Selected Newspaper Coverage
of the
Southern San Joaquin Valley, California
and Vicinity

Daily Alta California, January 10, 1854, page 1, Col.7


From Mr. Millmore, who has just returned from the Four Creek and Tejon Section of our valley, we obtained some items of interest. Lieut. Beale is prosecuting his labors to establish at the Tejon Pass, an Indian reserve and farm with great assiduity. A the time our informant was there, he had already sown two miles square of grain, and kept running constantly twenty-four plows. Most of the labor is performed by the Indians, and that too, by those two months ago were running wild in the mountains. They execute for a day's labor in plowing, nine furrows, forward and back, of a mile each in length, making one long furrow of eighteen miles in length. Such expertness in plowing, we are of opinion, would take down some of our experienced Yankee farmers. They have overseers and are worked something on the plan of a plantation farm in our Southern States. At present, Lieut. Beale has succeeded in concentrating only six or eight hundred Indians on the new reservation, and it is thought that he will be obliged to use force to make the many Indians of this valley come into his arrangements for their amelioration. The section of country which he has occupied for his Indian farm, is represented as being excellent, and of better soil than any where else in the whole San Joaquin Valley. It is good either as regards its fertility, or for grazing purposes. Lieut. Beale has recently purchased a drove of cattle, and kills a bullock a day for their consumption, besides contributing to their "minor comforts" flour and such other provisions as will gratify the maw of a hungry Indian. He intends, as soon as he gets his grain into the ground, to erect suitable farm houses and other buildings for the convenience of the reservation, and comfort of the Indians.

From our informant we also learn that the entire southern section of the valley is fast filling up with emigrants, and of that stamp and character that will cause the "wilderness to blossom." The whole Four Creeks country is numerously settled, and the rich and fertile lands on the banks of the King's river are numerously occupied and fast being brought into a state of cultivation. It is well known that the southern portion of the San Joaquin valley is the richest and best for agricultural purposes, and would have been occupied and improved long before this, but for the fear of Indian depredations. The emigration of the past season have mostly moved into this section of the valley, and give such preponderance in strength against the Indians as to do away with all fear of molestation. - Stockton Journal

Daily Alta California, January 23, 1854, page 2, Col.2


Arrival of Captain Howard - Stockton Republican

"Capt. Howard arrived last night form the Tejon pass. He left the Indian Reservation of the 10th, of the present month, and he gives the most glowing description of Lieut. Beale's experiment with the Indians. He is working wonders. There are now some 2,300 of these wild inhabitants of the Sierra Nevada profitably engaged in the working of the soil, and the cry is still thy come, as every day brings some new accession. It is a mistake to suppose that these are Mission Indians; the vast majority are men who have frequently been brought in conflict with the whites. Runners have been sent to every part of the State, and even tribes of the Sacramento region have sent their representatives to inquire into the condition of affairs, and all are delighted at the prospect. Lieut. Beale had only sixty Indians to commence with, but the news soon reached the ears of one of the most influential chiefs in the southern district, and he brought in every man of his tribe.

"Captain Howard says that the objection with some urge against Lieut. Beale's plan, namely, that it is situated in the midst of a country which will ultimately be settled by the whites. It appears that this reservation is bounded on the north by a desert country, on the west by a lake, and on the east by the mountain region; on the south again lies an almost desert country. The Indians reside comfortably in tule houses of their own construction, but in a short time Lieut. Beale will teach them to erect adobe houses. There are no ardent spirits permitted within the reservation. The lake and streams afford an abundance of fish, and the prairie abounds with game. Many of the Indians are employed in dressing skins. Some specimens of their work, we have seen. Captain Howard had a 'big talk' with the Merced Indians the day before yesterday. They are nearly all going to the reservation.

"The Four Creeks country is fast settling up. On Tule river where six months ago there was only one family, there is now a population of some fifty persons."

Daily Alta California, March 9, 1854, page 3, Col.1

News from San Diego Dated, March 5, 1854, and Los Angeles news to the 2d of February.

FROM CHINO - The Four Creeks Indians made a descent upon Col. Williams, last Saturday, and ran off 125 of his horses, and 25 belonging to other ranchers. Among the animals stolen, was a fine American stallion, belonging to Dr. Creal...

Daily Alta California, March 25, 1854, page 2, Col.3


Captain Drum, Indian Agent, at the Tejon Reservation arrived in town this week, on business connected with his office.

During the late severe weather, Capt. D. has passed though both the Passes, that of Tejon, and Cajon de la Uvas. The former is now filled with snow - void of grass and almost impassible. While in the latter there is no snow, but plenty of grass and good camping grounds through to the Tulare valley.

Vegetation in the Tulare valley is in an advanced state. Thee has fallen abundance of rain and the crops look well.

Major Gordon has established a ferry on the Kern river. The emigration now passes principally up the west side of the lake.

We repeat here our precaution to emigrants, to supply themselves with provisions before leaving this city, ad the supplies at the Tejon Reservation are government property, and cannot be disposed of to travelers; besides, there is no greater quantity there than the wants of the Reservation requires. L.A. Star, 18th instant.

Los Angeles Star June 24, 1854

TEJON RESERVATION- The peculiar adaption of the Tejon to its present uses cannot but be acknowledge by everyone who will visit it. It lies in a corner of the world, far away from civilization, and defying the approach of settlements on any side. It is off from the line of travel, and the only resources of its people are in the soil and wild game. South and east it is bounded by almost impassable mountains; on the north is a strip of arid desert, extending to the Tules; on its extreme west passes the wagon trail from the Cañada de Las Uvas. The Tejon Pass which is in the extreme east corner, is only a single trail through a narrow defile, broken by precipitous and difficult hills. It is so cut off from the world, that travelers must go out of their way to approach it. It is so far from markets, and so difficult of access that it could be of little value for any other purpose except it could be as a grazing rancho. It is about twenty miles across the head of the valley, and the Reservation embraces 50,000 acres. The soil is rich, and abundantly supplied with water and timber. We road a distance of probably twenty five miles around its borders. Little green vallies (sic.) extend into the Sierras, supplied with clear spring water and belts of oak timber. In these vallies (sic.) are located the rancherias, out of sight to the general observer, where the Indians cultivate their acres and take much pride in keeping them clean and free from weeds as any other class of farmer. All classes work, fro the oldest to the youngest. Juan Viejo claimed exemption on account of being chief; but when told that it was necessary for the old man to set the example of industry to the young; he replied, "It is good," and went cheerfully to the field.

Considering the short time since Lieutenant Beale arrived at the Tejon, and the obstacles he has overcome, the amount of labor performed is almost miraculous. At first the Indians were very shy and awkward - fearful that tricks were about to be practiced upon them, as had been done by former Indian Agents. All the implements had to be transported over an almost impassable road. Yet inspite of these difficulties, the Tejon, once a barren waste, roamed over by bear and deer, and antelope, and few poor Indians, has become a blooming field and garden. All these results have been provided since the first day of November last, when the first ground was broken by the plow. Previous to this the Indians resident had raised small crops of corn and melons, by stirring up the earth, and dropping the seed to take care of itself; but their corps were never sufficient; and in seasons of drought they lived upon roots, nuts, venison, and fish taken from the lake. The mountains abound in bear and deer, and the plains are alive the antelope.

Los Angeles Star, June 24, 1854, p. 2, col 2

Colonel Fremonts Last Trip- It will be recollected the Colonel Fremont Stated, when he arrived in San Francisco, that he came through a new Pass in the Sierra Nevada, heading into the Kern River Pass, and thence into the Tulare Valley. We are well assured that Colonel Fremont, instead of coming thro' a new pass, came into the Tulare Valley by Walkers Pass; that he remained two days between Kern and Tule Rivers; and when visited by some settlers on the Tule River and asked why he did not come into the settlements he evasively answered that he was out of funds and though he was in need of provisions, he knew he could get none without money. We have many items of interest concerning the expedition of Col. F.

Los Angeles Star, June 24, 1854, p. 2. col. 2.

Col. Mansfield - Inspector General of the Army, left this city on Monday for the Tejon for the purpose of establishing a military post on the Reservation. Two companies of the Third Artillery are ordered to that point. Captain Jordan is Assistant Quartermaster for the Tejon, and also for Fort Miller, on the upper San Joaquin.

Mr Beale has under his immediate orders a detachment of the Twelfth Dragoons, Company A. Should the San Fernando Hill be rendered passable most of the supplies for these posts would be purchased in this market.

Los Angeles Star, June 24, 1854, p. 2, col. 2.

Mr. Washburn, U. S. Deputy Surveyor, left this city of the Tejon on Tuesday. His contract extends from the point at the Tejon, east 97 miles, and embraces five ranges of townships, north of this line. His last line will be in the neighborhood of Walkers Pass.

Los Angeles Star, June 24, 1854, p. 2, col. 3

It gives us pleasure to inform the numerous friends of Mrs. Beale, that she arrived at the Tejon in good health and excellent spirit, she enjoyed the trip hence, with its wild excitements, very much; and on her arrival, was soon established comfortably in the new house of her husband, where her fair and pleasing manners excited the admiration and curiosity of the natives.

Los Angeles Southern Californian Feb 22, 1855

...Stockton, we have got to put forth some energy in this matter, and this trade may be retained by our citizens.

The cheaper goods are afforded at the placers, the greater will be the inducement to work them, and if our people are wise, we may be the recipients of the entire trade of the thousands of miners who are rapidly thronging the hillside and valley.

The stage driver brought in from the Kern River, one dollar and twenty six cents worth of gold which he saw washed out of five pans of dirt. He had no opportunity of going up into the cañons where the great body of the miners were at work, but he was informed that they were taking out the gold in great abundance.

D. W. Alexander who has just arrived from the mines, states that he came back the new road, known as Thompson's cut-off.

Mr. A. says that it is bound to be the road not only on account of its being at least 30 miles shorter, but also for its superior facilities in the way of grass and water, and the absence of any serious obstacle.

Wagons on this route can be taken within five miles of Allen's Camp. This road turns off 5 miles beyond Elizabeth Lake, and takes across a short patch of desert and enters a canon, after passing through which, the beautiful valley of Tehichipy is spread out, extending some twenty miles in length by eight or ten in width, covered with the finest grass and plenty of water.

A. Mr. Morehead has made a settlement at the further end of this valley, near which the new road passes.

The distance from this city to Elizabeth Lake is about 60 miles, thence to Morehead's 30 miles, thence to Allen's Camp about 15 miles.

Mr. A. met scores of people on their way, among whom were several teams with families who were enroute to this valley from the Monte, with the intention of making a settlement.

Notwithstanding the immense numbers that have gone to the mines, such is the great extent of the gold region that they immediately become lost in the mountains, and one would hardly be aware of the great numbers, were he not to pass over the road and witness the hundreds who are hourly flocking to the land of hope.

Mr. Gabriel Allen arrived in town last Monday, but he confirms what we have heretofore published, that the miners are all doing well with the exception of those who have rushed in without any tools to work with. There is no use in depending upon obtaining these articles in the mines, every person should therefore provide himself before he starts out.

Los Angeles Southern Californian April 11, 1855, page 2, col. 2

Gold Mines

In the valley of Tehachepy some distance this side of Kern River parties have lately prospected and found gold is abundant throughout its entire extent, some twenty miles in length by from 5 to ten in breadth. As we are informed no one locality appears to be richer than another, but the whole extent of the valley seems to be impregnated with the precious metals, gold has also been found that pays 25¢ to the pan. Should this valley prove to be as rich as anticipated it will become one of the most attractive portions of the mining regions as it is now on account of its great natural attractions, fertility of the soil etc. Those who have visited the valley universally describe it as superior to any tract of country they ever saw, completely shut in by majestic mountains, covered by a luxuriant growth of the finest burgh grass, which in the month of January was over two feet high, and watered by streams of the purest water.

From Kern River we continue to receive as here-to-fore contradictory reports, some blowing hot, other cold. One gentleman of our acquaintance reports some 800 to 1,000 men who are doing well, many averaging $10 and $12 per day. Merchandise however continues to be forwarded from our city as heretofore mentioned Mr. Herefore last week sent out some $6,000 to his store and other parties in business there continue to send in there orders.

Los Angeles Southern Californian June 6, 1855 page 2, col 2

Rumors reach us of thefts and robbers in the neighborhood of the Tejon. One nice young man by the name of Mead was dressed down at the Reservation to the tune of thirty, for getting his leg into another man's pantaloons and leaving his own, which were of a much inferior quality - a shabby trick. Capt. Dummer who has been down here for the last few days, returned on Monday.

Parties from the valley of Tehachpy report large yields of gold in that region, some say thirty dollars to the man. We wouldn't pretend to deny it, but we are d.....d, clear believing it. We haven't entirely recovered from that Kern River malady yet, and we are deposed to deal gently with all metallic substances without regard to edge.

Los Angeles Southern Californian June 20, 1855, page 2, col 1, 2, 3.

Three column report of Lieut Beale - Indian Reservation and description of life at Fort Tejon.
[not transcribed]

Los Angeles Star, June 30, 1855, p. 2, col. 2

Office Superintendent Indian Affairs
San Francisco, April 14, 1855

Hon. G. W. Manypenny, Commissioner Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.

SIR: Having just returned from the south I am able to give a very favorable account of affairs at Tejon. The Indians are quiet and contented, and engage in their work, even more quietly than usual.

The quantity of wheat and barley sown is about fifteen hundred acres. This is less by five hundred acres, than I intend to have sown - the dry weather during the winter, prevented the plowing of a greater quantity. Rain, however, has fallen bountifully, during the last month and the crops look exceeding well. I made arrangements while there, to provide for each Indian tribe on the Reserve, a garden, cornfield, and melon and pumpkin patch, as their individual property. The houses which they were directed to build last fall are now completed, and many of them are now living in adobe houses, of their own construction.

They have become content with the policy of giving beef only to those who labor, and are satisfied, more, with their ration of flour, which is the food we give those who do not labor; to those who work we give about three pounds of beef, each per day which is boiled with the flour (chopped wheat) making a very good and substantial food, with which they are well satisfied.

The women make their own clothing, very neatly; and I now purchase a cheap article of cotton drilling, which is made into clothing for the men; and as there is no expense, except the wholesale cost of the cloth, the cost of clothing is very little. I do not however, give to he men, who perform no labor any other clothing than shirts - deeming it important, at every point, to keep up the distinction between those who labor and those who do not.

We manufacture our own flour and grain, or rather, chop the wheat for the Indians with a small mill driven by mules; the water mill which is in the course of erection, not being yet completed. When I left there the plows were engaged in breaking the garden and corn land for the Indians. When this should be completed, I directed them to commence breaking new land for the next years crop, as I consider this, which is similar to the summer fallow in the East, to be the proper method of farming in this country. Land thus prepared can be sown any time during the fall, and is ready to take its start with the first rains in winter. The wheat of which there is a large quantity on hand is stored in the chaff, in the large adobe building; and I shall be able this year to test fairly the experiment as to whether wheat can be kept in this climate or not.

Returning from the Tejon, I came the land route, via Kern River, Fort Miller, and the Fresno Farm. The Indians upon the entire route are peaceable and quiet, and I left word with them that this years crop would enable us to furnish them with plenty of wheat at the Tejon, and gave them a general invitation to go there, which I have no doubt they will do as fast as the progressive settlement of that country demands their removal. There are about fifteen hundred Indians on Kings River who have heretofore been averse to removal, and the white people, also, were last year disposed to favor their remaining. They, however, are now anxious, that early steps should be taken for their removal; and the Indians seeing the inevitable fact that the lands must soon be taken from them, are becoming restless, and ask for protection.

Preparatory, therefore to bringing them under subjection, I have sent up from the Tejon a team of mules, a wagon loaded with flour, plows etc., and have directed an agent to plant at one of the Rancheros a field of corn - say fifty or an hundred acres. This will be done at small expense, and is, in my opinion, the cheapest method of exhibiting to the Indians the objects and intentions of the government.

At the Fresno Farm I found everything in a prosperous condition. The quantity of wheat and barley sown is about four hundred acres, and looks more flourishing even than at the Tejon. There are about four hundred Indians at this place. They are in good condition and are very well contented. The distinction which I have always kept up, in regard to food and clothing, between those who labor and those who do not, induced the chief of his tribe to solicit labor for all his people, that they might be clothed and fed alike.

There are within a circle of one hundred miles around the Fresno, several thousand Indians, and the object of this farm is to collect them here, preparatory to their removal to a more suitable location. Leaving the Fresno, I returned to the city, via Stockton, arriving on the 30th. March, having been about thirty days.

Very Respectfully
Your ob't servant
Thos. J. Henley
Superintendent Indian Affairs.

Los Angeles Star, August 18, 1855, p. 2, col. 1

FATAL ENCOUNTER WITH A BEAR - Col. W. Martin has furnished us with the following particulars of the fatal and shocking accident that occurred to Mr. W. S. Keene, whose death we have previously noticed in this paper. Mr. Keane died at the Tejon Indian Reservation on the first instant, aged 24 years. Mr. K. was originally from Washington County Texas, and has been engaged in getting out lumber for the use of the Reservation. While on a hunting excursion for antelope, on the 18th. of July he was attacked by a Grizzly Bear. His companion Mr. Tannehill, who was separated from him at the time, found him about three hours after the bear left him, shockingly mangled, one side of his face being literally torn away and his thigh and groin dreadfully lacerated. Mr. T. after binding up his wounds as well as he was able, placed him in a safe place, and started for the reservation, distant 20 miles, where such aid at they had, was immediately furnished, and on the 29th. At Kern's urgent request, he was brought into the Reservation on a hand litter, where he lingered until the morning of August 1st. He received every attention from the employees of the Reserve which was in their power to bestow, and was buried by them on the evening of his death.

[Texas papers please copy]

Los Angeles Star, March 15, 1856, p. 2, col, 2

FROM THE MINES - FROM THE Kern River mines we have not much news of interest on account of the severe cold weather that has been experienced in that quarter. The receipts of gold from that region would indicate, however, that some of the miners were doing extremely well. Capital, we think, will yet seek investment there and well directed enterprise reap a rich reward in a generous supply of the oro. We are requested to published the following extract of a letter from a miner in that section.


FEBRUARY 23, 1856

Since I came to this place some three months since, I have spent a considerable length of time in prospecting the various gulches and ravines by which we are surrounded, but as yet have made no valuable discoveries, still I can by the least effort, and in almost any direction, find more or less gold, but not sufficient to justify me to work, yet from what I can gather from experienced miners, there are the strongest indications of deep and rich diggings imaginable.

From every appearance there has at some time been a considerable stream of water run through this portion of the country, which, by some volcanic eruption, has either destroyed or removed to some other part of this land, and the general opinion is, could the old bed of this stream be found, that rich and extensive treasures would be the reward of any person whose energy might prompt him to test the matter.

There has been but few claims discovered as yet that will pay more than eight or ten dollars per day, to the hand as a general thing, however, some few are doing I think, a little better while others are not doing near as well.

I candidly believe that all that keeps this from being a rich and extensive mining country is for the want of some few energetic, industrious miners to prospect the country thoroughly; for as yet there has been no prospecting done by which we can tell anything. So much for mining.

I will now give a short and imperfect history of the agricultural products and close.

As before stated, the valley has not been tried sufficient to prove whether the farmer may rely on being rewarded very amply by emigrating to and settling in it; yet, it may be possible and is even thought highly probable, that "TICHIPE" will, when properly tried prove to be one of the better countries in California for raising wheat, barley, and Irish potatoes, but owing to the extreme cold weather which sets in early in the fall and lasts till late in the spring, it is thought that corn would not mature before frost would overtake it. Nevertheless, be it as it may, there are large bodies of rich land, as yet unlocated, that spread out over a scope of country from six to ten miles in width, by twenty or thirty miles in length, not covered by Spanish claims, as in many other portions of the country, but are without doubt Uncle Sam's property.

We have good cold running springs of excellent water in almost every portion of the valley, sufficient for irrigating farms. We have splendid timber, and a sufficiency to answer every purpose of farming, building etc.

Yours Truly - - A Miner.

Los Angeles Star, March 22, 1856, p. 2, col. 3


Quite a number of herds of stock, both cattle and horses, have left the country for the north within the two or three past weeks. Many of our Rancheros are intending to move their stock on account of the scarcity of feed in this county. Grass is said to be good and abundant in the TAY-EE-CHAY-PAH and Tulare valleys, and as there are few cattle in that section, thousands of stock could be preserved by driving them there; which much parish if they are permitted to remain here.

Los Angeles Star, Saturday, May 10, 1856, p. 2 col 2 & 3.


Rumors from various sources has reached us during the week of an outbreak among the Indian at Four Creeks, Tule River, and Kern River. The Indians it seems, have been running off stock, and committing depredations on the settlers, as well as threatening them with extermination. After some of these depredations, the settlers armed themselves and killed five Indians firing promiscuously into the whole rancheria at Tule River. This was, of course a wrong proceeding, for they thereby killed five innocent persons, and exasperated the Indians to revenge. It seems that they did not even ask that the guilty should be delivered up, but treated them as if they were all guilty. By this proceeding, the people have called down the whole exterminating spirit of the Indians nations upon them and though the Indians must eventually yield, they will be able to commit many excesses.

The Indians of Four Creeks, Owen's Lake, Tule and Kern Rivers number about one thousand warriors. They are friendly with each other, speaking nearly the same language visiting back and forth, and joining together in distant expeditions. They are known to be notorious thieves and villains, and when a thieving party goes out it does not return immediately to the rancheria, but scatter into the mountain fastness till pursuit is over.

The following is an exact from a letter of Col. Beall, to Major Vineyard, received in this city on Wednesday last:

FORT TEJON May 5, 1856

Sir: I have received a communication from Mr. Theo. D. Maltby, Sub. Indian Agent on Kern River, in which he states that 800 Indians have assembled in that vicinity for the purpose of making a hostile demonstration on the miners, and requesting military aid from this Post for their protection. I shall send out a command for this purpose early tomorrow morning.

I also received yesterday morning a communication from Mr. A. Ridley, Sub. Indian Agent for the Rejon (sic) [Tejon] Reservation, in which he has been informed by an Indian, that a party of Indians had gone out from Owens Lake for the purpose of stealing horses from San Gabriel Mission.

Not having a sufficient force at this post to act upon both these informations, I have directed the Post Adjutant to inform the Mayor of Los Angeles of these facts, and to request him to apprize the rancher's of the same.

The letter of the citizens of Kern River to the Sheriff of this County is below:


TO Mr. Alexander, Sheriff of Los Angeles Co. :

Dear Sir: - We are in the midst of an Indian war. The Indians upon Tule River for some time have been engaged in driving off stock. Last week a party from Four Creeks and Tule river killed five Indians who had been committing depredations. Thus collected from all quarters and threatened to annihilate all the whites both in Tulare Valley and these mountains. A ranging party from this place and Visalia attacked a party of Indians up on Tule River on the 28th ult. And had to retreat.

Capt. Maltby, Indian Agent, was informed yesterday the friendly Indians residing about six miles from here; that there is a band of about five hundred Indians encamped about forty miles from this, who expect to attack us. We have fortified ourselves, and will defend ourselves if they make their appearance. The Indians also informed Capt. Maltby that the party in the mountains have several hundred head of cattle stolen from your section of country.

We have sent to the fort for arms and ammunition but no soldiers. If you can send us and men or ammunition we would be very thankful. The Indians in the mountains have a very large amount of stock. Our number here is small only about sixty men - the balance having started to assist those in Tulare Valley before we knew the Indians were at our own doors.

If we could be twenty-five men from your place, we would join them and attack the Indians in the mountains - we know where they are.

In Haste
Citizens of Kern River Mines.

Soon after the killing of the five Indians, a report reached the Reservation that the settlers were preparing to make an attack upon the Indians there. To prevent this Major Vineyard sent Col. Beall for assistance and a detachment of twenty soldiers was ordered out. This it is said prevented the attack upon the Reservation Indians.

Mr. Smith, Express rider between this city and Kern River, report that at Four Creeks, the settlers were moving away all their women and children. At Kern River and in TA-AH-CHE-PAY Valley, the inhabitants were fortifying themselves to be ready for any attack

The letter of Col. Beall is the latest date we have from that region.

We are indebted to Dr. Barton, of the Monte, for the following letter from Mr. Bright of Tahchepay Valley. The letter is dated.

Ta-ah-che-pay Valley, May 4, 1856

Dr. Barton:

Dear Sir - I take this opportunity to inform you that we are all well at present, but not doing as well as we might. Times are sqally here - The Indians have broken out of the Four Creeks, and driven off a great many cattle. They have stolen three or four hundred head of horses from Santa Barbaka (sic), and carried them up into the mountains on Tule River. The miners on Kern River have quit work and forted up. There have been two fights on Four Creeks, and the Americans were whipped both times. An express came in from Kern River this morning. They expect to be attacked in a day or two.

The settlers have all gathered into my house - we hardly know what to do - I think you had better come up and get your cattle, and take them to a more safe place. I am sure that all the stock in this valley will be stolen in a few days. Uncle Dave Smith is going to start for Los Angeles in the morning with a letter from the miners at Kern River to the Sheriff of Los Angeles to raise a company to come to their assistance. If you come up, I want you to bring me five or six pounds of lead.

Yours most respectfully.
John M. Bright.

Letter from Kern River.

As we are about going to press we were informed by Mr. J. Hilburn, who had just arrived from the Tejon, that ten miners had been felled on Kern River. A drove of four hundred head of cattle had also been taken from a Mr. Cochrane, about twenty miles from the Reservation, near Kern Lake. Our informant also says that Col. Beall had dispatched Lieutenant Albrich with nearly all the soldiers of the Fort to give protection to the people on Kern River, and to suppress, as far as possible, the Indians at he Reservation from taking an active part against the whites in that vicinity. It is said that the Indians of the reservation were engaged in taking the cattle from Cochrane.

The report at the Tejon was when Mr. H. left, that at the Four Creeks the whites were fighting against the Indians, who appear to be up in arms along the whole line of the valley.

It is evident that the Indians throughout this state are on the eve of an outbreak, and our rancheros would do well to be on the lookout for their horses, and our citizens to prepare for stirring times.

Los Angeles Star, May 17, 1856, p. 2, col. 1

Mr. Cochrane has not lost a single head of cattle; nor were 10 whites, or any whites killed on Kern River; on the contrary, the settlers there seemed to have little anxiety concerning the Indians. Some 25 dragoons from Fort Tejon were there, and the officer in command had gone out with a detachment, to seek a parley with the tribes in the mountains.

As soon as the news arrived here that the Indians had killed 10 men in Green Horn Gulch, on the Kern River, besides taking a drove of 400 head of cattle from Mr. Cochrane, a rumor was circulated that a meeting of the citizens of our place would be held at the Montgomery Saloon for the purpose of devising some means to raise and fit out a company of volunteers with provisions to aid and assist the settlers and miners of Tulare Valley.

Los Angeles Star, May 17, 1856, p. 2, col 1.

INDIAN AFFAIRS - Suggestions

From three gentlemen lately arrived by way of the Tulare Valley, we are glad to learn that things have not been as bad as was at first supposed. Mr. Cocharane has not lost a single head of cattle, nor were ten whites or any whites killed on Kern River; on the contrary, the settlers there seemed to have little anxiety concerning the Indians. Some 25 dragoons from Fort Tejon were there, and the officer in command had gone out with a detachment, to seek a parley with the tribes in the mountains. At Four Creeks the Indians had committed some depredations upon cattle of the settlers, in the manner as far as we can learn, they do from time to time on the eastern borders of our county - at Temecula for example - though rather more boldly. They were pursued by a party of whites who, after firing away their ammunition, returned without effecting anything important. Here too, a party of soldiers, from Fort Miller, had been stationed; and more uneasiness evinced among the settlers, those living at a distance, having come into the settlement for greater safety, or for better cooperation against further depredations. There seems, therefore, to be little cause for serious apprehension as yet, notwithstanding it is probably true that a large body of Indians had got together in a dissatisfied and threatening way somewhere in the mountains. Too much importance should not be attached to these assemblages, as they are frequent through the year; still it must be admitted, from all we have heard, in different quarters, that the Indians of Southern California - by which we mean from the Tulare Valley down to the southern line - require to be always carefully watched, lest, in an evil moment, the discontent prevailing more or less amongst them shall ripen into sudden and actual hostility, and surprise the more exposed portion of our population with some bloody catastrophe.

But, let us have no unnecessary parries of which there have been too many during the last five years. War, at an immense expense, is not the only remedy for an occasional loss of cattle by the Indians; they are hungry, often starving, and are cattle left unguarded, roaming over a wide space in their vicinity, and the temptation to the Indians is urgent, while the opportunity to gratify his wants is very favorable. The fact is the condition of Indian affairs here is, and has been ever since we acquired the country, in sad derangement, and the Government should be strongly appealed to by our citizens - and the present session of Congress - to adapt a better plan than now exists, or at least is now executed, for the regulation of the numerous and large tribes that live amongst us.

We do not intend, in the slightest degree, to disparage the services, the preservation of peace, that have distinguished the three gallant officers who are in command here - namely Col Beall at Fort Tejon, Col. Burke at Fort Yuma, and Capt. Burton, at San Diego; but the forces at their disposal are wholly insufficient for the vast territory placed under their observation and care. There should be another permanent post, either on the Mohave River, or in San Gorgonio Pass - and it should be established immediately.

Without extending these remarks further at present - do you not think that a territory like the three counties of Los Angeles, San Diego and San Bernardino - of some 40,000 square miles, with not less than 15,000 Indians - is entitled to a more special care from the Federal Government.

Los Angeles Star, May 17, 1856, p. 2, col 4.

Indian Massacre at Kern River - Proceedings of the Citizens of Los Angeles in the matter.

As soon at the news arrived here that the Indians had killed ten men in Green Horn Gulch, of Kern River, besides taking a drove of cattle, (four hundred head), from Mr. Cochrane, a rumor was circulated that a meeting of the citizens of our place would be held at the "Montgomery Saloon," for the purpose of devising some means to raise and fit out a company of volunteers with provisions and accouterments to aid and assist the settlers and miners in the Tulare Valley.

Agreeable to the rumor thus circulated a few of our citizens met at the "Montgomery." After waiting awhile, each for some other to take the initiative, until some fewer thought that the meeting would not come off, they were addressed by C. Sims, esq.; who, in a few brief and pointed remarks, stated the object of this meeting, and concluded by making a motion that J. R. Scott esq. be chosen chairman, which was assented to by the citizens present without a dissentent voice. The Chairman then stated that any suggestions for the promotion of the object of the meeting were in order and would be thankfully received - whereupon Col. W. C. Ferrell made some suggestions, one of which was, that a committee be appointed to present some plan to the meeting, or devise some steps for this consideration, that would be most conductive to meet the wishes and carry out the views of the people interested in this matter. A motion to that effect was made by W. C. German and seconded, that a committee of four, for the purposes suggested by Col. Ferrell be appointed by the Chair - which was accordingly done, and Major Harvey, Gabriel Allen, Wm. Little, and Wm. C. Getman were duly appointed, and the meeting adjourned to some more convenient time for further operations.

The whole proceedings were characterized by an apathy and lukewarmness of manner which we regretted to see, upon a matter of so much vital importance, not only to the settlers in the Tulare Vale, and the miners on Kern River, but to the community here. We are almost as much exposed as they are, and have probably more at stake.

Lack of enterprise and energy are great draw backs in all popular movements to any community; and unless our citizens show more enthusiasm in this matter, and particularly those whose interests and positions place them in the lead in such enterprises, they might, at least, give their support.

Los Angeles Star, May 17, 1856, p. 4, col. 1


The San Joaquin Republican notices the arrival in Stockton last Friday of Dr. George from Benicia, with sixty stands of U.S. rifles and five thousand rounds of ammunition and minnie balls to be used against the Indians in the Tulare County war. The Governor has also issued commissions authorizing the enrollment of two military companies, in addition to a rifle company already in the field; and Gen. Wool has ordered Captain Stewart of Fort Miller, to carry his force to the aid of the volunteers. Dr. George says that the Indian outbreak has long been premeditated.

Los Angeles Star, May 24, 1856, p. 3, col. 2


Mr Smith from Kern River this week, reports all is quiet in that country. The miners have got over their fright and had returned to their labors. From Four Creeks, no later intelligence has been received.

Los Angeles Star, May 24, 1856, p. 2, col.1

MORE SOLDIERS WANTED - A petition signed by many of our most interested citizens has been presented to Gen. Wool, requesting that the military force at Fort Tejon may be increased sufficiently to afford protection to this section against the depredations of the Indians. It is to be hoped that Gen. Wool will consider the request favorably, for the force now at the Tejon is scarcely more than sufficient to take care of themselves let alone the fighting of all the Indians tribes from the Tejon to Owen's Lake.

Los Angeles Star, June 28, 1856, p. 2, col 3.


This post is under command of Col. Bell, is one of the most important in the state. The number of men stationed there is utterly inadequate to the performance of the harassing duties requested of them. During the late Indian difficulties, the want of men was severely felt, and although a reinforcement was promised, none has yet arrived. We hope Gen. Wool, will soon be in a position to fulfill the promise he made to certain of our citizens to augment the force stationed there. The following we believe, is a correct statement of the officers and men of the Fort: B. L. Bell commanding officer; Capt. Kirkham, quartermaster and assistant commissary, Capt. Gardner; Liuet. Ben. J. Allston; Dr. P. G. S. Ten Broeck, surgeon. The men number about 88.

The crops at the Fort and Reservation are favorably reported of, irrigation having been attended to. The Indians are coming in to the Reservation to assist in harvesting, after which they will set out for their families, and return to spend the winter there.

Los Angeles Star, June 28, 1856, p. 2, col 3.

INDIAN AFFAIRS - The recent difficulties in the Four Creeks and Tulare country having assumed a very serious aspect, Governor Johnson took measures to put an end to this state of affairs. He accordingly commissioned Lieut Beale as a Brigadier General, and sent him to the district fully empowered to make war on the offending tribes, or to establish a treaty of peace as he should think proper. To carry out the views of the Governor, Gen. Wool gave authority to Gen. Beale to draw forces from Fort Tejon or Fort Miller for that purpose.

On arriving at the scene of the outrages, the whites were found greatly alarmed and excited, anxious at once for a war on the tribes. Conferences were held with the Indians, twelve tribes being represented, some 300 present, the result of which was a treaty of peace, the Indians pledging themselves to keep within certain bounds till Col. Henly the Indian Agent, be heard from. The treaty of Gen. Beale is only temporary; but although the arrangement is the best that could be made, under the circumstances, it is absolutely necessary, that the attention of the Agent be given to this matter immediately, if not, a war will break out, disastrous to all parties. The Indians are peaceable, but are starving. The game has left the usual range, the streams are dried up, and they can get no fish; and to add to their misfortune, the white people burned up their acorns which they had stored up for their future sustenance.

In such a state of affairs, we cannot blame the poor Indian for stealing a horse and a mule for food. Such is their version of the origin of the difficulties.

We have heard of atrocities perpetrated on unoffending tribes, disgraceful to our civilization. The Indians in revenge burned a few houses, including O. R. Smith's mill, the latter valued at $30,000.

The treaty made by Gen. Beale, is satisfactory to all parties. The Indians retire to various distant stations, leaving their homes and grounds to the sole occupation of the white man. Should the faith of the State, humanely pledged by Gen. Beale for the sustentation of these poor tribes, not be redeemed by the Agent, consequences must arise, for which he will alone be responsible.

Los Angeles Star, July 28, 1856, p. 2, col 1.

FORT TEJON - The Assistant Quartermaster U.S.A. of the post (Capt. R. W. Kirkham) has been obliged to discharge the mechanics employed in building in consequence of having received orders to this effect from the Chief of the Quartermasters Dept. serving in California.

This has been rendered necessary by reason of Congress not making provision in the appropriation Bill for the army, lately passed for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1857, for barracks and quarters; consequently it became necessary to discharge the mechanics and pay them up to the end of the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1856.

The same order will apply to all posts about being built in California and other states.

This is very unfortunate, as far as we are concerned, as the post at this place is one of great importance, and with little additional outlay would have been complete. It was intended for the accommodation of two companies, but in its unfurnished state, can hardly accommodate one - The various buildings are arranged as a quadrangle, forming a parade ground 320 feet long by 300 in depth. The grounds require to be enclosed by a substantial fence, without which the plan cannot be carried out as originally intended.

Los Angeles Star, August 23, 1856, p. 2, col 2.


Orders have been received at Fort Tejon from the Head Quarters, Department of the Pacific, for Company A., First Dragoons, stationed at that post, to repair to Fort Reading for the winter quarters, immediately on the arrival of two companies of the First Dragoons, now enroute from New Mexico; also one company to take post at San Diego.

We have also been informed that Col. B.L. Beall has also been ordered to Fort Reading, preparatory his going to command a post about being erected at or near the Dallas.

The Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.A., at Fort Tejon, has been directed to prepare quarters and other buildings, for the reception of two companies of the First Dragoons, now on their way to that post from New Mexico.

A large number of mechanics and laborers have been employed for this object in this town.

Los Angeles Star, August 30, 1856, p. 1, col 2 & 3.


At a meeting of the Democracy of Kern River and vicinity, held at Mount St. Mary's Academy in Keysville, on the 3d. of August, 1856, after formally organizing a Democratic Club, styled the Jacksonian Club, on motion of P. Roman Steck, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected officers - Captain James Blackburn, President; Mr. Joseph Caldwell, Vice President; Captain Thomas Maltby Secretary.

Being no other business before the meeting, it was resolved that this club will again convene at this place on the 10th. Inst. On motion adjourned.

James Blackburn, President
P. Roman Stack, Secretary.

At an adjourned meeting of the Jacksonian Club held at Mount St. Mary's Academy in Keysville, on Sunday August 10, 1856, Captain James Balckburn, President, in the chair - the Secretary being absent, on a motion of Judge Steck, J. W. Freeman was appointed Secretary pro tem.

The following Preamble and Resolutions were submitted to the consideration of the meeting by P. Roman Steck, esq., and on motion, adopted without a dissenting voice:


Whereas, The last mails have brought us the glorious, heart-enlivening and gratifying intelligence of the nominations, by the Democratic National Convention at Cincinnati of James Buchanan of Pennsylvania, for President of the United States, and J. C. Breckenridge of Kentucy, for Vice President.

Be it resolved, That we do, as good, loyal, and unflinching Democrats of the Jeffersonian and Jacksonian school, joyfully hail the above information with not inconsiderate interest, infinite delight and ineffable gratitude.

Resolved, That for presenting us for our standard bearers in the approaching campaign, such, good, pure, great, patriotic, and unexceptional men as Buchanan and Breckenridge, we cordially thank the Cincinnati Convention, and congratulate every well wisher of this glorious, and we fondly hope, this indissoluble Union, which was built upon the eternal rock of patriotism, and cemented by the priceless blood of some of the best men the world ever beheld.

Resolved, That we heartily and cheerfully eccept, and do adopt the platform put forth by the National Convention, believing that the most paramount and vital interests to the American people, are embraced in the hallowed principals therein laid down - that they are the orthodox tenets taught by Jefferson, Monroe, and Jackson.

Resolved, Therefore, that we will as a "band of brothers," unite, and once more "buckle on our armor," and bravely and fearlessly do battle, as in the "day of yore", in behalf of the great, grand doctrines of Democracy - To use all fair and honorable efforts or means in aiding our brethren of the party to which we profess to be devotedly linked or attached, the triumphantly elevating Buchanen and Breckenridge to the two highest and proudest stations in the gift of a free and unshackled people.

Resolved, That whereas we perceive with unfeigned delight, that the "old line Clay and Webster Whigs" throughout the country, are coming into the folds of the Democratic Party; hereby we cheerfully bid them welcome, and receive them into our ranks.

Resolved, That we have no sympathy with, and in the most comprehensive sense of the word repudiate and discountenance a secret political organization, styled, very properly, the Know-Nothings - a party which has engrafted upon its platform, features of the most proscriptive character, and at variance with the spirit of the Federal Constitution.

Resolved, That we abhor, detest, abominate, and brand as obnoxious groveling reptiles, fanatical demagogues, a certain insignificant set of people who are styled "Negro Worshipers;" and that we will discountenance them personally, as well as politically.

Resolved, That to another party, named the "Black Republican" party, having as their candidate for the Presidency, a certain well known arbitrary man by the name of one John C. Fremont, we not only extend our unqualified disapprobation, but unequivocally condemn, as hostile and dangerous to the perpetuity of the most sacred Institutions of the union - viewing the Free Soil and Abolition parties indivisible.

On motion, it was resolved that these proceedings be published in the Los Angeles "Star", Herald, San Francisco, and Mariposa "Democrat".

Los Angeles Star, June 28, 1856, p. 2, col 1.

INDIAN AFFAIRS - Some time ago we alluded to the treaty made on behalf of the State by Lieutenant Beale, with the Indians of the Tulare country; recently, we have been informed that the arrangement made by that gentleman has utterly failed, owing to the fact, that no notice was taken of the proceeding by the Indian Agent who alone could give force and effect to the treaty. The consequence is, the Indians are again wandering over the country in search of food, and it is to be expected that they will endure the pangs of starvation, when they see cattle grazing on the hills.

Moreover, in addition to these Tulare Indians, we have in the south here, a body of Indians numbering about 15,000 - of whom about 12,000 live in rancherias and 3,000 are domesticated, living in and around the cities, and occasionally hiring themselves to work for the whites.

...more on Tulare not copied

Los Angeles Star, September 13, 1856, p. 2, col 3.

INDIAN AFFAIRS - In our issue on the 30th ult., we referred to the treaty which had just been concluded by Gen. Beale with the Indians in the Four Creeks and Tulare country. From the information then obtained, it appeared that the Indians in that district had been driven to war from want of food; and it now further appears from information we have since acquired from a gentleman conversant with Indian affairs, that the tribes of the South are also in a starving condition, and if aid be not afforded them in time, a disastrous war will be the result.

The most effective mode of providing for the sustentation of these tribes is by establishing a Reservation. Therefore we cordially join in the prayer of the following memorial, which is in circulation in this and the adjoining counties, for the establishment of a Superintendency of Indian Affairs in Southern California, the organization of a Reserve in the San Gorgonio Pass which is a central position and easy of access to all the tribes, and the erection in the same vicinity, a military post.

Los Angeles Star January 17, 1857, p. 1 col. 3

On Friday morning, the 9th of January, at 25 minutes past eight o'clock in the morning being calm, cool, clear, the sun shining brightly, a shock of an earthquake was felt here. The earth motion was very gentle at first, it gradually increased in violence till every house, with all its contents were seen to rock from side to side. There were three distinct shocks. The duration of the oscillation was fully two minutes. The vibration was north and south.

In half an hour after, another shock occurred, much less violent, another within an hour from that, and during the day, a number of slight vibrations. At five o'clock in the afternoon, a shock occurred almost as severe at the first, which was followed at intervals by slight motions, till about eleven o'clock, when another heavy one occurred. During the night several other vibrations were felt.

On Saturday several slight shocks occurred - with one about eleven oclock at night.

Sunday was quiet, will about eleven oclock at night when a pretty strong vibration was felt, and there after at intervals throughout the night.

Monday was generally considered free from shocks, although many say they felt them distinctly throughout that day also. Since then, the earth remains quiet.INCIDENTS

There was little time given for reflection. In another instant, the fearful cry of "earthquake" issued from every mouth, then a rash of shouting and screaming. At the hotels, the breakfast tables are instantly deserted; people wildly rushed to the streets tripping and tumbling over each other in dismay - in some cases, blocking the door. One gentleman, who, in his hurry mistook his window for a door, was seen running along the roof of an adobe building, thinking, should it fall, it was better to be on top of it, than it on top of him. Another, enjoying the luxury of a bath, stood the rocking for some time, but at last was compelled to evacuate himself and rush to the yard, where to his horror a number of ladies had also sought refuge and were seeking consolation in prayer. Whether from shock to his feelings, or the shook of the earthquake, he was immediately brought prone to the earth, when he managed to creep under cover, unobserved,

The most ludicrous scenes occurred on every hand - in some cases men falling down in the street on their knees, with well (sic) knowing why. Perhaps because persons of a devotional nature suddenly took to prayer in the streets.

The effects on the low or animals was very apparent. Horses, mules and cattle took to flight or if tied up trembled and fell down with fright. Domestic fowls and birds, flew wildly about, uttering the most piteous cries.

The river was thrown out of its bed over the banks and receded; pools of standing water were driven about. In several stores, goods were precipitated to the floor; in one house about $36 dollars worth of bottles were broken. In the mill, at the upper end of town,  a pile of flour sacks were over thrown and blocked up the doorway - the mill sustained no damage.

On the whole, no damage of any consequence has been sustained by our citizens although elsewhere considerable property has been destroyed. The upper school house is cracked in one place; private houses are also cracked, some of them very considerably. On Friday night, a number of people who had been started out of their bed by the heavy shock waves, about eleven o'clock made a fire in the street. Intending to remain up all night, rather than run the risk of being killed by the falling of the houses.

The disruption passed near to a house on Reeds Ranch, in which were several persons, all of whom effected their escape except a women, who was killed by the falling of the house. The wall struck her head which was smashed, no other part of the body being injured or even marked. Her remains were brought to this city and interred.

We have heard a rumor that a man who was riding along the line of disruption, having dismounted from his horse, was partly engulfed, but managed to extricate himself from the loose earth.

We have it, on reliable authority that an old man, name unknown, was walking on the Plaza towards the church, when he tell down and was taken up a corpse. He was very old, supposed to be between 80 and 90. EFFECTS AT SAN FERNANDO

The shock here was also very violent. It knocked down two houses, but did not effect the mission buildings.EFFECTS AT THE MISSION, MONTE

In this district, the shock is represented as having been more severe than in the city. In the Mission, several houses are badly damaged, and the church is represented as having been very much cracked.

At the Monte we have been informed that men were dashed to the ground, that horses were overthrown; and that several houses were greatly cracked. No personal injury sustained.

SAN BERNARDINO January 8,1857

SIR - We experienced a very heavy shock this morning about eight minutes past eight oclock which lasted nearly three minutes. The people are all out in the streets, conversing etc. Several stores and the school house were cracked. Goods were thrown from shelves in several stores. The people from outside the city, are coming in and relating the circumstances.

yours respectfully, L. Glasek

Los Angeles Star January 24, 1857 (Saturday) p. 2 col. 1 & 2


Below will be found a detail of the damage done to the building at Fort Tejon, by the shock of the late earthquake. It will thus be seen that the shock must have been very severe. The Troops are at present living in tents - the sick are also in tents. On Wednesday the mail rider arrived, who reported that a severe shock had been experiences there on Tuesday, just previous to his departure.

(Not completely transcribed from source)

Los Angeles Star, January 17, 1857 p. 2 col.4 EARTHQUAKE

Fort Tejon, Jan. 11, 1857.
Editor of Los Angeles Star:

Sir - Presuming that your readers would be pleased to obtain some information respecting the effects of the terrific earthquake experienced at this post, I will endeavor to give you a slight description of the same. The first shock took place about thirty minutes past six o'clock AM, on Friday, Jan. 9th which was succeeded, at twenty - seven minutes previous to nine oclock a.m., by the most terrific shock imaginable, tearing the Officers quarters to pieces, severely damaging the hospital, and laying flat with the ground the gable ends of nearly all of the buildings erected, including the quarter masters store house. Immense trees have been snipped off close to the ground, and every building between Fort Tejon and Lake Elizabeth leveled with the ground. Many persons have been seriously injured, and one women killed at "Reeds Rancho." The officers and troops at this post have thus far escaped any injury.

The shocks and vibrations have continued at regular intervals up to the present time, say five o'clock p.m. It is very evident that a powerful volcanic eruption is in progress a few miles to the southward of the garrison. You can well imagine the alarm constantly existing in the minds of every person, caused by the frequency of these frightful shocks.

The earth has opened in many places for a distance of seventy miles. Many instances occurred of narrow escapes from injury by falling buildings. Amongst them the lady of Capt. A. W. Kirkham Assistant Quartermaster, who is absent from the Post on official duty; also, Lieut. Col. B. L. Beau, commanding the post, who had barely sufficient time to escape from his bed amidst the tailing of plaster, the cracking of material, falling of chimneys etc. It is miracle that no lives were lost.

We are quite anxious to learn the effects at Los Angeles, the line of disruption seems and does extend from south-east to north-west.

Mr. P. Alexander has come into the garrison from the vicinity of Santa Amelia, and reports that the beds of many small streams have been enlarged, and now are almost rivers; and that immense numbers of fish have been thrown out of the lakes upon dry land. I have just learned that some of the buildings at Reservation have been much injured.

Yours Truly, Alonzo C. Wakeman
Quartermasters Deputy, U.S.A.


The driver of the wagon which conveyed Lieut. Col. Beall, to Fort Miller, has just arrived and reports that the shock wave was experienced at Tule River, 100 miles distant, at about the same time on Friday morning, but that no serious damage was sustained. A. C. W.

Los Angeles Star, January 24, 1857, Saturday, p. 2, Col 1 & 2.


Below will be found a detail of the damage done to the buildings at Fort Tejon, by the shock of the last earthquake. It will thus be seen that the shock must have been very severe. The Troops are at present living in tents the sick are also in tents. On Wednesday the mail rider arrived, who reported that a severe shock had been experienced there on Tuesday, just previous to his departure.

Damage report not transcribed.


This distinguished officer leaves on the steamer for headquarters at Benicia, previous to having the command of another post assigned to him. For some years he has been command of the troops stationed at Fort Tejon.

In expressing regret at the departure of the gallant Colonel, we only speak the sentiments of the entire community. Affable and courteous in his bearing his unassuming manners, as much as his liberality and munificence made him a favorite with all classes of people; whilst his social qualities placed him first among all "right good fellow." His departure is looked upon as a great misfortune to the community.

On Monday afternoon, Col. Beall accompanied by Major Blake and Lieuts. Pender and Jackson, arrived here from Fort Tejon. In the evening, the Los Angeles bass band marched to the Bella Union Hotel, and played for some time, in honor the presence of the Colonel.

In leaving this section of the country, Colonel Beall takes with him the respect and esteem of our whole people, with the best wishes for his future health and happiness.

- - - - -

Major Blake, First Dragoons, stationed at Fort Tejon will leave on the steamer Sea Bird, for Pacific Head Quarters at Benicia, for duty on a general court martial.

Los Angeles Star, February 28, 1857, p. 2, col. 1

Col. Beall, we are gratified to know, returned to this place from San Francisco on his way to Fort Tejon, where he will resume command of that post. Major Blake, now in command there, proceeds to San Diego to relieve Capt. Burton. Capt. B. takes command at Fort Yuma on the Colorado.

Los Angeles Star, June 20, 1857, p. 2, col. 2


From the secretary of this association James P. Narwood, we have had the pleasure of receiving, the past week, a season ticket to attend their performances. It is very credible to the man of the First Dragoons, who garrison Fort Tejon, to find that they have organized and can sustain, an institution of this kind.

We understand from persons who have been present, that the performances are most credible, the various characters being generally well sustained. The theater is handsomely fitted up; the orchestra is filled with talented musicians, and the affairs of the association generally well managed.

We accept the invitation of the association conveyed by the worthy secretary in terms so flattering; and sincerely regret that the distance prevents us being an attendant of their performances. We shall be delighted to hear of the progress and success of the Fort Tejon Dramatic Association

- - - - -

ROBBERY - Last week a daring outrage was perpetrated on a storekeeper known as Irish John, near Fort Tejon. Two men came into his house late at night, gained admittance and placing two pistols at his head, demanded his money. He attempted to fire his pistol at them, but the cap did not explode. One of them fired at John, wounding him in the face, but not dangerously. They then tied their victim and robbed the house carrying off about $2,000.

No clue has been obtained to detect the villains. They were masked, and spoke the English language.