Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn112 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


Joseph True

Married his cousin, Jemima True, daughter of Jabez and Sarah TappanTrue.

Jemima True

Married her cousin Joseph True, son of Benjamin and Mary Eaton True.

Zebulon True

Zebulon and his sister Martha (or Patty) were twins. My father'snotes give the name as Patty, while other handwritten notes (I thinkby his mother) give the name as Martha. The date of birth is the samein both records. It's possible that "Patty" was a nickname.

Henry True

Referred to as "Henry True of Salisbury" (resided in Salisbury, MA).Also listed as "Captain Henry True." "Henry True was captain in theMilitia from1696 to 1722. Records of Salisbury (?) note, "May13,1695, Henry True was chosen Representative to serve at 1st session ofye grate and general Cort to be holden at Boston in town house May 27,1695." Birthdate is apparently listed as Jan. 18, 1644 in"Founders of Massachusetts Bay Colony", by Sarah Saunders Smith ,Pittsfield, Mass., Press of the Sun Printing Co., 1897. Somethingdoesn't add up, however. If Henry True of Salem arrived in thiscountry in 1644 and didn't meet Israel Pike until then (she is said tohave immigrated with her family in 1635), it would seem that abirthdate of 1645 is more likely. However, If the immigrant Henryarrived in this country in 1630, then there is no real problem withthe 1644 date except that he only met Israel Pike that same year. Iuse the 1645 date. SOURCE: Chart, "Geneaology of the Family ofTrue, in America", compiled by H. A. True, M. D., Marion, OH, January,1864.

Jabez True

"Probably died young." -- O. T. Babcock, notes

Abraham Vredenburgh

SOURCE: NY Gen. and Biog. Soc. RECORD Vol. 95 p. 86 CHR: At JanJoosten's in the presence of the whole consistory in Kingston.Sponsors, Jan Focke and Engeltie Jans

Abraham Vredenburgh

CHR: Johannes Montanje and Annatje Vredenburgh, sponsors.