Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn466 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Johannes Bingemann

SOURCE:1911, Genealogical and Biographical Annals of NorthumberlandCounty, PA (Chicago: J. L. Floyd & Co.) pp. 86-90. BIOGRAPHY: TheBingaman family now numerous throughout Northumberland county isdescended from one John Bingaman, one of the "Hessian" soldiers (manyof them came from Hessen Cassel, Germany) sent to this country in thepay of the British during the Revolutionary war and one of thosecaptured on Christmas night, 1776, by Washington at Trenton. Many ofthose taken prisoner were held at Penn Common, at Reading, Derks Co.,PA., until the close of the war, and John Bingaman was one of thosewho refused to leave this country, of which he became a loyal citizen.About 1790 he came to Northumberland county, where his first locationwas in the vicinity of Mahantango, in Lower Mahanoy township aboutwhere Levi Kauffan now lives. There he conducted a hotel on the banksof the Susquehanna river, and according to family tradition theIndians used to visit him and drink his applejack. He afterwardsettled farther north in the township, on a large tract which is nowthe farm of Edwin Badman, and there he erected buildings and continuedto make his home for many years. Some years before his death heretired and went to live with one of his sons, at whose home he diedabout 1843. He buried at the western end of the old graveyard ofZion's (Stone Valley) Church. As tradition has it that he was in histwenty-second year when he came to this country, in 1776, having beenborn in 1754, he was evidently about ninety at the time of his demise.He was a tall, robust man, of strong character and convictions, andlived a peaceful, industrious and useful life. His many descendant inNorthumberland county have been numbered among the thrifty andsuccessful farmers and business men of their respective communities.According to the JSHA (Johannes Schwalm Historical Association,Pennsauken, N.J.) Journal Vol.4, number 2 (1990), in their profilingof Hessian soldiers, on page 37 have listed the data as it was knownin 1990. It was said that Johannes Bingemann was born circa 1752 inHiederbeisheim, Hessen, Germany. He came to America with the Hessiantroops and was captured on 2 Jan 1777 somewhere in the vicinity ofShabbakonk Creek near Trenton.