Joseph Middlebrook [Parents] 1 was born 1610 in , Bedfordshire, , England. He died 1686 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. Joseph married MARY BATEMAN on 1648 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States.
Other marriages:Odell, Mary
Wheeler, Hannah
MARY BATEMAN 1 was born 1618 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. She died 24 Mar 1656 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. MARY married Joseph Middlebrook on 1648 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States.
They had the following children:
M i Joseph Middlebrook 1 was born 1650 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. He died 5 Jan 1709 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. F ii Phebe MIDDLEBROOK 1 was born 1652 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. She died 1684 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States.
William Wayne Snare [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was born 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 9 Nov 1897 in Florissant, Teller, Colorado, USA. He died 12 31 Jan 1980. William married Living Robush. William resided 13 1930 in Huerfano, Teller, Colorado. He resided 14 1920 in Florissant, Teller, Colorado. He resided 15 1910 in Solomon, Cloud, Kansas. He resided 16 1910 in Solomon, Cloud, Kansas. He resided 17 1900 in Precinct 7, Teller, Colorado.
Living Robush [Parents] married William Wayne Snare.
Theodore Sr. Roosevelt [Parents] 1 was born 22 Sep 1831 in New York, New York, USA. He died 8 Feb 1878 in New York, New York, USA. Theodore married Martha Bulloch on 22 Dec 1853 in Roswell, Fulton, Georgia, United States.
Martha Bulloch 1 was born 8 Jul 1834 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died 14 Feb 1884 in New York, USA. Martha married Theodore Sr. Roosevelt on 22 Dec 1853 in Roswell, Fulton, Georgia, United States.
They had the following children:
M i Elliott Roosevelt 1 was born 28 Feb 1860 in New York, USA. He died 14 Aug 1894 in New York, New York, USA. M ii Theodore Jr Roosevelt 1 was born 27 Oct 1858 in 28 East 20th Street, New York, United States. He died 6 Jan 1919 in Oyster Bay, Nassau, New York, United States,. F iii Corinne Roosevelt 1 was born 27 Sep 1861 in New York, USA. She died 17 Feb 1933 in New York, USA. F iv Anna Roosevelt 1 was born 7 Jan 1855 in New York, USA. She died 25 Aug 1931 in Oldgate, Farmingham, New York, United States.
Dirck De Duyster 1 was born 1673 in Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA. He died 15 May 1733. Dirck married Jannetje Hendrickse Bond.
Jannetje Hendrickse Bond 1 was born 1678 in Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA. She died 1721 in New York, USA. Jannetje married Dirck De Duyster.
They had the following children:
M i David De Duytscher was born 8 Sep 1709 and died 1773.
Harry Lee Long [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was born 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 15 Feb 1889 in Elk Falls, Elk, Kansas, USA. He died 13 13 Dec 1974 in Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, USA. Harry married Roberta Fern Jorden. Harry resided 14 1910 in Arkansas City Ward 4, Cowley, Kansas. He resided 15 1920 in Arkansas Ward 3, Cowley, Kansas. He resided 16 1930 in Arkansas, Cowley, Kansas. He resided 17 1917 in Cowley, Kansas. He resided 18 1910 in Arkansas City Ward 4, Cowley, Kansas. He resided 19 1900 in Grenola City, Elk, Kansas.
Roberta Fern Jorden [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6, 7, 8 17 May 1894 in Kansas. She died 9 23 Jan 1983 in Kansas. Roberta married Harry Lee Long. Roberta resided 10 1920 in Arkansas Ward 3, Cowley, Kansas. She resided 11 1930 in Arkansas, Cowley, Kansas. She resided 12 1900 in Geuda town, Sumner, Kansas.
They had the following children:
F i Living Long. M ii Living Long.
John Sherer [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 1801 in , , Pennsylvania, USA. He died 2 Jan 1864 in , Santa Cruz, California, USA. John married Sarah Sills on 1822 in Ohio, USA. John resided 4 1860 in Osceola, Clarke, Iowa.
Sarah Sills 1 was born 1806 in Ohio, USA. She died 25 Jun 1883 in , Santa Cruz, California, USA. Sarah married John Sherer on 1822 in Ohio, USA.
They had the following children:
M i Daniel David Shearer was born 12 Sep 1828 and died 8 Apr 1885. F ii Eliza Melvina Shearer 1 was born 1849 in Osceola, Clarke, Iowa, USA. F iii Sarahanne Shearer 1 was born 15 Sep 1825 in Wooster, Wayne, Ohio, USA. She died 13 Jul 1884 in Osceola, Clarke, Iowa, USA. F iv Mary Berniece Sherer 1 was born 1845 in Holmes, Ohio, USA. She died 19 Jan 1882 in Payette, Idaho, USA. F v Martha Elizabeth Sherer 1 was born 9 Feb 1835 in Ohio, USA. She died 23 Apr 1884 in Chariton, Lucas, Iowa, United States. M vi Francis Marion Sherer 1 was born 5 Jun 1836 in Holmes, Ohio, USA. He died 12 Dec 1908 in Osceola, Clarke, Iowa, USA. F vii Amelia Jane Shearer 1 was born 1840 in Holmes, Ohio, USA. F viii Rachel Shearer was born about 1831. M ix John Quincy Shearer 1 was born 1848 in Clarke County, Iowa, USA. He died Dec 1897. M x David Shearer 1 was born 1842 in Holmes, Ohio, USA. He died 1864 in Resaca, Gordon, Georgia, USA.
Andrew Lafe Smith 1 was born 28 May 1802 in New Albany, Clinton, Kentucky, United States. He died 29 Jun 1875 in Hindsville, Madison, Arkansas, United States. Andrew married Ellen Scritchfield.
Ellen Scritchfield 1 was born 2 Jan 1821 in Hindsville, Madison, Arkansas, United States. She died 9 Jan 1890 in Hindsville, Madison, Arkansas, United States. Ellen married Andrew Lafe Smith.
They had the following children:
M i Alford Thomas Smith was born Aug 1861 and died 31 Aug 1924.
Lincoln Jones 1 was born Aug 1863 in Ohio, USA. He married Pauline N Rahmes about 1900.
Pauline N Rahmes [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was born 6, 7, 8, 9 Jun 1874 in Ohio. She married Lincoln Jones about 1900. Pauline resided 10 1930 in Douglas, Cochise, Arizona. She resided 11 1920 in Wayne, Butler, Ohio. She resided 12 1880 in Fairfield, Butler, Ohio, United States. She resided 13 1900 in Fairfield Township, S&WPeHc, Butler, Ohio.
They had the following children:
F i Living Jones. F ii Living Jones. F iii Living Jones. M iv Living Jones.
William H MacClyment 1 was born Jun 1813 in Delaware, United States. He died 1900 in Stark, Illinois, United States. William married Mary Crooks.
Mary Crooks 1 was born Sep 1818 in Pennsylvania, United States. She died 1902 in Stark, Illinois, United States. Mary married William H MacClyment.
They had the following children:
M i George R McClyment was born 25 Aug 1845 and died 27 Jul 1884.
Harrison Floyd Kerns [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6, 7 3 Apr 1900 in Kinsley, Edwards, Kansas, USA. He died 8 Apr 1982 in Kinsley, Edwards, Kansas, USA. Harrison married Henrietta Husen on 1920. Harrison resided 9 1900 in Kinsley & Logan Townships (Excl. Kinsley City), E, Kansas. He resided 10 1930 in Kinsley, Edwards, Kansas.
Other marriages:Velten, Living
Kerns, Ira Boone
Henrietta Husen [Parents] 1 married Harrison Floyd Kerns on 1920.