31472 Nov 24
No. 498654, Reissue
Act of May 11, 1912
United States of America
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
It is here by certified That in conformity with the laws of the United States Henry Vredingburgh who was a Private Co. "G" 13 th Regiment Michigan Infantry is entitled to a pension at the rate of Thirty dollars per month to commence May 11, 1912
Given at the Department of the Interior this Second day of December one thousand nine hundred and twelve and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty seventh.
Walter L. Fisher, Secretary of the Interior
Vredenburgh Searcher, Fall 1995, Page 11
No. 1028.034
Pensioner Dropped
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
May 28, 1914
Certificate No. 498.654
Class Act of May 11, 1912
Pensioner: Henry Vredingburgh
Soldier: Henry Vredingburgh
Service G-13 Mich Inf.
The Commissioner of Pensions.
I have the honor to report that the name of the above-described pensioner who was last paid at $30 to May 4, 1914 has this day been dropped from the roll because of death. May 6, 1914.
RR#1 Goshen Ind.
Vredenburgh Searcher , Fall 1995, p. 12
Application for Reimbursement.
(This application, when properly executed before some officer having authority to administer oaths for general purposes should be forwarded, together with the pension certificate and itemized bills of all expenses, to the Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D.C.)
State of Indiana
County of Elkhart
On this 2 nd day of February, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and Eighteen personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, a resident of Goshen, County of Elkhart, State of Indiana, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain reimbursement from the accred pension for expenses paid (or obligation incurred) in the last sickness and burial of Viola Vredingburgh, who was a pensioner of the United States by certificate No. 783682, on account of the service of Henry Vredingburgh in 13 th Mich. Inf.
That pension was last paid to August 4, 1917.
That the answers to questions propounded below are full, complete, and truthful to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, and that no evidence necessary to a proper adjustment of all claims against the accrued pension is suppressed or withheld.
1. What was the full name of the deceased pensioner? Viola Vredingburgh
2. In what capacity was decedent pensioned? ( As invalid soldier or sailor, or as a widow, minor child, dependent relative, etc.) widow
3. If decedent was pensioned as an invalid soldier or sailor [the following questions do not apply]
4. Did the pensioner leave a child under 16 years of age? No
5. Is any such child still living? ----
6. Were any sick or death benefits paid on pensioner's account? None.
7. [Questions 7. - 12, deal with insurance… He had none]
Vredenburgh Searcher Fall 1995, page 13.
13. Is there an executor administrator, or will application be made for appointment of any person as administrator? Charles Vredingburgh (affiant) administrator
14. Did the deceased pensioner leave any money, real estate, or personal property? Cash $99.44
15. If so, state the character and value of all such property Cash $99.44 No other property
16. What was the assessed value of the real estate? ---
17. How was the pensioner's property disposed of? Above named sum in pension of the undersigned as administrator.
18. Did the pensioner leave an unindorsed pension check? Yes - returned to Department
19. What was your relation to the deceased pensioner? Son
20. Are you married? Yes
21. What was the cause of pensioner's death? Cancer
22. When did the pensioner's last sickness begin? About 4 years
23. From what date did the pensioner become so ill as to require the regular and daily attendance of another person constantly until death? 7 weeks prior to death
24. Give the name and post-office address of each physician who attended the pensioner during last sickness: A. J. Irwin MD, Goshen Indiana, A. C. Yoder MD, Goshen Indiana
25. State the names of her persons by whom the pensioner was nursed during the last sickness: Hattie Vredingburgh, Goshen Indiana
26. Where did the pensioner live during last sickness? With this affiant, Charles Vredingburgh
27. Where did the pensioner die? Goshen Indiana
28. When did the pensioner die? November 5 th 1917
29. Where was the pensioner buried? Oak Ridge Cemetery Goshen Indiana
30. Has there been paid, or ill application be made for payment to you or any other person, any part of the expenses of the pensioner's last sickness and burial by any State, County, or municipal corporation Yes
31. State below the expenses of the pensioner's last sickness and burial. Write the word none
Name | Nature of Expenses | State Whether Paid or unpaid |
Amount |
Dr A. C. Yoder & Dr A. J. Irwin |
Physician | unpaid | $35.75 $9.00 |
Hattie Vredingburgh | Nursing and care | unpaid | $105.00 |
Eph Culp | undertaker | unpaid | $103.50 |
total | $253.25 |
Charles Vredingburgh
Vredenburgh Searcher , Fall 1995, page 14.
Also appeared Lloyd L. Burris and A. J. Irwin who, being duly sworn, say that they saw Charles Vredingburgh, the claimant, sign his name to this application; that they know the claimant herein and that their answers to the following questions are true:
1. Did the pensioner leave a widow or a minor child under age of sixteen years surviving? No
2. When did the pensioner die? November 5, 1917
3. Did the pensioner leave any property? If so, state its character and value: Nothing except $99.55 cash
4. We knew pensioner 3 years. We believe above statements to be true because were personally acquainted with pensioner
Name: Lloyd L. Burris
P.O. Address Goshen Indiana
Name: A.J. Irwin
P.O. Address Goshen Ind
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1 st day of March A. D. 1918; and I certify that the contents of the fore going application were fully made known and explained to the claimant and witnesses before swearing, that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim, and I further certify that the reputation for credibility of the witnesses whose signatures appear above is Hilda W. Detwiler Notary Public
Statement of Attending Physicians.
Give date of the pensioner's death November 5, 1917
Give date of commencement of pensioner's last sickness: Unknown - probably 3 or 4 years
From what date did the pensioner require the regular and daily attendance of another person constantly until death? About 7 or 8 weeks
During what period did you attend the pensioner? Dr. Irwin Apr 10 - '17 to May 31 -'17 Dr. Yoder Sept 6 - '17 to November 4, 1917.
State nature of disease from which pensioner died: cancer
Give name of each person who rendered service as nurse, and who has made or will make a charge for such service Hattie Vredingburgh
Give name of any other physician who attended the pensioner in last sickness: No other known to us
Does your bill include a charge for all medicine furnished the pensioner during last sickness? Yes
Has your bill been paid; if so, by whom? Unpaid
I certify that the foregoing statement is correct
March 1 st , 1918 A. J. Irwin
March 1 st , 1918 A. C. Yoder
Vredenburgh Searcher , Fall 1995 page 15.
Certificate No. 498.654
Name Henry Vredingburgh
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C. January 15, 1898.
In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below.
Very Respectfully,
H. Clay Evans
First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife's full name and her maiden name.
Answer. Viola Vredingburgh Viola Williams
Second. When, where and by whom were you married?
Answer: State of Michigan, County of Barryton, Dec. 25, 1862 at Assyria buy George E. Bacon Justice of the peace
Third: What record of marriage exists?
Answer: a written certificate
Fourth: Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer: No
Fifth: Have you any children Living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth.
Answer: Harry Vredingburgh born 1865
Frank Vredingburgh 1867
Charles Vredingburgh 1869
Date of reply, June 3, 1898 Henry Vredingburgh
Vredenburgh Searcher , Fall 1995, page 16
Act of April 19, 1908
Declaration for Widow's Pension
State of Indiana, County of Elkhart, on this 16 th day of May, 1914, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, within and for the County and State aforesaid, Viola Vredingburgh, aged 68 years, a resident of Goshen, County of Elkhart State of Indiana, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain pension under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved April 19, 1908. That she the widow of Henry Vredingburgh who was enrolled under the name of Henry Vredingburgh, at Battle Creek Mich on the 30 th day of August, 1864, as a Private in Co. "G" 13 th Regiment, Michigan Infantry, and honorably discharged June 26 th , 1865, having served ninety days or more during the late civil war.
That he was not in the military or naval service of the United States otherwise than as stated above.
That she was married under the name of Viola Williams to said soldier at Assyria, Barry Co. Mich on the 25 th day of December 1862, by George E. Bacon, J.P.; that there was no legal barrier to the marriage; that she had not been previously married; that the soldier had not been previously married, and that neither she nor said soldier married otherwise that as stated above.
That the said soldier died May 6,1914, at Goshen, Indiana, that she was not divorced from him, and that she has not remarried since his death.
That the said soldier left the following-named children who are now living under sixteen years of age, to wit: No children under sixteen years.
That she has not heretofore applied for pension
That she hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, William H. Charuley, of Goshen State of Indiana her true and lawful attorney to prosecute this claim.
That her post office address is Goshen, R.F.D. #1 County of Elkhart, State of Indiana
(1) John W. Cornell
(2) Charles H. Vredingburgh
Claimant's signature in full: Viola Vredingburgh
Vredenburgh Searcher , Fall 1995 page 17.
Act of May 11, 1912
Declaration for Pension
The pension certificate should not be forwarded with the application.
State of Indiana
County of Elkhart
On this 21 day of May, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and Twelve personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Henry Vredingburgh, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 79 years of age, and a resident of Goshen, County of Elkhart, state of Indiana; and that he is the identical person who was enrolled at Marshall Michigan under the name of Henry Vredingburg, on the 30 day of August, 1864 as a Private, in the Company G 13 Regiment Michigan Infantry Volunteers in the service of the United States, in the Civil War, and was honorably discharged at Detroit Michigan , on the 26 th day of June, 1865.
That he was not employed in the military or naval service of the united States otherwise than as stated above. That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height, 5 feet 6 inches; complexion, dark; color of eyes, dark; color of hair, black; that his occupation was farmer; that he was born March 25, 1833.
That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows; Elkhart County, Michigan 27 years, Barri County Michigan 20 years
That he is a pensioner under certificate No. 498654
That he has not applied for pension under original No. ______
That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the act of May 11, 1912.
That his post-office is Goshen, County of Elkhart, State of Indiana.
Claimant's signature in full: Henry Vredingburgh
(1) John Darnell
(2) William H. Charuley
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21th of day of May, A.D., 1912, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing, including the words ____, erased, and the words ___, added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
Mitchell Charuley
Notary Public