Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn593 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Frederick W. Peters

SOURCE: Dixon Telegraph Spet 16, 1896, p. 1, col. 4 News has beenreceived here by her friends, of the marriage of Miss DorothySpecht, daughter of Mr and Mrs August Specht, at her home in Omaha, toMr. F. W. Peters of St. Louis, on Monday, September 14th. AfterOctober 1st the newly wedded couple will be at home at 2217 S.Louis, avenue. St Louis Missouri. Miss Dora will be remembered bymany of the young people of Dison, where she was born and whereher school days were mainly spent, and many will unite with theTELEGRAPH in kind wishes for a long and happy life.

Dorothy Specht

SOURCE: Dixon [Illinois] Telegraph, 16 Sept 1896 p. 1, c. 4.MARRIAGE: News has been received here by her friends, of the marriageof Miss Dorothy Specht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Specht, ather home in Omaha, to Mr. F. W. Peters of St. Louis, on Monday,September 14th. After October 1st the newly wedded couple will be athome at 2217 St. Louis, avenue. St. Louis Missouri. Miss Dora will beremembered by many of the young people of Dixon, where she was bornand where her school days were mainly spent, and many will unite withTHE TELEGRAPGH in kind wishes for a long and happy life.