Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn62 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


La Rue Perrine Vredenburgh

BIOGRAPHY: Was cashier of the Somerset County Bank.

Pieter Winne

Biography: http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/albany/bios/w/piwinne8568.htmlhttp://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~winnwilcox/pwinne.html

James Brinkerhoff Vredenburgh

OBITUARY: New York Times: June 22, 1915 p. 15 col. 5. JAS. B.VREDENBURGH DIES. Prominent New Jersey Lawyer Succumbs in Freeholdat 71. James B. Vredenburgh, a leading lawyer of New Jersey and amember of the firm of Vredenburgh, Wall & Carey of Jersey City,died yesterday at his home in Freehold, in his seventy- secondyear. He was born in Freehold and was a son of Judge PeterVredenburgh, for many years a Supreme Court Justice of New Jersey.Mr. Vredenburgh was graduated from Princeton University in 1863,shortly after being admitted to the bar. When he first went toJersey City he became a law partner of Isaac W. Scudder, laterentering into partner ship with Judge Abram J. Garretson. Hewas for many years a Director of the Provident institution forSavings and the New Jersey Title and Guarantee Trust Company.Among the clubs he belonged to were the Union League, theLawyers', the Princeton and the New York Athletic Clubs, and theSt. Nicholas Society of this city, and the New Jersey HistoricalSociety. BIOGRAPHY: Became attorney-at-law, at Jersey City in1866, counsellor in 1869.