Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn327 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Lorenzo Webster True

I also have a date of death given as Aug. 16, 1882. -- B.B.

Arthur H. Babcock

BIOG: In 1903 lived in North Loup, NE

Albert Henry Babcock

Albert Henry Babcock, Jr. (known as "Bab" to family and friends) wasborn in North Loup, NE, and there received his elementary and highschool education. Following graduation from high school, he enlistedin the U.S. Navy, serving in the Pacific theater during World War II,aboard the aircraft carrier Hornet. After his four year enlistment heenrolled at Long Beach City College, and graduated from the Universityof Southern California. He received seminary training at the BerkeleyBaptist Divinity School in Berkeley, CA and was ordained to the GospelMinistry, January 29, 1953, at Long Beach, CA. Albert married LuluRowley November 8, 1950, and began his ministry in 1952 at SunnysideBaptist Church of Los Angeles. A call to the First Baptist Church ofSioux Falls, SD, was answered in 1955 and that ministry continueduntil 1963 when the Babcocks returned to Los Angeles. In 1961, fellowSouth Dakota clergymen named Albert Babcock "Pastor of the Year", inrecognition of his outstanding ministry in Christian Education,Baptist Youth Fellowship, camp work and leadership development.Albert Babcock assumed guidance of all phases of his preferred field,Christian Education, for the First Baptist Church of Los Angeles in1963. Later, he became co-director of the Good Neighbor Fellowshipfor senior adults and served the 6500 members of that group withsingular effectiveness. A large weekly adult Bible Study Fellowshipalso served as testimony to his teaching and pastoral skills. In 1975he was presented with an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity byWhitehead College of the University of Redlands, CA. He died of aheart attack and open heart surgery just before Christmas in 1979.SOURCE: Information received from his sister, Mary Babcock Hurley, tome in January, 1998. -- Bryce Babcock