Born in Scotland about 1905. I know nothing about his early life. Hewas in Shanghai, China as early as 1937 as a member of the Shanghaipolice force. He married Gertrudis (Tulita) True in December of thatyear, in Shanghai. At the outbreak of hostilities between Japan andthe British Empire, he and Tulita were both interned by the Japaneseand spent the rest of World War II in Japanese prison camps in China.In January, 1945, Mark suffered a "heart stroke" and was sent to theprison hospital at the Haiphong Road Camp, then was transferred toanother prison hospital in July of that year. After the conclusion ofhostilities he was released from Fengtai prison camp hospital in northChina on August 17, 1945, and from there was taken to a hospital inPeking (Beijing). His wife, Tulita, was also interned by theJapanese, but in a different prison camp, apparently somewhere nearShanghai. In October, 1945, Mark was allowed to join his wife inShanghai. The couple remained in Shanghai working at various jobsuntil probably January of 1947 when they moved to Victoria, B.C.,Canada. Their son, Robert, was born in February of that year inVictoria. According to the obituary, Mark resided in Victoria from1947 until his death in 1961, at the age of 56. He is buried in RoyalOak Burial Park in Victoria. SOURCE: Letter from Tulita King,June 3, 1946; letter from Tulita King, July 15, 1961, with copy ofMark King's obituary; True family Bible. -- Bryce Babcock
SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog. Soc. RECORD Vol. 21 p. 164. Vol 95 p.84BAPTISM: Ref'd. Dutch Church. Sponsors, Pieter Van Couwenhoven, AeltjeBarents.
SOURCE: NY Gen. and Biog. Record Vol 7, p. 21; Vol 21 p. 164.
SOURCE: NY Gen. and Biog. Soc. RECORD Vol. 21 p. 165; COLLECTIONSVol 1 (1890); Vol. II (1901) p. 239; MARRIAGE: Bans witnesses byMichiel Hartmanze Vrelant and Elisabeth Gerrits CHR: Ref'd DutchChurch. Johannes Joosten and Annnetje Montagne, sponsors.
SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog. Soc. RECORD Vol. 21 p. 165 CHR: Sponsors,Abraham Vredenburgh, Saara Jooste and husband Isaac de Mill.
SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog. Soc. RECORD Vol. 21 p. 165 CHR: WillemPell and Elisabeth Van Thuyl, sponsors.
SOURCE: French, Esther Griswold, (DATE ?), Revolutionary War VetransBuried in Columbia County New York, D.A. R. Vol. I CHR: JohannesLaun and Anna Barbara Osilia Laun, sponsors. BIOGRAPHY: Name: JohnFreidenburgh (Vredenburgh/ Fredenburgh); Born: 1740; Died: 1821;Spouse: Annatje Morris; Born: Died: 1784; Both buried in the J. MorrisFanic Cem. this cemetery is now called, Nyfeler West Ghent Cem.located in the town of Ghent, Columbia, NY. MILITARY SERVICE: JohnFredenburgh Pvt. 7th. Regiment,Albany, NY.
CHR: Kinderhook Reformed Church Kinderhook, Columbia, NY Record #1755published work of Arthur Kelly, Sponsors : John Roerbach and wifeCathrina Lant
BAPTISM: Kinderhook Reformed Church Kinderhook, Columbia, NY Record#2148 published work of Arthur Kelly No Sponsors
CENSUS: 1900 United States Federal Census Record Name: Helen AFredrickson Home in 1900: Sioux, Monona, Iowa Age: 4 Estimated BirthYear: abt 1896 BirthPlace: Iowa Relationship to head-of-house:Daughter Father's name: Anton Mother's name: Marry Race: WhiteOccupation: View Image Neighbors: View others on page HouseholdMembers: Name Age Anton Fredrickson 32 MarryFredrickson 26 Rayman C Fredrickson 6 Helen A Fredrickson 4Armond M Fredrickson 11.12 Arthur J Fredrickson 11.12 1910United States Federal Census Record Name: Helen A Fredrickson Age in1910: 14 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1896 BirthPlace: Iowa Relation toHead of House: Daughter Father's Name: Anton Father's Birth Place:Denmark Mother's Name: Maria M Mother's Birth Place: Denmark Home in1910: Sioux, Monona, Iowa Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender:Female Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: NameAge Anton Fredrickson 42 Maria M Fredrickson 36Raymond C Fredrickson 16 Helen A Fredrickson 14 Arthur JFredrickson 10 Harold M Fredrickson 4