The following East Mojave Desert news items were copied from the Barstow Printer by Ted R. Weasma. Spelling errors and grammar were copied as printed.
Barstow Printer News Items: 1911
January 6, 1911
- Mr. Bluett of L. A., spent three days at the Columbia mine; expects to return soon.
- Sam Heath has been doing some assessment work on his claims in the New York mountains.
- Mr. W. T. Jones and Ed Howes have done considerable work on the Death Valley mine.
- Mark Newmeyer and Geo. Martin of Gold Valley, have struck a rich vein of lead ore near the Columbia mine.
- Properties are all looking good at Gold Valley.
- Mr. Strange and Mr. Preston of Los Angeles, were looking over some property at Gold Valley recently.
- Scott Taber was in from Mineral Hill recently.
- J. S. Mead, an old desert pioneer, who has been at Camp Kewanee for some time has returned to L. A.
- L. L. Draper was in from the tungsten mine, and everything is looking fine. He spent New Years at Cima.
- M. J. O'Leary has returned from San Jacinto.
- J. B. Mighton was recently in Cima for supplies.
- C. D. LeSuer has returned from Von Trigger.
- C. C. McPheters is now working at the D. V. mine.
- The Fitzpatrick people have shipped another car of high grade zinc ore. This property looks like a winner.
- Gus Hamerstadt, well known businessman, is doing considerable development work on his copper property joining the Copper World. His property looks well.
- Ex Governer J. J. Gosper of Los Angeles, spent a few days here looking over his property about two miles south of town. The Governor expects to start development work soon.
- Mrs. Banfield and Miss Frobridge were in from Garavanza mine this week.
- Lon Grundy, one of the old time miners of the desert, came in from the Munday mines recently. He reports the property is looking well, but the weather d----- cold.
- Mrs. Arthur Woods went to Los Angeles for a short visit this week.
- C. B. Hungerford, agent for the Salt Lake, held a family reunion on New Years. Some neighbors joined them in an old time candy pull.
January 13, 1911
Silver Lake
- Frank Riggs and wife, pioneer miners of this country, are ardent supporters of County division, and wish success to the Barstow printer for its manly stand in this matter.
- J. S. Hyten and Mr. Dunwoody have opened up five feet of good shipping ore on the Jumbo claim, east of Silver Lake.
- Will Allen is getting his claims patented in the Avawatz mountains.
- Kelly and Howard are sinking a shaft on the Emancipator at Avawatz.
- John S. Harper is working a force of men at Riggs station.
- James Murray is working a force of men on the Amos Bros'. property at Five Point Mountain.
- Henry Weber and other Goldfield capitalist have examined the Collins and Locusson properties with view to purchase. These properties are five miles from Silver Lake, and have 20 tons of ore on the dump.
- Tom Cunningham and J. V. Robison have opened up a large body of galena ore on the Blondie mine.
- Joe Robison has his Big Bonanza mine in good shape.
- J. S. Norder has started work on his property at 17 mile Point.
January 27, 1911
- E. Wm. Johnson is in Cima preparing to ship car of ore from Golden Eagle mine.
- O.O. Budd and wife report the Sunnyside Camp looking fine.
- Mr. Furgeson of Redlands, is out investigating the Cotton Tail mine.
- Messers Williams and Coleman of L. A. were looking over mining properties in this vicinity.
- M. J. O'Leary has been working for past week at the railroad wreck near Lyons.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mighton were in from the Kewanee recently.
- Lots of rain.
- L. L. Draper reports the properties looking good.
February 3, 1911
- The Arcalvada is now taking out some high grade ore for shipment.
- Mr. Wm. Fee has returned from l. A. and is preparing to start Standard No. 1.
- Mrs. O. O. Budd returned to Ontario.
- Robert Williams recently returned from Los Angeles.
- Mrs. L. A. Dudley's sister has been visiting her from Los Angeles.
Silver Lake
- The four stamp mill of Precious Metals Development Co. at 17 Mile Point, is running on good free milling ore.
- Garrison Investment Co. shipped 20 tons of ore from their Five Points property recently.
- J. S. Hyten and Mr. Dunwoody are doing development work at Washington Wells. Mr. Hyten struck a very rich chute of free milling gold ore on the Jumbo mine.
- Robert Norder is developing a property at 17 Mile Point.
- Chas. Koch is running a tunnel on his mine in the Avawatz mountains.
- Harry Wallace is installing a hoist at his property at Denning spring, and is working four men. It is reported he has struck $200 gold ore in the 240 foot shaft.
- Florhman & Martin are putting in a compressor to run machine drills on their property at Red Pass, which is equipped with a hoist and it has every promise of making a good gold mine.
- Frank Riggs and Jim Best are developing their mines at Riggs station.
- Mr. Kleinbeck is in about 600 feet on his tunnel at Riggs station. Machine drills are used at this mine.
- Peter Siot is developing a rich copper deposit five miles east of Silver Lake.
- Mr. Homer A. Russell has secured some rich gold and turquoise properties 10 miles east of Silver Lake.
- Speculators are buying up easy lands.
- Supt. Tuttle of the Santa Fe recently visited Leastalk, and improvements are expected.
- Salt Lake will build new depot here soon.
February 10, 1911
- John H. Hise of Gold Valley recently returned from L. A. Has carload of lumber and provisions to begin work on his property.
- Geo. Martin and Mark Neumayer of Gold Valley, are putting up a stamp mill to mill some high grade gold ore.
- G. V. is coming to the front.
- Mr. Bluette of L. A. arrived recently with team and carload of supplies to start the old Columbia mine, which has been idle four years.
- W. C. Bright, L. L. Draper and Lee Daugherty have made homestead entries.
- E. Wm. Johnson in from the Golden Eagle, reports favorably.
- J. L. Strawn was in town recently.
February 24, 1911
- California Gold and Copper Co., owning much property in this section, have installed machinery for their leaching process and will be a producer before the middle of March. They have been developing the 200 foot level, and have opened up a fine body of sulphide ore. Their works are one and one half miles north of Vontrigger.
- Development work is being done on the Bright Star group. Ore is of same character as California G & C Co.
- The Mining and Milling Co. has started development work on their gold property near where the supposed lost Vontrigger mine is said to be located.
- Many prospecters working in the rich copper belt around California G & C.
- A large valley above Vontrigger is being rapidly settled up by farmers and many well rigs are drilling for water.
March 3, 1911
- Mr. Bluette returned from L. A. this week. He expects to put a number of men to work on the Columbia mine.
- R. P. Gill and Wm. Fee have taken a lease on Standard No. 1, which has been one of our best producers.
- Robert Williams is building a house on his farm.
- S. E. Yates, who has about 800 head of cattle, is developing water near Valley Wells.
- Miss Irene Pannell arrived Sunday from San Jose, to teach our school.
- Miss May Burkett spent a week with the Gibson girls.
- L. L. Draper has been surveying in this vicinity.
- E. L. Burroughs is fencing his 160.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gill of the Standard visited Cima Sunday.
- Pete Ressler, from White Hills, Ariz., made a short visit to Brant and vicinity.
March 31, 1911
- Edward Bluett was here recently from the Columbia mine. He has mill in operation and expects to ship concentrates soon.
- H. G. Gibson and E. L. Burroughs have been planting shade and fruit trees this week.
- W. W. Burkett and Miss May leave for Los Angeles on vacation.
- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Banfield and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ridge were visitors in Cima recently.
- Mrs. W. C. Bright and son have been quite ill for past week.
- Mr. John Hise from Gold Valley, expects to return with parties from L. A. to look over his property.
- J. S. Bright, County Surveyor, was here several days surveying homesteads.
- Mrs. E. L. Burroughs and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dudley returned Sunday from San Bernardino and Ontario.
Silver Lake
Group of six mining claims, located in Soda Lake Mining District, San Bernardino County. Property is situated 17 miles from Silver Lake, a point on the Tonapah & Tidewater R.R., and about same distance from Manvel, on the Salt Lake railroad, and is accessible by good wagon road leading from either point, thus offering unequaled facilities for shipping ore to the smelter. The construction of a smelter at or near Silver Lake is now under consideration, and when in operation the ore can be hauled to the smelter direct.
Massive dykes connected by well defined ledges crown the surface of this property, and contain promising values and indications. Plenty of soft, pure water can be had from well located close to property, thus obviating the necessity of hauling water a long distance, as is the case in some localities. Water can be developed near the surface almost anywhere nearby.
For further particulars communicate with Willis B. George, 517 Hobart St., Oakland, California.
April 14, 1911
- Mr. John Salisbury returned from Denver, Colo.
- Mrs. William Burkett and family leave Camp Keystone to make their home in Inglewood.
- Howard Dutcher and Geo. Benninger left Cima for Las Vegas, Nev.
- Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Burroughs and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Strawn were visitors at Sunnyside Camp recently.
- Mrs. R. B. Gill was in from the Standard and brings a good report.
- James O'Leary has been visiting his brother M. J. O'Leary at Cima Sunday.
- Mr. Sharp and party of five have purchased the tailings at the old Campbell mill three miles from Leastalk, and operations have started.
- Mr. and Mrs. D. Longo visited Leastalk this week.
- Mr. Longo is foreman of the Bryan property at Mineral Hill. This property is owned by San Diego parties and is in good condition.
- Fitzpatrick people shipped a car of high grade zinc ore Sunday.
- Business here is strictly A1.
April 28, 1911
- H. G. Gibson is hauling concentrates for the Columbia mine.
- Alex Wright was in from Standard mines. Reports everything O. K.
- W. W. Coombs, Deputy County assessor, was in our town recently.
- A party of young folks of Cima had a jolly time with Mr. and Mrs. Banfield at Brant.
Silver Lake
- Warburton & Hoagland have a low grade deposit of tungsten west of Silver Lake.
- The Precious Metals Development Co. has been running its 4-stamp mill at its full capacity for several months on good free milling ore.
- The Garrison Co. are pushing their work at Five Points with good results. They also have a force of men at work on their gold property east of town.
- Last contract is nearly completed on the tunnel on the Uncle Tom property, making the tunnel about 1000 ft. under the mountain. Messers Stevenson and Kleinbeck, managers, will now let contract for 400 feet additional.
- Frank Riggs has struck another lead of rich silver ore in the Alta.
- R. Y. Williams bonded his talc property to a Los Angeles Co. last week, receiving a cash payment.
- President H. H. Kerckhoff and Secretary T. L. Henderson of the Avawatz Gypsum Co., came in from camp recently, having completed surveying and mapping the property and preliminary survey for the railroad.
- Several oil locations have been made south of town.
- The Amos Bros. are shipping talc from their property north of here.
- W. Scott Taber of the Copper Camp, was in town for supplies recently.
- One of the Woods teams have been hauling a second car of gold ore for the leasers on the Crystal property. Ore is high grade and leasers are dong well.
- The cyanide plant at the Campbell mill is now running, and the purchasers of the tailings anticipate a big success.
May 5, 1911
- Death Valley mine is running again.
- Mr. and Mrs. S. Yates, who have been in L. A. for past month, returned recently with a new daughter.
- M. J. O'Leary leaves for his home in San Jacinto and from there to Memphis Tenn., on three months trip.
- R. B. Gill and family, of Standard, leave for Los Angeles.
- Mr. Alex Wright, Cima's old friend, goes to Seattle enroute to Alaska.
- Mrs. W. C. Bright is visiting her parents at Riverside.
- A jolly crowd gave Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ridge a great surprise Friday night.
- W. M. Robbins was recently up from the Columbia for supplies.
- Mr. Longo and wife were in from Mineral Hill for supplies recently. Mr. Longo is foreman for the Ivanpah Consolidated Mining Co., owned by the Bryan people of San Diego. The property was worked years ago, but the present owners have discovered new deposits that certainly look good.
- J. F. Maars of the Copper Camp spent a few days here recently.
- An automobile party from Barnwell and Searchlight visited the Banfield ranch Sunday. The farm surely looks good.
- The new mill at the Lucy Gray mine will be running very soon.
May 12, 1911
- Mr. Kirkpatrick is shipping zinc carbonates from the top of Clark Mt.
- Moore & Sharp are profitably working the tailings of the old Campbell mill near Vanderbilt.
- Copper World mine is sleeping.
June 2, 1911
- Paris mine has struck water in shaft. Property looking fine.
- J. R. Ridge, who has been visiting relatives in Denver, Colo., recently returned.
- C. H. Kreidler made a fling trip to Barnwell.
- Mrs. W. C. Bright and son arrived from Riverside Saturday to join W. C. at the Lucy Gray.
- A very pleasant surprise party, in honor of Miss Irene Panell was given at the Death Valley mine. Sandwiches, cake and ice cream were served. School closed May 26. Miss Panell leaves for her home in San Jose.
- Miss Mary Gibson spent a very pleasant day with Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts, at Kelso.
June 2, 1911
Silver Lake
Group of six mining claims, located in Soda Lake Mining District, San Bernardino County. Property is situated 17 miles from Silver Lake, a point on the Tonapah & Tidewater R.R., and about same distance from Manvel, on the Salt Lake railroad, and is accessible by good wagon road leading from either point, thus offering unequaled facilities for shipping ore to the smelter. The construction of a smelter at or near Silver Lake is now under consideration, and when in operation the ore can be hauled to the smelter direct.
Massive dykes connected by well defined ledges crown the surface of this property, and contain promising values and indications. Plenty of soft, pure water can be had from well located close to property, thus obviating the necessity of hauling water a long distance, as is the case in some localities. Water can be developed near the surface almost anywhere nearby.
For further particulars communicate with Willis B. George, 517 Hobart St., Oakland, California.
June 9, 1911
- Mr. W. Jay of L. A. recently arrived with supplies, etc., to begin work at Gold Valley.
- Mark Newmayer was a Cima visitor.
- Sunnyside Camp is working again.
- E. L. Borroughs recently purchased L. A. Dudley's residence and moved it to his homestead near the station.
- Mrs. Lizzie Ginn has returned.
- Parties from Canada were sampling the Columbia mine lately.
- John Salisbury made a trip to Kelso.
- L. A. Dudley and family have gone to Los Angeles.
July 7, 1911
Silver Lake
- The Garrison Co. has some high grade gold ore sacked on their property east of town.
- L. F. Florman is drifting on the 250 foot level in his mine at Red Pass. He will build a mill this fall.
- There is no oil boom here and never was. Some parties located oil claims near here recently, but no prospecting or drilling has ever been done.
- The True Blue mine, four miles north of Vontrigger, will resume operation soon, after being idle for some years.
- H. Robbins will sink 400 in rich ore.
- California Gold & Copper Co.'s plant is running day and night, working ore from a large vein.
- High grade tungsten ore has been discovered on Rattle Snake Flat by Chaney and Cotter. They are down 25 feet on six to eighteen inch vein. The property is six miles north of Vontrigger.
- Many other good mines and prospects in this section.
July 14, 1911
- Parties from L. A. were out looking at the Bonanza King mine.
- John Salsbury has returned from Los Angeles.
- Mrs. O. O. Budd recently arrived from Ontario to visit Cima and vicinity.
- Geo. Martin, of Gold Valley, is a Cima visitor.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mighton will leave Cima on vacation to Los Angeles and beaches.
- Mr. Ginn and Alex Leitch were in from the Standard Mine recently. Mr. Ginn's mine is looking fine. Assays run high in gold and silver.
- T. S. Johnson, of Marl Springs, reports everything looking fine.
July 21, 1911
- S. E. Yates and wife were in Cima recently.
- Geo. Martin leaves on a vacation to L. A. and beaches.
- J. R. Ridge was a visitor at Cima.
- We have had some fine rains-everyone wears a smile.
- J. L. Strawn was in S. B. a few days.
- The mill at the Lucy Gray is running and everything looking fine.
July 28, 1911
- Arthur Woods has been recuperating at L. A.
- Purchasers of the Fitzpatrick-Westfall zinc property are getting machinery in to develop the mine.
- Cyanide plant at the Campbell mill will resume operations soon.
- Walter Greening, manager of the Rock Springs Cattle Co., shipped several cars cattle west last week.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mighton recently returned from Los Angeles.
- L. L. Draper has gone east to visit his mother.
- Mr. Millard returned from L. A. enroute for Gold Valley.
- Mrs. E. L. Burroughs and Mary Jane are visiting at home in Ontario.
- The Rock Springs Cattle Co. has just shipped a carload of calves.
August 4, 1911
Silver Lake
- Amos Bros., miners of Silver Lake, have opened a real estate and insurance office at San Bernardino.
- Mining operations around Silver Lake will resume with cooler weather.
- Frank Riggs is taking out high grade silver ore and will make a shipment to the smelter in a few days.
- Thomas Cunningham has just received returns from his last car of ore shipped to the Needles smelter. He says they were satisfactory and he will continue mining and shipping.
- The Garrison Co. is sacking high grade gold ore on their property east of town.
- J. A. Thomas makes regular trips to camp in an automobile delivering supplies.
- Mrs. E. L. Burroughs and baby have returned.
- A party of ladies from Cima spent a very pleasant day with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ridge, at Brant.
- John Lampart is doing his assessment work near the Standard.
- Mr. Wm. Jay of Gold Valley, leaves for L. A. on a short trip.
- Mr. and Mrs. C. McPheters were in Cima recently.
- E. Wm. Johnson has a homestead near Crucero.
- Mr. F. Warner is now our agent. Mr. Burroughs is night operator.
- Miss Mabel Ross of San Jose, has accepted position as school teacher for this district.
August 11, 1911
- John Salisbury and bride recently returned from L. A.
- F. O. Ricketts was called to Cima to take Paul Bonlay to the hospital in S. B.
- Mark Gimmell was recently at the Sunnyside Camp.
- Mr. Gannon was at Cima preparing to ship some ore from his mine, near the Bonanza King.
- Mr. H. G. Gibson just received a fine car of timothy and alfalfa hay from Utah.
August 18, 1911
- Cima school district held meeting for special tax for new school house; carried unanimously.
- Mr. J. C. Brown is now section foreman, relieving James Lee.
- J. R. Ridge was a Cima visitor recently.
- Mr. Darraugh and friend arrived from Los Angeles.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McPheeters entertained at their home. Old, young, and bachelors were present. Everyone enjoyed themselves. And such good things to eat!
- Mr. and Mrs. Yeargon, who have been at Gold Valley past three months, returned to L. A.
- Mark Newmayer is running some high grade ore through the roaster.
- G. B. Mighton is clearing his 160.
August 25, 1911
- Frank C. Sharps, formerly of Barstow, is superintending development of a zinc mine at Clark Mountain, near Leastalk. They employ 15 men and are shipping some ore to Salt Lake.
- A jolly crowd visited Mrs. J. R. Ridge last Sunday.
- John Lampart has just finished his annual work on claims 11/2 miles of the Standard mines, known as the Big Timberline. The prospects look good.
- Mr. Paul Bonlay has returned from the hospital.
- Mr. Willis, of San Bernardino, recently shipped team, etc., and is building a residence on homestead near Cima. The population of Cima doubled over night.
- Mr. McCollum and family relieved Mr. Brown as Salt Lake foreman, and adds three more pupils to our school.
- Mrs. E. L. Burroughs has been visiting at Sunnyside Camp.
- Mrs. C. B. Heungerford, who was agent at Leastalk, is now agent at Cima.
- Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Yates and Leo Parker recently went to L. A. and the beaches.
- H. G. Gibson has resumed work on his well, and also J. B. Mighton.
- Mr. Banfield, of Brant, visited the farmers recently.
- Alex Leitch was in from his camp. Reports good showing.
Sept 1, 1911
Silver Lake
- Frank Riggs is making a shipment of high grade silver ore to the smelter.
- Thomas Cunningham has just received returns for the last car of ore shipped, which netted him $67 per ton.
- Joe Robison came in from 17 Mile Point recently. He brought a sack of exceedingly fine specimens of gold bearing quartz.
- Miss Mary Gibson visited the Lucy Gray last week.
- John Lampart made a flying trip to Barnwell.
- Mr. and Mrs. Strawn visited in Cima Sunday.
- Mr. Darraugh is building a rewsidence on his homestead near Cima.
- School starts Monday, Sept. 11 th .
- L. L. Draper recently arrived from Texas.
- Misses Bertha and Ida Gibson are visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. C. Bright, at Lyons.
- M. J. O'Leary passed through here from the east enroute to Pasadena.
September 8, 1911
- High grade ore struck at Sunnyside mine. More news next week.
- Correspondence crowed out by legal advs. this week.
September 15, 1911
- Mr. C. C. Heweston has received a 50-egg incubator and is building a new chicken house.
- Samples of water from the Old Hotel Well are being analyzed at Berkeley.
- Mr. Geo. B. Otis and wife, T. W. Johnson and wife, and Mr. Allen, all of Selma, Cal., have been visitors in Crucero, with view to locating here.
- Mr. John Lampert passed through here enroute to Cima. He says mines around Ludlow are doing well. He will do development work on his claims at Cima.
- O. O. Budd is now working at the Paris mine.
- Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Yates recently returned from L. A.
- Work still continues on the Kirkpatrick zinc mine.
- Mr. Darraugh is working the Sunnyside mine.
- L. L. Draper is clearing land.
- C. H. Kreidler has ordered some fruit trees.
September 22, 1911
Silver Lake
- Reported that Frank Riggs has struck another bunch of rich silver ore. His mine resembles a safety deposit vault.
- Cima is growing fast.
- E. Wm. Johnson, who has been gone for several months, recently returned.
- All farmers are busy sowing grain.
- Gus Moore is doing his assessment on the Gem Mine near the Standard.
- S. E. Yates was in from Valley Wells for supplies.
- J. R. Ridge was a visitor recently.
- Geo. Martin went on a prospecting trip to Gold Valley.
October 6, 1911
- The Eye says Needles proposes to have a mid-winter carnival.
- Wm. Gillon, miner near Vontrigger, was killed by a premature explosion of a mine blast recently. He was tamping dynamite in the hole when it went off, riddling him with rock.
October 13, 1911
- Only 9 votes cast at election. For women 7 to 2.
- Scott Taber was in from Mineral Hill. Everything looking fine.
- A comet in the north-western sky can be seen very plainly with the eye.
- Mrs. E. L. Burroughs has been at her home in Ontario.
- L. L. Draper and John Lampart are working at the zinc mine.
- Mr. Andy McNabb recently arrived from Los Angeles.
October 27, 1911
- Mr. F. O. Ricketts, of Kelso, sold his business to Mr. Henry Hotz, of L. A.
- Cyanide plant is being installed at the Lucy Gray.
- Sunday school has been organized at Cima.
- Car of trees arrived for H. G. Gibson.
- All ranchers setting trees this week.
November 2, 1911
- Mr. D. Sloan, of the Tenny Olson mine, was in Barstow recently. He says the famous old Copper World may be sold to Salt Lake capitalists.
- Frank Sharp and associates have 20 miners developing a zinc property on top of Clark Mountain. Shaft down 180 feet. Eight cars of ore have been shipped. Ore is packed on mules to railroad at Ivanpah.
November 24, 1911
- Mr. Quotz and family recently arrived from Los Angeles with a car of lumber, implements, &c., for his homestead.
- Andy McNabb is clearing and fencing.
- Walter Greening of Rock Springs, Cattle Co., visited Cima recently.
- S. E. Yates is moving some of his cattle farther over in the valley.
- L. L. Draper is doing assessment on Clark Mountain claims.
- Cyanide plant is being installed at the Lucy Gray and expect to work full force of men by January 1 st .
- Cima school has daily attendance of 10 pupils; Miss Mabel Ross teacher.
- J. R. Ridge in Cima recently.
- Mrs. C. B. Hungerford spent a few days in L. A. last week.
- Mrs. W. C. Bright is visiting with her sister Mrs. Gibson.
- Robert Williams expects to sow grain this week.
- C. H. Kreidler is working at Gold Valley.
- Geo. Martin is now a farmer, working for Andy McNabb.
December 8, 1911
- A sale is on tap for the Fitzpatrick zinc property on Clark mountain. The parties holding the present option have had several offers and a deal will likely be made in the near future.
- Assessment work on several properties at Vanderbilt is being done.
- Dr. Godshall, of Needles, with a force of men, is doing annual work on some of the Copper World claims, and rumor has it that there will be something doing in the neighborhood very soon.
- Mr. T. S. Johnson has just completed O. O. Budd's residence, and Mr. Johnson is now building an addition on Robert Williams' residence.
- S. E. Yates has taken charge of the Rock Springs Cattle Co.'s headquarters now at Barnwell. The right man in the right place.
- Andy McNabb is filling the yuccas-is sure making big improvements. We need more homesteaders like him.
- Mr. Willis and family will spent the holidays in Los Angeles.
- Some few are now doing assessment work.
- Mrs. Lizzie Ginn recently went to Los Angeles.
- Alex Leitch was a Cima visitor-reports himself and Mr. Ginn sacking high-grade ore.
- Sunnyside mine is operating again.
- Douglas Bros. recently arrived from Los Angeles en route to the Black Beauty near Shadow Mountain.
- Mr. Quast's residence is completed and he is clearing this week.
- L. L. Draper is now doing assessment work on the old Minden Mine near Marl Springs.
December 15, 1911
- A party of five arrived from L. A. en route to the Sunnyside.
- J. S. Meade returned recently, after an absence of a year, to Camp Kewanee.
- Mr. Noleman, of L. A., and party arrived Sunday morning to begin work at Gold Valley.
- W. C. Bright and wife are spending their holidays in L. A. and the beaches.
- Levi Burkett will spend Xmas with his brother Wm. Burkett and family at Inglewood.
- Arthur Hungerford and John Lampart are doing assessment work in the New York Mountains.
- J. R. Ridge visited the Cima school recently.
- T. S. Johnson has gone back to Marl Springs.
- Business is picking up, and everyone is preparing for Christmas.
December 22, 1911
- A light snow storm Sunday morning.
- Mrs. Burroughs and baby leave Wednesday to spend Holidays at Ontario.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mighton and J. R. Ridge were Cima visitors recently.
- Misses Mabel Ross and Mary Gibson left Saturday night; Miss Ross will attend the institute at San Bernardino, then spend the holidays in San Jose with her folks. Miss Ross will spend the holidays with her grandparents at Riverside and Los Angeles.
December 29, 1911
- Douglas brothers returned from the Shadow Mountain range, where they expect to do some work on the Black Beauty in the near future.
- C. H. Kreidler has a nice piece of land cleared and fenced.
- Geo. Martin went to Valley Wells on a prospecting trip.