Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn294 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Jesse Seelye

SOURCE: Cowles, George, 1895, Landmarks of Wayne County, New York(Syracuse: D. Mason & Co.) p. 350 BIO: Occupied his farm one-halfmile west of Savannah, since. 1837. His parents moved from Queensburyto Galen during the building of the [Erie] Canal. Jesse was born inWarren County, came with his parents to Wayne County when twelve yearsold, and spent most of his life farmins, although earlier he acquiredand practice shoemaking and coopering.

Benjamin Seelye

SOURCE: Seelye Genealogical Society Newsletter Nov 1984 (issue 41) p.6 by Kathy Cannamelia. BIOG: Was married by Wm. Robards, JP atQueensbury, Washington (now Warren) Co., NY (Smith's History of WarrenCo., p. 409). Benjamin is found on the 1805 assessment roll ofQueensbury and in 1810 and 1820 censuses. In 1830 he is at Savannah,Wayne County. He had a tavern stand and store on the SE corner of theOneida, Queensbury, ever after a commercial site and today thelocation of Bardin's general store Route 9L and E. Sunnyside Rd. Heand Anna mortgaged this property to Murry Jenkins in 1814 (Warren Mtg.A:164) the same year he was named administrator of Solomon Austin'sestate. By 1816, the tavern lot was owned by Doctor Ripley. Benjaminbecame insolvent in 1821. The best account of the parents andsiblings of Benjamin is a typescript "Record of Four Generations ofthe Descendants of Capt. Robt. Seeley" compiled by Willard S. Morse,in the CT State Library in Hartford.