USA
Morris, Jane Vassie b.1863 - Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USA
Morris, John H b.1849 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, John H b.1854 - Ohio, USA
Morris, John L. b.1880 - Missouri, USA
Morris, John O b.1857 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, Joseph M b.1863 - Ohio, USA
Morris, L Bernice b.1898 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States
Morris, Leo A b.1847 - Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, Living -
Morris, Living -
Morris, Living -
Morris, Living -
Morris, Living -
Morris, Living -
Morris, Louisa T b.1859 - Ohio, USA
Morris, Martha B b.1878 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, Mary F. b.1874 - Missouri, USA
Morris, Mary J b.1859 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, Mellfora M b.1888 - Ohio
Morris, Mildred Frances b.1909 - Missouri
Morris, Nancy E b.1860 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, Shadrack b.1789 - , Stokes, North Carolina, USA
Morris, Snowden T. b.1822 - Howard County, Missouri
Morris, Truman H b.1862 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morris, William H b.1871 - , Cooper, Missouri, USA
Morrison, Living -
Morrison, Living -
Morrison, Living -
Morrison, Living -
Morrison, Living -
Morrison, Lucy m.1913 -
Morrow, Bernice b.1895 - Missouri
Morrow, James Raymond b.1868 -
Morrow, Living -
Morrow, Mabel b.1893 - Missouri
Morrow, Martha Ellen b.1892 - Spring Valley, Monona, Iowa, USA
Morrow, Walter b.1898 - Missouri
Morton, Richard b.1846 - Ormskirk, Lancashire, , England
Morton, Tirzah b.1770 - Colchester, New London Co., Connecticut
Moses, Andrew Emiel b.1901 -
Mosher, Ida May b.1875 - West Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Mosher, William Fenderson b.1842 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Mossman, Jessie Pearl b.1878 - Kansas, USA
Mott, Rhoda b.1782 -
Moul, Anna Maria b.1802 -
Moul, John m.1799 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Moul, John b.1800 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Moulton, Mary b.1774 - Newburyport, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Mountz, Alice b.1867 - Michigan, USA
Mountz, Samuel -
Moyer, Allversa S b.1862 - Indiana, USA
Moyer, Augustus b.1831 - Pennsylvania, USA
Moyer, Pearl B b.1887 - Ohio
Mulholland, Harriet E. m.1867 - Indiana, USA
Muller, Living -
Muller, Living -
Muller, Living -
Muller, Miranda Cordelia b.1847 -
Mumma, Roberta Elizabeth m.1902 - Williamstown, Lewis, Missouri, USA
Mundorff, Addie E b.1888 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, Anna B. b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, Cyntha Iva b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, Harvey J b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, James S. b.1862 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, John Andrew b.1831 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, Living -
Mundorff, Living -
Mundorff, Margery E. b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, Mary C. b.1874 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, Phillip C. b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Mundorff, Samuel Milton b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Munger, Sarah D b.1780 - Vermont
Murphy, Norma Ruth b.1927 -
Murray, Living -
Murray, Serilda T b.1846 - Missouri, USA
Myer, Friedrich Dietrich Wilhelm Winsinger b.1873 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Myer, Helene b.1681 - Sumiswald, Bern, Switzerland
Myer, Living -
Myer, Mary b.1877 - Germany
Myer, Wilhelm Heinrich Friedrich Dietrich b.1843 - Varel, Friesland, Lower Saxony, Germany
Myers, d.1919 -
Myers, Adelia b.1861 - Illinois, USA
Myers, Anna b.1828 - Maryland
Myers, Anna b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Myers, Arthur b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Myers, Benjamin b.1888 - Iowa, USA
Myers, Benjamin b.1849 - Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, Benjamin L b.1841 - Maryland
Myers, Christian -
Myers, Christian "Christ" b.1844 - Maryland, USA
Myers, Christian D b.1807 - Maryland
Myers, Christian D. b.1761 -
Myers, Cinthia G b.1884 - Kansas
Myers, Claude b.1882 - Kansas
Myers, David b.1852 - Pennslyvania, USA
Myers, David H b.1857 - Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, Donald Eugene b.1931 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Myers, Eliza Iola b.1863 - Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, Elizabeth b.1833 - Maryland, USA
Myers, Elizabeth E. b.1869 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Myers, Elizabeth Nellie b.1868 - Kennebec, Monona, Iowa, USA
Myers, Elizabeth Rebecca b.1852 - Beardstown, Cass, Illinois, USA
Myers, Emma b.1865 - Saylorville, Polk, Iowa, USA
Myers, Emma b.1881 - Iowa, USA
Myers, Emmett b.1854 - Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, Fannie b.1836 - Maryland, USA
Myers, Fannie Long b.1873 - Pennsylvania
Myers, Fredrick James b.1884 - Summerset, Warren, Iowa, USA
Myers, George b.1886 - Iowa, USA
Myers, George M b.1850 - Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, Hattie M b.1853 - Pennsylvania, USA
Myers, Henry b.1863 - Missouri, USA
Myers, Hettie "Fannie" b.1853 - Pennsylvania, USA
Myers, Hettie May b.1881 - Pennsylvania
Myers, Ida B b.1860 -
Myers, Jacob b.1791 - Dickinson, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, Jacob b.1823 - Dickinson, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, Jacob T b.1853 - Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, James Fredrick b.1906 - Riverton, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Myers, James W. b.1855 - Pennsylvania, USA
Myers, James Wesley b.1916 - Desmoines, , Iowa, USA
Myers, Jennie b.1864 - Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, John b.1848 - Illinois, USA
Myers, John b.1814 - Pennsylvania, USA
Myers, John G b.1846 - Maryland, USA
Myers, John Theodore b.1847 - Pennsylvania
Myers, John Z b.1878 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Myers, John Z. G. b.1847 - Greenville, Clarion Pennsylvania, USA
Myers, Josephine b.1874 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Myers, Lawrence b.1858 -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Living -
Myers, Lucy Jane b.1868 - Iowa, USA
Myers, Lydia "Letty" b.1847 - Pennsylvania, USA
Myers, Margret Catherine b.1893 - California
Myers, Martha b.1849 - Pennslyvania, USA
Myers, Martha B. b.1878 - Pennsylvania
Myers, Martin b.1844 - Indiana, USA
Myers, Mary b.1834 - Maryland
Myers, Mary b.1839 - Ohio, USA
Myers, Mary A "Mae" b.1876 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Myers, Melissa b.1850 - Beardstown, Cass, Illinois, USA
Myers, Minnie Grove b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Myers, Myra A. b.1868 - Michigan, USA
Myers, Samuel b.1830 - Maryland, USA
Myers, Sarah b.1839 - Maryland, USA
Myers, Sarah C. b.1872 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Myers, Sarah E. b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Myers, Susan b.1884 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Myers, Thomas Frank b.1881 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Myers, Wanda M b.1929 -
Myers, Washington b.1855 - Pennsylvania, United States
Myers, Wayland LeRoy b.1913 - Wauneta, Chautauqua, Kansas
Myers, William b.1858 - Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States
Myrick, John b.1579 - Wales
Myrick, Joshua b.1680 -
Nack, Matthias -
Nack, Willemyntie b.1710 - New York, USA
Nair, George -
Nair, John Henry b.1860 -
Naomi, -
Napier, Napen -
Napier, Zilla Evaline b.1880 - Tekemah, Burt, Nebraska, USA
Nash, Mary Lue b.1877 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Nason, Charity b.1678 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Nason, Jonathan b.1645 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Naugle, Laura Bell b.1882 - Pennsylvania
Naugle, Sarah b.1799 - Hopewell, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Nausley, -
Naylor, Sarah W. b.1811 - Maryland, USA
Neal, Sarah m.1852 - Derby, England
Nealy, Crystal J b.1905 -
Need, Mary Ann b.1801 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Negley, Angeline b.1839 - Pennsylvania
Negley, Henry b.1879 - Terre Haute, Henderson, Illinois, United States
Negley, Thomas b.1810 - Pennsylvania
Neilan, Ann E b.1892 - California
Neilan, John J b.1889 - California
Neilan, Martin b.1845 - Ireland
Neilan, Thomas James b.1887 - California
Nelson, Ax -
Nelson, Brenda -
Nelson, Chris -
Nelson, Christian b.1854 -
Nelson, Colleen -
Nelson, Dick -
Nelson, Eliza A. b.1855 - Indiana, USA
Nelson, Ernie -
Nelson, James Marion b.1862 - Tennessee
Nelson, Joline -
Nelson, Julie -
Nelson, Laurie -
Nelson, Living -
Nelson, Living -
Nelson, Living -
Nelson, Living -
Nelson, Living -
Nelson, Living -
Nelson, Margaret -
Nelson, Mary b.1858 -
Nelson, Nels Jensen b.1890 - Hjrring, Nordjylland, Denmark
Nelson, Robert -
Nelson, Russ b.1888 -
Nelson, Virgil B. m.1888 - Indiana, USA
Nenner, Anna Catharina b.1733 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Nenning, -
Nesbet, Lucinda b.1834 - Canada
Nesbit, Ferolyn Esther b.1907 - Michigan, USA
Nesbitt, Living -
Nesbitt, Ovid b.1904 - Michigan
Nesbitt, William E b.1876 - Michigan
Neubaum, Esther b.1899 - Charter Oak, Crawford, Iowa, USA
Neves, Ann b.1563 -
Nevis, David m.1781 -
Newcomb, Stella D. m.1888 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Newcomer, Eva b.1871 - Toulon, Stark, Illinois, USA
Newcomer, William -
Newell, Frank Samuel b.1887 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Newell, Living -
Newell, Living -
Newell, Living -
Newell, Living -
Newell, Living -
Newell, Living -
Newell, Living -
Newell, Living -
Newell, Polly b.1775 -
Newell, Robert C. -
Newell, Robert Harris b.1913 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Newmaster, Charles m.1927 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Newton, Charles Joseph b.1879 - Stark County, Illinois, USA
Newton, Elizabeth b.1872 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Newton, Ethel Gwendolyn b.1886 - Stark County, Illinois, USA
Newton, George Henry b.1877 - Stark County, Illinois, USA
Newton, Henry b.1829 - Leeds, Kent, , England
Newton, Joseph b.1794 - Clayton, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Newton, Leslie Gordon b.1884 - Stark County, Illinois, USA
Newton, Miriam b.1871 - Illinois, USA
Newton, Nellie b.1865 - Illinois, USA
Newton, Phillip Fenton b.1890 - Stark County, Illinois, USA
Newton, Ralph Waldo Emerson b.1881 - Illinois, USA
Newton, Sadie b.1867 - Toulon, Stark, Illinois, United States
Newton, Sarah b.1867 - Stark County, Illinois, USA
Newton, Sarah b.1767 - Stafford, Tolland, Connecticut, United States
Nicholas, Cynthia Jane b.1841 - Alanthus, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Nicholas, James b.1790 -
Nicholl, Isabella b.1799 - Scotland
Nichols, Bennet Charles b.1891 -
Nichols, Living -
Nichols, Living -
Nichols, Living -
Nichols, Living -
Nichols, Mary Alvina b.1814 - New York, USA
Nichols, Mehitable m.1750 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Nichols, Susanna m.1645 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Nicholson, Living -
Nicholson, Living -
Nicholson, Living -
Nicholson, Living -
Nielsen, Johanne b.1835 -
Niller, Benjamin b.1859 - Iowa, USA
Niller, Living -
Noble, Alma b.1886 - , Fayette, West Virginia, USA
Noble, Clifton b.1888 - , Fayette, West Virginia, USA
Noble, Eva M b.1890 - , Fayette, West Virginia, USA
Noble, Fannie B b.1895 - Ansted, Fayette, West Virginia, USA
Noble, Ivan -
Noble, John H b.1855 - Ohio, USA
Noble, Living -
Noble, Living -
Noble, Living -
Noble, Rhoda A b.1892 - , Fayette, West Virginia, USA
Nofeller, Anna Francisca b.1675 - Homburg, Saar-Pfalz, Saarland, Germany
Noffsinger, Margret Ann b.1801 - Maryland, USA
Nohl, Clara Anna b.1868 - Ripon, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
Noirett, Jaquemyne m.1615 - Amsterdam, Noord, Holland, Netherlands
Nokes, Lee Edmund b.1919 - Johnstown, Cambria Co., PA
Nokes, Living -
Nokes, Living -
Nolan, -
Nolan, Anna b.1805 - Kildare, Ireland
Nolan, Living -
Nolan, Living -
Norman, Basil b.1892 - Tennessee
Norman, Bertha Estella b.1896 - Indiana, United States
Norman, Christina b.1887 - Tennessee
Norman, Clara N b.1881 - Indiana
Norman, Effie -
Norman, Homer L b.1885 - Tennessee
Norman, Jefferson Manly b.1851 - North Carolina, USA
Norman, Joseph b.1890 - Tennessee
Norman, Josephine Lydia b.1889 - Tennessee, United States
Norman, Living -
Norman, Marla Louise b.1954 - Ord, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Norman, Melvina "Mellie" b.1877 - Rossville NY
Norman, Priscilla b.1850 - Tennessee, USA
Norman, Ruby -
Norman, Simpson Snow b.1823 - Surry, North Carolina, United States
Norris, Frederick b.1887 - England
Norris, Living -
Norris, Living -
Norris, Living -
Norris, Living -
Norris, Madolyn E b.1911 -
Norris, William Everete b.1918 - Evanston, Cook, Illinois, USA
North, -
Northrup, Betty Jean -
Northrup, David -
Northrup, Marjorie Sue -
Norton, Ermina b.1822 - New York, USA
Norwood, Georgia Inez -
Norwood, Gerald b.1926 - Lawton, Cherokee, Kansas, USA
Norwood, John Samuel b.1885 - Clearwater, Antelope, New Brunswick, Canada
Norwood, Living -
Norwood, Living -
Norwood, Roxie Betty b.1927 - Lawton, Cherokee, Kansas, USA
Nowell, Mary Elizabeth b.1826 - Kent County, Delaware
Noyes, Elizabeth b.1792 - Cortland, New York
Nuzum, Ernest b.1909 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Nuzum, Walter Franklin b.1884 - Monona Co IA
Nye, Wylma Louise b.1914 - Davenport, Scott, Iowa, USA
O Reilly, Pauline b.1878 - Canada
O'Hara, John William (Severe) b.1871 - Gallatin, Daviess, Missouri
O'Rourke, Alice b.1875 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Annie b.1869 - California
O'Rourke, Bridget b.1867 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Bridget Ann "Ann" b.1876 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Clara b.1873 - California
O'Rourke, David b.1918 - Wisconsin, USA
O'Rourke, Ellen b.1879 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Frank b.1882 -
O'Rourke, James Joseph b.1877 - Winnebago, Wisconsin
O'Rourke, James Joseph b.1842 - Ireland
O'Rourke, Jeremiah b.1846 - Ireland
O'Rourke, John b.1833 - Ireland
O'Rourke, Julia b.1877 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Julia b.1829 - Ireland
O'Rourke, Katy b.1879 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Living -
O'Rourke, Lizzie b.1868 - California
O'Rourke, Maggie b.1872 - Wisconsin
O'rourke, Margaret Helen b.1912 - Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USA
O'Rourke, Martha b.1879 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Mary b.1864 - California
O'Rourke, Mary N. b.1864 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Mayme b.1880 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, Michael b.1839 - St John, New Brunswick, Canada
O'Rourke, Patrick b.1844 - Wicklow, Ireland
O'Rourke, Thomas b.1865 - California
O'Rourke, William b.1866 - Wisconsin
O'Rourke, William b.1793 - Ireland
O'Rourke, William J b.1876 - Poygan, Winnebago, Wisconsin
O'rourke, William John b.1870 - Omro, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USA
Oakley, Helen Gardiner b.1908 - Cranford, Union, New Jersey, USA
Oakley, Iva Leah b.1910 - Morehead, Rowan, Kentucky, USA
Oakley, Samuel J. -
Oberg, Martha C. "Mattie" b.1872 - Osborn, DeKalb, Missouri, USA
Ochs, b.1826 - Germany
Ochs, Matilda b.1864 - Missouri, USA
Odell, Alice b.1565 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Edward c.1610 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Elizabeth b.1568 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Gertrude b.1604 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Henry b.1567 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Isabel -
Odell, Joan b.1619 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Joan c.1616 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, John b.1607 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, John b.1574 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, John d.1575 -
Odell, Living -
Odell, Mary b.1605 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Miss b.1575 -
Odell, Richard b.1539 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Richard c.1610 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Robert c.1604 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Odell, Sarah -
Odell, Thomas c.1608 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Offner, Sarah Polina b.1842 - Missouri
Offner, William E b.1810 - Hardy, Bedford, Virginia, USA
Ogden, Cyrus b.1826 - Scott County, Indiana, USA
Ogden, Elsie Jewett m.1903 -
Ogden, Ethel m.1911 - Coquille, Coos, Oregon, USA
Ogden, Hannah -
Ogden, James b.1798 - Kentucky
Ogden, James Harvey b.1837 - Union, Fulton, Illinois
Ogden, Job Babbitt b.1828 - Scott County, Indiana
Ogden, Joseph b.1830 - Union, Fulton, Illinois
Ogden, Mary b.1832 - Union, Fulton, Illinois
Ogden, Oliver b.1847 - Union, Fulton, Illinois
Ogden, Sarah b.1843 - Union, Fulton, Illinois
Ogden, Stephen W b.1830 - Union, Fulton, Illinois
Ogden, William Harrison "Tip" b.1840 - Union, Fulton, Illinois
Oglesby, Living -
Oglesby, Living -
Oglesby, Living -
Oglesby, William -
Olds, Rebecca Allie b.1853 - Tennessee, USA
Oliphant, Alice Eleuthere -
Oliphant, John Edward -
Oliphant, John Kirk -
Oliver, Bertha Mae b.1891 - Maine
Oliver, Living -
Oliver, Living -
Oliver, Martha b.1856 - Illinois, USA
Oliver, Matthew Newkirk -
Oliver, Thomas B b.1828 - Maine, USA
Oliver, William Sylvester b.1861 - Anson, Somerset, Maine, USA
Ollyver, Magdalene b.1566 - Droitwich, Worcestershire, England
Olsen, Kenneth Louis b.1919 - Minnesota, USA
Olsen, Living -
Olsen, Living -
Olsen, Niels -
Olsson, Daniel …berg b.1842 - Stora …rbotten, Gunnarskog, Sweden
Olsson, Mary Hilda b.1890 - Sweden
Oosterhoudt, Arriantje b.1712 - Brabant, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhoudt, Hendricus b.1714 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhoudt, Kryn c.1679 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhoudt, Sara b.1717 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Abraham b.1707 -
Oosterhout, Abraham b.1748 - Saugerties, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Abraham b.1707 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Aldert b.1703 - Ulster Co, NY
Oosterhout, Aldert b.1732 - Rochester, Ulster Co, NY
Oosterhout, Anetjen b.1733 - New York, USA
Oosterhout, Annatie -
OOSTERHOUT, Annatje b.1748 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Anneke b.1701 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Annetje b.1698 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Appolonia b.1733 - New York, USA
Oosterhout, Ariaentje b.1706 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Arian b.1696 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Catelyn c.1665 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Catrina b.1717 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Engeltje b.1710 - Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Grietje b.1697 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Henderikus b.1716 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Hendrick b.1754 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Hendricus b.1716 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Isak c.1746 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
OOSTERHOUT, Jacob b.1745 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Jacobus b.1727 - Rochester, Ulster Co, NY
OOSTERHOUT, Jan b.1706 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Jan b.1694 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Jan c.1666 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Jan Pieter b.1699 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Janneke b.1725 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Johannes c.1708 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Jonathon b.1765 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Kryn b.1747 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Kryn -
Oosterhout, Lydia b.1730 - Ulster Co, NY
Oosterhout, Lydia c.1749 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Lysbeth b.1663 -
OOSTERHOUT, Marretje b.1756 - Brabant, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Martinus -
Oosterhout, Mary b.1743 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Marytje b.1705 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Marytjen b.1714 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Marytjen b.1719 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Petrus b.1710 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Petrus c.1711 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Pieter Jans -
Oosterhout, Teunis b.1700 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Teunis b.1743 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Oosterhout, Teunis b.1668 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Oosterhout, Willem b.1703 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Opal, Eugene Earl -
Opal, Living -
Opal, Living -
Opal, Living -
Opal, Living -
Opal, Living -
Opp, Mary b.1633 - Warwick, Kent, Rhode Island, USA
Orourke, Living -
Orourke, Living -
Orourke, Living -
Orourke, Living -
Orourke, Living -
Orr, Living -
Orr, Lula Mehelia b.1880 - Republic, Greene, Missouri, USA
Ortiz, Julien De Villiers b.1868 - Paris, Paris, Ile-de-France, France
Osborne, Jacobina Wills b.1813 - Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland
Osburn, Living -
Osburn, Robert J. b.1892 - NY
Osgood, Artemas -
Osgood, Emma -
Osgood, Frances b.1836 - New York, USA
Osgood, Frank -
Osgood, Hannah m.1758 -
Osgood, Lucien m.1865 -
Osgood, Mattie b.1862 - St Charles, Kane, Illinois, USA
Osgood, Mehitable b.1731 -
Osterhoudt, Benjamin b.1744 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Osterhoudt, Gysbert b.1681 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Osterhoudt, Johannes b.1746 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Osterhoudt, Petrus b.1737 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Osterhoudt, Wilhelmus b.1741 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Osterhout, Abraham c.1707 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Osterhout, Anneke b.1708 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Osterhout, Benjamin m.1742 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, Catlintje c.1674 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Osterhout, Catrina b.1752 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Osterhout, Cornelia -
Osterhout, Cornelius -
Osterhout, Gertrude c.1764 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, Gysbert b.1757 - Rhineback Flats, Dutchess, New York, United States
Osterhout, Hendrick c.1654 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Osterhout, Hendricks -
Osterhout, Isaac c.1710 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Osterhout, Isaac c.1761 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, Jacob c.1714 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Osterhout, Janet c.1748 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, John c.1702 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Osterhout, Krijn b.1679 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Osterhout, Laurens (Lawrence) b.1672 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Osterhout, Lea c.1751 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, Magdalena b.1710 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Osterhout, Maria m.1786 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, Maria -
Osterhout, Maria c.1744 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, Maria Marytjen b.1735 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Osterhout, Peter c.1759 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, Rebecca c.1754 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Osterhout, Sarah c.1756 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Ostrander, Gertrude -
Ostrander, Lea -
Ostrander, Phoebe M b.1855 - Boscobel, Grant, Wisconsin, USA
Ostrander, Rebecca b.1706 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Ott, Living -
Ott, Living -
Ott, Living -
Ott, Living -
Ott, Louis -
Otterstein, Minnie Elise Alvine b.1903 - Plattsmouth, Cass, Nebraska, USA
Otterstein, Wilhelm Friedrick Ferdinand b.1862 - Anklam, Ostvorpommern, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Ottmer, Ernst Leroy b.1920 - Thorndale, Milam, Texas, USA
Otto, Charlotte Ann m.1960 -
Otto, Mabel b.1872 - Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan
Overholt, Celia E b.1858 - Ohio, USA
Overholt, Charles b.1863 - Ohio, USA
Overholt, Henry b.1797 - Rockingham, Virginia, United States
Overholt, Isaac Walker b.1890 - Stillwater, Payne, Oklahoma, United States
Overholt, John Baker b.1897 -
Overholt, Perry C b.1869 - Ohio, USA
Overholt, William b.1860 - Ohio, USA
Overholt, William b.1824 - Licking, Licking, Ohio, United States
Overpeck, Sarah Ann b.1816 - Bushkill, Pike, Pennsylvania, USA
Overton, Anna b.1867 - Beardstown, Cass, Illinois
Overton, Benjamin b.1785 -
Overton, Benjamin b.1815 - Kentucky, USA
Overton, Ella b.1871 - Illinois, USA
Overton, Melinda b.1826 - Cass County, Illinois, USA
Overton, Melinda b.1869 - Beardstown, Cass, Illinois
Overton, Melissa b.1828 - Illinois, USA
Overton, Nathan b.1873 - Beardstown, Cass, Illinois
Overton, Richard T b.1830 - Illinois, USA
Overton, Rosa b.1864 - Beardstown, Cass, Illinois
Overturf, Sarah Jane b.1819 - Licking County, Ohio
Overturf, Zola Nadine b.1903 - Iowa
Overturff, Clyde D b.1874 - Iowa
Overturff, Nellie b.1878 - Iowa
Owen, Ann Rebecca b.1776 - Frederick, Weld, Colorado, USA
Owen, Anna Marie b.1929 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Owen, Barbara Joan b.1934 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Owen, Edward Grant b.1923 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Owen, Edward Patrick -
Owen, Evelyn Bernice b.1925 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Owen, John Patrick b.1894 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Owen, Living -
Owen, Living -
Owen, Living -
Owen, Living -
Owen, Mickey Sue -
Owen, Peggy Jane b.1936 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Owen, Ulysses Grant -
Owenby, Sarah V. b.1864 - Marion, Oregon, USA
Owens, Living -
Owens, Living -
Owens, Roy J b.1890 - Missouri
Owens, Ruth b.1890 - Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States
Oxley, William Clare b.1855 -
Oyler, Ethel Sarah b.1888 -
Oyler, Michael Valentine -
Pabst, Catherine b.1812 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Pabst, Catherine b.1815 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Pabst, Margarethe b.1795 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Pabst, Maria Anna b.1799 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Pabst, Wilhelm b.1805 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Pabst, Wilhelm b.1774 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Pabst, Wilhelm b.1744 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Pacala, Leon -
Pacala, Living -
Pacala, Living -
Pacala, Living -
Pacala, Living -
Paelsin, Hendric Henry m.1616 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Paersil, Isabella b.1682 -
Page, Abigail -
Page, Anna Elizabeth b.1866 - Harris, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Page, Catherine b.1865 - Pennsylvania
Page, Charles Henry b.1858 -
Page, Edward b.1866 - Linden Hall, Harris, Centre, Pennsylvania
Page, Elizabeth b.1869 - Gatesburg, Centre, Pennsylvania
Page, George b.1832 - Pennsylvania, USA
Page, George Washington b.1861 - Harris, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Page, Grader -
Page, Henry b.1492 -
Page, James Joshua b.1865 - Harris, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Page, John b.1466 -
Page, John b.1521 -
Page, John b.1586 -
Page, John Adam b.1853 -
Page, Joseph Kuhn b.1869 -
Page, Julia Ann b.1858 - Linden Hall, Harris, Centre, Pennsylvania
Page, Julia Catherine b.1851 - Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China
Page, Lana Margaret b.1876 -
Page, Living -
Page, Mandana -
Page, Mary Ann b.1815 - New York, USA
Page, Mary Louisa b.1870 - Harris, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Page, Nehemiah m.1729 -
Page, Phoebe -
Page, Reuben b.1860 -
Page, Reuben Harrison b.1823 - Juniata then, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, United States
Page, Samuel b.1856 - Pennsylvania, USA
Page, Susannah b.1611 -
Page, Winslow m.1784 -
Pain, Dorcas b.1674 - Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Paine, Edmund b.1485 -
Paine, Ezekial -
Paine, Phoebe b.1594 -
Paine, Thomas b.1460 -
Paine, William b.1510 -
Paine, William b.1565 -
Painter, Ann Eliza b.1842 - Pennsylvania, USA
Painter, Catharine Van Pelt b.1866 -
Painter, Clair -
Painter, Elizabeth Crawford b.1856 -
Painter, George Thompson Crawford b.1861 -
Painter, Hannah Smith b.1854 -
Painter, Hannah Smith Vredenburgh b.1833 - Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USA
Painter, Harriet Woodward b.1872 -
Painter, Isabel Bratten b.1864 -
Painter, Jacob -
Painter, John Vredenburgh b.1829 - Pennsylvania, USA
Painter, John Vredenburgh b.1869 -
Painter, Joseph Atkinson b.1858 - Kattanning, , Pennsylvania, USA
Painter, Rev. Joseph Atkinson b.1799 - Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Painter, Sarah Caldwell b.1831 - Pennsylvania, USA
Painter, Sarah Jane b.1874 -
Palding, Mary b.1695 - New York, New York, USA
Palmer, -
Palmer, Aaron M. b.1897 - Iowa, USA
Palmer, Achsah b.1799 - Connecticut, USA
Palmer, Arnold Eugene b.1940 - Greenwood, S. Dak.
Palmer, Catherine b.1775 - PA
Palmer, Catherine Melissa b.1900 - Iowa
Palmer, Edward A. b.1863 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa
Palmer, Julia Ann b.1826 - New York, USA
Palmer, Laura Gene b.1937 - Greenwood, S. Dak.
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Living -
Palmer, Lucy Marie b.1932 - Greenwood, S. Dak.
Palmer, Orvey Earl b.1898 - Iowa, USA
Palmer, Rose Ann b.1935 - Wagner, Charles Mix, South Dakota, USA
Palmer, Seth W. b.1824 - Medina Co., Ohio
Palmer, V. A. m.1908 - Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri, USA
Pangborn, Kenneth -
Pangborn, Louise Anita b.1931 - Morrow, Ohio, United States
Pangburn, Alida Permelia b.1848 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Pangburn, James b.1789 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Pangburn, John S. b.1819 - USA
Pangburn, Living -
Pangburn, Richard b.1748 - Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Pangburn, Samuel Raymond b.1888 - Michigan
Pankey, Mary Ann Melvina m.1882 - Jacksonville, Jackson, Oregon, USA
Panton, Rebecca b.1852 - Milton, Ontario, Canada
Pape, Fred O b.1904 - , , Wisconsin, USA
Parish, Olive Backus b.1823 - Randolph, Orange, Vermont, USA
Park, Sarah b.1760 -
Parker, Ann D b.1812 - Canada
Parker, Elizabeth -
Parker, Gilman Moncure b.1890 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Parker, Living -
Parker, Living -
Parker, Mrs. Anna m.1820 -
Parker, Orlando Lucius -
Parker, William b.1778 - Massachusetts, United States
Parker, William Reynolds b.1861 - Dixon, Lee, Illinois, USA
Parkinson, Obediah Marlatt Rev. b.1840 - Wellington, Ontario, Canada
Parks, Alexander Jackson b.1829 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Parks, Ann Elizabeth b.1854 - Entriken, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Parks, Charles -
Parks, David J b.1870 - United States
Parks, Frank b.1888 - Pennsylvania, USA
Parks, George Jackson b.1851 - Entriken, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Parks, Gladys Marie b.1894 - Marion, Indiana, USA
Parks, Harry C b.1916 - Birmingham, Pennsylvania
Parks, John b.1861 - Saxton, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Parks, Joseph -
Parks, Karen M -
Parks, Kenneth H -
Parks, Living -
Parks, Living -
Parks, Living -
Parks, Living -
Parks, Living -
Parks, Margaret J b.1859 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Parks, Nora b.1887 - Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China
Parks, William Henry b.1849 - Entriken, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Parr, Georgia Lee b.1892 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Parr, James b.1869 - Clinton, Missouri, USA
Parr, John Edward b.1929 - Washington, USA
Parr, Living -
Parrish, Jacob Kimball b.1798 -
Parrish, Living -
Parson, Living -
Parson, Living -
Parson, Living -
Parson, Michael Ellis b.1959 - Montana
Parsons, David b.1848 - Indiana, USA
Parsons, Dwight Curtis b.1898 - Michigan, USA
Parsons, John b.1838 - Indiana, USA
Parsons, Living -
Parsons, Living -
Parsons, Living -
Parsons, Living -
Parsons, Living -
Parsons, Living -
Parsons, Living -
Parsons, William b.1883 - Iowa
Parsons, William b.1814 -
Partridge, Francis Vredenburgh b.1875 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Partridge, Frederick Augustus b.1878 - St Louis, Missouri, USA
Partridge, George -
Partridge, James b.1900 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Partridge, James b.1843 - Cazenovia, Madison, New York, USA
Partridge, James -
Partridge, Living -
Passauer, Anna Margaretha b.1778 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Paterfield, George m.1874 -
Patrick, Living -
Patrick, Living -
Patrick, Living -
Patrick, Living -
Patrick, Omer b.1869 -
Patterson, -
Patterson, Alfred -
Patterson, Alma -
Patterson, Berril -
Patterson, Edward d.1812 - , Buckingham, Virginia, USA
Patterson, Elizabeth Knox b.1860 -
Patterson, Emma -
Patterson, Etta -
Patterson, Forreste -
Patterson, Fowler b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Patterson, Harriet Woodward b.1864 - Rosston, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Patterson, Hulda -
Patterson, James b.1826 - Pennsylvania, USA
Patterson, James -
Patterson, James -
Patterson, James Caldwell b.1870 - Kittanning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Patterson, Jennette b.1708 - Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States
Patterson, John E b.1914 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, USA
Patterson, John Vredenburgh b.1866 - Pennsylvania
Patterson, Joseph Painter b.1856 - Kittanning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Patterson, Lillian Pearl b.1890 - Madary, Berry, Missouri, USA
Patterson, Living -
Patterson, Living -
Patterson, Living -
Patterson, Living -
Patterson, Living -
Patterson, Living -
Patterson, Martha b.1852 - Iowa
Patterson, Mildred b.1917 - Moline, Elk, Kansas, USA
Patterson, Moses -
Patterson, Nancy Ann b.1850 - Honey Creek, Fremont, Iowa, USA
Patterson, Sarah -
Patterson, Sarah P. b.1842 - Weakley, Tennessee, USA
Patterson, William Howard b.1862 -
Patterson, Wm S b.1869 - Iowa
Patteson, Adam Augustus "Addie" b.1882 - Missouri, USA
Patteson, Alice C b.1895 - Missouri, USA
Patteson, Augustus Alexander b.1853 - Evergreen, Appomattox Co., Virginia
Patteson, Cassie Zelma b.1880 - Appomattox Co, VA
Patteson, Clare Bell 'Bell' b.1884 - Missouri, USA
Patteson, Clayton Lee b.1912 - Cedar Vale, Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Patteson, Donnie -
Patteson, Edmund Hudson -
Patteson, Eliza Cabel b.1888 - Missouri
Patteson, Gladys Beaulah b.1903 - Kansas
Patteson, Gracie -
Patteson, Ida Branch b.1881 - Appomattox, Appomattox, Virginia, United States
Patteson, Jacob Benjiman b.1898 - Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Patteson, James E b.1890 - Leann, Missouri, United States
Patteson, James Edward b.1857 - Appomattox, Virginia, USA
Patteson, James William b.1880 - Missouri, USA
Patteson, Jimmie -
Patteson, Joel Walker b.1885 - Missouri
Patteson, John D. b.1886 - Missouri
Patteson, John DeLafayette b.1780 - Davids Creek, Amherst, Virginia, USA
Patteson, John Demarquis b.1877 - Missouri, USA
Patteson, John Demarquis LaFayette b.1826 - Bedford, Virginia, USA
Patteson, John E -
Patteson, John Urban b.1887 - Aurora, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Living -
Patteson, Lottie Pearl b.1901 - Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Patteson, Mamie E. b.1893 - Missouri, USA
Patteson, Mary b.1846 - Virgina, USA
Patteson, Mary C b.1889 - Aurora, Lawrence, Missouri, United States
Patteson, Nancy J. E. b.1845 - Virginia
Patteson, Nanny Elizabeth b.1895 - Grenola, Kansas, USA
Patteson, Oma May b.1892 - Missouri, USA
Patteson, Pansy M b.1913 - Kansas
Patteson, Robert Clifton b.1859 - Appomattox, Appomattox, Virginia, USA
Patteson, Robert Lee b.1898 - Missouri
Patteson, Wilbur R b.1909 - Leeds, Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Patteson, Willia Ellen 'Willie' b.1899 - Aurora, Lawrence, Missouri, United States
Patteson, William E b.1884 - Missouri
Patton, Vera Dunaway b.1887 -
Paul, Janet b.1609 - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Paulding, Catherina b.1699 - New York, New York, USA
Paulsen, Jen Nielsen b.1820 - Lonstrup, Jutland, Denmark
Paulssen, Martha Caroline b.1762 - Jena, Saxony
Pavlik, Darlene -
Pavlik, Edward James b.1900 - Merrill, Plymouth, Iowa, USA
Pavlik, Living -
Payne, Ansel F b.1825 - New York, USA
Payne, Anthony b.1536 -
Payne, Arthur William b.1908 - Wesson, Copiah, Mississippi, USA
Payne, Carl Edward b.1935 -
Payne, Clifford Luther b.1911 - Pelahatchie, Rankin, Mississippi, USA
Payne, Elsworth D. b.1863 - Wisconsin
Payne, Erastus b.1791 - Conneticut
Payne, Francis b.1849 - Wisconsin
Payne, Georgie Erline -
Payne, Harriet E. "Hattie" b.1859 - Indiana
Payne, Jack Vernon b.1927 - Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Payne, John Gilbert b.1921 - Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Payne, Living -
Payne, Living -
Payne, Living -
Payne, Living -
Payne, Living -
Payne, Living -
Payne, Louis A b.1888 - Nebraska
Payne, Lovinda Julia b.1849 - Green Lake Co., Wisconsin
Payne, Mark Lewis -
Payne, Martin Luther Jackson m.1906 -
Payne, Susie Mae b.1913 - Pelahatchie, Rankin, Mississippi, USA
Payne, Sybil Hilda -
Payne, Thomas Herbert b.1916 - Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Payne, William Albert b.1854 - La Porte Co., Indiana
Paynter, Anna Blanton b.1857 - Boonville, Cooper, Missouri, USA
Paynter, Gilman Vredenburgh b.1872 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Paynter, Henry Martin b.1827 - Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USA
Paynter, Henry Martyn b.1868 - Kentucky
Paynter, Living -
Paynter, Living -
Paynter, Living -
Paynter, Living -
Paynter, Living -
Paynter, Living -
Paynter, Mary Moncure b.1862 - Boonville, Cooper, Missouri, USA
Paynter, Susannah Pastor Lees b.1866 - Stafford, Virginia, USA
Paynter, Theodosia D b.1875 - Alabama
Pearce, Emily Alice m.1884 - Memphis, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Pearson, Elmer -
Pearson, Leona Bell b.1888 - Michigan
Pearson, Living -
Pease, Lucy B. m.1899 -
Peasley, Elizabeth Jane b.1850 - Pine City, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Peasley, Lucinda C b.1841 - Tine, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Peasley, Rufus L b.1815 - New Hampshire, USA
Peck, Elizabeth b.1824 - Pleasantville, Marion, Iowa, USA
Peck, Jesse Craig b.1867 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Peck, Living -
Peck, Mary Ann b.1873 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Peck, Mary Elizabeth b.1881 - Leon, Decatur, Iowa, USA
Peck, Ruth Elener b.1899 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Peeck, Hannah b.1696 - New York, New York, USA
Peek, Letha -
Peek, Sara m.1701 - Schenectady, New York, USA
Peiffer, Henry C b.1843 - Mandata, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Peiffer, Jennie b.1872 - Mandata, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Pein, Andreas -
Pein, Arthur b.1911 - Thesdorf
Pein, Christian -
Pein, Emil Wilhelm b.1910 - Thesdorf
Pein, Ernst b.1920 - Thesdorf
Pein, Gertrud b.1909 - Thesdorf
Pein, Gunter Jochim b.1916 - Thesdorf
Pein, Gustav Carl b.1884 - Thesdorf, Germany
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Living -
Pein, Tim -
Pein, Wolfgang b.1937 - Wedel, Stade, Niedersachsen, Germany
Pein, Wolfgang -
Pell, John d.1664 -
Pels, Clara c.1651 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Pels, Elizabeth b.1655 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pels, Evert b.1616 - Stettin, Pomerania, Netherlands
Pels, Evert Evertszen b.1648 - Papscanee Island, Rensselaer, New York, USA
Pels, Hendrik b.1643 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pels, Jannetje b.1646 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pels, Maria c.1655 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pels, Rabecca c.1661 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pels, Sarah b.1659 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pels, Symon c.1665 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pendleton, -
Pendleton, Patience b.1726 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Penington, Hattie b.1872 - Missouri
Penington, Luella b.1877 - Missouri
Penington, Mary A "Mamie" b.1871 - Missouri
Penington, Ofner b.1874 - Missouri
Penn, Emily Jane b.1874 - Red Oak, Montgomery, Iowa, USA
Penn, Ruel Zachariah b.1847 - Missouri, USA
Pennell, Mary Esther b.1817 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Pennell, Thomas -
Pennington, Infant b.1869 -
Pennington, James R b.1820 - , Adair, Kentucky, USA
Pennington, Manus b.1883 - Missouri
Pennington, Nevada b.1881 - Missouri
Pennington, Russell b.1885 - Missouri
Pennington, William Hastings Hays b.1842 - Buchanan, Missouri, USA
Pensinger, George -
Pensinger, Katherine b.1845 - Welsh Run, Franklin, Pennsylvania, United States
Pepper, Charles Lee b.1889 - Kentucky, USA
Pepper, Living -
Pepper, Living -
Pepper, William E b.1865 - , Green, Kentucky, USA
Pepys, Paulina b.1581 - Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, , England
Perrin, Abner b.1763 -
Perrin, Anna Leora b.1902 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Arthur L b.1897 -
Perrin, Carrie Dianna b.1880 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Charles Alfred b.1876 - Sioux City, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Charles Chancey b.1812 - Granville, Washington, New York, USA
Perrin, Charles Chancy b.1845 - Delavan, Walworth, Wisconsin, USA
Perrin, Clifford b.1915 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Perrin, David b.1853 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Dora Mable b.1883 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Edna b.1769 - Edgefield, Edgefield, South Carolina, United States
Perrin, Eliza b.1809 - Hebron, Washington, New York, USA
Perrin, Elizabeth b.1759 - Charlotte County, Virginia
Perrin, Ephriam b.1782 - Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Perrin, Ephriam b.1851 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, George Henry b.1776 -
Perrin, George W b.1886 - Iowa, USA
Perrin, Hannah Malvina b.1857 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, John b.1849 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Johnny H b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Perrin, Joseph b.1700 - Hanover County, Virginia, USA
Perrin, Kermit Floyd b.1905 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Lettie -
Perrin, Lillie M b.1884 -
Perrin, Living -
Perrin, Living -
Perrin, Living -
Perrin, Living -
Perrin, Margaret b.1765 - South Carolina, USA
Perrin, Martha b.1774 -
Perrin, Mary b.1759 - Virginia, USA
Perrin, Myrtle A b.1892 -
Perrin, Orval Harrison b.1888 -
Perrin, Phyllis b.1913 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Rebecca b.1761 -
Perrin, Robert Weston b.1907 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Roy F b.1888 -
Perrin, Ruby Evelyn b.1890 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Samuel b.1770 - Charlotte County, Virginia, USA
Perrin, Sarah b.1754 -
Perrin, Sarah Ann b.1819 - Granville, Washington, New York, USA
Perrin, Sarah Minnie b.1874 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Thomas b.1739 - Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Perrin, Thomas J b.1894 -
Perrin, Thomas Jefferson b.1841 - Walworth, Wisconsin, USA
Perrin, Walter Leroy b.1885 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, Wayne Josiah b.1878 - Monona, Iowa, USA
Perrin, William b.1727 - Hanover, VA, USA
Perrin, William b.1778 -
Perrine, Marie Lettie b.1872 -
Perry, Hepsebeth b.1756 - , Perquimans, North Carolina, USA
Peters, Frederick Snare b.1909 - Englewood, Bergen, New Jersey
Peters, Frederick W. b.1869 - Missouri, USA
Peters, Hugh b.1880 - Englewood, New Jersey
Peters, J Hugh b.1839 - New York, USA
Peters, Living -
Peters, Living -
Peters, Living -
Peters, Louisa E b.1872 - New Jersey
Peters, Maud b.1891 - Missouri
Petersen, Johanna Margetha b.1882 - Nebraska, USA
Petersen, Paul -
Peterson, -
Peterson, -
Peterson, b.1925 -
Peterson, b.1936 -
Peterson, b.1923 -
Peterson, -
Peterson, Agda Eda (Pehrsdotter) b.1836 - Onslunda, Skane, Sweden
Peterson, Albert m.1908 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Peterson, Anna Christiane b.1893 - Taylor, Texas
Peterson, Chris b.1876 -
Peterson, Christopher Dean d.2008 - Fairfax, Marin, California, USA
Peterson, Hannah b.1807 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Peterson, Living -
Petrie, Living -
Petrie, Living -
Petrie, Robert L. m.1931 -
Petty, Arbra W. -
Petty, Living -
Petty, Living -
Petty, Living -
Pfleeger, Mary C b.1867 - Indiana
Pheasant, Amon b.1830 -
Pheasant, Barbara b.1824 -
Pheasant, Barbara b.1822 -
Pheasant, Elizabeth b.1827 -
Pheasant, Eve b.1837 -
Pheasant, Joseph b.1840 -
Pheasant, Margaret b.1823 -
Pheasant, Philip b.1828 - Pennsylvania, United States
Pheasant, Samuel b.1834 -
Pheasant, Samuel James b.1750 - Sheffield, , , England
Pheasant, Samuel James b.1752 - Sheffield, , , England
Pheasant, Sarah b.1832 -
Pheasant, Zachariah b.1802 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Phelps, -
Phelps, Harold Robert m.1941 -
Phelps, John W. m.1877 - Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Phelps, Living -
Phelps, Living -
Phelps, Olive Sophia b.1850 -
Phenis, Dora M b.1872 - Kansas
Philbrick, Georgia Emma b.1868 - Holly, Oakland, Michigan, USA
Philbrick, John S. b.1844 -
Philipp, Maria Catherine b.1763 - Germany
Philips, Nancy b.1817 - Virginia, USA
Phillips, -
Phillips, Evelyn d.1989 - Grass Valley, Nevada, California, USA
Phillips, Hannah b.1850 - Greene, Pennsylvania
Phillips, Ireena b.1844 -
Phillips, Isaiah b.1842 -
Phillips, Levi b.1848 -
Phillips, Living -
Phillips, Living -
Phillips, Margaret b.1850 -
Phillips, Mark b.1846 -
Phillips, Mercy -
Phillips, Norman -
Phillips, Reuben b.1820 -
Phillips, Susanna b.1607 -
Phillips, Vivian Elviar m.1939 -
Phippen, Rebecca b.1666 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Piatt, Dora b.1868 - Iowa, USA
Piatt, Dora b.1868 - Iowa, USA
Pickering, Ada b.1871 - Missouri
Pickering, Alma Leah b.1887 - , Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Amanda Jane b.1843 - Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Andrew Jackson b.1847 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Benjamin b.1808 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, United States
Pickering, Benjamin b.1789 - Fredericks Co, Virginia
Pickering, Benjamin b.1752 - Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Pickering, Benjamin -
Pickering, Boniface b.1619 -
Pickering, Charity Mary b.1812 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Charles b.1911 - Republic, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Charles b.1869 - Missouri
Pickering, Charles Benjamin b.1854 - Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Clayton Reeves b.1841 - Greenville, Greene, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, David S. b.1832 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, United States
Pickering, Elcana Smadorse E. b.1854 - Tennessee
Pickering, Elijah b.1826 - Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, United States
Pickering, Elisha b.1813 - New Hope MM Greene Co TN
Pickering, Eliza b.1644 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Pickering, Elizabeth b.1645 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Pickering, Elizabeth b.1774 - Hopewell, Frederick, Virginia
Pickering, Elizabeth b.1834 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, United States
Pickering, Ellis b.1780 - Fredrick Co, Virginia
Pickering, Ellis b.1815 - New Hope MM, Greene Co., TN
Pickering, Enos b.1783 - Berkeley, James, Virginia, USA
Pickering, Enos -
Pickering, Enos Bowers b.1858 - Greene County, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Enos Jr b.1824 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, United States
Pickering, Ervin Roscoe b.1899 - Missouri, USA
Pickering, Ethel b.1881 - Missouri
Pickering, Eva B. b.1905 - Missouri, USA
Pickering, Florence b.1863 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Frank C b.1875 - Brooklin, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Garfield b.1880 - Missouri, USA
Pickering, Gertrude Alma b.1903 - California
Pickering, Gilbert b.1589 - , Yorkshire, , England
Pickering, Gladys Fay b.1904 - Snyder, Kiowa, Oklahoma, USA
Pickering, Hannah b.1822 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, United States
Pickering, Henry Filmore b.1856 - Greene, Tennessee
Pickering, Irvin b.1881 - , Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Ivan Vigil b.1876 - Missouri, USA
Pickering, James b.1617 -
Pickering, James b.1522 - Winderwath, , Westmoreland, England
Pickering, James Bailey b.1857 - Tennessee, USA
Pickering, James Sylvester b.1867 -
Pickering, John b.1545 - Winderwath, , Westmoreland, England
Pickering, John b.1795 - New Hope, Marion Co, Tennessee
Pickering, John b.1573 - Tichmersh, Northamptonshire, , England
Pickering, John b.1637 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Pickering, John b.1615 - Coventry, Warwickshire, , England
Pickering, John b.1829 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, John -
Pickering, John Robert b.1863 - Greene Co, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, John Sanford b.1844 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Johnathon b.1809 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, United States
Pickering, Jonathan b.1793 - Frederick Co, Virginia
Pickering, Jonathan b.1643 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Pickering, Jonathan -
Pickering, Leota b.1887 - Missouri, USA
Pickering, Lewis Elmer b.1878 - Republic, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Living -
Pickering, Mae b.1901 - Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Margaret b.1849 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Mary Annette Elizabeth b.1860 - Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Mary Elizabeth b.1787 - Frederick Co, Virginia
Pickering, Mary Louise b.1909 - Republic, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, May b.1880 - Missouri
Pickering, Opal Florence b.1902 - Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Orpha Ann b.1884 - Cass, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Otice Dee b.1891 - Latah County, Idaho, USA
Pickering, Ottis Daniel b.1891 - Latah, Idaho, USA
Pickering, Ova Marta b.1883 - Missouri, USA
Pickering, Paul Dwight b.1905 - Missouri
Pickering, Rebeckah b.1785 - Frederick Co, Virginia
Pickering, Samuel b.1776 - Fredrick, County, Virginia, USA
Pickering, Samuel b.1718 - Solebury, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Pickering, Samuel b.1684 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Pickering, Samuel -
Pickering, Samuel -
Pickering, Samuel Benton b.1820 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Samuel Bruce b.1890 - Elwood, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Samuel J. b.1868 - Polk, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Sarah Isbell b.1853 - Blount County, Tennessee, USA
Pickering, Theba Jane b.1860 - Tennessee
Pickering, Velta Inez b.1900 - Brookline, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, Walter Elion b.1876 - Republic, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickering, William b.1818 - New Hope, Greene, Tennessee, United States
Pickering, William Park b.1879 - Ash Grove, Greene, Missouri, USA
Pickett, George Y. m.1883 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Piearson, John E. b.1877 - Iowa, USA
Piearson, Living -
Pier, Catrina b.1716 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pier, Geesjen b.1714 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Pier, Teunis b.1670 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
Pierce, Andrew Harrison b.1840 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Pierce, Elizabeth Perst b.1543 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Pierce, Hattie b.1877 - Dodge Center, Freeborn, Minnesota, USA
Pierce, Jason -
Pierce, Living -
Pierce, Nancy b.1824 - , , Tennessee, USA
Pierce, Shrah Anna b.1892 - Nebraska
Pierce, Sidney F. -
Piersol, Jacob b.1807 - , Franklin, Ohio, USA
Piersol, Martha Jane b.1842 - , Parke, Indiana, USA
Pieters, Margrietje d.1700 - City, Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
Pike, Anna m.1783 -
Pike, Israel m.1644 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Pike, John -
Pike, John d.1654 -
Pike, Moses -
Pike, Sarah -
Pike, Willian -
Pinkerton, Benjamin G. b.1878 - Syria
Pinkerton, Living -
Pinkerton, Marie Henrietta b.1902 - California, USA
Pinkerton, Portia Elizabeth b.1917 - Los Angeles, California, USA
Pinkerton, Ruth Saada b.1906 - Los Angeles, California, USA
Pinneo, Charlotte Sophia b.1865 -
Pinneo, Daniel Montgomery b.1863 - Danville, Montour, Pennsylvania, USA
Pinneo, Helen Montgomery b.1859 - New York, New York, USA
Pinneo, William Walter b.1835 -
Pinneo, William Williams b.1861 -
Pirtle, Susannah Thomas b.1835 - Hardin, Kentucky, USA
Pitcairn, Isabel b.1456 -
Pitcher, Ella b.1886 - Minnesota, USA
Pitt, Lucinda b.1851 - Iowa, USA
Pitt, Philip -
Pittenger, Charles b.1911 -
Pittenger, Living -
Plants, Margaret J b.1839 - Ohio
Platt, Elizabeth b.1707 - Suffolk, Livingston, New York, USA
Platten, Anna Elisabeth b.1788 - Bremen, Germany
Platten, Heinrich -
Platts, David Rittenhouse b.1805 - Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jersey, USA
Platts, Sarah Eleanor b.1846 - Ohio, USA
Platts, Willametta J b.1851 - Berlin, Green Lake, Wisconsin, USA
Plister, Lilli m.1943 -
Plummer, Living -
Plummer, Mary E. b.1847 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Plummer, May Elizabeth b.1859 - Iowa, USA
Plyley, Estelle "Essie" Montgomery b.1877 - Chillicothe, Ohio
Plyley, Thomas Jefferson b.1818 - Twin Township, Ross County, Ohio, United States
Poe, Cicero b.1845 - Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, David T. b.1853 - North Carolina, USA
Poe, David Williamson b.1799 - , Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA
Poe, Elizabeth b.1826 - Wayne, Ohio, USA
Poe, Everett M b.1883 - Illinois, USA
Poe, Florence E b.1891 - Iowa
Poe, Floyd B b.1904 - Iowa
Poe, George Matthew b.1847 - Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, Glenn Allison b.1902 - Woodbine, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Poe, Harry H. b.1877 - Iowa
Poe, Jarvis C b.1850 - Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, John b.1859 - North Carolina, USA
Poe, Joseph -
Poe, Laura E b.1888 - Iowa
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Living -
Poe, Lydia S b.1836 - Guilford, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, Myrtie M. b.1875 - Indiana
Poe, Nancy b.1839 - Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, Oliver b.1843 - Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, Rose b.1890 - Iowa
Poe, Sarah J b.1838 - Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, Stephen b.1857 - Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, William b.1768 - Chatham, North Carolina, United States
Poe, William L b.1834 - Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, Zadoc b.1812 - Guilford, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Poe, Zadoc Sanford b.1879 - Iowa
Poe, Zedoc William b.1873 - Iowa
Poindexter, -
Poindexter, Ruth M. b.1928 -
Poindexter, Thelma m.1960 -
Polk, Florence C. b.1908 -
Pollard, Charles A b.1862 - Fremont, Iowa
Pollard, Living -
Pollock, Louise m.1934 - Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, USA
Pomeroy, Living -
Pomeroy, Silas H. b.1857 - Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USA
Pontius, Elizabeth b.1776 - Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Pontius, John Peter b.1747 - Tulpehocken, Berks County, Pennsylvania, United States
Poole, Lester -
Poole, Living -
Poole, Muriel Arvilla Beryl b.1901 - Jamestown, Stutsman, North Dakota, USA
Poole, Verna Delbert b.1876 - Michigan
Pope, Benjamin F. b.1805 - New York, USA
Pope, Carrie b.1863 - Wisconsin
Pope, Dora b.1861 - , Waushara, Wisconsin, USA
Pope, Harriet E. b.1855 - New York, USA
Pope, John Lorentine b.1832 - New York, USA
Pope, Mary b.1852 - New York, USA
Pope, Sydney -
Pope, Timothy b.1770 - Plainfield, Windham, Connecticut, USA
Porter, Albert E. -
Porter, Alfred James b.1914 - Durham, Roger Mills, Oklahoma, USA
Porter, Amanda b.1878 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, Betty May b.1922 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, Edna Lenora b.1889 - Kansas
Porter, Edna Lenora b.1889 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, Edwin Charles b.1918 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, Elizabeth Nancy -
Porter, Ethel Isabell b.1885 - Kansas
Porter, Ethel J b.1886 - Wetmore, Kansas, USA
Porter, Frances Lupton b.1825 -
Porter, Grace Belle b.1892 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas
Porter, Grace Belle b.1892 - Granada, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, James b.1802 - Kentucky, USA
Porter, James b.1787 -
Porter, James M b.1850 -
Porter, James T b.1875 - Kansas
Porter, James Thomas b.1875 - Granada, Nemaha, Kansas
Porter, Jessie S b.1883 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, Jessie S b.1883 - Kansas
Porter, Jim -
Porter, Leslie E b.1896 - Wetmore, Kansas, USA
Porter, Living -
Porter, Living -
Porter, Living -
Porter, Living -
Porter, Living -
Porter, Living -
Porter, Martha Ella b.1880 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas
Porter, Martha Ella b.1880 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, Pam -
Porter, Patricia -
Porter, Robert L. b.1881 - Kerrville, Kerr, Texas, USA
Porter, Ruby Marie b.1916 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, Sarah A b.1818 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Porter, Thelma -
Porter, William b.1830 - Missouri, USA
Porter, William Chester b.1915 - Wetmore, Kansas, USA
Porter, William David b.1887 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, William David "Bill" b.1887 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Porter, William Lucas b.1830 - Bartholomew, Indiana
Post, Lysbet m.1674 - New York, New York, USA
Postetter, Catherine b.1763 - Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland, United States
Postlewait, Mary b.1796 - Monongalia, Virginia, USA
Poston, Rebecca b.1793 - Romney, Hampshire, Virginia, United States
Pott, Anne b.1612 - Montgomery, Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potter, Jerry b.1866 - Ohio
Potts, Asenath b.1772 - , Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA
Potts, Daniel b.1698 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, David b.1670 - , Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, Elizabeth b.1723 - Upper Dublin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Potts, Elizabeth b.1699 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Elizabeth b.1666 - Llangirrig, Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, Elizabeth b.1721 - Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Potts, Elizabeth b.1750 - Moreland, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Ezekiel b.1708 - Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Gainor b.1753 - Chelsea Forge, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Potts, George b.1665 - Nantgnerog, Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, Henry b.1727 - Southampton, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Potts, Hugh Henry b.1773 - Chelsea Forge, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Potts, James b.1787 - Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States
Potts, Jane b.1668 - Llangirrig, Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, John b.1645 - Llanidloos, , , Wales
Potts, John b.1658 - , Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, John b.1696 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States,
Potts, John b.1608 - Montgomery, Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, John b.1727 - Upper Dublin, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States
Potts, Jonas b.1662 - Montgomery, Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, Jonathan b.1723 - Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Potts, Joseph b.1755 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Lydia Maybury b.1716 - Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Margaret b.1664 - Llangirrig, Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, Mary b.1703 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Moses b.1720 - Iredell, North Carolina, United States
Potts, Nathan b.1701 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Rebecca b.1766 - Mecklenberg, , North Carolina, USA
Potts, Rebeccah b.1706 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Sarah b.1706 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Steven b.1704 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Thomas b.1695 - Bristol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Potts, Thomas b.1632 - , Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, Thomas b.1660 - , Montgomeryshire, , Wales
Potts, Thomas b.1729 - Upper Dublin, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States
Potts, William Luken b.1771 - Chelsea Forge, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Poultney, Margaret b.1460 -
Powell, Alden Boughton b.1832 - Victor, Ontario, New York, USA
Powell, Annie b.1841 -
Powell, Catherine m.1920 -
Powell, Charles A b.1839 - Victor, Ontario, New York, USA
Powell, Clarence E. b.1859 - Marshall, Calhoun, Michigan, USA
Powell, Frederick John b.1868 - Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, USA
Powell, George Alden b.1866 - Michigan
Powell, George E. b.1836 -
Powell, James -
Powell, James ? -
Powell, Jennie b.1842 -
Powell, Jennie Bell b.1863 - Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, USA
Powell, John b.1799 - New York, USA
Powell, Living -
Powell, Living -
Powell, Maud J b.1874 - Michigan
Powell, Maude J. b.1874 -
Powell, Nellie Mae -
Powell, William A. b.1830 - Victor, Ontario, New York, USA
Powell, William R. -
Power, Harriett Matury b.1849 - Indiana, USA
Power, Thomas b.1799 - , Scott, Kentucky, USA
Powers, Annie Teresa b.1846 - Ireland
Powers, Living -
Powhatan, Princess Matoaka Pocahontas "Rebecca" b.1595 - Tidewater, James City, Colony of Virginia
Poythress, Jane Pochontas b.1630 - Jamestown, James City, Virginia, USA
Prangle, Maxene m.1947 -
Pratt, Albert Warren m.1858 - Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Pratt, Alice Marie b.1901 - Marengo, McHenry, Illinois, United States
Pratt, Betsey b.1782 - Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA
Pratt, Betty b.1726 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, Charles b.1828 - Temple Mills, Franklin, Maine, USA
Pratt, Charles Arthur b.1865 -
Pratt, Charles Virgil b.1890 - Edgerton, Pipestone, Minnesota, USA
Pratt, Chester Oakes b.1882 -
Pratt, Chloe Estella b.1890 - Ohio
Pratt, Clarence William b.1892 - Morrow, Ohio, United States
Pratt, Cleobelle b.1909 - Fargo, Morrow, Ohio, United States
Pratt, Cotton Treffils -
Pratt, Ebenezer b.1737 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, Egbert A. b.1831 - Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
Pratt, Emily d.1966 - Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, USA
Pratt, Etta Minta b.1874 -
Pratt, Ezekial m.1740 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, Ezekiel b.1787 - Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA
Pratt, Fletcher Jolly b.1882 - Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Pratt, Frank Warren b.1859 -
Pratt, Gladys Irene b.1899 - Morrow, Ohio, United States
Pratt, Harvey John b.1873 -
Pratt, Henry b.1570 -
Pratt, Hortense Beauharnais b.1880 - Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Pratt, Ira Allen b.1793 - Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA
Pratt, Isaiah d.1756 -
Pratt, Isasc b.1696 - Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, John b.1748 - Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, John b.1785 - Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA
Pratt, John b.1691 - Sherborn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, John -
Pratt, John b.1668 -
Pratt, John b.1743 - Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, John P. b.1827 - Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
Pratt, Joshua b.1590 -
Pratt, Julia J. b.1827 - Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
Pratt, Lilly J b.1875 - Peru, Morrow, Ohio
Pratt, Lionel Laforest b.1869 -
Pratt, Living -
Pratt, Living -
Pratt, Living -
Pratt, Living -
Pratt, Lois A. b.1836 - Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
Pratt, Lola A. b.1871 - Ohio
Pratt, Lovel Jolly b.1885 - Iowa, USA
Pratt, Lulu Alice b.1866 - Iowa
Pratt, Margery -
Pratt, Maria b.1797 - Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
Pratt, Mary b.1775 - Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
Pratt, Mary b.1754 - Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, Mary A b.1872 - Peru, Morrow, Ohio
Pratt, Melville Ernest b.1862 -
Pratt, Merlin John b.1894 - Ohio
Pratt, Phineas -
Pratt, Polly b.1793 - Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA
Pratt, Ralph Raymond b.1897 - Morrow, Ohio, United States
Pratt, Ruth Izora b.1904 - Morrow, Ohio, United States
Pratt, Samuel -
Pratt, Sarah b.1746 - Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, Serene b.1790 - Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA
Pratt, Silas d.1810 - Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USA
Pratt, Sinthya b.1780 - Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA
Pratt, Stephen b.1751 - Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, Susanna b.1778 - Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA
Pratt, Syrena Burnel b.1842 - Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
Pratt, Thomas b.1615 -
Pratt, Thomas b.1636 - Gravesera, England
Pratt, Timothy b.1731 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Pratt, Walter Irving b.1864 -
Pratt, William Allen b.1869 - Peru, Morrow, Ohio, United States
Pratt, Willis True b.1859 - Big Grove, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Pray, Susanna b.1764 -
Predmore, Loise b.1892 - Zanesfield, Ohio
Presley, Gussie G b.1890 - Missouri
Presley, Living -
Presley, Living -
Presley, Mack W b.1877 - Missouri
Presley, Noah E b.1887 - Missouri
Presley, Walter L b.1883 - Missouri
Presley, William Henry Mack b.1852 - MONROE CO.TENNESSEE, USA
PRESLEY--, Charles Isaac "Jack" b.1892 - Polk, Missouri
Preston, Alice b.1870 - Minnesota, USA
Preston, Bertha b.1864 - Minnesota, USA
Preston, Cathy A "Kate" "Kitty" b.1872 - Chatfield, Fillmore, Minnesota
Preston, Frank Gordon b.1878 - Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, United Kingdom
Preston, Inez b.1862 - Minnesota, USA
Preston, John Hull b.1840 - Connecticut
Preston, Lyle -
Prestwick, Catherine b.1462 - Hulme, Cheshire, England
Prestwick, Ellis b.1436 - Hulme, Cheshire, England
Prett, Grace b.1579 - Earith, Bluntisham, Huntingdon, England
Price, Abraham Jones b.1854 - Pennsylvania, USA
Price, Elizabeth "Bess" b.1881 - Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee, USA
Price, Marvin J b.1905 - Whiting, Monona, Iowa, USA
Pridmore, Jennie b.1872 - Ontario, Canada
Priest, Elizabeth b.1823 - , Wayne, Ohio, USA
Pritchard, Perlina d.1886 - , Stone, Missouri, USA
Pritz, Living -
Pritz, Living -
Pritz, Living -
Pritz, Living -
Pritz, Living -
Pritz, Living -
Pritz, Living -
Pritz, Living -
Proskovec, Anton b.1880 - Bohemia
Prososki, Anthony H. b.1909 -
Prososki, Living -
Prososki, Living -
Prososki, Living -
Prososki, Living -
Prososki, Living -
Prososki, Living -
Protzman, George b.1873 - Witgenborn, Germany
Protzman, Living -
Protzman, Living -
Protzman, Russell b.1922 - South Point, Lawrence, Ohio, USA
Protzman, Walter George b.1901 - Ohio
Prough, Elizabeth b.1823 - Trough Creek Valley, Hopewell, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
Prough, Johann George b.1779 - Pennsylvania, USA
Prough, Living -
Proven, Andrew b.1820 -
Proven, Jean b.1824 - Scotland
Proven, John b.1799 -
Prowte, Eunice b.1590 - Bideford, Devon, , England
Pruitt, Dean -
Pruitt, Glea -
Pruitt, Joseph Harley m.1948 - Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USA
Pruitt, Lynnette -
Pruitt, Polly Ann b.1829 - Indiana, USA
Pulsifer, Living -
Pulsifer, Living -
Pulsifer, Louis W b.1885 - Maine, USA
Purchase, Abigail b.1624 - Dorchester, Dorset, , England
Purifoy, Elizabeth b.1430 -
Putnam, Charles Francis b.1858 - Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA
Putnam, Kate Emelyn b.1886 - Soldier, Monona, Iowa, USA
Quanz, Adam -
Quanz, Charles Wade b.1858 -
Quanz, Charles Wade b.1858 - New Jersey
Quanz, Clarence Ethan b.1910 - Glade, Phillips, Kansas, USA
Quanz, Donald Duane b.1939 - Glade, Phillips, Kansas, United States
Quanz, Esther Grace b.1886 - Kansas
Quanz, Everett b.1907 - Glade, Phillips, Kansas, United States
Quanz, Gary Allen b.1937 - Glade, Phillips, Kansas, United States
Quanz, Herbert Eugene b.1879 - Glade, Kansas
Quanz, Herbert Eugene b.1881 - Glade, Phillips, Kansas, United States
Quanz, Living -
Quanz, Living -
Quanz, Living -
Quanz, Living -
Quanz, Living -
Quanz, Living -
Quanz, Living -
Quanz, Living -
Quanz, Living -
Quesada, Francisco b.1847 - Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
Quesada, Luis b.1820 - Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Quick, Abraham b.1746 - Machackemack, Orange, New York, USA
Quick, Anna -
Quick, Antje m.1696 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Quick, Benjamin b.1743 - Machackemeck, Orange, New York, USA
Quick, Benjamin c.1824 -
Quick, Catharina b.1749 - Machackemack, Orange, New York, USA
Quick, Catherine c.1733 -
Quick, Corn -
Quick, Corn -
Quick, Derrick b.1714 - Minisinik, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Quick, Elizabeth -
Quick, Enne -
Quick, Grietje b.1742 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Quick, Jacobus -
Quick, Jacobus Roach m.1759 -
Quick, Jenneke b.1738 - Machackemack, Orange, New York, USA
Quick, Jennetje b.1735 - , Ulster, New York, USA
Quick, Johannes -
Quick, Lena -
Quick, Lena b.1772 -
Quick, Lizabeth b.1759 -
Quick, Margaret b.1736 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Quick, Margaret -
Quick, Margaret b.1763 -
Quick, Pterus -
Quick, Rachel b.1741 - Machackemack, Orange, New York, USA
Quick, Thomas c.1690 -
Quick, Thomas -
Quick, Thomas c.1743 -
Quick, Thomas c.1757 -
Quinn, John Mc m.1911 - Eugene, Lane, Oregon, USA
Quintard, Isaac b.1696 - Bristol, Somerset, England
Quintard, Mary b.1722 -
Raburn, Harriett b.1849 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Raburn, John Charles Fremont b.1857 - New Carlisle, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Raburn, Julia Elizabeth b.1841 - Ripley, Indiana, United States
Raburn, Lucy b.1854 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Raburn, Marietta b.1846 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Raburn, Milton b.1851 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Raburn, Vermont b.1859 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Raburn, William John m.1845 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Raburn, William Magness b.1861 - New Carlisle, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Rachel, m.1735 - New York, USA
Radde, Barbara b.1835 - Hungary
Radel, Catharine b.1838 - Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Radford, Charles Morgan Sr b.1909 - Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USA
Rahmes, Abelena -
Rahmes, Anna b.1859 - Ohio
Rahmes, Barbara b.1868 - Ohio
Rahmes, Eva "Abbie" b.1864 - Ohio
Rahmes, Frederick b.1866 - Ohio
Rahmes, George b.1860 - Ohio
Rahmes, George -
Rahmes, John -
Rahmes, John b.1830 - Bavaria, Germany
Rahmes, Living -
Rahmes, Living -
Rahmes, Living -
Rahmes, Living -
Rahmes, Mary -
Rahmes, Mary A. b.1854 - Ohio
Rahmes, Pauline N b.1874 - Ohio
Rahmes, Sixtus b.1800 - Bavaria, Germany
Rahmes, Veit G -
Rahmes, Vite b.1862 - Ohio
Rahmes, Wilber W b.1902 - Fairfield, Butler, Ohio
Raine, Myrtle m.1903 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Rainey, Alice F b.1832 - Kentucky, USA
Rainey, Beulah Faye b.1903 - Missouri, USA
Rainey, Charles b.1862 - Indiana, USA
Rainey, Clarence E b.1884 - Missouri
Rainey, Donna Jean b.1932 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Rainey, Edward b.1865 - Indiana, USA
Rainey, Frank Lester b.1889 - Missouri, USA
Rainey, Gilbert Lee b.1892 - Nodaway, Missouri, USA
Rainey, Grace E b.1889 - Missouri
Rainey, Harmon D. b.1858 - Indiana, USA
Rainey, Herman Edward b.1901 - Alanthus Grove, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Rainey, Horace B. b.1872 - Danville, Hendricks, Indiana, USA
Rainey, Howard Earl b.1886 - Clyde, Nodaway, Missouri, USA
Rainey, James C. b.1899 - Stanberry, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Rainey, James C. b.1837 - Kentucky
Rainey, John H b.1822 - Clark, Kentucky, USA
Rainey, Kizza b.1858 - Indiana, USA
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Living -
Rainey, Mary A. b.1869 - Indiana, USA
Rainey, Nellie L. m.1911 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
Rainey, Serilela or Arilda b.1856 - Indiana, USA
Rainey, Thomas b.1782 - Virginia, USA
Rainey, Thomas C. b.1829 - Kentucky, USA
Rainey, Vicie Murl b.1907 - Alanthus Grove, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Rainey, Walter Thomas b.1894 - Missouri, USA
Raitt, Elizabeth b.1777 -
Ramey, Daniel b.1789 - , Russell, Virginia, USA
Ramey, James Stephen b.1802 - , Washington, Virginia, USA
Ramey, Living -
Ramey, Living -
Ramsay, -
Ramsay, Margaret -
Ramsay, Rebecca b.1862 - Pennsylvania, USA
Rand, Amanda Melvina b.1840 -
Randall, Emily J b.1854 - Wisconsin
Randall, Louis M b.1883 - Michigan, USA
Randall, Mcallister b.1854 - Birmingham, Oakland, Michigan, USA
Randall, Mildred b.1878 - Dundee, Monroe, Michigan, USA
Randall, Nellie b.1881 - Birmingham, Oakland, Michigan, USA
Randall, Rosalthe b.1838 - Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA
Randleman, Elsie Jane b.1882 - , Warren, Iowa, USA
Randleman, Joseph M b.1849 - Indiana
Randleman, Maude b.1884 - Iowa
Randleman, Ninny b.1890 - Iowa
Rasdall, Raymond b.1912 -
Rath, Anna Margarethe b.1746 - Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
Rau, Gottielf Eugene b.1880 - Wrttemberg, Germany
Rau, Norbert E b.1907 - Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Rau, Stanley Walter b.1911 - Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Rau, Thomas -
Raver, George Waldo b.1901 - Craig, Burt, Nebraska, United States
Raver, Living -
Raver, Living -
Raver, Living -
Raver, Living -
Raver, Living -
Raver, Robert George b.1941 - Oakland, Boone, Nebraska, United States
Raver, Ronald Jordan b.1938 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States
Raver, Todd Alan b.1963 - Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, United States
Ray, Charles Preston b.1914 -
Ray, Curtis b.1878 - , Fayette, Illinois, USA
Ray, Living -
Rayburn, Elizabeth b.1850 - Zenas, Indiana, United States
Rayburn, Harrison b.1832 - Jennings, Jennings, Indiana, United States
Rayburn, James b.1801 -
Rayburn, John b.1835 - Jennings, Jennings, Indiana, United States
Rayburn, Lucretia b.1833 - Jennings, Jennings, Indiana, United States
Rayburn, Mark b.1825 -
Rayburn, Mary J b.1844 - Webb Crossroads, Russell, Kentucky, USA
Rayburn, Mary Jane b.1837 - Ripley County, Indiana, USA
Rayburn, Permelia b.1832 - Zenas, Indiana, United States
Rayburn, Ruth b.1823 -
Rayburn, William b.1807 - Virginia, USA
Rayburn, William b.1770 - Augusta, Virginia, United States
Rayburn, William A b.1850 - Zenas, Indiana, United States
Rayer, -
Rayer, Emma b.1891 - Kansas, USA
Rayer, John b.1885 - Kansas
Rcker, Maria Anna b.1766 - Werschau, Limburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany
Reader, Harriett Amanda b.1861 - Zenas, Jennings, Indiana, USA
Ream, Clyde Earl b.1885 - Hancock, Ohio
Ream, Dorothy Jean b.1924 - Ada, Ohio, USA
Reber, Helen m.1935 - Glen Ellyn, Illinois, USA
Reck, Ella Hannah b.1888 - Germany
Rector, Elizabeth b.1842 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Redding, Living -
Redding, Richard b.1469 -
Redding, Thomas b.1500 -
Reddish, Anne b.1493 - Reddish, Lancashire, England
Reddish, Oates b.1467 -
Redenbaugh, Nancy Jane b.1858 - Missouri
Redford, Martha b.1688 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Redout, Emma m.1888 - Missouri, USA
Reed, Anna b.1759 - Germany
Reed, Bessie M b.1888 - Pennsylvania, United States
Reed, Ceil E b.1890 - Nebraska
Reed, Effie b.1869 - Harmon, Knox, Illinois, USA
Reed, Ethel b.1892 - Nebraska
Reed, Hannah b.1767 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Reed, Hulda b.1871 - Knox, Illinois, USA
Reed, Jessie May b.1880 -
Reed, Katie -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Living -
Reed, Mahala b.1860 - London Mills, Fulton, Illinois, USA
Reed, Nelson b.1796 - Maryland, USA
Reed, Nora b.1861 - London Mills, Fulton, Illinois, USA
Reed, Orlando b.1869 - Pennsylvania, United States
Reed, Orville L b.1899 - Nebraska
Reed, Otis b.1867 - Harmon, Lee, Illinois, USA
Reed, Pearl b.1891 - Pennsylvania, United States
Reed, William A. b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Reed, William Dexter b.1863 - Harmon, Lee, Illinois, USA
Reed, William Maxwell b.1827 - Newark, Licking, Ohio, USA
Reever, Kate Rosetta b.1890 - Bone Gap, Edwards, Illinois, United States
Reid, Mary b.1850 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Reineccius, Emma M b.1893 - Nebraska, USA
Reinheimer, Margaret Louise m.1944 -
Reinig, Jacob b.1858 - Germany
Reinig, Living -
Reiser, Charles b.1898 - Illinois, USA
Reiser, Martin b.1867 - sangamon, County Illinois
Reitz, John -
Reitz, Living -
Reitz, Living -
Reitz, Living -
Remey, Lucy b.1799 - , , Virginia, USA
Remsem, Maria b.1786 -
Remsen, Catharine b.1778 -
Remy, Catherine b.1786 -
Remy, Daniel b.1720 - , Johnson, Kentucky, USA
Remy, Dorcus b.1775 - , Scott, Virginia, USA
Remy, Jacob b.1630 - Lorraine, France
Remy, James b.1775 - , Russell, Virginia, USA
Remy, John b.1769 - , Westmoreland, Virginia, USA
Remy, Pierre b.1600 - Lorraine, France
Remy, William b.1774 - Abingdon, Washington, Virginia, USA
Remy, William b.1672 - , Westmoreland, Virginia, USA
Remy, William R b.1745 - Westmoreland, Westmoreland, Virginia, USA
Rennick, Bruce William b.1890 - Illinois, USA
Rennick, Hanes A b.1886 - Illinois, USA
Rennick, Leottis b.1892 - Illinois, USA
Rennick, Living -
Rensberger, Mathilda b.1874 - , St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Renwick, Abe Locore b.1859 - Illinois, USA
Renwick, Living -
Renwick, Mary Annice b.1883 - Toulon, Stark, Illinois, USA
Renzhausen, Johann Gotthard Gernard -
Renzhausen, Rosine Maria b.1771 -
Rethwisch, Anna b.1865 - Krokau, Plon, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Retterman, Bessie b.1883 - Illinois, USA
Retzer, George W b.1883 -
Rexroat, Dona B b.1885 -
Rexroat, Logan Thomas b.1888 - , Russell, Kentucky, USA
Rexroat, Tilda b.1887 -
Rexroat, William Henry b.1859 -
Reynolds, Living -
Reynolds, Living -
Reynolds, Living -
Reynolds, Maria Smith b.1844 - Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, USA
Reynolds, Oscar W b.1892 - Texas
Reynolds, Susannah b.1731 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Reynolds, William M. -
Rhea, Sarah Elizabeth b.1837 - Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USA
Rhea, Sophia Perkins b.1866 - Persia
Rhea, William -
Rhoads, Living -
Rhoads, Living -
Rhoads, Living -
Rhoads, Living -
Rhodes, Albert b.1881 - Pennsylvania
Rhodes, Charles Corey m.1897 -
Rhodes, Cora May b.1879 - Pennsylvania, United States
Rhodes, Eunice m.1811 -
Rhodes, Guy b.1886 - Altoona, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Rhodes, Iciebinder Leanna b.1825 - Florence, Lauderdale, Alabama, United States
Rhodes, Living -
Rhodes, Living -
Rhodes, Lorenzo E b.1880 - Pennsylvania, United States
Rhodes, Margaret B b.1880 - Pennsylvania, United States
Rhodes, Mary Thompson b.1682 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Rhodes, Nora b.1890 - Pennsylvania
Rhodes, R. L. m.1911 -
Rhodes, Samuel E b.1853 - Pennsylvania
Rice, Carrie V. b.1892 - Missouri
Rice, Donald Paul Sr. b.1909 - Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA
Rice, Fred Harrison b.1885 - Nebraska, USA
Rice, Julia A. b.1910 - Kansas, United States
Rice, Living -
Rice, Living -
Rice, Living -
Rice, Living -
Rice, Living -
Rice, Living -
Rice, Living -
Rice, Wesley -
Rich, Orsa M. b.1839 - New Albion, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Richards, Annie b.1859 - Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania
Richards, George -
Richards, John -
Richards, Living -
Richards, Martha Prentiss -
Richardson, Jane E. b.1818 - Kittaning, PA
Richardson, Joan -
Richardson, Lee H. b.1864 - Grenada, Mississippi, USA
Richardson, Living -
Richardson, Living -
Richardson, Living -
Richardson, Living -
Richardson, Living -
Richardson, Living -
Richardson, Living -
Richardson, Lynn Keith b.1932 -
Richardson, Sarah Elizabeth b.1881 - Marysville, Marshall, Kansas, USA
Richardson, William M. b.1876 - North Carolina, USA
Richert, Edith Pearl m.1970 - Palm Beach, Florida
Richeson, Millie Jane b.1862 - Missouri, USA
Richey, Clarence b.1884 - Indiana, USA
Richey, James Snead b.1850 - Indiana, USA
Richey, Lenna Myrtle b.1881 - Adams, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Richey, William b.1811 - Kentucky, USA
Richey, William E. b.1874 - Indiana, USA
Richmond, Alexander b.1809 - Westford, Otsego, New York, USA
Richmond, Almira b.1840 - Putnam, Livingston, Michigan, USA
Richmond, Harriet b.1843 - Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, USA
Richmond, Jane Ann b.1838 - Conway, Emmet, Michigan, USA
Richmond, Jerome b.1833 - Bergen, Genesee, New York, USA
Richmond, Lovina b.1835 - , Emmet, Michigan, USA
Riddle, Annie b.1860 - Iowa
Riddle, Elting Dezo b.1901 - Iowa
Riddle, George b.1834 - Tennessee
Riddle, George E. b.1870 - Iowa
Riddle, Hattie L. b.1865 - Iowa
Riddle, Helen Josephine b.1906 - Iowa
Riddle, Living -
Riddle, Maggie b.1875 - Iowa
Riddle, Margaret Ada b.1902 -
Riddle, William Oscar b.1872 - Scott County, Illinois
Rieser, Charles W b.1888 - Ohio
Rieser, Living -
Rieser, Oliver Owen b.1894 - Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Rieser, William b.1858 - Ohio
Riggs, Garnett Lewis b.1871 - Amity, Yamhill, Oregon, USA
Riggs, Living -
Riley, -
Riley, Alice Joanne b.1934 -
Riley, Alva Lincoln b.1866 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Child b.1890 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Chubbie b.1898 -
Riley, Donald b.1916 -
Riley, Dorothy b.1916 -
Riley, Edrie Bethene b.1907 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Elias Lyman b.1890 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Elsie Orpha b.1905 - Iowa, USA
Riley, Eugene C. b.1924 - Missouri Valley, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, George W. b.1884 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Haldane b.1913 -
Riley, Harold Edward b.1929 -
Riley, Hazel Bessie b.1888 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, John Clarence b.1880 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Laura b.1914 -
Riley, Lewis Grayson b.1820 - Franklinton, Franklin, Ohio, USA
Riley, Lewis Lasalle b.1877 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Living -
Riley, Lucas Sullivan b.1824 - , Franklin, Ohio, USA
Riley, Lucile M b.1891 - Harrison County, Iowa
Riley, Lucius Robert b.1833 - , Knox, Ohio, USA
Riley, Luther Calvin b.1826 - , Franklin, Ohio, USA
Riley, Lyman Elvin b.1869 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Lyman Guyton b.1918 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Lyman Hesket b.1841 - Ashley, Delaware, Ohio, USA
Riley, Martha L. b.1874 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Mary Anita b.1945 - England
Riley, Mary Idella b.1871 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Maxie b.1889 -
Riley, Michael O. b.1950 -
Riley, Nettie Grace b.1902 - Ticonic, Monona, Iowa, USA
Riley, Oscar b.1892 - Iowa
Riley, Richard Stanton b.1913 - Orson, Iowa, USA
Riley, Robert Wilson b.1774 - Ireland
Riley, Sarah Luella b.1830 - Fraanklin County, , Ohio, USA
Riley, Serena H. "Rena" b.1893 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, Violet Serena b.1901 - Iowa
Riley, Ward Beecher b.1892 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Riley, William b.1749 - County, , Monaghan, Ireland
Riley, Zene Laverne b.1915 - Whiting, Monona, Iowa, USA
Riley, Zenus Harrison b.1864 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Rinehart, Living -
Rinehart, Living -
Rinehart, Living -
Rinehart, Living -
Ring, Lillian Sarah b.1878 - Minnisota
Ringer, Belle m.1897 -
Rinkel, Christina b.1854 - Missouri
Rinkhout, Geertruy m.1691 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Riordan, Betty Lou b.1926 - Sterling, Colorado
Riordan, Edward D. b.1900 - Atwood, Colorado
Riordan, John b.1857 - Bloomington, Illinois
Riordan, Living -
Riordan, Living -
Riordan, Living -
Ripley, Bloomfield W b.1845 - Greene, Tennessee
Ripley, Coleman C. C. b.1850 - Tennessee, USA
Ripley, Demetrius B b.1840 - Greene, Tennessee
Ripley, Elbert Sevier b.1824 - Tennessee
Ripley, Elcana b.1830 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Ripley, Henry b.1796 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Ripley, Lindney b.1831 - Greene, Tennessee
Ripley, Louceda b.1829 - Greene, Tennessee
Ripley, Lucinda Jane b.1834 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Ripley, Lydia b.1791 - Greene, Tennessee, United States
Ripley, Matthias b.1763 - Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States
Ripley, Melissa b.1834 - Greene, Tennessee
Ripley, Nathaniel b.1836 - Greene, Tennessee
Ripley, Phebe b.1819 -
Ripley, Rachel Susannah b.1828 - Greene, Tennessee
Ripley, Samuel b.1793 - Greene, Tennessee, United States
Ripley, Samuel N b.1834 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Ripley, Thomas b.1801 - near Chuckey, Tenn
Ripley, Thomas b.1770 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Ripley, Thomas G b.1822 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Ripley, Virginia V b.1843 - Tennessee
Ripley, William b.1798 -
Ripley, William Washington b.1827 - Tennessee
Rissell, Jennie E b.1876 - , , Texas, USA
Ritter, Anna Christiane b.1864 - Swiss Alp, Fayette, Texas, USA
Ritter, Annie A b.1864 - Missouri
Roach, Elaine m.1935 -
Roach, John Dunlap b.1861 - Kentucky
Roach, Living -
Roach, Living -
Roach, Living -
Roach, Roy Lewis b.1896 - Cedar Vale, Chautauqua, Kansas
Roach, S M R b.1889 - Kansas
Roach, Sylvia Louise b.1923 - Cedar Vale, Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Roadruck, Roscoe D. b.1905 - Albion, Boone, Nebraska, USA
Robalier, Debora b.1791 - Columbia, New York, USA
Robbins, Anna or Annie b.1812 - Sullivan, New York, USA
Robbins, Mary b.1828 - Maine, USA
Robbins, Minerva b.1850 - Indiana, USA
Roberts, Elizabeth b.1641 - Dover Neck, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States
Roberts, Helen Lucille d.1980 - Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA
Roberts, Living -
Roberts, Living -
Roberts, Reba Elaine b.1944 - Eva, Morgan, Alabama, USA
Robinault, Betsy Elizabeth b.1813 - , Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Robinault, Betsy Elizabeth b.1813 - , Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Robinault, Betsy Elizabeth b.1813 - , Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Robins, John H. b.1857 - Simcoe, , Ontario, Canada
Robins, Lila Margarite b.1899 - Douglas, Converse Wyoming
Robinson, Dwight Lawrence b.1920 - Dodgeville, Iowa, Wisconsin, USA
Robinson, Francis M. "Robbie" m.1946 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Robinson, George Adolph b.1917 - Dodgeville, Iowa, Wisconsin, USA
Robinson, George Henry b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Robinson, Henry Lawrence b.1889 - Standart, Iowa County, Wisconsin
Robinson, Hetty b.1770 -
Robinson, Howard "Rob" Mallalieu b.1918 - Dodgeville, Iowa, Wisconsin, USA
Robinson, Israel b.1762 - Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, USA
Robinson, Marie Lytle b.1900 - McConnellstown, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Robinson, Mary Ida b.1862 - Pennsylvania
Robinson, Mary S. b.1858 - Missouri
Robinson, Rhoda b.1792 - Bennington, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Robinson, Sarah Lynn b.1951 - Madison, Dane, Wisconsin
Robinson, Susan "Susie" Louise m.1971 - Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin
Roby, Audra Lucile b.1895 - Kenton, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Robylier, -
Robylier, Benjimon m.1823 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Rochester, Harriet b.1854 - Pennsylvania, USA
Rockhold, Living -
Rockhold, Living -
Rockhold, Living -
Rockhold, Walter Ralph b.1871 - Peoria, Illinois, USA
Rockhold, Walter Ralph b.1904 - St Paul, Dakota, Minnesota, USA
Rodgers, Amos -
Rodgers, Clark b.1848 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Rodgers, Inda b.1887 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Rodgers, James H. -
Rodgers, Josephine b.1871 - Indiana, USA
Rodgers, Lillian Clare b.1886 - Indiana, USA
Rodgers, Mary Lena b.1875 - Indiana, USA
Rodgers, Ora Permilia b.1881 - Indiana, USA
Rodgers, Silas -
Rodgers, Stephen b.1808 -
Rodgers, Vera Bell b.1886 - Indiana, USA
Rodgers, Warren -
Roe, Austine M. m.1843 -
Roe, Ida Maud b.1877 - Kansas, USA
Roe, Mary b.1790 - New York, USA
Roe, Nancy Delilah b.1857 - Wisconsin, USA
Rogers, Anne -
Rogers, Content -
Rogers, Cora Winifred b.1888 - Clinton County, Iowa
Rogers, Deborah Emily b.1830 - New York, USA
Rogers, Hiram b.1793 - Nr Bloomery, Hampshire, Virginia, United States
Rogers, Isaac b.1824 - Kentucky
Rogers, James S b.1854 - Kentucky
Rogers, John Henry b.1849 - Kentucky, USA
Rogers, Laura B b.1867 - Indiana, United States
Rogers, Lewis b.1845 - Indiana, USA
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Living -
Rogers, Maggie b.1863 - Indiana
Rogers, Margaret b.1865 - Kentucky, USA
Rogers, Mary Jane b.1853 - Indiana, United States
Rogers, Nellie Amelia b.1888 - Iowa
Rogers, Sarah A b.1860 - Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States
Rogers, Susan A. b.1856 - Marion, Indiana, United States
Rolfe, Jane b.1655 - Varina, Henrico, Virginia, United States
Rolfe, John "Johannas" b.1585 - Hecham, Norfolkshire, England
Rolfe, Thomas Pepsicanough b.1615 - Jamestown, Coloney, VA
Rollins, -
Rollins, -
Rollins, Contente b.1760 - New York, USA
Roman, Ida Georgia b.1874 - Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Roman, Leona Rose b.1898 - Iowa
Roman, Living -
Roman, Lorence D. b.1901 - Bertram, Linn, Iowa, USA
Roman, Louis David b.1876 - Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, USA
Roman, Lula Lima b.1899 - Bertram, Linn, Iowa, USA
Roman, Otto Robert b.1843 - Baden-Baden, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany
Romans, Nancy b.1780 - Chilherrie, Washington, Virginia, USA
Romero, Eduvigis b.1824 - Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Romero, Living -
Romohr, Albert b.1891 - Milford, Ohio
Romohr, Edna Ann -
Romohr, Edward b.1864 - Ohio
Romohr, Edward Earl b.1926 -
Romohr, Ester M b.1919 - Ohio
Romohr, Lenora -
Romohr, Robert b.1921 - Ohio
Rood, Burrell b.1796 - Highgate, Franklin, Vermont
Rood, Charles Judson b.1851 - near Dakota, Waushara Co., WI
Rood, Charles Persons b.1823 - Swanton, Franklin Co., VT
Rood, Edna Estella b.1871 - Dakota, Waushara Co., WI
Rood, Emma Janette b.1859 - near Dakota, WI
Rood, Esther Amy ("Ettie") b.1861 - near Dakota, Waushara Co., WI
Rood, Eugenia b.1856 - near Dakota, Waushara Co., WI
Rood, George Burrell b.1847 - near Milwaukee, WI
Rood, Harry Lee b.1877 - North Loup, Valley Co., NE
Rood, Hosea Whitford b.1845 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York
Rood, Margaret Grace b.1913 - North Loup, Valley Co., NE
Rood, Mary Matilda b.1853 - near Dakota, Waushara Co., WI
Rood, Tacy Fanny b.1880 - North Loup, Valley Co., NE
Rood, Walter Gillette b.1864 - near Dakota, WI
Rood, Warren Ray b.1874 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Rood, Wayne Ray b.1915 - Neillsville, Clark, Wisconsin, USA
Rood, William Herman b.1848 - Johnstown, Rock Co., WI
Rooker, George W -
Rooker, Rebecca R b.1881 - Indiana, USA
Roos, Aldert -
Roos, Arien c.1694 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Aert b.1658 - Gelderland, Netherlands
Roosa, Albert Heymans b.1610 - Holland, Netherlands
Roosa, Annetie c.1687 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Annettje b.1660 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Antje b.1704 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Ariaantje b.1676 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Arien Heymanse b.1643 - Herwinjnen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Roosa, Arraantje -
Roosa, Engelitie b.1685 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Roosa, Evert b.1679 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Guert b.1663 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Heyman b.1593 - Gelderland, Netherlands
Roosa, Heyman Aldertse c.1644 - Netherlands
Roosa, Ilka b.1651 - Herwinjnen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Roosa, Jan b.1646 - Herwinjnen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Roosa, Jannetje b.1656 - Gelderland, Netherlands
Roosa, Jannetje b.1670 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Maritje b.1652 - Gelderland, Netherlands
Roosa, Marytjen b.1698 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Neeltje b.1653 - Gelderland, Netherlands
Roosa, Neeltje b.1689 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Rebecca m.1701 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Roosa, Rebekka -
Roosa, Wyntje b.1682 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosa, Wyntje b.1682 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosenkrans, Helena b.1708 - Kingston, Ulster Co, NY
Roosevelt, Anna b.1855 - New York, USA
Roosevelt, Anna Margriet m.1678 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Roosevelt, Christina -
Roosevelt, Corinne b.1861 - New York, USA
Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaak b.1827 - New York, New York, USA
Roosevelt, Cornelius VanSchaack Sr. b.1794 - Bronx, New York, USA
Roosevelt, Elliott b.1860 - New York, USA
Roosevelt, Isaac b.1726 - New York, New York, USA
Roosevelt, Jacobus b.1724 - Ulster, New York, United States
Roosevelt, James Alfred b.1825 - New York, New York, USA
Roosevelt, James Jacobus b.1759 - New York, New York, USA
Roosevelt, Johannes b.1688 - Kingston, , New York, USA
Roosevelt, Maria b.1763 -
Roosevelt, Nicholas b.1658 - New Amsterdam, New York, United States
Roosevelt, Nicholas Martensen -
Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell b.1829 - New York, USA
Roosevelt, Silas Weir b.1823 - New York, New York, USA
Roosevelt, Theodore Jr b.1858 - 28 East 20th Street, New York, United States
Roosevelt, Theodore Sr. b.1831 - New York, New York, USA
Roosevelt, William Wallace b.1824 -
Roosten, Ann b.1822 - England
Root, Aaron b.1804 - Ridgeway, Genesee, New York, USA
Root, Alexis b.1855 - Yates, Orleans, New York, USA
Root, Carrie b.1887 - Nebraska, USA
Root, Charles b.1888 - Nebraska, USA
Root, Daniel b.1797 - Butternuts, Otsego, New York, USA
Root, Emma b.1885 - Nebraska, USA
Root, Emmelisa b.1836 - Carlton, Orleans, New York, USA
Root, Lewis b.1800 - Butternuts, Otsego, New York, USA
Root, Lewis Whitaker b.1849 - Yates, Orleans, New York, USA
Root, Living -
Root, Living -
Root, Living -
Root, Living -
Root, Marian b.1802 - Butternuts, Otsego, New York, USA
Root, Moses b.1742 - Montague City, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Root, Moses b.1774 - Montague City, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Root, Nellie b.1882 - Nebraska, USA
Root, Nettie b.1883 - Nebraska, USA
Root, Olive b.1832 - , Schuyler, New York, USA
Root, Pearl Leila b.1891 - North Platte, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Root, Reuben b.1792 - Cooperstown, Montgomery, New York, USA
Root, Rufus b.1805 - Ridgeway, Genesee, New York, USA
Root, Sidney -
Root, Thomas -
Root, Walter Alexas b.1887 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Root, Warren L. b.1851 - New York, USA
Roper, Delbert Denton b.1887 -
Rosa, Aldert b.1674 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosacrantz, Benjamin b.1747 - New York, USA
Rose, Hazel Edna b.1910 - Iowa, USA
Rose, Herbert A. b.1879 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
ROSE, Katherine Sanders b.1887 - New York, USA
Rose, Kenneth -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Living -
Rose, Nellie -
Rose, William Nathan -
Rosekrans, Willem b.1700 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosencranz, Maritje Cornelis b.1653 - New York, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Alexander b.1712 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Appalonia -
Rosenkrans, Appolonia b.1697 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Arreantie (Harriet) b.1736 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Rosenkrans, Betsey b.1782 -
Rosenkrans, Blandina b.1778 -
Rosenkrans, Catrina b.1728 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
Rosenkrans, Caty b.1770 - Fishkill, Dutchess, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Dirk b.1671 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Dirk b.1726 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Rosenkrans, Elisa b.1740 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Frederick b.1780 -
Rosenkrans, Frederick b.1744 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Frederick b.1746 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Harman Hendrickson d.1697 -
Rosenkrans, Hendrick b.1674 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Hendricus b.1706 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Henrich b.1742 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Henry b.1774 -
Rosenkrans, Henry -
Rosenkrans, Henty -
Rosenkrans, Herman b.1703 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Rosenkrans, Herman b.1704 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Herman b.1699 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Herman b.1702 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Jackomyntje -
Rosenkrans, Jacobus b.1706 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
Rosenkrans, Jacobus b.1745 - Rosetown, Pike, Pennsylvania, United States
Rosenkrans, Jacobus -
Rosenkrans, James b.1786 -
Rosenkrans, Johannes b.1709 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Johannes b.1751 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, John b.1772 -
Rosenkrans, Maria -
Rosenkrans, Petrus b.1732 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Rosenkrans, Petrus b.1725 -
Rosenkrans, Sally b.1776 -
Rosenkrans, Sara b.1710 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Thomas -
Rosenkrans, Warren b.1788 -
Rosenkrans, William b.1750 - Upper Smithfield, Northampton, Pennsylvania, United States
Rosenkrans, Ysaak b.1712 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkrans, Zacharias b.1753 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkranz, Alexander c.1662 - New York, New York, USA
Rosenkranz, Anna c.1667 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkranz, Annetje c.1662 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkranz, Catrina -
Rosenkranz, Christina c.1671 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkranz, Dirck c.1674 - New York, New York, USA
Rosenkranz, Harmen -
Rosenkranz, Harmon c.1666 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkranz, Johannis -
Rosenkranz, Magdelena -
Rosenkranz, Maira -
Rosenkranz, Rachel b.1663 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Rosenkranz, Sara -
Rosnick, Living -
Rosnick, Living -
Rosnick, Living -
Rosnick, Living -
Rosnick, Living -
Rosnick, Living -
Ross, Anna b.1823 - New York, USA
Ross, Cora B b.1891 - , Greene, Missouri, USA
Ross, Ephraim b.1854 - Iowa
Ross, Hannah b.1749 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, USA
Ross, John -
Ross, Joseph -
Ross, Living -
Ross, Living -
Ross, Living -
Ross, Orval b.1897 - Jackson twp, Harrison, Iowa, United States
Rosshewitz, Rosa b.1876 - Missouri
Rotcher, Paul Sylvester m.1981 - Los Angeles, California
Rotcher, Paul Sylvester b.1917 -
Rothermel, Andrew -
Rothermel, Ida Lillie b.1865 - Mahanoy City, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA
Roundtree, Artie b.1816 - Kentucky, USA
Roundtree, James G m.1886 -
Rouse, Abert b.1875 -
Rouse, Alice C b.1874 -
Rouse, Anna b.1868 - Ontario, Knox, Illinois, USA
Rouse, Delpha M b.1880 -
Rouse, Martha March b.1866 - Ontario, Knox, Illinois, USA
Rouse, Mary Aletia b.1866 - Ontario, Knox, Illinois, USA
Rouse, Raldon C b.1877 -
Rouse, Schulyer b.1830 - Hastings, , Ontario, Canada
Rouse, Sheldon Schuyler b.1872 - Iowa, USA
Rovig, Herbert A. -
Rovig, Living -
Rovig, Living -
Rovig, Living -
Rowe, Amy Elizabeth b.1851 - Lafayette, Start, Illinois, USA
Rowe, Charles T d.1858 - Oxford, Henderson, Illinois, USA
Rowe, George b.1857 -
Rowe, George W. m.1849 -
Rowe, Hannah b.1790 - Columbia, New York, United States
Rowe, Henry m.1823 - Montgomery, Illinois, USA
Rowe, John Nelson b.1854 -
Rowell, Anna b.1736 - Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire
Rowland, Living -
Rowland, Living -
Rowland, Living -
Rowland, Living -
Rowland, Living -
Rowland, Living -
Rowland, Living -
Rowland, William M. b.1903 - Illinois, USA
Rowles, Casey -
Rowles, Charles Engel b.1872 - Colfax, Jasper, Iowa, USA
Rowles, Gerald J b.1917 - Jefferson, Greene, Iowa, USA
Rowles, Holly -
Rowles, Juanita Maddona b.1919 - Jefferson, Greene, Iowa, USA
Rowles, Living -
Rowles, Living -
Rowles, Living -
Rowles, Tracy -
Rowley, Leo Brown -
Rowley, Lulu M. b.1920 - Mitchell, Davison, South Dakota, USA
Royer, Rebecca b.1781 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Rubens, -
Rude, Alice V. m.1962 - South Sioux City, Nebraska, USA
Rudel, Priscilla b.1814 - Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Rudy, Lydia C. b.1862 - Virginia
Rudy, Martin Luther b.1880 - Virginia
Rudy, Wiley M. b.1860 - Virginia
Ruggles, Benjamin m.1750 -
Ruggles, Iris S. b.1895 - Iowa, USA
Rule, Loe R b.1881 - Soldier, Jackson, Kansas, USA
Rule, Robert b.1836 - Chambersberg, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Rule, William b.1800 - , Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
Rulle, Anne b.1535 -
Rumbaugh, Cortley -
Rumbaugh, Living -
Rumbaugh, Mary E. m.1866 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Runnels, -
Runnels, -
Runnels, -
Runnels, Daisy M. b.1888 -
Runnels, Emma b.1873 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Runnels, Emma b.1863 - Indiana, USA
Runnels, Franklin b.1860 - Indiana, USA
Runnels, Harvey H. m.1849 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Runnels, Henry b.1885 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Runnels, Jacob b.1854 - Indiana, USA
Runnels, Jerry b.1866 - Indiana, USA
Runnels, Living -
Runnels, Lott C. b.1869 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Runnels, Martha Jane b.1834 - Indiana, USA
Runnels, Nancy b.1829 - Indiana, USA
Runnels, Paul Phinias b.1881 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Runnels, Perry b.1877 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Runnels, Richard b.1808 -
Runnels, Riley b.1875 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Runnels, Rosetta b.1850 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Runnels, Simon b.1851 - Indiana, USA
Runnels, Thomas b.1861 - Indiana, USA
Rupp, Hulda W. b.1876 - Moundridge, McPherson, Kansas
Russell, Charles Hampton b.1851 - Pennsylvania
Russell, Charles Hampton -
Russell, Clinton W. b.1865 - Ohio
Russell, DeWitt Clinton b.1837 -
Russell, Eva R b.1891 - Nebraska
Russell, Eva Ruth b.1891 - Cameron, Hall, Nebraska, USA
Russell, Frank G b.1838 - Michigan
Russell, Frank R. b.1870 - Michigan
Russell, Fredrick J b.1888 - Nebraska
Russell, Hannah Abbott b.1794 - Wilton, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USA
Russell, Helen Amelia b.1843 - Michigan
Russell, Laura b.1888 - Nebraska
Russell, Lela b.1866 - Michigan
Russell, Living -
Russell, Living -
Russell, Living -
Russell, Mara B b.1886 - Nebraska
Russell, Mary b.1847 - Houston, Texas, USA
Russell, Maude Ellen b.1886 - Cameron, Hall, Nebraska, USA
Russell, Nathaniel b.1830 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
Russell, Samuel -
Russell, Thomas -
Russell, Thomas -
Russell, Walter R. b.1868 - Michigan
Russell, William H. H. b.1840 - Lumgston County, Michigan
Russell, William S -
Rutherford, Hattie b.1863 - Illinois, USA
Rutherford, John A. b.1828 - Pennsylvania, USA
Rutherford, Joseph F. b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Rutherford, Laura b.1865 - Illinois, USA
Rutherford, Lillie R. b.1870 - Iowa, USA
Rutherford, Luther b.1861 - Illinois, USA
Rutherford, Martha b.1856 - Illinois, USA
Rutter, Sarah Delena b.1845 - Ohio, USA
Ryan, Charles Roscoe -
Ryan, Daniel L b.1840 - Michigan, United States
Ryan, Debba b.1839 - Canada
Ryan, Hannah b.1843 - Canada
Ryan, Harriet b.1867 - York, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Ryan, Harry Darwin b.1857 - Delaware, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Ryan, Henry b.1832 - Canada
Ryan, Henry L. b.1880 - Delaware, Iowa, USA
Ryan, Henry Lord b.1812 - New York, USA
Ryan, Huldah b.1836 - New York, USA
Ryan, Jane b.1841 - Canada
Ryan, Living -
Ryan, Living -
Ryan, Living -
Ryan, Living -
Ryan, Living -
Ryan, Living -
Ryan, Mary A b.1863 - Honey Creek, Delaware, Iowa, USA
Ryan, Nettie b.1842 - Michigan, United States
Ryan, Sarah b.1878 - Delaware, Iowa, USA
Ryan, William Martin b.1833 - New York, USA
Ryno, Tracy A. b.1879 - Michigan
Sade, Ada Belle b.1871 - Illinois, USA
Sade, Asa R b.1847 - Ava, Jackson, Illinois, USA
Saffle, Lucretia b.1853 - Ohio
Salem, Charles Gustav b.1916 - Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Salem, Charles M -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem, Living -
Salem", Henry True "Of m.1644 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Salsbury, Euphemia b.1830 - New York, USA
Saltz, Living -
Saltz, Samuel b.1923 -
Saltz, Samuel H b.1843 - Ohio
Saltz, Willie Emery b.1889 - West Mansfield, Logan, Ohio, United States
Salyers, -
Sanborn, Mary M b.1876 - Missouri, USA
SANBORNE, Eliza J. b.1833 -
Sands, Ellen d.1948 -
Sanford, Ezekiel b.1637 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Sanford, Living -
Sanford, Rebecca b.1672 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Sangals, Erwin Wilhelm b.1922 - Hamburg, Germany
Sangals, Gustav Carl b.1897 - Hamburg, Germany
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Living -
Sangals, Margaret Hulda b.1928 - Newton, Harvey, Kansas
Sangals, William Richard b.1937 - Newton, Harvey, Kansas
Sanger, Azubah b.1760 - Woodstock, Windham, Connecticut, United States
Santee, Reta m.1917 -
Sappington, Living -
Sappington, Living -
Sappington, Living -
Sarah, b.1616 - , Essex, , England
Sarah, m.1869 -
Sarah, b.1830 -
Sarah, -
Sarah, -
Sarber, Margaret b.1803 - Pennsylvania, USA
Sargent, Anida S b.1865 - Indiana
Sargent, Bertha A b.1888 - Kansas, USA
Sargent, Lillian Florence b.1905 - Kansas
Sargent, Living -
Sargent, Living -
Sargent, Living -
Sargent, Nettie A b.1886 - Kansas, USA
Sargent, Oscar W b.1890 - Kansas
Sargent, Walt W. b.1885 - Kansas, USA
Satterfield, Mary b.1848 - Indiana, USA
Saunders, Captain John -
Saunders, Hannah -
Saunders, Jude b.1725 - Perquimans, NC
Saunders, Martha b.1796 - Almond, Allegany, New York, USA
Saunders, Sarah (Washington?) -
Savage, Charles m.1878 -
Savage, Dr. Richard G. b.1882 - New York, USA
Savage, Elizabeth -
Savage, James -
Savery, Martha b.1738 - Wenham, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Saville, Evelyn Marie b.1918 - Illinois, USA
Saville, Harriet Ann b.1889 -
Saville, Lloyd M b.1896 -
Saville, Lloyd McKinley b.1896 - Illinois, USA
Savitz, Julia Ann b.1870 - Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Saw, Emma M. m.1861 - Rutland, Dane, Wisconsin, USA
Sawer, Beulah b.1908 - Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Sawtelle, Addie Maud b.1867 - Poland, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Sawtelle, Henry Willard b.1817 - Minot, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Sawtelle, Mary Haskell b.1869 - Poland, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Sawyer, b.1887 - Washington, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Addie Mae b.1887 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Albert Winfield b.1867 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Sawyer, Ananias Winfield m.1894 - South Gorin, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Benjamin Franklin b.1860 - Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Sawyer, Bessie Norah b.1880 - Washington, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Birdie Grace b.1877 - Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Carrie Elizabeth b.1869 - Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Charles Henry b.1878 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Clarence O b.1879 - Iowa
Sawyer, Edward Victor b.1867 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Sawyer, Eleanor M. b.1846 - Akron, Summit, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, Elizabeth Ann b.1841 - Portage, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, Ella Boal b.1859 - Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Emma Blanche b.1885 - Washington, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Emma Caroline b.1879 - Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Emma Grace b.1853 - Franklin Mills, Portage, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, Ethel M. b.1892 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Frank Benjamin b.1887 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Fred Winfield b.1890 - Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Garland Suter b.1889 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, George D. b.1860 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Sawyer, Grace b.1895 - Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Grandville Ira b.1885 - Stronghurst, Henderson, Illinois, USA
Sawyer, Hattie Jane b.1864 - Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Ida Bell b.1857 - Iowa, USA
Sawyer, James Henry b.1874 - Gorin, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Jessie Elmer b.1892 - Fairmont, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, John B. b.1888 - Washington, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, John Boal b.1844 - Mogadore, Portage, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, John Boul b.1856 - Franklin Mills, Portage, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, John Boul b.1864 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Sawyer, John Boul b.1812 - Union, Pennsylvania, USA
Sawyer, John Riley b.1884 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Laura M. b.1879 - Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Levi M. b.1871 - Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Living -
Sawyer, Living -
Sawyer, Living -
Sawyer, Lois b.1718 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Sawyer, Margaret Caroline b.1848 - Franklin Mills, Portage, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, Mary Jane b.1839 - Mogadore, Portage, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, Minnie b.1881 -
Sawyer, Myrtle Alice b.1877 - Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Nellie B. b.1876 - Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Robert Van Valzah b.1850 - Franklin Mills, Portage, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, Selby S. b.1875 - Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Stella b.1876 - Washington, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Thomas -
Sawyer, Thomas Henry b.1837 - Mogadore, Portage, Ohio, USA
Sawyer, Thomas Riley b.1858 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Sawyer, Willard b.1881 - Washington, Clark, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, William Elmer Elsworth b.1861 - Iowa, USA
Sawyer, Winnie b.1872 - Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Sawyer, Zaidee b.1869 - Farmington, Van Buren, Iowa, USA
Saxton, Virginia Annette b.1847 - Scioto, Scioto Co., OH
Sayre, Alpha DeForest b.1880 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, United States
Sayre, Charles Dwight b.1904 - Nortenville, Jefferson, Kansas, USA
Sayre, Eugene Eddy "Pete" b.1906 - Nortonville, Jefferson, Kansas, USA
Sayre, George Oliver b.1868 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Sayre, Irma Luella b.1900 - New Auburn, Barron, Wisconsin, USA
Sayre, Jennie Belle b.1875 - Farina, Fayette, Illinois, United States
Sayre, Jesse Albert b.1869 - Farina, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Sayre, Jessie Beryl b.1898 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Sayre, Leona Iola b.1893 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Sayre, Lewis Ray b.1908 - Cosmos, Texas, Oklahoma, USA
Sayre, Living -
Sayre, Moses b.1847 - Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio, USA
Sayre, Oakley Duane b.1910 - Cosmos, Texas, Oklahoma, USA
Sayre, Paul -
Sayre, Paul Mattison b.1897 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Sayre, Ralph Moses b.1912 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Sayre, Susan Margaret b.1914 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Sayre, Walter -
Sayre, Walter C b.1873 - Farina, Fayette, Illinois, United States
Sayre, Walter Deforest b.1894 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Scanlan, Louisa b.1848 - Missouri, USA
Scarborough, Mary b.1694 - Buckingham, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Scarborough, Mary -
Schaers, Johannes Christoffel b.1641 - Gowanus, Kings, New York, United States
Schaers, Maria Johannes b.1667 - Gowanus, Kings, New York, United States
Schallert, Alfred Christian b.1900 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Schallert, Antonius Wilhelm b.1902 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Schallert, Christian b.1877 - Austria
Schallert, Francis Marie b.1904 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Schallert, Franz Xaver -
Schallert, Gabriel b.1852 - Austria
Schallert, Gabriel Michael Walter b.1905 - St Louis, Missouri, USA
Schallert, Johan Josef b.1813 - Austria
Schallert, Josephine Marie b.1881 - Buerserberg, Austria
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living m.1954 -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schallert, Living -
Schell, -
Schepmoes, Lea b.1681 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schepmoes, Ursella b.1650 - Bpt Date Reformed Dutch Church New, Yorkshire, , England
Scherch, Eva Barbara b.1757 - Paradise, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Scherch, Jacob b.1735 - West Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Scherch, John b.1738 - West Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Scherck, Barbara b.1742 - Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Scherp, Catalyna b.1718 - Albany, New York, USA
Schlenk, Elsie Marie b.1903 - Butler, Ohio, United States
Schlenk, Hilda b.1904 - East Hamilton, Butler, Ohio
Schlenk, John -
Schlenk, Ralph b.1906 - Ohio
Schluns, Clara b.1891 - Carroll, Wayne, Nebraska, USA
Schluns, Henry b.1863 - Krokau, Plon, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Schmelter, Pauline b.1903 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, United States
Schmidt, Bertha Louise -
Schmidt, Fred W b.1873 - Germany
Schmidt, Laura K b.1879 - Ohio
Schmidt, Maria Barbara -
Schmidt, Walter -
Schmitt, Freda b.1899 - Ohio, USA
Schmitz, Mary Margaretha b.1878 - Germany
Schneider, Barbara b.1740 -
Schneider, Mary Catherine b.1780 - Maryland
Schnerr, -
Schnerr, Henry -
Schnerr, John -
Schnerr, Philip d.1827 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Schnieder, Bessie -
Schnieder, Carl b.1877 - Germany
Schnieder, Charlie -
Schnur, Anna Clara b.1727 -
Schnur, Anna Margaretha b.1652 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Anna Margarethe b.1699 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Anna Maria b.1729 -
Schnur, Hans b.1645 - Hessen, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
SCHNUR, Hans Michael b.1663 - Hessen, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Hans Nicholas b.1659 - Altheim, Starkenberg, Hessen Darmstadt, Germany
Schnur, Johann b.1572 - Germany
Schnur, Johann Georg b.1700 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Johann Georg b.1724 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Johann Heinrich b.1691 - Dudenhofen, Starkenburg, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Johann Martin b.1654 - Altheim, Starkenberg, Hessen Darmstadt, Germany
Schnur, Johann Nicholaus b.1616 -
Schnur, Johann Peter b.1719 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Johann Peter b.1719 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Johann Peter b.1701 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Johannes b.1657 - Altheim, Starkenberg, Hessen Darmstadt, Germany
Schnur, Johannes b.1721 -
Schnur, Margarethe b.1694 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Maria Elisabeth b.1693 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Martin b.1594 - Hessen, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Schnur, Sybilla b.1694 - Dudenhofen, Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
Schnure, Amelia b.1838 - Hartley, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Catherine b.1798 - Union City, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Christian b.1808 - Pennsylvania, USA
Schnure, Elizabeth b.1842 - Wayne, , Ohio, USA
Schnure, Emma Catherine b.1857 - Selins Grove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Francis Marion b.1845 - Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, George b.1847 - Wayne, , Ohio, USA
Schnure, George b.1814 - Penn, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, George W b.1836 - Hartley, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Henry b.1843 - Wayne, , Ohio, USA
Schnure, Howard Davis b.1850 - Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Jacob Christopher b.1839 - Wayne, , Ohio, USA
Schnure, John Christian b.1763 - Dudenhofen, Hessen, Germany
Schnure, John Clinton b.1834 - Hartley, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, John Sylvester b.1848 - Selins Grove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Joshua b.1838 - Wayne, , Ohio, USA
Schnure, Levi b.1820 - Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Lida J b.1860 - Wayne, , Ohio, USA
Schnure, Louisa b.1849 - Hartley, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Margaret b.1816 - Pennsylvania
Schnure, Mark H b.1852 - Hartley, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Mary b.1790 -
Schnure, Mary A b.1836 -
Schnure, Mary C b.1885 - Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Mary Elizabeth b.1853 - Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Mary Kate b.1846 - Hartley, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Michael b.1808 - Penn, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Sarah Jane b.1842 - Hartley, Union, Pennsylvania, United States
Schnure, Susan b.1845 - Wayne, , Ohio, USA
Schnure, William b.1849 - Wayne, , Ohio, USA
Schnure, William Marion b.1877 - Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schoch, Ethel D b.1881 - Pennsylvania, United States
Schoch, George b.1879 - Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schoch, Ira Christian b.1853 - Franklin, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
Schoch, John A S b.1879 - Pennsylvania, United States
Scholes, Jessie Clarice b.1879 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Scholes, Samuel b.1840 - Illinois, USA
Schooley, Floyd b.1923 - Lorain, Lorain County, Ohio
Schooley, Living -
Schooley, Living -
Schoonmaker, Antjen b.1717 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Cornelius Barentsen m.1711 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Elizabeth b.1719 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Frederick Jochemsen b.1692 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Frederik b.1740 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Hester b.1731 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Jesyntjen b.1724 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Jochum b.1655 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Lydia b.1729 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Magdalena b.1735 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Maria b.1733 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Rachel b.1726 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Sara b.1727 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Schoonmaker, Thomas b.1722 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schore, Elizabeth b.1836 - Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA
Schoten, Gerretje Van Ben b.1717 - Kingstowne, , New Jersey, USA
Schoten, Solomon Van Ben b.1711 -
Schow, Dagmar b.1879 -
Schrader, Bertha b.1896 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Schraegle, Albert b.1890 - Ohio
Schraegle, Albert F b.1919 - Ohio
Schraegle, Alyssia -
Schraegle, Conrad John b.1854 - Germany
Schraegle, Conrad John b.1884 - Ohio
Schraegle, Ernest W b.1923 - Ohio
Schraegle, Heather -
Schraegle, Living -
Schraegle, Living -
Schraegle, Living -
Schraegle, Living -
Schraegle, Living -
Schraegle, Living -
Schraegle, Michael -
Schraegle, Rebekah -
Schraegle, Zachary -
Schrag, Maria b.1898 - , Harvey County, Kansas, USA
Schreiner, Ethan -
Schreiner, Larry F b.1961 - Le Mars, Plymouth, Iowa, USA
Schreiner, Living -
Schreiner, Living -
Schreiner, Martin -
Schreiner, Sheryl -
Schreiner, Susan -
Schriagle, William b.1886 - Ohio
Schroeder, Letha M b.1908 - South Dakota, USA
Schroeder, Living -
Schroeder, Mary A b.1861 - Missouri
Schroeder, Mildred b.1903 - Michigan, USA
Schroyer, Hannah b.1796 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Schuerck, Joseph b.1712 - Sumiswald, Canton, Bern, Switzerland
Schult, Catherine m.1762 -
Schultheis, Maria Margarethe b.1715 - Dietschweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Schulz, Petra b.1954 -
Schumacker, Herman E -
Schumacker, Living -
Schumacker, Living -
Schumacker, Living -
Schumacker, Living -
Schureman, Margaret b.1752 - Three Mile Run, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Schureman, Margaret b.1726 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Schut, Abraham b.1724 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Abraham b.1720 - Athens, Greene, New York, United States
Schut, Catrina b.1716 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Heyltjen b.1713 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Hyltje -
Schut, Johanna b.1697 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Margriet b.1726 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Maria b.1719 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Marytie -
Schut, Marytjie b.1709 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Sara b.1710 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Willem b.1709 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Schut, Willem b.1694 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Abraham b.1677 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Abraham Hendrick b.1751 - Athens, Greene, New York, United States
Schutt, Adam b.1791 - Copake, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Andrus b.1763 - Gallatinville, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Catharina b.1775 - Gallatinville, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Catherine b.1704 -
Schutt, Elsje b.1786 - Copake, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Ephraim b.1683 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Geertruy b.1757 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Grietje b.1699 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Henderik b.1687 -
Schutt, Hendrick b.1770 - Gallatinville, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Hendrick b.1699 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Hendrick b.1699 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Henricus b.1710 - Saugerties, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Henry b.1798 - Copake, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Heyltie b.1673 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Isaac b.1787 - Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Jacob b.1669 - Albany, New York, United States
Schutt, Jan Willem b.1664 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Jannetje b.1772 - Gallatinville, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Johannes b.1714 -
Schutt, Jonathan b.1789 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Magdalena b.1708 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Magdalena Willemz b.1667 - Albany, New York, USA
Schutt, Manasse b.1703 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Margery b.1706 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Margriet b.1701 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Maria b.1725 - Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Maritje b.1795 - Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Marytie b.1677 - Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Schutt, Marytje b.1763 - Gallatinville, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Meindert b.1717 -
Schutt, Meindert b.1673 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Meindert d.1761 -
Schutt, Meindert b.1765 - Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Menasses b.1683 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Neeltje b.1682 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Nelly b.1765 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, United States
Schutt, Patrick b.1665 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Schutt, Peter b.1715 - Saugerties, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Solomon b.1671 - Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Schutt, Willem b.1686 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Schutt, Willem Jansen b.1644 - Netherlands
Schuurman, Albertines c.1735 -
Schuurman, Anne b.1721 -
Schuurman, Catrina c.1754 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Schuurman, Elizabeth c.1761 -
Schuurman, Ferdinand -
Schuurman, Isaac c.1758 -
Schuurman, Jacob -
Schuurman, Jacoba d.1760 -
Schuurman, Jacobus b.1697 - Netherlands
Schuurman, James b.1756 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Schuurman, John d.1795 -
Schuyler, Mary Ann b.1800 - Albany, New York, USA
Schwab, Alvin G b.1889 - Ross Township, Butler, Ohio
Schwab, Carl F b.1893 - Ross Township, Butler, Ohio
Schwab, Dan b.1857 - Ohio
Schwab, Edith b.1880 - Ohio
Schwab, Harry Edward b.1905 - Ross, Butler, Ohio
Schwab, John P b.1863 - Ohio
Schwab, Living -
Schwab, Living -
Schwab, Living -
Schwab, Living -
Schwab, Living -
Schwab, Living -
Schwab, Ralph E. b.1903 - Ross Township, Butler, Ohio
Schwalbe, Living -
Schwalbe, Living -
Schwalbe, Living -
Schwalbe, Living -
Schwalbe, Living -
Schwalbe, Ludwig b.1901 - Germany
Schwalbe, Raymond Edward b.1952 - Santa Clara, California, USA
Schwalbe, Ronald W b.1939 -
Schwald, Agnes b.1849 - Austria
Schwanz, August Emil b.1896 - Leavenworth, Kansas, USA
Schwanz, Henry b.1888 - Kansas
Schwanz, Julius H b.1860 - Germany
Schwanz, Living -
Schwanz, Thedore b.1892 - Kansas
Schwanz, Willie b.1885 - Pennsylvania
Schwarz, 'Della' Otille Augusta b.1871 - Vancouver, Clark, Washington, United States
Schwarz, Living -
Scott, -
Scott, Abraham b.1747 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Scott, Agnes -
Scott, Albert m.1916 -
Scott, Alexander -
Scott, Amos b.1751 - Sunderland, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States
Scott, Amy b.1789 - Rupert, Bennington, Vermont, USA
Scott, Andrew -
Scott, Andrew b.1590 - Fife, Scotland
Scott, Anna b.1697 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Scott, Baby b.1887 -
Scott, Benjamin Franklin b.1867 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Benjamin Franklin b.1849 - Blair, Pennsylvania, USA
Scott, Catharina b.1695 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Catherine -
Scott, Cornelia b.1735 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Scott, Cornelious b.1773 - New York, USA
Scott, Cornelius b.1741 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Scott, Cornelius b.1740 - New York, USA
Scott, Cornellia b.1777 - Spencer, Columbia, Colorado, United States
Scott, Deliha Ann -
Scott, Duncan -
Scott, Duncan -
Scott, Egje b.1732 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Elizabeth b.1775 - New York, USA
Scott, Elizabeth b.1691 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Elizabeth b.1743 - Dutch Reformed Church, Fulton, New York, United States
Scott, Ella Elizabeth b.1871 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Emma b.1330 - Brabourne, Kent, , England
Scott, Euphame -
Scott, Garteerah b.1779 - New York, USA
Scott, George -
Scott, Gertrude b.1725 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Gertrude b.1765 - Rhineback, Dutchess, New York, United States
Scott, Gilbert -
Scott, Hannah b.1780 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Scott, Henry b.1763 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Scott, Hercules b.1621 - Angus County, Scotland
Scott, Hercules b.1659 - Brotherton, Scotland
Scott, Ida Belle b.1885 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Jacob b.1771 -
Scott, Jacob b.1702 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, James b.1586 - Fife, Scotland
Scott, James b.1701 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, James Madison b.1879 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Jan Williams m.1645 - Utrecht, Netherlands
Scott, Janet b.1588 - Fife, Scotland
Scott, Janet b.1728 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Janice May -
Scott, Jim b.1915 -
Scott, Johannes b.1723 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Scott, John b.1699 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, John Horace b.1869 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Joseph b.1745 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Scott, Karen Irene -
Scott, Lea b.1725 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Lena b.1736 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, United States
Scott, Linnie Mae b.1874 - Reynolds, Montcalm, Michigan, United States
Scott, Living -
Scott, Living -
Scott, Living -
Scott, Living -
Scott, Living -
Scott, Living -
Scott, Living -
Scott, Living -
Scott, Margaret b.1693 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Margaret b.1711 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Margaret -
Scott, Margaret b.1692 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Maria b.1739 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Scott, Maria b.1739 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Marjory b.1726 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Mary b.1777 - New York, USA
Scott, Mary Louise b.1876 - Franklin Cty, MO
Scott, Michael -
Scott, Nancy -
Scott, Oscar Winfield b.1889 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Patrick b.1623 - Angus County, Scotland
Scott, Paulina Catharine b.1883 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Peter b.1718 - New York, USA
Scott, Petrus b.1751 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutchess, New York, United States
Scott, Philip Edward b.1881 - Mississippi, USA
Scott, Rachel b.1734 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Rachel b.1695 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, Rebecca Ann b.1876 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Robert b.1769 - New York, USA
Scott, Robert -
Scott, Sarah b.1750 - , Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Scott, Sarah Ann b.1849 - Canton, Fulton, Illinois, USA
Scott, Sir Andrew b.1297 - Balweary, Fifeshire, , Scotland
Scott, Sir Henry b.1280 - Balwearie Castle, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire, Scotland
Scott, Sir James b.1558 - Scotland
Scott, Sir John b.1370 - Brabourne, Kent, , England
Scott, Sir Michael b.1119 -
Scott, Sir Michael -
Scott, Sir Michael b.1213 - Scotland
Scott, Sir Michael b.1361 -
Scott, Sir William -
Scott, Sir William -
Scott, Sir William b.1430 - Scotland
Scott, Sir William -
Scott, Sir William -
Scott, Sir William b.1350 - Balweary, Fifeshire, , Scotland
Scott, Susanna b.1699 - Albany, New York, USA
Scott, Thomas b.1479 - Scotland
Scott, Thomas b.1705 -
Scott, Thomas A. b.1874 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Walter b.1560 - Fife, Scotland
Scott, William b.1689 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, William m.1636 - Utrecht, Netherlands
Scott, William b.1584 - Scotland
Scott, William b.1697 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, William b.1738 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Scott, William James b.1867 - Missouri, USA
Scott, Winfield b.1847 - Blair, Pennsylvania, USA
Scritchfield, Ellen b.1821 - Hindsville, Madison, Arkansas, United States
Scudder, Erastus m.1872 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Scudder, Margaret L. b.1847 -
Scudder, Rebecca m.1873 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Scurlock, Gerala b.1919 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Scurlock, Irene b.1914 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Scurlock, Living -
Scurlock, Living -
Scurlock, Living -
Scurlock, Living -
Scurlock, Living -
Scurlock, Living -
Scurlock, Living -
Scurlock, Roy b.1875 - , Cherokee, Iowa, USA
Scurlock, Scott b.1848 - Davenport, Scott, Iowa, USA
Seaman, Gladys Lillian b.1917 - Monona, Iowa, United States
Searfoss, Jennie G b.1853 - Pennsylvania
Searl, Betsy b.1805 - Ohio, USA
Searl, Timothy -
Searles, Harold G b.1919 - Ohio, USA
Searles, Harry Webster Woodrow b.1894 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Searles, Henry b.1918 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Searles, Joyce V -
Searles, Living -
Searles, Nancy -
Searles, Robert -
Searles, Robert Oliver b.1925 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States
Sears, John E b.1842 - Pennsylvania
Sears, Living -
Sears, Living -
Seaton, Clara Viola -
Seaton, Donald -
Seaton, Helen Rachel b.1819 - England
Secord, m.1920 -
Secord, Living -
Secord, Living -
Secord, Ralph L b.1926 - Ohio, USA
Seeger, Ellie -
Seeger, Frederick Christian -
Seeger, Hans -
Seeger, Living -
Seeger, Paula -
Seeger, Rose -
Seeger, Rudolph -
Seeley, Benjamin b.1712 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Benjamin b.1657 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Benjamin b.1681 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Cornelius b.1650 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, David b.1731 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Ebenezer b.1729 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Ephriam b.1717 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Habakuk b.1655 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, James b.1668 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, John b.1683 - East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, USA
Seeley, John b.1663 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, John b.1708 - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Jonas b.1653 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Joseph b.1714 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Joseph b.1660 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Joseph b.1639 - London, England
Seeley, Justus b.1724 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Kate b.1865 - Michigan
Seeley, Libbie b.1871 - Michigan
Seeley, Living -
Seeley, Living -
Seeley, Living -
Seeley, Living -
Seeley, Margaret m.1666 - Massachusetts, USA
Seeley, Mary b.1710 - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Mary b.1664 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Mary b.1736 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Mary b.1655 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Nathaniel b.1721 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Nathaniel b.1651 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Nathaniel b.1627 - St. Stephen, Coleman St., London, England
Seeley, Nehemiah b.1726 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Obadiah b.1619 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Obadiah b.1645 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Phebe b.1668 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Rebecca b.1670 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Robert b.1653 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Ruth b.1719 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Sarah b.1734 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Sarah b.1666 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Seeley, Sarah b.1694 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Seeley, Sarah b.1686 - East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, USA
Seeley, Thomas b.1538 -
Seeley, William b.1615 - Earith, Bluntisham, Huntingdonshire, England
Seeley, William b.1562 - Earith, Bluntisham, Huntingdonshire, England
Seely, b.1632 -
Seely, James M b.1912 - Greece, Monroe, New York, USA
Seely, James M b.1838 - New York, USA
Seely, James M b.1886 - Canada
Seely, Jessie T b.1879 - New York, USA
Seely, Living -
Seely, Living -
Seely, Living -
Seely, Living -
Seely, Living -
Seely, Living -
Seely, Living -
Seely, Robert b.1602 - Isle of Wight, England
Seelye, Almena b.1808 - Queensbury, Warren, New York, USA
Seelye, Angeline -
Seelye, Annie -
Seelye, Benjamin b.1823 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Benjamin b.1779 - Amenia, Dutchess, New York, USA
Seelye, Benjamin b.1773 -
Seelye, Caroline b.1817 - Queensbury, Warren, New York, USA
Seelye, Caroline -
Seelye, David b.1762 - Kent, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seelye, Delos b.1816 - Sherburne, Chenango, New York, USA
Seelye, Earnest Osgood b.1858 - Rose, Wayne County, New York
Seelye, Ebenezer b.1756 - Kent, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seelye, Electa -
Seelye, Elisabeth b.1847 - Michigan, USA
Seelye, Emma -
Seelye, Ensign -
Seelye, Eudora Meranda b.1842 - Rose, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Flora B b.1881 - Canada
Seelye, George b.1806 - Sherburne, Chenango, New York, USA
Seelye, George Sheffield b.1861 - Rose, New York
Seelye, Girl -
Seelye, Harriett b.1829 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Henry b.1845 - Michigan, USA
Seelye, Herman Ensign b.1829 - Rose, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, James b.1857 - Michigan, USA
Seelye, James Judson b.1836 - Rose, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Jennie b.1864 - New York, USA
Seelye, Jesse b.1806 - Queensbury, Warren, New York, USA
Seelye, John H. b.1812 - Queensbury, Warren, New York, USA
Seelye, John Jay -
Seelye, Joseph b.1777 - Kingsbury, Washington, New York, USA
Seelye, Justus b.1771 - Kent, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seelye, Louisa Estelle b.1849 - Rose, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Lydia b.1842 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Lyman J b.1878 - Michigan, USA
Seelye, Lyman John b.1813 - Queensbury, Warren, New York, USA
Seelye, Mahala b.1777 -
Seelye, Mary Louise -
Seelye, Maryann b.1825 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Maude E b.1884 - Canada
Seelye, Nancy b.1830 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Nathaniel b.1757 - Kent, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seelye, Nehemiah -
Seelye, Nehemiah -
Seelye, Pettit b.1821 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Seelye, Polly -
Seelye, Polly Catharine b.1829 -
Seelye, Prudence b.1759 - Kent, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seelye, Rachael b.1810 - Queensbury, Warren, New York, USA
Seelye, Reuben b.1775 - Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seelye, Ruben b.1815 - Queensbury, Warren, New York, USA
Seelye, Sibble b.1764 - Kent, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Seelye, Ursula b.1835 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Seevart, Maria b.1808 -
Sefton, Maria b.1818 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA
Seibels, Living -
Seibels, Living -
Seibels, Living -
Seibels, Living -
Seibels, Living -
Seibly, Fredrick Montgomery b.1927 - California, USA
Seibly, Julius Carl b.1925 - California, USA
Seibly, Julius Carl b.1901 - Michigan
Seibly, Living -
Seis, Clara b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Sells, Charles b.1882 - Ohio
Sells, Ellen b.1861 - Ohio
Sells, George b.1858 - Ohio, USA
Sells, Gertie b.1880 - Ohio
Sells, John b.1832 - Pennsylvania
Sells, Joseph b.1866 - Ohio
Sells, Nancy B b.1869 - Ohio
Sells, Rosa J b.1864 - Ohio
Sendelbach, Norman Francis b.1916 - Ohio
Senich, Anna b.1873 -
Senneff, -
Serrin, -
Serrin, James S. b.1834 - Indiana, USA
Serrin, James S. d.1843 - Vigo, Indiana, USA
Serrin, John R d.1843 - Indiana, USA
Serrin, John R. b.1831 - Washington City, District of Columbia, USA
Serrin, John R. -
Serrin, Lincoln -
Serrin, Philander b.1874 - Indiana, USA
Serrin, Sarah Maria b.1828 - Washington D.C., USA
Serrin, Thomas H. -
Serrin, Tid b.1869 - Iowa, USA
Serrin, William G. b.1867 - Iowa, USA
Service, Myrtle b.1906 - Missouri, USA
Severe, Edith Marie b.1896 - Englewood, Clark, Kansas, USA
Severin, Edna b.1930 - Cambridge, Furnas, Nebraska, USA
Shafer, Ida b.1869 -
Shaffer, Living -
Shaffer, Living -
Shaffer, Roger William b.1944 - Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan, USA
Shank, Herbert Milton b.1900 - Clayton, Adams, Illinois, USA
Shank, John b.1938 - Clayton, Adams Co., Illinois
Shank, John Merritt b.1873 - Fulton, Illinois, USA
Shankland, Frank m.1902 -
Shannon, Alvina Jane b.1858 - Iowa
Shark, Bernard Alan b.1913 - Hepburn, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Shark, Bert Allen b.1876 - Hepburn, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Shark, Dallas Bradley b.1941 - Ohio, USA
Shark, Doris Elizabeth b.1911 - Hepburn, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Shark, Edgar Lee b.1919 - Byhalia, Union, Ohio, United States
Shark, Mary Katherene b.1910 - Hepburn, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Sharp, Aurelia B b.1891 - Tennessee
Sharp, Edward m.1810 - Shelby, Kentucky, USA
Sharp, Elizabeth A b.1884 - Tennessee
Sharp, Henry W b.1881 - Tennessee
Sharp, Jim -
Sharp, Living -
Sharp, Living -
Sharp, Magie M b.1889 - Tennessee
Sharp, Saml L b.1880 - Tennessee
Sharp, Willey M b.1878 - Tennessee
Sharpe, Alfred Alexander (Larp) b.1847 - Old Sharpe Homestead, Sharp's Ridge, Tennessee
Sharpless, Alice Faith m.1962 - Spring Lake, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Sharpless, Caspar Gordon b.1908 - Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware
Sharpless, Casper Pennock b.1878 - Concordville, PA
shaw, Alfred b.1861 - Michigan
shaw, Gilberta b.1911 - Des Moines, Polk, Iowa
Shaw, Living -
Shaw, Living -
Shaw, Living -
Shaw, Living -
Shaw, Living -
Shaw, Margaret b.1758 -
Shaw, Zetta b.1896 - Missouri, USA
Shearer, Amelia Jane b.1840 - Holmes, Ohio, USA
Shearer, Daniel David b.1828 - Ohio, USA
Shearer, Daniel David b.1856 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Shearer, David b.1842 - Holmes, Ohio, USA
Shearer, David b.1856 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Shearer, Eliza Melvina b.1849 - Osceola, Clarke, Iowa, USA
Shearer, Elnora b.1868 - Cass, Iowa, USA
Shearer, George Henry b.1862 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Shearer, Honora Nora b.1869 - Cass, Indiana, USA
Shearer, John Quincy b.1848 - Clarke County, Iowa, USA
Shearer, John Washington b.1854 - Texas, USA
Shearer, Joseph Nephi b.1865 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Shearer, Rachel b.1831 - Holmes County, Ohio
Shearer, Sarah Jane b.1860 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Shearer, Sarahanne b.1825 - Wooster, Wayne, Ohio, USA
Shearer, Thomas b.1780 - Pennsylvania, USA
Shearer, William M. b.1858 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Shedd, Louise m.1898 -
Sheffield, Sarah Ann b.1814 - Sherburne, Chenango, New York, USA
Shelhart, Mary b.1862 - Iowa, USA
Shelhart, Samuel b.1838 - Pennsylvania, USA
Shelton, Archie L b.1884 - Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, USA
Shelton, Dorothy Bernice b.1910 - Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Shelton, Eliza Rosa b.1806 - Southampton, Virginia, United States
Shelton, James M b.1853 - Indiana, USA
Shelton, Living -
Shelton, Living -
Shelton, Living -
Shelton, Living -
Shelton, Susie Mae b.1910 - Ada, Pontotoc, Oklahoma, USA
Shepard, Polly Catharine b.1807 - New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Shepherd, Daisy Olive b.1883 - Altoona, Polk, Iowa
Shepherd, Edgar Milton b.1848 - Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia, USA
Shepherd, Martha b.1648 - Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
Shepherd, Martha b.1648 - Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
Sheppard, Alice b.1502 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Sheppard, Elizabeth b.1532 - Wavendon, Buckinghamshire, England
Sheppard, John b.1507 -
Sheppard, John b.1506 -
Sheppard, Living -
Sheppey, Elsie C b.1891 - New York, USA
Sherer, Francis Marion b.1836 - Holmes, Ohio, USA
Sherer, John b.1801 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Sherer, Martha Elizabeth b.1835 - Ohio, USA
Sherer, Mary Berniece b.1845 - Holmes, Ohio, USA
Sheridan, Catharine m.1785 -
Sheridan, Elizabeth b.1838 - Ireland
Sherman, Benjamin b.1662 - Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Sherman, Edmund b.1572 - Dedham, Essex, , England
Sherman, Emaline b.1847 - , Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA
Sherman, Emaline b.1848 - Clarion Co., PA
Sherman, Jabez b.1778 - Plympton, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Sherman, Job b.1690 - Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sherman, Mary b.1724 - Newtown, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sherman, May Susie b.1866 - Galesburg, Knox, Illinois, United States
Sherman, Nathaniel b.1748 - Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Sherman, Philippa b.1652 -
Sherman, Phillip b.1609 - Dedham, Essex, , England
Sherman, Samuel b.1618 - Dedham, Essex, , England
Sherrick, Catharine b.1739 - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Sherrick, Catherine b.1755 - Pennsylvania, United States
Sherrick, Joseph b.1734 - West Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Sherrick, Mary b.1759 - York, Pennsylvania, United States
Sherrill, Margaret Ann b.1927 - Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana
Sherrill, Mary b.1769 - , Lincoln, North Carolina, USA
Sherrod, Ada Goodloe b.1863 - Florence, Lauderdale, Alabama, United States
Sherrod, Anna b.1890 - Dyersburg, Dyer, Tennessee, USA
Sherrod, Bessie Maud b.1901 - Covington, Tipton, Tennessee, USA
Sherrod, Fredericka Kate "Freddie" b.1903 - Covington, Tipton, Tennessee, USA
Sherrod, Irvin Rhodes b.1802 - Northampton, North Carolina, United States
Sherrod, James Irvine b.1896 - Covington, Tipton, Tennessee, USA
Sherrod, James Monroe b.1820 - Lauderdale, Alabama, United States
Sherrod, John b.1766 - Northampton, North Carolina, United States
Sherrod, John Irvin M.D. b.1833 - Sharon, Tipton, Tennessee, USA
Sherrod, John Robert b.1897 - Covington, Tipton, Tennessee, USA
Sherrod, Living -
Sherrod, Living -
Sherrod, Living -
Sherrod, Mark b.1888 - Tennessee
Sherrod, Mark Anthony b.1888 - Tipton Co., Covington, TN
Sherrod, Mattie Lou b.1892 - Covington, Tipton, Tennessee, USA
Sherrod, Robert b.1789 - Northampton, North Carolina, United States
Sherrod, William Alexander b.1861 - Covington, Tipton, Tennessee, USA
Sherwood, Joseph m.1709 -
Sherwood, Mary -
Sherwood, Matthew m.1668 -
Sherwood, Stephen m.1656 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sherwood, Thomas m.1659 - Connecticut, USA
Shick, Frank H b.1891 - Pennsylvania
Shick, Living -
Shick, Living -
Shields, Eliza m.1852 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Shimer, Catherine b.1781 - Machackemeck, Orange, New York, USA
Shine, Lillian b.1865 -
Shireman, Barbara Jean -
Shireman, Deliha Mildred b.1902 - Burwick, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Shireman, Ellen Mae b.1916 - Missouri, USA
Shireman, Glen Maurice b.1906 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Shireman, Living -
Shireman, Living -
Shireman, Living -
Shireman, Living -
Shireman, Mary Catherine b.1924 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Shireman, Michael Thomas b.1918 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Shireman, Mikle Thomas b.1871 - Martinville, Morgan, Indiana, USA
Shireman, Mikle Thomas -
Shireman, Neva Agnes b.1904 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Shireman, Paul M -
Shireman, Raleigh Robert b.1898 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Shireman, Virginia Mae b.1924 - Missouri, USA
Shireman, William Anson b.1899 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Shirk, Ada b.1862 - Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, Barbara b.1799 -
Shirk, Catherine b.1739 - Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, Elizabeth b.1807 -
Shirk, Elizabeth (Scherch) b.1761 - Pennsylvania, United States
Shirk, Elmeda b.1876 - Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, Eva Barbara (Scherch) b.1756 - Paradise, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Shirk, Frederick Ramey b.1889 - Pennsylvania
Shirk, George b.1922 - Pennsylvania
Shirk, George Miles b.1858 - Pennsylvania
Shirk, George Westley b.1826 - Huston Twp., Centre Co., PA
Shirk, George Williams b.1894 - Pennsylvania
Shirk, Gertrude b.1919 - PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
Shirk, Harry E b.1870 - Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, Hettie b.1808 -
Shirk, Hiram Seymour -
Shirk, Jacob b.1732 - Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, Jacob b.1826 - Huston Twp., Centre Co., PA
Shirk, Jacob Boone b.1798 -
Shirk, John b.1738 - West Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, John (Scherch) b.1767 - Paradise Twp., York Co., PA
Shirk, John D b.1848 -
Shirk, John Edward b.1924 - Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, John H b.1796 - York, York, Pennsylvania, United States
Shirk, Joseph Hudson b.1888 - Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania
Shirk, Living -
Shirk, Living -
Shirk, Living -
Shirk, Living -
Shirk, Living -
Shirk, Living -
Shirk, Lucy b.1859 -
Shirk, Magdalena b.1740 - W Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, Malinda b.1818 -
Shirk, Margery b.1821 - Huston Twp., Centre Co., PA
Shirk, Martin b.1822 - Huston Twp., Centre Co., PA
Shirk, Mary b.1737 - West Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, Mary b.1791 - Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Shirk, Nancy b.1805 -
Shirk, Perry E b.1868 - Pennsylvania, USA
Shirk, Peter A b.1818 - Centre, Pennsylvania, United States
Shirk, Samuel b.1807 -
Shirk, Susanna b.1809 -
Shirk, Ulrich b.1665 - Canton, Bern, Switzerland
Shirk, William T b.1853 - Pennsylvania
Shirley, Gerald W -
Shirley, Living -
Shirley, Living -
Shirley, Living -
Shirley, Living -
Shoemaker, Francis Albert b.1836 - Yates, New York, United States
Shoemaker, Hattie A b.1868 - Missouri
Shoemaker, Ida b.1870 - Missouri
Shoemaker, Margaret b.1863 - Indiana
Shontz, Christian Hoover b.1807 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Shontz, Margaret b.1837 - Pennsylvania, USA
Shore, George b.1571 - Warleggon, Cornwall, , England
Shore, Jonathan b.1649 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Shore, Sampson b.1614 - Bideford, Devon, , England
Shorey, Frances b.1805 - Albion, Kennebec, Maine, USA
Shorey, Samuel b.1683 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Shorey, Samuel b.1763 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Shorey, Thomas b.1709 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Short, -
Short, Rosetta b.1928 - Illinois, USA
Shouler, Martha Ellen b.1838 - Akron, Summit, Ohio, USA
Showalter, Ethel C b.1903 - Penn Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
Showalter, Garfield H. b.1904 -
Showalter, John M. b.1853 - Penn Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
Showalter, Susan b.1843 - Pennsylvania
Showalter, Susan A. b.1849 - Pennsylvania
Shriver, Adam b.1736 - Palatinate, , , Germany
Shriver, Mary b.1802 - Ohio, USA
Shriver, Mary Ann b.1766 - Green, Forest, Pennsylvania, USA
Shufelt, Sarah b.1774 - , Columbia, New York, USA
Shull, Mary Elizabeth b.1730 - Germany
Shultz, Freda b.1884 - Castana, Monona, Iowa, USA
Shultz, George b.1863 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Shultz, Hannah b.1812 - , Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Shultz, Living -
Shultz, Living -
Shultz, Nora b.1886 - Pennsylvania
Shultz, Wilmer b.1888 - Pennsylvania
Shumate, George b.1805 - , Hopkins, Kentucky, USA
Shumate, Sarah Hannah b.1854 - Camden, Missouri, USA
Sibley, Richard Marshall b.1928 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Siebels, Living -
Siebels, Living -
Siebels, Living m.1942 - Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USA
Siebels, Living -
Siebels, Living -
Siebels, Russell L. -
Siebert, Anna Cattharina b.1682 - Hessen, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Siim, Mary Anna b.1908 - Remsen, Plymouth, Iowa, USA
Sills, Ann b.1780 -
Sills, Margaret -
Sills, Sarah b.1806 - Ohio, USA
Silsby, Abigal b.1821 - Cattaraugus, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Silsby, Asoph b.1800 -
Silsby, Asoph Milton b.1838 -
Silsby, Betsy T. -
Silsby, Ithiel Stearns b.1831 -
Silsby, John Wilson b.1840 -
Silsby, Lasell Samuel Gibson b.1825 -
Silsby, Nancy Jane b.1834 -
Silsby, Russel Dutton b.1829 -
Silsby, Sarah b.1823 - Cattaraugus, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Silver, Ervan b.1859 - Indiana, USA
Silver, Fern Lucy b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Silver, Grace E. b.1887 - Iowa, USA
Silver, Living -
Silver, Living -
Silvers, Joseph m.1870 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Silvesy, Suzana b.1836 - Hungary
Simmerman, Beulah W b.1876 - United States
Simmons, -
Simmons, Betsey b.1772 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Simmons, Cecelia b.1860 - Missouri, USA
Simmons, Cecil Wright b.1911 - Avon, Lorain, Ohio, USA
Simmons, Charles b.1884 - England
Simmons, Daniel b.1864 - Kansas, USA
Simmons, David Bright b.1848 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Simmons, Edward b.1766 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Simmons, Elkanah b.1824 - , , Tennessee, USA
Simmons, Ephriam b.1769 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Simmons, Frank b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Simmons, James H b.1882 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Simmons, John b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Simmons, John b.1644 - Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Simmons, John b.1644 - Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Simmons, John D b.1889 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Simmons, Johnathan b.1736 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Simmons, Joseph b.1779 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Living -
Simmons, Martha b.1685 - Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
Simmons, Martha b.1685 - Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
Simmons, Mary Anna b.1867 - Missouri, USA
Simmons, Matthias b.1852 - Illinois, USA
Simmons, Minnie Esther b.1879 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Simmons, Montie Q b.1895 - Missouri, USA
Simmons, Ray F b.1892 - Missouri
Simmons, Rebecca b.1763 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Simmons, Sarah b.1761 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island
Simmons, William b.1775 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Simmons, William b.1767 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Simmons, William b.1817 - Poland
Simons, Abraham (Groot) b.1668 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Claas (Groot) b.1647 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Cornelis (Groot) b.1682 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Dirk (Groot) b.1680 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Maria (Groot) b.1650 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Marretje (Groot) b.1641 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Philip (Groot) b.1670 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Rebecca (Groot) b.1653 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Sara (Groot) b.1655 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Susanna (Groot) b.1664 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simons, Symon (Groot) b.1644 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Simpkins, Effie O b.1863 - Iowa, USA
Simpkins, Joseph -
Simpson, Clarence E b.1881 - , Warrick, Indiana, USA
Simpson, Ellen b.1889 - , Warrick, Indiana, USA
Simpson, John H B b.1849 - Skelton, Warrick, Indiana, USA
Simpson, Mary E b.1875 - , Warrick, Indiana, USA
Simpson, Mary F b.1837 - Ohio, USA
Simpson, Ola S b.1892 - , Warrick, Indiana, USA
Simpson, Rhoda L b.1883 - , Warrick, Indiana, USA
Simpson, Roy b.1888 - Tennyson, Warrick, Indiana, USA
Simpson, Sarah C b.1875 - , Warrick, Indiana, USA
Six, Sarah Jane b.1851 - Thurmont, Frederick, Maryland, United States
Sjoerts, Heyltje b.1688 - New York, New York, USA
Skafte, Bertha Marie b.1857 - Denmark
Skelton, Joel b.1830 -
Skelton, Lucretia E b.1850 - , Warrick, Indiana, USA
SKENE, Jean b.1588 - Currie, Midlothian, Scotland
Skinner, Carlos Amos b.1856 - Illinois, USA
Skinner, Flora Amelia b.1859 - Illinois, USA
Skinner, George Merit b.1850 - Illinois, USA
Skinner, Horace Greely b.1858 -
Skinner, Julia Benson b.1844 -
Skinner, Julius Cezar b.1852 - Illinois, USA
Skinner, Mary Ann b.1843 -
Skinner, Nancy Jane b.1854 - Illinois, USA
Skinner, Orrin b.1820 - , , Vermont, USA
Skinner, Selina Jennett b.1848 -
Skinner, William Orrin b.1846 - Illinois, USA
Skutt, Abram b.1816 - New York, United States
Skutt, Alexander b.1834 -
Skutt, Andrew b.1825 - Rose, Wayne, New York, United States
Skutt, Annette H. b.1838 - New York, USA
Skutt, Caroline b.1822 -
Skutt, Charles b.1815 - Salina, Onondaga, New York, United States
Skutt, Daniel b.1805 - New York, United States
Skutt, Daniel b.1779 - Rose, Wayne, New York, USA
Skutt, David b.1820 - Wolcott, Seneca, New York, United States
Skutt, Elizabeth b.1802 - NEW YORK
Skutt, Ester b.1827 -
Skutt, Frank Jasper b.1849 -
Skutt, Hannah b.1809 - New York, United States
Skutt, Horace b.1830 -
Skutt, Ira b.1843 - New York, USA
Skutt, James b.1834 -
Skutt, Jerome b.1840 -
Skutt, Mahala b.1817 -
Skutt, Orrin b.1811 - New York, USA
Skutt, Robert b.1804 - New York, United States
Skutt, Sanford b.1832 - Rose, Wayne, New York, United States
Skutt, Truman b.1817 - Onondaga County, New York, USA
Slabaugh, Sarah b.1841 - , Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA
Slates, Elmer b.1866 -
Slates, James Howard b.1905 - Oklahoma, USA
Slates, Living -
Slates, Living -
Sleater, Mary b.1873 - Iowa
Slecht, Jacomyntje b.1642 - Woerden, , South Holland, Netherlands
Sledge, Living -
Sledge, Living -
Sledge, Living -
Sledge, Living -
Sledge, Living -
Slingerland, Frank J b.1879 - New York, USA
Slingerland, Living -
Sloan, Margaret b.1820 - New York, USA
Slover, Catherine m.1814 -
Smith, -
Smith, -
Smith, -
Smith, Abbie Winona b.1881 - , Harrison, Iowa, USA
Smith, Alford Thomas b.1861 - Arkansas, USA
Smith, Alice M b.1864 - California
Smith, Alice M. b.1852 - Indiana, USA
Smith, Andrew C b.1885 - Arkansas, USA
Smith, Andrew Lafe b.1802 - New Albany, Clinton, Kentucky, United States
Smith, Anne b.1715 - Kittery, York, Maine, USA
Smith, Bell A b.1883 - Arkansas, USA
Smith, Bernard Gus b.1905 -
Smith, Bertha Lorraine b.1908 -
Smith, Betty Mae m.1945 - Amarillo, Potter, Texas, USA
Smith, Byron Thomas b.1899 - Hindsville, Ark
Smith, Carolyn Irene -
Smith, Clyde Taunton b.1900 - Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, USA
Smith, Cora b.1855 - Maine, USA
Smith, Cora b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Smith, Dean Clyde b.1926 - Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, USA
Smith, Donald Eugene b.1929 - Fairview, Livingston, Missouri, United States
Smith, Dorothy b.1907 - Toledo, Cowlitz, Washington, USA
Smith, Edison Erwin b.1901 - Fall City, King, Washington, USA
Smith, Effie Jane b.1867 - Indiana, USA
Smith, Eldonna I. -
Smith, Elizabeth A b.1841 - Missouri, USA
Smith, Elva m.1883 -
Smith, Esther b.1897 - Fall City, King, Washington, USA
Smith, Eunice Woodbury b.1816 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
Smith, Ezra b.1836 - Pennsylvania
Smith, Fay M b.1891 - Arkansas, USA
Smith, Florence E b.1866 - Arkansas, USA
Smith, Frances b.1799 -
Smith, Gayle Lee -
Smith, George Wilford b.1892 - Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, USA
Smith, Gilbert -
Smith, Gladys Irene b.1885 - South Cayuga, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Smith, Hollis Eugene b.1893 - Fall City, King, Washington, USA
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Living -
Smith, Lois Francis "Fannie" b.1857 - Ohio
Smith, Lorraine m.1945 -
Smith, Lucinda Jane b.1839 - Tipton, Tennessee, USA
Smith, Marietta b.1829 - Licking, Ohio, United States
Smith, Marion b.1901 - Montgomery, Iowa, USA
Smith, Marjorie b.1899 - Fall City, King, Washington, USA
Smith, Mary b.1779 -
Smith, Mary Ann b.1834 - Pittsfield, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
Smith, Mary Charlottie b.1887 - Bryant, Douglas, Missouri
Smith, Mary Louise b.1926 - Girard, Crawford, Kansas, United States
Smith, Mary Sprague b.1815 - Phillips, Franklin, Maine, USA
Smith, Maryetta Laverne b.1905 - Missouri, USA
Smith, Mattie E b.1861 - Ohio
Smith, Mellitt -
Smith, Mike -
Smith, Miles Marcel b.1911 - Toledo, Cowlitz, Washington, USA
Smith, Minnie Mae b.1874 - Laport, Laport, Indiana, USA
Smith, Nancy b.1787 -
Smith, Nina b.1897 - New Carlisle, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Smith, Phebe b.1724 - Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey
Smith, Phoebe b.1789 -
Smith, Rachel b.1759 -
Smith, Ralph W -
Smith, Ray C. b.1889 - Indiana, USA
Smith, Raymond George b.1917 - Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Smith, Roy H. m.1904 -
Smith, Samuel -
Smith, Sarah m.1760 -
Smith, Sarah b.1691 - , New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Smith, Sarah d.1809 -
Smith, Shirley Berwin b.1915 - Toledo, Cowlitz, Washington, USA
Smith, Shirley M b.1889 - Arkansas, USA
Smith, Solomon Jennings b.1827 - Lockport, Niagara, New York, USA
Smith, Stella M b.1872 - g, Burlington, New Jersey, United States
Smith, Susan G. m.1869 - Wilton, Franklin, Maine, USA
Smith, Susannah b.1805 - Pennsylvania, USA
Smith, Thais I. -
Smith, Warren Douglas b.1904 - Fall City, King, Washington, USA
Smith, Wilfred Wayne b.1913 - Toledo, Cowlitz, Washington, USA
Smith, William -
Smith, William D -
Smith, William Eugene b.1863 - Victoria, , British Columbia, Canada
Smock, Harry Blaine b.1864 - Cumberland, Guernsey, Ohio, USA
Smock, Philip Shepler b.1840 - Cumberland, Guernsey, Ohio, USA
Smucker, Charles C. b.1862 - Ohio, USA
Smucker, Enola P. b.1891 - Illinois, USA
Smucker, Merle d.1888 -
Smur, Henry A b.1802 - Pennsylvania, United States
Smur, John T b.1832 - Ohio
Smur, Margaret b.1829 - Middleburg, Holmes, Ohio, United States
Smur, Sarah J b.1836 - Ohio, USA
Smurr, Charles C b.1867 - Ohio, USA
Smurr, Elizabeth B b.1862 - Ohio, USA
Smurr, Ella L b.1860 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Smurr, Frank A b.1856 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Smurr, William Herbert b.1874 - Ohio, USA
Smutz, Roselyn m.1950 - Skamokawa, Washington, USA
Snair, Arnold b.1888 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Snair, Bette Jo b.1924 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Snair, Blanch Hazel b.1891 - Iowa
Snair, Carl Edward b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Snair, Carrie Iola b.1884 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Snair, Charles Earl b.1882 - Utica, Licking, Ohio
Snair, Claude b.1886 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Snair, Claude Haldean b.1915 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Snair, Delanson J. "Pete" or "Doogie" b.1874 - Homer, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snair, Elias b.1829 - Mckean, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snair, Elza Benjamin b.1895 - Ohio
Snair, Ethel V b.1896 - Iowa
Snair, Helen Lois b.1906 - Iowa
Snair, James Warren b.1917 - PA, USA
Snair, Jessie May b.1892 - Zenda, Kingman County, Kansas
Snair, Josie Wilmot b.1876 - Homer, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Living -
Snair, Mack S. b.1913 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Snair, Mary Katharine b.1923 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Snair, Mary Margurite b.1885 - Pennsylvania
Snair, Mary Wright "Maimie" b.1871 - Homer, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snair, Olin Cemiah b.1900 - Iowa
Snair, Ralph Wilson b.1890 - Zenda, Kansas, USA
Snair, Roland Robert b.1887 - Kingman County, Kansas
Snair, Sarah Alice b.1882 - Burlington, Coffey, Kansas, USA
Snair, Sarah Bertha b.1884 - Kingman County, Kansas
Snair, William Allen b.1857 - Utica, Licking, Ohio
Snair, William Fravel b.1900 - Zenda, Kingman County, Kansas
Snair, William Turner b.1919 - Kansas
Snair, Willis J b.1865 - Johnson, Iowa, USA
Snapp, Fern Ann b.1909 - Windsor, Henry, Missouri, USA
Snare, b.1827 - Woodbury, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Abraham b.1822 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Ada Ellen b.1876 - Williamsburg, Pa
Snare, Albert b.1851 - Castleton, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Albert Fletcher b.1854 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Albertis b.1873 - Ohio
Snare, Alfred G b.1879 - Claibourne, Union, Ohio
Snare, Alice Ione b.1896 - Florissant, Teller, Colorado, USA
Snare, Alice Margorie b.1906 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Allen b.1790 - Virgina, USA
Snare, Allison b.1850 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Alma M b.1889 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Almira b.1850 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Anna Elizabeth b.1860 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Anna M b.1857 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Anna Mary b.1888 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Anna Mary b.1879 - Missouri, USA
Snare, Annabelle Mae b.1918 - Richland, Allen, Ohio, United States
Snare, Archie Gale b.1890 - Kalona, Washington, Iowa, USA
Snare, Archie W b.1926 - Colorado, USA
Snare, Arthur b.1912 -
Snare, Arthur b.1883 - Knox, Illinois, USA
Snare, Arthur R b.1923 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Atha T b.1889 - Iowa
Snare, Benjamin b.1844 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Benjamin b.1824 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Benjamin Franklin b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Benjamin Franklin b.1918 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Bessie b.1889 - Ohio
Snare, Beulah F b.1884 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Billie Lucille b.1921 - Cedar Rapids, Nebraska, USA
Snare, Blair Lorenzo b.1881 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Blanche b.1879 - Cove Forge, Blair, Pennsylvania (USA)
Snare, Calvin b.1924 - Weyerhauser, Wisconsin, United States
Snare, Calvin L b.1846 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Carl b.1878 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Caroline b.1836 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Carrie Gertrude b.1880 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Carter L b.1901 - Colorado, United States
Snare, Casper b.1768 - Germany
Snare, Catharine b.1801 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Catherine b.1821 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Catherine E b.1843 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Catherine E. b.1834 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Cemiah b.1834 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Charles C b.1856 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Charles E b.1862 - Burlington, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Charles Julian b.1906 - West Virginia
Snare, Charles Julian b.1868 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, USA
Snare, Charles Raymond b.1910 - Bluefield, Mercer, West Virginia, USA
Snare, Charlotte b.1854 -
Snare, Charlotte b.1850 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Chester R. b.1908 - Smithfield, Huntingdon Co., PA
Snare, Clara b.1863 - Ohio
Snare, Clara Bertha b.1878 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Clarence Eugene b.1878 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Clarice -
Snare, Clarra M b.1898 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Claud Maxwell b.1894 - Plains, Meade, Kansas, USA
Snare, Clifford Edwin b.1896 - Wyoming, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Conrad b.1796 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Cora Estelle b.1890 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Snare, Cyntha Mabel b.1916 - Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Cyrus Cooper b.1843 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Daisy b.1886 - Pennsyvania, USA
Snare, Daisy Gertrude b.1902 - Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Dale Van Devander b.1905 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Daniel b.1810 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Daniel b.1790 - Virgina, USA
Snare, Daniel Melvin b.1907 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Darrell -
Snare, David b.1792 - Pennsylvania
Snare, David b.1798 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, David d.1821 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, David Martin b.1859 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, David Patton b.1901 - Smithfield, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Delilah b.1823 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Donald C -
Snare, Donald Woodrow b.1916 - Near LaRue, Ohio, United States
Snare, Dorothy Elizabeth b.1906 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Dorothy Maude b.1908 - Rolla, Phelps, Missouri, USA
Snare, Dorothy S b.1920 - Catherine, Blair, Pennsylvania
Snare, Dorthy Vree b.1915 - Colorado
Snare, E Maxine b.1918 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Earl E b.1896 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Snare, Earnest McVitty b.1871 - Penn, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Edgar Ray b.1911 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Edith b.1848 - Licking, Licking, Ohio, United States
Snare, Edith Pearl b.1879 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Edmund b.1828 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Edna M b.1886 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Edna May b.1876 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Edward William b.1855 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Edwin b.1849 - Penn, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Edwin b.1851 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Edwin Leslie b.1880 -
Snare, Elbert Earnest b.1879 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Eliza Ann b.1859 -
Snare, Eliza Anne b.1859 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Eliza J b.1849 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Eliza Jane b.1849 - , Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Eliza Jane b.1851 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Eliza Jane "Jennie" b.1865 - Ohio
Snare, Eliza M b.1863 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Elizabeth b.1827 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Elizabeth b.1864 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Elizabeth b.1778 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Elizabeth b.1829 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Elizabeth b.1825 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Elizabeth Agnes b.1892 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Elizabeth Ann b.1850 - Licking, Ohio, United States
Snare, Elma A b.1841 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Elmer b.1891 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Elmer Ellsworth b.1876 - Michigan, USA
Snare, Eloise Marie b.1937 - Mount Victory, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Snare, Elsie A. b.1883 - Center Township, Williams, Ohio
Snare, Elsie Lawrence b.1886 - Huntington, Pennsylvania
Snare, Elvin Herman b.1905 - Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Emily F. b.1867 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Emma Alice b.1858 - Richwood, Union, Ohio, United States
Snare, Emma Mildred b.1907 -
Snare, Emory Clayton b.1904 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Ernest Adar b.1921 - Loudonville, Asland, Ohio, United States
Snare, Esther b.1850 -
Snare, Esther b.1821 -
Snare, Ethel Olive b.1899 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Eve b.1800 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Fannie b.1874 - Burlington, Licking, Ohio
Snare, Fannie b.1872 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Flora b.1877 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Flora b.1872 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Flora M b.1875 - Washington, Iowa, USA
Snare, Flora May b.1889 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Florence K b.1872 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Frances Alberta b.1917 - Milford, Seward, Nebraska, United States
Snare, Frances Irene b.1901 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Francis Leroy b.1920 - Ashland, Ashland, Ohio, United States
Snare, Frank b.1866 - Ohio
Snare, Frank Wilbur b.1874 - Michigan, USA
Snare, Franka Y. b.1875 - Ohio
Snare, Franklin b.1864 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Franklin b.1855 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Franklin b.1859 - McKean, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Frederick b.1892 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Frederick b.1862 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Snare, Frederick b.1923 -
Snare, Freeman b.1880 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Gay Carlos b.1892 - Thornburg, Iowa, USA
Snare, George b.1827 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, George b.1849 -
Snare, George b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Snare, George Clyde b.1911 - Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, George Ernest b.1877 - Minnesota, USA
Snare, George McK. d.1867 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, George W. b.1872 - Pennsylvania
Snare, George Washington b.1852 - Chatham, Licking, Ohio, United States
Snare, George Washington b.1836 - Pennsylvania, Illinois, USA
Snare, George Wayne b.1909 - LaRue, Ohio, United States
Snare, George Wesley b.1854 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, George William b.1885 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Gertrude May b.1885 - McConnellstown, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Gladys Irene b.1902 - Magnolia, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Snare, Gladys Sophronia b.1911 - LaRue, Ohio, United States
Snare, Glen b.1914 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Hannah b.1817 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Harley J b.1881 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Harriet A. "Hattie" b.1840 - Ohio
Snare, Harriet Catherine "Cate" b.1834 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Harriett b.1880 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Harry Doras b.1883 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Harry Edgar b.1875 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Harry Vernon b.1893 - Clover Creek, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Harvey Hesson b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Hattie b.1866 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Helen Gertrude b.1897 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Helen Jennette b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Helen Pauline b.1912 - Shickley, Fillmore, Colorado, United States
Snare, Henry b.1832 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Henry Blair b.1858 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Henry H b.1841 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Hollis Merle b.1886 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Hollis Scott b.1903 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Homer b.1875 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Howard Bertin b.1880 -
Snare, Hubert b.1916 - Magnolia, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Snare, Hubert Horton b.1872 - Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, USA
Snare, Ida b.1871 - Vinland, , New Jersey, USA
Snare, infant b.1875 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, infant b.1880 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Ira Elmus b.1890 - Homer, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Isaac Austin b.1868 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Isaac Ellis b.1884 - Payne, Paulding, Ohio, United States
Snare, Iva Edith b.1908 - Missouri
Snare, Jacob b.1833 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Jacob b.1810 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, James b.1827 - , Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, James b.1840 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, James A b.1845 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, James E b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Snare, James Elmer b.1900 - Pennsylvania
Snare, James H. b.1856 - Ohio, USA
Snare, James Isaac b.1819 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, James Wilburt b.1883 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Jared b.1802 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Jennie A b.1876 - Ohio
Snare, Jennie C b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Jesse b.1818 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Jesse b.1875 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Jessie b.1862 - Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Joan Marie b.1921 - Marion, Marion, Ohio, United States
Snare, John b.1831 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, John b.1828 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, John b.1811 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, John b.1833 - Ohio, USA
Snare, John Allen b.1905 - Smithfield, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, John Charles Fremont b.1860 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, John Elmer b.1863 - Trough Creek, Huntington, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, John H b.1879 - Indiana, United States
Snare, John Langford b.1923 - Gainesville, Hall, Georgia, United States
Snare, John Lewis b.1918 - Ashland, Clark, Kansas
Snare, John Lloyd b.1908 - Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, John P b.1870 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, USA
Snare, John P b.1870 - Illinois, USA
Snare, John P d.1862 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, John P. b.1901 - Minnesota, USA
Snare, John Perry b.1870 - Penn, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, John Phillip b.1795 - Maryland, USA
Snare, John S. b.1911 - Williamsfield, Knox, Illinois, United States of America
Snare, Jonathan b.1836 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Joseph b.1776 - Maryland, USA
Snare, Joseph b.1823 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Joseph B b.1823 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Joseph Carl b.1899 - Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Joseph Claud b.1896 - Magnolia, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Snare, Joseph E b.1853 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Joseph H b.1870 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Joseph Harry b.1882 - Missouri
Snare, Joseph McKinley b.1858 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Joseph Warren b.1879 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Josiah L b.1839 - Indiana, USA
Snare, Julia Ann b.1826 - Pennsyvania, USA
Snare, June Pauline b.1910 - Wyoming, Lee, Illinois, USA
Snare, Karl Winfred b.1877 - Wyoming, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Kent b.1890 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Kent Arthur b.1903 - Kansas, United States
Snare, Laura B b.1874 - Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Laura E b.1845 - Mc Kean, , Ohio, USA
Snare, Laura Iddella b.1884 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Laura Jane b.1860 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Leah b.1847 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Leonard Leroy b.1914 - Ashland, Clark, Kansas
Snare, Leonard Leroy b.1892 - Galesburg, Knox, Illinois, USA
Snare, Leslie Elisha b.1887 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Lester Perry b.1900 - Minnesota, USA
Snare, Lewis b.1834 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Lewis Benjamin b.1900 - Iowa, USA
Snare, Lewis Oliver b.1892 - Liberty Township, Hancock, Ohio
Snare, Lewis W b.1855 - Buckeye, Van Buren, Putnam, Ohio, USA
Snare, Lilian b.1858 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois
Snare, Lillie I b.1878 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Lincoln Clark b.1860 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Living -
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Snare, Living m.1939 - Carson City, Carson, Nevada, USA
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Snare, Living m.1949 - Abilene, Dickinson Co., KS
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Snare, Living -
Snare, Living -
Snare, Living -
Snare, Louisa J b.1844 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Lyman b.1840 - , Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Mabel Elizabeth b.1889 - Benton, Paulding, Ohio, United States
Snare, Magdalena -
Snare, Mahala b.1849 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Malissa J b.1854 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Margaret b.1780 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Margaret Ada b.1884 - Paradise Furnace, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Margaret Ann b.1949 - Perry, Lake, Ohio, United States
Snare, Margaret J b.1848 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Marion Lee b.1892 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Marjorie Leattor b.1884 - Huntington, Pennsylvania
Snare, Marry b.1884 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Marta Ann b.1853 - Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Martha Leroy b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Martha Leroy b.1852 -
Snare, Mary b.1860 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Mary Ann b.1832 - Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Mary Ann b.1807 - Maryland, USA
Snare, Mary Ann b.1821 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Mary Anne b.1799 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Mary Greenland b.1826 -
Snare, Mary Irma b.1889 - Clover Creek, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Mary M b.1876 - Indian Point, Knox, Illinois
Snare, Maud A b.1884 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Maurice b.1875 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Melissa b.1838 - McKean, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Merwyn Pat b.1889 - Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Mike -
Snare, Mildred Cleo b.1904 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Mille J b.1846 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Minerva J b.1849 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Minnie b.1871 - Pennslyvania, USA
Snare, Minnie Authelda b.1914 - McConnellstown, Pennsylvania
Snare, Minnie C b.1886 - Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Minnie H b.1891 -
Snare, Morris b.1874 - Johnson, Missouri, United States
Snare, Morris W b.1860 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Nancy b.1824 - Newburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Nancy b.1857 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Nancy Tabitha b.1861 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Natalie b.1886 - Wyoming, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Nathan b.1826 - , Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Nathan b.1825 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Nettie C b.1872 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Nettie Elizabeth b.1901 - Valley City, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Nettie G b.1872 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Oliver Bruce b.1880 - Indiana, USA
Snare, Oliver Hazard Perry b.1847 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Oliver Perry b.1908 - Jackson, Madison, Indiana, USA
Snare, Ora M. b.1870 - Johnson, Iowa, USA
Snare, Orville E b.1918 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Orville Robert b.1894 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Otis b.1883 - , Knox, Illinois, USA
Snare, Paul Omar b.1904 - Johnson, Missouri, United States
Snare, Peter b.1812 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Philip b.1809 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Rachel b.1821 -
Snare, Ralph b.1907 -
Snare, Ralph Elroy b.1895 - Clover Creek, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Raymond Jordan b.1893 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Rebecca b.1834 -
Snare, Rebecca b.1924 - Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USA
Snare, Rebecca A. b.1836 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Reese M b.1867 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Reevis b.1835 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Remich b.1851 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Rena Lucinda b.1898 - Toulon, Illinois, USA
Snare, Reuben b.1837 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Reuben McKinley b.1896 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Rhese Scott b.1847 - Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Richard Lloyd b.1933 -
Snare, Richard M b.1909 - Smithfield, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Richard Roy b.1882 -
Snare, Richard Wayne b.1930 - LaRue, Marion, Ohio, United States
Snare, Robert -
Snare, Robert B -
Snare, Robert Stanley b.1915 - Wyoming, Lee, Illinois, USA
Snare, Roland Dilan b.1895 - Claiborne, Union, Ohio, USA
Snare, Ronald Gene b.1948 - Washington, Illinois, USA
Snare, Rosanna b.1838 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Rose L. B. b.1873 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Ross -
Snare, Royer b.1848 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Russell -
Snare, Russell C b.1895 - Union, Ohio, United States
Snare, Ruth b.1901 - California
Snare, Saddee Frances b.1891 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Sally -
Snare, Samuel b.1829 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Samuel Clayton b.1870 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Samuel H b.1887 - Benton, Paulding, Ohio
Snare, Samuel Harvey b.1883 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Sarah b.1784 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Sarah b.1844 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, Sarah b.1872 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Sarah A b.1859 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Sarah Ann b.1854 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Sarah Ann b.1861 -
Snare, Sarah Ellen b.1849 - Mc Kean, , Ohio, USA
Snare, Saxton b.1853 - Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Schuyler J b.1888 - Indiana, United States
Snare, Sharon Lynn -
Snare, Sidney Whipple b.1843 - Mckean, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Simpson b.1855 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Solomon b.1824 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Sophia b.1829 -
Snare, Sophia b.1856 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Stephen A b.1859 - Ohio
Snare, Susan b.1815 - Maryland, USA
Snare, Susan Gertrude b.1889 - Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, Susanna b.1806 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Susannah b.1850 - Ohio, USA
Snare, Susannah Liensina b.1847 - Ohio
Snare, Sylvester Talmage b.1892 - Wilmore, Comanche, Kansas, USA
Snare, Theopholis H b.1840 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Thomas Delanson b.1842 - Neway, Licking, Ohio, USA
Snare, Verna b.1882 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Vernice b.1897 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Vernon H b.1922 - Colorado, USA
Snare, Victor Hugh b.1893 - Magnolia, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Snare, Viola Margaret b.1902 - LaRue, Ohio, United States
Snare, Viva Alexis b.1888 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Walter b.1877 - Pennsylvania, USA
Snare, Walter D b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Walter Nathan b.1903 - Kirksville, Adair, Missouri, USA
Snare, Wayne -
Snare, Wilber Perley b.1863 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Wilbur b.1911 - Havlock, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Snare, Wilda Pearl b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Snare, Wilden Penn b.1854 - Penn, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Wilford Floy b.1882 -
Snare, William b.1932 -
Snare, William b.1867 - Pennsylvania, United States
Snare, William b.1820 -
Snare, William b.1850 - Pennsylvania
Snare, William Albert b.1881 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, William Carlton b.1883 - Pennsylvania
Snare, William David b.1866 - Pennsylvania
Snare, William Judson b.1932 -
Snare, William Merle b.1909 - Pennsylvania
Snare, William S b.1866 - Iowa
Snare, William Wall b.1857 - Stark, Illinois, USA
Snare, William Wayne b.1897 - Florissant, Teller, Colorado, USA
Snare, Willis b.1891 - Payne, Paulding, Ohio, United States
Snare, Wilna Paine b.1857 - Snareville, Stark, Illinois, United States
Snare, Wilson b.1839 - Pennsylvania
Snare, Zachariah b.1849 -
Snay, Gertrude Viola b.1872 - Nortonville, Jefferson, Kansas, USA
Snickler, Elizabeth b.1854 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Snickler, Henry b.1816 - Germany
Snickler, Mary b.1849 - Indiana, USA
Snider, Eunice Gertrude b.1896 - Missouri
Snider, Homer J b.1872 - Missouri
Snider, Living -
Snider, Living -
Snider, Living -
Snider, Living -
Snider, Living -
Snider, Living -
Snider, Living -
Snider, Merlin -
Snider, Verni A b.1899 - Missouri
Snively, Cora B b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Snively, Daisy P b.1881 - Pennsylvania
Snively, David R b.1868 - Pennsylvania
Snively, Harvard Orr b.1872 - Clover Creek, Blair, Pennsylvania (USA)
Snively, Joseph Bayer b.1849 - Clover Creek, Blair, Pennsylvania (USA)
Snodgrass, Celestia b.1889 - Iowa, USA
Snodgrass, Hannah L b.1873 - , Clackamas, Oregon, USA
Snodgrass, James m.1836 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Snodgrass, Lavina Jane b.1830 - Illinois, USA
Snover, Hulda A b.1884 - Iowa, USA
Snover, John Wesley b.1860 - Edgewood, Clayton, Iowa, USA
Snow, Sally Webster b.1820 - Landaff, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA
Snowberger, Florence Ruth b.1905 - Clover Creek, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Snyder, Ann Margaret b.1832 - Ohio, USA
Snyder, Anna Barbara b.1847 - , Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Snyder, August b.1895 -
Snyder, Benjamin W. b.1852 - Tennessee, USA
Snyder, Charles S b.1882 - Shelby, Iowa, USA
Snyder, Dee Deno b.1899 - Nebraska
Snyder, Eldora b.1874 - Missouri
Snyder, Ella b.1871 - Missouri
Snyder, Emma b.1850 - Persia, Cattaraugus, New York, USA
Snyder, Evelyn May b.1927 - South Dakota, USA
Snyder, Geo. W. b.1847 - Tennessee, United States
Snyder, George Edgar b.1873 - Missouri
Snyder, Gladys -
Snyder, Hannah b.1818 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Snyder, Harold Delmore b.1902 - Nebraska, USA
Snyder, Jacob b.1753 - Erlenbach Im, Bern, Switzerland
Snyder, John W. b.1871 - Missouri
Snyder, Josa May b.1879 - Iowa
Snyder, Leona b.1885 - Iowa, USA
Snyder, Living -
Snyder, Living -
Snyder, Living -
Snyder, Living -
Snyder, Lorus b.1874 - Texas
Snyder, Lula May b.1879 - Missouri
Snyder, Lulu -
Snyder, Maggie b.1877 - Iowa
Snyder, Oscar O b.1862 - Iowa
Snyder, Ray b.1883 - Iowa
Snyder, Sarah Elmira b.1796 -
Snyder, Vincent August b.1933 - Wisconsin
Snyder, Waldo b.1877 - Missouri
Snyder, Weller b.1887 - Kalona, Washington, Iowa, USA
Sollenberger, Ernest Leroy b.1915 - Pennsylvania
Sollenberger, Florence Bernadine b.1914 -
Sollenberger, Glenn Elwood b.1912 - Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Sollenberger, Harry K b.1890 - Huston, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Sollenberger, Helen Louise b.1923 -
Somkin, Eunice Marie b.1921 -
Sonnenberg, Amanda Matilda b.1877 - Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USA
Sorenson, Barbara m.1940 - Fremont, Colorado, USA
Sorenson, Bessie m.1950 - Alanthus Grove, Wilson, Gentry, Missouri, USA
Sorenson, Lena b.1892 - Denmark
Sorenson, Peter b.1856 -
Sorlien, Clarice Naomi b.1918 - Iowa, USA
Soule, Rachel b.1818 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Sourk, Ada Elizabeth b.1897 - Goff, Nemaha County, Kansas
Sourk, Addie M. b.1865 - Stark, Illinois, USA
Sourk, Amanda Elizabeth "Beth" b.1915 - Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States
Sourk, Chester George b.1891 - Harrison, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, Chester Monroe b.1861 - Stark, Illinois, USA
Sourk, Della May b.1881 - Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, Edith Elizabeth b.1939 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, George Galen b.1913 - Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States
Sourk, George Washington b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Sourk, Gerald E. b.1935 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, Gerald Francis b.1911 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, Hazel May b.1902 - Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, James Lindsey b.1871 - Stark, Illinois, USA
Sourk, Jessie Isla b.1914 - Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, John Sherman b.1866 - Toulon, Stark, Illinois, USA
Sourk, Lela b.1908 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Living -
Sourk, Lois b.1907 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas
Sourk, Mattie H. b.1868 - Toulon, Stark, Illinois, USA
Sourk, Merl L. b.1910 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas
Sourk, Orville Lester b.1905 - Kansas, USA
Sourk, Ralph Milton b.1908 - Kansas, USA
Sourk, Richard Mark b.1918 - Kansas, USA
Sourk, Robert Glen b.1918 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, Ruth Elizabeth b.1915 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Sourk, William b.1835 - Ireland
Sourk, William Mark b.1915 - Kansas, USA
Sourk, William Milton b.1863 - Stark, Illinois, USA
Sourk, William Ward b.1912 - Goff, Nemaha, Kansas, USA
Souter, -
South, Albert Homer b.1864 - Harrison Co, Iowa
South, David b.1863 - Iowa
South, Elias J. b.1859 - Iowa
South, Jackson b.1828 - Clermont County, Ohio, USA
South, James William b.1855 - Harrison Co, Iowa
South, John David b.1861 - Eddyville, Iowa
South, Minnie Victoria b.1872 - Little Sioux, Harrison Co, Iowa
South, Olive Jane b.1873 - Iowa
SOUTH, Peter b.1791 - Washington Co, Maryland
South, Ransom Jackson b.1868 - Iowa
South, Salina Frances b.1853 - Iowa
South, Susan Catherine b.1856 - Monroe Co, Iowa
Southworth, Betsey b.1873 - Dryden, Tompkins, New York, USA
Southworth, Harrison -
Sparks, Frances b.1919 -
Sparks, Keziah b.1820 - Ireland
Sparrow, Jonathan b.1665 -
Speakman, Mary b.1754 -
Spears, Elizabeth Frances b.1841 - , White, Georgia, USA
Specht, Anna C. b.1870 - Illinois, USA
Specht, Augustus C. b.1834 - Mackensen, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Specht, Christian b.1785 - Heinade, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Specht, Christiana Charlotte Wilhelmine b.1817 - Mackensen, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Specht, Dorothea Carolina b.1827 - Mackensen, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Specht, Dorothy b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Specht, Friedrich Ferdinand b.1820 - Hanover, Stadt Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Specht, George b.1863 - Illinois, USA
Specht, Heinrich Christian Frederick b.1823 - Mackensen, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Specht, Ola b.1882 - Nebraska, USA
Speedie, Betsy b.1826 -
Speedie, Graham b.1830 -
Speedie, Jean b.1854 -
Speedie, John b.1800 -
Spence, Stephen Thomas b.1925 - Crawford, Antelope, Nebraska, United States
Spencer, Elizabeth b.1681 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Spencer, Hannah b.1763 - Bolton, Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Spencer, Isaac b.1682 - South Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Spencer, Living -
Spencer, Living -
Spencer, Lorna Ann m.1959 - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Spencer, Mary b.1683 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Spencer, Moses b.1680 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Spencer, Moses b.1642 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Spencer, Patience b.1683 - Berwick, York, Maine, United States
Spencer, Sarah May b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Spicer, Clarissa b.1805 -
Spier, Rachel b.1745 - Prob. Essex Co., New Jersey
Spilman, Charles b.1860 - Kentucky, USA
Spilman, Living -
Spitz, Living -
Spitz, Living -
Spitz, Living -
Spitz, Living -
Spitz, Living -
Sporleder, -
Sporleder, Living -
Sporleder, Living -
Sporleder, Richard Glen b.1906 - Farina, Fayette, Illinois, USA
Spotts, John O b.1881 - Pennsylvania
Spotts, Jonathan b.1848 - Pennsylvania
Spotts, Katie b.1891 - Pennsylvania
Spotts, Living -
Spotts, Lottie b.1887 - Pennsylvania
Spradley, Nancy Jane b.1829 -
Sprague, Abbie D. b.1872 - Illinois, USA
Sprague, Living -
Sprague, Mary -
Sprague, Perry b.1847 - Arkansas, USA
Sprayth, Estella O b.1872 - Dola, Hardin, Ohio, USA
Spreen, Lena W. b.1880 - Ohio, USA
Springer, Cecil Bell m.1911 -
Springer, Living -
Springer, Living -
Springer, Living -
Springer, Living -
Springer, Living -
Springer, Mary b.1866 - Ohio
Springer, William b.1880 - Wisconsin
Sprinkle, Sarah b.1799 - Virginia, United States
Sprout, Wade b.1894 -
Spyker, Amanda b.1821 - Pennsylvania, United States
Squibb, Elizabeth b.1829 - Tennessee, USA
Squibb, Hannah b.1818 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Squire, George b.1618 - England
Squire, Jonathan m.1676 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Squire, Samuel m.1676 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Squire, Sarah b.1661 - Connecticut, USA
Squires, Arthur b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Squires, Blossom Mary Catherine b.1895 - Illinois, USA
Squires, Living -
Squires, Living -
St Clair, Nancy b.1789 - , Bedford, Virginia, USA
Stack, -
Stack, Silence b.1818 - New York, USA
Stackhouse, Benjamin b.1705 - Middletown, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Stackhouse, Grace b.1720 - Richland, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Stackhouse, Grace -
Stackhouse, John b.1638 - West Riding, Yorkshire, , England
Stackhouse, Thomas b.1601 - West Riding, Yorkshire, England
Stackhouse, Thomas b.1661 - West Riding, Yorkshire, , England
Stackus, Jane b.1819 - prob Galen, Seneca, New York, USA
Stackus, John b.1782 -
Stackus, Joseph W b.1822 - poss Galen, Seneca, New York, USA
Stackus, Mary Ann b.1815 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Stackus, Polly b.1815 - prob Galen, Seneca, New York, USA
Stackus, twin -
Stackus, William b.1817 - prob Galen, Seneca, New York, USA
Stafford, James Elison b.1858 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Stafford, Living -
Stafford, Living -
Stafford, Living -
Stafford, Living -
Stafford, Martha b.1781 - Saratoga, Saratoga, New York, United States
Stainbrook, Anna Marie b.1884 - Milltown, Hutchinson, South Dakota, USA
Stakemiller, Erasmas b.1857 - Illinois, USA
Stakemiller, Living -
Stakemiller, Raymond C b.1891 - Iowa
Stallings, Ruth Esther b.1899 -
Stanbanke, Elizabeth b.1522 - Tichmersh, Nottinghamshire, , England
Standard, James Thomas m.1874 - Scotland, Missouri, USA
Stanfield, Mary Jane b.1844 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Stanfield, Phobe b.1773 - Grayson, Virginia, USA
Stanfield, William b.1817 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Stanford, Carolyn Wagner m.1953 -
Stanford, Living -
Stanford, Living -
Stanford, Living -
Stanionis, -
Stanionis, John F b.1910 - Pennsylvania
Stanionis, Joseph b.1914 - Pennsylvania
Stanionis, Living -
Stanionis, Living -
Stanionis, Living -
Stanionis, Living -
Stanionis, Living -
Stanionis, Samuel b.1881 - Easni, Lithuania
Stanionis, Williams b.1925 - Pennsylvania
Stanton, Hannah b.1676 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States
Stanton, John -
Stanton, Joseph b.1674 - Rhode Island, United States
Stanton, Joseph b.1645 - Stonington, New London, Connecticut, USA
Stanton, Rebecca b.1681 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Stanton, Ruby -
Stanton, Samuel b.1698 - Connecticut, United States
Stanton, Thomas b.1691 -
Stanton, Thomas b.1678 - Connecticut, United States
Stanton, Thomas -
Stanton, Thomas b.1616 - England
Stanwood, Frederic Arthur b.1880 - Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
Stanwood, Horace Calef b.1848 - Augusta, Kennebec, Maine
Stanwood, Living -
Stanwood, Living -
Stapp, John b.1764 - , Orange, Virginia, USA
Stark, Abbey -
Stark, Mary Peterson b.1877 - Denmark
Starnes, Living -
Starnes, Living -
Starnes, Living -
Starnes, Living -
States, Emma Matilda b.1851 - Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, USA
Staus, Anna b.1858 - Missouri
Stearns, Bryan b.1904 - Marietta, Indian Territory
Stearns, Cora b.1866 - Henrietta, Lorain, Ohio, USA
Stearns, Edward Delancy b.1853 - Fulton, Muscatine, Iowa, USA
Stearns, Gertrude b.1885 - Iowa, USA
Stearns, Isla Jean b.1923 - Williamson, Texas
Stearns, LeRoy DeWitt b.1922 - Iowa, USA
Stearns, Living -
Stearns, Living -
Stearns, Living -
Stearns, Living -
Stearns, Living -
Stearns, Living -
Stearns, Living -
Stearns, Living -
Stearns, Lucretia Anjean b.1898 - Buffalo, Dallas, Missouri, USA
Stearns, Madison Charles b.1894 - Missouri Valley, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Stearns, Madison Charles Jr. b.1920 - Georgetown, Williamson Co., Texas, USA
Stearns, Mark -
Stearns, Mary b.1814 - , Clinton, Ohio, USA
Stearns, Oryl M. b.1889 - Moorhead, Monona Co., Iowa, USA
Stearns, Parley Mark b.1919 - Brady, Mccullough, Texas, USA
Stearns, Parley Mark b.1943 - Havre de Grace, Harford, Maryland, USA
Stearns, Roe Vredenburgh b.1886 - Preparation, Monona, Iowa, USA
Stearns, Roe Vredenburgh b.1916 - Texas, USA
Stearns, Roselyn Yvonne b.1927 - Cameron, Texas
Steele, Correl Moses b.1810 - New York, USA
Steele, Living -
Steele, Living -
Steele, Living -
Steele, Olive m.1830 -
Steele, Phedotia Jamira b.1844 - New York, USA
Steer, Living -
Steer, Living -
Steer, Living -
Steer, Living -
Steer, Living -
Steer, Thomas William -
Steer, William Robert b.1925 - Missouri Valley, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Steffen, Arlene Margaret b.1920 - Pandora, Putnam, Ohio, United States
Steffen, William -
Stegelman, Charles W b.1854 - Germany
Stegelman, Garrett C b.1902 - Nebraska
Stegelman, Living -
Stegelman, Living -
Stegelman, Living -
Stegelman, Living -
Stegelmann, Fritz H b.1892 - Nebraska
Stegelmann, Living -
Stegelmann, Living -
Stegelmann, Living -
Stegelmenn, Emma b.1892 - Nebraska
Steingass, Lucille Mae b.1920 - Ohio, USA
Steinmann, Katherine m.1970 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Stellmon, Earl H b.1902 -
Steman, -
Steman, Abraham B b.1811 - Pennsylvania, USA
Steman, Bessie Bell b.1873 - Morrow, Ohio
Steman, Grace C b.1883 - Newton Township, Licking, Ohio
Steman, Ina W b.1880 - Newton, Licking, Ohio
Steman, Jonathan William "Will" b.1850 - Ohio, USA
Steman, Leona E. b.1878 - Ohio
Steman, Mary Catherine "Katie" b.1848 - Chatham, Medina, Ohio, USA
Steman, Mary E. b.1875 - Ohio
Steman, Sarah Elizabeth b.1846 - Homer, Morgan, Ohio, USA
Stemmler, Maria Elisabetha b.1743 - Glan-Mnchweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Stephens, Living -
Stephens, Living -
Stephens, Living -
Stephens, Living -
Stephens, Living -
Stephens, Living -
Stephens, Living -
Stephens, Living -
Stephenson, Elizabeth b.1816 - Pennsylvania, USA
Stepp, Exa Saphronia b.1800 - Gasport, Monroe, Indiana, USA
Stevens, Anne d.1791 -
Stevens, Benjamin m.1673 -
Stevens, Edmund -
Stevens, Eleanor b.1675 -
Stevens, James Harlan b.1913 - Morehead, Rowan, Kentucky, USA
Stevens, Leone Ardyce b.1914 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Stevens, Living -
Stevens, Living -
Stevens, Living -
Stevens, Living -
Stevens, Living -
Stevens, Living -
Stevens, Living -
Stevens, Ruth m.1774 -
Stewart, -
Stewart, Amos b.1843 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stewart, Annie N b.1873 - Pennsylvania
Stewart, Bertram G b.1868 - Pennsylvania
Stewart, Clyde Frederick b.1890 - Pennsylvania
Stewart, David b.1834 - Perry, Clarion, Pennsylvania, United States
STEWART, Elizabeth b.1865 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stewart, Elizabeth J b.1827 - Pennsylvania
Stewart, Eva Lou b.1923 -
Stewart, Harriet b.1860 - Pennsylvania
Stewart, Herf -
Stewart, Ianthus b.1861 - Pennsylvania
Stewart, Ida May b.1871 - Pennsylvania
Stewart, Janet b.1802 - Scotland
Stewart, John T -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Living -
Stewart, Mansfield b.1864 - Pennsylvania
Stewart, Mary m.1858 -
Stewart, R Edward b.1863 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stewart, Robert b.1832 - Clinton County, Pennsylvania, USA
Stewart, Robert b.1857 - Clinton, Pennsylvania, USA
Stewart, Rosealina b.1849 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stewart, William b.1779 - Carlisle, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States
Stewart, William G b.1816 - Armstrong, Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States
Stewart, William H b.1846 - Perry, Clarion, Pennsylvania, United States
Stickels, James Rodney m.1970 - Lake Edge United Church of Christ, Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin
Stickles, Katharine Sarah b.1879 - Canada
Stickles, Sarrah G b.1842 - Canada
Stickney, Hannah b.1775 - , Bennington, Vermont, USA
Stiffen, Karen m.1963 - Rock Island, Illinois, USA
Stiles, Esther b.1786 - Lyndeborough, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States
Stillmam, Sarah Esther b.1841 - Little Genesee, Allegany, New York, USA
Stillman, Lucy Adelia b.1833 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Stillman, Mary Elenor b.1806 - Unadilla Forks, New York, United States
Stillman, Ruth b.1883 - Richburg, Allegany, New York, USA
Stillman, Saberah b.1771 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Stilwell, May A. b.1881 - Cuba, Crawford, Missouri, USA
Stimpson, James b.1639 -
Stimpson, John b.1605 -
Stimpson, Ruth b.1669 -
Stinchfield, Jacob Hammond -
Stinchfield, Minnie Augusta b.1859 - Strong, Franklin, Maine, USA
Stine, Archie Franklin b.1877 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stine, Donald E b.1909 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stine, Helen Louise b.1919 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stine, J Irving b.1844 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stine, Living -
Stine, Living -
Stinson, Burton b.1874 -
Stinson, Elmer b.1870 -
Stinson, Sylvester b.1842 - Penn Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
Stipe, Elizabeth Betsy b.1785 - , Culpeper, Virginia, USA
Stitcher, Sarah m.1785 -
Stivers, Harry Ray d.1963 -
Stock, Darrell Lewis b.1940 - El Reno, Oklahoma, USA
Stock, Living -
Stock, Living -
Stock, Melbourne S b.1912 - El Reno Oklahoma
Stockdale, Margaret b.1840 - Pennsylvania, USA
Stockman, Elizabeth m.1698 -
Stockman, Rev. John -
Stodden, Adolph R b.1876 - Germany
Stodden, Barbara -
Stodden, Bernard A b.1914 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Stodden, Carl F b.1925 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Stodden, Carla -
Stodden, David -
Stodden, Dennis -
Stodden, Diane -
Stodden, Earl -
Stodden, Eleanor R b.1906 - Charter Oak, Crawford, Iowa, USA
Stodden, Francis Chris b.1900 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Stodden, Fred Joseph b.1912 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Stodden, Gary -
Stodden, Gerald D b.1929 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Stodden, Glen -
Stodden, Helen S b.1907 - Charter Oak, Crawford, Iowa, USA
Stodden, James -
Stodden, Janet -
Stodden, LaVon -
Stodden, Leo Adolph b.1901 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Stodden, Leona Sophia b.1910 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Stodden, Leonard George b.1929 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living m.1960 - Anthon, Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Living -
Stodden, Marie -
Stodden, Marie Estelle b.1903 - Charter Oak, Crawford, Iowa, USA
Stodden, Mathias b.1832 - Germany
Stodden, Melvin b.1922 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Stodden, Michael -
Stodden, Mike -
Stodden, Ronald Kenneth b.1926 - Mapleton, Monona, Iowa, USA
Stodden, Steven -
Stodden, Tim -
Stodden, Wayne -
Stoeffler, Living -
Stoeffler, Living -
Stoeffler, Living -
Stoeffler, Living -
Stoffer, Harriet b.1826 - Ohio, USA
Stokes, Sarah J b.1825 - New York, USA
Stombaugh, Living -
Stombaugh, Living -
Stombaugh, Living -
Stombaugh, Living -
Stombaugh, Living -
Stone, -
Stone, Andrew b.1853 - , Scott, Iowa, USA
Stone, Ann E b.1847 - , Scott, Iowa, USA
Stone, Bertha b.1866 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stone, Bertha b.1866 - Pennsylvania, United States
Stone, Clarissa b.1845 - , Scott, Iowa, USA
Stone, Euphemia b.1859 - Le Claire, Scott, Iowa, USA
Stone, Frederick b.1867 - Leclaire, Scott, Iowa, USA
Stone, Henry b.1843 - , Scott, Iowa, USA
Stone, Horatio b.1849 - , Scott, Iowa, USA
Stone, Horatio b.1812 - Mariah, Essex Co, New York, USA
Stone, Mildred b.1880 - Massachusetts
Stone, Minnie Cathrine b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Stone, Perry b.1858 - Le Claire, Scott, Iowa, USA
Storey, Sterling P b.1892 - NEW YORK
Story, Allen Lawrence b.1882 - NEW YORK
Story, Harold Van Vredenburgh b.1888 - NEW YORK
Story, James Monroe -
Story, Ruth Burnham b.1909 - NEW YORK
Story, William Cumming b.1851 - NEW YORK
Stotesbury, John b.1492 -
Stotesbury, Susan b.1528 -
Stotesbury, Thomas b.1518 -
Stout, Abram V. -
Stout, Clovis F. b.1921 - Minnesota, USA
Stout, Frederic Clovis b.1892 - Worthington, Nobles, Minnesota, USA
Stout, Jeanette b.1896 - Worthington, Nobles, Minnesota, USA
Stout, John H. b.1868 - Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois, USA
Stout, Living -
Stout, Living -
Stout, Living -
Stout, Living -
Stout, Living -
Stout, Robert Abram b.1894 - Worthington, Nobles, Minnesota, USA
Stover, Mary Magdalene b.1822 - Aaronsburg, Centre, Pennsylvania, USA
Stow, Elizabeth b.1715 -
Strahorn, Harry E. m.1888 -
Strain, Ivy b.1869 - Illinois, USA
Strain, John Walker m.1941 -
Strain, Living -
Strain, Living -
Stransberry, Lenora m.1944 -
Stratton, Margaret Lucille b.1919 - Ohio
Stratton, Richard -
Straube, Anna Elisabeth d.1766 - Niederbeisheim, Knllwald, Hessen, Germany
Strausburg, Ethel Dillion b.1903 - Warrensburg, Missouri
Strickland, Daisy b.1923 - Nahunta, Bramley, Georgia, United States
Strickler, Dorothy Elizabeth b.1756 - Shenandoah, Virginia, United States
Stroh, Molly Jane b.1909 -
Strosnider, Christina b.1740 - , Cumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Stroup, Mary Amanda b.1845 - Pennsylvania
Struble, Iona b.1895 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Struble, Levi Herbert b.1905 - Oklahoma, USA
Struble, Living -
Struble, Living -
Struble, Living -
Struble, Living -
Struble, Living -
Struble, Merritt Miles b.1898 - , Monona, Iowa, USA
Struble, Orren James b.1870 - Algona, Kossuth, Iowa, USA
Struble, Robert E b.1929 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Strycker, Elizabeth m.1760 -
Strycker, Jane m.1766 -
Stucky, Georg Heinrich b.1770 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Stucky, Katharina b.1802 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Stultz, Carrie m.1943 -
Sturges, b.1652 -
Sturges, Abigail b.1673 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sturges, Deborah b.1658 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sturges, Edward b.1600 -
Sturges, John b.1624 - England
Sturges, John b.1678 -
Sturges, Jonathan b.1651 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sturges, Joseph b.1653 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sturges, Sarah b.1663 - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sturges, Sarah b.1656 -
Sturges, Thomas b.1675 -
Sturges, Thomas b.1667 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sturges, Thomas b.1657 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Sturgess, John b.1659 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Styre, Carl Johan b.1816 - Styre, Forsemhling, Sweden
Styre, John -
Suder, -
Suder, Catherine b.1814 - Bayern
Suder, Helena Dorthea Barbara b.1808 - Bayern, Germany
Sullivan, Julia b.1857 - Woodstock, McHenry, Illinois, USA
Sullivan, Living -
Sumner, Mary Elizabeth b.1838 - McKean, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Sumner, Sarah M. b.1860 - Tennessee, USA
Sunderland, Carl Rhea b.1886 - Tennessee, United States
Sunderland, Elsie Elizabeth b.1920 - Chicago, Cooke, Illinois, United States
Sunderland, John Galbraith b.1915 - Fleming, Kentucky, United States
Sunderland, Margaret Rhea Peggy b.1923 - Chicago, Cooke Co, Illinois, United States
Sunderland, Sarah Carter b.1916 - Chicago, Cooke Co, Illinois, United States
Sunnerville, Ann b.1581 -
Susanna, b.1876 -
Sutherland, Ada May b.1871 - Michigan
Sutherland, Adolphus b.1836 - New York, USA
Sutherland, Alonzo D b.1841 - Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Alphonzo M b.1846 - Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Arick b.1801 - Dutchess, New York, USA
Sutherland, Benjamin F. b.1879 - Michigan
Sutherland, Caroline b.1849 - Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Datrus b.1834 - New York, USA
Sutherland, Earl J b.1897 - Michigan
Sutherland, Gracie b.1884 - Michigan
Sutherland, Helen Morse b.1877 - Attica, Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Henry Hubert b.1869 - Dryden, Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Isabella b.1700 - , Essex, Virginia, USA
Sutherland, Jennie R. b.1875 - Michigan
Sutherland, John William b.1765 - Rutland, Vermont, USA
Sutherland, Kathleen b.1927 - Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Living -
Sutherland, Living -
Sutherland, Living -
Sutherland, Living -
Sutherland, Living -
Sutherland, Rachel J b.1877 - Colorado
Sutherland, Robert L. b.1867 - Michigan
Sutherland, Rowena b.1870 - Michigan
Sutherland, Sarah A. b.1844 - Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Sarah Luella b.1874 - Dryden, Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Simon Bolivar b.1838 - Michigan, USA
Sutherland, Sophronia b.1828 - New York, USA
Sutherland, Thomas Jefferson b.1841 - Dryden, Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Sutlief, Olive b.1778 - Genesee, New York, United States
Sutphen, Alida b.1770 -
Sutton, Cornelius b.1750 - New Jersey, USA
Sutton, Sarah b.1782 - Shrewsbury, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Swails, Elizabeth J b.1819 - Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky, USA
Swan, Alice Maud b.1888 -
Swan, Fessenden -
Swan, Fred Augustus b.1854 - Woodstock, Oxford, Maine, USA
Swan, Inez Mildred b.1889 - Maine
Swan, Living -
Swann, Sarah Lena b.1881 - Millbrook, Ontario, Canada
Swartwout, Eva b.1694 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Swartwout, Rachael b.1669 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Swartwout, Thomas b.1660 - Wiltwick, Ulster, New York, USA
Swartz, Ed -
Swartz, Edna b.1884 - Butler County, Ohio
Swartz, Esther -
Swayne, Laura V b.1859 - Shirleysburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Swearengin, Dorothy Rosalie b.1922 - Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USA
Sweeney, James Robert b.1901 - Illinois, USA
Sweeney, John Lawrence b.1898 - Illinois, USA
Sweeney, John N. b.1867 - Illinois, USA
Sweeney, Living -
Sweeney, Living -
Sweeney, Living -
Sweeney, Mary Margaret b.1904 - Illinois, USA
Sweet, Amy m.1874 -
Swezay, Sarah Sally Ann b.1817 - New Jersey, USA
Swope, Mary Jane b.1850 - Shirley, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Syckerling, Susanna b.1566 -
Syckerling, William b.1533 -
Symens, Jannetje b.1623 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Tabele, Anna m.1794 -
Taggart, Anna May b.1877 - near Magnolia, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Taggart, Charles Joseph b.1874 - Johnson, Missouri, United States
Taggart, Grace Pearl b.1882 - Johnson, Missouri, United States
Taggart, John Larman b.1884 - Johnson, Missouri, United States
Taggart, William Calvin b.1879 - Magnolia, Johnson, Missouri, United States
Taggart, Winfield Scott b.1850 - Warren, Missouri, United States
Talbot, Blanche b.1889 - Florence, Marion, Kansas, United States
Talbot, Clyde b.1895 - Montana
Talbot, Frank Arthur b.1890 - Elk Creek, Johnson, Nebraska, United States
Talbot, Hardy Farnum b.1854 -
Talbot, Harry E b.1892 - Nebraska
Talbot, Harry George b.1892 - Elk Creek, Johnson, Nebraska, United States
Talbot, John -
Tallman, Katherine Eliot "Kittie" b.1857 - Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, United States
Tanner, Anna b.1809 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island, USA,
Tanner, Lulella -
Tappan, Jurean Teunnissen b.1634 -
Tappan, Sarah b.1689 -
Tappen, Cornelia b.1660 -
Tapping, John H. -
Tapping, Mary "Minnie" Nancy b.1859 - New Jersey
Tate, Ellen m.1883 - Vermillion, Indiana, USA
Tate, Joseph m.1939 -
Taylor, -
Taylor, Alma -
Taylor, Carrie Pearl b.1890 - Michigan, USA
Taylor, David Thomas -
Taylor, David Thomas -
Taylor, David Thomas -
Taylor, David Thomas -
Taylor, Elaine -
Taylor, Francis Joseph Robert b.1925 -
Taylor, Frank -
Taylor, Georgia J b.1879 - Texas
Taylor, Gladys Rasmussen m.1952 -
Taylor, Harriet b.1824 - Brimsfield, Glouchester, England
Taylor, Harry George b.1877 - Troy, Albany, New York, USA
Taylor, Jane b.1798 - Merton, Devon, , England
Taylor, Katherine Ann -
Taylor, Kathryn -
Taylor, Living -
Taylor, Living -
Taylor, Living -
Taylor, Living -
Taylor, Living -
Taylor, Living -
Taylor, Living -
Taylor, Living -
Taylor, Louise -
Taylor, Maria Louise b.1836 - Hornell, Steuben, New York, USA
Taylor, Martha m.1858 -
Taylor, Ruth Irene b.1917 - Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa, USA
Taylor, Sarah -
Taylor, Stephen m.1849 -
Taylor, Thomas b.1785 - Burlington, Otsego, New York, USA
Taylor, William b.1810 - Burlington, Otsego, New York, USA
Templeton, Catherine b.1885 - Woodland Park, Teller, Colorado, United States
Templeton, Donald b.1890 - Colorado
Templeton, Earl b.1887 - Woodland Park CO
Templeton, Harry b.1888 - Woodland Park, Teller, Colorado, USA
Templeton, Lorenzo Dow b.1864 - Fountain, Teller, Colorado, USA
Templeton, Prudence b.1892 - Woodland Park, Teller, Colorado, USA
Templeton, Robley b.1899 - Woodland Park, Teller, Colorado, USA
Templeton, Winfield b.1902 - Colorado, USA
Ten Broeck, Elsie m.1695 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Ten Ten Eyck, Mattys m.1679 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Tennis, Amy m.1891 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Tennis, Ida J b.1876 - Sullivan, Indiana, USA
Teodoro, Al b.1918 -
Teodoro, Living -
Teodoro, Living -
Teodoro, Living -
Teodoro, Living -
Teodoro, Living -
Teodoro, Living -
Teodoro, Living -
Terheun, Albert -
Terheun, Antje b.1706 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Terry, Ann -
Terry, Belva Mary b.1846 - , Warren, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Alida b.1738 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Ariaantjen b.1734 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Ary b.1740 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Catrina b.1730 - Accord, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Elizabeth b.1741 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Henderikus b.1726 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Isaac b.1716 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Terwilliger, Jacobus b.1748 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Jacobus b.1688 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Terwilliger, Jacobus Evertsen b.1688 - Kingston, Ulster Co., NY
Terwilliger, Jan Evertsen b.1657 - Vianen, Vianen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Terwilliger, Janneken b.1734 - Rochester, NY
Terwilliger, Jannetje b.1695 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Johannes b.1692 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, United States
Terwilliger, Jonathan b.1732 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Magdalena b.1749 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Mathias b.1698 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, United States
Terwilliger, Nathaniel b.1746 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Petrus b.1725 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Terwilliger, Solomon b.1700 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, United States
Terwilliger, Teunis b.1728 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, USA
Tevis, Rebecca b.1796 - , Madison, Kentucky, USA
Thane, George Thane -
Thane, Margaret Ann m.1954 -
Thayer, George m.1888 -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thayer, Living -
Thelps, Echols m.1929 -
Thess, Frances Katherine b.1919 - Wyoming, USA
Thess, Joseph b.1882 - Austria-Hungary
Thiel, John C b.1859 - Germany
Thiel, Kent McClure b.1914 - Dwight, Livingston Co., IL
Thiel, Living -
Thiel, Living -
Thiel, Living -
Thiessen, Leo b.1920 - Lahoma, Garfield, Oklahoma, USA
Thiessen, Living -
Thiessen, Living -
Thiessen, Living -
Thing, Mary E. b.1849 -
Thogerson, -
Thogerson, Anton -
Thogerson, Jens George -
Thogerson, Karl -
Thogerson, Nicolena -
Thomas, Basil Earl b.1894 - Oklahoma, USA
Thomas, Earline -
THOMAS, Elsie May b.1876 -
Thomas, Ferrel -
Thomas, Frances -
Thomas, Jannetje Samuels b.1625 - Zeeland, , , Netherlands
Thomas, Living -
Thomas, Living -
Thomas, Living -
Thomas, Living -
Thomas, Living -
Thomas, Living -
Thomas, Lucy Malinda b.1857 - Vermont, USA
Thomas, Martha J. b.1764 - VA
Thomas, Mona b.1927 - Drefachwales
Thomas, Zeruiah b.1725 -
Thompson, b.1622 - England
Thompson, -
Thompson, Abiah b.1763 - New York, New York, USA
Thompson, Alexander b.1782 - , Augusta, Virginia, USA
Thompson, Alexander b.1839 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Alice b.1862 - Pennsylvania, USA
Thompson, America b.1850 - Iowa, USA
Thompson, Ann b.1655 -
Thompson, Carl E m.1931 -
Thompson, Catharine b.1847 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Catherine b.1838 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Charity -
Thompson, DeWitt b.1850 - Pennsylvania, USA
Thompson, Edgar Kay b.1939 - Magnetic Springs, Union, Ohio, United States
Thompson, Editha J b.1883 - Kansas, United States
Thompson, Edwin b.1858 - Pennsylvania, USA
Thompson, Elizabeth b.1836 - , , Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Elmer Hayes b.1878 - Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, United States
Thompson, Enos b.1841 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Floy Pauline b.1920 -
Thompson, Frank b.1865 - Pennsylvania
Thompson, Gertrude b.1872 - Pennsylvania
Thompson, Gladys Mae b.1907 - Kansas
Thompson, Graham -
Thompson, Hannah b.1845 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Harry Calvin b.1906 - Hollidaysburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States
Thompson, Helen B. m.1925 - Fall River, South Dakota, USA
Thompson, Henry b.1815 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, James b.1647 -
Thompson, John b.1848 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, John m.1921 -
Thompson, John b.1645 -
Thompson, Letitia Hart b.1826 - Mercer, Kentucky
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Living -
Thompson, Mariam b.1723 -
Thompson, Mary b.1843 - , Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Mary b.1639 -
Thompson, Mary Madeline b.1911 - Hollidaysburg, Blair, Pennsylvania
Thompson, Mathew b.1823 - Pennsylvania, USA
Thompson, Mont Byron b.1876 - Pennsylvania
Thompson, Okney C. b.1894 - Wyaconda, Scotland, Missouri, USA
Thompson, Rebecca b.1849 - , , Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Rebecca b.1658 -
Thompson, Robert -
Thompson, Sara -
Thompson, Sarah b.1645 -
Thompson, Sarah E. b.1865 - Greene, Tennessee, USA
Thompson, Simon m.1643 -
Thompson, Susan -
Thompson, William b.1873 - Canada
Thompson, William Andrew b.1909 - Radnor, Delaware, Ohio, United States
Thompson, William Brady b.1916 - Pennsylvania
Thompson, William Finley b.1835 -
Thompson, William Finley b.1875 - Pennsylvania
Thomsen, Robert m.1989 -
Thomson, Anna c.1753 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Thomson, Archibald m.1760 -
Thomson, Archibald A. m.1795 -
Thomson, Emma -
Thomson, Frederick Bordine -
Thomson, George c.1753 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Thomson, Helen Maria -
Thomson, Jacob c.1757 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Thomson, Jacoba c.1763 -
Thomson, Jacobus c.1767 -
Thomson, Janitje c.1761 -
Thomson, Janitje c.1765 -
Thomson, John m.1766 -
Thomson, Pieter c.1770 -
Thoreson, Hazel W b.1905 - Soldier, Harrison County, Iowa, USA
Thoreson, Minnie b.1916 - Iowa, USA
Thornburg, Absolom b.1810 - Pennsylvania, USA
Thornburg, Benjamin A b.1855 - Iowa, USA
Thornburg, Clarence Curtis b.1884 - Madison, Iowa, USA
Thornburg, Cynthia Ann b.1852 - Iowa, USA
Thornburg, Ellen b.1842 -
Thornburg, George b.1841 - Missouri, USA
Thornburg, George Washington b.1846 - Missouri, USA
Thornburg, John C. b.1856 - Marion, Iowa, USA
Thornburg, Joseph S b.1832 - Ohio, USA
Thornburg, Lewis b.1836 -
Thornburg, Living -
Thornburg, Louisa b.1838 -
Thornburg, Lydia b.1849 - Missouri, USA
Thornburg, Marinda b.1844 - Ohio, USA
Thornburg, Rolla Monroe b.1892 - Marion, Iowa, USA
Thornburg, Ross James b.1887 - Iowa, USA
Thornburg, Sarah Elizabeth b.1851 - Pleasantville, Marion, Iowa, USA
Thornburg, William b.1834 - , Licking, Ohio, USA
Thornburgh, Alice b.1854 - Iowa, USA
Thornburgh, Charles L b.1850 -
Thornburgh, Frank b.1862 - Iowa, USA
Thornburgh, Hattie Mae b.1869 - Iowa, USA
Thornburgh, James T b.1817 - Tennessee, USA
Thornburgh, Monroe b.1859 - Iowa, USA
Thornburgh, Morton b.1866 - Iowa, USA
Thornburgh, Walter b.1871 - Pleasantville, Marion, Iowa, USA
Thornburgh, William E -
Thornbury, Margaret b.1678 - Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States
Thorngate, Aletha Ruth b.1900 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Thorngate, Charles W b.1868 - Brookfield, Linn, Missouri, USA
Thorngate, George b.1893 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Thorngate, Helen Marguerite b.1898 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Thorngate, John Harold b.1895 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Thorngate, Kathryn b.1902 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Thorngate, Living -
Thorngate, Living -
Thorngate, Marianne b.1823 - Brownville, Jefferson Co., NY
Thorngate, Mary Ethel b.1912 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Thorngate, Myra Wilametta b.1892 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, USA
Thorngate, Myro Willametta b.1892 -
Thornton, Alexander b.1828 - Indiana, USA
Thornton, Charity b.1841 - Indiana, USA
Thornton, Charles b.1839 -
Thornton, Cyrus F b.1836 - Illinois, USA
Thornton, Eli b.1848 - Indiana, USA
Thornton, Elmer Oliver b.1885 - Iowa, USA
Thornton, Florence b.1868 - Delaware, Polk, Iowa, USA
Thornton, Henry b.1831 - Illinois, USA
Thornton, Ira b.1826 - Indiana, USA
Thornton, Joshua R b.1829 - Indiana, USA
Thornton, Laura May b.1866 - , Polk, Iowa, USA
Thornton, Living -
Thornton, Living -
Thornton, Living -
Thornton, Living -
Thornton, Living -
Thornton, Living -
Thornton, Living -
Thornton, Living -
Thornton, Lucinda b.1843 - Indiana, USA
Thornton, Mary Ann b.1838 -
Thornton, Oliver Ace b.1861 - Polk, Iowa, USA
Thornton, Reason b.1833 -
Thornton, Ruth b.1834 -
Thornton, Thomas b.1804 - North Carolina, USA
Thorp, James B. -
Thorp, Jeff D b.1863 - Kentucky, USA
Thorpe, Gilbert Eugene b.1923 - Rocky Ford, Otero, Colorado, United States
Thorpe, Living -
Thorpe, Samuel C. b.1898 - Mexico, Missouri, USA
Thorton, Louisa H b.1828 - Kentucky, USA
Thrasher, Pauline b.1872 - Germany
Throckmorton, Colin -
Throckmorton, Eleanor b.1480 -
Throckmorton, Rick -
Throckmorton, Rick -
Throop, Enos Thompson b.1784 - Johnstown, Fulton, New York, USA
Throop, Evelina b.1814 -
Throop, George d.1804 - Johnstown, Fulton, New York, USA
Throop, George Bliss b.1761 - Lebanon, New London, Connecticut, USA
Throop, George Bliss b.1793 -
Throop, Isaac b.1814 -
Throop, Mary Ann b.1789 -
Throop, Mehetibel Bliss b.1786 -
Throop, William b.1814 -
Thurlow, Benjamin Silas b.1882 - Kansas
Thurlow, Delbert S b.1927 - Kansas, United States
Thurlow, Living -
Tiernan, Luke b.1757 - Boyne, , Meath, Ireland
Tiernan, Mary b.1831 - Ireland
Tilgen, Mary m.1884 - Le Mars, Plymouth, Iowa, USA
Timm, Bertha Emma b.1896 - Nebraska
Tisch, Elizabeth b.1845 - Beyrin
Tobias, John b.1765 - Bern, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA
Tobias, Mary b.1796 - Bern, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA
TOLL, Charles Hulbert b.1931 - Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles Co.
TOLL, Charles Hulbert b.1858 - Clinton, Iowa
Toll, Charles Hulbert b.1902 - California
Toll, Living -
Toll, Living -
Tolles, Rosilla Margaret m.1920 -
Tomason, Oscar Hyston b.1877 - Kentucky
Tomason, Theresa Mary b.1917 - Phillipsburg, Phillips, Kansas
Tomison, John m.1859 - Dixon, Lee, Illinois, USA
Tompkins, Deborah b.1777 - New York, USA
Tompkins, Deborah b.1777 - New York, USA
Tompkins, Oliver -
Tonneson, Fredrick b.1830 -
Tovie, Joe m.1935 - Pearl City, Pike, Illinois, USA
Townley, Amelia M. b.1858 - Glasgowshire, , England
Townsen, Maude Faye b.1898 - Hefler, , Kansas, USA
Townsend, Elizabeth b.1763 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Townsend, Girl -
Townsend, Isaac b.1768 -
Townsend, Micajah b.1699 -
Townsend, Platt b.1733 - Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, USA
Townsend, William -
Toynton, Alice M b.1900 - Billings, Christian, Missouri, USA
Toynton, Charles b.1868 - , , Wisconsin, USA
Trace, Maria b.1652 - Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Tracer, Cora Belle b.1890 - Cheshire, Lane, Oregon, USA
Tracy, Burt b.1872 - Canada
Tracy, Dorothy Lucille b.1919 - Montpelier, Vermont, USA
Tracy, John b.1633 -
Tracy, John P. b.1881 - Kentucky
Tracy, Living -
Tracy, Mary -
Tracy, Rebecca b.1624 -
Tracy, Ruth -
Tracy, Sarah d.1702 -
Tracy, Stephen -
Tracy, Stephen -
Trafford, Alice b.1536 -
Transue, George m.1921 - Easton, Buchanan, Missouri, USA
Trantham, Julia H b.1885 - Missouri, USA
Trapman, Dolores b.1936 - Oregon, USA
Traver, Adaline b.1823 -
Traver, Mary J m.1887 -
Travis, Living -
Travis, Maxine Louise b.1921 - Iowa, USA
Travis, Ralph William b.1895 - Imperial, Chase, Nebraska, USA
Travor, Christine b.1806 - New York, USA
Treece, Anna P. b.1902 - Pennsylvania, USA
Treece, David D. b.1900 - Shy Beaver, Huntingdon, Pennylvania, USA
Treece, Linnard W. b.1861 - Pennsylvania, USA
Treece, Margaret D. b.1893 - Hopewell Township, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Treece, Mary Pearle b.1898 - Eagle Foundry, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Treece, William Oscar b.1891 - Pennsylvania, USA
Trent, Eliza b.1827 - Virginia
Tribler, -
Trigger, -
Trigger, Elizabeth b.1852 - Illinois, USA
Trigger, John H. b.1849 - England
Trigger, Mary A b.1860 - Kickapoo, Peoria, Illinois, United States
Trigger, Richard N b.1861 - Illinois, USA
Trigger, Sarah b.1858 - Illinois, USA
Trigger, William b.1788 - England
Trigger, William b.1853 - Illinois, USA
Trigger, William b.1818 - Chulmleigh, Devon, England
True, -
True, Abbey Cole b.1828 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Abigail b.1722 -
True, Abigail -
True, Abigail b.1726 -
True, Abigail Delora b.1845 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Abigail Kennedy b.1878 -
True, Abner b.1741 -
True, Abraham b.1721 -
True, Alaric Roy b.1870 - Jones, Iowa, USA
True, Angeline Livonia French b.1840 - Bingham, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Ann Nye b.1841 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Anna -
True, Anna b.1733 -
True, Anna Marie Doris b.1861 -
True, Archibald McFarland b.1872 - Toledo, Tama, Iowa, USA
True, Benjamin b.1694 -
True, Benjamin b.1730 -
True, Benjamin b.1691 -
True, Benjamin b.1742 -
True, Benjamin -
True, Benjamin b.1736 -
True, Betsy b.1791 -
True, Bradbury b.1738 -
True, Captain William b.1700 -
True, Cecil Augustus b.1863 -
True, Charles Albion b.1834 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Charles Sumner b.1867 -
True, Child -
True, Clara Elizabeth b.1891 - Harmony, Chautauqua, New York, USA
True, Daniel b.1729 -
True, Daniel b.1742 -
True, David b.1850 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Dorothy b.1827 -
True, Dudley b.1737 -
True, Ebenezer b.1752 -
True, Elbridge b.1820 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Eleanor b.1740 -
True, Elijah b.1744 -
True, Eliza Jane "Jennie" b.1839 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Elizabeth b.1748 -
True, Elizabeth b.1766 -
True, Ella Matilda b.1854 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Ellizabeth b.1713 -
True, Elmer Ellsworth b.1861 - Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA
True, Elvira b.1829 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Ephriam b.1756 -
True, Ezekial b.1707 -
True, Ezekial b.1755 -
True, Ferdinand Brun b.1845 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Flora Etta b.1848 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Friedrich Wilhelm b.1874 - Germany
True, Gladys Ella b.1892 - Harmony, Chautauqua, New York, USA
True, Hannah -
True, Hannah b.1698 -
True, Hannah b.1757 -
True, Hannah b.1722 -
True, Hannah Abbott b.1817 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Hannah Elizabeth b.1838 - Kingfield, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Harriet Agusta b.1821 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Henry b.1645 -
True, Henry b.1707 -
True, Henry b.1673 -
True, Henry b.1726 -
True, Henry b.1770 -
True, Henry Williamson b.1856 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Herbert Monroe b.1863 - Iowa
True, Hermann Heinrich Dietrich b.1838 - Stehdorf, Germany
True, Israel b.1735 -
True, Israel b.1702 -
True, Israel b.1687 -
True, Jabez b.1714 -
True, Jabez b.1685 -
True, Jabez b.1764 -
True, Jabez b.1758 -
True, Jabez b.1750 -
True, Jabez b.1760 -
True, Jabez b.1682 -
True, Jacob b.1705 -
True, Jacob b.1748 -
True, Jacob b.1749 -
True, Jacob b.1725 -
True, Jacob Bradbury b.1815 -
True, James b.1759 -
True, James Kennedy b.1801 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, James L. F. b.1852 -
True, Jane b.1676 -
True, Jane b.1716 -
True, Jason Lee b.1836 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Jemima b.1720 -
True, Jemima m.1679 -
True, Jemima b.1680 -
True, Jemima b.1728 -
True, Jessie Fremont b.1865 - Anamosa, Jones, Iowa, USA
True, Johann Heinrich -
True, John b.1703 -
True, John b.1678 -
True, John b.1761 -
True, John b.1762 -
True, John b.1806 -
True, John b.1677 -
True, John -
True, John b.1737 -
True, John Gilkey b.1860 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, John Nelson b.1826 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Jonathan b.1721 -
True, Joseph b.1716 -
True, Joseph m.1675 -
True, Joseph b.1679 -
True, Joseph b.1675 -
True, Josiah -
True, Josiah -
True, Josiah -
True, Josiah Leach b.1804 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Julia Ann b.1824 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Julia Marsilla b.1852 - East Douglas, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
True, Julia Sophronia b.1842 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Kate Duncan b.1874 -
True, Kesiah b.1731 -
True, Keturah b.1724 -
True, Lieutenant William b.1670 -
True, Lillian Montana b.1864 -
True, Lionel b.1823 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Living -
True, Living -
True, Living -
True, Living -
True, Living -
True, Living -
True, Lorenzo Webster b.1825 -
True, Lydia b.1750 -
True, Lydia -
True, Maey -
True, Marilla b.1832 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Martha b.1761 -
True, Martha b.1723 -
True, Martha b.1753 -
True, Martha ("patty") b.1793 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Martha Allura b.1833 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Mary b.1708 -
True, Mary b.1755 -
True, Mary b.1668 -
True, Mary b.1757 -
True, Mary -
True, Mary b.1744 -
True, Mary b.1721 -
True, Mary b.1730 -
True, Mary b.1744 -
True, Mary b.1772 -
True, Mary b.1717 -
True, Mary "Polly" b.1795 -
True, Mary Abbie b.1852 - Freeman, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Mary Marston b.1830 - Bath, Sagadahoc, Maine, USA
True, Mary Will b.1843 - Avon, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Melville Beveridge Cox b.1838 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Mercy b.1735 -
True, Miriam -
True, Moses b.1751 -
True, Moses b.1738 -
True, Moses b.1740 -
True, Nelson Watson b.1863 -
True, Nettie b.1863 -
True, Obadiah b.1704 -
True, Octavia b.1839 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Octavia b.1828 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Paul b.1766 -
True, Pearle Isabel b.1888 - Beaver Crossing, Seward, Nebraska, USA
True, Phillip b.1835 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Reuben b.1732 -
True, Richard b.1706 -
True, Roxilana b.1812 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Roy b.1886 -
True, Ruth b.1719 -
True, Ruth b.1768 -
True, Ruth b.1683 -
True, Ruth b.1764 -
True, Ruth d.1718 -
True, Sally b.1798 -
True, Samuel b.1713 -
True, Samuel b.1728 -
True, Samuel b.1759 -
True, Samuel -
True, Samuel b.1742 -
True, Samuel b.1756 -
True, Sarah b.1767 -
True, Sarah b.1724 -
True, Sarah b.1710 -
True, Sarah -
True, Sarah b.1755 -
True, Sarah b.1745 -
True, Sarah b.1746 -
True, Sarah Catherine Duncan b.1847 - Solon, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Sarah Perlina b.1834 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Sephora Haskell b.1840 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, Sidney Merlin b.1874 - Nebraska, USA
True, Sumner b.1813 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Thomas b.1747 -
True, Thomas b.1731 -
True, Thomas b.1728 -
True, Thomas Jefferson b.1808 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Thomas Jefferson b.1844 - Concord, Somerset, Maine, USA
True, William b.1789 - Augusta, Kennebec, Maine, USA
True, William b.1731 -
True, William b.1737 -
True, William b.1765 -
True, William b.1815 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, William m.1778 -
True, William b.1760 -
True, William -
True, William Henry b.1831 - Temple, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Winthrop b.1740 -
True, Winthrop b.1710 -
True, Zebulon b.1793 - Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USA
True, Zebulon b.1765 - North Yarmouth, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Trunkett, Isabel m.1917 -
Trux, Sylvina b.1805 - Troy, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States
Tucker, Elizabeth m.1786 -
Tucker, George Lee -
Tucker, Hiram Augustus b.1854 - Naperville, Du Page, Illinois, USA
Tucker, James b.1697 -
Tucker, Joseph -
Tucker, Living -
Tucker, Mary b.1868 -
Tucker, Mary Ann b.1806 - Kentucky, USA
Tucker, Morris m.1663 -
Tucker, Silas -
Tucker, Silas A. b.1851 -
Tuller, Ellen Catherine b.1905 - Fairview, Major, Oklahoma, USA
Tunison, Hattie Mae b.1879 - Red Cedar Dunn, Wisconsin, USA
Turck, Paulus m.1660 -
Turner, Desire b.1828 - New York, USA
Turner, Eunice b.1740 - Groton, New London, Connecticut, USA
Turner, Ezekial b.1698 - New London, New London, Connecticut, United States
Turner, Frances b.1818 - New York, USA
Turner, Frederick b.1764 -
Turner, Gertrude B. b.1888 - Mukwanago, Wisconsin
Turner, Grace b.1886 - Kansas
Turner, Living -
Turner, Living -
Turner, Living -
Turner, Living -
Turner, Living -
Turner, Nathaniel b.1780 - Massachusetts (1789?)
Turney, m.1662 -
Turney, b.1478 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Agnes b.1605 - Surcott Linsdale, , , England
Turney, Alice b.1534 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Amy b.1448 - Slapton, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Ann m.1659 - Connecticut, USA
Turney, Barnard b.1530 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Barnard b.1599 - Surcott Linslade, Bucks., Eng.
Turney, Barnard b.1472 - Slapton, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Barnard b.1470 - Hollingdon, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Barnard b.1563 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Benjamin b.1645 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Turney, Benjamin b.1605 - Surcott, Linslade, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Edward m.1642 - Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Elizabeth -
Turney, Elizabeth b.1610 - Hollingdon, Bucks, England
Turney, Elizabeth b.1608 - Hollingdon, Bucks, England
Turney, Innocent b.1561 - Hollingdon, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, James b.1444 - Slapton, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, James b.1527 -
Turney, Jane c.1606 - Surcott Linslade, Bucks., England
Turney, Joan b.1567 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, John b.1499 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, John b.1468 - Slapton, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, John b.1418 -
Turney, John b.1532 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, John b.1565 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Judith b.1635 - Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Turney, Judith b.1600 - Hollingdon, Bucks, England
Turney, Judith -
Turney, Mary b.1631 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Rebecca m.1656 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Turney, Richard b.1474 - Slapton, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Robert b.1595 - Surcott Linslade, Bucks., Eng.
Turney, Robert b.1633 - England
Turney, Ruth m.1665 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Turney, Sarah b.1641 - Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Turney, Thomas b.1559 - Hollingdon, Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Thomas b.1597 - Surcott Linslade, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, Thomas b.1472 - Hollingdon, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, William b.1468 - Cheddington, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, William b.1470 - Slapton, Buckinghamshire, England
Turney, William b.1525 -
Tuttle, Edward H. b.1901 - Williams, Josephine, Oregon, USA
Tuttle, Sarah m.1753 -
Tuttle, William H. -
Twiss, Sarah L. b.1835 -
Twohig, -
Twohig, Benjamin George -
Twohig, Daisy Ruth b.1910 -
Twohig, Marion Louise b.1917 -
Tyldesley, Isabella b.1440 -
Tysens, Jannetie b.1683 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Ulrich, Anna Vredenburgh b.1856 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, August Leopold b.1791 - Jena, Saxony
Ulrich, Augusta Henrietta b.1824 - Glenham, Dutchess, New York, United States
Ulrich, Augustus Louis b.1854 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Augustus Louis b.1870 - Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Augustus Louis b.1786 - Jena, Saxony
Ulrich, Barry Stribling b.1888 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Bartow A b.1872 - Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Bartow Adolphus b.1840 - Fishkill, Duchess, New York, United States
Ulrich, Carl Robert b.1800 - Jena, Saxony
Ulrich, Carl Wilhelm b.1793 - Jena, Saxony
Ulrich, Caroline b.1784 - Jena, Saxony
Ulrich, Charles Augustus b.1835 -
Ulrich, Charles Moritz b.1903 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Charles Moritz b.1868 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Edith b.1876 - Canada (Eng)
Ulrich, Edward Riesenkampff b.1829 - Glenham, Dutchess, New York, USA
Ulrich, Edward Von Reisenkampff b.1897 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Edward Von Riesenkampff b.1861 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Frances Doremus b.1866 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Francis Stephen "Frank" b.1900 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Frederick Nicolas -
Ulrich, Gertrude b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Helen Russell b.1874 - Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Henrietta Von Riesenkampff b.1870 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Henrietta Wilhelmena b.1832 - Duchess, New York, USA
Ulrich, Johann August Heinrich b.1746 - Rudolstadt, Germany
Ulrich, Johanna Rosalie b.1815 - St. Petersburg, Russia
Ulrich, John Vredenburgh b.1859 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Katherine Louisa b.1862 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Katherine Louise b.1817 - St Petersburg, Russia
Ulrich, Lila Knox b.1888 - Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Living -
Ulrich, Louis William b.1827 -
Ulrich, Louise Rosalie b.1797 - Jena, Saxony
Ulrich, Maria Leopoldine b.1814 - PreuŸen
Ulrich, Maria Vredenburgh b.1874 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Moritz Anton b.1795 -
Ulrich, Paul b.1873 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Portia Margaret b.1889 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Russell b.1868 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Ruth b.1878 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Stanley Doremus b.1907 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Ulrich, Victoria b.1866 - Illinois, USA
Uncapher, Anna Belle b.1936 - Madison, KS
Uncapher, Billie Ray b.1929 - Kansas
Uncapher, Daniel Milton b.1891 - Ohio, USA
Uncapher, Living -
Uncapher, Living -
Uncapher, Living -
Uncapher, Lola Fern b.1916 - Kansas
Underwood, Florence Blanche b.1897 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Unger, Laverne Rose b.1913 -
Unkauf, Heinrich Augustus b.1852 - Germany
Unkauf, Henry D b.1889 - Nebraska
Unkauf, Henry G b.1890 - Illinois, USA
Unkauf, Living -
Unkauf, Minnie Caroline b.1892 - Nebraska
Unkauf, Pauline Augusta b.1895 - Missouri
unknown, -
Unkown, -
Unruh, Sybilla b.1787 - Hinterweidenthal, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Urban, Charles Lewis b.1874 - Stewartsville, Dekalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, Charlotte "Lottie" b.1859 - Ohio
Urban, Charlotte Nell b.1962 - Clovis, New Mexico, USA
Urban, Chris b.1799 - Germany
Urban, Christian Frederick "Chris" b.1868 - Pennsylvania, USA
Urban, Clyde Bynum b.1900 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, Edward George b.1876 - Missouri, USA
Urban, Elizabeth b.1861 - Pennsylvania, USA
Urban, Elizabeth A b.1862 - Ohio
Urban, Esther Pauline b.1904 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Urban, Fred Oberg b.1905 - Missouri
Urban, Frederick William b.1908 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Urban, Fredrick Wagoner b.1870 - Osborn, DeKalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, Jacob b.1830 -
Urban, Jakob -
Urban, John b.1834 - Mannheim, Mannheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
Urban, John Charles b.1937 - Urbandale, Iowa
Urban, John Franklin b.1893 - Missouri, USA
Urban, John Samuel b.1907 - Missouri
Urban, Johnny -
Urban, Karl Albert b.1943 -
Urban, Karl L. b.1893 - Stewartsville, Dekalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, Katherine "Katie" b.1866 - Nanticoke, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Urban, Kenny -
Urban, Leo Freeman b.1902 - Osborn, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Living -
Urban, Lydia Luella b.1898 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, Mary Ann b.1880 - Osborn, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, Maude Lorene b.1911 - Grenola, Elk, Kansas, USA
Urban, Ora Marie b.1894 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, Roy Rudolph b.1896 - Stewartsville, De Kalb, Missouri, USA
Urban, William Chris b.1864 - Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Usher, Doris M. b.1922 - Wyandotte, Wayne, Michigan, USA
Usher, Living -
Utz, Friederika Christina b.1862 - Germany
Uytenbogert, Gysbert b.1699 - Harlem, Westchester, New York, USA
Uytenbogert, Johannes b.1734 - New York, New York, USA
V., Lucy b.1852 - Kentucky, USA
Val, Anthony Dela b.1658 -
Val, Antje Dela b.1700 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Valdez, Living -
Valdez, Rose Marie b.1907 - Huerfano, Colorado, United States
Valentine, Mary Isabel (Bell) b.1857 - Tennessee
Van Esselsteyn, Jacobus b.1698 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Aaken, Cornelia m.1731 -
Van Aken, Abraham -
Van Aken, Ariaantje b.1769 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Aken, Joseph -
Van Alstyne, Adam b.1668 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Alstyne, Maria m.1768 -
Van Benschoten, Anthony b.1709 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Benschoten, Garret b.1704 -
Van Benshoten, Gerrit b.1682 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Benthuysen, Barent m.1699 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Bolens, Maria b.1550 - Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Van Bommel, Hendrick m.1656 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Van Boskirk, Euphemia b.1795 -
Van Boskirk, Francis b.1887 - Iowa, USA
Van Boskirk, George b.1803 -
Van Boskirk, Hannah b.1800 -
Van Boskirk, Homer C b.1856 - Iowa, USA
Van Boskirk, Homer Everett b.1918 - Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Van Boskirk, Ivan b.1854 - Iowa, USA
Van Boskirk, James b.1858 - Indiana
Van Boskirk, Joanna b.1855 - Indiana
Van Boskirk, John b.1797 -
Van Boskirk, John Robinson b.1850 - Iowa, USA
Van Boskirk, Leland David b.1920 - Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Living -
Van Boskirk, Olive b.1916 - Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Van Boskirk, Retta b.1923 - Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Van Boskirk, Richard b.1818 - Mifflinburg, Union, Pennsylvania, USA
Van Boskirk, Richard C. b.1764 - New Jersey, USA
Van Boskirk, Robert b.1852 - Iowa, USA
Van Boskirk, Robert Hayden b.1894 - Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Van Boskirk, Serrin F. b.1890 - Iowa, USA
Van Buskirk, Andrew b.1794 - Union, Pennsylvania, USA
Van Buskirk, Celeb Lincoln b.1831 - Hanover, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Van Buskirk, Daughter -
Van Buskirk, Euphemia b.1835 - Hanover, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Van Buskirk, Hannah b.1820 - Mifflinburg, Union, Pennsylvania, USA
Van Buskirk, Henry -
Van Buskirk, Hettie Marie b.1861 - Lynn, Sioux, Iowa, USA
Van Buskirk, Living -
Van Buskirk, Living -
Van Buskirk, Living -
Van Buskirk, Miles b.1828 - Hanover, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Van Buskirk, Peter Miles b.1863 -
Van Buskirk, Sarah b.1822 - Mifflinburg, Union, Pennsylvania, USA
Van Buskirk, Walter b.1826 - Hanover, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Van Cleef, Maria b.1734 - Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Van Curler, Aaron b.1749 - New York, USA
Van Curler, Diana b.1810 - NY, Salem, Washington, USA
Van DeMerken, Geesjen b.1706 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Den Burgh, Teuntje b.1695 - New York, New York, USA
Van Der Kamp, Living -
Van Der Kamp, Living -
Van Der Kamp, Living -
Van Der Kamp, Living -
Van Der Merken, Augustinus b.1690 -
Van der Mije, Kornelia b.1470 - Dordrect, Dordrect, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Van Der Veer, Hugh b.1918 - New Jersey, USA
Van Der Veer, Hugh Gaston b.1883 - New Jersey, USA
Van Der Veer, Living -
Van Der Veer, Living -
Van Der Veer, Living -
Van Der Veer, Living -
Van Der Veer, Living -
Van Dermerken, Thomas b.1643 - Holland
Van Deusen, Annetje b.1726 -
Van Deusen, Bata b.1713 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Catherina Melchiors m.1705 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Cornelia b.1709 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Cornelis Andriese b.1716 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Elysabeth b.1724 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Helena b.1711 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Isaac b.1718 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Issaac Teuwis b.1680 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Jannetje b.1768 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Johannes b.1732 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Maritje b.1720 -
Van Deusen, Marytje b.1720 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Mattheus b.1707 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Sarah b.1730 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Sarah b.1721 - New York, New York, USA
Van Deusen, Tryntie b.1722 - New York, New York, USA
Van Doren, Jeromus Vanderbilt b.1792 - South Branch, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Van Doren, Joseph b.1748 -
Van Doren, Joseph d.1845 - Illinois, USA
Van Doren, Maria Vanderbilt b.1783 - New Brunswick, Canada
Van Duesen, Isaac b.1712 -
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, b.1859 -
Van Dusen, b.1850 -
Van Dusen, b.1842 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, b.1839 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, b.1840 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, b.1835 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, b.1834 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, b.1825 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, b.1821 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, b.1817 -
Van Dusen, b.1829 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, b.1835 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, b.1830 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, -
Van Dusen, b.1853 -
Van Dusen, A. Eli b.1830 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Aaron b.1838 - Westport, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Abraham b.1755 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Dusen, Abraham b.1833 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Agnes b.1838 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Alexander b.1862 -
Van Dusen, Alice Melvina b.1882 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Allen Ellsworth b.1867 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Alva b.1866 - Streator, La Salle, Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, Alvira b.1857 - Carlisle, Lonoke, Arkansas, USA
Van Dusen, Amanda Jane b.1846 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Anna b.1863 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Annie Laura b.1869 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Arminta Melvina b.1867 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Arthur b.1856 - New York, USA
Van Dusen, Augusta b.1890 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Benjamin b.1860 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Benjamin Emanuel b.1880 - Three Oaks, Berrien, Michigan, USA
Van Dusen, Bert -
Van Dusen, Bertie Lage b.1875 - Michigan, USA
Van Dusen, Bessie b.1885 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Biddie A. b.1859 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Caleb G. b.1867 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Caroline b.1854 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Catherine b.1811 - New York, USA
Van Dusen, Catherine b.1855 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Cely Pearl b.1886 -
Van Dusen, Charles b.1877 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Charles b.1870 -
Van Dusen, Charles E. b.1880 -
Van Dusen, Charles Edgar b.1858 - Capron, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Van Dusen, Charles Trybadore b.1865 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Charles Wendell b.1899 - Hardtner, Barber, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Charley b.1878 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Clarence -
Van Dusen, Clarence Ralph b.1908 - Kiowa, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Clinton August b.1865 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Conrad b.1801 - Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, USA
Van Dusen, Cornelia b.1750 -
Van Dusen, Cornelius b.1819 - Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, USA
Van Dusen, Cornelius b.1843 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Criss b.1848 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Cynthia b.1893 -
Van Dusen, Daisy b.1880 - , Peoria, Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, Daniel b.1831 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Daniel b.1808 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Dusen, Daniel b.1856 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Daniel b.1867 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Daniel Ervin b.1856 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Daty Oral b.1896 - Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Van Dusen, David R. b.1877 -
Van Dusen, David T. b.1861 -
Van Dusen, Dean b.1928 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Dennis Foster Fredenburgh b.1835 - Westport, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Don -
Van Dusen, Drucilla b.1826 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Earl Orvin b.1896 - Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Van Dusen, Edith Irene b.1874 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Edna b.1892 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Edna Leoma b.1877 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Edna Maybell b.1879 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Edward Amenzo b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Van Dusen, Eli J. b.1848 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Elijah b.1833 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Elijah b.1834 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Eliza b.1824 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Elizabeth b.1819 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Elizabeth Syrilda b.1868 - Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, Ella b.1854 - New York, USA
Van Dusen, Ellie b.1857 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Enoch b.1826 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Enoch b.1846 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Enoch Alonzo b.1870 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Ephraim b.1836 - Iowa, USA
Van Dusen, Esther Elizabeth b.1823 - Zenas, Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Eunice b.1898 -
Van Dusen, Eunice d.1944 -
Van Dusen, Evalena b.1827 - Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, USA
Van Dusen, Fairy -
Van Dusen, Flady -
Van Dusen, Florence -
Van Dusen, Florence Estella b.1866 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Flossie b.1889 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Floyd -
Van Dusen, Francis Marion b.1858 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Frank b.1867 -
Van Dusen, Frederick b.1876 -
Van Dusen, Frederick L. b.1877 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Garrit Sharpe b.1851 - New York, USA
Van Dusen, George b.1859 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, George E. b.1877 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, George Elmer b.1893 - Kiowa, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Gertie May b.1901 - Kiowa, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Grace b.1907 - Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, Grace Sampson b.1884 - Michigan City, Clinton, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Harlen Edgar b.1874 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Harlon b.1858 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Harriet b.1855 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Harrison b.1862 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Henrietta b.1837 - Iowa, USA
Van Dusen, Henry b.1826 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Henry C. b.1882 -
Van Dusen, Henry Condin b.1889 - Michigan City, Clinton, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Henry Ephraim b.1898 - Lonoke, Arkansas, USA
Van Dusen, Henry Harrison b.1840 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Henry Harvey b.1848 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Herbert G. b.1877 -
Van Dusen, Hiram L. b.1848 - Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Hiram L. b.1885 -
Van Dusen, Homer Floyd b.1903 - Kiowa, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Hulda b.1857 - Indiana, United States
Van Dusen, Ira M. b.1862 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Irvin Mitchell b.1871 -
Van Dusen, Isaac b.1860 - Chillicothe, Peoria, Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, Isaac b.1793 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Dusen, Isadora b.1860 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, J. J. Eldridge b.1873 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Jacob b.1829 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Jacob b.1818 - Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Van Dusen, Jacob E. -
Van Dusen, Jacob E. b.1860 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, James b.1884 -
Van Dusen, James Benjamin b.1880 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Van Dusen, James Henry b.1853 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, James Morton b.1868 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, James P. b.1857 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Janetta b.1867 - Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, Jasper b.1845 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Jasper Reynolds b.1908 - , Webster, Louisiana, USA
Van Dusen, Jennie May b.1900 - Hardtner, Barber, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Jessie b.1886 -
Van Dusen, John b.1812 - New York, USA
Van Dusen, John D. b.1850 - Marion, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, John Henry b.1852 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, John Riley b.1851 - Marion, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, John W. b.1853 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Johnson C. b.1843 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Jordon b.1825 - Zenas, Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Joseph b.1829 - Westport, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Joseph -
Van Dusen, Kisiah b.1842 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Laura Jane b.1924 - Kiowa, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Lawrence Le Roy b.1900 -
Van Dusen, Leander b.1835 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Leander Carlton b.1876 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Leland -
Van Dusen, Leroy b.1884 -
Van Dusen, Leslie Clyde b.1885 - , Barber, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Lewis b.1863 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Living -
Van Dusen, Lorena b.1847 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Lorenzo Dow b.1846 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Louisa b.1848 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Lovina b.1845 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Lovina E. b.1844 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Lucy Ann b.1847 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Lusinda b.1829 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Luvina Alta b.1871 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Lydia Caroline b.1857 - Marion, Decatur, Indiana, United States
Van Dusen, Lyman b.1865 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Lytle -
Van Dusen, Mae -
Van Dusen, Mahala b.1828 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mahala E. b.1855 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mahala Elizabeth -
Van Dusen, Mahala Jane b.1870 -
Van Dusen, Margaret Ann b.1855 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Marion -
Van Dusen, Marion b.1882 -
Van Dusen, Marion E. b.1874 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Marion S. b.1870 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mark W. b.1871 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Marry Ann b.1873 -
Van Dusen, Martha b.1846 - Iowa, USA
Van Dusen, Martha Jane b.1838 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Marthy J. b.1850 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Martin Marcus b.1803 - Cobleskill, Schoharie, New York, USA
Van Dusen, Marvin b.1874 -
Van Dusen, Mary b.1855 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mary b.1860 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mary b.1828 - Iowa, USA
Van Dusen, Mary b.1840 - New York, USA
Van Dusen, Mary -
Van Dusen, Mary b.1822 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mary Ann b.1831 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mary Ann b.1864 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mary Ann b.1856 - Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, Mary Jane b.1832 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Mary N. b.1857 - Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, Marytje b.1785 - Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Dusen, Mattie Ann b.1856 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Maude b.1882 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, May b.1890 - Arkansas, USA
Van Dusen, Melissa O'Lena b.1898 - Capron, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Van Dusen, Minnie C. b.1887 - Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Minnie M. b.1881 -
Van Dusen, Mollie b.1883 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Nancy b.1855 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Nancy b.1833 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Nancy Ellen b.1878 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Naomia b.1869 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Nehemiah b.1823 - Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, USA
Van Dusen, Nehemiah b.1850 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Nehemiah b.1824 - Kentucky, USA
Van Dusen, Nellie M. b.1876 -
Van Dusen, Nona b.1904 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Nona Agnes b.1908 -
Van Dusen, Norwood b.1862 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, O. Guy b.1885 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Olive Olena b.1868 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Oliver Raymond b.1893 -
Van Dusen, Ora E. b.1888 -
Van Dusen, Orpha b.1840 - Westport, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Orren b.1849 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Orrin b.1869 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Osceola b.1877 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Paul -
Van Dusen, Perry A. b.1872 -
Van Dusen, Perry Arthur b.1872 - Marion, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Pleasant A. H. b.1860 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Polly b.1835 - Jennings, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Ralph Roland b.1906 - Kiowa, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Ramie Ezettia b.1894 - Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Van Dusen, Ray Leroy b.1890 -
Van Dusen, Rebecca b.1858 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Rebecca J. b.1847 -
Van Dusen, Reubin b.1825 - Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, USA
Van Dusen, Rhoda b.1831 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Richard Lorenzo b.1868 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Riley Alfonzo b.1872 - Winterset, Madison, Iowa, USA
Van Dusen, Robert b.1805 - New York, USA
Van Dusen, Robert b.1846 - Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Robert b.1783 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Dusen, Rolland Chester b.1896 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Roy b.1887 - Arkansas, USA
Van Dusen, S. Harvey b.1898 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Sadie -
Van Dusen, Sadie Marie b.1884 - Reed City, Osceola, Michigan, USA
Van Dusen, Sady Pearl b.1910 - Kiowa, Kansas, USA
Van Dusen, Samuel Carson b.1880 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Sarah Ann -
Van Dusen, Schuyler b.1857 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Scott b.1873 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Sherman Lee b.1862 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Sidney b.1871 -
Van Dusen, Simon b.1843 - Westport, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Solomon b.1841 - Westport, Decatur, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Stanton b.1865 - South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Stella M. b.1884 -
Van Dusen, Supina b.1870 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Susan Ann b.1882 -
Van Dusen, Susannah b.1853 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Sylvester b.1861 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Syrena May b.1884 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Thelma Irene b.1905 - Jasper, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Theodore b.1904 -
Van Dusen, Thomas J. b.1849 - Marion, Decatur, Indiana, United States
Van Dusen, Thomas J. b.1856 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Ulyses Grant b.1869 - Chase, Lake, Michigan, USA
Van Dusen, Ursula Leotta b.1871 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Vern Vivion b.1875 - Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Vernon -
Van Dusen, Warren E. b.1875 -
Van Dusen, Wayne -
Van Dusen, Wesley b.1902 -
Van Dusen, William b.1867 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, William C. b.1879 - St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, William H. b.1848 - Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, William J. b.1855 -
Van Dusen, William M. b.1910 - Illinois, USA
Van Dusen, William Ross b.1886 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, William Thomas b.1855 - New Carlisle, St Joseph, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, William W. b.1873 -
Van Dusen, Willie Horace b.1894 - Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, USA
Van Dusen, Wilmer b.1894 - Wills, La Porte, Indiana, USA
Van Dusen, Zelpha b.1852 - Indiana, USA
Van Duzen, Abram b.1787 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Duzen, Aontee b.1792 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Duzen, Clifford b.1895 - Bosier City, , Louisiana, USA
Van Duzen, Cornelia b.1789 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Duzen, Cornelia b.1781 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Duzen, Henry b.1799 - Penn Yan, Yates, New York, USA
Van Duzen, Jacob b.1796 - Penn Yan, Yates, New York, USA
Van Dyck, Dirck Fransyen b.1646 - Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Van Dyck, Pieter Dirckszen b.1684 - New York, New York, USA
Van Dyck, Richard b.1717 -
Van Dyke, Florence Louella b.1910 - Lake George, Park, Colorado, USA
Van Eaton, Christina b.1772 - , Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Van Esselsteyn, Abraham b.1703 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Esselsteyn, Batah b.1687 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Esselsteyn, Cornelis Martense b.1660 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Esselsteyn, David b.1705 - Albany, New York, USA
Van Esselsteyn, Isaac b.1692 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Esselsteyn, Johannes b.1701 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Esselsteyn, Tobias b.1690 - Albany, New York, USA
Van Esselsteyn, Willem b.1692 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Abraham c.1724 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Adriaen c.1670 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Annatje b.1760 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Etten, Antjen m.1717 -
Van Etten, Benjamin b.1730 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Catharina b.1766 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Etten, Catlyntje b.1753 - , Albany, New York, USA
Van Etten, Emmanuel c.1681 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Gessje c.1688 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Heiltie b.1679 - Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Isaac b.1764 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Etten, Jacob Jansen -
Van Etten, Jacobus b.1768 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Etten, Jacobus m.1747 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Etten, Jacobus c.1686 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Jan m.1702 -
Van Etten, Johannes b.1758 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Etten, Johannes De Hooges b.1700 - Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Petronella c.1675 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Pieter -
Van Etten, Racheltje b.1762 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Etten, Rebekka b.1755 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Etten, Sytie c.1668 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Trintje m.1700 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Etten, Willem b.1776 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Fredenburg, David b.1819 - Shepekunk, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Van Fredenburg, Henry A b.1849 - New Jersey, USA
Van Garden, Albert b.1680 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Garden, Antie b.1768 - Newburgh, Orange, New York, USA
Van Garden, Appolonia b.1712 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Garden, Elizabeth b.1736 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Garden, Gysbert b.1709 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Garden, Gysbert b.1655 - Ulster, New York, USA
Van Garden, Johannes b.1714 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Garden, John b.1737 - Minisink, Morris, New Jersey, USA
Van Garden, Johonnes c.1736 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Garden, Rachel b.1706 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Garden, Willem b.1707 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Gorden, Albert Gysbertse m.1650 -
Van Gorden, Cornelis b.1766 - Unknown
Van Gorden, Geetje b.1774 - Unknown
Van Gorden, Gonda b.1739 - Port Jervis, Orange, New York, USA
Van Gorden, Harmonas -
Van Gorden, Jacobus b.1758 - Minisink, Orange Co., NY
Van Gorden, Jacobus b.1730 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Van Gorden, Janneke -
Van Gorden, Johan b.1777 - Unknown
Van Gorden, Joshua b.1757 - Unknown
Van Gorden, Lydia b.1770 - Unknown
Van Gorden, Maria b.1771 - Unknown
Van Gorden, Sytje b.1760 - Unknown
Van Gorden, Willem b.1764 - Unknown
Van Gordon, Samuel b.1763 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Van Gordon, Stella b.1806 -
Van Gordon, William Vredenburgh b.1735 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Van Horn, Almira b.1832 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Van Horn, Alverda Hope b.1895 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa
Van Horn, B Bernard b.1804 - Virginia
Van Horn, Bernard Harrison b.1804 - Lost Creek, Harrison CO, VA
Van Horn, Calista T b.1861 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, United States
Van Horn, Clara Lorena b.1869 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Van Horn, Cora b.1887 - Iowa
Van Horn, Deniza C b.1861 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Van Horn, Edward C Jr. b.1871 - Effingham, Effingham, Illinois, United States
Van Horn, Elizabeth Altha b.1876 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Van Horn, Elsie Jessie b.1900 - Grand Junction, Mesa, Colorado, United States
Van Horn, Herbert Clarke b.1874 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Van Horn, John Black b.1832 - Clark, Ohio, USA
Van Horn, Joseph Judson b.1859 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Van Horn, Lena L. b.1873 - Iowa
Van Horn, Living -
Van Horn, Living -
Van Horn, Living -
Van Horn, Mabel C. b.1877 - Iowa
Van Horn, Naomi Ruth b.1872 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Van Horn, Sylvanus D b.1857 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Van Horn, Ulysses Sherman b.1865 - Welton, Clinton, Iowa, USA
Van Huyck, Andries m.1730 - New York, USA
Van Huyck, Andries -
Van Kampen, Elisabeth m.1711 - New York, USA
Van Kampen, Gerrit -
Van Kleeck, Elizabeth b.1679 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Kortregt, Appolonia b.1706 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Kortregt, Arien b.1709 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Kortregt, Cornelius m.1680 -
Van Kortregt, Hendrick Jansen -
Van Kortregt, Hendrik b.1704 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Kortregt, Jan Hendricksen b.1674 - Harlem, New York, New York, USA
Van Lewis, Allen m.1893 - Gilliam, Oregon, USA
Van Naamen, Samuel m.1730 -
Van Namen, Jochem Engelbertz m.1676 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Nes, Hendrick Cornelisse m.1663 -
Van Nimwegan, Janneke b.1706 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Van Oosterhout, Pieter b.1696 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Van Osdal, Harriet m.1850 - Ohio, Indiana, USA
Van Osterhout, Jan Jansen b.1632 - Oosterhout, North Brabant, Netherlands
Van Pelt, Alexander Fields b.1869 -
Van Pelt, Alexander Wouter b.1695 - New Utrecht, Kings, New York, United States
Van Pelt, Alice b.1875 -
Van Pelt, Caroline Linn b.1860 -
Van Pelt, Catharine Vredenburgh b.1866 -
Van Pelt, Elizabeth Langdon b.1869 -
Van Pelt, Elizabeth Vredenburgh b.1856 - Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA
Van Pelt, Elizabeth Wouter b.1716 -
Van Pelt, Frederick Gilbert b.1866 -
Van Pelt, Gertrude Wyckoff b.1856 - Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA
Van Pelt, Gilbert Stuphen b.1837 - New York, New York, USA
Van Pelt, Harold b.1877 -
Van Pelt, Harriet Woodward b.1864 -
Van Pelt, Helen Woodward b.1853 -
Van Pelt, Jacomyntje Wouter b.1710 -
Van Pelt, James Caldwell b.1830 - New York, New York, USA
Van Pelt, Johannis b.1717 -
Van Pelt, Johannis Wouterse b.1687 - New Utrecht, Kings, New York, United States
Van Pelt, John Reuben b.1884 -
Van Pelt, John Vredenburgh b.1834 - New York, New York, USA
Van Pelt, John Vredenburgh b.1874 - New Orleans, Jefferson, Louisiana, USA
Van Pelt, Living -
Van Pelt, Living -
Van Pelt, Living -
Van Pelt, Margaret Adaline b.1862 -
Van Pelt, Margaret Adeline b.1832 -
Van Pelt, Margaret Vredenburgh b.1878 -
Van Pelt, Margaret Vredenburgh b.1873 - Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Van Pelt, Margrietje Wouter b.1718 -
Van Pelt, Mary Karns b.1884 -
Van Pelt, Peter Wouter d.1773 -
Van Pelt, Reuben b.1803 - Six Mile Run, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Van Pelt, Reuben Henry b.1844 - New York, New York, USA
Van Pelt, Reuben Johannes b.1766 - Six Mile Run, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Van Pelt, Reuben Woodruff b.1867 - Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA
Van Pelt, Sarah Maria b.1828 -
Van Pelt, Teunis Wouter b.1690 -
Van Pelt, Walter Graham b.1884 -
Van Pelt, William Montgomery b.1839 - New York, New York, USA
Van Pelt, William Robinson Powell b.1864 - Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA
Van Pelt, Wouter Teuniz Lauren b.1648 - Tuil, Neerijnen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Van Rosenvelt, Claes Martenszen b.1623 - Tholen, Zeeland, , Netherlands
Van Sickle, Archie Arlington b.1904 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Van Sickle, Cecil K b.1907 - Nebraska, USA
Van Sickle, Edna Ethel b.1903 - Oklahoma, USA
Van Sickle, George b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Van Sickle, Gordie Monroe b.1910 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Van Sickle, Harrison E b.1888 - Iowa
Van Sickle, Hazel Roberta b.1911 - Pisgah, Harrison, IA
Van Sickle, Living -
Van Sickle, Living -
Van Sickle, Living -
Van Sickle, Living -
Van Sickle, Living -
Van Sickle, Living -
Van Sickle, Mary Patricia -
Van Sickle, Nancy Marie -
Van Sickle, Robert N b.1850 - Ohio, USA
Van Sickle, Roy Edwin b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Van Sickle, Warren Douglas b.1878 - Illinois, USA
Van Sickle, William Howard b.1883 - Rockford, Ogle, Illinois
Van Slingeland, Beatrix b.1490 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
van Slingeland, Pieter b.1468 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Van Slingelandt, Pieter b.1425 - Dordrecht, Zunderland, Netherlands
Van Tienhoven, Debora b.1695 -
Van Tienhoven, Nicholas b.1675 - , New York, New York, USA
Van Valkenburg, Abraham b.1782 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Valkenburg, Jacob b.1721 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Valkenburg, Jacobus b.1771 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Valkenburg, Louwrens b.1750 - Chatham, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Varick, Cornelia b.1688 - New York, USA
Van Varick, Cornelia m.1715 - New York, USA
Van Varick, Jan b.1650 - Rhenon, Utrecht, New, Netherlands
Van Varick, Jan Jacobsz -
Van Varick, Johanna b.1680 - NY
Van Varick, Johannes b.1701 - New York, New York, USA
Van Varick, Maria b.1697 - New York, New York, USA
Van Varick, Marinus -
Van Varick, Rudolphus b.1642 - Rhenen, Utrecht, Netherlands
Van Varick, Rudolphus -
Van Varick, William -
Van Velsen, Pieter m.1710 - Rockland, New York, USA
Van Voorhees, Albert b.1716 - Flatlands, Kings, New York, USA
Van Voorhees, Anne b.1746 - Harlingen, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Van Voorst, Hester m.1717 -
Van Vorst, Dickinson Miller b.1855 - New Jersey
Van Vorst, Emily Harramond b.1857 - Jersey City, New Jersey
Van Vorst, Eugene C b.1857 - New Jersey
Van Vorst, Johannis John b.1761 - Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Van Vorst, John b.1823 - New Jersey
Van Vorst, John b.1851 - New Jersey
Van Vorst, Mary b.1873 - New Jersey
Van Vorst, Sarah b.1861 - New Jersey
Van Vredenburch, Hugo Baron b.1524 - Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Van Vredenburch, Willam b.1550 - Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Van Vredenburch, Willem b.1579 - Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Van Vredenburg, Abraham b.1732 - Westchester, New York, USA
Van Vredenburg, Isaak b.1730 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Van Vredenburg, James b.1847 - New Jersey, USA
Van Vredenburg, Jannetje b.1728 - New York, New York, USA
Van Vredenburg, Katerine A b.1844 - New Jersey
Van Vredenburg, Nicholas b.1725 - Sing Sing, Westchester, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Annaatjen b.1742 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Annatjen b.1736 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, B. b.1525 - Holland, Netherlands
Van Vredenburgh, George Ward b.1858 - San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Hyltje b.1730 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Isaac Willemsz b.1610 - Utrecht, Netherlands
Van Vredenburgh, Isaak b.1732 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Isaak b.1733 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Jacob b.1729 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Jacobus b.1741 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Lea b.1728 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Maria b.1738 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Rachel b.1736 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Sara b.1743 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Wilhelmus b.1727 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Willem b.1696 - New York, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Willem b.1700 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Willem b.1677 - New York, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Willem b.1694 - New York, New York, USA
Van Vredenburgh, Willem Isaacsen b.1636 - The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Van Waelenburch, Maria b.1588 - Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Van Wageneen, Aard b.1719 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Aart b.1719 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Aart Jacobson c.1679 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Aert Gerritsen b.1670 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Altjie b.1729 -
Van Wagenen, Angenietje b.1764 -
Van Wagenen, Annetje c.1682 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Barent Gerritsen b.1675 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Benmjamin b.1717 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Clara b.1706 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Donald Rees b.1916 - Beaver City, Boone, Nebraska, USA
Van Wagenen, Eli b.1844 - New Paltz, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Elizabeth b.1875 - Corning, Adams, Iowa, USA
Van Wagenen, Elizabeth b.1732 -
Van Wagenen, Everet Jacobsz b.1681 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Evert c.1675 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Gerrit b.1753 - Beekman, Dutchess, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Gerrit m.1718 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Gerrit b.1691 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Gerrit b.1682 -
Van Wagenen, Gerrit b.1712 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Gerrit b.1721 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Gerrtje b.1686 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Goosen -
Van Wagenen, Helen m.1938 - Beaver City, Boone, Nebraska, USA
Van Wagenen, Hendericus b.1736 -
Van Wagenen, Hendericus -
Van Wagenen, Huybert b.1726 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Jacob c.1686 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Jacob b.1707 -
Van Wagenen, Jacob b.1706 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Jacob c.1724 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Jannetje c.1682 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Johannes b.1712 -
Van Wagenen, Johannes b.1714 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Joseph Rees b.1879 - Corning, Adams, Iowa, USA
Van Wagenen, Living -
Van Wagenen, Living -
Van Wagenen, Luella b.1867 -
Van Wagenen, Mary Eltinge b.1869 - Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Marytje b.1734 -
Van Wagenen, Marytje b.1767 -
Van Wagenen, Maud Louise b.1877 - Corning, Adams, Iowa, USA
Van Wagenen, Neeltje c.1692 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Petrus m.1760 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Petrus b.1721 -
Van Wagenen, Petrus b.1701 - New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Rebecca c.1694 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Simon c.1689 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, Teuntje b.1762 -
Van Wagenen, Teuntje b.1765 -
Van Wagenen, Willem b.1754 -
Van Wagenen, Willemeyntje b.1756 -
Van Wagenen, Willemeyntje b.1759 -
Van Wagenen, William b.1770 - New York, New York, USA
Van Wagenen, William d.1740 -
Van Wagening, Ysaac b.1703 - New York, USA
Van Wageningen, Abraham -
Van Wageningen, Benjamin b.1696 - New York, USA
Van Wageningen, Jacob Aartse b.1795 -
Van Wageningen, Jannetse b.1688 - New York, USA
Van Wageningen, Symen Jacobz b.1692 - New York, USA
Van Wageningen, Zara Jacobsz b.1701 -
Van Wie, Alida b.1787 -
Van Witbeck, Jan Thomase b.1630 - Witbeck, Schlesweig, Holstein, Netherlands
Van Witbeck, Thomas b.1630 - Witbeck, Schlesweig, Holstein, Netherlands
Van Woert, Cornelia b.1762 - Albany, , New York, USA
Van Woert, Ruth b.1687 -
Van Woert, Teunis b.1725 - Albany, , New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Cornelia b.1682 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Cornelisse b.1610 - Yesselsteyn, , Utrecht, Netherlands
Van Ysselsteyn, Geertje b.1666 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Jacobus Martens b.1677 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Jacobus Middagh b.1679 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Jannetie b.1658 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Machiel b.1672 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Marretje b.1676 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Marritje b.1671 - Claverack, Albany, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Marten Cornelise b.1634 - Ysselsteyn, Utrecht, Netherlands
Van Ysselsteyn, Neeltjen b.1733 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Van Ysselsteyn, Rachel b.1741 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
van Ysselsteyn, Teuntje b.1663 -
Van Ysselsteyn, William b.1673 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
van Ysselstyn, Cornelia b.1672 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
van Ysselstyn, Jacobus b.1674 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Vanaken, Cornelis m.1714 -
Vanaken, Lena c.1717 -
Vanaken, Pieternelia c.1715 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
VanAllen, Ruth b.1905 - Glade, Phillips, Kansas, United States
VanAuken, Elizabeth b.1840 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
VanAuken, Horatio b.1837 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
VanAuken, James B b.1848 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
VanAuken, James H b.1874 - Michigan, United States
Vanauken, Jannetje m.1759 -
VanAuken, John b.1810 - likely Sussex, New York, United States
VanAuken, Nora E b.1876 - Michigan, United States
VanAuken, Rachael b.1835 - Chemung, Tioga, New York, United States
VanAuken, Richard b.1834 - Tioga, Tioga, New York, United States
VanAuken, William E b.1843 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
VanBolens, b.1527 -
Vanbrunt, Ervin Henry -
Vanbrunt, Lillian Ann b.1906 - Combs, Madison, Arkansas, USA
VanBuskirk, David b.1825 - Deercreek, Monroe, Ohio, United States
VanBuskirk, Margaret A b.1860 - Logan, Ohio, United States
Vance, Letitia V. b.1854 - Woodford, Kentucky
Vance, William Little b.1815 - Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee
Vanderbilt, Samuel m.1888 -
Vanderbilt, Samuel -
Vanderbilt, Sarah -
Vanderhaar, Henry b.1863 - Holland
Vanderhaar, Lester R b.1918 - Iowa
Vanderhaar, Living -
Vanderhaar, Living -
Vanderhaar, Roy W b.1924 - Iowa
VanDerHaar, William Henry b.1887 - Le Mars, Plymouth, Iowa, USA
Vandervolgen, Claas Cornelise -
Vandervolgen, Elizabeth m.1706 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
VanDeursen, Philip b.1725 - New York, USA
Vandevander, Elizabeth b.1856 - Pennsylvania
Vandevander, John b.1814 - Pennslyvania, USA
Vandusen, Alfred J b.1891 -
VanDusen, Andrew Jackson b.1855 - Scipio, Jennings, Indiana, USA
Vandusen, Eva B b.1888 -
Vandusen, Guy W b.1889 -
VanDusen, Lawrence b.1891 -
VanDusen, Living -
VanDusen, Living -
VanDusen, Living -
VanDusen, Living -
VanDusen, Living -
VanDusen, Living -
VanDusen, Winfield b.1877 -
VanDyke, Florence Louella b.1910 - Lake George, Park, Colorado, United States
VanEtten, Sytie Jacobz b.1668 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
VanGarden, Aaltje b.1700 - Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States
VanGarden, Alexander b.1698 - Accord, Ulster, New York, United States
VanGarden, Christian b.1709 -
VanGarden, Gysbert b.1688 - Accord, Ulster, New York, United States
VanGarden, Hendrick b.1692 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
VanGarden, Herman b.1696 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
VanGarden, Magdelena b.1686 - Accord, Ulster, New York, United States
VanGarden, Marytjin b.1695 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
VanGarden, Peter b.1684 - Rochester, Ulster, New York, United States
VanGarden, Sara b.1703 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
VanHorn, Elsie Leota b.1905 - Nebraska, USA
VanHorn, Holdridge Chidester b.1848 - Stokes, Logan, Ohio, United States
VanHorn, Laura Blenn b.1909 - Nebraska
VanHorn, Nile Erie b.1900 - Nebraska
VanHorn, Paul Theron b.1896 - North Loup, Valley, Nebraska, United States
Vanicek, Fred J b.1869 - Bohemia
Vanicek, Living -
VanNostrand, Mellicent b.1802 - York, York, Ontario, Canada
VanPelt, Thenius Janse Lanen b.1628 - Liege, Belgium
VanRosendaal, Margaretha b.1540 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
VanSchaack, Maria b.1773 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, United States
Vansickle, Leslie R b.1911 - Nebraska, USA
Vansickle, Living -
Vansickle, Living -
Vansickle, Living -
Vansickle, Living -
Vansickle, Living -
Vansickle, Lloyd Eugene b.1919 - Supulpa, Oklahoma, United States
VanSickle, Myrtle May b.1872 - Peru, Morrow, Ohio, United States
VanSlingelandt, Hendrik b.1448 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
VanSteenhuijsen, Catrijne b.1450 - Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
VanTassel, Hendrick b.1738 - Tarrytown, Westchester, New York, United States
VanTassle, Hannah Annetje b.1744 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
VanToortven, Marije Jan b.1400 -
VanTreis, Eva b.1898 - Iowa, USA
Vanvolkingburgh, John d.1813 -
Vargo, Mary b.1873 -
Varick, Abraham b.1750 -
Varick, Abraham b.1780 - New York, USA
Varick, Abraham b.1692 - New York, New York, USA
Varick, Jacobus b.1735 -
Varick, Johannes b.1723 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Varick, John Vredenburgh b.1780 - New York, New York, USA
Varick, Julia Clinton b.1822 - Utica, Oneida, New York, USA
Varick, Maria b.1732 -
Varick, Marie Antoinette b.1816 - Utica, Oneida, New York, USA
Varick, Martina b.1722 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Varick, Richard b.1818 - Utica, Oneida, New York, USA
Varick, Richard b.1753 - New York, New York, USA
Varick, Richard b.1728 -
Varick, Sarah b.1720 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Varik, Guliam b.1725 -
Varner, Estella Alice b.1881 - Jewel, Kansas
Varner, Jerome B b.1847 - Middleton, Jefferson, Kentucky, United States
Vasher, Sarah b.1787 - New Jersey
Vaughan, Anna Briggs b.1861 - Kentucky, USA
Velden, Jacob b.1640 - Germany
Velden, Nikolaus b.1673 - Nanzweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Velten, Adella Anna b.1907 - Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, USA
Velten, Agnes L b.1906 - Barry, Missouri, USA
Velten, Albert J. b.1916 - Barry, Missouri, USA
Velten, Anna Margaret b.1897 - Missouri
Velten, Anna Maria b.1744 - Nanzweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Velten, Anthony Joseph b.1902 - Pulaskifield, Barry, Missouri, USA
Velten, Charles David b.1872 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Velten, Christian Michael b.1904 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, Cindy -
Velten, Cora Rosa b.1882 - Barry, Missouri, USA
Velten, Daniel R b.1930 - St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA
Velten, David W b.1914 - Barry, Missouri, USA
Velten, Dorothy Marie -
Velten, Edgar b.1892 - New York, USA
Velten, Edwin Frank b.1917 - Decatur, Macon, Illinois, USA
Velten, Eugene Victor b.1919 - Decatur, Macon, Illinois, USA
Velten, Francis Charles Hank b.1927 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, Frank Joseph b.1884 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, George John b.1912 - Barry, Missouri, USA
Velten, Henry Joseph b.1913 - Decatur, Macon, Illinois, USA
Velten, Ida Rose b.1877 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Velten, Jacob William b.1869 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Velten, Jacquelin -
Velten, James Lee b.1931 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, Johan Peter b.1798 - Nanzweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Velten, Johann Caspar b.1701 - Dietschweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Velten, Johann Stephan b.1739 - Nanzweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Velten, Joseph b.1868 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Velten, Joseph Frank b.1859 - Tipton, Paulding, Ohio, USA
Velten, Julius Louis b.1887 - St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA
Velten, Katherine Ann b.1878 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Velten, Katherine Mathilda b.1897 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
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Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living m.1884 -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living m.1888 -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
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Velten, Living -
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Velten, Living m.1983 -
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Velten, Living -
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Velten, Living -
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Velten, Living -
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Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Living -
Velten, Louis J. b.1918 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, Margaret b.1861 - Huron, Erie, Ohio, USA
Velten, Margrete Anne b.1908 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, Mary Elizabeth b.1858 - Huron, Erie, Ohio, USA
Velten, Mary Jo -
Velten, Michael b.1771 - Glan-Mnchweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Velten, Michael J. b.1829 - Nanzweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Velten, Otto Michael b.1907 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, Pauline J. b.1918 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, Peter Albert b.1865 - Reed, Seneca, Ohio, USA
Velten, Philip b.1954 -
Velten, Philomena "Minnie" Katherine b.1894 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Velten, Raymond O. b.1910 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velten, Robert K b.1924 - Missouri, USA
Velten, Roberta -
Velten, Wilbur Paul b.1915 - Decatur, Macon, Illinois, USA
Velten, William Joseph -
Velton, Beverly -
Velton, Charles William b.1903 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velton, Cora M b.1901 - Arizona, USA
Velton, Edward J. b.1890 - Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Velton, Frederick Joseph b.1900 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velton, John Edward b.1893 - Arizona, USA
Velton, John Herman b.1865 - Seneca, Ohio, USA
Velton, Katie M b.1895 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Living -
Velton, Michael J b.1900 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velton, Phyllis M. -
Velton, Theodore Robert b.1906 - Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USA
Velton, William Henry b.1897 - Morenci, Greenlee, Arizona, USA
Verdon, Jacob -
Verdon, Magreta Jacobs b.1627 - New Amsterdam, New York, United States
Vermilye, Maria b.1689 -
Vernooy, Cornelia -
Vernooy, Marytje b.1674 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Verplank, Catherine b.1765 -
Vestergaard, Christena b.1873 -
Vichunas, Doloros J. b.1941 - Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA
Vickers Chandler, Mary b.1828 - Lancashire, England
Vierrether, Living -
Vierrether, Living -
Vierrether, Living -
Vierrether, Living -
Vierrether, Living -
Vierrether, Living -
Vierrether, Paula -
Vierrether, Rose -
Vincent, -
Vincent, Anna Belle -
Vincent, Beulah Vernette b.1906 - Milton Junction, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Vincent, Byron -
Vincent, Charles -
Vincent, Doris Artilda Ann b.1910 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Vincent, Ezra -
Vincent, Floyd Christopher b.1879 - Milton Junction, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Vincent, George H b.1872 -
Vincent, Helen b.1901 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Vincent, Joseph G. b.1854 - Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, USA
Vincent, Lawrence -
Vincent, Norah P b.1903 - Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA
Vincent, Richard M b.1911 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Vincent, Ruth -
Vincent, Thomas Perrin b.1908 - Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Vining, Nathaniel -
Vining, Sophronia Lead b.1841 - Avon, Franklin, Maine, USA
Vinson, Smith m.1909 - Lima, Adams, Illinois, USA
Vinson, Thomas m.1589 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Visboom, Dirk -
Visboom, Engletje -
Visboom, Margarette d.1696 -
Visboom, Sarah b.1660 - , Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Visscher, Hestertje m.1699 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Vittitoe, Beverly b.1935 - St John, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vittitoe, Bruce Edward b.1898 - , Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vittitoe, Donald Lee b.1929 - St John, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vittitoe, Irene Margaret b.1924 - St John, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vittitoe, John Franklin b.1921 - St John, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vittitoe, Living -
Vogel, Lester A -
Vogel, Living -
Vogel, Living -
Vogel, Living -
Vogel, Living -
Vogel, Living -
Von Riesenkampff, Charlotta -
Von Riesenkampff, Dorothea -
Von Riesenkampff, Fredrica -
Von Riesenkampff, Henrietta b.1797 - Reval, Russia
Von Riesenkampff, Justine -
Von Riesenkampff, Justus Johann m.1775 -
Von Riesenkampff, Leopold -
Von Riesenkampff, Leopoldina d.1863 -
Von Stein, Bertine S b.1894 - Overpeck, Butler, Ohio
Von Stein, Charles b.1865 - Ohio, USA
Von Stein, Paul Andrew b.1896 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA
Von Stein, Virgile b.1899 - Ohio, USA
Von Wasmer, Alexander H b.1868 - Nebraska
Von Wasmer, Antoinette Marie b.1866 - Fort McPherson, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Von Wasmer, Octavia Dorothea b.1874 - Grand Island, Nebraska
Von Wasmer, William Henry b.1837 - Holstein, Germany
Vonstein, Effa "Iva" P b.1902 - Ohio, USA
Vonstein, Living -
Vonstein, Living -
Vonstein, Living -
Vonstein, Living -
Vorce, Arthur b.1870 - Wisconsin
Vorce, Living -
Vorce, Mary b.1877 - Iowa
Vorce, Reanietta b.1899 - Nebraska
Vradenburg, Adna b.1819 - Milton, Ulster, New York, United States
Vradenburg, Bradley Stratton b.1825 - New York, United States
Vradenburg, Christopher b.1812 - Batavia, Genesee, New York, United States
Vradenburg, Clara Ann b.1864 - Wyocena, Columbia Co, WI
Vradenburg, Eliza b.1811 - New York, United States
Vradenburg, Eunice b.1808 - Ulster, New York, United States
Vradenburg, Eunice Jane b.1853 - Wyocena, WI
Vradenburg, Ichabod b.1815 - New York, United States
Vradenburg, James E b.1858 - Wisconsin
Vradenburg, Luther C. b.1821 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Vradenburg, Luther Ingram b.1851 - Wyocena, Columbia, WI
Vradenburg, Nathan A b.1806 - United States
Vradenburg, Nathan John b.1860 - Wyocena, Columbia, WI
Vradenburg, Stratton b.1804 - New York, United States
Vradenburg, Sybil b.1817 - Milton, Ulster, New York, United States
Vradenburg, William b.1800 - New York, United States
Vradenburg, William Thomas b.1855 - Columbia Cty, WI
Vredenburg, -
Vredenburg, Abraham c.1787 - West Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Abram b.1782 - Highland, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Absalom b.1802 - Shepekunk, , New Jersey, USA
Vredenburg, Albert C. b.1901 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, Albert Clark b.1846 - Ingham, Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, Alexander Renssler b.1852 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Alfred b.1851 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Alfred b.1903 - Van Etten, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Alfred b.1855 - Centerville, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Alice b.1855 - Centerville, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Allen Eugene b.1925 - Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Allen Eugene b.1889 - Ida Grove, Ida, Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Arden b.1848 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Betty Mildred b.1921 - Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States
Vredenburg, Carrie b.1861 - Centerville, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Carrol Ann -
Vredenburg, Carson D b.1855 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, Catharine b.1870 - Ohio
Vredenburg, Charles b.1846 - Woodhull, Steuben, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Charles b.1849 - New Paltz, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Charles Byron b.1870 - Van Etten, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Charles R b.1830 - Tioga, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Chloe A b.1841 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Christophel b.1793 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Clara b.1892 - Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Claude Dewitt b.1896 - Van Etten, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Claude Wayne b.1925 - Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States
Vredenburg, Dale M. b.1903 - Shepherd, Isabella, Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, David James b.1851 -
Vredenburg, David Milton b.1884 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Donald Amos b.1954 -
Vredenburg, Donald Arthur b.1915 - Iowa
Vredenburg, Dwight Charles b.1914 - Lamoni, Decatur, Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Elizabeth b.1836 - Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Elizabeth b.1840 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Elizabeth b.1810 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Elizabeth I b.1841 - Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Ella D. -
Vredenburg, Emmaleta b.1804 - Tioga, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Evan Chase b.1891 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Evan Clayton b.1922 - Lamoni, Decatur, Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, F. R. b.1870 - Van, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Fannie M. b.1879 - Isabella, Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, Fannie R. b.1877 - Isabella, Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, Flora Grace b.1877 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Frank A b.1884 - Isabella, Isabella, Michigan, United States
Vredenburg, Franklin b.1841 - Erin, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Freddie b.1874 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, Garrett b.1786 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, George H b.1843 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, George H. b.1868 - Isabella, Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, George W b.1810 - Erin, Tioga, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Hernando I b.1808 - , Chemung, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Horace b.1823 - Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Inez Mildred b.1901 - Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Ira Sanford b.1845 - Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, James b.1857 - Chemung County, New York
Vredenburg, James b.1853 - New Paltz, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, James b.1780 - Westchester, New York, USA
Vredenburg, James b.1821 -
Vredenburg, James A. b.1859 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, James W b.1850 - Woodhull, Steuben, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Jane b.1788 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, Jennette b.1865 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, Jennie Charity b.1865 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, John Rev. b.1819 - New Paltz, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, John D. b.1855 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, John Fletcher b.1860 - Centerville, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, John William b.1858 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Joseph b.1862 - Centerville, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Joseph B b.1812 - Erin, Chemung, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Joseph J. b.1806 - Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Joseph J. -
Vredenburg, Josephine b.1855 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, Laurinda b.1858 - Centerville, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Living -
Vredenburg, Louisa b.1847 - New Paltz, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Mabel R b.1892 - Indiana
Vredenburg, Mary -
Vredenburg, Mary -
Vredenburg, Mary A. b.1877 - Isabella, Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, Mary E b.1859 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Mary Elizabeth b.1850 - New Paltz, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Mary Jane b.1846 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Mattie E b.1880 - Linn, Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Mildred -
Vredenburg, Mildred I b.1902 - Van, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Milton Putnam b.1911 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburg, Minnie b.1854 - Centerville, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Orville E. b.1879 - Illinois, USA
Vredenburg, Perry Hampton b.1872 - Isabella, Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, Phoebe b.1856 - Centerville, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Phoebe -
Vredenburg, Phoebe b.1790 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, Richard Dean d.2010 -
Vredenburg, Sarah b.1841 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Sarah J b.1852 - Woodhull, Steuben, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Sidney L b.1853 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Sophronia Delia b.1857 - Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Stella b.1864 - Cold Spring, Putnam, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Stephen b.1835 - Lloyd, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Susan b.1838 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, Susan Ann b.1941 - Trenton, Grundy, Missouri, USA
Vredenburg, Susan M. -
Vredenburg, Thomas b.1794 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburg, Vesta M b.1850 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Violet I b.1899 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, Vivian Martha b.1907 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburg, Waldo S b.1874 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, Walter Harry b.1894 - Van, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, William b.1857 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, William b.1829 - Tioga, New York, United States
Vredenburg, William b.1784 - New York, USA
Vredenburg, William F b.1841 - Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States
Vredenburg, William W. b.1858 - Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, -
Vredenburgh, -
Vredenburgh, Aaron b.1709 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Aaron b.1760 -
Vredenburgh, Abbie Canfield b.1868 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Abner Mark b.1876 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham b.1682 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham b.1708 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham b.1716 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham b.1716 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham c.1759 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham b.1711 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham b.1738 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham c.1737 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Abraham John b.1808 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Agnes Remsen b.1877 - New Jersey
Vredenburgh, Agnes Remsen b.1917 - Colorado
Vredenburgh, Alexander b.1846 -
Vredenburgh, Alfred Earl b.1885 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Alletta Sutphen b.1821 -
Vredenburgh, Alta Marie b.1921 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Amelia Lippincott b.1871 - New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Amos Henry b.1868 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Amy Margaret b.1896 - Moorhead, Monona, IA
Vredenburgh, Angenietje b.1732 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Ann b.1810 - Gallatinville, Columbia, New York, United States
Vredenburgh, Ann b.1800 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Anna b.1838 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Anna c.1772 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Anna Eliza b.1850 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Anna Elizabeth b.1873 - Curran, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Anna Matilda b.1823 -
Vredenburgh, Annatje b.1724 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Annatje b.1794 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Annatje b.1707 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Annatje b.1725 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Annatje b.1741 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Anne b.1809 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Annetje b.1673 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Annetje b.1701 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Annie Bloomfield b.1839 -
Vredenburgh, Antonett b.1862 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburgh, Apollonia b.1706 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Apollonia b.1706 - Albany, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Apolonia b.1699 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Archie S. b.1889 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburgh, Ariaentie b.1675 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Ariantje b.1707 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Barent b.1798 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1767 - , Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1789 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1759 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1797 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1809 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1769 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1720 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1740 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Benjamin b.1791 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Bertha Pearl b.1886 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Blandina b.1738 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Blandina Elmendorf b.1858 -
Vredenburgh, Byron L. b.1878 - Linn, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Caroline May b.1848 - Dixon, Lee, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Caroline Molessy b.1878 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Carrie b.1870 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburgh, Carrie b.1869 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburgh, Catelyntje b.1761 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Catharina b.1748 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Catharina b.1745 - Machackemeck, Orange, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Catharina b.1774 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Catharina b.1740 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Catharina b.1738 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Catharine -
Vredenburgh, Catharine Veghte b.1819 - Raritan, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Catheriane b.1803 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Catherine b.1822 - Sandyston, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Catherine Anne -
Vredenburgh, Cathern b.1874 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Cathrina b.1774 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cathrina b.1749 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cathrina b.1756 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Catrina b.1764 -
Vredenburgh, Cattarina b.1743 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Caty b.1787 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Charles b.1832 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Charles A. b.1844 - Pennsylvania, USA
Vredenburgh, Charles Bernley b.1919 - Pisgah, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Charles Eldridge b.1901 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Charlotte b.1826 - Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Christina b.1797 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Christina b.1730 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Christina b.1730 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Christina b.1737 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Clara b.1743 -
Vredenburgh, Clarke b.1843 - Pennsylvania, USA
Vredenburgh, Clifford Wayne b.1902 - Blencoe, Monona, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Cora M b.1892 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1763 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1667 - New Amsterdam, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1746 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1793 -
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1754 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1795 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1783 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1723 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Cornelia b.1714 -
Vredenburgh, Cornelia Beekman b.1838 - Raritan, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Cory Irene b.1880 - Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Daniel b.1763 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Darrell W. b.1914 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, David b.1806 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, David b.1810 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, David b.1779 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Della Esther b.1928 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Donald Allen b.1922 - Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Dwight Francis b.1919 - Blencoe, Monona, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Edna May b.1880 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Edward E. b.1874 - Jackson, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Edward Rosier b.1808 - Skaneateles, Onondaga, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Edward William b.1887 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Eldon D b.1915 - Idaho
Vredenburgh, Eldon David b.1911 - Idaho, USA
Vredenburgh, Eleanor b.1839 - Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Eleanor Remsen b.1894 - Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Elias b.1834 - Savannah, Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elias b.1782 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elias b.1754 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elijah b.1851 -
Vredenburgh, Elisabeth b.1772 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elisabeth b.1680 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Eliza b.1790 -
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1736 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1718 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1711 -
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1792 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1798 - Shepekunk, , New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1727 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1715 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1710 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth b.1846 -
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth Lawrence b.1877 -
Vredenburgh, Elizabeth Nevius b.1810 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Ella b.1866 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburgh, Elsie b.1759 -
Vredenburgh, Elsie M. b.1883 - Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Elvin Albie b.1927 - Jackson, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Emery Glen b.1900 - Jackson, Harrison, Iowa, United States
Vredenburgh, Emma G. b.1855 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Eugene H. b.1890 - Freehold, New Jersey
Vredenburgh, Eunice L. b.1882 - Woodbury, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Eva b.1767 - NY, , New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Eva b.1726 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Eva b.1732 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Eva Lois b.1910 -
Vredenburgh, Evelina b.1795 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Evelyn L. b.1867 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Frances Doremus b.1835 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Francis b.1870 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Frank b.1882 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Frank b.1835 - Pennsylvania, USA
Vredenburgh, Frederick b.1795 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Geesje b.1790 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Geesje b.1751 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Geesje b.1779 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, George b.1798 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, George H b.1864 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, George W b.1822 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Gerrit b.1766 -
Vredenburgh, Gideon b.1783 - Linlithgo, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Gideon b.1749 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Girl b.1780 -
Vredenburgh, Glorana b.1816 - Shepekunk, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Gracie Fern b.1901 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Hanna b.1744 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Hannah b.1801 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Hannah Annatje b.1767 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Hannah Smith b.1801 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Harold Wiliston b.1911 - Shoshone, Lincoln, Idaho, USA
Vredenburgh, Harriet M. b.1884 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Harriet Van Wyck b.1807 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Harry E. b.1876 - Linn, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Harvey b.1888 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Helen Anjean b.1882 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Helen Wycoff b.1812 - Raritan, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Heletje b.1777 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Hendrick b.1796 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Hendrick b.1791 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Henry b.1797 - Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Henry b.1833 - Pennsylvania, USA
Vredenburgh, Hezekiah b.1776 - Shepekunk, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Hilletje b.1798 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Irvin Harold b.1919 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaac b.1772 - Gallatin, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaac b.1712 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaac b.1703 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaac b.1786 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaac b.1768 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaac b.1724 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaac b.1762 -
Vredenburgh, Isaac b.1718 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaacq b.1665 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaak b.1741 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Isaak c.1750 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Issac Jacobsen b.1786 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jacob b.1759 - Livingston Manor, Sullivan, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jacob b.1740 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jacob -
Vredenburgh, Jacob b.1751 -
Vredenburgh, Jacobus b.1757 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jacobus b.1703 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jacobus c.1757 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, James b.1808 - Penn Yan, Yates, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, James Brinkerhoff b.1880 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, James Brinkerhoff b.1844 - Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, James Brinkerhoff b.1908 - Virginia, USA
Vredenburgh, James Monroe b.1878 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Jane b.1771 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Janetje b.1769 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Janettje b.1684 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannatje b.1735 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannatje b.1742 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannatje b.1745 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannetje b.1736 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannetje b.1717 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannetje c.1769 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannetje b.1732 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannetje b.1723 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannetje b.1727 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannetje b.1724 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jannietie b.1746 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jean Franois "John Francis" Vacher b.1929 - Lucbardez, Landes, France
Vredenburgh, Jefferson b.1882 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Jennie b.1866 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Jeremias c.1769 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Jeremias -
Vredenburgh, Jesse Seelye b.1880 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Jessie Clarice b.1902 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Joannis b.1792 - Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johanneke b.1748 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1697 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1740 - Red Hook, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1701 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1714 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1740 - Red Hook, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1671 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1732 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1738 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1728 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannes b.1752 -
Vredenburgh, Johannis b.1778 - Tappan, Rockland, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannis b.1764 -
Vredenburgh, Johannis S. c.1759 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Johannis William b.1730 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, John b.1801 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, John b.1790 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, John b.1796 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, John b.1770 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, John b.1771 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, John b.1792 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, John Culloden b.1915 - Montana, USA
Vredenburgh, John Doremus b.1839 - Curran, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, John Finlay b.1817 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, John Henry b.1866 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, John S. b.1831 - Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA
Vredenburgh, John Schuerman b.1844 - Springfield, Sangamon Co, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, John Schureman b.1871 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, John Schureman REV. b.1776 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, John Schureman b.1809 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, John Van Vorst b.1882 - Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, John Varick b.1802 - Jamaica, Queens, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, John Varick b.1831 - Ohio
Vredenburgh, Joost b.1698 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Joseph Charles b.1871 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Joseph Van Doren b.1813 -
Vredenburgh, Joseph Van Doren b.1807 - Readington, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Joshua b.1773 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Kate V. b.1836 - Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA
Vredenburgh, Katharine Remsen b.1917 - Montana, USA
Vredenburgh, Katherine Mary -
Vredenburgh, Kenneth Frances b.1919 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Kristina b.1706 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, La Rue b.1855 - New Jersey
Vredenburgh, La Rue Perrine b.1818 - New Jersey
Vredenburgh, Larue b.1882 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Larue b.1855 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Larue b.1846 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Larue K. b.1913 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Lattie b.1803 - West Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Lena b.1793 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Lennie b.1870 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Lester A. b.1889 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living m.1967 - Moorhead, Monona, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living m.1953 -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living m.1944 -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Living -
Vredenburgh, Lois b.1895 - Soldier Valley, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Lomanch b.1809 - Shepekunk, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Lucinda M. b.1828 - Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Lucy b.1869 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Lydia b.1743 - , Orange, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Mahaley b.1799 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Margaret m.1833 - Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Vredenburgh, Margaret b.1812 - Columbia, New York, United States
Vredenburgh, Margaret Scholes b.1908 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Margaret Schureman b.1802 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Margaret Schureman b.1852 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Margaret Schureman b.1816 -
Vredenburgh, Margrietje b.1709 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Maria b.1803 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Maria b.1702 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Maria b.1741 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Maria b.1780 - Tappan, New York
Vredenburgh, Maria b.1853 -
Vredenburgh, Maria c.1767 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Maria b.1739 - Kingstown, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Maria Caldwell b.1804 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Maria Hubbard b.1785 -
Vredenburgh, Maria Van Doren b.1833 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Maria Van Doren b.1843 -
Vredenburgh, Mark Roger b.1876 - River Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Martinus b.1794 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Mary b.1826 - Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA
Vredenburgh, Mary b.1838 - Pennsylvania, USA
Vredenburgh, Mary Conkling b.1812 - Shepekunk, Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Mary Elizabeth b.1826 -
Vredenburgh, Mary Elmendorf b.1845 -
Vredenburgh, Mary Jane b.1830 - Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Mary Jane b.1844 - Pennsylvania, USA
Vredenburgh, Marya -
Vredenburgh, Marytje b.1669 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Marytje b.1764 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Matheus b.1747 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Matthew b.1722 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Matthias b.1739 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Max Montague b.1893 - Moorhead, Monona, IA
Vredenburgh, Maxine b.1911 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Mayke b.1734 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Merlyn Cassie b.1903 - Shoshone, Idaho, USA
Vredenburgh, Michael S. b.1932 -
Vredenburgh, Nellie b.1874 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburgh, Nellie b.1863 - Michigan, USA
Vredenburgh, Nelly b.1741 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Nettie Grace b.1872 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Nimrod b.1876 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Norman Eugene b.1874 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Olive Amy b.1867 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Orlin Ralph b.1912 - Iowa
Vredenburgh, Orville E. "Orvey" b.1893 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Oscar b.1890 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Parmelia b.1808 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1926 - Vredenburgh, Monroe, Alabama, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1904 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1812 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1804 - Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1879 - Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1869 - Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1778 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1876 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1910 - Winchester, Frederick, Virginia, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1837 - Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1805 - Readington, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1805 - Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1837 - Curran, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1790 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1787 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1849 -
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1841 -
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1773 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter b.1798 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Peter Delafoy b.1782 - Tappan, New York
Vredenburgh, Peter Samuel b.1850 -
Vredenburgh, Petronella b.1711 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Petrus b.1718 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Petrus b.1785 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Petrus b.1755 -
Vredenburgh, Petrus c.1749 - Red Hook, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Petrus Benedict b.1721 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Petrus Benedict b.1745 - New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Phebe Catherine b.1808 - Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Philipina b.1787 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Rachel -
Vredenburgh, Rachel b.1687 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Rachel b.1750 - Oswego Fall, Oswego, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Ray Samuel b.1931 - Orson, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Raymond Tapping b.1882 - Chicago, Illinois
Vredenburgh, Rebecca b.1776 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Rebecca b.1785 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Rebecca b.1769 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Rebekka b.1733 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Rebekka -
Vredenburgh, Renier b.1741 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Rex Deward b.1894 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Rex Oscar b.1926 - Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Reynolds Wallace b.1888 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Richard Van b.1878 - Memphis, Tennessee
Vredenburgh, Richard Varick b.1837 - Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA
Vredenburgh, Robert Ogden b.1880 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Robert Warren b.1929 - Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, USA
Vredenburgh, Roelif b.1789 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Roger E. b.1955 -
Vredenburgh, Ruby Fern b.1918 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Ruth -
Vredenburgh, Ruth Alice b.1888 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Ruth Ann b.1841 - Wayne, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Sally K b.1909 - Camden County, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Samuel b.1720 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Samuel b.1799 - Copake, Columbia, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Sarah b.1797 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Sarah A. b.1869 - Iowa
Vredenburgh, Sarah Almena "Mena" b.1865 - Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Sarah Van Doren b.1811 - Millstone, Mercer, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, Sarah Van Neste b.1815 -
Vredenburgh, Sellers H. b.1897 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Tamara Falder b.1963 -
Vredenburgh, Teuntje b.1756 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Thomas b.1784 -
Vredenburgh, Thomas Doremus b.1841 - Curran, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Thomas Doremus b.1878 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Thomas Doremus b.1902 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Thomas W. -
Vredenburgh, Vera Mae b.1914 - Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Viola Ruth b.1919 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Virginia Cabell b.1918 - Virginia, USA
Vredenburgh, Warren Ogden b.1900 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, Wilbert Glen b.1913 - Oklahoma, USA
Vredenburgh, Wilhelmus b.1733 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willem b.1743 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willem b.1704 - Rockland, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willem b.1721 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willem b.1734 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willem b.1747 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willem b.1752 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willem b.1758 -
Vredenburgh, Willem b.1758 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willem John b.1760 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willemeyntje b.1737 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willemyntje b.1762 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, Willemyntje b.1761 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, William b.1782 - Rhinebeck Flats, Dutches Co., New York
Vredenburgh, William b.1754 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, William b.1798 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, William b.1851 -
Vredenburgh, William David b.1872 - Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, William David b.1735 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, William Henry b.1844 - Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, William Henry b.1840 - Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, William Henry b.1884 - New Jersey, USA
Vredenburgh, William Henry b.1884 -
Vredenburgh, William Leroy b.1898 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, William Reynolds b.1867 - Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Vredenburgh, William Townsend b.1798 - New York, New York, USA
Vredenburgh, William Townsend b.1856 - San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USA
Vredenburgh, William Townsend b.1830 - New York, USA
Vredenburgh, William Vane b.1939 - San Pedro, Los Angeles, California, USA
Vredenburgh, Winifred Louise b.1916 - Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA
Vredenburgh, Zora Edna b.1914 - Iowa, USA
Wacheldorf, Leonard Emil b.1924 -
Waddle, Nancy b.1878 - Kentucky, USA
Wade, Alonzo Edward b.1883 - North English, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Wade, Alonzo Edward b.1852 - Knox County, Illinois
Wade, Betty Jane -
Wade, Cora b.1884 - Iowa
Wade, David b.1857 - Iowa, USA
Wade, David Earl b.1897 - North English, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Wade, Dudley b.1806 - Paris, Oneida, New York, USA
Wade, Eddie b.1892 - Iowa
Wade, Emily -
Wade, Ensign -
Wade, Fannie Adel b.1880 - Green Valley, IA
Wade, Francis b.1817 - , Prince Edward, Virginia, USA
Wade, Francis b.1844 - Illinois, USA
Wade, Frank -
Wade, Helen b.1849 - Illinois, USA
Wade, Henry Marion b.1853 - , Stark, Illinois, USA
Wade, Ida Levine b.1878 - North English, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Wade, Imogene -
Wade, James b.1848 - Illinois, USA
Wade, Jeanette b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Wade, Joseph -
Wade, Lillian Elizabeth b.1896 - North English, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Wade, Living -
Wade, Living -
Wade, Living -
Wade, Living -
Wade, Lusha Dora b.1888 - North English, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Wade, Mary -
Wade, Mary Ellen b.1882 - North English, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Wade, Nella b.1859 - Iowa, USA
Wade, Pearl b.1889 - North English, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Wade, Susan -
Wade, William -
Wade, William Francis b.1879 - North English, Iowa, Iowa, USA
Wade, William R b.1846 - Illinois, USA
Wagenen, Annetje Wan b.1678 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Wagner, -
Wagner, Living -
Wagner, Living -
Wagner, Living -
Wagner, Martin -
Wagner, Mary E b.1866 - Ohio, USA
Wait, Asenith Lucina b.1799 - Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, USA
Wakefield, Living -
Wakefield, Living -
Wakefield, Living -
Wakefield, Living -
Waldorf, Electa b.1816 - Brookfield, Noble, Ohio, USA
Waldron, Annetie m.1678 - New York, New York, USA
Waldron, Joseph b.1674 - New York, New York, USA
Waldron, Sarah b.1701 - New York, New York, USA
Walker, -
Walker, Aaron -
Walker, Alonzo Parks b.1834 - Tioga, New York, USA
Walker, Ann Matilda b.1875 - Solon, Johnson Co., Iowa
Walker, Charles True b.1861 - New York, USA
Walker, Cora b.1862 - Embden, Somerset, Maine, USA
Walker, Eben Jones -
Walker, Eli C. b.1818 - Embden, Somerset, Maine, USA
Walker, Eli C. -
Walker, Ellen M. b.1857 - Embden, Somerset, Maine, USA
Walker, Ethel Mary b.1873 - Bethel, Oxford, Maine, USA
Walker, George A. b.1868 - Iowa
Walker, Iva Frances b.1866 - Iowa
Walker, Jessie K. b.1869 - Iowa
Walker, Living -
Walker, Living -
Walker, Living -
Walker, Living -
Walker, Living -
Walker, Lola M b.1884 - Illinois, USA
Walker, Mabel J. b.1886 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Walker, Mahlon Speer b.1888 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Walker, Martha E. b.1871 - Iowa
Walker, Myrta Adelia b.1862 - New York, USA
Walker, Robert C b.1902 - Colorado
Walker, Samuel -
Walker, Samuel S. b.1865 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Walker, Seth -
Walker, Victoria -
Walker, Viola Francis b.1869 - New Portland, Somerset, Maine, USA
Walker, William J b.1854 - Tennessee
Walker, William Stevenson b.1906 - Durango, La Plata, Colorado, USA
Wallace, Gerald L. b.1910 - Deer Creek, Carroll, Indiana, USA
Wallace, Golda May b.1885 - Wisconsin
Wallace, Living -
Wallace, Living -
Waller, -
Waller, Anna Elizabeth b.1877 - Missouri
Waller, Edna M b.1887 - Kansas
Waller, John D. b.1883 - Missouri
Waller, Living -
Waller, Living -
Waller, Living -
Wallin, Living -
Wallin, Living -
Wallin, Living -
Wallin, Living -
Wallin, Living -
Wallis, Howard Stanley b.1920 - Stanislaus, California
Wallis, Leslie Hugh b.1897 - Modesto, Stanislaus, California, USA
Wallis, Living -
Wallis, Living -
Wallis, Living -
Wallis, Living -
Wallis, Living -
Wallis, Living -
Wallis, Living -
Wallis, Living -
Wallis, Living -
Walter, Anna Catharina b.1694 - Cape, South Africa
Walters, Alfred Neal b.1858 - Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Walters, Arthur J. b.1878 - Illinois, USA
Walters, John William b.1854 - Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Walters, Living -
Walters, Lydia Fanny b.1860 - Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Walters, Mabel -
Walters, Mary A b.1856 - Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Walters, Rose Rebecca b.1864 - Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Walters, Sarah A. b.1879 - Illinois, USA
Walters, Sarah Annie -
Walters, William b.1828 - Mayfield, Staffordshire, England
Walters, Zinna A b.1875 - Illinois, USA
Waples, Living -
Waples, Living -
Waples, Virgil m.1954 -
Ward, Alice Myrtle b.1875 - Henrietta, Clay, Texas, United States
Ward, Carolee -
Ward, Clyde Q b.1887 - Kansas
Ward, Everitt R. b.1845 - Ohio, USA
Ward, Frederick S b.1885 - Kansas
Ward, Ira I b.1881 - Kansas
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Living -
Ward, Lucy b.1877 - Kansas
Ward, Lyle M -
Ward, Marjorie Oma b.1918 - Kansas, USA
Ward, Maud E b.1879 - Kansas, USA
Ward, Richard Sir b.1577 -
Ward, Roy b.1883 - Kansas
Ward, Royal Leroy b.1847 - Lawrenceville, St Lawrence, New York, USA
Ward, Val Entine b.1889 - Cedar Vale, Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Ward, Webb C. b.1888 - Kansas
Ward, Willa Pearl b.1913 - Cedar Vale, Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Wardell, Abraham b.1816 - South Grimsby Twp, Lincoln, Ontario, Canada
Wardell, Mary Jane b.1840 - Ontario, Canada
Wardell, Stanley b.1898 -
Wardlaw, Andrew d.1578 -
Wardlaw, Elizabeth b.1562 - Scotland
Ware, Mary F b.1833 - Virginia, USA
Ware, Myrtle Margurite -
Warner, Benjamin Franklin b.1873 - Paris, Edgar, Illinois, USA
Warner, Emily Ann b.1847 - New York, USA
Warner, Iva Blanche b.1900 - Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, USA
Warner, Job b.1782 - Vermont
Warner, John H b.1824 - New York, USA
Warner, Nancy Henrietta b.1812 - Vermont, USA
Warner, Permelia Abigail b.1852 - Brigham, Chautauqua, New York, USA
Warren, Ada Lee b.1891 -
Warren, Alice M. b.1889 - Colorado, USA
Warren, Arthur Stanley b.1854 - Ottowa, La Salle, Illinois, USA
Warren, Henry E. b.1891 - Colorado, USA
Warren, James Webb b.1916 - Gretna, Sarpy Co., NE
Warren, Living -
Warren, Living -
Warren, Living -
Warren, Living -
Warren, Living -
Warren, Living -
Warren, Living -
Warren, Living -
Warren, Lizzie L b.1881 - Colorado
Warren, Mehitable -
Warren, Minnie b.1877 - Missouri
Warren, Wm H b.1858 - New York, USA
Washburn, Charles b.1870 - Missouri
Wasmer, William b.1871 - Nebraska
Waters, Barney Olfield b.1922 - Oklahoma, USA
Waters, Charles Earnest Nathaniel b.1872 - Springfield, Greene, MO, USA
Waters, Charles Ernest N. b.1909 - Kansas
Waters, Female Twin To Charles b.1909 -
Waters, Harse Edward b.1912 - Missouri
Waters, Ida Jane b.1869 - Grant City, Caldwell, Missouri, USA
Waters, James E. 'Jamesie' b.1906 -
Waters, Neoma b.1914 - Carterville, MO, USA
Watkins, James Temple b.1844 - Bryant's Store, Knox County, Kentucky
Watkins, Sallie Louisa b.1856 - Tennessee
Watson, Adelia F b.1847 - New York, USA
Watson, Andrew A b.1803 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Anna Bartlett b.1860 - Warren, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Carrie Edith b.1875 - , Jefferson, West Virginia, USA
Watson, Dorcas Patterson b.1803 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Elizabeth C. b.1810 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Frances Elizabeth b.1847 - Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Harriet K b.1856 - Wisconsin, USA
Watson, Hubert Nathaniel b.1846 - Pennsylvania
Watson, Isaac T b.1835 - Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, James Moody b.1803 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, James Newton b.1834 - Alabama
Watson, Jane b.1796 - New Castle, New Castle, Delaware, United States
Watson, John b.1798 - Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, John -
Watson, John Turner b.1841 - Pennsylvania
Watson, Lewis Findlay b.1819 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Margaret b.1806 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Mary b.1803 - Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Mary Emeline b.1854 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Mary L b.1844 - New York, USA
Watson, Mercy Hedge -
Watson, Nathaniel Eldred b.1858 - Warren, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Olive P b.1853 - Pennsylvania
Watson, Rebecca Jane b.1843 - Pennsylvania
Watson, Rebecca Margaret b.1797 - Pennsylvania
Watson, Robert -
Watson, Robert b.1803 - Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, Robert Mortimer b.1840 - Pennsylvania
Watson, Rosa Leora b.1887 - Izora, Lampasas County, Texas
Watson, Thomas Bradley b.1813 - Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Watson, William Bradley b.1844 -
Watson, William Chandler b.1861 - Warren, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
Watson, William Shachelford b.1803 - Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA
Watts, Holway Dean Cannon b.1899 - Columbus, Ohio
Watts, Margaret b.1834 - Ohio
Watts, Patricia Beverly b.1926 - Columbus, Ohio
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Wear, Living -
Weatherford, Elizabeth m.1868 - Linn, Oregon, USA
Weaver, Infant -
Weaver, Living -
Weaver, Vern b.1883 -
Webb, James m.1806 - Shelby, Kentucky, USA
Webb, Nancy b.1820 - , , Tennessee, USA
Webber, Ellen b.1862 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Webber, Ernest -
Webber, William -
Weber, -
Weber, Charles Augusta b.1873 - Quincy, Adams, Iowa, United States
Weber, Cora L b.1867 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Weber, Eva b.1879 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Weber, Jasper Pin b.1876 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Weber, John E b.1865 - Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States
Weber, John P b.1830 - Wertenburg, , , Germany
Weber, Margaret J b.1859 - Iowa, USA
Weber, Marie Katharine -
Weber, Minnie A b.1869 - Quincy, Adams, Iowa, United States
Weber, Nellie Ellen b.1896 - Stewardson, Shelby, Illinois, USA
Webster, Carrie b.1871 - Holden, Johnson, Missouri, USA
Webster, Dorothy Elvira b.1798 -
Webster, Living -
Webster, Living -
Webster, Living -
Webster, Living -
Webster, Living -
Wedd, Ethel b.1883 - Kansas
Wedd, John b.1846 - England
Wedd, John b.1876 - Kansas
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Living -
Wedd, Susan b.1860 - Missouri
Wedd, William b.1881 - Kansas
Weed, Amelia M. b.1819 - Auburn NY
Weed, Mary J b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Weed, Rosetta Fannie b.1833 - New York, USA
Weed, Smith b.1755 - Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Weed, Walter b.1754 -
Weeks, Edwin Ruthven b.1855 - Wisconsin
Weeks, Ella b.1851 - Wisconsin, USA
Weeks, Francelia b.1848 - Trenton, Washington, Wisconsin, USA
Weeks, Hugh Arnoldia b.1891 - Cambridge, Massachusetts
Weeks, Joseph Van Rensselaer b.1822 - Sheridan, Chautauqua, New York, USA
Weeks, Living -
Weeks, Living -
Weeks, M Ruth b.1886 - Missouri
Weeks, Mary Josephine b.1845 - Chautauqua, New York, USA
Weeks, Raymond b.1863 - Tabor, Iowa
Weichman, Winifred Mary b.1915 - Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA
Weihe, Kenneth Gibson b.1901 - Butler Borough, Butler, Pennsylvania, USA
Weikart, John b.1878 - Germany
Weikart, Living -
Weiland, Clarence E b.1900 - Hamilton, Butler, Ohio
Weiland, Living -
Weiland, Living -
Weiland, Living -
Weiland, Living -
Weiland, Living -
Weiland, Naomi b.1912 - Ohio
Weiland, Philip b.1846 - Germany
Weiland, Philip b.1873 - Fairfield, Butler, Ohio, United States
Weiland, Thelma M b.1902 - Ohio
Weiland, Walter b.1878 - Ohio
Weimer, Cora b.1876 - Illinois, USA
Weinert, Eva Elizabeth b.1884 - Austria-Hungary
Weir, -
Weir, Living -
Weiss, Andrew b.1834 - Hls, Germany
Weiss, Doris Liane b.1920 -
Weiss, Henry b.1842 - Hls, Germany
Weiss, Jacob b.1819 - Hls, Germany
Weiss, Johann Philipp b.1791 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Weiss, Johannes b.1799 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Weiss, Katharina b.1829 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Weiss, Katherine Anna b.1829 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Weiss, Living -
Weiss, Magdalena b.1824 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Weiss, Michael b.1837 - Muhlausen, Germany
Weiss, Philipp b.1826 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Weiss, Philipp d.1813 -
Weiss, Susanna Katharina b.1832 - Hilst, Pirmasens Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Welch, Adelaid O. m.1862 - Wilton, Franklin, Maine, USA
Welch, James m.1869 -
Welch, Mary -
Weldon, Anna Maria b.1860 - Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Weldon, Mary m.1788 - New York, New York, USA
Welkin, Charlotta Katherine m.1775 -
Weller, Margaret Matilda b.1892 -
Weller, Obadiah m.1728 - New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Weller, Obidiah m.1728 -
Wellington, Benjamin -
Wellington, Elizabeth b.1673 - Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Wells, Charles Willard b.1889 - Sturgis, Meade, South Dakota, USA
Wells, Charles Willard b.1924 - Sturgis, Meade, South Dakota, USA
Wells, Child b.1878 -
Wells, Chuck -
Wells, Edwin LaVerne b.1923 - Burlington, Iowa, USA
Wells, Elsie Gertrude b.1926 - Sturgis, Meade, South Dakota, USA
Wells, Ernest m.1942 - Big Rapids, Mecosta, Michigan, USA
Wells, Evelyn m.1918 -
Wells, Florence Geneveve b.1921 - Winner, Tripp, South Dakota, USA
Wells, Floyd A b.1878 - Batavia, Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Wells, Gerald W. b.1922 - South Dakota, USA
Wells, Harold Oliver b.1928 - Sturgis, Meade, South Dakota, USA
Wells, Harry Herbert b.1891 - Sturgis, Meade, South Dakota, USA
Wells, Howard George b.1905 - Leadville CO USA
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Living -
Wells, Merle Vernon b.1923 - Sturgis, Meade, South Dakota, USA
Wells, Morgan b.1823 - Abingdon, Gloucester, Virginia, USA
Wells, Nelson Dru b.1870 - Burlington, Muscatine, Iowa, United States
Wells, Shirley Elizabeth b.1925 - Sturgis, Meade, South Dakota, USA
Wells, Walter Legrant b.1855 - Jefferson, Iowa
Wels, Jan b.1664 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Wels, Samuel -
Welsch, Abraham b.1744 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Abraham c.1774 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Benjamin b.1750 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Benjamin c.1775 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Clara b.1763 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Cornelia b.1747 -
Welsch, Cornelius b.1738 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Welsch, Daniel b.1740 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Welsch, Jacobus c.1769 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Jan b.1701 - Kingston, Ulster County, NY
Welsch, Jan b.1731 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Welsch, Jan c.1773 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Jan b.1776 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Jermia b.1742 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, John b.1761 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welsch, Marytjen b.1735 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Welsch, Samuel b.1733 - New York, USA
Welsch, Willem b.1736 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Welsch, William b.1785 - Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA
Welty, Catherine b.1785 - Pennsylvania
Wemp, Antje m.1696 - Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA
Wemple, Clarence b.1882 - Illinois
Wemple, Daniel W b.1842 - Illinois
Wendel, Evert Janse m.1644 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Wendler, Theodore -
Wendler, Theodore F. b.1873 - Germany
Wennersten, Eleanore Ethelyn b.1891 - Shickley, Fillmore, Nebraska, United States
Wert, Laura J b.1865 - Pennsylvania
Wertz, Anna M b.1865 - New York, USA
West, Isaac -
West, Jacob b.1798 - Pennsylvania, USA
West, John Richard b.1858 -
West, Living -
Westbroek, Zara c.1694 -
Westbrook, Amanda b.1816 -
Westbrook, Anna b.1867 - Pennsylvania
Westbrook, Benjamin b.1822 - Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Westbrook, Benjamin b.1771 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Westbrook, Benjamin J. b.1885 - Denver, Newaygo, Michigan, USA
Westbrook, Blandina b.1765 - Deerpark, Orange, New York, USA
Westbrook, Blandina c.1809 -
Westbrook, Capt Peter b.1738 - , Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Westbrook, Cornelius b.1703 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Westbrook, Cornelius b.1761 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Westbrook, Cornelius c.1806 -
Westbrook, Daniel Ennist c.1803 -
Westbrook, Derrick m.1695 -
Westbrook, Elizabeth b.1793 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Westbrook, Ephraim b.1820 - Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Westbrook, Ethan Allen b.1837 - Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Westbrook, Henry H b.1824 - Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Westbrook, Johannes -
Westbrook, Johannes -
Westbrook, John Lawrence b.1879 - Denver, Newaygo, Michigan, USA
Westbrook, Joseph b.1819 - Pennsylvania United States
Westbrook, Joseph Berry b.1856 - Pennsylvania, USA
Westbrook, Lena c.1801 -
Westbrook, Lena c.1811 -
Westbrook, Lidea b.1790 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Westbrook, Lydia b.1780 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Westbrook, Maria m.1742 -
Westbrook, Martha Mae b.1881 - Newaygo, Michigan, USA
Westbrook, Mary C b.1845 - Pennsylvania, United States
Westbrook, Nina Wilma b.1875 - Denver, Newaygo, Michigan, USA
Westbrook, Oscar Clark b.1887 - Denver, Newaygo, Michigan, USA
Westbrook, Peter c.1797 - Sussex, New Jersey, USA
Westbrook, Samuel -
Westbrook, Sarah b.1763 - Minisink, Morris, New Jersey, USA
Westbrook, Solomon b.1831 - Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Westbrook, William b.1833 - Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Westbrook, William Leon b.1891 - Denver, Newaygo, Michigan, USA
Westbrook, William Thomas b.1840 - Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Westermeyer, Andrew b.1886 - Missouri
Westermeyer, John M b.1888 - Missouri
Westermeyer, Joseph b.1890 - Missouri
Westermeyer, Living -
Westermier, Henry L b.1894 - Lake Creek, Pettis, Missouri, USA
Westermier, Living -
Westermier, Living -
Westermier, Michael b.1856 - Germany
Westfael, Christina b.1736 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Westfael, Daniel b.1733 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Westfael, Johannes b.1741 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Westfael, Johannes b.1700 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Westfael, Johannes -
Westfael, Jurian b.1739 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Westfael, Lisabeth b.1744 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Westfael, Margriet b.1722 -
Westfael, Maria -
Westfael, Samuel b.1749 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Westfall, David b.1759 -
Westfall, Enos T. b.1818 - Ohio
Westfall, Henry b.1749 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Westfall, Joseph b.1751 - Minisink, Orange, New York, USA
Westfall, Jurian b.1629 - Luyderdrop, , Leyden, Netherlands
Westfall, Living -
Westfall, Martha Ellen "Mattie" b.1856 - Waynetown, Montgomery County, Indiana
Weston, Louise J b.1869 - Stark, Illinois, United States
Westphalen, Ida Wilhelmine Christine b.1882 - Rellinger, Germany
Westrich, Marie Catherine b.1773 -
Westvael, Hendrick b.1749 -
Wetrich, Elizabeth b.1849 - Switzerland
Weymer, Alver P b.1863 - Minnesota, USA
Weymer, Bertha W b.1885 - Forest City, Meeker, Minnesota, USA
Whalen, Ann d.1833 - Ireland
Whalen, Elizabeth Ann -
Whalen, Gerald "Jerry" Wayne m.1971 - Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin
Whalen, Linda Kay -
Whalen, Mark Travis -
Whalen, Robert Wallace -
Whalen, Scott Wade -
Whaley, Nathaniel Calvin b.1877 - Osceola, St Clair, Missouri, USA
Wharton, Living -
Wharton, Living -
Wharton, Living -
Wharton, Living -
Wharton, Living -
Wharton, Living -
Wharton, Living -
Wharton, William Langley b.1892 - Bordelonville, Avoyelles, Louisiana, USA
Wheatley, Rachel b.1584 - , Suffolk, , England
Wheeler, Abigail m.1733 -
Wheeler, Ann b.1629 - Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA
Wheeler, Elizabeth m.1632 - Salford, Bedfordshire, England
Wheeler, Fred H. b.1878 - Virgil, Cortland, New York, USA
Wheeler, Hannah b.1617 - Cranfield, Bedfordshire, , England
Wheeler, John m.1660 - Cranefield, Bedford, England
Wheeler, William DR. -
Wheelwright, Rebecca Maverick d.1678 -
Whelpley, Rebecca b.1644 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Whisler, Christ b.1883 - Pennsylvania
Whisler, David A. b.1827 - Pickaway, Pickaway, Ohio, United States
Whisler, David M. b.1885 - Pennsylvania, USA
Whisler, Doris Anjean b.1924 - Rosalie, Thurston, Nebraska, USA
Whisler, Elrina Lois b.1922 - Rosalie, Thurston, Nebraska, USA
Whisler, Fanny J b.1891 - Kansas
Whisler, John b.1792 - Pennsylvania
Whisler, John Franklin b.1854 - Defiance County Ohio
Whisler, Living -
Whisler, Maggie b.1868 - Kansas
Whisler, Martin M b.1887 - Kansas
Whisler, Mary b.1870 - Defiance Ohio
Whisler, Sarah A b.1889 - Kansas
Whisler, Simon b.1855 - Pennsylvania, USA
Whisler, Simon b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Whisler, Vallorous P. b.1874 - Evansport, Defiance, Ohio
Whisler, William Meyers b.1881 - Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USA
Whisler, William W b.1860 - Defiance Ohio
Whitaker, Nancy b.1797 - , Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Whitaker, William b.1760 - Lexington, Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Whitbeck, Broer b.1730 - Livingston Manor, Columbia, New York, USA
Whitbeck, Gabriel c.1737 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Whitbeck, Gabriel -
Whitbeck, Hendrick Janse c.1653 - New Amsterdam, Kings, New York, USA
Whitbeck, Henry Jensen b.1729 - New York, USA
Whitbeck, Jacob b.1741 -
Whitbeck, Jonathan Janse b.1655 - Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Whitbeck, Lentje b.1725 - New York, USA
Whitbeck, Lucas c.1732 - New York, USA
Whitbeck, Pieter c.1735 - New York, USA
White, -
White, -
White, Carl -
White, Catharine b.1727 -
White, Elizabeth b.1822 - Appleton, Licking, Ohio, USA
White, Elwin d.1934 -
White, Frank m.1891 - Mancelona, Antrim, Michigan, USA
White, Hannah b.1789 - Chievely, Berkshire, England
White, John Chanler b.1867 - South Carolina
White, Living -
White, Living -
White, Living -
White, Living -
White, Nora Belle b.1895 - Garden City, Finney, Kansas, USA
White, Selma -
White, William -
Whitehead, George P. m.1874 - La Porte, Indiana, USA
Whitesell, Bennett Harold b.1911 - Whiteclay, Sheridan Nebraska, USA
Whitesell, Bud James Bennett b.1943 - Washington, USA
Whitesell, Dale Bennett b.1939 - Eureka, Nevada, USA
Whitesell, Frances Martin b.1909 - Haysprings, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Whitesell, Grace Marie b.1914 - Hay Springs, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Whitesell, Harrison Eugene b.1912 - Whiteclay, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
Whitesell, Living -
Whitesell, Living -
Whitesell, Living -
Whitesell, Living -
Whitesell, Living -
Whitesell, Living -
Whitesell, Lynville L. b.1899 - Indiana, USA
Whitesell, Martin Van b.1940 - Ely, White Pine, Nevada, USA
Whitesell, Nick Dale -
Whitesell, Robert Gordon b.1947 - Nevada, USA
Whitesell, Tami Daleen -
Whitford, Algernon L. b.1849 - Albion, Dane, Wisconsin, USA
Whitford, Clark -
Whitford, Eliza -
Whitford, Hosea -
Whitford, Josephine Alice b.1900 -
Whitford, Mignonette C b.1887 - Albion, Dane, Wisconsin, USA
Whitlow, Living -
Whitlow, Living -
Whitlow, Living -
Whitlow, Living -
Whitlow, Living -
Whitlow, Living -
Whitlow, Living -
Whitlow, Peter Wade b.1826 - Barren Co. Kentucky
Whitlow, William Daniel b.1850 - Beardstown, Cass Illinois
Whitlow, William Wadsworth b.1875 - Nebraska
Whitmore, b.1700 - Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Whitmore, Carrie A b.1869 - Michigan, USA
Whitmore, Catherine b.1904 - Duluth, St Louis, Minnesota, USA
Whitmore, Daniel m.1723 -
Whitmore, Daniel C b.1876 - Michigan, USA
Whitmore, Earl R b.1882 - Michigan, USA
Whitmore, George F b.1879 - Michigan, USA
Whitmore, Harold Babcock b.1901 - Saginaw, Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Whitmore, Hildreth Angeline b.1904 - Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Whitmore, Horace Clayton b.1875 - Mundy, Genesee, Michigan, USA
Whitmore, Living -
Whitmore, Living -
Whitmore, Living -
Whitmore, Living -
Whitmore, Sarah J b.1873 - Michigan, USA
Whitmore, William H b.1843 - Michigan, USA
Whitney, Fred b.1879 - Pennsylvania
Whitney, Ira Abraham b.1842 - Youngsville, Warren, PA
Whitney, Jane Rideout -
Whitney, Laura b.1868 - Humboldt, Richardson, Nebraska, USA
Whitney, Lucy b.1874 - Pittsfield, Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
Whitney, May b.1872 - Pennsylvania
Whitney, Susan Ayers b.1836 - Pennsylvania, United States
Whitten, Eliza Ann b.1820 - Newburgh, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Whittier, Ruth m.1675 -
Whitting, Milton m.1887 -
Wiest, Alice A b.1859 -
Wiest, Alvina M b.1881 - Pennsylvania
Wiest, Daniel b.1841 - Pillow, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Elias b.1825 - Pillow, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Elizabeth b.1835 - Pillow, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Emma J b.1847 - , Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Fannie A b.1864 -
Wiest, Frederick Milton b.1854 - Hickory Corners, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, George -
Wiest, Harry -
Wiest, Harry b.1817 - Pillow, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Henrietta b.1858 - Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Jacob b.1797 - Klingerstown, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Jacob b.1820 - Uniontown, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Jacob A. b.1856 - lower, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, John b.1825 - Pillow, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, John E. b.1849 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, John M b.1862 - Pennsylvania
Wiest, Mary Anna b.1852 - Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, Mary Anna b.1827 - Pillow, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiest, William b.1833 - Pillow, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Wiggins, Judy Kay -
Wiggins, Julia -
Wiggins, Kenneth Eugene b.1917 - Blue Rapids, Marshall, Kansas
Wiggins, Living -
Wiggins, Living -
Wiggins, Living -
Wiggins, Mark -
Wiggins, Otho -
Wilcox, Leroy Jonas b.1892 - Eagle Grove, Wright, Iowa, USA
Wilcox, Leroy Jonas -
Wilcox, Orville Dale -
Wilde, John C. b.1868 - Bedford, Calhoun, Michigan, USA
Wilder, Mary b.1816 - Tennessee, USA
Wilding, Hendrick b.1640 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Wilding, Marjorie b.1667 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Wiley, Hazel E. b.1898 -
Wiley, Mary J b.1826 - Kentucky, USA
Wilkins, Charlotte -
Wilkins, Cordelia b.1837 - Pennsylvania, United States
Wilkins, Ella b.1859 - Pennsylvania, United States
Wilkins, John b.1843 - Pennsylvania, United States
Wilkins, JOSEPH b.1845 - Pennsylvania, United States
Wilkins, Joseph b.1805 - Pennsylvania, United States
Wilkins, Margaret b.1839 - Pennsylvania, United States
Wilkins, Montgomery b.1847 - Pennsylvania, United States
Wilkins, Thomas b.1842 - Pennsylvania, United States
Wilkinson, Living -
Wilkinson, Mary Alice m.1946 -
Wilkinson, Nancy Moon m.1836 - Sangamon, Illinois, USA
Will, Albert G. b.1901 - Wisconsin, USA
Will, Amanda b.1849 -
Will, Charlie Cornelious b.1874 - Ontario, Vernon, Wisconsin, USA
Will, Daniel b.1828 -
Will, Ella V b.1905 - Wisconsin, USA
Will, Elmer Carlton b.1869 - Avon, Franklin, Maine, USA
Will, Ethel Mabel b.1894 -
Will, Herbert Royal b.1873 - Strong, Franklin, Maine, USA
Will, John -
Will, John -
Will, John Almon b.1838 -
Will, John Elmer b.1871 -
Will, Living -
Will, Martha True b.1834 -
Will, Martha True b.1830 -
Will, Myrtle Blanch b.1882 - Wisconsin, USA
Will, Ora Adelbert b.1867 - Livermore, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Will, Ostinello Vining b.1863 - Avon, Franklin, Maine, USA
Will, Thomas S. b.1818 - Maine, USA
Will, Warren L. b.1846 - Maine
Willard, Albert B b.1885 - Kansas
Willard, Alton B b.1905 - Kansas
Willard, Living -
Willard, Living -
Willard, Living -
Willemsdr, Beatrix b.1520 - Netherlands
Willet, Edward b.1702 -
Willett, Elbert b.1676 - Flushing, Queens, New York, USA
Willett, Margaret b.1704 - Long Island City, Queens, New York, USA
Willey, Mary b.1721 - Dover, Strafford Co. New Hampshire
Williams, -
Williams, Anna B. m.1886 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Williams, Anna M "Annie" b.1841 - New York, USA
Williams, Benjamin L b.1850 - New York, USA
Williams, Catherine b.1836 - Ontario, Canada
Williams, Catherine b.1836 - Upper Canada, Ulster County, Canada
Williams, Christopher b.1789 - Plattekill, Ulster, New York
Williams, Christopher Peter b.1869 -
Williams, Cornelius b.1832 - of York, York, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Daniel Robert b.1842 - York, York, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Ebenezer -
Williams, Edmund T. b.1845 - New York, USA
Williams, Edwin b.1842 - New York, USA
Williams, Elizabeth b.1828 - Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Elizabeth "Bessie" Hartshorne b.1845 - New York, New York, USA
Williams, Elizabeth "Betsy" b.1779 - Ulster, Ulster, New York, United States
Williams, Elthea b.1820 - York, York, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Ernest H b.1901 - Barnettstown, Pennsylvania, United States
Williams, Esek Hartshorne b.1846 - New York, USA
Williams, Esek Hartshorne b.1807 - New Jersey, USA
Williams, Gladys Betts m.1937 -
Williams, Harlie Claude b.1924 - Picher, Ottawa, Oklahoma, USA
Williams, Hellegond Williamsse m.1678 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Williams, Homer Levi b.1893 - Summit, Chautauqua, Kansas, United States
Williams, Ichabod b.1747 - Monmouth, New Jersey
Williams, Ida Mellicent b.1872 - Minersville, Beaver, Utah Territory
Williams, Isabel -
Williams, James Isaac b.1865 - Utah Territory
Williams, James Van Nostrand b.1830 - Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Jennie Grace b.1892 - Pennsylvania, United States
Williams, Jesse Elmer b.1880 - Iowa
Williams, John b.1923 -
Williams, John Con b.1838 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Josiah b.1728 - Monmouth, New Jersey
Williams, Living -
Williams, Living -
Williams, Living -
Williams, Living -
Williams, Living -
Williams, Living -
Williams, Living -
Williams, Living -
Williams, Living -
Williams, Lucetta Davis b.1813 - Verona, Oneida, New York, USA
Williams, Lucinda b.1834 - York, York, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Lucinda Mary b.1819 - Pennsylvania, USA
Williams, Luella b.1870 - Kansas, USA
Williams, Martha b.1701 - Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Williams, Mary b.1827 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Mary Ann b.1801 - Kent County, Delaware
Williams, Mary Ann Clapp -
Williams, Mary Hannah b.1811 - New York, USA
Williams, Millicent Sophia b.1857 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States
Williams, Moses Elias b.1870 - Holden, Millard, Utah Territory
Williams, Nathan b.1787 - Plattekill, Ulster, New York
Williams, Otta Ruth b.1909 - Broad Top City, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States
Williams, Rebecca b.1822 - Pennsylvania, USA
Williams, Robert Leslie Hootie b.1906 - Broad Top City, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Williams, Roberta b.1911 - Broad Top City, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Williams, Rollin Eugene b.1920 - Chautauqua, Chautauqua, Kansas, United States
Williams, Samuel Jr. -
Williams, Samuel Sr. -
Williams, Sarah Ann b.1825 - York, York, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Susan Louise -
Williams, Thomas Ichabod b.1823 - York, York, Ontario, Canada
Williams, Tylee b.1768 - Shrewsbury, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
Williams, William Palmer b.1854 - Pennsylvania, United States
Williams, William T. b.1836 - New Jersey
Williamson, Eleanor m.1778 -
Williamson, Isabella H b.1840 - Shirleysburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Williamson, Living -
Williamson, Living -
Williamson, Living -
Williamson, Maria m.1751 -
Williamson, Mary Ellen b.1917 - Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USA
Williamson, Robert W b.1889 - , Greene, Missouri, USA
Williamson, Samuel b.1790 - , , Pennsylvania, USA
Willis, Lee Andrew b.1884 -
Wills, Allie m.1892 - Dekalb, Missouri, USA
Willsie, Isaac b.1781 - Livingston, Columbia, New York, USA
Willsie, Walter b.1761 -
Wilson, -
Wilson, Alice Gresilda b.1896 - Kansas
Wilson, Amanda Jane b.1837 - Webb Crossroads, Russell, Kentucky, USA
Wilson, B.L. b.1850 - Ohio
Wilson, Bert A. b.1878 - Nebraska, USA
Wilson, Betty Jane m.1934 - San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USA
Wilson, C.H. b.1843 - Ohio
Wilson, Carrie O. b.1864 - Kewanee, Illinois
Wilson, Clifford E. -
Wilson, E.B. b.1873 - Nebraska
Wilson, E.M. b.1869 - Ohio
Wilson, Edwin Leo -
Wilson, Ellen I. b.1851 - New York, USA
Wilson, Fred b.1869 - Illinois
Wilson, Herbert N. b.1856 -
Wilson, Irma Jean -
Wilson, James Monroe m.1851 - Pascoag, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Wilson, John -
Wilson, John -
Wilson, John Asa b.1882 - Essex, Page, Iowa, USA
Wilson, John William -
Wilson, Josiah S b.1838 - MT. Liberty, Ohio
Wilson, Laura Belle -
Wilson, Leroy Elbert b.1907 - Jackson, Harrison, Iowa, United States
Wilson, Living -
Wilson, Living -
Wilson, Living -
Wilson, Living -
Wilson, Living -
Wilson, Living -
Wilson, Living -
Wilson, Living -
Wilson, Martha b.1820 - South Carolina, United States
Wilson, Martha Elizabeth b.1862 - Jiest, Rock Island, Illinois, USA
Wilson, Nathaniel m.1790 -
Wilson, Robert John -
Wilson, Sallie Josephine b.1874 - California
Wilson, Tina -
Wilson, William Wallen b.1833 - , Columbiana, Ohio, USA
Winchell, Living -
Winchell, Living -
Winchell, Living -
Winchell, Living -
Winchester, Edna d.1942 -
Windle, Catherine b.1867 - Illinois, USA
Windle, Ella b.1863 - Illinois, USA
Windle, Ezra b.1820 - Pennsylvania
Winfield, Annaias b.1791 - Ulster, New York, USA
Winfield, Daniel b.1753 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA
Winfield, Eleanor Maria b.1817 - Shawangunk, Ulster, New York, USA
Winger, Joseph Weaver -
Winger, Josephine Weaver b.1873 -
Winkler, Martha L b.1847 - North Carolina, USA
Winky, Helen Elsie b.1914 - Alberta, Canada
Winne, Adam b.1663 - New York, USA
Winne, Aletta b.1666 - New York, USA
Winne, Daniel b.1678 - New York, USA
Winne, Eva -
Winne, Eva b.1684 - New York, USA
Winne, Franciscus b.1583 -
Winne, Jacobus b.1676 - New York, USA
Winne, Kilian b.1668 - New York, USA
Winne, Lavinius Van Schaick -
Winne, Lyntje b.1684 - New York, USA
Winne, Martin b.1677 - New York, USA
Winne, Pieter c.1609 - Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Winne, Pieter b.1643 - Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Winne, Rachael b.1677 - New York, USA
Winne, Thomas b.1670 - New York, USA
Winsinger, b.1892 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Anna Doris Marie b.1875 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Anna Dorothea Wilhelmina b.1814 - Verden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Anna Magdalena b.1780 - Wittingen, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Anna Marie b.1843 - Doerverden
Winsinger, Christina Wilhelmina b.1796 - Lueneburg, Lneburg, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Conrad Friedrich Christian b.1778 - Wittingen, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, David Rudy b.1951 - Winfield, Kansas, USA
Winsinger, Dietrich Hermann Rudolf b.1884 - Derverden, Germany
Winsinger, Doris -
Winsinger, Doris Anna Margarethe Wilhelmine b.1889 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Dorothea Magdalene b.1806 - Walsrode, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Elsie Elizabeth b.1927 - Pretty Prairie, Kansas
Winsinger, Friedrich Heinrich Dietrich b.1879 - Dorverden, Germany
Winsinger, Friedrich Rudolph Andreas b.1857 - Doerverden
Winsinger, Friedrich Wilhelm b.1854 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Georg Jacob Christian b.1768 - Goslar, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Hermann Dietrich b.1916 - Thesdorf
Winsinger, Hermann Johann Heinrich b.1893 - Thesdorf, Germany
Winsinger, Johann b.1737 -
Winsinger, Johann Andreas Friedrich b.1773 -
Winsinger, Johann Christian b.1793 -
Winsinger, Johann Friedrich Heinrich b.1842 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Johann Friedrich Jakob b.1797 - Walsrode, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Anton b.1804 - Walsrode, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Johann Heinrich Friedrich b.1817 - Walsrode, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Johann Joseph Heinrich b.1767 - Goslar, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Johann Otto Philip b.1800 - Walsrode, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Johanna Christina b.1765 - Goslar, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Johanne Marie b.1848 - Doerverden, Verden, Lower Saxony, Germany
Winsinger, Johannes b.1771 - Seesen, Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany
Winsinger, Johannes Ludwig Philipp b.1799 -
Winsinger, Katharine M b.1909 - Kansas
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Living -
Winsinger, Margaret Marie Henrietta b.1898 - Thesdorf, Germany
Winsinger, Maria Amalia Magdalena b.1816 - Walsrode, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Maria Theresia b.1775 - Wittingen, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Marie b.1919 -
Winsinger, Marie Dorothea Doris Sophie b.1885 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Marie Friederike b.1800 - Marie Friederike
Winsinger, Marie Margarethe b.1855 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Monika -
Winsinger, Otto b.1908 - Schlosser-Heizungsbauer, Germany
Winsinger, Otto F b.1924 -
Winsinger, Otto Fritz b.1896 - Rellingen, Pinneberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Winsinger, Peter -
Winsinger, Rudolph Karl b.1923 - Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA
Winsinger, Ruth -
Winsinger, Sophie Marie Anna (Marie) b.1881 - Dorverden, Germany
Winsinger, Wilhelm b.1914 - Thesdorf, Germany
Winsinger, Wilhelm "Bill" Dietrich Heinrich b.1887 - Dorverden, Germany
Winsinger, Wilhelm Dietrich Friedrich b.1852 - Dorverden, Germany
Winsinger, Wilhelmine Dorothea b.1849 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winsinger, Wilhelmine Margarethe Juliane Dorothea b.1846 - Doerverden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Winslow, -
Winslow, Ann b.1648 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Winslow, Benjamin b.1650 -
Winslow, Edward b.1630 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
WINSLOW, Hulda b.1729 - Of Freetown, Bristol, Ma
Winslow, Isaac b.1644 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Winslow, John b.1597 - London, England
Winslow, Mary b.1630 - Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts
Winslow, Mercy b.1625 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Winslow, Samuel b.1641 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Winslow, Sarah b.1638 -
Winton, Betsy L "Speedie" b.1884 - Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Winton, James b.1833 -
Winton, James b.1880 - Perth, Perthshire
Winton, James Stewart b.1854 - Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Winton, Jane b.1885 - Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Winton, Jane b.1878 - Perth, Perthshire
Winton, John b.1855 - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Winton, John b.1874 - Perth, Perthshire
Winton, Mary D. b.1888 - Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Winton, Stewart b.1891 - Perth, Perth, Scotland
Winton, William b.1882 - Perth, Perthshire
Wise, Margaret b.1768 -
Wise, Margaret b.1815 - Pennsylvania, USA
Wise, Martha E b.1848 - , Madison, Indiana, USA
Wisler, Mary E. b.1878 - Pennsylvania
Wisotzki, Fred b.1863 - Germany
Wisotzki, Living -
Wisotzki, Living -
Wisotzki, Living -
Witbeck, Cornelia b.1727 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Witbeck, Jan c.1691 - Albany, New York, USA
Witbeck, Lucas Janse b.1657 -
Witmer, James M b.1899 - Pennsylvania, USA
Witmer, James M. b.1869 - Pennsylvania
Witmer, John Christophel b.1762 - , Berks, Pennsylvania, USA
Witmer, Louisana b.1846 - Indiana
Witmer, Mary "Poly" b.1801 - Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Witmer, Rebecca b.1848 - Hickory Corners, , Colorado, USA
Wixon, Hannah b.1867 - , Johnson, Iowa, USA
Wixon, Lincoln b.1861 - Iowa, USA
Wixon, Living -
Wixon, Miles b.1865 - Illinois, USA
Wixon, Rufus b.1876 -
Wixon, Rush b.1874 - Johnson, Iowa, USA
Wixon, Walter b.1874 - Iowa, USA
Wixon, Ward b.1830 - Putnam Valley, Putnam, New York, USA
Wofford, Jim b.1900 - Mukilteo, Snohomish, Washington, United States
Wolfe, Gertrude Cassandra b.1875 - Indiana
Wolfe, Milo A b.1821 - , Wayne, Ohio, USA
Wolfe, Samantha Dora b.1858 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
Womack, Ellen b.1890 -
Womack, Flora B b.1890 - , Adair, Kentucky, USA
Womack, Hattie B. m.1937 - Ralston, Oklahoma, USA
Womack, Living -
Womack, Living -
Womack, Living -
Womack, Living -
Womack, Living -
Womack, Living -
Womack, Loren b.1897 - Kentucky, USA
Womack, Morgan b.1845 - , Adair, Kentucky, USA
Wommack, Henry Barton b.1842 - Green City, Hickory, Missouri, USA
Wommack, Louis Laney b.1883 - Missouri
Wood, -
Wood, -
Wood, Bessie b.1842 - Yorkshire, England
Wood, Daniel b.1738 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, Daniel b.1791 - Orange, New York, United States
Wood, Edward b.1727 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, Edward b.1698 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, Elizabeth Archer b.1883 - Minnesota, USA
Wood, Emma Alice b.1854 - Missouri, USA
Wood, Helena b.1729 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, Joel C -
Wood, John b.1723 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, John b.1743 - Newton, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, John b.1735 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, Joseph b.1848 - Illinois, USA
Wood, Living -
Wood, Living -
Wood, Living -
Wood, Living -
Wood, Living -
Wood, Living -
Wood, Living -
Wood, Lydia b.1733 - Saugerties, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, Maria b.1725 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Wood, Marinda b.1856 - Washington, Clark, Missouri, USA
Wood, Minerva G. b.1863 - Clark, Missouri, USA
Wood, Nele Anna b.1731 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Wood, Sarah b.1781 -
Wood, William b.1743 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States
Woodaard, Jan -
Woodaard, Jannetje b.1700 - New York, New York, USA
Woodard, Annatie b.1676 - Of, New York, New York, USA
Woodbridge, Lois b.1725 - York, York, Maine, USA
Woodbury, Moses m.1750 -
Woodruff, Ellen Frances b.1840 -
Woodruff, James C. -
Woodsum, Abigail b.1754 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Woodsum, David b.1681 - Leeds, Yorkshire, , England
Woodsum, Elizabeth b.1766 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Woodsum, John b.1732 - Kittery, York, Maine, United States
Woodsum, Joseph b.1680 - Berwick, York, Maine, USA
Woodward, Charles b.1886 - Sioux City, Monona, Iowa, USA
Woodward, Edwin b.1881 - Sioux City, Monona, Iowa, USA
Woodward, Eva b.1874 - Sioux City, Monona, Iowa, USA
Woodward, Frank b.1884 - Sioux City, Monona, Iowa, USA
Woodward, Joseph Deacon b.1822 - , Burlington, New Jersey, USA
Woodward, Lewis b.1844 - Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA
Woodward, Louisa b.1876 - Sioux City, Monona, Iowa, USA
Woodward, Matthew W. m.1838 -
Woodward, Olive May b.1871 - Emerson, Mills, Iowa, USA
Woodward, Pearl b.1888 - , Harrison, Iowa, USA
Woodward, Phebe Jane b.1832 - New York, USA
Woodworth, Herbert Grafton -
Woodworth, Lucy Greenleaf b.1888 - Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Woolf, Cornelia b.1854 - Iowa
Woolf, John b.1820 - Virginia, USA
Woolridge, America Elizabeth b.1887 - Kentucky
Woolworth, P. Vernette b.1851 - Albion, Dane, Wisconsin, USA
Wordehoff, Carolyn L. m.1971 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
Wordehoff, Clarence E. m.1968 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
Wordehoff, Dennis R. -
Wordehoff, Elizabeth M. m.1965 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USA
Wordehoff, Eugene C. -
Wordehoff, Gerald F. -
Wordehoff, Gregory A -
Wordehoff, Janet S. m.1968 - Marion, Linn, Iowa, USA
Wordehoff, Karen E. -
Wordehoff, Kimberly D -
Wordehoff, Living -
Wordehoff, Living -
Wordehoff, Living -
Wordehoff, Living -
Wordehoff, Living -
Wordehoff, Living -
Wordehoff, Living -
Wordehoff, Living m.1939 - Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, USA
Wordehoff, Living -
Wordehoff, Lynette R. m.1969 - Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa
Worley, Eliza E b.1825 - Adams, Pennsylvania, USA
Wormington, Austin -
Wormington, Living -
Wormington, Living -
Wormington, Living -
Worrall, Living -
Worrall, Living -
Worrall, Living -
Worrall, Living -
Worrall, Living -
Wright, Addie b.1891 - California, USA
Wright, D' Alton Hiram b.1892 - Hancock County, Ohio
Wright, Elvira b.1842 - Pennsylvania
Wright, Evaline Amelia b.1884 - Selma, Fresno, California, USA
Wright, Geneva June b.1925 - Eldon, Wapello, Iowa, USA
Wright, Georgia M b.1884 - California
Wright, James -
Wright, Jessie -
Wright, John Elmer -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Living -
Wright, Lucian b.1854 - Wisconsin
Wright, Mae Pauline b.1928 - Louisiana, USA
Wright, Mary b.1820 - Pennsylvania, USA
Wright, Nancy Catherine b.1833 - Kentucky, USA
Wright, Otto L b.1888 - California
Wrigley, Alice B. b.1855 - Illinois, USA
Write, Gladys I b.1900 -
Writtenhouse, Lidy m.1908 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
Writtenhouse, Maidy m.1908 - Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USA
Wust, Catarina m.1765 -
Wyatt, Rose Victoria b.1886 - Forrest City, St Francis, Arkansas, USA
Wyatt, Sarah b.1623 - Assington, Suffolk, , England
Wygerts, Aeltje m.1650 -
Wyman, Charles b.1855 -
Wyman, John m.1852 -
Wyman, John -
Wyman, John A. b.1853 -
Wymer, Savina d.1829 - Pennsylvania, USA
Yaden, David William -
Yaden, Janice b.1884 - London, Laurel, Kentucky, USA
Yanda, Beatrice Ladora b.1916 - Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, USA
Yanda, Donovan E b.1920 -
Yanda, Edward J b.1889 - Iowa
Yauger, Ilma L. b.1888 - Ohio
Yauger, William W b.1866 - Indiana, United States
Yoder, Effie b.1883 - Missouri
Yoe, Mary Helen b.1849 - Illinois, USA
Yoe, Peter Lynch b.1804 -
Yorke, Dorothy b.1582 - England
Yost, Living -
Yost, Living -
Yost, Living -
Yost, Living -
Yost, Living -
Young, Charles -
Young, Harold M. m.1926 -
Young, James b.1789 - Scotland
Young, James b.1882 - Scotland
Young, Jamesina b.1917 - Dundee, Angus, Scotland
Young, Jean Winton b.1906 - Dundee, Angus, Scotland
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Living -
Young, Louisa Marie b.1901 - Peru, Chautauqua, Kansas, USA
Young, Maxine m.1992 -
Young, Peter b.1814 - Scotland
Young, Russell -
Young, Sarah E. m.1857 - Davis, Iowa, USA
Young, Theodore b.1869 - Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, United States
Young, William b.1911 -
Young, William b.1853 - Dundee, Angus, Scotland
Younger, Charles Hardan Sr. b.1864 - Oregon
Younger, Nancy E b.1832 - , Bond, Illinois, USA
Ysselsteyn, Beata b.1736 - Esopus, Ulster, New York, USA
Ysselsteyn, Cornelia b.1731 - Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA
Ysselsteyn, Elenora b.1733 - Esopus, Ulster, New York, USA
Ysselsteyn, Jannetje b.1728 - Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA
Ysselsteyn, Sarah b.1740 - Saucon, Northampton, Pennsylvania, USA
Zabriskie, Abram b.1757 -
Zabriskie, Annetje b.1752 -
Zabriskie, Jacob b.1718 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Zabriskie, Jan b.1751 - Dat, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Zabriskie, Margritje b.1750 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Zabriskie, Peter b.1721 - Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Zeigler, Adria M. b.1838 -
Zeigler, William B. b.1787 -
Ziemke, Wilhelmine b.1872 - Posen, Cook, Illinois, USA
Zimmerman, Elizabeth b.1789 - Pennsylvania
Zimmerman, John A b.1884 - Westphalia, Shelby, Iowa, USA
Zimmerman, Living -
Zimmerscheid, Charley F b.1872 - Missouri
Zimmerscheid, Harry C b.1915 - Missouri
Zimmerscheid, Ruth b.1908 - Missouri
Zimmerscheid, Viola H b.1913 - Missouri
Zobbe, Living -
Zobbe, Living -
Zobbe, Living -
Zobbe, Living -
Zobbe, Living -
Zook, Charles John b.1906 -
Zook, Living -
Zook, Living -
Zuck, Hattie b.1874 - Kansas
Zufeld, Johann George b.1725 - , Dutchess, New York, USA