SOURCE: NY Gen and Biog Record Vol 84 p. 209 BAPTIST: RhinebeckFlats Ref'd. Dutch Church. Isaac Cool and Geesje Traphagen,sponsors.
BAPTISM: Gallatin Reformed Church Gallatinville, Columbia, New YorkRecord #543. Name: Thomas Lommus Parents: Gessje Vredenburgh andTimmothy Lommus Date: bapt. 22 Oct 1775 Sponsors: Aclam Koen and HannaLommmes
BAPTISM: Gallatin Reformed Church Gallatinville, Columbia, New YorkRecord #616. Name: Geesje Lommus Parents: Geesje Vredenburgh andTimmothy Lommus Date: bapt. 18 Jan 1778 Sponsors: Elias Vredenburgh(Uncle) and Geesje Schut (possible Aunt)
BAPTISM: Gallatin Reformed Church Gallatinville, Columbia, New YorkRecord #895 Name: Hanna Lommus Parents: Geesje Vredenburgh andTimmothy Lommus Date: bapt. 27 Feb 1785 Sponsors: None
BAPTISM: Gallatin Ref. Church Gallatinville, Columbia, New York Record#724 Name: John Lommus Parents: Geesje Vredenburgh and Timmothy LommusDate: bapt. 21 May 1780 Sponsors: John Lommus and Sarah Lommus
BAPTISM: Gallatin Reformed Church Gallatinville, Columbia, New YorkRecord #820 Name: Catrina Lommus Parents: Geesje Vredenburgh andTimmothy Lommus Date: bapt. 11 Nov 1782 Sponsors: None
BAPTISM: Gallatin Reformed Church Gallatinville, Columbia, New YorkRecord # 493. Name: Isaac Lommus Parents: Geesje Vredenburgh andTimmothy Lommus Date: bapt. 11 Oct 1772 Sponsors: Isaac Vredenburghand wife Cornelia Whitbeck (Grandparents)
BAPTISM: Found in the Arthur Kelley Collection of transcribed churchrecords of Columbia county, New York. Record # 454 of theGallatinville Reformed Church Name: Sara Lommus Parents: GeesjeVredenburgh and Timmothy Lommus Date: bapt. 31 Oct 1770 Sponsors: nonenamed