Basic common sense would
tell you if you can't see something - say you're reading a
book- move closer to the
Often we are blinded by the darkness in our own hearts - to our own sins.
Those who do not trust in
Jesus hate His illuminating light and for they do not want
their sins exposed (John
The closer we move to God
the more we will be aware of his holiness and our sin.
Consider Isaiah's encounter
with God in Isaiah 6. Hidden sin is like a cancer, or an
enemy spy. It saps our spiritual
strength and vitality. It may lead to spiritual
shipwreck if not removed
(I Tim 1:19). We need to move not only closer to Jesus -
but pray for sin to be revealed
as David did (Psalms 139:23-24). As we see our sin
and confess it then we can
clearly hear God (Is 6:8) to do his will completely.