BIOG: In about 1846 a number of families moved from Persia, NY, toWisconsin. After living for a short time in Rock County, they settledat Dakota, Waushara County. "Rev. George C. Babcock was ordainedto the Seventh Day Baptist ministry at Berlin, Wis., Sept. 28 1855,was pastor of the church at Dakota and Berlin, Wis, also of theBrookfield, Mo., church; was a good Bible scholar and a good historianfor his time." SOURCE: Babcock, Stephen, 1903, Babcock Genealogy,(New York: Eaton & Mains) p. 227 Year of death: I have listed theyear of death as 1888. This is the year given in the records of myfather, O.T. Babcock, (handwritten pedigree chart]. The BabcockGeneology (see above), lists the date as 1818, an obvioustypographical error. In my copy, someone (almost certainly my father]had corrected this in pencil to read 1888. In "A Babcock FamilyHistory: Ancestors and Descendants of George Clark Babcock(1810-1878]" by Larry M. Vredenburgh and Richard G. Gowen[unpublished] the year is given as 1878. All sources give the monthand day as July 14, and the place of death as North Loup, NE. --Bryce Babcock