Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn81 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Nancy Maria Fowler

SOURCE: Edward, James T., 1971, Notable American Women 1607-1950, ABiographical Dictionary, Vol. 2, p.454; The Chicago Tribune July 6,10, Aug. 8, Oct. 31, 1923. BIOGRAPHY: With her two brothers, wasorphaned with death of mother in 1842. Her father, a dry goods, andgeneral merchandise dealer died in an accident when "Nettie" was 7months old. Went to live with an uncle Eldridge Merick, in Clayton NY.Merick was a prominent shipbuilder. Married Cyrus Hall McCormick,inventor and manufacturer of the McCormick mechanical reaper. Afterhis death she became the virtual president of the company. A leadingbenefactress of her day, giving over $8 million to education, thePresbyterian Church, hospitals, orphanages and medical institutions.

Cyrus Hall McCormick

BIOGRAPHY: Princeton, '79 (hon. A.M., 1887; LL.D., Lafayette,1915). Pres. McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., 1884-1902; pres.Internat. Harvester Co., 1902-19 and since chmn. bd.; dir.C.&N.W.R.Co., National City Bank (New York). Mem. of the specialdiplomatic mission of the US to Russia, 1917; dir. Citizens' WarBoard, Chicago, 1917; mem. Nat War Work Council of YMCA, NY;dir ARC, Chicago. Trustee Princeton U., and Elizabeth McCormickMemorial Fund; dir McCormick Theol. Sem. Officer du MeriteAgricole, 1889; Officier de la Legion d'Honneur, 1900 (see Who'sWho in America). Clubs: University, Metropolitan (NY),ChicagoUnion League, University, Commercial, Onwentsia, Chicago Atletic,City, Iroguois, Cliff Dwellers. Summer place: "Walden"Lake ForestIL. Residence: 50 E Huron St. Chicago, IL.