Hey people-
How's everyone doing?? This is a worship song on a CD
I have by the band FFH. Maybe some of you have heard it. There's a lot
of good songs on this CD. I love this song especially. It's a slower song,
but it just hits me as so powerful at times that it is one of my favorites.
I thought I'd share it with you.
FFH - "Wholly to You"
All I have, all I am, and all I ever hope to be, I give
it all, all to you.
Watch and see I will be true.
Lord Jesus, you are holy. Lord Jesus you are mighty, and
I give myself
wholly to you.
All I've said, and all I've done has been erased by your
blood. And I am
amazed by your grace. I raise my hands and praise your
Lord Jesus, you are holy. Lord Jesus you are mighty, and
I give myself
wholly to you.
Now I stand alone before you and your kingdom, Lord. And
I want to see your
blessing through less of me and more of you.
Lord Jesus, you are holy. Lord Jesus you are mighty, and
I give myself
wholly to you. Lord Jesus, you are holy.