William Gaston [Parents] was born 8 Mar 1794. He married Lima Carver.
Lima Carver married William Gaston.
They had the following children:
M i David Gaston was born Jun 1815.
Living Kadereit [Parents] married Norma Ruth Murphy.
Norma Ruth Murphy was born 8 Dec 1927. She died 20 Jan 1988. Norma married Living Kadereit.
They had the following children:
M i Living Kadereit.
Living Hausman married Living Myers.
Living Myers [Parents] married Living Hausman.
Other marriages:Curtis, Living
Living Curtis married Living Myers.
Living Myers [Parents] married Living Curtis.
Other marriages:Hausman, Living
John Dale was born 1871. He married Evaline Hann.
Evaline Hann was born 1870. She married John Dale.
They had the following children:
M i Joel Issac Dale was born 15 Dec 1891 and died 1952.
Richard Stratton married Sarah Sturges.
Sarah Sturges [Parents] was born about 1663 in Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. She died 1680. Sarah married Richard Stratton. Sarah was baptized.
Living Clugston [Parents] married Living.
Living married Living Clugston.
Living Vredenburgh [Parents] married Living Lasure.
Living Lasure married Living Vredenburgh.
They had the following children:
F i Living Vredenburgh. F ii Living Vredenburgh.
Rev. Daniel Campbell Hopkins married Martha Prentiss Richards.
Martha Prentiss Richards [Parents] married Rev. Daniel Campbell Hopkins.
They had the following children:
M i John Richards Hopkins was born 10 Oct 1813 and died 7 Feb 1870.
John Richards [Parents] married Martha Prentiss.
Martha Prentiss married John Richards.
They had the following children:
F i Martha Prentiss Richards.