Desert Fever
An Overview of Mining History of the California Desert Conservation Area
Riverside County
1. San Francisco Evening Bulletin July 19, 1862.
2. Pacific Miner, April, 1908; Blythe Palo Verde Valley News, September, 1911, March 23, 1912; Federick J. H. Merrill, “Riverside County,” California Mining Bureau Report 16, 1919; p. 81; Randall Henderson, “We took the Old Trail to Chuckwalla Spring,” Desert, January, 1957, p. 5.
3. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Times February 11, 1932.
4. Ibid., December 17, 1931.
5. W. B. Tucker and R. J. Sampson, “Mineral Resources of Riverside County,” California Division of Mines Report 41, 1945, pp. 142-143.
6. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Times, March 24, 1955.
7. San Francisco Alta California, July 21, 1862, May 29,1863; San Francisco Evening Bulletin, July 28, 1862; Randall Henderson, “Waterhole on the Old Bradshaw Trail,” Desert, January, 1947, pp. 4-7.
8. Frederick E. Shearer, ed. The Pacific Tourist (New York Adams and Bishop, 1884, reprinted 1970 by Crown Publishers Inc.: New York), p. 346.
9. Henderson op. cit.
10. J. J. Crawford, “Riverside County,” California Mining Bureau Report 13, 1896, p. 371; Merrill, p. 81.
11. J.J. Crawford, “Riverside County,” California Mining Bureau Report 12, 1894, p. 221; Indio Date Palm, February 7, 1912.
12. John W. Hilton, “Petrified Bacon,” Desert, November, 1940, pp. 13-16.
13. Henderson op. cit.; Hilton op. cit.; Nevada C. Colley, From Maine to Mecca, (Indio: Nevada C. Colley, 1967), pp. 100,103,144; The Good Enough Mine was described near the Red Cloud Mine in the Chuckwalla Mountains in the Indio Date Palm, February 7, 1912.
14. Henderson op. cit.
15. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Times, April 7, 1960; W. A. Goodyear, “San Diego County,” California Mining Bureau Report 9, 1889, p. 154; W. H. Storms, “San Diego County,” California Mining Bureau Report 11, 1892, p. 386; Indio Daily News, April 8, 1967.
16. Tom Patterson, Chronology of Eagle Mountain Iron Ore Mine, Unpublished copy in Indio Library files; W. B. Tucker, “Los Angeles Field Division Riverside County,” California Mining Bureau Report 20, 1924, pp. 191-196.
17. Tucker and Sampson, pp. 145-146; Tom Patterson op. cit.
18. Tucker and Sampson, op. cit.
19. J. Grant Goodwin, “Lead and Zinc in California,” California Journal of Mines and Geology 53, 1945, p. 604; Tucker, pp. 191-196; W. B. Tucker, “Riverside County,” California Mining Bureau Report 25,1929, pp. 474-476;W. B. Tucker and R. J. Sampson, “Current Mining Activity in Southern California,” California Division of Mines Report 36 , 1940, p. 47; Tucker and Sampson, 1945, pp. 146-147.
20. Indio Daily News, May 26, 1967.
21. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald, March 16, April 20,1911.
22. Indio Date Palm, November 20, December 18, 1931.
23. San Bernardino Daily Times, January 31, 1877; Charles Russell Orcutt, “The Colorado Desert,” California Mining Bureau Report 10 , 1890, pp. 900-906.
24. Redlands Citrograph October 29, 1887, February 16, 1901.
24. William Irelan Jr., “San Bernardino County,” California Mining Bureau Report 8 , 1888, p. 500; Redlands Citrograph, October 29, 1887; Riverside Enterprise, May 12, 1978; Orcutt, pp. 900-906.
25. Merrill, pp. 78-80; R. B. Saul, et. al., Map of Riverside County California, Showing Locations of Mines and Mineral Resources, California Division of Mines and Geology Open File Release 68-7, 1968; Crawford, 1894, p. 224; Crawford, 1896, pp. 310,313-314; John S. Brown, Route to Desert Watering Places in the Salton Sea Region, California, U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 490-A (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1920), pp. 79-80; John S. Brown, The Salton Sea Region, California, U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 497 (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1923), p. 239; Los Angeles Mining and Oil Bulletin, February, 1924, p. 199; Tucker, 1929, p. 480; Tucker and Sampson, 1945, pp. 133-135.
26. Smeaton Chase, California Desert Trails (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1919), pp. 347-350; Crawford; 1894, p. 224; Redlands Citrograph, February 16,1901.
27. Blythe Herald, March 12, 1936.
28. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Times, January 5, 1933, October 31, 1935 Tucker and Sampson, 1945, pp. 140-141.
29. Merrill, 1919, p. 79.
30. Chase, 1919, pp. 347-350; Blythe Palo Verde Valley Times, July 11, 1935; Blythe Herald, March 8, 1923; CoIley, p. 97.
31. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald , March 28, 1912; Henderson, 1957.
32. Harold O. Weight, “Augustine Pass Agates,” Desert, May, 1956, pp. 4-7; Blythe Herald, May 29, 1924; Saul, 1968.
33. Goodwin, p. 601; Indio Date Palm, February 7, 1912.
34. Crawford, 1894, p. 224; Tom Patterson, Riverman, Desertman The Recollections of Camiel Dekens as told to Tom Patterson (Riverside Press-Enterprise Co., 1962), pp. 32-33.
35. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald, October 12, November 16, 1912.
36 Blythe Herald , September 17, 1914; Merrill, 1919, pp. 81-82.
37 Patterson, Riverman, Desertman, pp. 32-33.
38. Ibid ., p. 79.
39. Mining and Scientific Press, January 15, 1916; Blythe Herald, January 11, 1917; Brown, p. 361; Blythe Palo Verde Valley Review, April 28, 1917.
40. Blythe Herald, November 20, 1919; Tucker, 1929, p. 481.
41. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Times, January 14, 25, February 25, 1932.
42. Ibid ., November 12, December 3, 1931, January 14, February 25, 1932.
43. Ibid ., September 22, 1932, April 16, 1933.
44. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald, March 23, May 11, November 16,1911, October 26, 1912, October 2, 1913.
45. Merrill, 1919, pp. 82-84; Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald March 23, May 11, September 14, 1911.
46. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald October 12, 26, 1912, March 23, 1911 Blythe Herald , October 24, 1925; W. B. Tucker, “Current Mining Activity in Southern California,” California Mining Bureau Report 30, 1934, p. 321.
47. Tucker and Sampson, 1945, p. 140; Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald, June 1 & 29, 1911.
48. San Francisco Alta California, October 15, 1863; San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, July 19, 1862; Lewis E. Aubury, The Copper Resources of California, Bulletin 50 (Sacramento California Mining Bureau, 1908), pp. 336-337.
49. San Bernardino Valley Index, May 13, 1881, February 11, 1882.
50. John Hilton, “Giant Ironwood of the Palens,” Desert, February, 1946, pp. 23-26; Lewis E. Aubury, The Copper Resources of California, California Mining Bureau Bulletin 23, 1902, pp. 255-258; Larry Vredenburgh, Bureau of Land Management Desert Plan Staff GEM Resources unpublished field notebook 19, pp. 62-67,72,73, November 7, 1979.
51. Indio Date Palm, September 5, 1913.
52. Aubury, 1902, pp. 255-258; Tucker and Sampson, 1945, p. 124.
53. Blythe Palo Verde Valley News, January, April, 1909; Tucker and Sampson, op. cit.
54. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald, September 12, 1912; Blythe Herald, April 16, 1914, January 15, 1917; Parker D. Trask, Geologic Description of the Manganese Deposits of California, California Division of Mines Bulletin 152, 1950, pp. 176-185; Tucker and Sampson, 1945, p. 124.
55. Blythe Herald, March 14, April 25, 1918; Blythe Palo Verde Valley Review, March 16, September 14, May 4, 1918, January 24, 1920.
56. Blythe Herald September 19, November 14, 1918, March 20, 1919; Blythe Palo Verde Valley Review, March 16, 1918, January 24, 1920; Richard B. Saul, Clifton H. Gray Jr., and James R. Evans, Mines and Mineral Resources of Riverside, California unpublished report, California Division of Mines and Geology, 1968.
57 Blythe Palo Verde Valley Review, July 27, 1918; Parker D. Trask, Manganese in California, California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 152 , 1950, pp. 176-185; Mining and Scientific Press, December 7, 1918.
58. Tucker and Sampson, 1945, pp. 148-150.
59. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Review, July 29, 1917; Blythe Herald, September 20,1917; Tucker and Sampson, 1945, p. 164.
60. Riverside County Mining Claim Records Book 17, pp. 352-355; Book 20, pp. 117-119; Book 24, pp. 38-45; W. B. Tucker, “Riverside County,” California Mining Bureau Report 17, 1921, p. 327; Blythe Herald, September 20, 1917, November 18, 1920; Tucker, 1929, pp. 505-515; Tucker and Sampson, 1945, pp. 167-1 72; Hilton, op. cit.
61. Los Angeles Times, March 12,1911.
62. Patterson, 1962, P. 23; Riverside County Mining Claim Records, Book 24, pp. 269-272.
63. Riverside County Mining Claim Records, Book 40, p. 249; Book 24, pp. 119-120; Book 34, pp. 108-110; Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald, February 23, 1911.
64. Los Angeles Times March 12, 1911, June 12, 1913.
65. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald, June 1, 1916, January 15, 1917.
66. Blythe Herald, July 31, 1913; Blythe Palo Verde Valley Herald, June 1, 1916; Brown, 1923, p. 260.
67. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Review, December 17, 1916, May 26, 1917.
68. Interview with Cecil Lopez by Larry Vredenburgh, Blythe, February,
69. F. C. Appleyard, written communication with Larry Vredenburgh; Grady Setzler, Another Wilderness Conquered, 1967, pp. 81-83; Interview with Clota Bowen by Larry Vredenburgh, Blythe, February, 1977.
70. Interview with Jack Moore by Larry Vredenburgh, Blythe, February 1977.
71. Bowen, op. cit.
72. Bowen, op. cit.; Moore, op. cit.
73. Moore, op. cit.
74. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Times, March 28, 1963; Bowen, op. cit. Moore, op. cit.
75. Riverside Press, January 8, 1967, September 29, 1968.
76. Los Angeles Times, November 2, 1970; Interview with J. B. Roberts by Larry Vredenburgh, Parker, Arizona, April, 1978; Riverside Press-Enterprise, April 15, 1973.
77. Blythe Palo Verde Valley Times, November 11, 1954, February 10, 1955.