Otis Hutchins married Mandana Page.
Mandana Page married Otis Hutchins.
They had the following children:
F i Elma Belle Hutchins was born Feb 1879.
Willard Hutchings died 5 Nov 1882 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. He married Ruth Chilson Chase.
Ruth Chilson Chase [Parents] was born 29 Jan 1824 in Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA. She married Willard Hutchings.
Living Hermann [Parents] married Living.
Living married Living Hermann.
They had the following children:
F i Living Herman. M ii Living Herman. M iii Living Herman.
Felton Hickok married Annie Seelye.
Annie Seelye [Parents] married Felton Hickok.
Philip Verplank Hoffman [Parents] was born 1791. He married Mary Murgatroyd.
Other marriages:Osborn, Lydia
Mary Murgatroyd married Philip Verplank Hoffman.
Philip Verplank Hoffman [Parents] was born 1791. He married Lydia Osborn.
Other marriages:Murgatroyd, Mary
Lydia Osborn married Philip Verplank Hoffman.
Martin H. Hoffman [Parents] was born 1772. He married Gertrude Van Ness.
Gertrude Van Ness married Martin H. Hoffman.
John Hogdal married Living Zobbe.
Living Zobbe [Parents] married John Hogdal.
Willard E Bird married Blanche DuBois.
Blanche DuBois married Willard E Bird.
They had the following children:
F i Rose B Bird was born 31 Mar 1920 and died 13 Apr 2010.
They had the following children:
F i Genora Dette Lawton was born 22 Oct 1870 and died 14 Jul 1899.