SOURCE: Enc. of Am. Biog. vol. 25; Early Settlers of SangamonCounty, IL p. 745. (1876) BIOGRAPHY: He moved with his family toNew York City in 1821, and lived there several years aftermarriage. They had two children in New York. They arrived inCurran Township, Sangamon County, IL, July 20, 1835, where theyhad two children. Up unil 1837 John was a farmer. In 1837 theymoved to Springfield where they had four children. He confinedattention to the growing lumber business continuing in same until1878 when his sons took over the business. Served two terms asalderman and was mayor of Springfield, IL from April 1864 toApril 1865.
SOURCES: Boutwell, Clara, 1966, Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield,Sangamon County, Ill., The Genealogical Society V.2.