SOURCE: Copied by Clifford W. Vredenburgh Sept. 8, 1937 from amanuscript in possession of Charles E. Vredenburgh Jt. San PedroCA. Possibly from Enc. of Am. Biog. vol. 25 BIOGRAPHY: Enteredfirm of Lumber Companyin 1893. Chief deputy collector of internalrevenue in SPringfield for 8 years. Wa insurance commissioner forIL for 4 years and 2 years in grain business. In 1910assistant treasurer of Peter V- Lumber Co. Member of ChristEpiscopal Church.
SOURCE: Copied by Clifford W. Vredenburgh Sept. 8, 1937 from amanuscript in possession of Charles E. Vredenburgh Jt. San Pedro CA.Possibly from Enc. of Am. Biog. vol. 25 BIOGRAPHY: Thomas enlistedin the Civil War as Private in Company B 10th IL Cavalry in which heheld the following commands: First Lieut. & Adjutant 2nd BattalionApril 8, 1862 First Lieut. Company D. May 31, 1863 Major - Dec. 31,1864 Lieut Col. Oct 10, 1865 Was taken prisoner of war June 6,1863 at Richmond, Louisiana and confined in Shreveport Louis (sic),and Tyler, Texas with assistance and connivance of a number ofprisoners of war who were to be exchanged at New Orleans. Wasengaged in lumber business in Springfield and Loami in early years andestablished Loami Bank.
CEMETERY RECORDS: Little Sioux Cemetery Records.
CEMETERY RECORDS: Little Sioux Cemetery Records.
CEMETERY RECORDS: Little Sioux Cemetery Records MARRIAGE RECORD:Harrison County, IA, p.183; John H. Vredenburg of Little Sioux,farmer, 28, W, b. Harrison Co, IA, f. Wm Vredenburgh, m. Cassie AnnConyers, 1st, married May Woodward, of Little Sioux, 24, W, b. MillsCo, IA f. Lewis Woodward, m. Sarah Ann Scott, 1st, at residence ofgroom's parents 2 Apr 1894, witnesses, Sarah A. Woodward, WmVredenburg, by Elder J.F. Minters, LDC.
PARENTAGE: Olive May, daughter of Lewis and Sarah Ann (Scott)Woodward. CEMETERY RECORDS: Little Sioux Cemetery Records.OBITUARY: The Hustler, 13 Jan 1928 p.1; Olive May Woodward, daughterof Lewis and Sarah Ann Woodward was born 17 Feb 1871 at Emerson,Mills, IA, and died at her home in Pisgah, 6 Jan 1928. She came withher parents to Monona county and lived on the old homestead until 2Apr 1894 when she was united in marriage with John H. Vredenburgh ofPisgah, IA. To this union were born two sons, William LeRoy and EmeryGlen, both of Pisgah. Besides her husband and children she leaves tomourn three brothers and two sisters: Eva Jenks, Edwin, Frank andCharles Woodward and Pearl Wiltse, all of Pisgah except Edwin wholives near Moorhead, IA. Two grandchildren: Kenneth Frances and DonaldAllen Vredenburgh of Pisgah. Besides these are many other relativesand a host of friends mourn her departure. She united with the LatterDay Saints Church, 27 Sep 1896 and continued that membership until herdeath. She was also a member of the Rebecca Lodge and always found awilling worker. Funeral services were held at the LDS Church of Pisgahat 1:30 p.m. 8 Jan 1928. Sermon by Elder George Meggers, Joseph Lanein charge. The remains were laid to rest in the Little Sioux Cemeterythere to remain until the Resurrection Morn.
BIOGRAPHY: Judge of NJ Supreme Court 1855-1869. In 1873 wasappointed Prosecutor of the Monmouth Pleas, a position held forthree successive terms.
BIOGRAPHY: Admitted as attorney-at-law 1859, and as counsellor in1862; Major of the 14th Regiment, NJ Volunteers. Infantry, andjudge advocate of the brigade: was killed at the battle ofWinchester, VA.