SOURCES: Current Biography, Who's News and Why 1948, Ed. Anna RothePub. H. W. Wilson Co. NY, NY; The International Who's who 1984-1985 v.48, 48th ed.; NY Herald Tribune p. 11 Mr 1, 1944, NY Post Mr. 25 1944;p. 29, Jl 20, 1944. BIOGRAPHY: Education: George Washington Univ.and Miss.State Coll. for Women; Sec. to Dir. of Tenn. Coal, Iron andRail Road Co. 1937-40; Asst. Sec. Young Democrats of America 1941,Vice-Pres. 1943-48, Acting Pres. 1944; Sec Democratic Nat Cttee.1944-; Democratic Nat Conventions 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964,1968, 1972, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988; Dir. Coastal Caribbean Oilsand Minerals Ltd., Pancoastal Inc.; mem. Nat. Fed. of Business andProfessional Women. Address: 106 Moorings Park Drive, Apt. 104,Naples,Pla, 33942