Land Patents
Mining History
Family History



Historic and Geologic Resources
of South Central California

(Including, Tehachapi, the Mojave Desert
 and Southern San Joaquin Valley)


Tehachapi Area Resources

United States General Land Office Deed (Patent) Records For the Tehachapi Area

Township 31 South, Mount Diablo Meridian
Township 32 South, Mount Diablo Meridian
San Bernardino Meridian

What are Townships, Ranges and Meridians anyway?

 Genealogy of Tehachapi Pioneers

In September 2008 I was contacted by an acquaintance Dave Dyas who was looking for more information about Thomas Godwin, who is buried in the old Tehachapi cemetery. Dave and his wife have adopted Thomas Godwin's grave site - to maintain it. I told him I would see what I would find in Ancestry.com.  With this little project I started putting together the genealogies of the pioneers of Tehachapi.

In my own family genealogy research I have run into counties here and there across the fruited plain that have begun their own county genealogies.  What this means is that if your ancestor ever lived in one of these counties they are collecting information about them - very handy.  These websites provided the seed of the idea for this project. This is a geography based "family tree" not a family based tree.

There are 2,490 people in this tree. Of course many folks, or their relatives lived somewhere other than Tehachapi. If you have a subscription to Ancestry.com my Tehachapi California Pioneer Families family tree can be found HERE.

If you don't have an ancestry.com subscription, here is another option. Though frozen in time, Nov. 13, 2020, I exported my on-line family tree to a GEDCOM file. You can download it and use it in a genealogy program. Ancestral QuestLegacy Family Tree, and RootsMagic have free versions. Download my GEDCOM into a new family tree. Expect LOTS of errors, since it was exported from the online version of ancestry.com and undoubtedly it will have different data fields. Also, the software might not be happy that the file contains MANY disconnected families!


Regional Historical Resources

Mojave Desert Mining History

Local Area Links

 Historic Central California Reference Material

Early Newspaper Clippings of the Southern San Joaquin Valley
    (Includes Fort Tejon, Indians, Tehachapi, Havaliah, Bakersfield, Mining)

Kern County Historical Society


The Web Search Vredenburgh.org



Larry Vredenburgh