John S. Vredenburgh [Parents] was born 19 May 1831 in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA. He married Emma Miller on 6 Jan 1868.
Emma Miller married John S. Vredenburgh on 6 Jan 1868.
They had the following children:
F i Katherine Mary Vredenburgh.
Living Gowen [Parents] married Living Dannielson.
Living Dannielson [Parents] married Living Gowen.
They had the following children:
F i Living Gowen. F ii Living Gowen. F iii Living Gowen. F iv Living Gowen.
William Silliman Hazard [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4 29 Dec 1840 in Jackson, Mississippi, USA. He married Mary Will True on 27 Aug 1868 in Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA. William resided 5 1920 in Des Moines Ward 3, Polk, Iowa. He resided 1880 in Big Grove, Johnson, Iowa, USA. He resided 1920 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA. He resided 6 1880 in Big Grove, Johnson, Iowa, United States.
Mary Will True [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4 1 Jul 1843 in Avon, Franklin, Maine, USA. She died 1930. Mary married William Silliman Hazard on 27 Aug 1868 in Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA. Mary resided 5 1920 in Des Moines Ward 3, Polk, Iowa. She resided 6 1880 in Big Grove, Johnson, Iowa, United States.
They had the following children:
M i James True Hazard was born 13 Mar 1875. M ii Zenas Augustus Hazard was born 26 Oct 1880 in Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA.[Notes] M iii William Silliman Hazard 1 was born 2 8 Apr 1871 in Solon, Johnson, Iowa, USA. William resided 3 1880 in Big Grove, Johnson, Iowa, United States.[Notes] F iv Delia Effie Hazard was born 27 Aug 1869 and died 19 Nov 1912. M v James F. Hazard 1 was born 2 about 1875 in Iowa. James resided 3 1880 in Big Grove, Johnson, Iowa, United States. M vi Clovis Frank Hazard 1 was born 2 29 Jan 1873 in Hamburg, Fremont, Iowa, USA. He died 13 Apr 1890 in Grundy, Iowa, USA. Clovis resided 3 1880 in Big Grove, Johnson, Iowa, United States.
Living Heider married Living Clement.
Living Clement [Parents] married Living Heider.
They had the following children:
F i Living Heider. M ii Living Heider.
Harold Milton Cook 1 was born 7 May 1915 in Lynchburg, Lynchburg Co., VA. He died 12 May 2009 in Great Falls, Cascade Co., MT. Harold married Dorothy Mae Leffler on 11 Jun 1940 in Gibsonia, Allegheny Co., PA.
Dorothy Mae Leffler [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 5 Jun 1911 in LaGrange, Cook, Illinois, United States. She died 6 14 Aug 1992 in Cascade, Cascade, Montana, United States. Dorothy married Harold Milton Cook on 11 Jun 1940 in Gibsonia, Allegheny Co., PA. Dorothy resided 7 in Cascade. She resided 8 1920 in Mount Lebanon, Allegheny, Pennsylvania.
They had the following children:
M i Living Cook. F ii Living Cook.
Living Snare [Parents] married Living Woodrow.
Living Woodrow married Living Snare.
They had the following children:
F i Living Snare. M ii Living Snare. F iii Living Snare.
Edwin Montgomery [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 Jul 1851 in Illinois, USA. He married Bell. Edwin resided 7 1870 in Elmwood, Cass, Nebraska. He resided 8 1880 in Otoe, Otoe, Nebraska, United States. He resided 9 1900 in Grafton, Fillmore, Nebraska.
Bell 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 Jul 1858 in Iowa, USA. She married Edwin Montgomery. Bell resided 7 1910 in Kansas Ward 8, Jackson, Missouri. She resided 8 1900 in Grafton, Fillmore, Nebraska. She resided 9 1930 in Fremont, Dodge, Nebraska.
They had the following children:
M i Frank Montgomery was born Jan 1880 in Nebraska, USA. F ii Ethel M Montgomery was born Sep 1878. F iii Litha Marie Montgomery was born 3 Feb 1884 and died 11 Mar 1986. M iv Living Montgomery.
Henry Snickler was born about 1816 in Germany. He died about 1855 in Jennings, Indiana, USA. Henry married Anna Fradenburgh in Decatur, Indiana, USA.
Anna Fradenburgh [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 1814 in Campbell, Kentucky, USA. She died after 1870 in Missouri, USA and was buried in Kansas, USA. Anna married Henry Snickler in Decatur, Indiana, USA. Anna resided 4 1870 in Columbia, Jennings, Indiana. She resided 5 1870 in Columbia, Jennings, Indiana, USA.
Other marriages:Bagley, David
Parsons, William
Holcomb, Eli Asa
They had the following children:
F i Elizabeth Snickler was born 7 Aug 1854 and died 14 Dec 1933. F ii Mary Snickler was born 1849 in Indiana, USA.
Living Velten [Parents] married Living Ashe.
Living Ashe [Parents] married Living Velten.
They had the following children:
M i Living Velten. F ii Living Velten.
Webb C. Ward 1 was born 2 about 1888 in Kansas. He married Lillian Pearl Patterson on 22 May 1912. Webb resided 3 1920 in Caneyville, Chautauqua, Kansas.
Lillian Pearl Patterson [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was born 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 3 May 1890 in Madary, Berry, Missouri, USA. She died 5 Oct 1953 in Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, USA. Lillian married Webb C. Ward on 22 May 1912. Lillian resided 12 1910 in Jefferson, Chautauqua, Kansas. She resided 13 1930 in Jefferson, Chautauqua, Kansas. She resided 14 1900 in Montevallo, Vernon, Missouri. She resided 15 1 Mar 1905 in Jefferson, Chautauqua, Kansas. She resided 16 1910 in Jefferson, Chautauqua, Kansas. She resided 17 1920 in Caneyville, Chautauqua, Kansas.
They had the following children:
F i Living Ward. F ii Marjorie Oma Ward was born 4 Feb 1918 and died 6 May 1999. F iii Carolee Ward. M iv Living Ward. M v Lyle M Ward.