Los Angeles Semi-Weekly Southern News,
Friday March 14, 1862, p. 2, col. 2
FROM TEHACHEPY - We have late information from this valley, by which we learn that the floods did comparatively little damage, and everything was prosperous. There are about fifteen or twenty men at work in the valley, at it is thought more gold could be taken out this year than any previous year. Mr. Ketchland, week before last, supposed he would clean up, as the product of two weeks run, about $1,000.
Los Angeles Tri-Weekly News February 18, 1863, p. 2, col. 1
- Mr. J. P. H. Wentworth, Indian Superintendent for the Southern District
of California, returned here from Tejon, on Monday. Mr. W. found everything
quiet at the reservation. As yet there has not been a single case of small-pox
among the Indians, this malady has not made its appearance anywhere in
that part of the country or it vicinity, as great care had been taken to
have all persons residing in that locality, as well as all Indians, properly
vaccinated. The grain, about four hundred fifty acres, consisting of wheat
and barley - which had been previously sown, was up and looked thrifty,
promising a full yield the coming harvest. Mr. Wentworth says that about
fifty acres of land will be planted in corn, beans etc. For which preparations
have already been made. Stock of all kinds were looking fine; there had
been most bountiful rains and the grass was universally far advanced for
the season of the year.
Los Angeles Tri-Weekly news March 20, 1863, p. 2, col. 2
Chancey B. Harmon
DISAPPEARANCE - PROBABLE MURDER - On the 18th of February last, Chancey B. Harmon, who had been employed on the Tejon Indian Reservation, from June, 1861, to February, 1863 left there on a bay horse, to go to a ranch at Kern Lake distant about thirty miles, in which he had bought an interest. He was last seen at the sink of Tejon (Alamos) at noon on the day of his departure, after that, nothing is known of horse or rider. Diligent [search] has been made, but no clue as to his whereabouts can be obtained as it is supposed he has been murdered. An Indian is suspected, who has lately shown money and others, it is thought, are concerned. Harmon had in his purse as near as could be ascertained, on $20 piece, two or three $5 pieces and two $2.50 pieces, and $2 in silver. Considerable Indian evidence had been taken by the Supervisor at the Reservation, but nothing elicited to him the identity of the murderer. Mr Harmon was a native of Massachusetts.
Los Angeles Tri-Weekly News, Friday June 19, 1863, p. 2, col. 1.
Kelso Valley
report current here, a week or ten days since, that two men had been murdered
at Kelso Valley, by Indians, is confirmed. The names of the men who were
killed, are in late intelligence from Tehachape, are Oliver Burks and Martin
Hart. There were three men in company with freight teams for Owen's River;
one of whom escaped. The wagons and freight were not molested by the Indians.
Los Angeles Tri-Weekly News, September 21, 1863, p. 2, col. 2.
INDIANS - We learn
that there are now near fifteen hundred Indians collected at the Reserve,
Fort Tejon. Nearly all of the Indians from Kern River, Owens River, and
vicinity have been brought in. Captain George, principal chief of the Owen's
River Tribe, has complete control over them, and all further trouble with
these Indians, has no doubt ceased. It is thought some of the Indians will
be removed to the reserve on the Tule River, others to Temecula. Captain
McLaughlin devises to take the chief George to San Francisco with him,
show him the "Elephant," and the folly and impotency of contending against
the whites. Superintendent Wentworth was expected to arrive at the Tejon
overland from San Francisco.
Los Angeles Tri-Weekly News October 29, 1864, p. 2 Col, 5.
Board of Supervisors Meeting - Special Session Dated October 13, 1864, p. 2 col. 5.
Tehachape - At the store of Bishop and Rison; Inspector, E. B Taylor; Judges, Baily Tungate and James Yoursee
Tejon - At the home of Samuel A. Bishop; Inspector, Samuel A. Bishop; Judges, Jesse Start, and P. Halpin.
- Fort Tejon, Cal., January 26, 1864.
Lieut. Col. R. C. DRUM,
Aunt. Adjt. On., Dept. of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal.:
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report: On my assuming command of this post I found 380 Indians located, about 300 yards below this fort, as follows: 120 bucks, 170 squaws, and 90 children almost in a state of starvation; as they are under, no ones charge, and no one to care for the, they must look, out for themselves. They are the remnant of nearly 1,100 Indians that were brought in from Owens River by the Second Cavalry California Volunteers and placed on Tejon Reservation in the charge of the Indian superintendent, but afterward moved from the reservation to this place by order, of headquarters Department of the Pacific, which order I cannot find at this post. Upon inquiry of the Indians through the interpreter, Jose Chico, I find that they all wish to be sent to the Tule River farm to enable them to raise something for their sustenance, as they are unable to do it here. I would also state that a deputation from Tejon Reservation was her today to see me and ask my leave to go to the Tule River farm, which I told them I could not grant. I then asked them why they wished to go to Tule River farm. They told me that heretofore they always put in their crops of wheat, barley, corn, potatoes, &c, but this season they have put in nothing, for the reason that the agent, Mr. Godey, would not give them mules and plows to put in their crop with. Mr. Godey, the agent, tells me that his animals are so poor that they hardly can stand alone, and that for this last two months he has been out of all kinds of supplies either for Indians or his animals; that he has notified Mr. Wentworth, superintendent of the fact but has received, neither reply nor supplies. I therefore most respectfully suggest to the department that all these Indians, 200 of the old Tejon and 380 of the Owens River, located, near this fort, in all 580, be sent to Tule River farm, as there are already 160 acres in wheat, 40 acres in barley, and 200 acres to be planted in corn, potatoes, &c. With an these things planted and a supply of beef--cattle, supplied by the Indian Department, these Indians will be perfectly happy and satisfied. I other reason for making this suggestion is this: The Government pays rent for both of these reservations, and on each has employed an Indian agent and employe (sic), and by putting the Indians all on one reservation it will save the Government the rent of one reservation and the salary of one agent and employe (sic). But should the general commanding department deem it necessary to keep these Owens River Indians here in the vicinity of the fort, I would most respectively ask for orders to furnish them with some kind of rations for their sustenance, and that Jose Chico, interpreter, so favorably mentioned in Capt. M. A. McLaughlins report of May 26, 1863, be retained in Government employ as interpreter, at the rate of $50 per month in legal tender.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
The War of the Rebellion: Series 1, Volume 50, part 2, pp 733-734