Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn410 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Andrew Van Buskirk

http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=inman_compendium&id=I36548 Richard Von Boskirk: Andrew™s grandfather served in theRevolutionary war and was given a grant of land in Pennsylvania. Whilehe fought for America, his brothers fought for England. The VonBoskirks originally came from Switzerland but left there for religiousreasons and went to England. The Von was added to the name by ˜orderof the King™ for some loyal deed performed. This information is fromHettie Von Boskirk™s memories written in a book ˜Log Cabin Days™ byher daughter-in-law, Grace F. Blaine.