Lewis Oliver Snare [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 was born 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 6 May 1892 in Liberty Township, Hancock, Ohio. He died 14 Feb 1983 in Brunswick, Glynn, Georgia, United States of America. Lewis married Living Snare. Lewis resided 15 1930 in Toledo, Lucas, Ohio. He resided 16 1917 in Toledo, Lucas, Ohio. He resided 17 1910 in Toledo Ward 1, Lucas, Ohio. He resided 18 1900 in Liberty, Hancock, Ohio.
Living Snare married Lewis Oliver Snare.
Samuel Perkins Carter 1, 2 was born 3, 4 Nov 1867 in Illinois, USA. He married 5 Susannah Pastor Lees Paynter on 8 Jun 1891. Samuel resided 6 1900 in Chicago City, Cook, Illinois. He resided 7 1910 in Chicago Ward 7, Cook, Illinois.
Susannah Pastor Lees Paynter [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6, 7 8 Jul 1866 in Stafford, Virginia, USA. She married 8 Samuel Perkins Carter on 8 Jun 1891. Susannah resided 9 1900 in Chicago City, Cook, Illinois. She resided 10 1910 in Chicago Ward 7, Cook, Illinois. She resided 11 1880 in Hyde Park, Cook, Illinois, United States.
They had the following children:
F i Living Carter. F ii Living Carter.
Living Hedger married Living Jones.
Living Jones [Parents] married Living Hedger.
Harlan L Blunt [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 22 Feb 1935 in Iowa, USA. He died 6 21 Dec 1994 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, United States of America. Harlan married Living Miller.
Living Miller married Harlan L Blunt.
They had the following children:
F i Living Blunt. F ii Living Blunt. F iii Living Blunt. M iv Living Blunt. F v Living Blunt.
John De Barlow was born about 1349 in Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England. He died after 1399. John married Margery or Joyce Linney about 1373 in Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England.
Margery or Joyce Linney was born about 1354 in Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England. She married John De Barlow about 1373 in Barlow, Chorlton, Lancashire, England.
They had the following children:
M i John (Jenkin) Barlow was born about 1374.
Isaac Austin Snare [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6, 7 10 Mar 1868 in Marklesburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States. He died 3 Jan 1938 in Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States. Isaac married 8 Minnie May Gates on 9 Sep 1888 in Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States. Isaac resided 9 1910 in Woodbury, Blair, Pennsylvania. He resided 10 1900 in Woodbury, Blair, Pennsylvania. He resided 11 1880 in Penn, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States.
Minnie May Gates 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 1 May 1871 in Martinsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States. She died 19 Dec 1935 in Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States. Minnie married 6 Isaac Austin Snare on 9 Sep 1888 in Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States. Minnie resided 7 1910 in Woodbury, Blair, Pennsylvania. She resided 8 1900 in Woodbury, Blair, Pennsylvania.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Irma Snare was born 18 Mar 1889 and died 4 Jul 1945. M ii John Lloyd Snare was born 4 Sep 1908 and died 27 Aug 1962. M iii George Clyde Snare was born 23 Nov 1911 and died 23 Nov 1985. M iv Ralph Elroy Snare 1, 2 was born 3 17 Oct 1895 in Clover Creek, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States. He died 24 Oct 1933. Ralph resided 4 1910 in Woodbury, Blair, Pennsylvania. M v Elvin Herman Snare was born 19 Jan 1905 and died 6 Mar 2001. M vi Joseph Carl Snare 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 23 Dec 1899 in Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania, United States. He died 31 Oct 1936. Joseph resided 6 1910 in Woodbury, Blair, Pennsylvania. He resided 7 1900 in Woodbury, Blair, Pennsylvania. M vii Harry Vernon Snare was born 23 Aug 1893 and died 26 Dec 1958.
Ulrich Shirk 1 was born 2 Jan 1665 in Canton, Bern, Switzerland. He died 1724 in Cocalico, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Ulrich married Helene Myer.
Helene Myer 1 was born 1681 in Sumiswald, Bern, Switzerland. She died 1741 in Shoeneck, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Helene married Ulrich Shirk.
They had the following children:
M i Joseph Schuerck was born 1712 and died Jul 1770.
Philip Fisher 1 was born 1792 in Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States. He died 1850 in East Providence, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States. Philip married Sarah Naugle.
Sarah Naugle 1 was born 1799 in Hopewell, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States. She died in East Providence, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States. Sarah married Philip Fisher.
They had the following children:
M i Christian Fisher was born Dec 1831.
George H. Vredenburg [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was born 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 21 Nov 1868 in Isabella, Michigan, USA. He died 12 Jun 1943 in Isabella, Michigan, USA. George married Myra A. Myers on 28 May 1890 in Michigan, USA. George resided 12 1910 in Coe, Isabella, Michigan. He resided 13 1920 in Shepherd, Isabella, Michigan. He resided 14 1930 in Shepherd, Isabella, Michigan. He resided 15 1900 in Chippewa, Isabella, Michigan. He resided 16 1900 in Chippewa Township, Isabella, Michigan. He resided 17 1880 in Lincoln, Isabella, Michigan, United States. He resided 18 1920 in Shepherd, Isabella, Michigan.
Myra A. Myers 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6, 7, 8 Mar 1868 in Michigan, USA. She married George H. Vredenburg on 28 May 1890 in Michigan, USA. Myra resided 9 1910 in Coe, Isabella, Michigan. She resided 10 1900 in Chippewa Township, Isabella, Michigan. She resided 11 1910 in Coe, Isabella, Michigan, USA. She resided 12 1930 in Shepherd, Isabella, Michigan. She resided 13 1920 in Shepherd, Isabella, Michigan.
They had the following children:
F i Vivian Martha Vredenburg was born 11 Apr 1907 and died 26 Feb 1988.
Living Spooner married Living Goldsborough.
Living Goldsborough [Parents] married Living Spooner.
Other marriages:Eisenberg, Living