Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn40 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


William Henry True

Resided in Minot, ME. -- B.B.

Mary E. Amy

Handwritten record of the True family says, "Mary E. Amy, ofGuildhall, VT." -- B.B.

Nettie True

Handwritten True family record notes: "lived 1 1/2 days." -- B.B.

Willem Van Garden

CHR: Sponsors, Cornelis de Puy and Sara Rosenkrans. MARRIAGE:Married Annetje Vredenburgh, not sure it's this one.

Annatje Vredenburgh

CHR: Fincent de Lamontangne and Ariaantje, his wife, sponsors.

Johonnes Van Garden

SOURCE: Registry of the Old Dutch Church 974.702 - K62 h.Correspondence with Vivian Tice Krueger, July 1, 1983. CHR:Johonnes Van GOrder and Margriet Quick, sponsors