BIRTH: Was Adopted. BIOG: John married 4 times, no children
Archibald McFarland True was born August 17, 1872 in Toledo, IA, the3rd child of M. B. C. and Mary Catharine McFarland True. He was anewspaperman, having worked on the North Loup Advocate, a later asoldier. A newspaper clipping regarding the death of his olderbrother Alaric (Larry) True, refers to the latter's brother "A. M.True" as being a member of the U. S. Cavalry stationed in Texas.Later, he went to Manila, Philippine Islands, as a newspaperman,writing for a number of years for the Manila Times. He also worked asa newpaperman in Shanghai, China. He married Gertrudis (Tula)Gatchalian (Gachelien) on April 24, 1903, I believe in Manila. Hedied in Manila in May, 1919. SOURCE: Notes compiled by Oscar TrueBabcock; Newspaper clipping (see notes for Alaric {Larry} True);True family Bible. -- Bryce Babcock