"The History of Polk County, Iowa" published by the Union HistoricalCompany, Birdsall, Williams & Co. 1880. pp. 864-865http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~iabiog/polk/h1880/desmoines-s.txt J.R.-Of the firm of Serrin & Fairbanks, millers, was born in Washington,D. C., March 2, 1831, and at the age of three years removed with hisparents to Terre Haute, Indiana, living there until fourteen years ofage, at which time he went to New York City. While there he wasengaged in clerking until 1856, when he came to Iowa and settled atDavenport, and for one year followed different lines of business. In1857 he went to Marengo, Iowa county, and engaged in the mercantilebusiness, which he followed until September, 1862, when he enlisted incompany E, Twenty-fourth Iowa infantry. May 16, 1863. he was woundedat the battle of Champion's Hill, through the knee, and while rollingdown the hill was shot in the head and thigh. He was discharged inSeptember, 1863, on this account, and after returning home he againcommenced the mercantile business, which he continued until 1870. Hethen went into the milling business, continued the same untilDecember, 1879, then came to Des Moines and bought the mill in companywith Mr. Fairbanks. In 1864 he was appointed postmaster at Marengo,which office he held until Andrew Johnson's administration. He waselected to the Eleventh General Assembly of Iowa, from Iowa county, in1866, and served for one term. Was married, August 18, 1859, to MissSophia McConnell, a native of Ohio. They have three children: J. R.and Thomas H., living, and one deceased, Lincoln