The following East Mojave Desert news items were copied from the Barstow Printer by Ted R. Weasma. Spelling errors and grammar were copied as printed.
Barstow Printer News Items: 1910
July 29, 1910
Silver Lake
- Last Sunday J. J. Williams tried to stop a fight between Mexicans and was stabbed to the heart and killed by one of them. Williams was a section foreman on the T & T railroad and leaves a young wife. Some of the Mexicans escaped, but three arrested.
- Mark Walker, mining engineer in charge of the technical end of the work on the C. C. Porter properties is away. It is reported that the Bryan property at Mineral Hill, is looking fine.
- Car of tank lumber and machinery for the Porter cyanide plant arrived recently.
- P. S. Banfield of Ann Arbor, Mich. Is here and is much impressed with the farming possibilities in the Ivanpah Valley.
- S. E. Yates, cattle man passed here recently with a fine bunch of fat steers for the Searchlight market at Barnwell.
August 5, 1910
- The mines working here are the Sunnyside, employing several men; Ivanpah Mammoth, a few; Burro mine at Gold Valley, three or four. A number of mines near here our not working at present; expect better times this fall for everyone.
Silver Lake
- On approach of cooler weather much mining activity is expected at Silver Lake. Amos Bros. have good properties which they are developing.
- A small mill has been installed at 17-mile, to work ore of the Whitney mines.
August 12, 1910
- Mr. F. O. Ricketts came up from Kelso recently, spending the day.
- Every thing went very quiet at the Primary election Tuesday. James F. Maars was unanimously elected delegate from this precinct.
- Mrs. J. R. Ridge, of Brant, visited Mrs. Gibson this week.
- Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Yates were in from Muscal for supplies.
- Miss Jessie Verta Burkett walked in from Sunnyside camp Sunday, a distance of nine miles.
- Had a fine rain this week.
- Mr. M. J. O'Leary returned from Los Angeles Tuesday.
August 26, 1910
- The Misses May and Vera Burkett, of Sunnyside were visiting the Gibson girls lately.
- Mr. John Steidel is in from his claims in the Providence Mts. 7 miles south of Kelso. He has some fine gold ore.
- Mr. Alex Wright and Mrs. J. H. Cooper of the Death Valley mine, and a crowd of people spent a very pleasant evening with music and dancing.
- Mrs. O. O. Budd arrived from Ontario Calif., first of the week.
- Mr. Robt. Williams is in from Sunnyside camp for supplies.
September 2, 1910
- Alex Leitch was recently in from his prospects near the Standard mines.
- Miss Mary Gibson has been quite ill for past week.
- Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Budd spent a day with Mrs. Ridge of Brant. Mr. Budd says”Oh, you fried chicken.”
- Ida Gibson returned from her visit at Camp Keystone.
- M. J. O'Leary returned from his home in San Jacinto Sunday morning.
- J. E. Ginn of Sunnyside camp, is visiting in Los Angeles.
- Mrs. J. H. Cooper and children returned to their home in Los Angeles, after a months visit Mr. Cooper at the Death Valles mine.
- C. D. LeSuer was recently in from the Paris mine. Property looking fine.
- Mr. and Mrs, Scisson of San Bernardino arrived Tuesday morning.
- Robt. Williams was in for supplies.
September 9, 1910
- Mr. Atkins and Mr. Bennidict, experts from Tonopah, Nevada, were out looking at some of the mines, and pronounced this a well mineralized country.
- Mr. J. F. Maars is in Los Angeles this week.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Strawn spent a day at Kelso.
- Mr. E. Ginn has returned from his vacation.
- M. J. O'Leary left for his home in San Jacinto, his brother being very ill.
- Mr. J. B. Mighton left for Los Angeles recently for a short stay.
- Miss Jessie Burkett is visiting here this week.
- We are pleased to hear that Mr. Wm. Maher of Gold Valley has returned to his home feeling much better.
- E. C. Sisson, city freight and passenger agent of San Bernardino, expects to live here in a tent with his wife and child while spending his three months vacation for his health.
- A fine rain this week.
- C. C. McPheters was recently in from Brant for supplies.
- A crowd of young and old folks spent a very agreeable evening at the D. V. mine. Thanks to Mrs. Cooper for that fine coffee and cake.
- E. L. Burroughs and O. O. Budd are building fence this week.
October 21, 1910
- Mr. J. R. Ridge was up recently.
- Mr. L. A. Dudley is building a residence on homestead.
- Mr. O. O. Budd is now working at Sunnyside camp.
- Robert Williams and Mrs. Lizzie Ginn were in for supplies.
- Mr. O. Johnson, working at the Paris mine, is very ill with pneumonia.
- Paul Bonlary recently shipped a fine horse from L. A.
- Mr. Strange of L. A. has a load of freight for Gold Valley.
- F. O. Ricketts, of Kelso, spent a day here recently.
- Wm. Burkett leaves for L. A. on a short visit.
- Chapman Bros., of Fort Morgan, Colo. Are to arrive soon to start work on the Black Beauty, near Clarke Mountain.
- Work will soon begin on the Morning Star group, adjoining the Kenowee, under new management.
October 28, 1910
- The Gold Hill properties near here are to be developed by St. Louis and Los Angeles capitalists with a backing of $50,000.
- Mr. J. B. Mighton returned form Los Angeles recently.
- C. D. LeSuer is stopping here for a few days.
- Mr. Bishop, who recently came from 17 mile and is at present at the D. V. mine, expects to work at the Paris mine.
- Mr. O. Johnson has recovered and is at work again.
- W. C. Bright will go to Sunnyside camp to work soon.
- Ernest Charles who recently came from Los Angeles with Paul Bonlay, committed suicide in his cabin near the Paris mine.
- Mr. Lee Strawn has been getting his winter wood.
November 11, 1910
- Messers McDonald and Brady of Tonopah, Nev. sampled part of the Columbia mine recently.
- Dr. Steadman and Mr. Mathews of L. A. went to Gold Valley looking over some mining properties.
- Wm. Fee of Redondo arrived enroute for the Standard mines. Expect to begin work soon.
- Misses Bertha and Ida Gibson and cousin Emmett Bright were visiting their aunt at Sunnyside camp.
- Mark Newmeyer and Geo. Martin had a large load of supplies hauled to Gold Valley.
- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bright are at Sunnyside camp.
- Cima polled 19 votes. Two votes wet and 15 dry.
- Mr. L. A. Dudley has his bungalow nearly completed.
- Mr. E. L. Burroughs has seeded five acres to winter wheat.
November 18, 1910
- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fleming who have been working at the Death Valley mine past year, leave for S. B.
- Mrs. E. L. Burroughs and baby returned from Ontario, and both are looking fine.
- Mr. Burke who has been at Sunnyside camp, returned to L. A.
- Miss Fablinger, Miss Mary Gibson, Clyde LeSuer and Mike O'Leary took breakfast Sunday morning with Mr. Kreidler, the "Old Bachelor”.
- Alex Wright is now working at the Standard mines.
- Mr. H. G. Gibson recently sowed some winter wheat.
- We have had a fine rain.
- C. C. McPheters is building a residence near the section house.
- Mr. O. Johnson went to Pasadena.
November 25, 1910
- Mr. A. R. Oursler, in from his mine, reports everything going nicely. Mr. Oursler is running a tunnel on his Santa Inez mine. He has also a shaft on this property, which is showing up fine.
- Mr. John Pearson, president of the Globe Gold Mining Co., was in Kelso on the 20 th . The company has started a 600 foot on the Silver Reef mine. They expect to cut the ledge at a depth of 400 feet, and cross-cut several others.
- H. A. Bennett and John Lampert have taken a contract to run a 200 foot tunnel for James McCorkle on the Overland mine.
- Mr. P. H. Mathews of Los Angeles, expects to start work on the Copper Rattler mine. Mr. W. S. Williams is to take charge of the work.
- C. A. Crawford, overseer of the May Day ranch at Cornfield Springs, stated to F. O. Ricketts the owner, that he had about 25 acres cleared for setting out an apple orchard. The fruit trees that Ricketts set last spring have made a growth of eight feet.
- Mrs. J. B. Mighton arrived from L. A. enroute for Camp Kewanee, where she expects to stay with Mr. Mighton for an indefinite time.
- Dr. McKenzie made a professional call on Mrs. E. L. Burroughs.
- Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Yates, of Valley Wells, were in Cima for supplies.
- J. R. Ridge was up visiting the school.
- Mrs. C. C. McPheters has moved into her new home, adding to Cima two scholars, Virginia McPheters and Verta Burkett.
- Bob Yancey is doing annual work on the Jack Rabbit, near the Standard mines.
- H. G. Gibson has sowed a patch to winter rye.
- O. O. Budd was in from Sunnyside.
- Robert Williams has returned from San Bernardino.
- Mrs. W. C. Bright and Mrs. Lizzie Ginn spent a day with Mrs. Gibson.
- Mr. J. E. Ginn leaves for Los Angeles on a vacation.
December 2, 1910
- The Paris mine has just received a carload of mining timbers and are to start sinking soon. The property is looking fine.
- C. D. LeSuer made a trip to Von Trigger recently.
- Joseph Nelson, an old pioneer of the desert, arrived from Los Angeles with parties looking over his mine, known as the Copper King, situated in the Kesler range nine miles from Cima. Mr. Nelson expects to do considerable work this winter.
- Mr. and Mrs. Banfield of Brant, were visiting in our town recently.
- Misses May and Vera Burkett walked in from Camp Keystone, a distance of nine miles.
- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bright spent Sunday in Cima.
- M. J. O'Leary has been distributing ties between Kelso and Leastalk.
December 9, 1910
- Mr. Bluett of Los Angels, was looking over the Columbia mine recently.
- R. A. Salsbury, of Denver, Colo., with parties from New York, were visiting the Death Valley mine.
- C. D. LeSuer, Mike O'Leary, Miss Mary Gibson and Miss Sadie Fablinger were visiting Mrs. J. R. Ridge and Mrs. H. M. Banfield of Brant, Sunday.
- Mr. Ed Howes is having some work done on his claims near the D. V. mine.
- Wm Fee and Alex Wright were in from the Standard mines.
- Mr. Lee Mathews of Pomona, was looking over the Siwalski mine. Expects to resume work in a few days.
- Robert Williams is clearing some land to plant to wheat.
- E. Wm. Johnson, recently from Arizona, passed through Cima. Expects to return in a few days to do some annual work.
- John Lampert arrived from Kelso Tuesday, and expects to do some assessment work.
December 16, 1910
- E. Wm. Johnson has gone to Pomona and will return with a team to work for the Golden Eagle Copper Co., situated near Shadow Mountain.
- Mrs. J. B. Mighton and Mrs. Ginn were visiting in Cima recently.
- F. O. Ricketts spent a day at the Death Valley mine on business.
- H. G. Gibson and C. D. LeSuer are hauling high grade ore from the Death Valley mine.
- Mike Fleming returned from S. B. recently to take his place at the D. V. mine.
- D. A. Gilmore is to take charge of the work to be done on the Kentuk Mining and Milling Company's property.
- J. F. Meyer brought in large samples of ore from his Jennie mine. He is sinking a shaft and the vein is showing up good and strong.
- The Globe Gold Mining Co. in running their tunnel on the Silver Reef mine, crosscut a blind ledge 14 feet wide. J. A. Pearson, president of the company, took a large quantity of the ore to Los Angeles and had assays made but the results were not made public, although Mr. Pearson says they were satisfactory. The books of the company are closed and no more stock is to be sold at present.
- Mark Numayer and George Martin have struck a large body of ore on their property and expect to make a shipment very soon.
- Columbia Mining Co. are installing a mill on their property. C. F. Dayton, general manager for the company, was in Kelso recently and reports everything in good shape.
- The Salt Lake will build four more new houses in Kelso. Watch us grow.
- Mr. Ed Flack was in Kelso for supplies recently. He is running a tunnel on one of his claims.
- Mr. A. R. Oursler was in Kelso for supplies, and reports the mining property in Kelso mining district are making a better showing than ever before, as all claim owners of the district are taking interest and doing work in the right place.
- H. A. Bennett and J. Lampert, who are running a tunnel for James McCorkell, have reported a good vein of ore, running very high in gold and silver. Mr. McCorkell is wearing a new smile every day since.
December 23, 1910
- The owners of the Copper World are doing assessment on their Mohawk property.
- The Fitzpatrick zinc property looks well, are shipping from Ivanpah station.
- John H. Williams reports a big showing in the tungsten mines and are making regular shipments of high grade ore.
- The Banfields are making an excellent showing on their farm three miles from Leastalk. The valley begins to look like Minnesota.
- Quite a number of men at work on assessment. The interest shown by owners and inquires for mines and land, make it look like old times.
- At Barnwell a test well is drilling for artesian water to irrigate a large tract of fine land.
- Everybody preparing for Xmas.
- One car of ore shipped this week from the Death Valley mine. J. H. Cooper has resigned from the D. V. Mining Co.
- W. C. Bright is working the Siwalski mine.
- Mr. J. Salsbury and J. L. Strawn left for San Bernardino on business.
- Miss Sadie Fablinger left Saturday night to attend the Teachers Institute. Clyde LeSuer left on same train, to attend also.
- Mrs. O. O. Budd arrived from Ontario to spend the holidays with Mr. Budd at Sunnyside.
- The Misses Burkett were in from Camp Keystone recently.
- Gus Moore is doing annual work for Arthur Levitt of Pasadena, on the Jim Crow and Mascot, near Standard mines.
- C. H. Kiiedler and Mr. McDonald are working on the Copper King for Joseph Nelson.
- Scott Taber was in from Mineral Hill. Reports properties looking fine.
- Jimmie Monaghan is doing some development work on the old Bullion mine.
- M. J. O'Leary left Thursday night for his home in San Jacinto to spend the holidays.
- Mr. Joe Volmer has returned from Silver Lake.
- C. F. Dayton, manager of the Columbia mine, was in Kelso recently on business. Mr. Dayton reports that Columbia Mining Co. is sending out a team from Los Angeles, and expect to have the mill ready for business soon.
- Mr. Chas. Reat has started work on his claims situated at 17 mile Point.
- A meeting of the Kelso mining district was held and F. O. Ricketts reelected district Recorder for the ensuing year.
- D. A. Gilmore was in from Winston Basin and reports good showing in property there.
- Property of the Globe Gold Mining Co. shows up first class. The company expects to put up a small mill in near future.
- Mr. J. McCorkell expects to have some parties from San Diego to look over his property.
- J. P. Sallee, who purchased some claims from John Steidel, intends to start work after first of year.
- Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Kelso Prospecting & Improvement Company will be held at Ricketts' store January 15 th -members please attend. F.
- O. Ricketts, Secretary.