John Page [Parents] was born 1521. He died 1553. John married Living Redding.
Living Redding [Parents] married John Page.
They had the following children:
M i Living Page.
John Page [Parents] was born 25 Sep 1586. He died 18 Dec 1676. John married Phoebe Paine.
Phoebe Paine [Parents] was born 1 Apr 1594. She died 25 Sep 1677. Phoebe married John Page.
They had the following children:
F i Susannah Page was born about 1611.
Henry Page [Parents] was born 1492.
He had the following children:
M i John Page was born 1521 and died 1553.
Living Boam married Living Fredenburg.
Living Fredenburg [Parents] married Living Boam.
William Daniel Whitlow [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 13 Sep 1850 in Beardstown, Cass Illinois. He died 26 Nov 1921 in Auburn, Nemaha, Nebraska. William married Couts. William resided 4 1870 in Bedford, Nemaha, Nebraska, United States.
Couts married William Daniel Whitlow.
They had the following children:
M i William Wadsworth Whitlow was born 12 Mar 1875 and died 19 Oct 1961.
Jesse W. Messman married Iva Irene Brown.
Iva Irene Brown married Jesse W. Messman.
Richard C. L. Moncure married Mary Washington Conway.
Mary Washington Conway married Richard C. L. Moncure.
They had the following children:
F i Alice Gascoigne Moncure was born 4 Feb 1830.
John Wheeling was born in Pennsylvania, USA. He married Mary Sholy.
Mary Sholy was born in Pennsylvania, USA. She married John Wheeling.
They had the following children:
F i Living Wheeling.
Forreste Patterson married Florence Naomi Gerard.
Florence Naomi Gerard married Forreste Patterson.
They had the following children:
F i Living Patterson.
Nicholas Bates married Betsey Flint.
Betsey Flint married Nicholas Bates.
They had the following children:
M i Edward Flint Bates was born 9 Mar 1809 and died 6 Feb 1889.