Capt. Watson Vredenburgh, in command of the Fifty Precinct, with headquarters in Oak Street, (formerly the Forth Precinct,) is recognized by his superiors and his associates as one of the ablest and most reliable commanding officers in the police force. In addition to his admirable police record, he has a most excellent war record.
He enlisted as a private in the Sixth New York Artillery, Aug. 8, 1862; was promoted Second Lieutenant, May 31, 1863; First Lieutenant, March 11, 1864, and Captain of i8s company, Oct. 1, 1864. He served with the Army of the Potomac, and was brevetted Major by Gov. Fenton for extraordinary and meritorious services in August, 1865, just before being mustered out of service in September, 1865.
Capt. Vredenburgh was severely wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek, Oct 19, 1864. And was left within the rebel lines, until Gen. Sheridan appeared on his famous ride, and drove the Confederates back. Gen Sheridan saw the wounded Captain in passing, and directed two men to remove him to a hospital.
On his return to this city, after the war, Capt. Vredenburgh made application for appointment on the police force, and was appointed a patrolman on Nov. 17, 1865. His promotion to Roundsman followed on Feb 13, 1867. His zeal in the performance of his duty brought him well-earned promotion to Sergeant on Sept. 1, 1870. He has served as Sergeant for twenty-five years, when Gov. Roosevelt, then President of the Board of Police, had his attention called to him and his fine record. A the suggestion of Mr. Roosevelt, Sergt. Vredenburgh entered the competition for Captain, and passed such a good examination that the was appointed Captain on Ju7ly 15, 1896. He was at once assigned the Fourth (now the Fifth) Precinct, and has been in command of that precinct ever since. His management of the great crowds which gathered about the bulletin boards during the early days of the war was so tactful that all disorder was eliminated, and no disturbances occurred. This was largely due to his personal control and supervision of the large force of patrolmen detailed to preserve order. In recognition of Capt. Vredenburgh's services in this direction the newspaper proprietors presented him with a handsome gold and diamond mounted shield. During Capt. Vredenburgh's thirty-three years of service in the Police Department he has not been fined or otherwise disciplined for an infraction of duty Capt. Vredenburgh is a prominent member of Reno Post, No. 44 G. A. R.