OBITUARY: The Hustler, Fri 14 May 1926 p.1; The many, many friends andrelatives of Mrs. Lois Vredenburgh Whisler were shocked to learn Sun.of the passing away of Lois with pneumonia, the previous day. She grewto womanhood in this vicinity, and for many years assisted in thestores making friends where ever she was. Lois Vredenburgh was born inSoldier Valley, 1 Mar 1895, passed away 8 May 1926. On 12 Nov 1921 shewas united in marriage with David M. Whisler and to this union wereborn two children, Lois Elrena and Doris An- jean, who with thehusband survive her. Following the marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Whislerlived in this vicinity until last Feb when they moved to Rosalie, NE.She was taken ill and her sister, Mrs. Ruth Cowan of Magnolia wentover last Fri to help care for her, but the end came the followingday. To Mrs. Cowan Loisa asked the care of the little ones she wasleaving behind and thus passed a good woman. She leaves besides thehusband and children, three sisters and five brothers: Sarah AlmenaSterns of San Antonia, TX, Joseph Charles Vredenburgh of Alva, OK,Norman Eugene Vredenburgh of Orlando, FL, James Monroe Vredenburgh,Helen Anjean VanSickle of Sioux City, IA, David M. Vredenburgh ofLamoni, IA, Ruth A. Cowan of Magnolia, IA, and Evan C. Vredenburgh ofLamoni, IA, also many near relatives and hosts of friends. The remainswere brought to Pisgah and the services held at the LDS Church, Tuesmorning, Elder Fred Frye of Woodbine conducting the service and theinterment at Soldier Valley Cemetery. All the sisters and brothersexcept Joseph and Norman were here for the last services.
Died age 6
PARENTAGE: Daughter of John M. TYSON.
FAMILY RECORDS: 46-lived in Little Sioux CEMETERY RECORDS: SoldierValley Cemetery Records CENSUS RECORDS: 1910 Census of JacksonTwp, Harrison, Iowa; 1920 Census of Jackson Twp, Harrison, IA.
PARENTAGE: Maude Ellen, daughter of Charles Hampton and Mary Ellen(McGee) Russell. CEMETERY RECORDS: Soldier Valley CemeteryRecords.
CEMETERY RECORDS: Soldier Valley Cemetery Records.