Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn342 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Thomas True

Resided at Seabrook, NH.

Sidney Merlin True

Sidney Merlin True, the 4th child of M. B. C. and Mary CatharineMcFarland True, was born on April 6, 1874, probably in Jones Co., IA.The family moved from that location to Crete, NE, in that year, andthough I am not aware of the exact date of the move, it was probablyin the summer. He was married to Josephine Winger, in Lincoln, NE,on June 1, 1898. They made their home in Tecumseh, NE, where Sidney'sfamily lived at that time. A newspaper clipping telling of themarriage reads, "The groom is a prosperous young lawyer who by his ownenergy has aquired a fine education and laid the foundation for asuccessful business career. He is a thorough gentleman and that is ashigh a compliment as you can pay to any young man." In later yearsthe family made their home in Denver, CO. I have no date of death.SOURCE: True Family Bible, birth, marriage and death records;Newspaper account of the marriage, probably the Tecumseh Chieftan;Notes on the True family compiled by my father, Oscar True Babcock.-- Bryce Babcock

Josephine Weaver Winger

A newspaper account of the wedding reads, "The bride is well known toquite a number of Tecumseh people, having visited here, and is a mostestimable young lady, of pleasing manners and varied accomplishments.She will be a valuable addition to the social circles of our city."SOURCE: Xerox copy of an article on the marriage. The paper is notidentified, but is probably the Tecumseh (NE) Chieftan. The date isnot included; True Family Bible records. -- Bryce Babcock.