Selected Transcriptions from Mining Reporter 1899 - 1907
January 18, 1899 p. 171 (San Bernardino County)
Copper Butte. - It is reported that at this property, south of Ibis, a valuable discovery has been made. The new find will be thoroughly developed.
Ivanpah Mammoth. - A strike of good ore was made last week on these properties, situated near the Nevada line. The new strike was encountered in the course of development work inaugurated a few weeks ago. The property is in good condition to make shipments to the Needles smelter as soon as that plant is completed.
March 15, 1906 p. 277 (San Bernardino County)
Copper Queen. - It is reported that Samuel Newhouse is to acquire this group of claims owned by G. H. Hamstadt of Nipton. Several shipments of high grade copper ore have been made from these claims.
April 26, 1906 p. 423 (San Bernardino County)
Gold Dollar. - This property, lying south of Needles, is the scene of the famous gold strike made by McClure. The property was bonded by him four months ago, and is now showing rock at a depth of twenty feet which assays over $500 in gold. Many locations have been made in this vicinity.
Vontrigger.---This property, in the eastern part of the county, is being operated by the California Gold and Copper Company. It is reported that an offer for the property of $600,000 has recently been declined. The present development consists of two shafts on a vein which shows a width of 100 feet on the surface.
February 28, 1907 p. 209 (San Diego County)
Ivanpah-Mammoth . - At a depth of 10 feet, a two-foot ledge of $70 ore is reported. It is expected that a carload shipment will be made shortly.
March 21, 1907 p. 275 (San Bernardino County)
At the new camp Dawson, high grade lead ore, carrying gold and silver values, is being opened up in a number of properties. This section is distant three miles from Cima on the Clark road. The largest operating company is the Death Valley-Gold Mining and Milling Company.---The Whipple Mountain Gold and Copper Company is planning on sinking several shafts on its property in the vicinity of Needles. - The Tanebo Exploration and Development Company is operating a promising gold property, thirty-five miles south of Amboy.
March 28, 1907 p. 295 (San Bernardino County)
The encountering of high grade lead-silver or at a depth of 135 feet, is reported at the property of the Death Valley Gold Mining and Milling Company, near Cima.---On the Sterling silver claim of the Greenwater Consolidated Mining Company, in the same section, similarly high grade ore is reported.
April 18, 1907 p. 361 (San Bernardino County)
The Cima Copper Company, in which officials and employees of the Quartette Mining Company at Searchlight, Nevada, are interested, is carrying on drill-exploratory work at its properties near Cima. - The Arizona Mexico Company's smelting plant at Needles is in operation. The lead smelter is in blast, and it is planned to blow in the copper furnace shortly. For its ore supply, the plant draws on southern Nevada, southeastern California and northwestern Arizona.
May 9, 1907 p. 432
San Bernardino County was particularly active during April, especially in the vicinity of Cima, where several companies have lately been carrying on very satisfactory development operation, and several milling plants are in progress of erection.
May 30, 1907 p. 498 (San Diego County)
The Standard Copper Company is said to have settled its internal difficulties and is preparing for the resumption of operations. - The Orange Blossom Mining Company is making ready its first shipment of ore to the Selby smelter.
June 20, 1907 p. 571-572 (San Bernardino County)
At the properties of the Death Valley M. & M. Company, in the Cima camp, a force of twenty-five men is employed in development, under the direction of B. X. Dawson. - The Ivanpah-Mammoth Gold & Copper Company is to install an unwatering plant at its Sexton property.
July 4, 1907 p. 13 (Inyo County)
Recent reports indicate the probability of the building up of an important copper camp in the Black Canyon section. The ore occurrences are said to be in striking similarity to those of the Tintic district in Utah. - Los Angeles parties lately acquired the Golden Gate and St. Louis groups in the Bishop camp. C. H. Morris is in charge of operations. - The Death Valley Gold Mining and Milling Company has resumed shipments of high grade ore. The property is reached from Cima.
San Bernardino County
The management of the Sagamore Company, operating in the vicinity of Barnwell station on the Santa Fe, is figuring on the erection of a 100-ton concentrating plant. The ore is a gold and silver-bearing copper sulphide. - The Orange Blossom Mining and Milling Company has ordered a stamp-amalgamation plant for its property situated ten miles north of Bagdad. Water for milling operations will be piped from Budweiser Springs, a distance of six miles. - High grade free milling ore is reported opened up at the Gold Eagle mine in Silver Creek canyon district north of Victorville. - The Copper Prince Mining Company was recently organized at Albuquerque, N. M., to acquire and operate the Copper Prince properties in the Crackerjack district. Frank Dunn, Jr. is manager.
July 11, 1907 p. 38
Of the southern counties, San Bernardino has attracted most attention lately. This is perhaps because of its proximity to the Nevada state line. Renewed activities were chronicled in the old Belleville section, fifteen miles southeast of Daggett, and in the Calico camp of the Crackerjack district; the former was a prominent camp some thirty years ago, while the Calico section had some score or more of silver producing mines in the eighties. There were also important developments in the sections tributary to Cima. The Needles smelter in this same county was operated continuously, and the accumulation of ore in the storage bins is sufficient to insure of no shut-downs, barring mishaps, for a long time. Furthermore, its operation has been attended with such success that plans are said to have been concluded for its enlargement to twice or three times its present size.
July 25, 1907 p. 86 (San Bernardino County)
The Whipple Mountain district, situated eight miles west of the Colorado river, midway between Needles, California and Yuma, Arizona, is being developed for valuable gold-bearing copper deposits. - In the sixties considerable desultory mining was inaugurated, the free-milling gold ores alone being mined.---The Crackerjack district entered the shipping list about the middle of month when the Crackerjack-Bonanza company sent out its first consignment of three carlots ore to Salt Lake. Regular shipments are top be made from the property. - On the company's main development tunnel, a rich strike of silver ore is reported to have been made. - The California Gold & Copper Company, operating the Cram mine near Vontrigger , is preparing to install a leaching plant, for the treatment of immense bodies of low grade copper ore. The old dumps at the Cerro Gordo mines, twenty miles southeast of Keeler, are being re-worked for lead-zinc contents contained in the ore. - When the ore was last handled zinc was a drug on the market. But can now be profitably marketed.
September 5, 1907 p. 222 (San Bernardino County)
It is announced that Los Angeles parties are to erect a custom smelting plant at Crucero on the Tonopah & Tidewater railway. A townsite has already been laid out and a very complete water system has been put in. - A merger of the Death Valley Gold Mining and Milling Company and the Arcalvada M. & M. Company, with properties at Cima is reported effected under the title of the Death Valley Arcalvada Consolidated Mines Company, the main offices of which are in Denver. - A double-compartment shaft of 200 ft. is to be sunk at the Tungate mine in the Crackerjack camp.
September 26, 1907 p. 295-296 (San Bernardino County)
The Arizona-Mexican Mining and Smelting Company copper furnace at Needles is running at full blast, and the supply of ore is sufficient to insure of continuous operations; the work of installing larger blowers and engines so that the lead stack may also be put in commission, are progressing satisfactorily. - An important gold quartz strike is reported in the Ord Mountains, 12 miles south of Daggett. A stampede to the new fields is now on. - We are glad to chronicle the revival of operations in the old Vanderbilt district, reached from Leastalk, the junction point station on the Salt Lake Route and A. T. & S. F. Rys. - Among the active properties are the Vanderbilt, Bob Young, White Cross, Sagamore, Garavanza and Desert.
October 3, 1907 (San Bernardino County)
The California Gold & Copper Co. has made an important ore strike at a depth of 350 ft. in the Cram mine ??? miles north of Goffs. Water for mining purposes has been piped for a distance of 6 ½ miles, and a reservoir is being built for the storing of water for use at the company's leaching plant. - A rich gold strike was recently made on the Steadman property in the southern portion of the Crackerjack district.
October 10, 1907 p. 338
The Arizona-Mexican M. & S. Co.'s copper furnace at Needles was in operation throughout the month and the work of adding larger blowers and engines progressed sufficiently to insure the blowing in of the lead stack some time this month. The operations in San Bernardino county generally were very encouraging. Particularly in the old Vanderbilt and New York districts, and in the new camps of Crackerjack and Cima. Several companies are on a producing basis in the Crackerjack camp.
November 7, 1907 p. 430 (San Bernardino County)
The Our Family M. &M. Co. has lately installed a hoisting plant at its property, which is reached from Cima. Near by, the DeathValley-Arcalvada Co. is employing about 75 men in construction and development work. - The Victor Gold Mining Co.'s power plant at Needles was put in operation last week. It is one of the most complete in the southwest.
November 21, 1907 p. 479 (San Bernardino County)
Los Angles parties have begun work at the Blue Jenny property adjoining that of the Crackerjack Bonanza Co. on Bonanza mountain in the Crackerjack camp. - The tungsten properties in the Atolia camp were recently closed down, the reason given therefor being the inability of the management to secure cash for paying off the men. About 100 miners were thrown out of employment. - Operations were recently suspended at the Death Valley-Arcalvada Mining Co.'s properties near Cima, owing to several attachments for provisions, etc. It is the belief that the property will make good and that mismanagement was the cause of the shut-down.