Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn99 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Charles John Burnett

SOURCES: Leslie, Edmund Norman, 1902, Skaneateles, history of itsearliest settlement and reminiscences of later times (Andrew KelloggPress: New York). BIOGRAPHY: Charles established on the outlet ofOtisco Lake, a milling station, which he called "Marietta" in honor ofhis wife. Burnett was descended from the Burnetts of Leys of Aberdeen,Scotland, a family originally of Saxon origin, and was a linealdescendant of Bishop Gilbert Burnet, the historian of "The Reformationin England," and a brother of the Rev. I. B. Burnet, Rector of theparish of Houghton, Hints, England. In early life he left London,and entered the mercantile house of a relative at Lisbon, Portugal.After residing there for a while, and also at Malaga and at Gibralter,in Spain, he returned to England. He soon after came to this country,and settled at Skaneateles in the year 1803, with one of the Dutchmerchants of New York, William J. Vredenburg, with whom he had alreadypreviously had business relations while in Spain and portugal, andwhose daughter he soon after married. The marriage service washeld ninety-seven years ago, in the parlor of the house in which healways lived until his death, and from the same parlor his remainswere borne to the church where the funeral services were held. Heheld the office of postmaster of Skaneateles from 1817 to 1843, aperiod of twenty-six years, through the administrations of PresidentsMonroe, Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, and Harrison. He had been a wardenof St. James' Church since 1824, a period of thirty-two years. He diedin this village, February 16, 1856, aged eighty-two years.

Maria Hubbard Vredenburgh

SOURCES: NY Genealogical and Biographical Record Vo. 90 (1959) p.213CHR: Sponsors at baptism: William J., Elizabeth [father and mother],Wilhelmina Vredenburgh

Oliver Chase Babcock

SOURCE: Babcock, Stephen, 1903, Babcock Genealogy, (New York: Eaton &Mains) p. 226 BIOG: Moved in 1828 from Brookfield to Persia withoxen and sled, being fourteen days on the road. He was a Deacon inthe Seventh Day Baptist Church from 1830 to 1854.