Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!) - pafn45 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Vredenburgh Family (and Many Others!)


George Bohner

SOURCE: Meiser, Joseph A. and Sarah Roadarmel, 1990, A genealogyof selected Northumberland County Pennsylvania Pioneer FamiliesPart XIII 2nd ed. (Self published) p. 17 BIOGRAPHY: George andSarah migrated to Ogle Co., Ill. in 1869 where George died. Sarahand the children moved to Dakota Territory where Sarah died inScotland, S. D. In 1850 George and Sarah were residents of LykensTwp., Dauphin Co., PA., where George was a saddler by trade.

Pain Convers

From the Converse Family book: He was an active business man, muchemployed in public affairs; appointed captain 7th Company,11thRegiment in 1761; one of the first selectmen chosen afterThompsonbecame a town and served on a committee to settle with Killingly. Heremoved with his large family about the year 1790 to Brodport,Vermont, Addison County, near Lake Champlain. The above record ofCaptain Pain is from Mr. Wm. G Hill's"Family Record of Deacons Jame Wand Elisha S Converse." In the "Connecticut Men in the Revolution"it states that Capt. Pain Convers was part of "a committee to procuresoldiers to enlist to fill up the quota of said Town for theContinental service, as many as they can procure." Capt Pain wasprominent in the town affairs of Bridport. In 1794 he was electedgrand juror. In 1795 he was elected selectman. In1794 he was appointeda committee of one to provde entertainmen tfor the Council and otherswho were to be present at the installation of the first minister, theRev. Increase Graves.