Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn65 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Matthew Mark Conyers

OBITUARY: The Hustler, Thurs 25 Mar 1937; Matthew Mark Conyers, son ofMatthew and Sarah Conyers was born 29 Dec 1877 at River Sioux, IAand passed away at Libby, MT, 12 Mar 1937, aged 59 years, 2 monthsand 12 days. His early life was spent in this vicinity. The lasttwenty years he was a resident of SD. 17 Aug 1899, he was marriedto Wynona A. Smith who survives him, together with three children,Mrs. A.L. Horning of Minneapolis, MN, Pauline Parker of Brookings,SD, and Lawrence E. of Libby, MT. A son Cyril and daughter Eunicepreceded him in death. Three sisters, three brothers and fivegrandchildren also survive him, beside many other relatives. Theremains were brought to Little Sioux and services in charge of ElderGeorge Meggers were held at the LDS Church, Wed afternoon, 17th Mar.Burial at the Little Sioux Cemetery.

Abbie Winona Smith

OBITUARY: 11 Mar 1971; Mrs. Winona Conyers, a resident of ElmwoodNursing Home for the past several years, passed away at the BurgessMemorial Hospital in Onawa, Iowa Saturday, February 20, 1971, aftera long illness. She had reached the age of 90 years, 10 months and27 days at the time of her death. She was born 23 Mar 1880 inHarrison Co., IA, to Gilbert and Mary Jane Merr- ill Smith. She hadresided in Onawa for the past six years and previous to that time inMinneapolis, MN. On August 17, 1898, she was united in marriage toMark Conyers, who preceded her in death. She was a member ofSt.Stevens Episcopal Church in Minneapolis. Survivors include oneson, Lawrence Edward Conyers of Big Fork, Montana; one daughter,Mrs. A.L. (Elizabeth) Horning of Edina, Minn; 7 grandchildren, 9great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Services wereheld at the Pearson Chapel in Onawa at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24,1971 with Elder Thomas Carritt officiating. Clara Kelley was theorganist. Casket bearers were Merrill Smith, Doyle Conyers, GeneConyers, Robert Conyers, Ernest Boysen and Harlan Holmes. Intermentwas in the Little Sioux, Iowa Cemetery with arrangements by thePearson Funeral Home of Onawa.