SOURCE: Black, Susan E., 1993, Early Members of the Reorganized Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Brigham Young University) Vol.II, p. 272. BIOG: George Washington Conyers, Jr., was baptized amember of the RLDS Chruch at Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa.
SOURCE: Black, Susan E., 1993, Early Members of the Reorganized Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Brigham Young University) Vol.II, p. 274. BIOG: Mary Jane joined the Lyman Wight colony in Texasbefore moving to Utah. She was baptized a member of the RLDS Churchon 11 June 1871 by D. M. Gamet. She attended the Little Sioux, IowaBranch and Salt Lake, Utah Branch.
SOURCE: Old Dutch Post Star: Family Tree 25 may 1978 (Ulster Co.)BIO: Hendrick was one of the original settlers of the Villageof Fishkill in Dutchess County. His brothers Johannis and Williomfolowed him to that place, settling in Rombout Precinct where bothpurchased land between 1736 and 1742. There properties adjoinedthat of Hendrick, indicating that he had owned land here priorto 1736. Both Hendirck and Johannis purchased the land fromCatherine Brett.
BIRTH: Alternative name spelling Dupuy.