Resided in Farmington, ME. -- B.B.
OBITUARY: Onawa Democrat, 26 Apr 1973; Rex D. Vredenburgh ofMoorhead passed away on 14 Apr 1973. He had reached the age of 78years, 8 months and 2 days. He was born on 12 Aug 1894, at LittleSioux, IA, the son of George and Emma Vredenburgh. On 15 Dec 1915,he was united in marriage to Elsie Magnet at Moorhead. He hadlived in the Moorhead area all his married life and worked as afarmer until retiring ten years ago. He was a member of RLDS.Survivors include his wife, Elsie, of Moorhead; one son, Dale ofMoorhead; one half brother, Dean Mann of Woodbine; threegrandchildren and five great grandchildren. He was preceded indeath by his parents, one sister, 4 step brothers, and 1 stepsister. Services were held at 11 a.m. on Tues 17 Apr1973, at theMoorhead Christian Church at Moorhead, IA with Elder Wilbur Mannofficiating. Interment was in the Spring Valley Cemetery atMoorhead with arrangements by the Pearson Funeral Home of Onawa,IA.
OBITUARY: paper unknown; 7 Mar 1974; Elsie Mae Vredenburgh, alifetime resident of the Moorhead, IA community, passed away atBurgess Memorial Hospital at Onawa, IA on 19 Feb 1974 after abrief illness. She had reached the age of 80 years, 4 months and14 days. She was born at Moorhead on 5 Oct 1893, the daughter ofCharles and Bertha Harvey Magnet. On 15 Dec 1915, she was unitedin marriage to Rex D. Vredenburgh at Moorhead. He preceded her indeath on 14 Apr 1973. Elsie was a member of the Moorhead ChristianChurch. Survivors include her one son, Dale Vredenburgh ofMoorhead and one sister, Opal Magnet of Missouri Valley, IA; thereare three grandchildren and five great grandchildren, a niece andnephew, and other relatives. She was preceded in death by herhusband, three sisters, and two brothers who died in infancy,and two adult sisters, Mrs. Lloyd (Alice) Christianson and Mrs.Earl (Lois) Wax. Services were held at 1:30 p.m. Fri 22 Feb 1974at the Christian Church in Moorhead with Rev. M. Dwight Walkerofficiating. Interment was in the Spring Valley Cemetery atMoorhead with arrangements by the Pearson Funeral Home of Onawa.
SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog Record Vol 84 p. 115 CHR: Rhinebeck FlatsDutch Ref'd. Church. Sponsors Jacobus J. Van Etten and Lea VanVredenburg.