Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn474 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


George Ward Van Vredenburgh

SOURCE: Sons of the American Revolution [1901] p. 725. DAR Recordof Mary Catherine (Vredenburgh) Logan Ryan. #8273 Mr. VanVredenburgh is a chemist, educated in New York City, and for may yearswas largely associated with the wholesale and retail drug trade. In1889 he placed on the market a patent propeller wheel, which wasextensively used by harbor tugs and tow boats. In 1893 Mr. VanVredenburgh married Miss Marle Breen at St. George's Church in NewYork City, and, although he is still a young man, he is a largeproperty owner and bank stock holder and has built up an extensivebusiness in the manufacture and sale of proprietary medicines. He is aman of exceptional business ability, and has always been an activesportsman, mainly interested in athletics; he is a member of manyclubs, including the New York Athletic Club, Suburban Riding andDriving Club, the Colonial Club on New York City, the Larchmont andNew York Yacht clubs. He has always been a daring businessman, and isat present the owner of the sloop yacht "Victory," which was built asa cup defender.